Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Bot De Crecimiento Forex

Forex crecimiento Bot & # 8211; Gran ganador. Revisión Real

Forex crecimiento Bot & # 8211; Gran ganador. Revisión Real

Así que hemos estado en un poco de un descanso, pero un nuevo sistema ha sido puesto en libertad en el mercado de divisas. Pensamos que es mejor revisar esto mientras el interés sigue ahí, así que estaremos discutiendo el Bot de Crecimiento Forex.

Mientras que las imágenes y el diseño del sitio web se ve mediocre, los resultados de forex nos han interesado mucho.

Forex Crecimiento Bot Revisión

Mucho como muchos de los lanzamientos recientes de la divisa este sistema está proporcionándonos con más acceso a los resultados. Esto permite a los usuarios ver y revisar los productos antes de comprarlos, y también hace que el proceso de decisión y nuestro proceso de revisión sean más fáciles.

Los desarrolladores del producto Forex Growth Bot nos proporcionan el acceso inversor para ver cómo $ 250.00 se convirtió en más de $ 1200 en menos de 2 meses. Cómo acceder a esto se proporciona en su sitio web.

Así que aquí están los resultados actuales y las transacciones de este sistema de divisas:

Es hora de entrar en más detalles de este sistema y le permiten saber exactamente lo que se trata para que pueda tomar su decisión.

Operaciones el EURUSD. El tamaño del lote utilizado en los resultados es .05. Esto parece que puede ser fijado por el usuario.

Forex Growth Bot tiene ganancias más grandes que las pérdidas. Y más victorias que pérdidas también.

Utiliza una gestión de capital real y entra y sale con mucho cuidado de los oficios.

Los tamaños de lote son proporcionales al tamaño de la cuenta, así que no tienes que establecer el tamaño del lote si no quieres.

Conclusión del Bot del crecimiento de la divisa

Nos gusta mucho lo que vemos últimamente de los vendedores y no hay diferencia con nuestros pensamientos sobre este último sistema de comercio de divisas. Los resultados se ven muy bien. Son sólo dos meses, pero son reales y verificados a través del corredor y myfxbook.

Cualquier pregunta, comentario o inquietud, solo déjalo abajo.

Antes de comenzar a leer información sobre Forex Growth Bot primero debe saber esto: 1. Trading Forex (divisas) en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

2. Sea cual sea el método de negociación manual, o la estrategia de negociación automatizada, no se olvide de probarlo primero en demo. También tenga en cuenta que el rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros.

El crecimiento Bot EA fue programado por un científico de matemáticas aplicado ruso y programador Eugene Lipinsky. Antes de poner el robot en el mercado para grabs probó en su cuenta en vivo en la que afirma haber ganado más de $ 100.000. Permite analizar los hechos y acercarse a la verdad.

Es bueno el crecimiento de Forex? Permítanme darles una respuesta clara en esta revisión detallada con los resultados de las pruebas en una cuenta de comercio LIVE (* noviembre de 2010 - mayo de 2011). Leer más & # 8230;

Es un bot de crecimiento Forex una estafa?

Así que es una estafa o funciona? Forex Growth Bot es el único software de comercio automatizado que en realidad ofrece resultados reales. Muestra una rentabilidad consistente en la cuenta LIVE.

99% por ciento de robots forex y asesores expertos no funcionan. Los vendedores del Internet que los hacen mostrar los resultados estúpidos del backtesting del probador de la estrategia de Metatrader. Pero en condiciones reales esos robots no funcionan. Ellos pierden todo el dinero al final. Leer más & # 8230;

Comparar el rendimiento de bot con otros robots forex

Ahora vamos a revisar el rendimiento de FAP Turbo en comparación con Forex Crecimiento Bot asesor experto. Para asegurar que se le proporcionará con las actuaciones reales de los dos asesores expertos vamos a comparar de lado a lado los gráficos que ilustran sus resultados utilizando el servicio de monitoreo de terceros Myfxbook. com. Leer más & # 8230;

Ahora vamos a revisar el rendimiento de Forex Megadroid en comparación con Forex Crecimiento Bot asesor experto. Para asegurarse de que se proporcionará con actuaciones reales de los dos asesores expertos utilizando FXDD cuenta de comercio. Leer más & # 8230;

Ahora vamos a revisar el desempeño de GPS Forex Robot en comparación con Forex Growth Bot asesor experto. Para garantizar que se le proporcionará con actuaciones reales de los dos asesores expertos. Las pruebas del Robot de Forex de GPS fueron tomadas en una cuenta de trading de corredores de FXCBS. Leer más & # 8230;

Vídeo educativo sobre robots FX

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Forex Crecimiento Bot Revisión

Funcionamiento del Bot del crecimiento de la divisa?

Debo admitir que siempre me he encontrado escéptico de los robots de comercio de divisas. Sólo un puñado de ellos trabajan y esto se debe en gran parte al gran volumen de datos históricos que habría que analizar para tener alguna posibilidad de obtener predicciones exactas.

Sólo aquellos a los que se accede a través de una aplicación en su computadora, pero que en realidad se conectan a un robot que se ejecuta en un servidor de alta potencia podría funcionar.

Forex Growth Bot se encuentra dentro de esta categoría y esta puede ser la razón por la que ha sido tan bien recibido. Independientemente de eso, vale la pena una mirada más profunda.

Ahora, como es imposible para cualquier robot analizar todos los datos históricos, lo que determina un robot mejor es qué datos se están eligiendo para analizar y cómo se debe procesar, y en última instancia, por lo tanto, son inteligentes los desarrolladores.

Confieso que esto es lo que inicialmente me atrajo a tener una mirada más larga en Forex Growth Bot. Seguramente un matemático ruso es tan listo como usted puede conseguir? Hmmm, táctica de marketing interesante, si de hecho eso era cierto.

Con el comercio independiente en los mercados de divisas (divisas) haber explotado en los últimos años, debido principalmente a la facilidad con la que ahora las personas pueden acceder a las plataformas de comercio de divisas, las aplicaciones comerciales (robots buenos y malos) . Lo que una vez fue el suministro de corredores con licencia sólo, ahora está disponible para cualquier persona con una computadora y una conexión a Internet.

El mercado de divisas viene con muchas ventajas sobre otros mercados con su alta liquidez (lo que significa que es fácil entrar y salir de los comercios), comisiones más pequeñas y acceso las 24 horas del día, es fácil ver por qué la divisa Está superando rápidamente otros tipos de mercados de interés público y participación.

Desafortunadamente esto es una espada de doble filo, ya que ninguna persona puede mantener su dedo en el botón 24 horas al día, que es lo que tendría que hacer si usted quería estar listo para tomar ventaja de los oficios realmente rentables en cualquier momento que surgir.

Esta necesidad de mantener un ojo en los mercados es lo que ha llevado al explosivo crecimiento de los robots de comercio de divisas, con Forex Growth Bot siendo uno de los más recientes para llegar a los estantes. Estos robots & # 8217; Realizar la investigación, el análisis y la ejecución de oficios sin la necesidad de la intervención humana, lo que le permite, el usuario para continuar con otros pasatiempos más agradables.

Al igual que con todo el software, las mejoras pueden hacerse usando las velocidades de procesamiento más altas ahora disponibles, que se aprovecha de las mayores cantidades de datos algorítmicos en juego. De hecho, son estas variaciones de los movimientos y los resultados asociados que el software de robots como Forex Growth Bot usan para predecir movimientos de precios futuros.

Es debido a estas razones que Forex Growth Bot ha demostrado ser popular entre los operadores novatos y experimentados por igual. De nuestras propias experiencias y la retroalimentación que hemos recibido de muchos otros usuarios, Forex Growth Bot es excelente en la selección de pares que están a punto de hacer sus movimientos relativos y ejecutar con éxito los oficios con precisión y oportunidad.

El nuevo software tiene sus desventajas aunque con los errores y la otra funcionalidad perdida en el tiempo de la liberación, y lleva tiempo para que los insectos sean planchados y la funcionalidad mejorada escrita adentro. El crecimiento de Forex Bot como lanzamiento del software no es diferente. La retroalimentación ha notado que mientras Forex Growth Bot es excelente en la selección de puntos de entrada, los lanzamientos anteriores tuvieron margen para mejorar cuando se trataba de salir en el momento adecuado.

De hecho, en la versión de demostración anterior algunos probadores informaron que tuvieron que intervenir y manualmente sobre-montar el software para asegurarse de que las operaciones de salida se hicieron para maximizar los beneficios. Si se deja a sus propios dispositivos, el software a menudo permite que los beneficios se contraigan ligeramente antes de entrar automáticamente en salir del comercio.

La lección es claramente para supervisar los oficios del robot por un tiempo hasta que obtenga una mejor idea de lo que está haciendo, y si es necesario salir manualmente ciertos oficios si se siente el máximo beneficio se ha alcanzado.

De hecho, aunque siempre acojo la automatización siempre que sea posible, creo firmemente que la automatización tiene sus limitaciones y los resultados siempre pueden ser mejorados por la intervención humana ocasional. Además, cuando estoy usando el software nuevo para mí siempre voy a pasar más tiempo supervisando su rendimiento e insistiendo en que el software se demuestre a mí. En lugar de darle cualquier beneficio de la duda en absoluto, especialmente en lo que se refiere al dinero.

Este enfoque reservado me ha salvado muchas veces cuando los robots que he probado en el pasado no han cumplido mis expectativas o las promesas hechas por sus desarrolladores.

Los resultados de las cuentas de prueba han sido sobresalientes, con más del 80% de los comercios siguiendo el camino correcto. Esto, junto con la salida rápida del robot de las operaciones perdedoras dejó las cuentas con beneficios impresionantes.

En respuesta a la pregunta & # 8220; El crecimiento de Forex Bot trabaja? & # 8221 ;, la respuesta sería sí lo hace, tanto de mis propias experiencias como las detalladas anteriormente. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información acerca de & # 8216; Forex Growth Bot & # 8217;

Es el crecimiento de Forex una estafa?

Forex Growth Bot es un software real que descargar e instalar en su computadora. Es simple de instalar como se sugiere por los desarrolladores y sólo toma unos minutos para configurar las cuentas para el software para empezar a hacer su cosa.

Investiga los precios relativos de la moneda, analiza lo que está sucediendo en el mercado con los datos históricos almacenados en la base de datos, predice puntos de entrada, ejecuta operaciones de entrada, predice puntos de salida y ejecuta operaciones de salida. Todo esto es lo anunciado por el desarrollador en la página de información.

Por estas razones por sí sola sería seguro decir que Forex Growth Bot no es una estafa. Además de ser una estafa, Eugenio Lipinsky necesitaría estafar (alguien) por medio de un truco & # 8217; (Http://www. thefreedictionary. com/scams) que obviamente no está haciendo por los informes disponibles a través de Internet de los éxitos que los usuarios han estado utilizando con su sistema.

Tal vez el poco más convincente de & # 8216; dentro & # 8217; Información que daría legitimidad al producto es el hecho de que sólo está disponible a través de Clickbank Inc. Para aquellos que no saben, Clickbank Inc. es una empresa registrada en los Estados Unidos y posiblemente el mayor en Internet para las ventas de productos digitales (descargables) .

Clickbank se estableció para asegurar los pagos y asegurar reembolsos de las compras en línea debido a las preocupaciones de la existencia de un número creciente de verdaderos estafadores. Lo hace actuando como intermediario entre el comprador y el vendedor. Clickbank recibe su dinero para la compra y sostiene que contra las ventas futuras del producto hasta que su período de reembolso de 60 días ha expirado.

Si desea solicitar un reembolso, simplemente haga clic en un enlace en el recibo que recibió de Clickbank en el momento de la compra. Usted será llevado a su página de reembolso donde puede reclamar su dinero de vuelta. Ni siquiera tiene que dar una razón si no quiere, y obtendrá su tarjeta de crédito reembolsada en un día o dos, a veces más pronto.

El vendedor no tiene voz en este proceso. Sólo se les notifica de las devoluciones como y cuando suceden. Puede obtener más información acerca de la política de reembolso de Clickbank haciendo clic en la imagen de abajo:

Clickbank tiene una sólida reputación y vigila su integridad con vehemencia. Con Clickbank Inc. controlando las compras, su reembolso está asegurado.

Como parte de su licencia para operar, Clickbank Inc. es responsable de asegurar que todos los productos vendidos a través de ellos no son fraudulentos, sin embargo no necesitan preocuparse por verificar la calidad.

Como resultado hay muchos productos de mala calidad que se venden en Clickbank, y los robots de comercio de divisas tienen más que su parte justa de duds. Afortunadamente hay una manera de comprobar si un producto es bueno o no y eso es calculando las devoluciones. Cuanto mayor sea el número de devoluciones, menor será la calidad del producto.

Utilizando los datos proporcionados por Clickbank y una fórmula matemática ligeramente torpe que tiene en cuenta las ventas, las tasas de Clickbank, los fondos retenidos y los pagos, podemos calcular la tasa de devolución de un producto. En el caso de Forex Growth Bot la tasa de restitución es del 2% (o una de cada 50 ventas), que se considera muy baja, lo que indica una alta tasa de satisfacción con los compradores.

Tenga en cuenta que hemos vendido mucho más que eso a través de esta revisión y hasta la fecha no hemos recibido una queja sobre Forex Growth Bot ni ninguna solicitud de reembolso. Además, cuando llevamos a cabo nuestra propia verificación de antecedentes sobre Eugene Lipinsky, se mostró limpio.

Esta sección plantea la pregunta Es Forex Growth Bot una estafa? & # 8221 ;. Con la evidencia proporcionada creo que hemos seguido adecuadamente nuestra investigación a la conclusión de que no, no lo es. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información acerca de & # 8216; Forex Growth Bot & # 8217;

Forex Crecimiento Bot Revisión

A pesar de que Forex Growth Bot ha demostrado no ser una estafa y de hecho funciona, al menos para muchos de los usuarios, todavía tenemos que examinar si funcionaría para usted.

Es el tipo de comercio que le conviene en términos de riesgo / recompensa, el compromiso de su tiempo y los niveles de comodidad en general. De acuerdo con Clickbank Inc. hay devoluciones hechas de este producto, por lo que debemos asumir que no funciona para algunos, y usted puede ser uno de ellos.

Al igual que cualquier producto como este, necesita ser dado tiempo y la oportunidad de trabajar. No tiene todos los derechos de comercio, pero sí consigue más operaciones del bien del mal. Esto, junto con los ajustes de parada ajustados, aseguran que salga de los trámites rápidamente si van por el camino equivocado. Esto es vital en cualquier estrategia comercial.

Con los oficios más rentables que los perdedores, junto con la capacidad del software de rastrear los niveles de soporte y salir rápidamente cuando los niveles de soporte están rotos, todo conduce a buenos beneficios consistentes cuando se toma durante varios días. Para dejar que el sistema funcione durante un día o dos, entonces juzgue qué tan bueno (o malo) es que no está haciendo el software, o usted mismo, la justicia.

Tampoco tienes que comerciar con dinero real para probarlo. Recuerde que tiene 60 días de garantía, así que aproveche al configurarlo en el modo de demostración & # 8217; Y dejarlo funcionar en él mismo por algunas semanas para ver cómo lo hace. Usted quedará gratamente sorprendido.

Si, sin embargo, después de ese tiempo no ha visto los resultados que desea, póngase en un reembolso. Si usted está recibiendo los resultados a continuación, intente algunas transacciones de dinero real para ver si puede hacer lo suficiente para cubrir el costo del producto antes de la fecha límite de reembolso de 60 días llega.

Forex Growth Bot es un pago de $ 70 de una sola vez, por lo que se establece un desafío, y si no puede hacer $ 70 en las pocas semanas que llegue a juicio y hacer unos pocos comercios de dinero real, entonces tal vez usted debe considerar Otras maneras de hacer un ingreso de su computadora. Por lo menos usted obtendrá una muy buena comprensión de la mecánica de los mercados de divisas (de forma gratuita), además de que usted también puede mantener los bonos que le dan.

Antes de hacer una conclusión con este producto, vamos a pasar rápidamente por el tipo de comercio que Forex Growth Bot NO es. En lugar de lo que es, para ayudarle a ver si es el tipo de inversión que son más adecuados para.

En primer lugar, Forex Growth Bot es prácticamente manos fuera de comercio. Al igual que hay personas que prefieren conducir coches de cambio de palo (manual) en lugar de una automática, hay comerciantes que prefieren tener control completo de su comercio. Prefieren ir con sus propias razones para entrar y el precio al que salir. Si bien es posible controlar manualmente Forex Growth Bot, a menos que sepa lo que está haciendo, podría encontrarse en una dirección conflictiva causando pérdidas de operaciones que de otro modo deberían haber sido rentables.

Si usted es el tipo que le gusta a micro gestionar sus operaciones entonces yo sugeriría Forex Growth Bot no puede ser para usted.

En segundo lugar, el comercio de divisas con Forex Growth Bot no es a largo plazo mantener el comercio. No ha comprado una divisa ni la ha mantenido a largo plazo. Una vez que haya establecido su moneda base que será tomado dentro y fuera de los oficios rápidamente. Esto se hace para maximizar los beneficios, pero si usted prefiere el comercio con horizontes largos, entonces Forex Growth Bot no puede ser para usted tampoco.

Por último, Forex Growth Bot no le llevará a través de operaciones de alto riesgo. Te llevará aunque muchas operaciones de bajo riesgo más pequeñas con el objetivo de afeitar pips de la parte superior. A veces son pequeñas virutas, otras veces pueden ser sustanciales. Sin embargo, no habrá triplicado durante la noche de dinero como se puede obtener con decir, negociar acciones de penique, ni habrá las pérdidas enormes. Si este alto octanaje, de alto riesgo, el comercio de recompensa alta es lo que está buscando, entonces Forex Growth Bot definitivamente no será para usted.

Mi conjetura es que porque usted estaba buscando un robot completamente automatizado de forex antes de llegar a esta página, usted ganó & # 8217; t ser uno de los tres tipos de comerciantes descritos anteriormente. Esto significa que la única manera de que realmente puede averiguar si Eugene Lipinsky's Forex Growth Bot realmente funciona para usted es probarlo usted mismo.

Al menos usted sabrá después de que si funciona para usted o no, o si es su tipo de comercio o no, y usted puede obtener su dinero de vuelta dentro de los 60 días si no .

Le deseamos la mejor de las suertes con su comercio. Esperamos que nuestra revisión Forex Growth Bot le ayude a tomar una decisión informada. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información acerca de & # 8216; Forex Growth Bot & # 8217;

Inicio & raquo; Robots de Forex & raquo; Forex Crecimiento Bot Revisión Y Pruebas | Ningún bien?

Forex Crecimiento Bot Revisión Y Pruebas | Ningún bien?

Forex Growth Bot es un nuevo robot forex que ha volado bajo el radar, pero la discusión en varios foros está empezando a despertar la curiosidad en los comerciantes.

Esta entrada está reservada para nuestra revisión oficial del Forex Growth Bot. Si usted está interesado en más información sobre este robot forex a continuación, echa un vistazo al enlace o cualquier comentario a continuación.

Si las revisiones reales del Forex Growth Robot son lo que está buscando, verifique los comentarios a continuación. Son experiencias reales de los clientes con este producto. Si no hay comentarios, asegúrese de volver frecuentemente y revise las actualizaciones a medida que nuestra revisión y discusión de este producto continúa creciendo.

Si usted tiene experiencia con el Forex Growth Bot. O saber algo que la gente podría encontrar importante por favor siéntase libre de compartir en un comentario a continuación. Puede ayudar a alguien a ahorrar o ganar mucho dinero, así que no te detengas.

Esta entrada está reservada para nuestra revisión oficial de Forex Growth Bot. Este es un producto de divisas que se vende en Clickbank más probable o Plimus por un precio TBA. Lo más probable es que ofrecen una política de reembolso de 60 días sin ninguna pregunta pidió garantía de devolución de dinero.

Recuerde que si usted va a probar Forex Growth Bot que usted entiende completamente cómo funciona el sistema antes de ejecutarlo en vivo. Siempre recomiendo usar su período de reembolso para probarlo a fondo durante al menos un mes. Si sus resultados están por encima de la satisfacción, entonces y sólo entonces debe considerar la adopción de medidas para el comercio en vivo con su dinero duramente ganado. Sólo porque un sitio web dice que su sistema hará $ xx, xxx un mes no significa que va a. Así que si no está satisfecho, no dude en solicitar su dinero de vuelta. Si usted está interesado en más información sobre este producto forex entonces echa un vistazo al enlace o cualquier comentario a continuación.

Si las revisiones reales de ForexGrowthBot son lo que usted está buscando, entonces compruebe los comentarios abajo. Son experiencias reales de los clientes con este producto. Si no hay comentarios, asegúrese de volver frecuentemente y revise las actualizaciones a medida que nuestra revisión y discusión de este producto continúa creciendo.

Si usted tiene experiencia con Forex Growth Bot o sabe algo que la gente podría encontrar importante por favor siéntase libre de compartir en un comentario a continuación. Puede ayudar a alguien a ahorrar o ganar mucho dinero, así que no te detengas. Debido a la afluencia de robots forex y sistemas de Forex que se está lanzando ahora mismo, nuestra revisión como se ha reducido, pero nuestros comentarios de los usuarios no lo han hecho. Póngase en casa y escriba un comentario, o haga una pregunta para que la comunidad discuta. Usted se sorprenderá de la información y el conocimiento que puede revelar.

Si desea presentar un producto o corredor de comercio de divisas que no figure en nuestro sitio, utilice el formulario Enviar un sistema de Forex o envíe sus propios artículos. Hay muchos robots y sistemas de forex privados y subterráneos por ahí que yo simplemente no tengo tiempo para buscar. Así que si usted sabe de alguno, o un lugar para encontrarlos por favor siéntase libre de compartir y voy a hacer un post sobre ello para la comunidad para discutir.

Ok chicos permite obtener la bola rodando, discutir su crecimiento Forex Bot, estrategias, pensamientos, lo que sea # 8230;

Si desea enviar un producto o agente que no figure en nuestro sitio, utilice el formulario Enviar un producto Forex o Enviar un artículo.

Revisión de crecimiento de forex | Descargar forex growth bot | Configuración de robot de crecimiento de forex

Revisión de bot de crecimiento forex

El creador de este experto consejero es Eugene Lipinsky que es un matemático ruso. Él alza que ha sido capaz de obtener ganancias de más de $ 100.000 en menos de dos años de su comercio Forex Growth Bot (FGB). También aconseja que pueda demostrar que este producto ha producido ganancias de más de 500% en sólo tres meses mediante el suministro de pruebas verificables. Si compra esta herramienta, debe descargar el software en su propia plataforma de trading MT4. Después de optimizar un número limitado de parámetros clave, el asesor experto se establecerá para comenzar a operar de forma continua sin intervención adicional de usted. Específicamente, este robot buscará puntos de entrada y salida de calidad para nuevas oportunidades comerciales que presenten la relación óptima de recompensa a riesgo.

El FGB tendrá como objetivo ejecutar un promedio de seis operaciones por semana, aunque esta cifra puede variar entre tres y diez dependiendo de la volatilidad del mercado. El diseño de software está estructurado en más de ocho años de datos de negociación algorítmica que desplegó para predecir los movimientos futuros de precios direccionales de pares de divisas. Una poderosa estrategia de gestión de dinero también se incorpora a este robot con el fin de proteger su capital comercial de niveles excesivos de riesgo.

Esta herramienta es sencilla de instalar y operar. Además, se proporciona una instalación de demostración para ayudarle a confirmar el funcionamiento operativo de este dispositivo antes de que usted arriesgue su propio patrimonio. El éxito del Forex Growth Bot se ha atribuido principalmente a la fecha de mercado que selecciona para utilizar durante las diferentes condiciones de comercio y cómo las formas en que explícitamente utiliza esta información.

Aunque las afirmaciones de comercialización anteriores son muy atractivas, cómo se miden realmente en condiciones reales? Los resultados y análisis posteriores se presentan para responder a esta consulta clave.

Estrategia No hay descripción de la estrategia por lo que esta mera conjetura: la entrada se basa en un indicador de volatilidad que se ejecuta con dos períodos diferentes & # 8211; Cuando la volatilidad está cambiando, se considera que una tendencia ha comenzado y la EA abrirá una posición. A partir de aquí, todo el mojo se pone en la gestión de posición: si el mercado va en contra, la posición será rápidamente cerrada (con una pérdida media de 30 pips) y la EA esperará a que otros peces a freír. Si, sin embargo, el mercado se mueve en la dirección correcta, comienza a añadir a la posición existente hasta que alcanza hasta 5 veces su tamaño original. Claro, a veces el mercado va a volver y las posiciones no siempre se ejecutan su curso, pero cuando fluyen, lo hacen muy bien.

Durante el transcurso de una canasta de posiciones, la EA ocasionalmente cerrará algunas de ellas y abrirá otras y, francamente, no tengo ni idea de cómo funciona este mecanismo & # 8211; Forex Growth Bot es un poco de una caja negra, pero funciona bastante bien tanto en backtesting y en las pruebas avanzadas y eso es suficiente para mí.

En general, la proporción de ganancias es de sólo el 40%, pero esto es más que compensado por el hecho de que el comercio de ganancias promedio es más de dos veces mayor que el comercio de pérdida promedio. Es la definición misma de un robot que sigue las tendencias y he estado buscando algo así por dos años sin mucho éxito hasta ahora.

El sitio web indica que entre 3 y 10 oficios están abiertos por semana, pero mi análisis parece sugerir un promedio de más de 1,5 operaciones al día. Por supuesto, habrá períodos de varios días sin un comercio, así como días con 5-6 oficios, pero en promedio se negocia más de una vez al día. A pesar de que el autor dice que esto no es un comercio frecuente, ruego que sea diferente: al menos en comparación con otros EAs que he mirado últimamente, se trata de una lluvia de oficios. En cuanto a la duración, más del 80% de las operaciones se cerrará en un día (la media es de alrededor de 12 horas), pero no es raro ver los oficios de duración 2-3 días. Como es el caso con la mayoría de EAs de tendencia, las posiciones de apertura no se restringe a ninguna sesión de negociación y las operaciones se abren apenas alrededor del reloj cuando se cumplen sus condiciones de señal.

Es notable que el bot abre y cierra sus posiciones sólo al principio de cada barra y que no envía un stoploss & amp; Tomar el objetivo con cada pedido. Este último puede ser una ventaja menor si su broker está fuera de usted, pero también puede ser un obstáculo si su conexión a Internet se cae o si su VPS se bloquea.

Por lo que puedo decir, Forex Growth Bot cumple con las reglas de no-hedging, pero no cumple con las reglas FIFO porque algunas de sus posiciones se cerraron antes de las abiertas antes de ellos y aún abiertas en el momento.

Edit 20.02.2010: debería haber mencionado esto antes, pero me olvidé por completo. El asesor experto ahora cuenta con un parámetro que le permite habilitar el cumplimiento FIFO.

Pruebas de rendimiento Los resultados de una secuencia de pruebas, que se han realizado recientemente, se detallan en la siguiente tabla. Además, los valores promedio se muestran en la columna de la derecha.

- El Forex Growth Bot ofrece una guía paso a paso conveniente, y las instrucciones pueden ser entendidas fácilmente por alguien que tiene experiencia limitada en Forex Trading.

- En comparación con otros programas de comercio de Forex, el Forex Growth Bot es relativamente asequible.

- El sistema entero tiene varias estrategias incorporadas para negociar el mercado de la divisa.

- El sitio principal de Forex Growth Bot ofrece un excelente servicio al cliente.

- El sistema está diseñado para buscar oportunidades comerciales de bajo riesgo. Contras

- El uso del sistema puede tardar mucho tiempo.

- Un montón de marketing hype rodea este producto.

- El sistema tiene algunos errores. Conclusión

El Forex Growth Bot es generalmente más avanzado que otros programas de comercio de Forex. A pesar de sus mejores características, sin embargo, es muy fácil de usar, y la mayoría de los usuarios informan que fueron capaces de hacerlo funcionar sin demasiados problemas. El Forex Growth Bot también parece ser un sistema altamente adaptable y puede seguir trabajando admirablemente a pesar de cambios repentinos en las condiciones del mercado.

Por otro lado, teniendo en cuenta cómo su precio de lista es de $ 129. El Forex Growth Bot difícilmente podría ser considerado como el programa de comercio de Forex más barato en el mercado. Además, algunas de sus características auxiliares podrían utilizar alguna mejora. A pesar de estos problemas sin embargo, el Forex Growth Bot es un sistema que combina eficiencia y simplicidad. Este sistema permite a los usuarios navegar a través de las características más confusas de Forex Trading sin dumbing abajo las estrategias básicas detrás de ellos. Con la inclusión de guías de bonificación, así como libre de atención al cliente 24 horas, el Forex Growth Bot es un sistema que vale su precio. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ AHORA PARA USAR FOREX GROWTH BOT

Configuración de robot de crecimiento de forex

Un procedimiento ahora es necesario para ayudarle a determinar si el Bot de crecimiento de Forex es una opción viable. Este objetivo se puede lograr mediante la determinación de su relación ganancia-pérdida, el valor de la esperanza y la relación entre la recompensa y el riesgo. Estos parámetros de rendimiento clave ahora se calculan para este asesor experto usando los valores promedio listados en la tabla anterior.

1. Relación ganancia-pérdida = 37%

2. Ratio de Recompensa a Riesgo = 1,83

3. Valor de Expectativa = $ 1.81

Las cifras mostradas arriba indican que el Bot de Crecimiento de Forex tiene el potencial de devolver $ 1.81 por cada dólar estadounidense puesto en riesgo en el largo plazo. Cuando se trata de configuración, se puede llamar fácilmente sin brillo. Le falta todas las campanas y silbatos que otros EAs ducha con. Toda la gestión del dinero en la versión básica consiste en un parámetro que le permite establecer el tamaño del lote manualmente. También hay 3 parámetros para controlar los ajustes de volatilidad, pero no deberías tocarlos a menos que quieras optimizarlo para un par y un período de tiempo diferentes.

Hablando de eso, el autor recomienda que sólo se ejecuta en EURUSD M15, pero se puede ejecutar en otros pares, así que no dude en experimentar. El único esfuerzo que tuve el tiempo para en realidad fue un error: preparé un EURUSD M5 FXT y lo corrió por accidente; Como la suerte lo tendría, que era rentable con la configuración predeterminada, incluso en ese marco de tiempo. Por cierto, si intenta optimizarlo en otros pares, siéntase libre de usar los precios de apertura solamente & # 8221; Método, lo hará muy bien teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que la EA sólo comercia y se cierra en el comienzo de la barra.

También hay una versión avanzada (comprada por separado) que le da acceso a más ajustes, como un interesante Wave Trailing (tipo de parada de arrastre) y más ajustes de volatilidad que el manual describe brevemente sin dar ninguna indicación del rango que debe usar para O lo que realmente harán cuando cambien. Es notable que la versión avanzada tiene una opción de reinversión de capital, que es una especie de & # 8222; Gestión del dinero & # 8211; El tamaño del lote se incrementará en 0.1 por cada ganancia de $ 4500.

Esto me lleva a posicionar el tamaño. Como dije, puede ingresar el número de lotes manualmente y el manual indica que debe usar lotes de 0.01 para saldos menores de $ 250 y 0.1 lotes para saldos por encima de $ 2000. Sin embargo, mi recomendación es usar no más de 0.1 por cada $ 5000 en su cuenta (esto se traduce en 0.02 lotes por $ 1k), tal vez va tan bajo como 0.01 lotes por cada 1000 $ de saldo, dependiendo de su tolerancia de reducción, pero iré más En esto en la sección backtesting. En general, la gestión del dinero que añade 0,1 por cada $ 4500 de beneficio parece bastante razonable.

Teniendo en cuenta las decoraciones de gráfico que he visto en algunos EAs últimamente, yo también esperaba ver un montón de comentarios en mi pantalla de Forex Growth Bot, pero sorprendentemente es totalmente silencioso, no sólo En el gráfico pero también en el registro de expertos.

Descargar forex growth bot

Repase & # 8211; EA Forex Crecimiento Bot

Repase & # 8211; EA & # 8220; Bot de Crecimiento Forex & # 8221;

ForexGrowthBot es real. Con la prueba real de myfxbook (véase abajo)

Forex Growth Bot (Sitio Oficial) & # 8211; Robot forex rentable. Ganancia mensual = alrededor del 20%.

Forex ha estado lleno de estafas y la realidad es que muchos han perdido dinero de divisas. Pero la divisa es todavía un campo lucrativo que ha hecho mucho dinero para otros que han encontrado la manera apropiada de acercarse a negociar de la divisa.

Un matemático ruso ha creado lo que describe como un bot de forex final, el ForexGrowthBot que automatiza los ingresos mediante la realización de operaciones rentables con precisión.

Forex Growth Bot en MyFXBook (Acceso verificado)

Forex Growth Bot (FGB) ha sido probado para hacer más de $ 100.000 en 2 años utilizando un riesgo muy bajo. Él ha demostrado una gran cantidad de pruebas de la cantidad de beneficio de su Forex Growth Bot ha realizado. Él fue capaz de hacer 556% de ganancias en 3 meses.

Compruebe por sí mismo si está interesado en utilizar seriamente forex para alejarse de su trabajo actual. Creo que este bot me parece prometedor.

Forex Growth Bot V 1.6 (FGB) fue diseñado con dos sistemas importantes en mente, principalmente la gestión adecuada de capital y las entradas y salidas comerciales calculadas.

Cuando el comercio de divisas, lo que es realmente importante es un sistema de gestión de capital fuerte. Sin ella, usted va a perder mucho dinero, incluso si usted tiene una buena estrategia comercial.

Esta es la razón por la que Forex Growth Bot enfatiza esto y ha establecido algunas condiciones importantes como sigue:

1. Los tamaños de los lotes deben adaptarse proporcionalmente al tamaño de su cuenta.

2. La pérdida de stop y toma de ganancias no se revelan al corredor.

3. Have an option to reinvest capital.

4. The stop loss is tight and within a small frame.

5. Monitor risk to reward ratio to keep profits high.

Forex Growth Bot is designed to search for specific market conditions. When all the conditions are right, the robot makes a trade. If conditions begin to subside, Forex Growth Bot will close trades promptly to prevent losses.

Robot Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during times of bad news. This is because the Bot works in any market and is able to adapt. It will quickly close out any position that fails to go in a profitable direction.

& # 8211; Your personal license will cover one “live” cuenta. (you can change it anytime) – It will never expire and there are NO “monthly fees” or any other recurring charges for use

Version 1.7.5 is now available:

1. Minor improvement to indicator.

2. Additional fix to bug in Forex Growth Bot to help prevent lost trade controls further.

After purchase you’ll receive password and login for membership area. After that you can download Forex Growth Bot V. 1.75 from “/members” zona

Tipo de archivo y requisitos:

-¡Esto es un artículo digital! (.ex4, dll file – Download link ) - You will Need: MetaTrader 4.0 platform. & # 8211; The files you’ll get is ZIP archive.

Buy EA “ForexGrowthBot” from developer:

Forex Growth Bot Basic Edition – $129

Forex Growth Bot Advanced Edition – $87

Forex Growth Bot Power Source Edition – $99

Forex Growth Bot Advanced Support & Optimization – $49 per month

NOTA . If you’ll pay via alternative payment methods (LibertyReserve, WebMoney, MoneyBookers…) I’ll give you 10% discount ….Please contact us for more info

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Forex Growth Bot Review

Hello and thanks for visiting this Forex Growth Bot Review . The Forex Growth Bot Expert Consultant is among the popular automatic buying and selling systems being promoted online. Its recognition could be tracked towards the aggressive online marketing strategy it utilizes getting various affiliate systems like ClickBank to market the marketplace online. On its website, the machine claims it’s made ‘1,000% profit in live buying and selling over dependent on months’. But could it be a real real cash maker or perhaps a mere hype? To obtain an response to this, we have to first understand some fundamental reasons for this kind of product and also the market which it’s used.

What’s Behind Forex Growth Bot?

This Expert Consultant appears to possess adopted a progressive path of development since its release, and therefore early reviews from the system aren’t actually a genuine reflection from the means by that the EA works today.

The very best understanding of the process used is it appears to take advantage of the unpredictability indicator which is often used to signal the start of a trend. Because the trend is confirmed additional positions are opened up in direction of the popularity. This can lead to impressive profits once the strategy calls the direction properly.

For individuals occasions once the trend is known as improperly, the first position is closed out with no further trades are opened up.

Forex Growth Bot doesn’t feature a higher win rate, nor actually will it need one. Over the long run the win ratio from the product is near to 40%. This might not seem too impressive when in comparison with the kind of say, Foreign exchange MegaDroids mighty 95% win rate. However you have to respect the truth that the normal risk reward ratio here close to 1:5 (1 pip risked for five pips profit) is much better than say MegaDroids 12:1. So two potentially lucrative systems, two completely different approaches.

You can buy the Forex Growth Bot EA either in its fundamental version which ties you to definitely while using default optimized configurations or even the Energy Source Edition up sell. This provides a variety of parameters including a chance to give a fixed TP and SL levels (automatically the machine uses soft targets), a choice known as Wave Trailing which supplies the power for any dynamic stop-loss and a few other minor features that might be of great interest to more complex traders.

As the trade parameters themselves within the fundamental version could be acceptable for most customers, we required the choice to take advantage from the assign SL and TP feature based in the Energy Source edition. It was the effect of a couple of reviews we have come across the EA losing trade management configurations whether it connection is lost for your broker. This isn’t something we now have experienced ourselves during the time of writing and surely a suggested fail safe just for a couple of dollars more.

Released outcomes of the machine are impressive and you will gain full use of live account results and an abundance of back tests around the suppliers website.

Using Forex Growth Bot

This can be a simple EA to setup and employ. Just install the. ex4 file and. dll files good instructions provided and restart your MetaTrader installation. Limited configurations within the fundamental version from the EA get this to a virtually plug and play solution.

The process is optimized to operate around the 15 minute chart time-frame around the EURUSD pair so there’s just one chart to configure. However because the EA isn’t locked to simply this pair you may also test out while using strategy across other currency pairs and chart time-frames.

Both 4 and 5 digit brokers are supported. Out of the box the situation with any Expert Consultant you might experience spun sentences with respect to the broker used.

Forex Growth Bot BackTest Results

A fast run on the MetaTrader Strategy tester using Alpari United kingdom data creates quite enjoyable viewing. You are able to click the charts below to drill lower in to the full Strategy test results.

What’s apparent from all of these tests would be that the Forex Growth Bot EA takes a defined trend to trouble the marketplace to be able to perform. Throughout periods in which the marketplace is range bound the performance is a smaller amount pronounced, out of the box evidenced through the lengthy periods of sideways movement proven within the tests.

However importantly, even if buying and selling throughout periods which are unfavourable towards the strategy, the machine appears to have the ability to preserve buying and selling capital. Maximum Drawdown continued to be under 6% across both testing periods that is pretty impressive.

Forex Growth Bot

There’s a new and very hot forex bot in the market called the Forex Growth Bot. Like everyone else, I too jumped in to get my copy so I’ll give my Forex Growth Bot review.

Not too long ago, I had been critical of forex robots and automated forex trading but since then, I have been won over as I see all the convincing results in their live tests.

Bots vary one from another. You can’t really put them into into one class. There are good bots but by and large, many bots are useless. Forex Growth Bot on the other hand, looks rather impressive to me. It has been very well received by forex traders so far. As for me, my initially trades were slow but they produce good results at the end of the month and I’m in my third month and doing well.

All forex bots available in the market, claim to be able to analyze historical data to determine when it is profitable to trade. It is like me doing all the analysis by hand except that using a bot is easy and eliminates the need for long hours scrutinizing charts. I suppose, what makes one bot better than the rest, comes down to what they have been programmed to do.

So in evaluating a forex bot, we would need to know more about the creator, his experience in trading and his programming skills. As for Forex Growth Bot, it is developed by a Russian mathematician who impressed me as being highly intelligent and determined to produce a profitable forex bot.

I have tried the bot for almost 3 months and I have been seeing an impressive 70% to 80% of profitable trades. This is probably due to the bot's uncanny ability to exit quickly when support levels are broken.

If you are looking for a bot that is able to manage and reduce your risk, I think you should test this out. You don't have to do trading with your own money in the beginning. Just use paper trades until you feel comfortable. It is always prudent to study and familiarize every new system, even a reputable one like Forex Growth Bot so that you are thoroughly at ease when you actually make real trades on your money.

However, to know whether Forex Growth Bot works or not, you would need to test it out for a while to do justice to the system. A few days is not good enough. A bot will not win all the time and as long as it consistently wins, it is good enough. So just operate it like I did and you might be surprised by the result.

Forex trading has many advantages over other trading businesses as all you need to trade forex is a PC and an internet connection and you can trade from anywhere in the world. It is quite unlike in the past, when forex trading was limited to only banks and financial institutions. Now anyone can trade forex and make money too.

From my testing so far, I would give a positive Forex Growth Bot review as I have seen that it works well and you can be sure I will continue to use it. After I lost my job a year ago, I have been trading forex from home and I have no intention to look for another job.

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Forex Robot Dogs: Forex Growth Bot?

Total Shares 18

March 2013: I’ve been running Forex Growth Bot for several months on a small account now. It has been interesting to observe how it places orders and manages them.

It’s obvious this is a strategy that only works in a strongly trending market. In a market such as we have had recently – where price tends to spike to new levels on a daily basis only to quickly retrace to the point where the spike began – a strategy like this gets badly whipsawed.

Have a look at the following graph of my account as tracked on Myfxbook ( update June 2015: the link no longer works as I have started testing other robots on this account, so any illustration would be confusing ):

& # 8230; Myfxbook account removed, see explanatory text above…

As you can see, it’s been a rocky ride, and I’m now over 10% in drawdown. This is entirely due to the way FGB enters trades. It waits until price spikes high or low, and then tracks sideways for a while. If price then spikes in the same direction again it enters a trade.

This works beautifully when something fundamental changes in the marketplace and the sentiment on a currency pair changes fundamentally.

For example, if news came out that the Euro was likely to vanish in the next few years, with all involved countries reverting to their own currencies – Drachma, Lira, Francs etc – and the news was sufficiently believable, the Euro would tank. This would very likely cause EURUSD to take a series of hard spikes down.

And if the news continued to reinforce that sentiment, we would most likely see EURUSD continue on a downward path for an extended period. In such a situation Forex Growth Bot would probably make an absolute killing.

The reverse is true: if the sentiment on the Euro turned remarkably bullish overnight and the EURUSD went on a long-term upswing, FGB would once more be in the money (and so would I :-)).

The problem is, at the moment price is giving a lot of false signals to FGB. It spikes up or down (usually during the European session) and is very likely to then make one last short leg beyond that spike before it returns to the point of departure, coming back to be broadly within the current range.

So what am finding is that FGB buys the top of a move up or sells the bottom of a move down, and when price retraces I get taken out for a loss. The following graph shows an example:

The two white circles indicate where FGB sold. You can see how the EA is attempting to sell retracements of a spike, in this case to the short side. However, these spikes are simply due to the way the market is moving right now, probably due to (comparatively) thin liquidity. If that first spike down had been due to bad news for the Euro being announced, the move would have probably continued and I would be in the money.

Looking at charts like this and knowing what I know as a manual trader, I would never have sold the first position, and would have waited for confirmation on the second. At least the second sell occurred at around number and old support resistance level. But then, I guess that’s me looking at it as a manual trader.

And this brings me to the point about trading robots. You really need to know how they operate, and whether you consider that to be an intelligent way to trade. The best forex robots for you to trade will be those that trade the way you would want to trade . if you were at your PC at the time the opportunity for the trade occurred. Having observed FGB’s manner of trading breakouts over the past few months I have come to the conclusion that it is not suited to me. I will most likely give it another month or so to see if I can recoup some of my losses before I pull the plug.

I’d be really interested to hear what others have to say on this, so if you have any thoughts feel free to leave feedback below.

In summary, FGB is a breakout strategy which may or may not suit you personally. There is no denying that it has been extremely profitable over the long term, but you need to be able to weather some pretty stormy passages along the way.

NB . take a special note of how the following sales page for Forex Growth Bot brags about real live Myfxbook verified results, without actually giving a link to any such proof. Seriously, don’t you think they would provide such proof if the robot was still working? As the Latin saying goes, Caveat Emptor . (Update October 2015: this link has now been deactivated, wonder why?)

Forex Growth Bot

Forex Growth Bot – A Real Forex Robot with Real Live income proof


Forex Growth Bot is easy to install, it can be running on your broker account within 5 minutes!

It’s time to STOP living from paycheck to paycheck And finally start GENERATING some SERIOUS INCOME.

Discover how you can use Forex Growth Bot to make a consistent and profitable low risk KILLING in the Forex markets.

Forex Growth Bot is a real product. It was developed by a GENIUS MATHEMATICIAN from Russia to free himself from the dreadful 9 to 5 job. There are many people who already use it and have had extraordinary success. The results above are real and speak for themselves.

It doesn’t matter if you have $150 or $10,000 to invest. Forex Growth Bot will focus on minimizing risk on each trade while growing your account at a reasonable rate.

Specific And Carefully Calculated Entries And Exits

Forex Growth Bot aims for specific market conditions. If all conditions align the robot will make a trade.

If conditions begin to subside, Forex Growth Bot will close trades promptly to prevent losses.

Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during bad news. You may have heard this many times before, but you probably have not heard why.

Forex Growth Bot works in any market and is able to adapt, because it will quickly close out any position that fails to go in a profitable direction.

To use Forex Growth Bot you really don’t need much money.

Forex Growth Bot can be used with as little as $150 !

If you purchase right now I will give you the following bonus items:

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PRICE: 129 USD * 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Discover how you can use Forex Growth Bot to make a consistent and profitable low risk KILLING in the Forex markets. In under 2 months Forex Growth Bot took a live account from $250 to over $1100!

It doesn't matter if you have $150 or $10,000 to invest. Forex Growth Bot will focus on minimizing risk on each trade while growing your account at a reasonable rate.

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Forex Growth Bot

Does Forex Growth Bot Really Work or Is it a Scam? Here is a Review of Eugene Lipinsky's Program:

Investors have realized in recent years that there is a lot of money to be made in the foreign exchange market, and it has become an extremely popular market to trade in. Along with this growing popularity has come the rise of forex robots; a term given to software programs that actually manage your forex trades for you on autopilot. Forex Growth Bot is one of these programs, and in the following paragraphs I am going to take a closer look at this robot and see if it follows through on its promises. Its creators claim that it is programmed to be able to make highly successful trades with little risk—but can their claims be substantiated? With literally hundreds of forex robots on the market now, what makes this one special?

Forex Growth Bot was developed and perfected by Eugene Lipinsky, a Russian programmer and applied math scientist. Lipinsky has a rock solid reputation as a master programmer, and claim that while testing his creation he was able to profit over $100,000 in just three months time. His breakthrough algorithm for identifying winning trades and pinpointing the timing for maximum profit has made FGB a standard bearer for forex software.

Unlike other robots that use simple probabilities, Lipinsky programmed his software to look at the bigger historical picture and analyze a number of indicators simultaneously. This makes his predictions many times more accurate than the industry average, and puts FGB at the top of the proverbial food chain when it comes to automated forex trading.

The software identifies patterns in the market based on the proprietary algorithm Lipinsky created, and when it finds a trade that meets all of the criteria it enters into it based on your settings. From here it is all about position management. If the market moves as predicted the robot holds your position. If it moves against you the trade is closed immediately. This maximizes profit while minimizing losses, and over the long haul makes for some impressive earnings.

When the market trends hard in the right direction, the robot automatically adds to the position. It does all of this without your input, so there are no tough decisions to make on your part. The software uses its advanced capabilities to monitor the position, and acts accordingly based on its internal assessments.

Self Adjusting Algorithm

The software is designed to automatically adjust the position size based on its internal risk assessment and the available funds in the portfolio. You control the limits of position size with the settings tab, so you will never be risking more than you are willing to lose. The software does all of the work, but you are in control of your money. In addition, the carefully devised exit strategy mitigates losses from unsuccessful trades.

Installing the Program

FGB is easy to install, and even easier to use. The software is available for download as soon as the purchase is made, and all you have to do is install it and point it at your broker to start trading. The default settings are ideal for most traders, but you can adjust the settings to your liking, and set them to automatically adjust as your portfolio grows. For the more hands on types there are manual settings that can individually set to your preferences.

I can talk about the features of the program all day, but what you really want to know is if it produces profitable trades, right? The win ratio for FGB is right around 40%, but this number can be misleading. When you consider that the average win is twice the size of the average loss you can see that this win ratio will actually produce very nice profits.

The robot makes, on average, about 1.5 trades per day. There will be times when it doesn’t make a trade for several days, and other times when it will make three or more trades in a single day. This all depends on what it sees in the market. Most of the trades (80% or so) close within a day, but there will be some trades that hold for 2-3 days.

Once you run the software for a week or so you will see the method to its madness and start to trust its judgment. It is a truly invaluable piece of software for forex traders, and I don’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone wanting to get into foreign exchange trading.

== & gt; Click To Order Forex Growth Bot at Limited-Time Discount Price!

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forex growth bot

forex growth bot review

Forex Growth Bot

Many of you will have heard of this EA already. I’ve been asked to review it numerous times and taking a look at its homepage and stats surely got my attention. So, I’ve mailed the author and promptly received a reply with a review copy attached, but I’m a bit ashamed to say that writing this article has been on my TODO list for over 10 days now. But enough about that, let’s get on the case: a trend EA by definition, Forex Growth Bot takes the trader expression “cut your losses short, let your profits run” really serious. Since it runs only on EURUSD M15 and it’s not what I would call a feature rich software, this review will likely end up quite a bit shorter than my other reviews.


There’s no description of the strategy so this merely guesswork: the entry is based on a volatility indicator running with two different periods – when the volatility is changing, a trend is considered to have started and the EA will open a position. From here, all the mojo lays in position management: if the market goes against it, the position will be promptly closed (at an average loss of 30 pips) and the EA will wait for other fish to fry. If, however, the market moves in the correct direction, it starts adding to the existing position until it reaches up to 5 times its original size. Sure, sometimes the market will retrace and the positions will not always run their course, but when they flow, they do so nicely. During the course of such a basket of positions, the EA will occasionally close some of them and open others and frankly I have no clue how this mechanism works – Forex Growth Bot is a bit of a black box, but it works quite nicely both in backtesting and in forward testing and that’s enough for me. Overall, the win ratio is only about 40%, but this is more than compensated by the fact that the average profit trade is more than twice bigger than the average loss trade. It’s the very definition of a trend-following robot and I’ve been looking for something like this for like two years without much success until now. The website states that between 3 and 10 trades are open per week, but my analysis seems to suggest an average of more than 1.5 trades per day. Of course, there will be periods of several days without a trade as well as days with 5-6 trades, but on average it trades more than once per day. Even though the author says this is not frequent trading, I beg to differ: at least when compared to other EAs I’ve looked at lately, this is a shower of trades. As for the duration, over 80% of the trades will be closed within a day (the average being around 12 hours), but it’s not uncommon to see trades lasting 2-3 days. As is the case with most trend EAs, opening positions is not restricted to any trading session and trades are just opened around the clock when its signal conditions are met. It’s notable that the bot opens and closes its positions only at the start of each bar and that it does not send a stoploss & takeprofit target with each order. The latter can be a minor advantage if your broker’s out to get you, but it can also be a hindrance if your internet connection goes down or if your VPS crashes. As far as I can tell, Forex Growth Bot complies with the no-hedging rules, but does not comply with the FIFO rules because some of its positions get closed before those opened prior to them and still open at the time. Edit 20.02.2010: should have mentioned this earlier, but I totally forgot. The expert advisor now features a parameter that lets you enable FIFO compliance.

Sitio web

throw a lot of marketing dust into the visitors’ eyes and it features a live forward test complete with the investor password plus a few backtests. There’s really not much to it other than that. The forward test was started with a large lot size which was later decreased, so the balance curve looks rather weird:


When it comes to configuration, it can easily be called lackluster. It lacks all the bells and whistles that other EAs shower you with. All the money management in the basic version consists in a parameter that lets you set the lot size manually. There are also 3 parameters for controlling the volatility settings but you shouldn’t touch those unless you want to optimize it for a different pair and timeframe. Speaking of which, the author recommends only running it on EURUSD M15, but it can be run on other pairs as well so feel free to experiment. The only such endeavor that I had the time for was actually a mistake: I prepared an EURUSD M5 FXT and ran it on that one by accident; as luck would have it, it was profitable with the default settings even on that timeframe. By the way, if you do try to optimize it on other pairs, feel free to use the “open prices only” method, it’ll do just fine given the fact that the EA only trades and closes on bar start. There is also an advanced version (purchased separately) that gives you access to more settings such as an interesting Wave Trailing (kind of a trailing stop) and more volatility settings that the manual briefly describes without giving any indication of the range you should use for them or what will they actually do when changed. It’s notable that the advanced version has a reinvest capital option, which is some kind of “advanced” money management – the lot size will be increased by 0.1 for each $4500 profit. This brings me to position sizing. Like I said, you can input the number of lots manually and the manual states that you should use 0.01 lots for balances lower than $250 and 0.1 lots for balances above $2000. However, my recommendation is to use no more than 0.1 for each $5000 in your account (this translates to 0.02 lots per $1k), perhaps going as low as 0.01 lots per $1000 balance, depending on your drawdown tolerance, but I will go more into this in the backtesting section. Overall, the money management that adds 0.1 for each $4500 profit seems quite reasonable. Given the chart decorations that I’ve seen in some EAs lately, I would’ve also expected to see a bunch of comments on my screen from Forex Growth Bot . but surprisingly it’s totally silent, not only on the chart but in the experts log as well.


As usual, I ran the backtest on an FxPro terminal. Since we’re talking about EURUSD, I set the spread to 2.0 and even that’s a bit on the high side nowadays. I’ve left all the 4 parameters on their default settings, including the lotsize default of 0.1, a bit low but suitable for a starting balance of $10000.

Forex Growth Bot 1999-2011

For a trend EA, this is just awesome. I ran it in visual mode to watch its entries and exits and it’s quite a show – if you buy it, run a visual backtest yourself, just to see how it captures the trend as it progresses. Despite the rough time it had in 2002, its balance curve looks very good. The average win is around 55 pips while the average loss is around 27 pips, resulting in a risk:reward ratio of over 1:2. Just like it is to be expected from a trend EA, its profitable trades add up to less than half of the total, 38% to be precise. The 24% max drawdown might be considered quite large, but such low levels are only hit in 2002, which was a rather bad year for Forex Growth Bot – before and after this particular year, the EA had a very nice behavior, but there’s no guarantee that there will be no such “ugly” time periods for it in the future. It’s visible that the lot size is sometimes doubled, albeit very rarely. According to the author, this only happens in trade setups with a high profit probability. I haven’t seen it use more than double the lotsize so it’s nothing that we should be worried about. In the end, what matters is the balance curve. We can gather from the backtest that the bot will have periods of “flatness” or perhaps even slight drawdown, followed by periods of large gains. Since the EA deals in the hundreds of pips most of the time, it’s quite pointless to backtest it on tick data. but I did it anyway, just to keep in line with my other reviews. I also used the real spread data and here are the results:

Forex Growth Bot 2007-2011 tick data real spread

It’s safe to say that spread doesn’t really matter for Forex Growth Bot . Anyway, if you have a broker that has an average EURUSD spread higher than 2 (if there are still any that do), you should consider finding another. This backtest is not much different from the previous. The average profit is now 70 pips while the average loss is 30 pips, resulting in a risk:reward ratio of 1:2.3, even better than in the 1999-2011 backtest. The percent of profitable trades also increased now to a tiny bit above 42%. What’s very notable is the drawdown: the value displayed in this backtest is only 7.76%. However, there’s not much point to a max relative drawdown if the lot size is constant during the backtest so let’s calculate it on our own. The easiest way to do it (well, the only one I can think of) is to take the maximal drawdown in account currency resulted in the test – 1283 in our case – and report it to the initial balance, which yields a result of 12.83% relative drawdown; quite acceptable but keep in mind that the lotsize used was 0.1 for a starting balance of 10k – if you use 0.1 lots for 5k, the income potential doubles but the drawdown potential also doubles with it. I also ran the 2007-2010 backtest through the MT Intelligence offline analyzer tool to get the average monthly return for a 0.1 lot size and the result was $423. While at it, I also exported the Monte Carlo projection:

Forex Growth Bot Monte Carlo projection

Power Source Edition

So, I also received the extras package from the author yesterday (this section was added on 21.01.2010, roughly two days after the review). This version has a bunch of extra parameters, some of which I am going to mention here:

FIFO – This will make the EA work with your broker if you’re using an US broker that implements this particular rule in the client (well, most of them do).

ClosePreviousSessionOrders – Will naturally close the orders from a previous session which will otherwise remain open. I’ve had a personal encounter with this issue as you will be able to read below in the forward test section.

Wave Trailing – complex trailing stop system, available only in the Power Edition (it’s not in Advanced and Basic)

Re-Invest capital – as explained above, it adds 0.1 lots for each $4500 profit (again only available in the Power Edition)

Assign SL & TP – Enabling this parameter will send a SL & TP with each order, but will disable Wave Trailing and Re-Invest capital.

BotComment – Allows changing the comment sent with each order.

It seems to me that the most interesting parameter is Wave Trailing, so I decided to enable that and run a backtest. Since I already had the 2007-2011 tick data in the terminal, I used that FXT file. To have a comparison term in the 2007-2010 backtest of the default version, I didn’t enable the money management parameter. Actually, all the parameters were set to their default values except WaveTrailing and here’s what resulted from that:

Forex Growth Bot 2007-2011 tick data real spread, Wave Trailing enabled

The first noticeable thing is that it made quite a lot more profit than the basic edition. Also, the balance graph has a look that resembles a staircase, meaning that some trades brought a lot of profit, so they are likely allowed to run longer and capture more profits when Wave Trailing is enabled. However, the relative drawdown recorded was 20%, significantly higher than the one in the basic edition test. Overall, Wave Trailing looks like an interesting option if you’re willing to take the higher drawdown risk. My live forward test will still run the basic version, but that’s mostly because that’s the version it was started with and because most readers will be interested to see the evolution of that particular edition.


Despite its lack of user friendly features, Forex Growth Bot is a really solid trend EA. It should only be in your portfolio if you can stomach periods of balance curve flatness that sometimes extend for several months and if you can also accept the fact that it’s going to be profitable even though a slightly larger part of the trades is going to be closed in the negative. I’d dare say it’s an EA for the connoisseur, in contrast with its rather low price of $129. At the time the review was written, the EA used to allow unlimited accounts but nowadays the basic license is limited to a single account. Like I mentioned earlier, there is also an Advanced Edition available for $89, opening additional configuration settings and a Power Source Edition for $99 that will let you access a part of its source code. Finally, there’s a monthly subscription of $49 entitled Advanced Support & Optimization which will give you access to support via Skype & remote assistance, the opportunity to request additional features and as time goes, it will open access to additional pairs. The author states that the basic version is “built to last” and all the other additional purchases are not mandatory for the robot to properly function, which I judge to be true given my backtests, live forward test and the opinion of the other buyers that I’ve been able to find.

Forward test

I started this live test account a week ago, on 12.01.2010 using an account opened at LiteForex . It had a few small losses, but to my surprise, it almost immediately caught a large bullish movement and I’ve seen floating profit of as much as 1.6k which is huge given the 5k starting balance. I would’ve probably closed the trades manually if it weren’t a live test account. The reason it is having such a large floating profit is that I started the test with a lot size of 0.1 because I did it before thoroughly analyzing the backtest. I will keep the live test with this lot size for consistency’s sake, but if I had to start it again, I would do it with 0.05 lots for the starting 5k balance. All the parameters were set to default (even the lot size actually).

Edit right after posting: the author informs me that if the EA is restarted, it loses control of its trades. Since that was the case with the trades that I mentioned above (the 1.6k floating) due to the crash issues I’ve had recently and that I mentioned on the forward page a couple days ago, I am now closing them all manually. If you buy it, you should make sure you don’t run it into such problems by using it on a VPS from the start. Personally, I’m using SWVPS but I can also recommend Forex VPS if you’re looking for a provider. Edit 26.01.2011: I’ve been informed by the author that a signal service based on the EA is in development and will soon become available as an alternative. Also, the new version of the EA no longer has the problem I described above. Edit 04.03.2011: For about a week now, my live forward test account kept trading opposite to all other accounts. I ended up emailing the author yesterday and after his reply decided to restart the terminal manually, which resulted in the short trades being closed with a rather large drawdown on the account. The logs have been sent to the author for further investigation and I’ll post an update if I have any news as to what might have gone wrong.

Details and links

Version used in backtesting: the “regular” edition; there’s no version tag on the ex4, but the DLL has its file version set to and the product version set to 2.0, while the installer is dated 17.12.2010. Version used on the forward test real account at the time of this writing: same as above Currency pairs & timeframes: EURUSD M15 Buy Forex Growth Bot

Welcom To Forex Growth Bot

Subject: Incredible Forex Growth Bot earned over 300% in Forex Profits with Proof And Investor Access

Over 300% in under 2 Months! Possible? ¡SÍ! Forex Growth Bot did it. Aprender cómo. and see the real proof.

What do we really want from our Forex accounts? Profits, Lots of Profits.

The easiest solution by far is to automate your trades using a profitable and low risk Forex Robot.

Please take a second to read what I have to say about Forex Growth Bot. I promise you will not regret it.

In under 2 months Forex Growth Bot took a live account from $250 to over $1100!

-Low drawdown - Low lot sizes - Low risk, High reward.

Check out the website for live statement, back tests, investor access, and MyFXBook verification!

Forex Growth Bot is based on rather popular trading strategy. Its core is that EA allows profits to grow, but instantly cuts loosing positions. This trend-based expert advisor works with EURUSD currency pair on 15 minutes timeframe, so there are not so many variables and settings. Lets review the strategy of trading behind this product. EA trading process depends from volatility indicator on different periods. After volatility rate grows higher, Forex Growth Bot considers it as a beginning of the trend. On the base of this changes robot opens its trades. Trade management is simple: if position becomes loosing, it will be closed by stop on 30-35 points and Growth Bot will wait for another time to enter. But when market goes in the right way, robot adds new lots. Sometimes market reverses direction trade eventually hits stop loss, but when there are strong trend, expert makes huge profits.

Sometimes EA opens new positions, sometimes partially closes existing ones, but whole mechanism is hidden from the user. Robot works well in metatrader strategy tester, both on back and forward tests, so it is worth to try this product. According to trading reports and Forex Growth Bot reviews - overall win ration is something about 40%. Average profitable trade is more than twice the average loosing, that compensates all losses and drawdown periods. Many traders call it the best trend-following expert advisor for metatrader among many others available on the market.

According to trading statement review - robot opens from 3 to 10 trades per week in a sporadic manner. So, this is not frequently trading ea with dozens of trades executed. Most of the trades will be closed within the same trading session after execution, but sometimes position could be opened for a few days. There are no trading session restrictions or lot limitations - Growth bot trades 24 hours per day. Forex Growth Bot executes and closes trades only at the start of each bar and there are no stoploss & takeprofit targets visible for broker. This is a great advantage, but only if your internet connection is 100% stable. There are not so many settings and variables that user is allowed to configure. FX Growth advisor lets you to set trading lot size and this is the only parameter in money management block. There are some variables to switch the volatility settings, but they are needed only for other currency pairs (that author does not recommends).

By default EA has been optimized to work with EURUSD currency, but you may feel free to optimize bot for other pairs or timeframes. It is also possible to purchase advanced version with more settings and new type of wave trailing stop and access to more volatility settings. Special function allows to increase lot size after certain profit level. User manual guides you through the process of setting lot size according to account balance. If Your balance is below 1000USD - use 0.01 lots, but for accounts above $2000 you may set 0.1 lots. Author recommends not to use more than 0.1 for every $5000, because this may cause serious system drawdown.

Forex Growth Bot review verdict is, that this EA performs well on backtests and forward tests. Real money trading is more controversial, because even official Myfxbook account demonstrates huge drawdowns for a certain periods of history. Some traders were unsatisfied with this EA, while there are still dozens of traders who like Growth robot. Maybe, the best choice will be to evaluate ea and to run it on your own demo. Developer offers 60 days money back guarantee, and according to feedbacks there will be no problems with refund if needed. In addition you will get unlimited support in any time of the day. Forex Growth Bot download link is not available, because EA is for sale only.

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This is an entry for a Forex product called Forex Growth Bot. The official site for this product is at forexgrowthbot. com. If you’re looking for more info about this product follow the link.

If you’re looking for reviews for Forex Growth Bot, find them below. The reviews come from real users so if you don’t see any comments yet, please check back soon.

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If you have experience with this product, please leave your feedback or review below. Help others to decide, every entry helps.


Anyone goy any information on this one?

Comment by Bob Bridges on January 23, 2011 @ 12:23 pm

Bought it yesterday – so far no trades – keep you posted.

Comment by Nicolas on January 27, 2011 @ 10:06 am

Same here, just bought it, on a live acct. Have it set at .01 lots, everything else at default. FPA had a very good look at this. The “live” account is not what I went by since it seems to have a huge risk (.05). From the thread on FPA its had consistant results, also they updated it b4 I even got it online, a very good sign to me. They also answered online questions on FPA, I mean they seem to really be paying attention. No results as of yet, but I will report back weekly. cheers, john

Lost frist two trades for a total of -36 pips. Opened 5 trades Thursday. closed 1 at +67 pips. I manualy closed the other 4 just before the non-farm release (that thing alwasy burns me) totalling another +138. Its opened 2 more today 1 closed -15 pips the other is at -6 and still going. So for the week (depending on what happens with this other trade), i’m up 154 pips. A very successful start. Its still early in my testing and I will continue to update weekly. Cheers, John

Follow up to yesterday. It opened 3 more trades, which at one point were up 100 pips. It then actually let them go negative. When it bounced back up 30 pips to the good I closed the trades manually. So net total I was up 184 pips on the week. If there is a downside to this bot its that it doesn’t tend to close winning trades. They have added a % stop loss to it, however offered no instructions on its use. I left it at default 0.00. So aparently at default its not doing anything as far as stops. Still as an entry picker its great, just have to decide when to get out (greed kills). Cheers, John

There’s gotta be more feedback around?

Comment by conrad on February 15, 2011 @ 1:30 pm

Ok gotta leave some negative comments here. I’m having issues with it closing some losing trades but not all, in fact the ones it closes are the small losses and not the bigger ones. I’ve had those run in excess of 130 pips. The bigger issue is that the bot can’t pick a trade back up. In questioning why it would close the smaller of 3 trades in the same direction to support, i accidentally closed meta trader (pasting a pic). my fault i know, but they still have not come up with an update so it can pick up its own trades… seems now they want to create a signal service. It seems like the bigger gains trades the FPA site gets. i don’t get just the lower ones, and that could be broker to some degree. I have to say the real disappointment is when you look at it over the time its run. On FPA everything (well most) was made in the first week, so now its averageing 200 per week. well when ya make 1000 in one week you can slack and get that average. I’ve been losing on it lately. taken some big hits. Support thinks its because i changed the time frame on it, but this last one didn’t have any changes, i have a ticket in to them, first time i haven’t had a reply in 1 day ( normally support is very good) perhaps they have figured that they made all the money they needed off the ea and just need to spend time on the signal service. cheers john

Please, DO NOT use this robot!

The less people who use it, the better it will work for those of us who do ;D

Believe me forex growth bot really works, im using it on my live account and im so much happy using it. Different brokers give different results, but at the end i got lot of profit..

This is best trend-ridden forex robot i ever see, not that alone, its the one that have been in the market and have thrive in diff market conditions, this guys are d best, i have six copies of growbot, its best out there, you good advisor not by lot traded but by pips acquired,

anyone use this bot on exness??

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Forex Growth Bot Review – Worst Case That Happened to Me!

Posted by Timothy Oh

There are few solid reasons why I chose Forex Growth Bot as my very first EA to trade out of hundred thousands of EAs out there:

1. Have no suffered any losses (annually return) since year 2000 (with Tim’s Optimization Settings)

2. There is LIVE account by vendor and it is proven profitable

3. I bought it and backtested it. Backtesting results shown it is profitable over the past 13 years (from year 2000 till 2012)

4. It is the trend following EA and not scalper EA

5. Stop loss and take profit are hidden from broker (Not possible of stop hunting)

6. Risk to reward is 1 to 2, as the average winning trades are double of the losing trades

* Disclaimer: Backtesting results are not equal to LIVE results as it is traded in the most ideal environment and might possibly give the better results than real LIVE trading results. For me, if the backtesting results in the first place already not profitable, then it make no sense to go LIVE. However if the backtesting results are profitable, then at least after we discount the 10% of the profit due to swap rate, variable spreads, etc. and it is still profitable then it make sense to go LIVE trading.

I’ve bought this Forex Growth Bot EA and it cost me $ 129. Immediately after receiving the EA, I did a full backtesting on this EA, to see whether it is profitable CONSISTENTLY yet having the LOW maximal drawdown? And what is the worst case if I buy this EA? Let’s find out!

Following are all my backtesting results and statement by using:

Alpari UK demo account

Deposit $10,000

Lot size constant 0.40

Spreads 1.6 pips

Backtesting time form 2000 to 2012 (13 years)

Using Tim’s Optimization Settings

Forex Growth Bot (Tim’s Optimization Settings) Overall Performance

(2000 – 2012)

Consistent Growth with deposit $10,000 and constant 0.40 lot size (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Winning percentage: 44% (with Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Risk to reward ratio: 1 to 2 (with Tim’s Optimization Settings)

2000 – 33% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $3,252 (881 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $4,070, which is 29% (1,017 pips)

2001 – 43% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $4,269 (1067 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,878 which is 13% (469 pips)

2002 – 42% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $4,175 (1,103 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $2,390 which is 17% (426 pips)

2003 – 52% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $5,160 (1,290 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $2,464 which is 22% (616 pips)

2004 – 160% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $16,045 (4,011 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,664 which is 8% (416 pips)

2005 – 92% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $9,231 (2,307 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,738 which is 11% (309 pips)

2006 – 60% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $5,969 (1,492 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,926 which is 12% (481 pips)

2007 – 45% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $4,477 (1,119 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,595 which is 14% (398 pips)

2008 – 91% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $9,122 (2,280 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $2,779 which is 14% (569 pips)

2009 – 163% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $16,346 (4,086 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,809 which is 9% (452 pips)

2010 – 69% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $6,859 (1,714 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,669 which is 16% (417 pips)

2011 – 73% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $7,307 (1,826 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $1,504, which is 9% (376 pips)

2012 – 42% annual return (Tim’s Optimization Settings)

Initial deposit: $10,000

Total net profit: $4,175 (1,043 pips)

Maximal drawdown: $2,390 which is 17% (597 pips)

Forex Growth Bot (Tim’s Optimization Settings) Backtesting Results (2000 – 2012)

What is The Worst Case that can Happen to me When Using Forex Growth Bot

If you ask me, what am I considering before buying this EA. I would say that I will consider the worst case or worst drawdown that can happen to my hard earn money in live account. Over the past 13 years backtesting, following are the worst scenario that possible can happen to me in my future:

The maximal drawdown is up to 29%

There will be no growth in your account for up to 6 months (2003 and 2007)

For me, I am able to tolerate with these two worst cases (or even slightly worst than these). Thus I can avoid my account being wiped out and not to keep changing from one system to another system!

Now that I have already taken care of the risk of using this EA, I can assure that I’ll be able to enjoy long-term consistent profit (average 74% annual return) with total peace of mind.

Forex Growth Bot

(Tim’s Optimization Settings vs. Default Settings)


Digital Products (Download product) Or Physical Products.

Forex Growth Bot Is A Low Risk To Reward Robot With Almost A Year Of Trading Proof, Plus Detailed Backtests.

Eugene Lipinsky’s Forex Growth Bot is a forex robot that any traders can use to start generating serious income off of forex markets. Whether you are a complete newbie or someone who has some experience in forex trading, you will benefit from this robot.

Forex Growth Bot was designed based on real proper capital management and specific and carefully calculated trade entries and exits. With this robot, lot sizes are proportional to account size, the stop loss and take profit are hidden from the broker, and you have an option to reinvest capital. This robot has broker stealth features and also uses an advanced stop loss technology to help you maintain your profits.

It works on all market conditions, but it closes out any position that does not go in a profitable direction. This robot also adapts to 4 and 5 digit brokers and trades primarily on EUR/USD in 15-minute timeframe.

Forex Growth Bot is easy to install and use. It is completely automated, so there’s no need for you to tweak it after installation. With this robot, you can get your profits automatically. If you purchase it, you will also receive free Forex Growth Bot Income Accelerator Indicator and customer support 24/7. If you purchase right now I will give you the following bonus items:

BONUS #1: Free Forex Growth Bot Income Accelerator Indicator Want to make even more profits? Have some extra time on your hands? Included with your purchase is our advanced Income Accelerator Indicator which will identify other trade opportunities you can take in order to reap additional profits.

BONUS #2: Free Customer Support 24 / 7 Eugene Lipinsky has pulled together a reliable and responsive support team to handle all your inquiries as they arise. It doesn’t matter if you have robot for a month or a year. his team and he will help you.

He is in the business of making money. He has showed you simply why Forex Growth Bot is a winner. He is not going to continue by telling you some far fetched story about how he tried robot after robot.

%100 money back guarantee.

Forex trading can seem a bit intimidating for beginners or individuals who have had no previous experience with the foreign exchange market but the advent of the internet and online tutorials (both paid and free) has now made this problem solvable. Foreign exchange, concerns itself with currency exchange between countries with different currencies for several reasons including, but are not limited to, commerce and tourism.

If you are interested in this kind of trading business, it is imperative that you know the difference and daily fluctuation changes between currencies. The existence and value differences of a number of currencies in the world have paved the way to the use of the most stable currency, presently the U. S. dollar, as the main point of reference. The government and economic stability of the country in addition to interest rates and trade flows affect the changes in currency values but it is amazing that the USA's currency has remained stable for decades.

Trading in Forex was previously an interbank form of transaction and only the bank's brokers were capable of handling the transactions. The internet and online access to almost any information on a global scale has now allowed trading platforms to occur beyond the walls of the bank, which resulted in a number of trading companies that offer Forex trading as one of their services. Individual traders or brokers have also learned the importance of taking risks and even in speculating the movement of the foreign exchange currency market.

On the other hand, despite the rise of private foreign exchange trading companies, the thing itself occurs on a larger scale that a single trader never controls the trading price. Banks are still the main traders of the game and they can control the supply and demand of a particular currency. Presently, there is an attempt to create an electronic communication network for pricing transparency of the market for both buyers and sellers. The so-called retail traders stand to benefit from this move due to a more centralized liquidity and competitive pricing while banks remain decentralized.

Investors stand to gain from their purchase if they choose to purchase the currency during its weakest point or when it is offered at a low rate then sell it when the need for that particular currency is high thus resulting in a higher selling price. The changes in market currency values are so fast that buyers and sellers tend to concentrate more on the major currencies instead of lesser-known currencies.

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Failing is not a good experience, for obvious reasons. You fear failure and hope it doesn't come. When you do fail, it feels bad. However, just remember that business is not all about winning, it's about recovering from your losses too.

Forex trading, being just like is a business, is all about trying to remain profitable. If you make a loss here and there, that's expected and you can easily recover from them, as they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things if you are generally profiting more than you are losing. On the other hand, if you completely blow your account away, you can produce losses that are extremely difficult or even impossible to recover from.

If you have suffered from complete failure in the Forex market, you need to just step back and look in hindsight. In this situation, you need to think hard about every single one of your actions. Since there are so many variables, it can be difficult to conclude where you went wrong, which is why you need to always test yourself.

There are many reasons why Forex traders fail completely. Failure in the Forex market can be caused by poor and inaccurate analysis, which can lead Forex traders to make poor decisions, which in turn lead to losses. A lack of a Forex trading plan, with no clear tactics can also lead Forex traders to completely drain their accounts fast. Without a Forex trading strategy, you will not really know what you are doing when trading the markets. You need to hone in on a particular strategy and develop a system that you can continually use, adapt and master.

Mentioned above are some of the main causes of complete failure in Forex trading. There are other ways in which you can fail though. For example, you could pick a poor Forex broker and use misleading, ineffective tools. However, these aren't usually the cause of failure in the Forex market. It is usually the individual Forex trader that is responsible for his or her failures. There are many Forex brokers available and with a little bit of research, it isn't difficult to find a suitable, regulated one that will suffice. Tools aren't even necessary most of the time and all you need is the basics. You should absolutely stay away from paid tools in the beginning. You don't want to spend money that you could be using to make money. Most Forex information and software products will not help you to create wealth in the Forex market. Most of them are scams.

If you want to get back into Forex trading after a complete failure, you need to look back and identify where you went wrong. You might want to use a demo account the next time round instead and develop a Forex trading system that is consistently profitable, before you head back to the live markets. Failure isn't nice, but success is worth persevering for, so the most important thing to remember is whatever you do, do not give up.

In conclusion, failure can feel demoralizing, but you can always recover from failure. What you need to do is look back, identify where you went wrong and come back stronger. If you've blown your whole account, you will obviously need some more capital to get back into Forex trading. The best thing to do in this situation, would be to simply get a job and save up. You should gradually put aside some money for you to deposit in your Forex trading account, to kick start your career once again. The key is to never risk more money than you can afford to lose. This way, it won't matter how many times you fail. Of course you want to try your very best to remain profitable the second time round though. You can make it happen your second time too, if you learn from your mistakes.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

You might think Forex trading is a wonderful opportunity to make lots of cash, working from your very own bedroom. It all sounds too good to be true and it is. Forex trading doesn't quite work like that.

The truth is, Forex trading is not easy. Life isn't easy. You can't just turn on your computer, sign up to a Forex broker and make money in just a few seconds. There are ways in which you can accumulate money in the Forex market without having to work much, in all fairness. For example you could join a social Forex trading network and copy other profitable traders, letting your money work for you. However, if you are going down the traditional route of trading currencies, you will need to put in the time and effort. You will also need to risk some of your hard-earned money.

The main reason why Forex trading makes people poor, is the fact that people don't like the idea of having to work in order to make money. The vast majority of people on the planet, or at least the vast majority of people living in developed countries, work for someone else. They have a boss and they work fairly long hours. What some of them don't realize, is that they are making their boss a profit. Bosses hire people in order to make a profit. They are leveraging other people, or at least other peoples' time.

If you want to quit your job and start putting your time towards yourself instead of towards someone else's profits, you better get used to working hard. Remember, you don't have to be day trading. In fact, it is highly recommended that you do not day trade as a beginner Forex trader. You can place more long-term trades, which won't require nearly as much of your time. One advantage of the Forex market, is that it is open 24 hours a day, excluding weekends. This gives you plenty of opportunities to trade and progress and on the weekends, you can spend some time studying, which will help to increase your profits in the future as you will become more knowledgeable.

If you really want to make it though, you need to start as soon as you can and work as hard as you possibly can. Don't keep putting it off, or you will never get round to launching your Forex trading career and making your dreams a reality. It won't be easy, don't forget, but Forex trading can truly make your dreams come true.

There are other reasons why Forex traders end up being poor after attempting to trade the markets. For example, some traders buy into poor brokers who cheat them. However, these reasons are much less significant. If you do your research, you will be able to find lots of legitimate brokers. The main reason is because of a lack of dedication. Some beginners don't bother putting in the hours to study and practice.

In conclusion, the best thing you can do as an aspiring Forex trader, is to simply get started and never stop moving forward. Always be eager to learn and apply your knowledge. As you move onto placing live trades with real money, if you have done your studies and put in the work, you should see success with a little perseverance. You will never succeed if you give up, that's guaranteed, so never give up whatever you do. If you keep at it, you will succeed one day.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

There are so many options and possibilities when it comes to Forex trading. It can be difficult to decide which approach to take; some beginners get stuck right at the start and don't know what kind of profits they are actually looking to make. Mechanical rule-based systems, robots and software, discretionary strategies and price action strategies can all be used to make a lot of money in the Forex market; they are the four main types of Forex trading strategies and systems.

Mechanical rule-based Forex trading systems are of course rule-based and usually involve the use of one or more technical indicators. Designers of these types of Forex trading systems will set specific entry and exit rules; these rules will usually be based off of formations/signals, produced by one or more technical indicators.

Mechanical rule-based Forex trading systems can work very well; if a good system is devised, it can be used again and again to make more and more profits. However, these sorts of systems aren't very adaptable; the market for currencies is always changing and a mechanical, rule-based trading system isn't very versatile, especially if the rules laid out are rigid. Also, because these types of trading systems usually involve the use of at least one technical indicator, they can prove to be very confusing and difficult to work with. Beginners particularly tend to struggle with them.

Forex trading robots and software are growing in popularity every day. There are so many trading robots and software available on the internet today. The majority of these on the internet, claim that profits can be made on autopilot, automatically with little work or intervention needed. However, these claims are generally false. Whilst some Forex trading robots and software work well, many don't. You do need to be careful when using these, especially when using ones that place orders for you automatically without asking for your permission, as they can cause you to deduce losses on autopilot rather than profits. Forex trading robots and software and generally only suitable for experienced Forex traders who are also capable of programming their own custom robots and software.

Discretionary Forex trading strategies are very popular. Most of them revolve around classic technical analysis techniques, such as the use of candlestick patterns and analysis, trend lines, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci, etc. Discretionary strategies can definitely work and the techniques used when using a discretionary Forex trading strategy are worth knowing about and understanding. However, more experienced Forex traders may want to branch out and only use these types of strategies when trading to form a foundation for their own trading strategies.

Forex price action trading strategies are popular too and arguably one of the better types of strategies for trading that you could go for, or at least start out with. Whilst these types of trading strategies are simple, they can also be very effective. Forex price action trading is very flexible and adaptable; it is a dynamic type of strategy for trading that can be used to make profits regardless of the conditions of the currency markets. It is technical-based and basically involves trading the action of prices - nothing else.

This is why you can apply price action trading to the currency markets in any situation at all. It is also a very clean type of trading strategy to use because it doesn't involve the use of technical indicators at all. You can profit with a very simple price action trading setup; you don't need much more than just your price charts and graphs. Forex price action trading strategies are also flexible, as already mentioned and they can be used alongside and combined with discretionary trading strategies for example, in order to create strong strategies for trading.

In conclusion, most if not all Forex trading strategies and systems come under the following four types: mechanical rule-based systems, robots and software, discretionary strategies and price action strategies. Every type of Forex trading strategy and system can be used to make money; different Forex traders will be better suited to different strategies and systems. If you are just starting out, you should remember to do your research, as well as test different strategies and systems. The bottom line is, everything can work; it's more about finding what works for you.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

It's time to STOP living from paycheck to paycheck

And finally start GENERATING some SERIOUS INCOME.

Discover how you can use Forex Growth Bot to make a consistent and profitable low risk KILLING in the Forex markets.

Forex Growth Bot is a real product. It was developed by a GENIUS MATHEMATICIAN from Russia to free himself from the dreadful 9 to 5 job. There are many people who already use it and have had extraordinary success. The results above are real and speak for themselves.

It doesn't matter if you have $150 or $10,000 to invest. Forex Growth Bot will focus on

minimizing risk on each trade while growing your account at a reasonable rate.

From the desk of: Eugene L.

There is NO reason for you to NOT be successful.

With the economy out of control, costs rising, and income dropping, it’s tough to afford the things we really need, let alone purchase the things we really want.

Instead of wasting my pure genius working a 9 to 5 I decided to quit my job and prove to everyone and myself that it was and it is possible to become successful.

My Forex robot has allowed me to arrive at financial freedom. I’m able to travel, I can sleep late, I can do what I want.

I’m going to show you how I created a Forex robot that automates your income by making laser targeted accurately profitable trades.

You will be able to do the same…

If you need to contact us for any reason please e-mail us anytime at robfrextrader@gmail. com we will respond as soon as possible.


All information on this website or any e-book or software purchased from this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold Forex Growth Bot and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.

Skiva Technologies, Inc.

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[Download] Forex Growth Bot Review - Special Offer

Toriozonoor August 25, 2014

[Download] Forex Growth Bot Review - Special Offer

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Toriozonoor July 3, 2014

Forex Growth Bot 2014 (our review and download link)

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Forex Growth Bot EA: Siphoning Veteran of the Market

Details Published: 07 May 2014 Written by Admin Category: Trading advisors Hits: 751

Trading advisors often deserve a positive reputation in one market segment, and even after the latter has changed its nature, they are still misleading users and inspiring hopes for earnings. The situation is aggravated with the fact that the siphons with past achievements also include paid algorithms, one of which is Forex Growth Bot EA.

Additional problems in the analysis and optimization of this robot creates the "closeness" of the algorithm, whereby the logic for taking decisions is not clear; the only thing we know is that the set includes a pointer indicator, whose code is also unavailable; and the decision to open an order is made on the next candle after the corresponding arrow appears.

The Forex Growth Bot contains the minimum number of settings that the user can adjust, and, as noted in the developers’ description, they are "secret" and should be regularly adjusted to match the market in the tester. Objectively, the review can end here, as overly optimized robots always siphon in the end – market just needs to change volatility a bit, but we will deal with it further not to seem unfounded.

Results shown by the Forex Growth Bot at different settings

As noted above, there are very few settings, the main ones being the following:

Lot Size: size of the first lot in the series (the “pyramiding” mechanism is built into the robot);

Fast Volatility Base and Slow Volatility Base: periods for calculating volatility;

Profit Target: profit target relative to calculated volatility base – for example, at a value of 0.4, the robot will fix profits after the price has passed 40% of the calculated volatility values;

Stop Loss: similar to the previous, but for stop-loss.

Many experiments were carried out in the strategy tester, and the best result achieved in 2013 at the 15-minute timeframe with EUR/USD pair corresponds to "not to lose" rating and is presented together with the periods for calculating the volatility in the figure below:

The EA trades at a loss with all other configurations and currency pairs. For a more objective assessment, we can turn to the monitoring of one of developer’s accounts, which is trading for a few years since the "birthday" of the robot:

Judging by the dynamics of funds, the Forex Growth Bot EA in the first years after the development did bring hundreds of percent per annum – this is when it gained its reputation, but in March 2013 the deposit literally began melting. Thus, the monitoring fully confirms the test result – moreover, we were able to bring the EA to breakeven, while it continued to fall into the abyss at the author’s basis.

In conclusion, we should note that it’s up to everyone to decide whether to use the Forex Growth Bot EA or not, but we do not recommend working with it due to excessive customizing under certain market conditions. Of course, you can use the settings to achieve zero profit and at the same time conduct regular tests to identify the prerequisites to repeat the cycle where it earns, but it's just a waste of time.

Forex Invest Bot

The developers are the same people who brought us Forex Growth Bot some time ago. When this system first came out I did testing and I was very impressed, I was able to trade using the growth bot for at least a couple months successfully before retiring it.

Eugene L and the Invest Bot team claim that with this new system that they have been able to exploit “automated Forex systems that have raked in over 7,000 pips of real money”. They are selling this new Forex robot $197 on the Click Bank payment processor.

Forex Invest Bot Video

Watch my video about this new Forex software and see my first impressions.

So let me sum up the major points I made in the video. First, I have to give the invest bot some credit as the developers to have a history and are trying to provide us with something of value. Whether this is valuable is another question all together.

I have looked at the results and I have a few points to make. The system has been trading since the beginning of December so it doesn’t have a long track record but it is on a real account with Synergy FX. In it’s first two months it has traded 33 times, it buys more than it sells and trades strictly the EURUSD pair.

This is certainly the type of system I would like to test, here is a look at the equity curve.

The Invest Bot Myfxbook image.

So there is certainly more for us to delve into here but I am going to stop for now.

The Forex Invest Bot looks like it has a lot of potential and if you want to learn more or purchase this system I will approve of that. I would like to test it myself but I think it is worthwhile testing.

If you have a comment leave it below.

I would like to bring to your attention an advisor with an interesting name – the Proverka advisor. This robot is fairly old (it was developed in 2009) but it hasn’t lost its currency yet.

While testing various TFs, I have found no difference. I recommend the 0.01 lot for 10,000 deposit units. In the archive, there can be found the advisor plus settings for the GBP-USR currency pair.

The Forex Growth Bot adviser’s trading trend includes addition of positions. It is quite possible that I would not have given so much consideration to it if not for one “but”.

The developer of the Forex Growth Bot adviser is selling it on http://forexgrowthbot. org for $129 but now the robot is available on many free download sites so I hope I will not spoil his business by placing the adviser here but, on the contrary, will draw potential clients’ attention to his future works.

So, what is so special about the Forex Growth Bot adviser? The point is that its operation has been monitored on myfxbook. com for already 2 years.

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Forex Growth Bot

This robot has been proven to make over $100,000 in 2 years using very low risk. He has shown a lot of proof of how much profit his Forex Growth Bot has performed. He was able to make 556% Profit In 3 Months.

Check for yourself if you are interested to seriously use forex to get away from your present job. I think this bot does look promising to me.

Basically, Forex Growth Bot was designed with 2 important systems in mind, mainly proper capital management and calculated trade entries and exits. When trading forex, what is really important is a strong capital management system. Without it, you are going to lose a lot of money even if you have a good trading strategy.

This is why Forex Growth Bot emphasizes this and has set up some important conditions as follows:

1. Lot sizes should be tailored proportionally to your account size. 2. The stop loss and profit taking are not revealed to the broker. 3. Have an option to reinvest capital. 4. The stop loss is tight and within a small frame. 5. Monitor risk to reward ratio to keep profits high.

Forex Growth Bot is designed to search for specific market conditions. When all the conditions are right, the robot makes a trade. If conditions begin to subside, Forex Growth Bot will close trades promptly to prevent losses.

Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during times of bad news. This is because the Bot works in any market and is able to adapt. It will quickly close out any position that fails to go in a profitable direction.

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Robot Forex Growth Bot per trading automatico su Eur/Usd

Caratteristiche del forex growth bot

L’essenza di questo forex robot si basa su un uso avanzato degli stop loss . Dato che il settaggio è pre-programmato per gli stop loss, si ha il vantaggio di usarli, così da proteggere il profitto, in modo avanzato, pur non avendo una particolare esperienza o dimestichezza nel loro impiego.

Infatti gli stop loss vengono posizionati in modo automatico su un timeframe a 15 minuti, con l’apertura e la chiusura delle posizioni da 3 a 5 a settimana, dato che si usa una strategia long term. La valuta di riferimento è sempre la coppia EUR/USD mentre gli stop loss sono posizionati in modo molto stretto in modo da puntare a una forte riduzione del rischio di perdite (limitate a 30 pip).

Di contro in caso di guadagno il bot apre altre posizioni . potendo arrivare fino a una loro quadruplicazione. L’unico dato da inserire è quello relativo ai lotti che si vogliono aprire contemporaneamente cosicché il programma possa adattare di conseguenza tutti gli altri parametri.

Opinioni sul forex growth bot

Si tratta sicuramente di un buon bot, adatto a tutti, ma soprattutto a coloro che non godono di una grande esperienza. Il prezzo è giusto rispetto alla qualità del prodotto, che ha dato, nella pratica, ottimi risultati.

Tuttavia si tratta di uno strumento caratterizzato anche da scarsa flessibilità . soprattutto perché è stato creato proprio per operare sulla coppia di valute EUR/USD. Ovviamente si possono cambiare i settaggi, adattandoli meglio alle proprie necessità, anche se si tratta di una scelta non molto consigliata dato che si tratta di un forex bot nato ed ottimizzato proprio per i parametri di settaggio con cui viene venduto, per cui si potrebbe andare incontro a una perdita di affidabilità ed efficienza riguardo ai possibili risultati ottenuti in default.

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Forex Growth Bot is the automated trading robot for Metatrader 4.

Forex Growth Bot makes most of its profits during trending market conditions. Small losses come when the market is in the range.

Forex Growth Bot generally has positive reviews on trading forums. It also has statement on MyFXBook – http://www. myfxbook. com/members/fxgrowthbot/forex-growth-bot/71611 .

Click Here To Visit Official Forex Growth Bot Website

If you want to share more information about this product, do not hesitate to leave your comment below.

Before you buy any product, remember:

Do not believe that you can get rich overnight.

Never spend money that you cannot afford to lose.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

An Answer To A Russian Mathematician’s Dream

Forex has been full of scams and the reality is that many have lost money from forex. But forex is still a lucrative field that has made much money for others who have found the proper way to approach forex trading.

A Russian mathematician has created what he describes as an ultimate forex bot, the Forex Growth Bot that automates income by making accurately profitable trades.

This robot has been proven to make over $100,000 in 2 years using very low risk. He has shown a lot of proof of how much profit his Forex Growth Bot has performed. He was able to make 556% Profit In 3 Months.

Check for yourself if you are interested to seriously use forex to get away from your present job. I think this bot does look promising to me.

Basically, Forex Growth Bot was designed with 2 important systems in mind, mainly proper capital management and calculated trade entries and exits.

When trading forex, what is really important is a strong capital management system. Without it, you are going to lose a lot of money even if you have a good trading strategy.

This is why Forex Growth Bot emphasizes this and has set up some important conditions as follows:

1. Lot sizes should be tailored proportionally to your account size.

2. The stop loss and profit taking are not revealed to the broker.

3. Have an option to reinvest capital.

4. The stop loss is tight and within a small frame.

5. Monitor risk to reward ratio to keep profits high.

Forex Growth Bot is designed to search for specific market conditions. When all the conditions are right, the robot makes a trade. If conditions begin to subside, Forex Growth Bot will close trades promptly to prevent losses.

Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during times of bad news. This is because the Bot works in any market and is able to adapt. It will quickly close out any position that fails to go in a profitable direction.

Forex Growth Bot Free Download

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Forex Growth Bot Review

Forex Growth Bot was created with the intention of automating your income with safe and profitable strategy. Hello everyone, Milan Chymcak here. I just bought Forex Growth Bot even if I don’t have any huge forex experience, but before I will try to give you my honest Forex Growth Bot review, I have to tell you what you will exactly get inside member’s area of Forex Growth Bot, how this bot works and if this works.

Forex Growth Bot was created by genius mathematician from russia. This forex bot has really great interface and usage. Eugene (author of Forex Growth Bot) claim that you will make 1000% in profit in matter of months. I also read a lot of online reviews over the internet before purchase, so I will also tell you what other are saying. Anyway there is my honest Forex Growth Bot review, I hope you will like it and if you have any question, please leave a comment below this review.

Honest Forex Growth Bot review

This forex bot is special created to trade EUR / USD. Losses of this robot are prety small about 20 pips and wins are really bigger about 70 – 90 pips. You already know that there other forex robots on the internet, so what’s different about this Forex Growth bot. First I think it’s great support from Eugene (respect for that), then this robot has special stop loss and take profit functions that are hidden from the broker. Then you also have option to reinvest your money.

Next thing that you have to know that you can’t use this robot every day. Ok, yes you can expect first friday in month. But if I have to say something about this forex robot, then this Forex Growth Bot is 100% automated, trading in 15 minute timeframe. Also this robot is trend oriented. I have to say that Eugene put into this robot a lot of effort.

Honestly when I was testing this forex growth bot with my friend (he is trading on forex, I am total beginner) – we have great success with this robot. Overall we get great profit with minimal investment. Also if you purchase Forex Growth Robot, you will get his special Income Accelator Indicator as bonus for free. With this bonus, you will get a lot of possibilities how you can incrase your profits. Also he is offering 60 days money back guarantee, so I recommend you to try ti and then decide.

Forex Growth Bot video review

What else you will get ?

As I mentioned above, sometimes Eugene will help you, but he is really busy, but you will get special support from his own team. So you will get 24/7 support. Also you will get income accelator bonus as I said and money back guarantee. And bot iselff. I also made some reviews about other robots – some of them were cheaper some more expensive, but I think this robot is one of the best that you can buy for your business.

Summary of Forex Growth Bot Review

As I said – you will hardly find better robot with this support and with these features. Also I love fact that you can request your money back within 60 days, if you are not satisfied. Also I don’t know what more to say about this robot, it’s really A++.

And if you purchase this Forex Growth Bot through us (link is below) I will send you our bonuses for free (they have 50 dollars value) – Just contact us. Anyway I hope you that found this Forex Growth Bot review useful and helpful.

Is Forex Growth Bot a Scam ?

Please share your Forex Growth Bot review below :)

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Forex Growth Bot

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Forex Growth Bot is a fantastic software that will help you succeed in forex trading market. It comes with an easy to install program which can get you up and running in no time at all! With this amazing forex software, you can trade for brokers of up to 4 to 5 digits. It’s an absolutely automated system that does not need tweaking or editing after this system installation. It also trades in EURUSD and 15 Minute-Timeframe and also works on other pairs.

The best features of Forex Growth Botare low drawdowns, low lot sizes and low risk and high reward trades. This forex robot has been developed by a Russian mathematician with a lot of attention on the risk and money management.

There are some EAs in the market now, each EA has been designed with a core trading strategy. What’s more important in trading? A Killer trading strategy or a solid capital management system. With experience, you will know that instead of a killer trading strategy what is more important in the long term is a solid risk and money management system that can protect your money from being wiped out.

Many forex traders learn this the hard way, you will be amazed to find out that there are forex software that trade without having a stop loss. Can you imagine trading without a stop loss? It’s suicidal! You will be killed by the forex market instantly. But there are forex robot developers who have designed EAs that scalp without any stop loss. What you need to look for is a smooth equity curve, if a forex robot makes an equity curve with a lots of bumps that means this robot has got a large drawdown and you might avoid trading with it. A smooth equity curve is only possible if the robot is trading with a low drawdown.

There are many forex robots that use Martingale Strategies. In fact what this is pure gambling, Martingale is a useful strategy used by gamblers when they double the bet each time they lose. But this isn’t trading, there is a difference between gambling and trading. Trading involves managing your risk first and then letting your account compound slow and steady over time. This is exactly what Forex Growth Bot does! Forex Growth Bot is a low risk robot.

Whether you are a newbie or advanced trader, Forex Growth Bot is completely automated and super easy to install. If you have questions just send an e-mail to the support team and they will walk you through the entire process and explain the benefits of this phenomenal robot, it’s simple.

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Latest Review

A 100% Automated Forex Robot Generates over $1028.32 in returns within 1 month. No need to do anything! It is a 100% automated robot. Check out the results and see for yourself. Check out one of our Live Accounts that Gained a whole 100% in just 30 days And that is no simulation! That is a real, working […]

It’s Here! History’s 1st PATENTED Trading Robot, Using A System That’s Won A Total Of 88.27% Of ALL Trades Since 2006! Forex Striker has quickly shown itself to be the most advanced Forex EA available, reports WealthSpringMarketing. com’s “Traders in the know are quickly snatching up licenses so they can begin taking advantage of this rather remarkable software.” […]

Forex Growth Bot is a fantastic software that will help you succeed in forex trading market. It comes with an easy to install program which can get you up and running in no time at all! With this amazing forex software, you can trade for brokers of up to 4 to 5 digits. It’s an […]

Forex Mega Droid has been creating a great deal of buzz in the Forex trading world and for good reason. The results this robot is getting are nothing short of spectacular. When I last checked the online trade by trade results this robot was getting it was already over 478% in profit since the beginning […]

Do you know if FAP Turbo software is a scam or not? Has FAP-Turbo been used on a live account or was it just tested on a demo account? Ignore these questions and you will end up loosing lots of money. I can guarantee you just that. Most Forex trading software been sold on the […]

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Forex Striker


Forex Growth Bot SCAM, Low Risk To Reward, Plenty Of Proof

January 15, 2011 by Margaret B. Howery.

Is Forex Growth Bot SCAM or The Real Deal?

The truth will shock you:

If you are wondering about Forex Growth Bot REVIEW, Forex Growth Bot reputation, or… is Forex Growth Bot SCAM or The Real Deal? You’ve come to the right place.

Forex Growth Bot is a low risk to reward robot with almost a year of trading proof, plus detailed backtests. Watch us grow our account exponentially. Here’s your chance to learn about an exciting new technology and trading style that allows you to improve trading profitability by auto adjusting stop loss and take profit based on the wave of a currency pair. This exciting report will introduce you to Wave Trailing……[more details]

And Forex Growth Bot is NOT a scam . Check out again at www. forexgrowthbot. com. It’s very clear and show some proof of the reliability of the Forex Growth Bot.

The most important thing of all, Forex Growth Bot has 100% money back guarantees in case you are not satisfied with Forex Growth Bot. So, trying out Forex Growth Bot would be RISK-FREE…

Sounds Too Good To Be True?

Forex Growth Bot is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by ScamX. org…

Forex Growth Bot Website: www. forexgrowthbot. com Forex Growth Bot Creator: Eugene L.

Forex Growth Bot Site Preview

Forex Growth Bot

Forex Growth Bot from Eugene Lipinsky is getting good recommendations for different forex robot traders. Forex Growth Bot is a low risk robot that is ideal for new forex robot traders. It turned $250 into $1640.36 in just 3 months giving a gain of 556%. But that’s not all! It turned $250 into $3522.82 in about 10 months giving a gain of over 1000%. Eugene Lipinsky has posted the third party verified myfxbook live account statement that shows a total gain of 1117.4%, a daily gain of 4% and a monthly gain of 121%.

You need to take detailed look at the live trading account statement posted by Eugene. It shows a drawdown of 22.61%. This max drawdown over the period of 10 months is very high. What it means is that at one point in time, the equity in the trading account went down almost 22%. But this also proves another point that Forex Growth Robot is a very good robot. Despite such a high level of drawdown, it was able to stay profitable and make monthly gains of 121%. So, whenever you take a look at a new robot, take a deep look at the live account statement statistics. These statistics can be deceptive on the face of it. You will need to learn how to interpret them correctly. When you combine the high drawdown figure with a high gain made by this robot in live trading, an amazing realization dawns on you. Forex Growth Bot is a very good robot that was able to suffer a high level of drawdown but still recovered and made a high gain.

Testing Forex Growth Bot

As before, you should first test this EA on your demo account. You can safely do that since it has got a 60 days no questions asked money back guarantee. Do a backtest as well with the Strategy Tester. Go through the backtest as well as the forward test report. This will be a good training for you. Tweak the setting here and there to see if you get improved results. Once, you have thoroughly tested it, it is time to do some live trading.

Live Trading Forex Growth Bot

You don’t need a lot of capital to trade with Forex Growth Bot. Just deposit $250 in the micro account and fire this robot. Worse come to worse, you will lose this $250 deposit. But if you have done the testing well, then the chances are this will never happen. If you get good results with the deposit of $250, trade with a deposit of $2500. But you wont need to do that as this robot has the feature that allows you to reinvest the profits, so with $250 initial deposit you will be fine. If you have properly optimized Forex Growth Bot . you will get very good results!

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Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online

Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online is a product being sold on the ClickBank Marketplace by vendor “fxgrowthb”. In this review we will give you further information about Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online as well as showing you reviews from real-life customers in the comments section to help you make an informed decision when you purchase this product.

Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online Description

Forex Trading Strategies With a Forex Box To Increase Your Forex Profits

Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online Website Preview

Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online Refund Policy

As with all products sold on the Clickbank Marketplace, your purchase of Download Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online is protected by the standard Clickbank Return Policy which you can view by clicking here. This policy is in place to ensure customer satisfaction with every purchase. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisified with your purchase of Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online then you may request a refund in accordance with the applicable Vendor Return Policy which can make your purchase is 100% risk free.

Do You Already Own Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online?

If you have already purchased Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online then please take a moment to leave a short review in the comments section below. Your feedback on this product will be invaluable for other visitors to this website who may be considering buying Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online .

Click Here For More Information About Forex Growth Bot For Forex Training Online

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Ask any top trader the key to trading success and they will tell you that without a good risk reward ratio, your time in the market will be limited.

The Forex Growth Bot strategy combines the three key ingredients for a successful automated system. This means that anyone with just basic computer skills can use this robot to start making a Forex income on autopilot. It is fully back upped by a 60 day guarantee. Then in the unlikely event that you aren’t happy with the performance you simply get a refund!

To be successful in FX trading you need to develop a strategy that is proven to work and that has your personality implemented in it. For any forex trader that has just begun to trade and has little or no knowledge about the forex market it is very hard to do so. When you are just starting as a trader I recommend that you try other peoples strategies just to see if one of them fits you and after a while make some changes to it so it will have your signature on it.

To do so it is best to be trading on your demo account which you can open at any broker for free, I have tried lots of different brokers but at the end I stayed with one that satisfies my needs. When choosing a broker you need to make sure that they allow clients to use mt4 platform because it is the easiest to use and read from. Once you are comfortable with the platform and familiar with it you can start implementing your strategy or try strategies from other people and start to make money.

When you start to trade on the forex market you might get scammed or lured by these ”Gurus” and ”oh I’m not a Guru I just want to sell you something that actually doesn’t work”. Don’t get pulled into sells like that. Learn on the internet as much as you can about Forex Trading for free and you will thank me later on. There is a lot of information on the net you can get for free and a lot of them are useful.

Smart traders know that Forex Trading is hard work, it has his ups and downs but they have been trading for a long-long time before they got to the point they are today. Their secret is in their strategies.

My strategy is easy to use and it has been proven to work. I trade at a specific time of the day, only get 10 pips per trade, when they are good trades I just add on to the same trade. I always use stop loss and alarms so I protect my investment from fatal errors. I set a plan to trade 5 trades per day on 10 pips minimum and I stick to it.

You are a winner already because you chose to read this article. Now you are a bit more familiar with forex trading but there is much to learn. This is just a drop in the ocean.

So the pointers of my strategy are:

technical analysis (use indicators to find entry signals and plan your exits, start with smaller time frames and move up as you grow)

Forex Growth Bot

You can analyse results by EA (MT4 magic number) or define "strategy tags" which match against part of an order comment. To analyse results by EA you need to publish your results using our Publisher EA or account sync. To define strategy tags, you need to publish your order comments using our Publisher EA or account sync, and then use the Strategy Tags button.

Strategy tags match against part or all of an order comment, and let you divide up your trading results by strategy. For example, when placing an order you can give it the comment "strategy1 risky". You could then have separate tags which match against and analyse "strategy1" and "risky", or a tag which only matches against comments containing both "strategy1" and "risky". More info.

You must publish your order comments in order to use comment tags. If you are using our Publisher EA, turn on the PublishOrderComments parameter.

Give the tag a caption, and choose what to match against in the order comment.

For "any of", "all of", or "none of" matches, enter a comma-separated list of phrases to look for in the order comment - for example, an all-of search for "strategy1,risky" will match against an order with the comment "strategy1 breakout risky".

Tag Archives: ForexGrowthBot_1.8_momods. mq4

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Forex Growth Bot did it

Forex Growth Bot did it

Dear trader, What do we really want from our Forex accounts?

Forex Growth Bot

The answer is Profits, Lots of Profits. The easiest solution by far is to automate your trades using a profitable and low risk Forex Robot. This Incredible Forex Growth Bot earned over 300% in Forex Profits with Proof And Investor Access. If really you are serious about trading using real Forex robots that work and don’t blow up a user’s account, Forex Growth Bot is the answer. Forex Growth bot is easy for beginners and pros alike. trades primarily on the Euro and US dollar pair in the 15 minute time frame works with other pairs to up and running in under five minutes. Adapts to four and five digit brokers and use a stealth features.

Improved Forex Growth Bot Version

Advance stop-loss technology stops are very tight in the bond will ride an uptrend for maximum profits carefully calculated trade entries and exits Comes with a 60 day money back guarantee - Low drawdown - Low lot sizes - Low risk, High reward. Profits, Lots of Profits

Over 300% in under 2 Months! Possible? ¡SÍ! Aprender cómo. and see the real proof. Please take a second to read what I have to say about Forex Growth Bot… I promise you will not regret it.

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Forex Growth Bot

Forex Growth Bot (FGB) is an expert adviser released in 2010. It's the development of a Russian mathematician. Principle of work: t he Expert Advisor determines the direction of the trend, first it opens one order upon confirmation of the course and then, it opens several more in the same direction. The advisor also uses a floating stop. The main disadvantage is the lasting drawdown. We managed to find only one positive test, launched in November 2010, and active until today. During this period the increment made up 1863%, the monthly increase - about 15% and 41% of drawdown. 41% of all trades are profitable. Developers do not promise huge profits, but at the same time they guarantee high security and stability of the system.

Forex Growth Bot needs to be controlled, so it's highly important to follow the instructions. If the Adviser gathered a number of deals, but the market is starting to turn, you must close them manually. To avoid high risk, make the correct settings and control the amount of deals. It is recommended that you run the robot only through VPS, to avoid loss of open transactions. The Expert Adviser is accompanied by instructions on how to install the program in English. You can start trading with only $250, Forex Growth Bot opens from 3 to 5 orders, uses the currency pair EUR/USD. the M15 timeframe, and is open 24 hours a day. By purchasing this program, you will receive a 60-day money back guarantee.

Price 129.00 $ Discount 25.00 % Cashback 32.00 $ Buy

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Expert Advisors Reviews

FX Monetizer: The Brother of the Forex Growth Bot

Today we'll be reviewing a robot that delivers some rather strong results – the FX Monetizer. I'll admit at the onset of the article that my attention regarding this expert advisor was drawn by the fact that it was programmed by Eugene L - the author of the famous Forex Growth Bot (FGB). This is one of the most followed and commented automated trading systems on Myfxbook. And we had hard time believing that the team of AutoTrade gave the boot to the FGB in May last year. So we were very glad to know that Eugene has programmed another robot, with a different strategy and some solid results.

In our review of FX Monetizer we'll be using a real account linked to Myfxbook – it's with Synergy FX and has been active since January 3, 2012, which gives us more than two years of activity. But unlike its popular robotic brother FGB, the FX Monetizer is rather conservative in its trading. During this rather extensive period of time, it carried out only 177 trades. I'm also happy to tell you that the robot does not use any gambling strategies, and hence fans of traditional trading methods may rejoice.

The robot trades solely with the EUR/USD and aims to generate profits from the market volatility, associated with this pair. The average duration of trades is about 12 hours, which is in tune with the mild trading approach of this piece of software. There is a hard stop loss at $50, or 25 pips, which should bring some consolation to those who shun aggressive trading.

You can easily see the contrast with the FGB – it trades using a very risky method, called (unofficially) pyramid building: groups of positions are opened against the trend and then closed simultaneously. The FX Monetizer trades a step at a time, with each position opened in tune with the trend. No gridding or pyramiding is in place here.

And now let's take a peek at the performance of this bot. It has shown an ability to deliver profits as you can see from the chart.

Photo credit: Myfxbook.

The gain after two years (with a rather humble number of trades) is significant at 133%, while the relative drawdown is modest at 8.5%. This indicates low risks of losses and results in a very good return-to-drawdown ratio of 15. The latter shows that one can expect some substantial returns in exchange for what is invested.

The average pips per trade are also robust at 10, pointing to the fact that the system is capable of surviving periods of sudden market changes, while also withstanding the effects of spreads and slippage. Putting it bluntly, the trading system is stable.

In case you have fallen for this bot, you may purchase it from the designated website for $127. That's a humble price, compared with the tags of more than $300 we saw for the last bots (the two scalpers) we've reviewed. Moreover, the vendors of the FX Monetizer promise a money-back guarantee for 60 days, which is a good bit of news.

Regarding the mysterious Eugene L. I can add on a personal note that he has always replied to my e-mails, although in a laconic manner. I believe that this is due to the fact that he has been overwhelmed with work and prefers to stick to programming rather than to chit-chatting.

Any opinions and statements in this article are strictly subjective and should not be treated as investment advice. Forexbrokerz. com and all of its authors are not affiliates of any of the discussed signal providers, expert advisors and their vendors.

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Forex Growth Bot popularity from Alexa Traffic Rank: 214,229 which is comparable with Leo Trader Pro (213,570), GPS Forex Robot (283,290) and Forex BulletProof (309,467).

Stretegy Tester Report

Forex Growth Bot published many back test results and one of the summary results is posted here below for review. (Click on picture for detail). This strategy tester report is on EURUSD currency from 2006 Jun to 2011 Jun. Total executed 2161 trades with 1080 trades for Short position and 1081 trades for Long position.

The account started with $500 and exploded to $200k over 5 years. With 1.66 Profit Factor and 9.05% maximum draw down. Meaning you make $2.66 for every $1 you loss and maximum loses of $9.05 out of $100 account.

Profit Factor is gross profits divided by gross losses. (Higher value better)

Winning trade percentage is total win trades divided by total trades (win+loss). (Higher value better)

Maximum drawdown percentage is the highest losses you have divided by account balance. (Lower value better)

Trade Result Analysis

Forex Growth Bot is a consist MT4 Expert advisor Forex Trading software that provide passive income for Forex trader that is looking at automated trading using MT4 platform. The website features live account updates and plenty of historical results. This is one of the best software programs that you have to own it. (Click on the picture to see in detail)

Attached screen shot for Forex Growth Bot with starting balance of $250 from 2010 Nov 02. As of 2012 Feb 07, the balance reaches $5202, which gives an ROI 148% monthly (total 14 months). This is much higher then comparison unit trust and stock market

What strategy is it?

Forex Growth Bot trade here only EURUSD currency pair with trades opening majority during 10:00hr to 19:00 hrs GMT. There is no money management built in as trades are executed with fix 0.15 lot as define by user.

The wining trades profit of between 10 pips to 40 pips. And stoploss of 20 to 80 pips depending on the 4H/daily chart range values. Trades are executed independently and may open more then 5 trades at any given time.

S3 Grading Scoreboard Forex Growth Bot trade using scalping strategy, will abilities to open up multiple trades if the currency bounces back and forth triggering the trade setup. Main trading currency is EURUSR, with money management built in, overall wins average across open trades to maintain winning pips.

Best Forex Automated System Top Ranking - My S3 grading system for Forex Growth Bot is 190 points because it feature live real test results, posted history back tested results and provides proof of past results.

Is has a comprehensive FAQ section, money back guarantee and instant access to download the software.

Not enough? Read more .

Fully editable *.mq4 files that compile successfully with no errors (3MB zip file with 200+ EA codes. Including 40+ strategies from the Strategy Book. You can download the Free Strategy Book by joining my email newsletter on the right side of this website. Click "Buy Now" to make payment and instant down the Best Forex Ranking Cook Book at USD $79 (One time payment only) Click here for more info

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What you need to know.

The S3 score range from 0 to 330. Different weightage of points will be given to different feature make available. (The more points, the higher the ranking) .

For example, ABC is using scalping strategy. My S3 grades. Live result +20 Money back guarantee +50 Total = 50 points

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Forex Growth Bot Review 2014

Forex Growth Bot – For Your Profits to Grow Substantially

If you are like me, you are probably tired of your regular job and you would happily give Forex a chance, except that you are afraid of failures, of everything that’s new and of the all the risks trading involves, but, unlike you, I have already found my way on the trading market, with the help of the Forex Growth Bot.

What Is the Forex Growth Bot All about?

The name doesn’t say much, does it? It’s related to trading and the idea of “growth” makes you think of profit, but other than that, everything is interesting but foggy. Then let’s bring some light into the matter, shall we?

You have all heard about Forex and the possibility to make money trading currency. Some of you may have already tried it, and you would hate to give up, but the profits still don’t match you needs as a family provider.

The pressure is great, the risks keep you connected, you would like to learn more, to trade 24 hours a day, to have the instincts to recognize a good deal when you see it. Unfortunately, that only happens in the movies, and hitting the jack pot is a bit more difficult.

But how would you like to have someone else, or something else trading for you, for free, handling all those indicators and statistic reports you hate, minimizing the risks and making money overnight? Sounds great, doesn’t it? It sounds like the Forex Growth Bot!

It is an automatic trading robot, created to smooth the path for those aspiring to make a living trading on the currency market. It is designed to trade all day long, following your own patterns and instructions, and allowing you to carry on with your life, with the things you love, without sacrificing your financial stability.

You can continue with your job and trade at the same time. Of course, all robots promise to do the same and they end up losing the little money their owner has available, either because of their poor software, or simply because the concept they are based on is overwhelmed by the market dynamics.

Forex Growth Bot was designed to overcome these mishaps, to recognize and adjust to the market’s dynamics. The algorithms it uses to calculate risks have proved infallible, and reviews present it as the most reliable, accessible and efficient robot on the market.

Forex Growth Bot Strong Points

Unique trading strategy – This robot is programmed to recognize the market conditions. If something doesn’t fit the patterns or risks cannot be accurately calculated, it simply doesn’t trade.

Stand alone product – Once it’s set, it doesn’t need your help. You can use the time to carry on with your daily job, without worrying about your transactions. With the help of the Forex Growth Bot, they will follow their natural course that means making money for you.

Low starting capital – In order to open your trading account and start dealing, 150 dollars will be more than enough, which is not only affordable, but less than it would take you to trade manually.

Long term constant rate of profit – Another quality of the strategy the Forex Growth Bot is based on is its ability to ensure a constant flow of profits on long term. That means forgetting about money problems or endless work hours for years to come!

No risks – As mentioned above, if a certain condition isn’t present on the market at the moment of the transaction, the robot doesn’t complete it. This way, you and your trading account are protected against any unwanted consequences.

Easy set up – The installation takes place easily, without inconveniences. You don’t need to possess any hot shot computer skills in order to complete it.

Non-stop trading abilities – Yes, that’s right! Using this priceless piece of technology, no profitable transactions will be missed. It will be there to trade for you on all the important Forex markets around the globe, day or night.

Technical assistance – You will have a well trained technical support team, at your disposal 24\7. No matter if you contact them by phone, chat or e-mail, someone will always be there to answer your questions and assist you with anything you need.

Free trial available – Yes, this is the naked truth! You can now test the amazing Forex Growth Bot for free, for two whole months! It is more than enough time to make sure that everything said about it is true. You can test efficiency, trading strategy, profit making rates and anything you may feel like!

Incredible price – The price tag of this robot has “affordable” written all over it. It is so cheap that it makes you wonder what’s wrong with it! Nothing is wrong, except perhaps for the fact that the designers did not want to make money exploiting other people’s needs and they decided to ask for a fair price.

No hidden fees – Once you purchase the product and pay the standard price, it is yours without any further financial obligations. No hidden taxes or additional costs! Everything is included in the original price, making this robot the most profitable investment for your future.

Money back guarantee – Just in case you are not happy with what this little guy can do, although the odds show that it is impossible, you can return it and ask for a refund.

Weak Points of the Forex Growth Bot

This product has not been associated with any malfunctions or setbacks until now. It appears everything was taken into account and the team responsible with its creation did a terrific job.

Of course, there is always room for improvement, which is why the work never stops and continuous efforts are being made to improve the software, to foresee any changes on the Forex trading market and to answer any further needs from potential customers.

Robot Type. Forex Scalper (mainly EURUSD)

Precio. $129 (Free Updates)

Forex Growth Robot

The Forex Growth Robot is a fully automated Forex Robotic System that may trade every market condition. It can be used with both 4-digit and 5-digit Forex Brokers. It trades mainly the EURUSD pair by using a M15 (15-minute) chart.

Forex Growth Bot Main Features

1) Easy to install (MT4)

2) The Forex Growth Bot is focusing on managing and minimizing the trading risk

3) It trades in accordance to 2 strategies (mentioned below)

4) Forex Growth trades all market conditions, good or bad market news

5) Focusing on EURUSD but trading other pairs too

6) Using mainly the M15 chart time frame

7) It incorporates a Stealth Mode (in order not to be detected by brokers)

8) Can be used in Forex accounts with a minimum balance of 150 USD

Forex Growth Robot 2 Strategies

The Forex Growth Robot incorporates 2 trading strategies.

1) The Real Capital Management Strategy

2) Defining and Calculating Entries And Exits

Forex Growth Robot Package

The Robot comes within a package that incorporates:

1) The Forex Robot

2) The Income Accelerator Indicator

3) Free Support at any time

Forex Growth Bot Coupon and Discount code

Forex Growth Bot Coupon and Discount code. You can get the Forex Growth Bot Discount Coupon and Promotion code with blow link, and the Coupon is from internet or official website, it is a good way that you can buy the cheap goods from Forex Growth Bot.

Get The Coupon and Discount Code of Forex Growth Bot…

About Forex Growth Bot:

There is NO reason behind one to NOT be successful.

With the economic system out of control, expenses rising, and income dropping, it is challenging to afford the issues we really need, let alone obtain the issues we really want.

Instead of wasting my pure genius operating a 9 to 5 I decided to quit my occupation and show to every person and myself that it was and it truly is possible to become successful.

My forex trading robot has allowed me to arrive at financial freedom. I’m able to travel, I can rest late, I can perform what I want.

I’m going to demonstrate you how I created a forex trading robot that automates your income by creating laserlight specific accurately profitable trades.

You will be able to do the same…

If you might be the 5% which has a winning strategy you’d be able to obtain from the trillions of dollars getting traded daily!

How Do You Become That fortunate 5%?

You don’t need to be an excellent trader.

You just need to possess a strategy that works.

I have that winning strategy and this strategy can place you into the winning 5% without having acquiring to do anything.

It’s rather simple to automate your income as you may see.

There is plenty of dollars to become gained, competition is low. All you need to do is leap aboard with one winning strategy and you are likely to be a winner.

It is my Forex Growth Bot Coupon Discount and Review, if you don’t agree with me and you can post your review below. I think that Forex Growth Bot may is the leader company or supplier relative to other company in the world. First, the Forex Growth Bot’s product or service that is so good and different from the other company, I like it so much. Second, the quality of Forex Growth Bot’s product or service is very good, and it is batter than other company. Third, the Forex Growth Bot’s after-sales service is the best and quickest.

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Forex Growth Bot – A Unique Forex Robot with Real Money Results A unique forex robot that has proven success with real money trading.

Forex Growth Bot – A Unique Forex Robot with Real Money Results Info

Forex Growth Bot is a real product. It was developed by a GENIUS MATHEMATICIAN from Russia to free himself from the dreadful 9 to 5 job. There are many people who already use it and have had extraordinary success. The results above are real and speak for themselves. It doesn’t matter if you have $150 or $10,000 to invest. Forex Growth Bot will focus on minimizing risk on each trade while growing your account at a reasonable rate. With the economy out of control, costs rising, and income dropping, it’s tough to afford the things we really need, let alone purchase the things we really want. Instead of wasting my pure genius working a 9 to 5 I decided to quit my job and prove to everyone and myself that it was and it is possible to become successful. My Forex robot has allowed me to arrive at financial freedom. I’m able to travel, I can sleep late, I can do what I want. I’m going to show you how I created a Forex robot that automates your income by making laser targeted accurately profitable trades. There is plenty of money to be made in Forex, there is plenty of liquidity. Anyone can make money in the markets, but most people do not. If you could be the 5% that has a winning strategy you would be able to gain from the trillions of dollars being traded daily! There is plenty of money to be gained…

This Post is about Forex Growth Bot – A Unique Forex Robot with Real Money Results . forex robot, forex trading robot, automatic forex trading, forex robots, automated forex systems,

Click The Button Above To See More About Forex Growth Bot – A Unique Forex Robot with Real Money Results

Today’s analysis will be on Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package . I have spent a lot of time researching this product and although I haven’t yet used it, I can say that my assessment is extremely detailed, accurate and that it covers a great deal. This means that you don’t have to spend hours trawling the internet trying to find as much product information as you can because I’ve done it for you. I will be giving the product a rating and then explaining in detail how I came up with the score. For more facts on how I research and collect all the product facts, please visit my About page. Please note, before reading any further, that if you make the decision to buy this product, it can result in a commission being paid to me. To find out about this, and how I remain neutral, please have a look at how this site is funded here

Product Information

Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package

To kick things off, you will find a synopsis at the beginning of my review. I have put this together to enable you to see, from the very outset, the essential facts and details of the product. I start by taking you through some of the more general details, like price and then move on to the product specifics, such as sales and refunds figures, which you’ll also get another chance to examine later. Using this info provides me with an advanced understanding about the product and so will give you great comprehension of how good or bad the product is. I’ll also provide you with details on additional products and any worthwhile specials that are available from the same seller. The end of my assessment will then show you the product’s overall ranking and I’ll also sum up my findings for you. So, away we go.

The Sales Rank

So, how do I work out this rank? Quite simply, I base it on a stat, which is used by the payment processor to provide people with the sales statistics for specific products. They provide comprehensive sales data in the form of something they call Gravity. This gives the product a score of anything from 0 to over 1000 and gives you a good indication of the number of sales a product has had. In the case of Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package the gravity is 32.8384. I can understand if this figure is not overly understandable to you, as it wasn’t to me when I first discovered the gravity system so I decided to create my own ranking scale, using a comparison process against all the other products on this web site. You should find my weighted scale clearer and more useful simply because I compare the product to the other ones found on this web site and rank them out of 100. I have ranked Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package 47.82/100 . so this means that although it has been selling reasonably, there is a lot more work to be done.

The Overall Merchant Refund/Chargeback Rate

Although this rating doesn’t relate specifically to Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package . it does give you important overall refund information relating to forexgrowthbot. com . You will see that the rank gives a score between 1 and 5, with 1 meaning that there have been many reimbursements and with 5 meaning that there has only been a small number. A rating of 3 generally signifies that there has not been enough data to provide an accurate rating or that the product is new. You can find out more about this rating system by clicking here. forexgrowthbot. com has scored a total rating of 2, which is only an OK score as the overall refund rate stands at approximately 15%.

The Domain – what can I spot?

How do we find out more about forexgrowthbot. com . Well, the quickest thing to do is to take a thorough look at the web page. You can in general get a decent idea of how reputable something is by the state of the site. For instance if a web-site has been in existence for some time and is being updated regularly that is a good sign and gives you an indication that they will be trustworthy. You can usually gauge how proven a website is by how much content it has and seeing how frequently new content is being published. For starters, how many pages of content does the web page have? Well, this one has 34 which is a reasonable amount and suggests that the web-site is at least somewhat proven. The next step is to look at backlinks, which are links back to the web-site in question and should come from other related and trustworthy websites. To do this, you need to identify the sites that are linking back and determine how authoritative and relevant they are. The better these websites are, the more you will be able to trust in the web-site being linked to. In this case, forexgrowthbot. com has approximately 8166 back-links and this gives it an ‘authority’ rank of 42.75/100, this is a reasonable score and means that you probably shouldn’t worry about the site’s trustworthiness. The domain has been registered under the name of Domains By Proxy, LLC . To see the full details of the domain registration please take a look here. We are also well aware of the additional products being sold by this merchant, as well as the special offers that they at this time have to choose from too.

Other products – what else is the merchant selling?

There are 4 other products for sale from this merchant. It’s always a good idea to take a look at other products being sold as it lets you build up a good picture of the vendor and determine if you like the sound of them. You can find a list of their additional products below:

Additional Promotions

We have also found that the vendor at this time has 0 special offers or upgrades for sale and these are listed below.

Where to Buy

The vendor sells the product (or products) directly from their web site forexgrowthbot. com – it’s not for sale in shops, or from other internet sites. From time to time, though, you might not be able to find the product you’re looking for on their web page – maybe the special or other product is only sent out by e-mail and not listed openly on the web site. In this case, you can still purchase by clicking directly through to the payment page on the payment processor website. Just click through one of the products or special offer links above. This will take you through to the payment processor web site, where you will find the specific product’s payment page.

The Overall Authority Score

So, this takes into account the sales rank, the refund rate, and the domain authority to produce a rough trustworthiness estimation. This is an estimate by a computer algorithm so it’s not likely to be 100% accurate. Nevertheless, it should without a doubt help you in your decision whether or not to buy this product. The score is 40.92/100 which is approximately average.

Oferta de bonificación

As I said at the start of the product report, if you end up purchasing the product after clicking through to the merchant’s site via one of our links, then we will receive a commission. As a sign of good faith, we would therefore like you to accept our offer of an extra. If you are intrigued about what this bonus includes, please see here.

The Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package Homepage

Product: Forex Growth Bot Optimization And Advanced Support Package Reviewed By: Shaun Reviewed on: 2013-03-10 Overall score: 40.92

Things I discovered with regard to prosperous trading along with Forex Growthbot which I would like to share with you. Should you bail away following a little drawdown, you’re assured to get rid of with this particular EA. You have to industry this regularly for a long period (multiple months) to see general achievement with this particular technique. Be cautious regarding growing the actual great deal dimension soon after a large obtain. The marketplace experiences intervals associated with varying as well as trending. This tactic can make increases throughout the trending marketplaces. Should you boost the great deal dimension immediately following a large trend/gain, your own drawdown throughout the varying time period is going to be bigger than this must be. Await your own balance to improve as well as stablize with regard to some time prior to walking in the great deal dimension. Do not get money grubbing.

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You can test, however It is suggested not really attempting to speculate once the EA is going to do nicely or even badly. Setup the actual EA, depart this on it’s own, do not contact this, as well as allow it to perform it’s point. Be skeptical from the specialized mistakes. Should you reactivate MT4 it might all of a sudden near all your deals too early. It is the one thing I truly don’t like concerning the EA, however seeing that it’s continued to be prosperous with regard to more than 24 months, this nevertheless warrants 5 superstars. I believe GrowthBot do a great work with this particular program. The largest point I love is actually it attempts in order to industry *with* the actual current pattern, also it pyramids upon extra purchases as the foreign currency is actually shifting to your benefit. This enables this to consider a few fairly large is victorious whilst restricting the actual deficits the very best it may. The largest deficits I have observed tend to be 30-40 pips. I am confident their own specialized problems tend to be set right now. I have been buying and selling this reside right now for around per month as well as created $222 upon my personal $5, 500 reside accounts however I am buying and selling this in a really, really traditional degree: just. 01 plenty for each $1, 000 stability. That is regarding 1/4th exactly what these people suggest. I am the traditional investor as well as I believe this particular 4% obtain inside a 30 days is ideal for me personally as well as my personal danger urge for food.

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Forex growth bot members, potash corp stock buy or sell.

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brainyforex tested Forex Growth Bot with good results

by Fritz (brainyforex. com)

Forex Growth Bot EA was one of the first expert advisors brainyforex tested. It performed very well on demo account achieving about 13% monthly net profit using the basic version of the software. Unfortunately the actual Metatrader results are no longer showing up through the reporting firm called FX Blue.

Forex Growth Bot uses a breakout strategy on the EUR/USD 15 minute chart.

As with most short term trading systems it's very important to use a good ECN broker with nil or very low spreads as well as a fast VPS service. This forex robot will work better on some brokers and may not even be profitable on others?

Brainyforex will hopefully do some more testing with this forex robot into the future.

Comments for brainyforex tested Forex Growth Bot with good results

Beware of EA's recommending bucketshops like ThinkForex by: Digger of Truth

Forex Growth Bot (made by Eugene LIPINSKY) recommends CRIMINAL BROKERS like ThinkForex who secretly make you download their Virtual Dealer Plugin to sabotage your trades. (Anything over 20MB in an MT4 platform includes such evil software from the criminal broker.)

Stay far away from such EA's and criminal minds.

Within our encounter, the actual conjecture energy in between Harmonic Pattern as well as Price Breakout Pattern is comparable. Here’s the guidance with regard to weighting the Cost Motion as well as Design Buying and selling software program:

Harmonic Pattern = Price Breakout Pattern > Price Action Candle Detector

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Sideways Market Analyzer functions a lot more like EA. So it’s hard in order to evaluate this along with additional software program. The primary distinction in between these types of software program is actually which Harmonic Patterns as well as Price Breakout Patterns tend to be created more than numerous candle lights pubs (i. at the. occasionally more than 100 candlestick pubs. ) while Cost Motion candlestick Detector picks up designs along with two or three candlestick pubs. Consequently, Harmonic Pattern as well as Price Breakout Pattern normally supply you more powerful marketplace look at more than Cost Motion Candlestick Detector. Getting stated this particular, Cost Motion Candlestick Detector continues to be really precise. When it comes to understanding contour (how simple to discover the actual software), the score is much like this particular:

Price Action Candle Detector > Harmonic Pattern > Price Breakout Pattern > Sideways Market Analyzer

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As you can see Forex Growth Bot works… It worked through all the bad markets. this robot is a winner. I know… it works for me.

It really works and I'm going to guarantee it I’m confident Forex Growth Bot works. I use it myself. I don’t expect you to be skeptical; there are a lot of products out there that promise you the world and end up giving you nothing. That’s why I’m going to give you a 60 day money back guarantee. If Forex Growth Bot doesn’t work for you, return it. Purchase it, test it and test it more. You will be very happy with what I have created. PD I'm serious about my 60 day refund policy. If you are not happy, which I highly doubt you will be, I will return every penny to you. Forex Growth Bot will astonish you. P. S.S Don't worry if your new to this or if you've been trading for years. I'm here to help. If you e-mail me, I promise I will respond. I'm here to help. I want to help you succeed as I have. P. S.S. S If your serious about making money in Forex this robot is for you. Forex Growth Bot isn't a hyped up "make a million dollars over night" product. It is built to earn profits and to earn them as safely as possible.

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Forex Growth Bot is easy to install, it can be running on your broker account within 5 minutes! It's time to STOP living from paycheck to paycheck And finally start GENERATING some SERIOUS INCOME.

Discover how you can use Forex Growth Bot to make a consistent and profitable low risk KILLING in the Forex markets.

Forex Growth Bot is a real product. It was developed by a GENIUS MATHEMATICIAN from Russia to free himself from the dreadful 9 to 5 job. There are many people who already use it and have had extraordinary success. The results above are real and speak for themselves.

It doesn't matter if you have $150 or $10,000 to invest. Forex Growth Bot will focus on minimizing risk on each trade while growing your account at a reasonable rate.

From the desk of: Eugene L. There is NO reason for you to NOT be successful. With the economy out of control, costs rising, and income dropping, it’s tough to afford the things we really need, let alone purchase the things we really want. Instead of wasting my pure genius working a 9 to 5 I decided to quit my job and prove to everyone and myself that it was and it is possible to become successful. My Forex robot has allowed me to arrive at financial freedom. I’m able to travel, I can sleep late, I can do what I want. I’m going to show you how I created a Forex robot that automates your income by making laser targeted accurately profitable trades. You will be able to do the same… There is plenty of money to be made trading Forex It’s a FACT over 95% of Forex traders fail miserably and lose money. Here’s another fact trillions of dollars of currency are traded daily. Qué significa esto? There is plenty of money to be made in Forex, there is plenty of liquidity. Anyone can make money in the markets, but most people do not. Most people fail because they are:

If you could be the 5% that has a winning strategy you would be able to gain from the trillions of dollars being traded daily! How Do You Become That Lucky 5%? You don’t have to be a great trader. You just need to have a strategy that works. I have that winning strategy and this strategy can put you into the winning 5% without having to do anything. It’s very simple to automate your income as you can see. There is plenty of money to be gained, competition is low. All you have to do is jump on board with one winning strategy and you will be a winner.

Forex Growth Bot Revealed I created Forex Growth Bot with the intention of automating my income with a strategy that is safe and profitable. I live my life how I want and do not worry about high risk trades blowing up my account. Forex Growth Bot was designed with 2 important systems in mind.

Real Capital Management

The bottom line is when trading currency you need a strong capital management system or you’re bound to lose a lot of money… even if you have a killer strategy.

This is why I’ve designed Forex Growth Bot with some very important conditions.

Specific And Carefully Calculated Entries And Exits Forex Growth Bot aims for specific market conditions. If all conditions align the robot will make a trade.

If conditions begin to subside, Forex Growth Bot will close trades promptly to prevent losses. Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during bad news. You may have heard this many times before, but you probably have not heard why.

Forex Growth Bot works in any market and is able to adapt, because it will quickly close out any position that fails to go in a profitable direction.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced trader, Forex Growth Bot is completely automated and easy to install. Don’t worry if any of this doesn’t make sense to you right now, feel free to e-mail me and I will walk you through the entire process and explain the benefits of this phenomenal robot, it’s simple.


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Forex Robot Reviews

When it comes to choosing forex robots to trade, getting feedback from current users can be a crucial step in the right direction…

When considering forex robots, don’t just buy what looks good, do a little digging and research to ensure what you choose is a good fit for your trading.

The following list of automated forex trading robots may help if you are looking to assemble a stable of such programs.

You should try to select a variety of robots based on the fact that each one adds something unique to the mix.

For example, it’s no good having three Asian scalping forex robots that all trade the AUDUSD, unless each robot adopts a unique approach to trading that pair in the Asian time session.

So what would constitute a good mix of robots? I suppose something like the following:

a trend following program that trades breakouts

a trend following program that trades retracements of breakouts

a scalper that trades the Asian session

a scalper that trades the European session

or any variation on the above.

The important thing is not to be buying and implementing automated forex trading software programs simply because you’ve read a bit about them and they appear to be successful. You need to be aware of the fact that each is different, but also that many are copied from other forex robots for example, so that you would just be running the risk of doubling up if you do not do your research first.

Which brings us to the subject of forex robot review sites generally. Apart from the individual robot reviews you will find on this site, there are many review sites for forex robots out there. The one that I personally like is:

The site owner – Birt – is the genuine article. I have corresponded with him several times and he has been honest and helpful in every regard. Birt runs his own independent Myfxbook accounts on many forex robots, and the results often differ to that shown in the robot developers official Myfxbook accounts, or their other means of verifying results. This of course may indicate that the manufacturers’ claims are bogus, but could also be due to a number of things such as choice of broker and individual settings used etc. Just something to note when looking at the actual reviews.

I have also extensively used Birt’s Tick Data Suite for backtesting. It is the best approach for Metatrader backtesting that I have come across.

So without further ado here is a list of the automated forex trading software programs, a. k.a. forex robots that you could consider for inclusion in your auto trading arsenal:

n. b. Kangaroo EA is no longer available to the public. It is included here as an example of a truly excellent forex robot, to show what can be done when good coders produce something unique:

The following two robots have had a rather patchy record of late, but they fall into the camp of “shouldn’t blow your account with a bit of luck” EA’s. They have been quite consistent performers over the long term and are worth considering:

These two forex robots are from the same creator, with Forex Growth Bot being the first release and Forex Invest Bot its apparent successor. I am currently running Forex Growth Bot and considering adding Forex Invest Bot to my own stable of robots. Note that both can be quite volatile and have large drawdowns if you are not careful with your risk settings.:

Apparently modelled on Forex Growth Bot but with supposedly safer risk parameters, Forex Robin VOL is comparatively highly regarded amongst traders, although as always results vary considerably depending on your choice of broker.

I will be adding more to the list as I discover robots that are suitable. If you have any personal favourites that you would like to see reviewed or added feel free to provide feedback in the form at the bottom of this page.

Another approach to automation of your trading that you may wish to consider is Forex Managed Accounts

Testing World Leading Forex Robots

The development of technology as a result is now everyone will have access to foreign currency exchange trading software robots. In the past Forex Traders watch day and night, exchange rates, forex and general economic news and then open and close their forex positions. Now these days there are best forex robots who does this job without traders involmenet. Forex robots open and close forex positions automatically, without emotion, a fraction of a second to decide, whether it is worth is to buy or sell. A robot with a good 5-20% monthly returns and even more are available, that is, money invested in one year can be easily doubled. Selecting a best forex robots always remain difficult.

Not all the winning robot, however, and the winning robots are not all alike. May differ in the degree of risk, the gain-loss ratio and much more. Most only work on some currency pairs and each pair is not the same efficiency. Some are sold with pay-off, and you have a monthly fee.

We have done the hard work for you and given below transparent results for you to decide best performing forex robots . Each forex robot has a seperate page detailing its description and you can click links below and see their real time peroformance. It is always to have basket of top performing forex robots in your porfolio so you could have consistent yield for your investment.

Forex Growth Bot

Forex Growth Bot use strategy that is safe and profitable. Forex Growth Bot was designed with 2 important systems in mind, money management and entry and exit levels.

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Dunia Forex penuh dengan penipuan dan kenyataannya bahwa banyak orang kehilangan uang dari forex. Tapi forex masih merupakan bidang yang menguntungkan yang telah membuat banyak uang bagi orang lain yang telah menemukan cara yang tepat dalam forex trading.

Robot Forex Growth Bot adalah sebuah Robot Trading/ Expert Advisor cerdas yang dapat melakukan trading secara otomatis dan dapat melakukan trading secara tepat, akurat dan menguntungkan.

Robot Forex Growth Bot telah terbukti dapat menghasilkan profit keuntungan lebih dari $ 100.000 dalam 2 tahun dengan menggunakan resiko yang sangat rendah

Robot Forex Growth Bot ini telah menunjukkan banyak bukti dan mampu membuat Laba 556% Dalam 3 Bulan.

Apakah anda tertarik untuk serius berinventasi dalam perdagangan forex dan jenuh dari pekerjaan Anda sekarang ini.

Robot Forex Growth Bot ini dirancang dengan 2 sistem penting yaitu dapat melakukan pengelolaan modal, masuk dan keluar pasar perdagangan forex dengan aman dan tepat.

Dalam pasar perdagangan Forex yang benar-benar penting adalah sistem manajemen modal yang kuat. Tanpa itu, Anda akan kehilangan banyak uang bahkan jika Anda memiliki strategi trading yang baik.

Feature Penting Forex Growth Bot:

1. Ukuran lot yang proporsional sesuai dengan akun Anda. 2. Stop loss dan take profit yang dirahasiakan dari broker. 3. Memiliki pilihan untuk menginvestasikan kembali modal. 4. Stop loss yang ketat. 5. Memonitor resiko dan menjaga keuntungan yang tinggi.

Forex Growth Bot dirancang untuk mencari kondisi pasar tertentu. Ketika semua kondisi benar, robot akan trading. Jika kondisi mulai mereda, Forex Growth Bot akan menutup trading segera untuk mencegah kerugian.

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Growth bot review


There’s no description of the strategy so this merely guesswork: the entry is based on a volatility indicator running with two different periods – when the volatility is changing, a trend is considered to have started and the EA will open a position. From here, all the mojo lays in position management: if the market goes against it, the position will be promptly closed (at an average loss of 30 pips) and the EA will wait for other fish to fry. If, however, the market moves in the correct direction, it starts adding to the existing position until it reaches up to 5 times its original size. Sure, sometimes the market will retrace and the positions will not always run their course, but when they flow, they do so nicely.

During the course of such a basket of positions, the EA will occasionally close some of them and open others and frankly I have no clue how this mechanism works – Forex Growth Bot is a bit of a black box, but it works quite nicely both in backtesting and in forward testing and that’s enough for me.

Overall, the win ratio is only about 40%, but this is more than compensated by the fact that the average profit trade is more than twice bigger than the average loss trade. It’s the very definition of a trend-following robot and I’ve been looking for something like this for like two years without much success until now.

The website states that between 3 and 10 trades are open per week, but my analysis seems to suggest an average of more than 1.5 trades per day. Of course, there will be periods of several days without a trade as well as days with 5-6 trades, but on average it trades more than once per day. Even though the author says this is not frequent trading, I beg to differ: at least when compared to other EAs I’ve looked at lately, this is a shower of trades. As for the duration, over 80% of the trades will be closed within a day (the average being around 12 hours), but it’s not uncommon to see trades lasting 2-3 days. As is the case with most trend EAs, opening positions is not restricted to any trading session and trades are just opened around the clock when its signal conditions are met.

Sitio web

The product home page is located at www. forexgrowthbot. com . It does not throw a lot of marketing dust into the visitors’ eyes and it features a live forward test complete with the investor password plus a few backtests. There’s really not much to it other than that. The forward test was started with a large lot size which was later decreased, so the balance curve looks rather weird:


The author recommends only running it on EURUSD M15, but it can be run on other pairs as well so feel free to experiment.

There is also an advanced version (purchased separately) that gives you access to more settings such as an interesting Wave Trailing (kind of a trailing stop) and more volatility settings that the manual briefly describes without giving any indication of the range you should use for them or what will they actually do when changed. It’s notable that the advanced version has a reinvest capital option, which is some kind of “advanced” money management – the lot size will be increased by 0.1 for each $4500 profit.

This brings me to position sizing. Like I said, you can input the number of lots manually and the manual states that you should use 0.01 lots for balances lower than $250 and 0.1 lots for balances above $2000.


I ran the backtest on an FxPro terminal. Since we’re talking about EURUSD, I set the spread to 2.0 and even that’s a bit on the high side nowadays. I’ve left all the 4 parameters on their default settings, including the lotsize default of 0.1, a bit low but suitable for a starting balance of $10000.

Forex Growth Bot 1999-2011

For a trend EA, this is just awesome. I ran it in visual mode to watch its entries and exits and it’s quite a show – if you buy it, run a visual backtest yourself, just to see how it captures the trend as it progresses.

Despite the rough time it had in 2002, its balance curve looks very good. The average win is around 55 pips while the average loss is around 27 pips, resulting in a risk:reward ratio of over 1:2. Just like it is to be expected from a trend EA, its profitable trades add up to less than half of the total, 38% to be precise. The 24% max drawdown might be considered quite large, but such low levels are only hit in 2002, which was a rather bad year for Forex Growth Bot – before and after this particular year, the EA had a very nice behavior, but there’s no guarantee that there will be no such “ugly” time periods for it in the future.

It’s visible that the lot size is sometimes doubled, albeit very rarely. According to the author, this only happens in trade setups with a high profit probability. I haven’t seen it use more than double the lotsize so it’s nothing that we should be worried about.

In the end, what matters is the balance curve. We can gather from the backtest that the bot will have periods of “flatness” or perhaps even slight drawdown, followed by periods of large gains.

Since the EA deals in the hundreds of pips most of the time, it’s quite pointless to backtest it on tick data, but I did it anyway, just to keep in line with my other reviews. I also used the real spread data and here are the results:

Forex Growth Bot 2007-2011 tick data real spread

It’s safe to say that spread doesn’t really matter for Forex Growth Bot . Anyway, if you have a broker that has an average EURUSD spread higher than 2 (if there are still any that do), you should consider finding another.

This backtest is not much different from the previous. The average profit is now 70 pips while the average loss is 30 pips, resulting in a risk:reward ratio of 1:2.3, even better than in the 1999-2011 backtest. The percent of profitable trades also increased now to a tiny bit above 42%.

What’s very notable is the drawdown: the value displayed in this backtest is only 7.76%. However, there’s not much point to a max relative drawdown if the lot size is constant during the backtest so let’s calculate it on our own. The easiest way to do it (well, the only one I can think of) is to take the maximal drawdown in account currency resulted in the test – 1283 in our case – and report it to the initial balance, which yields a result of 12.83% relative drawdown; quite acceptable but keep in mind that the lotsize used was 0.1 for a starting balance of 10k – if you use 0.1 lots for 5k, the income potential doubles but the drawdown potential also doubles with it.

I also ran the 2007-2010 backtest through the MT Intelligence offline analyzer tool to get the average monthly return for a 0.1 lot size and the result was $423. While at it, I also exported the Monte Carlo projection:

Forex Growth Bot Monte Carlo projection

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Muchos comerciantes pueden ya han leído sobre esta actuación EA y estrategias de operación, una tendencia EA como su nombre indica, Forex Growth Bot toma el término comerciante "cortar rápido las pérdidas, dejar correr los beneficios" realmente serio. Que se mantenga cotizando solamente EURUSD en M15 y no es un rico programa de estas características, esta revisión además probablemente ser más corto que mis otros comentarios.

La estrategia comercial de EA no es definitivamente claro, por lo que este será conjeturas; la entrada en el mercado depende de un indicador de la volatilidad a trabajar en dos períodos diferentes - si la volatilidad está cambiando, la EA considera que la tendencia ha comenzado y una posición wil ser inaugurado. Entonces gestión de posiciones es el control: si el mercado va en contra de ella, la posición se cerrará a la vez (en una pérdida promedio de 30 pips) y la EA esperará otra oportunidad de capturar. Mientras que si el mercado se mueve en la dirección deseada, se añade hasta 5 veces la posición tamaño original existente. Sin duda, el mercado puede volver más tarde y las posiciones no siempre irá directamente, pero cuando fluyen, que resultará en buena ganancia.

Durante un curso de la cesta de tales posiciones, algunos de ellos serán ocasionalmente cerrado y otros se abrirán y este mecanismo es aún desconocido - Forex Growth Bot es un poco de un misterioso EA, pero funciona muy bien tanto en backtesting y en las pruebas hacia adelante y eso es lo suficiente como para confiar en un EA.

La relación global victoria es sólo de 40%, pero el hecho de que el comercio de beneficio medio es más del doble de la media del comercio pérdida puede exceder de la compensación relación de ganar. Es el robot forex ideales de seguimiento de tendencias y no hay EA similar existe en el mercado hasta ahora.

Los autores de EA afirma que 3 a 10 comercios están abiertos a la semana, pero un análisis más profundo parece sugerir una media de más de 1,5 operaciones por día, los periodos de varios días no comerciales pasarán, así como periodos de 5-6 operaciones por día También existirá. A pesar de que el autor dice que "esto no es el comercio frecuente, me permito disentir", pero si se compara con otras zonas de empadronamiento, se trata de un chorro de oficios. En cuanto a la duración, más del 80% de las operaciones se cerrará dentro de un día (la media es de alrededor de 12 horas), pero algunos oficios puede durar 2-3 días. Al igual que con la mayoría de los AEs de tendencia, no hay restricciones de sesión de negociación sobre las posiciones de apertura que está todo el día, siempre y cuando se cumplan las condiciones de la señal.

Una buena ventaja para Forex Growth Bot para escapar de su corredor si es a por ti es que la EA se abre y cierra sus posiciones sólo al principio de cada barra, así que no hay objetivo stoploss y TakeProfit se envía con cada pedido. Pero puede ser riesgoso si su conexión a Internet se cae o si se bloquea el VPS.

Por lo que yo puedo decir, Forex Growth Bot cumple con las normas de no cobertura, y ahora cuenta con un parámetro que le permite activar el cumplimiento FIFO como algunos de sus posiciones se cierran antes que abrió antes de ellos y sigue abierta en ese momento.

En cuanto a la configuración, se puede considerar no opalescente. Se echa de menos muchas configuraciones que otros AEs están llenos de. El único parámetro de gestión de dinero en la versión básica le permite establecer el tamaño del lote manualmente. Hay más de 3 parámetros para controlar los ajustes de volatilidad, sino que sólo debe ser corregido si usted desea establecer la EA para un otro par y el calendario.

El autor EA recomienda ejecutarlo sólo en EURUSD pareja y M15 plazo, pero se puede ejecutar en otros pares también, así que no dude en probar. Experimentalmente, ejecutarlo en EURUSD M5 FXT podría ser rentable con la configuración predeterminada, incluso en ese período de tiempo. Si desea optimizar en otros pares, puede utilizar el método de "precios de apertura única", que será una buena idea la retransmisión en que la EA sólo se negocia y cierra en el arranque bar.

Una avanzada versión separada Forex Growth Bot puede darle acceso a más configuraciones, como el interesante Wave trailing (una especie de trailing stop) y más ajustes de volatilidad que se describen brevemente en el manual de EA sin recomendar un rango para ellos o siquiera mencionar las influencias de modificarlos. Por otra parte, hay una opción de reinvertir el capital en la versión avanzada que parece ser una administración del dinero avanzado, donde por cada $ 4,500 de beneficio, el tamaño del lote se incrementará en 0,1.

Esto recuerda la posición de calibrado. Como se indica en el manual, puede introducir manualmente el número de lotes y de menores saldos que puedes usar 0,01 lotes mientras que para saldos superiores a $ 2,000 que debe utilizar 0,1 lotes. Sin embargo, se recomienda no utilizar más de 0,1 por cada $ 5000 en su cuenta (lo que significa 0,02 lotes por $ 1k), incluso yendo tan bajo como 0,01 lotes por $ 1,000 equilibrio, dependiendo de su aceptación reducción, ésta se centra en en la sección backtesting. De todos modos, la administración del dinero que añade 0,1 por cada $ 4,500 de beneficio parece muy lógico.

From the desk of: Eugene L.

There is NO reason for you to NOT be successful. With the economy out of control, costs rising, and income dropping, it’s tough to afford the things we really need, let alone purchase the things we really want.

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Forex Growth Bot : How it works

Do you want to have access to a system that can make a consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets? Or do you want to fall in the 5% of people that are successful on forex market–that uses a winning strategy to gain from the trillions of dollars being traded daily in forex markets?

The Forex Growth Bot system is here to guarantee you that steady, consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets. This is because the system uses the cutting edge technology to predict correctly your winning combinations on any given trade day.

So, what are the secrets of the Forex Growth Bot system? This is completely automated and very easy to install. If you are beginner in forex matters, then you will not have to worry.

The secret to this amazing system relies on its ability to predict with precision the market trend analysis—with cutting edge technology. This will give you the correct information regarding that Forex market.

As a result, you will make informed choices about trading on the forex market. You will be guaranteed of making a consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets when you follow the guidelines and instructions in the system.

How the Forex Growth Bot works

Well, how does this system work? Is it a complicated system to use? This system is very simple to use.

You will go the website of the system and download the system.

You install the system in your personal computer. The system is very simple to install. You don’t have to be an expert in software installations. The system will give the guidelines on the installation process.

Once you install the system, your income becomes automated.

It is just as simple as that. If you find the process to be difficult, you can email your problem to the system support team and they will give you the guidelines on how best to install the system.

So, what are the unique Features of the Growth Bot system?

What is included in the Growth Bot system? When you buy this amazing software, you will have access to all the information pertaining to forex markets.

You will have access to market analysis report. You will be in a better position to make sound judgments regarding your investments. This is the only way to win on any forex market.

You will have access to all the information pertaining to market winning strategies. This will teach you about the definite plans about where to enter the trade, where to place the trade, when to stop the trade and where to exit on the forex market.

You will have access to all the information pertaining to market trend analysis strategy. This will teach you on a very definite plan about where to enter, where to place stop loss and where to exit on the forex market.

You will have access to all the information pertaining to how to win the trades. You will learn all the methods and techniques of winning in any trade in forex market when you employ this strategy.

Why the Forex Growth Bot system is popular with a majority of the people

This system is popular because of the following reasons:

It is very simple to use. The process of downloading and installing the system is very clear and simple. You don’t have to be an expert in software installations. The system will give the guidelines on the installation process.

The system is safer and more profitable. When you use this system, you will be assured of making a steady regular income from your forex investments

The system is more reliable. You will be assured of making a consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets.

The system is more accurate in predictions. You will be assured of getting a steady income from the system.

The system uses cutting edge technology to predict correctly. You will be assured of winning on any trade in a forex market.

At what price can you get the Forex Growth Bot system with?

This amazing system is very cheap and very affordable. At only $129, you can get a copy of this amazing system. You will then begin your journey to having a steady regular guaranteed income from your investments.

Why I recommend the Forex Growth Bot system

If you truly want to have access to a system that can make a consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets, there is only system that can guarantee you that. That system is the Forex Growth Bot.

The Forex Growth Bot system is here to guarantee you that steady, consistent and profitable low risk killing in the forex markets. This is because the system uses the cutting edge technology to predict correctly your winning combinations on any given trade day.

FOREX Robin VOL Review

FOREX Robin Vol EA is an Expert Advisor developed and preserved by fmonera . a moderator at the DonnaForex. com Forum. He’s got wide-ranging knowledge and expertise with the development of strategies and backtesting and offers in depth investigation on how the system operates and what to anticipate at the FOREX Robin VOL site .

Performance Tests

As usual, I only stay with forward testing verified by third party. So the first thing i need to do when evaluate an EA is to find verified performance in vendor’s website. I found two positive live performances with long history enough to evaluate the EA.


It’s essential to be note that this strategy was developed for the EURUSD. The vendor is working on adding more pairs, but they’re not now suggested.

The core strategy of the EA is trend following type based on volatility. To put it differently, the EA monitors for powerful moves in the market and attempts to ride them. Because of this, the EA will work excellent during trending markets and take drawdown during ranging markets. The aim of this kind of strategy would be to earn enough gain during the trending weeks to compensate for the drawdown of ranging weeks plus more to add to the balance. It probably reminds you to my previous review regarding to Forex Growth Bot .

As markets go through waves of trending and ranging stages, you will see a time span in your weekly results. Occasionally you may have an excellent week of great gain followed by 2-3 weeks of light drawdown. This is totally ordinary and I will share a visible display of how this works in the next section.

One advantage to a trend-following strategy is that you may not get found in substantial drawdowns if the market makes big moves (like you would with a counter-trend or grid trading system). On the other hand, if the market ranges for a length period of time with no adequate movement, the little drawdown that you experience will begin to add up.

FOREX Robin VOL vs. Forex Growth Bot

Those comfortable with Forex Growth Bot may also comfortable with FOREX Robin VOL. While FOREX Robin VOL uses a similar strategy (leaping onto powerful moves in the trending market), I needed to visually compare Robin VOL with Forex Growth Bot and share it with you.

First let’s see the profitable weeks


The red line drew the time EA started to trade during this week. Notice the percent (11.5%) represents the results when trading at 1.3% risk (0.13 lots) but our account was incorrectly set at 1% risk (0.10 lots) during this time.

Now let us compare with Forex Growth Bot:

The red line represents the time EA started to trades during this week. Among the trades closed for 170 pips after the next week’s market opening, but I contained those stats in this week since it was part of the big group of probable trades.

What can we see from both of these screenshots?

To begin with. you must comprehend the default option lot sizes are distinct for each strategy. Forex Growth Bot trades .01 lots for each $250, so with a $10k account it will trade 0.40 lots. On the other hand, FOREX Robin VOL just trades 0.13 lots on a $10k account (about 1/3 the lot size). Hence both the increases and drawdowns will be smaller, which is why I’m also comparing the amount of pips made during these weeks.

In these screenshots we can view that FOREX Robin VOL managed to hold onto trades for a longer duration of time, maximizing the ongoing market movement at the end of the week.

Now let us look at 2 weeks of drawdown period.


Forex Growth bot

What can we see from both of these screenshots?

At first glance we can see that FOREX Robin VOL was a little slower to enter the market and didn’t enter as many coincident trades as Forex Growthbot. This helped to minimize the drawdown during this ranging market stage.

Sometimes it closed winning trades early to catch their gain while Forex Growth bot held on more while they turned to losses. In the “Gain Period” screenshots we saw first, the EA stayed on winning trades longer and caught more pips, but during this “Drawdown Period” in the ranging weeks, I see it closing the trades a little quicker to get gains rather than letting them turn into losses. I am unsure how fmonera realized this, or if it was deliberate, but if FOREX Robin VOL keeps doing this it’s going to seriously restrict drawdowns and raise the gain potential of the strategy.

Risks vs Rewards

Understanding risks and benefits is Primary to a volatility-based strategy like FOREX Robin VOL. With this type of strategy, you are not looking to get rich quick. Your primary objective is to control drawdown in ranging markets and protect your account balance. The weeks with powerful market movements will cover all the gain you are looking for. Funny thing is this statement is completely opposite with martingale trading style that burn out all of the gain with powerful market movements.

The FOREX Robin VOL site has EXTENSIVE investigation about what to expect, particularly seeing drawdowns. 12-Year backtests indicate a maximum drawdown of 16% when trading at 0.13 lots on a $10k account size. This would have occurred just twice during that 12-year period, otherwise the drawdowns were clearly smaller (under 10%).

Fmonera developed the risk management rules to survive long term trading whatever the market states change, provided that they’re similar to what’s occurred in the last 12 years. It follows that when you use the recommended risk setting, you’re preparing yourself for a LONG TERM trading strategy that targets account survival.

In exchange for this low-drawdown, long term account survival tactic, we’ve to be pleased with meager monthly gains. From what I can tell, this strategy averaged about 3.7-5.0% per month for the last 12 years. While this doesn’t seem exciting, recall the focus is long term success. Based on the last 12-year backtesting, $10,000 would have become $2.4 million even though the typical monthly net is quite small.

If you are looking for “get-rich-quick” plan by forex trading, go ahead and jack up with 5 times lot size larger than recommend level. I am sure your account go through crazy swings with nervous drawdown level but you may get what you’re seeking. Or you can install different EA running in different accounts. Make sure that different EA must have different trading style to cover whole market conditions. You might have to add funds to the account after worst-case drawdown periods but your gains during profitable periods will be, ummm, extremely huge. No one would dare advocate doing this, but it’s an option you’ve if 4-5% per month is not enough for your trading style.

Customer Service and Support

I believe you’ll find that customer service and community is like none other. There’s an entire sub forum at DonnaForex. com to ask questions and find out more regarding the EA.

Final Thought

FOREX Robin VOL creator is a trustworthy vendor. As you can see through their honest performance showcase. Unlike other dirty vendors, who will directly delete or hide their bad live performances, FOREX Robin VOL keeps all performances whether good or bad as the references for buyer. In addition, they are backed by a big community so I am sure you will be happy with their customer service.

According strategy and performance, FOREX Robin VOL is another option for trend following Robot, beside Forex Growth Bot .

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Best Forex Robot – Tested EAs for Steady Profits

FXBuild. com doesn’t recommend traders to use any EA / Forex Robot anymore. If you’re still looking for the best EA around, I suggest you read my post Why I Stop Recommending EA

If you are looking for the best forex robot in the market currently, these products are the best answer. They’ve tested by countless of users and received tons of high ratings and recommendation. I highly recommend you to check them out.

Forex Growth Bot is not one of the get-rich-overnight scams like 90% of the current forex robots are. Instead, the EA is a true forex robot with real-profitable trading system behind it. Despite the fact that the creator recommend conservative risk setting, it has been proven to yield quite good profits every month.

Basically, the bot is designed to avoid unfavorable condition and trade heavily during favorable condition. You’ll see a lot of pips traded during a trending market. In addition, a stable connection is required, so it’s highly recommended to place it on a reliable VPS service. Note that while you can trade other currency pairs, this EA is optimized to trade EURUSD.

These forex robots are also worth to check out; they are designed to be highly optimized in certain field, thus make them the best in their respective field:

Best Forex Robot to Trade Gold – Forex Gold and Silver EA (previously named Forex Gold Trader) Guarantee: 30 days 100% money back Forex Gold Trader is a proof that trading currencies isn’t the only way to make money. The robot has impressive result over the year by trading gold (XAUUSD, Gold) on 1 hour timeframe. Note that gold price is less volatile than the currencies market, thus make it easier to create a profitable gold trading robot.

Best Forex Robot for Conservative Trading Strategy – The RoboMiner Guarantee: 100% money back guarantee If you’re one of the trader who prefers steady ‘safe’ trades with small profits, RoboMiner is the one for you. This grid based trading EA only trades on AUD/NZD and EUR/CHF with very low risk strategy that aims for 3-6% account growth per month. Note that you could always opt for more aggressive setting for more gain.

The following product is not not Forex Robot or Expert Advisor, but it can GREATLY ENHANCE your robot’s performance.

Best VPS (Virtual Private Server) For Your Forex Robot – ForexVPS Your forex robot can run 24/5, so run it from your home PC is equal to cut your own profits. There are always time when you turn it off, internet issues, crashing, etc. ForexVPS offers great solution to that problems by hosting your forex robot in their reliable server so it will never miss profitable trades merely due to technical issues.

Risk Disclaimer: FXBuild will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website including strategies and Forex broker reviews. The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options and off-exchange foreign currency products. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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The strategy is based on the fundamental assumption that strong price movements accompanied by increased volatility indicate the formation of a new trend. Subsequently, a series of trades will be opened in the direction of this trend; the trades are secured by internal stop loss limits.

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There is NO reason for you to NOT be successful. With the economy out of control, costs rising, and income dropping, it’s tough to afford the things we really need, let alone purchase the things we really want.

Instead of wasting my pure genius working a 9 to 5 I decided to quit my job and prove to everyone and myself that it was and it is possible to become successful.

My Forex robot has allowed me to arrive at financial freedom. I’m able to travel, I can sleep late, I can do what I want.

I’m going to show you how I created a Forex robot that automates your income by making laser targeted accurately profitable trades.

You will be able to do the same…

There is plenty of money to be made trading Forex

It’s a FACT over 95% of Forex traders fail miserably and lose money.

Here’s another fact trillions of dollars of currency are traded daily.

Give this Forex Growth Bot a try HERE

I Guarantee That The Forex Video HERE Will Change Everything You Have Heard, Seen Or Tried In Forex Automatic Robot Trading…

See MAGIC Unfolding In Front Of Your Eyes:

True..those $42,500 are REAL dollars…Not some demo account or some back-tests…but real money that can buy real things…produced by the century’s most robust, profitable and easy to use Forex robot !

Our Forex robot can be traded with ANY account size….BIG or SMALL!

We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL

Now…lets get to the most important part of all of this…to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time.

I want your full attention here…I mean it, this is KEY :

Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal…why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones…

Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that back-test results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE!

So, why am I about to to show you back-test results of FAP Turbo?

Well…and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:

Back-test Results Are Worthless UNLESS You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!

Qué significa esto?

Well, simple and to the point: if you back-test a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading.

Thats it…mo more and no less!

So, how did FAP Turbo perform in back-testing? Well…

You can watch videos and learn more HERE

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