Saturday, November 12, 2016

Forex En Casa

FTSE CERRAR: Footsie acaba de cortar la barrera de 6200 cuando Sainsbury se enfrenta a la compra de Argos propietario Home Retail

17.15: El FTSE 100 cayó 11.48 puntos en 6189.64, justo antes de que surgiera en las noticias de última hora que Sainsbury ha acordado comprar Argos propietario Home Retail Group en un acuerdo por valor total. £ 1.4billion.

El grupo de supermercados volvió a entrar después de que el rival Steinhoff se alejó nuevamente después de su intervención tardía en el proceso de licitación.

Sainsbury's cerró un 3 por ciento o 8.3p en 273.2p y Home Retail cayó 10 por ciento o 18p a 163.2p durante la negociación de hoy.

El Dow Jones de Estados Unidos subió 107,7 puntos en 17,589,2 en el inicio de la sesión, mientras que el DAX de Alemania subió 58,5 puntos en 9,950.7 y el francés CAC 40 terminó con 22,2 puntos en 4.465,1.

Reloj de acciones: JP Morgan subió un 3 por ciento después de anunciar planes para recomprar acciones propias del banco

"El impulso ascendente no duró, ya que la falta de buenas noticias continúa afectando al mercado, al menos en Londres", dijo Tony Cross, de Trustnet Direct.

"Es interesante notar que los mercados en Europa continental y en América del Norte continúan retorciéndose más alto, pero con factores como el petróleo no ampliar sus ganancias también en juego y una libra resurgente golpear activos en libras esterlinas en general, el ambiente es decididamente enmudecido.


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'Los datos de la inflación del Reino Unido estarán en foco la próxima semana, pero esto todavía va a reflejar la caída de los precios de la energía por lo que es poco probable que produzca ninguna sorpresa. Sin embargo, darle un par de meses y si el petróleo se puede consolidar en torno a estos niveles, entonces el efecto comenzará a alimentarse a través de '.

BT subió 0,5p a 447p después de que el gigante de telecomunicaciones BT dijo que había contratado a Simon Lowth para ser su director de finanzas del grupo.

Lowth se unirá a la compañía el 4 de julio después de abandonar su cargo como director financiero en el explorador de petróleo y gas BG Group tras la adquisición de Royal Whacker por £ 35billones.

El grupo de casas prefabricadas Berkeley Group cayó más del 2 por ciento o 72p a 3185p, luego de haber registrado un descenso del 4 por ciento en las reservas a futuro año tras año durante los tres meses hasta finales de febrero.

Las firmas de bebidas no alcohólicas comenzaron a recuperar terreno después de que el canciller dijo en el presupuesto del miércoles que impondría una tasa sobre las bebidas azucaradas en un intento de combatir la obesidad infantil.

El movimiento dio lugar a dos días de pérdidas entre los fabricantes de refrescos. Hoy, el dueño de Robinson, Britvic, levantó 13.5p a 700.5p, aunque el fabricante de Irn Bru AG Barr volvió a caer por 3p a 508p.

La libra estaba ligeramente por encima del dólar estadounidense en poco menos de 1,45 dólares, luego de que la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos dijera a principios de semana que ahora espera elevar las tasas dos veces este año, en lugar de cuatro veces, debido al "riesgo económico del exterior". La libra esterlina también estaba un centavo más arriba contra el euro, en apenas sobre € 1.28.

Las mayores subidas en el FTSE 100 fueron Standard Chartered hasta 34,9p en 493,9p, Sports Direct hasta 23,6p en 425,1p, GKN hasta 10,4p en 292,6p y Shire hasta 123p en 3691p.

Los mayores descensores en el FTSE 100 fueron Mondi 73p a 1312p, Antofagasta 23p a 514.5p, Sainsbury's a 8.3p a 273.2p y Hikma Pharmaceuticals a 53p a 1828p.

16.10: El Footsie entró en reversa esta tarde, arrastrado por una caída tardía en las acciones de las materias primas y las noticias de que la compañía sudafricana Steinhoff International confirmó que no tiene intención de hacer una oferta para Argos-propietario Home Retail Group.

Como resultado FTSE 100 se fija para terminar la semana en una nota del vago, abajo de 10 puntos en 6.191,6 - haber estado encima de 26.1 puntos en el almuerzo.

Esto es a pesar de una fuerte apertura en Wall Street. El promedio industrial Dow Jones subió 58 puntos a 17.540, mientras que el S & P 500 subió 6 puntos, a 2.046. El compuesto del Nasdaq subió 14 puntos a 4.789.

Esto significa que todos los principales índices de Estados Unidos están en curso para marcar su quinta semana consecutiva de ganancias.

Chris Beauchamp, analista de IG, dijo: "El nivel 6200 sigue estando en el camino de la FTSE 100, con el rally de cinco semanas bloqueado por falta de buenas noticias.

"Un rally necesita impulso, y la falta de él en el FTSE en las últimas sesiones envía una advertencia de que las últimas dos semanas de marzo no puede ver la misma atmósfera alcista que dominó de finales".

Agregó: 'Home Retail Group se destaca como uno de los grandes perdedores de hoy como Steinhoff se aleja de su oferta, que ahora abre el camino para Sainsbury; Después de haber demostrado la voluntad de éxito en la guerra de ofertas, el supermercado ahora tiene que indicar cómo va a utilizar la adquisición para robar una marcha sobre sus rivales en la guerra de ventas sin fin.

Las acciones minoristas minoristas bajaron un 11 por ciento, o 19.9p, a 161.0p, mientras que Sainsbury's cayó un 3 por ciento, o 8.7p, a 272.4p.

En los EE. UU. las acciones financieras están liderando el camino, con JP Morgan Chase y Bank of America anunciando planes para comprar sus propias acciones.

Los precios del petróleo también están haciendo su parte - ayudando a empujar la energía y las existencias de petróleo más alto.

El crudo de Nueva York subió 64 centavos el barril a 42,30 dólares el barril, mientras que el estándar internacional Brent subió 87 centavos a 42,41 dólares.

La decisión de la Reserva Federal, a principios de semana, de mantener las tasas de interés sin cambios y de moderar el ritmo de aumentos de las tasas, apuntaló el sentimiento.

Fawad Razaqzada, en Forex. com, dijo: 'Los inversores también han mostrado un mayor entusiasmo por las acciones y otros activos más riesgosos en los últimos días debido, en parte, a la flexibilización del banco central.

'La Fed se ha vuelto menos halcro, y ahora sólo prevé dos subidas de tasas en 2016 en comparación con cuatro en diciembre.

Las perspectivas de tasas más bajas para una recuperación más larga y continuada del precio del petróleo, significa que las existencias podrían subir aún más a corto plazo ".

12:30: El Footsie extendió sus ganancias en el comercio de la hora del almuerzo, elevándose hacia su nivel más alto del año, mientras los precios del petróleo se recuperaban de caídas anteriores, con el crudo Brent moviéndose por encima de los 42 dólares por barril gracias a un dólar más débil. Acuerdo de congelación de producción.

A mediados de la sesión, el índice FTSE 100 era de 26,1 puntos, o 0,4 por ciento más alto a 6.227,2, justo por debajo del pico de la sesión de 6.237,02 que estaba cerca del pico intradía de 2016 de 6.242,0. Para la semana, el índice de blue chip del Reino Unido subió alrededor de 80 puntos, o 1,3 por ciento.

Los mercados europeos también fueron más altos, con el índice CAC 40 en París y el índice Dax 30 de Frankfurt, ambos por delante, un 0,2 por ciento, recuperándose después de las caídas de ayer.

Los futuros de acciones de Estados Unidos apuntaron a ganancias tempranas más modestas hoy en Wall Street, con el Dow Jones Industrials habiendo saltado 155 puntos más alto ayer gracias a fuertes reservas de energía con un precio más firme del petróleo que alcanzó un pico de un mes.

Comienzo positivo: los futuros de acciones de Estados Unidos apuntaron a ganancias tempranas modestas hoy en Wall Street con el Dow Jones Industrials habiendo saltado 155 puntos más alto ayer gracias a fuertes existencias de energía a un precio más firme del petróleo

Connor Campbell, Analista Financiero de Spreadex, dijo: "En la actualidad mirando a un aumento del 0,2 por ciento cuando la campana suena en Wall Street el Dow Jones ha visto una notable recuperación en las últimas 5 semanas, ganando casi 2000 puntos desde su nadir de mediados de febrero Para alcanzar un nivel no visto desde la víspera de Año Nuevo.

"Hay poco para probar el Dow este viernes; El sentimiento de consumidor preliminar de UoM se espera mejore a 92.1 (con el mes pasado que se está revisando hasta 91.7), mientras que los discursos de los miembros de FOMC William Dudley, de Eric Rosengren y de James Bullard deben dar una mayor penetración en la mentalidad del banco central después de su sorprendentemente dovish Declaración el miércoles por la noche ".

Los precios del petróleo habían retrocedido un poco en el comercio de la mañana en Londres, pero a la hora del almuerzo volvieron a ser más fuertes, con el crudo Brent un 1,6 por ciento a 42,44 dólares el barril a niveles no vistos desde mediados de diciembre.

En los mercados de divisas, en ausencia de datos económicos importantes hoy, la libra fue más alta frente a un euro más débil a 1,2826 €, pero retrocedió ligeramente frente al dólar a 1,4466 libras, alcanzando un máximo de un mes ayer por encima de 1,45 dólares, Golpeado por un templar de expectativas del alza de la tarifa por la reserva federal.

El reporte fue publicado recientemente a mediodía, en el que se decía que Gran Bretaña podría sufrir si la economía china se desacelera bruscamente, debido en gran parte a los efectos negativos sobre los socios comerciales mutuos ya los vínculos entre los sectores financieros de ambos países .

El informe dijo que si el crecimiento chino se desaceleró al 5 por ciento desde el 6 por ciento durante los próximos trimestres, el crecimiento británico probablemente se desacelerará alrededor del 0,1 por ciento.

Entre las acciones, las acciones bancarias recuperaron parte del terreno perdido ayer en medio de preocupaciones sobre el impacto del entorno de baja tasa de interés en los márgenes.

Los prestamistas respaldados por el Estado Royal Bank of Scotland y Lloyds TSB subieron 6,5p en 237,4p y 1,6p en 80,9p respectivamente, ayudados por algunos comentarios tranquilizadores del corredor Nomura en una revisión bancaria del Reino Unido.

Standard Chartered también encontró buenas ganancias, sumando 36.1p a 495.2p, dejando de lado una rebaja en la calificación para reducir por Nomura.

HSBC también subió después de caídas iniciales en un downgrade similar de calificación por el corredor japonés, con el gigante global ganando 2.1p en 451.3p como su presidente Douglas Flint dijo en una carta a los accionistas que la búsqueda ha comenzado a encontrar a su sucesor con el objetivo de Candidato en 2017.

Sustitución de Flint, que es de 60 años, entonces permitiría al prestamista para iniciar la búsqueda para encontrar a un sucesor del jefe ejecutivo Stuart Gulliver, dijo el banco, sin dar un calendario preciso para ese cambio.

En otras medidas de gestión, el gigante de las telecomunicaciones BT Group vio sus acciones subir 3.4p a 450p en noticias de que Simon Lowth asumirá el cargo de director de finanzas de la empresa, en sustitución de Tony Chanmugam, cuya salida ya había sido anunciada.

Lowth se unirá a la compañía el 4 de julio después de abandonar su cargo como jefe de finanzas en el explorador de petróleo y gas BG Group tras la adquisición de Royal Dutch Shell por 35.000 millones de libras esterlinas.

Lejos de los blue chips, las acciones de fastjet cayeron otro 11,7 por ciento, o 4.3p a 32.0p como tensión adicional surgido en las relaciones entre la aerolínea de bajo costo de África y su accionista easyGroup Holdings.

El jueves, easyGroup, propiedad del multimillonario inversor Stelios Haji-Ioannou y que posee una participación del 13 por ciento en fastjet, hizo pública una carta que había enviado a la compañía en la que planteaba preocupaciones sobre la posición financiera de la aerolínea.

El viernes, fastjet retrocedió, diciendo que mientras "celebra el compromiso constructivo" con todos los accionistas, "no puede entender" por qué easyGroup publicó la carta sin antes plantear sus preocupaciones con la compañía.

09.15: El Footsie se volvió más alto a medida que avanzaba la sesión de la mañana, consolidando una semana positiva de comercio, aunque los precios del petróleo se mantuvieron fuera de los máximos de tres meses alcanzado ayer después de la Reserva Federal templó las expectativas de alza de tasas de EE. UU.

A mediados de la mañana, el índice FTSE 100 subía 20,7 puntos, o 0,3 por ciento a 6,221.8, habiendo cerrado 25,63 puntos más alto ayer. Para la semana, el índice de blue chip del Reino Unido es de alrededor de 60 puntos, o un 1 por ciento más alto.

En Europa, el índice CAC 40 de París aumentó un 0,5 por ciento, mientras que el índice Dax 30 de Frankfurt subió un 0,3 por ciento, a pesar de que los precios al productor alemán cayeron a un ritmo más rápido de lo esperado en febrero.

Uptick: El Footsie se volvió modestamente más alto a medida que avanzaba la sesión de la mañana, con el índice de blue chip británico buscando terminar alrededor de 60 puntos, o un 1 por ciento más alto para la semana

Tony Cross, Analista de Mercado de Trustnet Direct, dijo: "El día que viene está relativamente tranquilo, aunque si vemos que los vientos de cola continúan apoyando los commodities - sobre todo el petróleo que tiene más de 40 dólares por barril - entonces eso debería ser bueno Noticias para el mercado en su conjunto.

"Los datos de la encuesta de consumo de Michigan de los Estados Unidos serán seguidos de cerca para ver cómo esto se alimenta en la perspectiva prudente de la Fed de principios de semana, pero ahora la pregunta sigue siendo si el FTSE-100 puede extenderse al nivel 6242 donde iniciamos el año.'

En los mercados de divisas, la libra fue un toque más alto frente al euro en 1.2808 euros, pero retrocedió frente al dólar a 1.4444 libras, alcanzando un máximo de un mes frente a la divisa estadounidense ayer por encima de 1,45 dólares.

Los precios del petróleo cayeron ligeramente hoy después de tocar un máximo de 2016 ayer, cuando el dólar - en el que se cotiza - rebotó un poco después de haber sido debilitado por el comentario moderado de la Fed sobre las tasas de interés.

En el comercio de Londres, el crudo Brent cayó un 0,8 por ciento a 41,20 dólares, aunque todavía estaba en curso para un aumento del 3 por ciento en la semana.

Entre las acciones, la debilidad de las acciones de las materias primas fue un obstáculo para el índice FTSE 100, ya que los precios del petróleo y del metal retrocedieron, al haber liderado el mercado ayer.

La minera chilena Antofagasta fue la primera en caer azul, cayendo 12p en 5525.0, mientras que la minera de oro Randgold Resources cayó 125p a 6.530p, y la petrolera Royal Dutch Shell perdió 17.5p a 1.721p.

Sin embargo, un repunte de los bancos seleccionados proporcionó el ascenso principal de los blue chips, ya que el sector se recuperó después de las caídas de ayer en las preocupaciones del margen de interés de baja tasa.

El prestamista orientado a Asia Standard Chartered fue el mayor ganador de FTSE 100, un aumento de 12.2p a 471.2p, mientras que Royal Bank of Scotland agregó 3.2p a 234.1p.

Pero HSBC Holdings se perdió, cayendo 0.7p a 448.5p cent después de que el corredor Nomura rebajó su calificación para reducir de neutral.

En el frente de noticias de la compañía, el grupo de Berkeley cayó 46p a 3,211p, después de que el constructor de la viruta azul dijera que los niveles de la transacción en el extremo superior del mercado de cubierta se han afectado por el "aumento significativo" Dijo que "tendrá efectos consecuentes tanto en la movilidad social como en la oferta de viviendas nuevas".

La firma enfocada en Londres y Sudeste dijo que continúa viendo la buena demanda subyacente de sus propiedades, con el mercado de capitales manteniéndose estable, y espera que los resultados del año completo estén en el extremo superior de sus expectativas.

Por otra parte, BT Group añadió 3.1p en 449.6p como el gigante de las telecomunicaciones llamado Simon Lowth como su nuevo director de finanzas, con planes para él para unirse a la empresa el 4 de julio.

Lowth, quien fue director de finanzas del productor de gas BG Group antes de su adquisición por Royal Dutch Shell, asumirá el control de Tony Chanmugam, quien anunció su plan de dimitir en febrero.

Y Associated British Foods subió 26p a 3.404p después de que dijo que las discusiones continúan por su posible adquisición de las acciones restantes de Illovo Sugar que aún no controla.

AB Foods, propietario de la minorista de descuento Primark, así como de British Sugar, tiene actualmente un 51,4 por ciento de interés en el productor de azúcar de Sudáfrica.

El comentario del corredor vio a Smiths Group ganar 1.3 por ciento, o 14p en 1.090p después de que RBC Capital mejorara la calificación del ingeniero para superar rendimiento del sector después de una actualización reciente.

Y la emisora ​​ITV añadió 0,9p a 243,4p después de que Berenberg elevara su recomendación de mantener desde la venta.

Pero en la segunda línea, el grupo de tiendas departamentales Debenhams fue el peor ejecutante de FTSE 250, perdiendo un 3 por ciento o 2,4p a 73,9p después de que Investec Securities cortara su posición para vender desde la bodega.

Mientras tanto, las acciones en el minorista de artículos para el hogar Dunelm Group cayeron 0.5p a 966.5p después de que Merrill Lynch rebajó su calificación a neutral de la compra.

Y el ingeniero Halma cayó 12.5p en 879.0p después de Exane BNP redujo su postura a neutral de superar.

08.10: El Footsie marcó un menor al inicio de las operaciones, consolidándose al final de una semana positiva, ya que los precios del petróleo retrocedieron desde máximos de tres meses, con los mercados asiáticos ligeramente más altos, aunque las acciones estadounidenses volvieron a subir de la noche a la mañana. .

En los acuerdos de apertura, el índice FTSE 100 cayó 6,3 puntos, o un 0,1 por ciento a 6,194.9, habiendo cerrado 25,63 puntos más alto ayer. Para la semana, el índice de blue chip del Reino Unido sigue subiendo alrededor de 60 puntos, o 1 por ciento.

Las acciones de Estados Unidos subieron durante la noche, con el Dow Jones Industrials ganando 155 puntos mientras los inversores se volvían más positivos en activos más riesgosos después de los comentarios cautelosos de la Fed sobre nuevos aumentos de las tasas de interés el miércoles.

Resbalón del aceite: El Footsie apenas marcó abajo en el comercio temprano, consolidándose en el final de una semana positiva mientras que el crudo de Brent cedió levemente de altos de tres meses alcanzados ayer pero sostuvo sobre $ 41 el barril

Pero las acciones asiáticas sólo avanzaron el día de hoy, debido a que el petróleo retrocedió un poco después de tocar un máximo de 2016 ayer, cuando el dólar - en el que tiene un precio - se debilitó en los comentarios de la Fed.

En las primeras operaciones en Londres, el crudo Brent fue un 0,3 por ciento más bajo a 41,30 dólares, aunque se dirigió hacia un aumento del 3 por ciento en la semana.

Mic Mills, Jefe de Servicios al Cliente de Capital Index, dijo: 'Las materias primas y la energía son .... Disfrutando de las luchas del dólar y del petróleo crudo, también es ayudado por la próxima reunión el 17 de abril de la OPEP y los productores no OPEP que se espera traerá el primer acuerdo global de suministro por 15 años '

"Un día tranquilo en el frente de datos económicos dejará a los inversionistas reflexionando sobre cómo los mercados han reaccionado a las recientes reuniones del Banco Central en todo el mundo, donde no hemos visto reticencias de su parte para seguir manteniendo el dinero barato para fomentar el crecimiento. '

Las acciones en foco en Londres incluyen:

El constructor de casas FTSE 100 dijo que sigue viendo una buena demanda subyacente de sus propiedades, con el mercado de Londres manteniéndose estable, y espera que los resultados del año completo se encuentren en el extremo superior de sus expectativas.

BT GROUP - El gigante de las telecomunicaciones ha nombrado al ejecutivo más fuerte del Grupo BG, Simon Lowth, como su director de finanzas.

Los inversores esperan que Sainsbury's ofrezca hasta 1,5 billones de libras esterlinas para el propietario de Argos Home Retail Group antes de la fecha límite de compra de hoy, ya que la firma de supermercados considera superar a su rival Sudáfrica por la tienda de catálogos, informó The Guardian.

GRUPO PHOENIX - El mayor consolidador británico de fondos de vida cerrada se está preparando para hacer una oferta por la unidad británica de seguros del Deutsche Bank, Abbey Life, informó Sky News.

ALIMENTOS BRITÁNICOS ASOCIADOS - El productor de alimentos al minorista de ropa dijo que todavía está en conversaciones para comprar el azúcar de Sudáfrica Illovo.

M & amp; C SAATCHI - La agencia de publicidad dijo que su beneficio antes de impuestos para el año a finales de diciembre aumentó 17 por ciento a £ 20.1million, encima de £ 17.2million un año anterior, como ingresos aumentó 6.0 por ciento a £ 178.9million.

Las noticias de la compañía BRITÁNICAS programadas hoy incluyen:

Actualización comercial: Berkeley Group

Finales: M & amp; C Saatchi, Robinson, Concurrent Technologies

Interims Volution Group

Las noticias económicas programadas hoy incluyen:

BoE boletín trimestral a las 12pm

Alemán PPI a las 7pm

US UMich índice de confianza del consumidor preliminar a las 2 pm

US Atlanta Fed encuesta de expectativas de negocios a las 2 pm

El comercio de divisas gestionado se define como tener sus operaciones realizadas por un profesional. Pero, es una mejor alternativa? En este sentido se trata de un comercio similar a la bolsa de valores. Pero, qué es forex? Es realmente gratificante, y es seguro? Forex trading se basa en hacer un beneficio por el comercio de las monedas de los diferentes países y tratando de explotar las diferencias en la valoración de una moneda frente a otra. Al igual que el mercado de valores, es factible invertir en divisas a medio y largo plazo.

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Qué son los objetivos realistas?

La mayoría de los comerciantes de Forex en casa no tienen ningún contacto real con los comerciantes profesionales de Forex o inversionistas profesionales. Ellos no se sientan en una mesa de la cena con su vecino de Wall Street y discutir lo que es posible y lo que no es posible como un comerciante o inversor. Como resultado, la mayoría de la gente termina basando sus metas en algo que leen en Internet & # 8230; Y que puede ser un problema real.

En nuestra experiencia, la abrumadora mayoría de las personas que se involucran en los mercados de Forex tienen metas poco realistas e inalcanzables. Los vendedores le dicen a la gente lo que quieren oír, en lugar de lo que necesitan escuchar. Y todo el mundo quiere oír que pueden hacer una fortuna como un comerciante de Forex en casa con muy poco dinero, muy poco conocimiento y muy poca experiencia. Ellos terminan creyendo que a partir de la nada, sus objetivos de golpear a ricos son alcanzables en sólo unos pocos meses.

SIDEBAR: Va de la mano con este mensaje de marketing que el comercio de Forex es el camino hacia las riquezas rápidas y fáciles es el mensaje, & # 8220; No es culpa suya & # 8221; . Sí, los vendedores dicen que el comerciante de Forex que lucha no es su culpa & # 8230; Y hay fuerzas en el trabajo detrás de las escenas que les impiden tener éxito. (Por supuesto, ellos entonces continúan diciéndoles que tienen la respuesta). Si quieres saber lo que pensamos de este tema, escucha nuestro último podcast: Error de Forex? ¡Si pudiera ser tu culpa!

La verdad es que el mercado Forex no es un esquema de obtener-rico-rápido. Comenzar con objetivos que nunca se puede alcanzar es una manera segura de prepararse para el fracaso. Pero comenzar con los objetivos correctos e identificar el mercado de divisas como probablemente la mayor oportunidad de inversión disponible literalmente puede cambiar su vida a largo plazo.

Entonces, cuáles son los objetivos realistas para un comerciante de Forex en casa?

Para responder a esta pregunta, es una buena idea mirar a otros vehículos de inversión y su desempeño en los últimos años. Esto le dará una idea de lo que es (y lo que NO es) posible de sus esfuerzos de inversión de Forex. O realmente piensas que todos los inversores profesionales están haciendo cosas para obtener ganancias razonables cuando el retorno del 2000% de la inversión es posible en el mercado Forex en sólo unos meses?

Vamos a echar un vistazo a algunas estadísticas tomadas de novelinvestor. com durante los últimos 15 años. Puede ver la página completa aquí: Rendimiento anual de la clase de activos

Como puede ver en este gráfico, el crecimiento promedio anual de estos vehículos de inversión oscila entre 1,24% a 12,68% al año. La mayoría de los inversionistas profesionales consideraría un crecimiento del 8% al 10% al año muy bueno y sería feliz. Ahora aquí está la gran pregunta & # 8230; Es sus metas de comercio de divisas en línea con estos números de crecimiento?

Creemos que la mayoría de los comerciantes de Forex en casa se burlan de estas ganancias de porcentaje. Una gran cantidad de comerciantes están buscando un sistema que puede hacer que el 100% de las ganancias de un mes. Esto está muy lejos de los números anteriores.

Es esta desconexión entre lo que los inversionistas reales, profesionales están haciendo realmente y lo que aspiran a los comerciantes caseros están disparando para que es responsable del fracaso de la mayoría de los comerciantes de Forex en casa. Siguen buscando sistemas comerciales que pueden proporcionar este tipo de ganancias, lo que conduce a una búsqueda sin fin. Ellos usan la gestión del dinero riesgoso y las tácticas para tratar de alcanzar estas altas metas, y poner sus cuentas comerciales en un riesgo innecesario. Y puesto que lo que buscan no está en el ámbito de la realidad (cuando se habla de ganancias sostenibles a largo plazo). Fallan una y otra vez.

La verdad es que, con los objetivos que se fijaron para sí mismos, el éxito nunca fue una opción.

Por lo tanto, el problema número 1 es que la gente está estableciendo metas poco realistas y, por tanto, inalcanzables para sí mismos como en casa los comerciantes de Forex. Pero hay algo más que sucede aquí & # 8230;

En casa los comerciantes de Forex están persiguiendo beneficios?

En casa los comerciantes de Forex están constantemente persiguiendo a los mercados para tratar de maximizar & # 8221; Sus ganancias o encuentre el & # 8220; mejor & # 8221; Método de negociación para las condiciones actuales del mercado. Esto lleva a una situación en la que están constantemente cambiando los sistemas, o pares de divisas o ambos. En lugar del resultado que quieren (más ganancias), terminan apareciendo tarde para el partido la mayor parte del tiempo (lo que resulta en menos ganancias).

Vamos a volver al mismo artículo de novelinvestor. com y mirar otro gráfico:

El punto de este gráfico es mostrar el desempeño de varios métodos de inversión diferentes en los últimos 15 años o así. Inversores que saltan de un método de inversión a otro (tratando de elegir la mejor inversión para el próximo año). Rara vez tienen razón. Y el método de inversión que realizó bien un año & # 8230; Podría ser un bajo rendimiento el siguiente.

Entonces, qué significa todo esto para el comerciante de Forex en casa? Aquí hay algunos pensamientos & # 8230;

En lugar de pensar en términos de comercio & # 8221; Piensa en términos de inversión & # 8221; . Al tomar un punto de vista de la inversión se centran automáticamente en objetivos a más largo plazo que tienden a ser más razonable.

Baja las expectativas. Pensar que usted va a golpear rico en apenas algunos meses con una inversión pequeña y ningún conocimiento, experiencia o habilidades no es apenas elegante.

Dejar de tratar de tiempo los mercados y en constante cambio. En lugar de buscar el & # 8220; mejor & # 8221; Para los mercados actuales y tratando de maximizar & # 8221; Sus beneficios, se adhieren a un sistema con un borde a través de todas las condiciones del mercado.

Algunos de ustedes podrían estar decepcionados después de leer este artículo. Pero aquí hay algo que podría alegrarte.

Es muy fácil a OUTPERFORM todos los otros métodos de inversión como un comerciante de Forex en casa!

OK, la mala noticia es que puede no ser la conducción del coche deportivo más reciente a su nueva casa de playa con su novio supermodelo / novia a finales del próximo mes. (No creías realmente que era posible, verdad?) Pero eso no significa que debe abandonar el mercado de divisas.

La verdad es que es muy fácil a OUTPERFORM otros métodos de inversión como un comerciante de Forex en casa. Lo hacemos prácticamente todo el tiempo. Y lo hacemos en unos 10 minutos al día!

A partir de 2016, aquí en Forex Investing Live estamos cambiando nuestro enfoque de Forex Signals a Forex Education. Nuestra creencia es que podemos ayudar a que más personas se conviertan en comerciantes rentables a través de la educación que simplemente proporcionando señales.

Como visitante de este sitio, hemos creado un DESCUENTO PROFUNDO para nuestro Curso Forex SOS: Trading Tweaks & amp; Estrategia de negociación de trabajo & # 8221;

http://tradetheforexmarket. com/featured/at-home-forex-traders-what-are-realistic-goals/ http://tradetheforexmarket. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/At-Home-Forex - Traders. jpg http://tradetheforexmarket. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/At-Home-Forex-Traders-150x150.jpg 2016-01-28T21: 16: 49 + 00: 00 Edward Lomax Blog Destacado Forex SOS Curso en casa los comerciantes de divisas, la inversión de divisas, las expectativas de comercio de divisas, las metas de comercio de divisas

La mayoría en casa los comerciantes de divisas no tienen ningún contacto real con los comerciantes profesionales de Forex o inversores profesionales. Ellos no se sientan en una mesa de la cena con su vecino de Wall Street y discutir lo que es posible y lo que no es posible como un comerciante o inversor. Como resultado, la mayoría.

Contact@forextradinglab. com Administrador Edward Lomax es un blogger y educador de Forex. Originario de la Costa Este de los Estados Unidos, vive actualmente en Chile con su esposa. Su curso, Forex SOS Curso & amp; U-Boat FX Strategy ha ayudado a más de 1000 estudiantes en Udemy, un sitio de enseñanza, finalmente encontrar el camino hacia los beneficios. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA UN DESCUENTO PROFUNDO EN EL CURSO & amp; ESTRATEGIA DE NEGOCIO Comercio El Mercado Forex

Edward Lomax es un blogger y educador de Forex. Originario de la Costa Este de los Estados Unidos, actualmente vive en Chile con su esposa. Su curso, Forex SOS Curso & amp; U-Boat FX Strategy ha ayudado a más de 1000 estudiantes en Udemy, un sitio de enseñanza, finalmente encontrar el camino hacia los beneficios.

Acerca de Edward Lomax

Edward Lomax es un blogger y educador de Forex. Originario de la Costa Este de los Estados Unidos, actualmente vive en Chile con su esposa. Su curso, Forex SOS Curso & amp; U-Boat FX Strategy ha ayudado a más de 1000 estudiantes en Udemy, un sitio de enseñanza, finalmente encontrar el camino hacia los beneficios. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA UN DESCUENTO PROFUNDO EN EL CURSO & amp; ESTRATEGIA DE NEGOCIACIÓN

Sin comentarios aún

Forex es algo que funciona muy bien con ser una mamá. Usted puede hacerlo en casa y fijar sus propias horas.

Cuando surge una crisis familiar, puede encargarse de eso y luego volver a trabajar más tarde.

Esto no es un esquema rico rápido, el comercio de la divisa es una profesión. Se necesita trabajo y la disciplina, pero sí proporciona muchas recompensas ricas.

Haga clic en el enlace de Forex Education y déjeme compartir con usted algunos conceptos de cómo se negocia la divisa. Además de aprender las técnicas de comercio de la divisa, también tendrá que aprender la psicología de la negociación de la divisa. Usted comienza a operar con una cuenta demo (dinero de juego), pero cuando se mueve a dinero real es un juego completamente nuevo. Quiero ayudarte a hacer esa transición.

Para intercambiar el forex, necesitará software de gráficos y una plataforma de broker. Me gustaría compartir con ustedes algunas de las cosas que he aprendido en el camino.

He encontrado que la risa es una parte muy importante de mi vida. Nunca quiero tomarme demasiado en serio. He incluido bromas de Forex para mantenerte riendo mientras aprendes. También he incluido algunos pensamientos inspirados. Se necesita coraje para caminar un camino menos viajado por, pero las vistas son increíbles en el camino!

Echa un vistazo a mi sitio web y espero que disfrutes de lo que lees. Ciertamente disfruté escribiéndolo.

De una mamá a otra & # 8230 ;.

La revolución de Internet a principios de los noventa abrió un nuevo mundo de trabajo en casa oportunidades. La idea de ser capaz de trabajar en casa es popular porque el trabajo en casa oportunidades le permiten ganar dinero sin cambiar su estilo de vida actual. Quizás la razón número uno de que las oportunidades de trabajo en casa son atractivas para la gente es la idea de hacer grandes cantidades de dinero, posiblemente lo suficiente para mejorar su vida actual.

Uno de los trabajos más prometedores en casa en Internet hoy en día es el comercio de divisas Forex. El mercado Forex es el mercado más grande del mundo. Es volúmenes de volumen diarios alrededor de 1,8 billones de dólares. El comercio de divisas permite a los inversores comerciar entre dos monedas del mundo. Haciendo esto, los comerciantes compran y venden con la esperanza de hacer un beneficio. El tamaño de este mercado lo convierte en uno de los mercados más excitantes del mundo.

Sin embargo, el comercio a través del sistema de comercio de Forex no es una tarea fácil. El conocimiento requerido para el comercio eficiente puede tomar años para obtener. Es esencialmente una práctica hace la situación perfecta. Para evitar la pérdida potencial, usted debe hacer una de dos cosas: contratar a un profesional comercial para manejar el comercio para usted, o gastar miles de dólares y, posiblemente, años aprendiendo el mercado usted mismo. Los estudios han demostrado que cuando los nuevos inversionistas intentan negociar en el mercado de la divisa por sí mismos, hay una probabilidad del 95% del fracaso.

Una clave para convertirse en un exitoso comerciante de Forex es encontrar herramientas y servicios que le ayudan a tomar decisiones informadas. Internet permite a los inversores acceder a una cantidad casi ilimitada de información Si se trata de un programa, gráfico o artículo, los comerciantes exitosos de Forex confían en cualquier herramienta confiable que puede obtener en sus manos.

Tutoriales de Capacitación - Varios tipos de tutoriales de capacitación en línea están disponibles por poco o ningún costo. Típicos tutoriales de capacitación le llevará desde los conceptos básicos a las partes más avanzadas de Forex. Al leer, estudiar y seguir los programas de entrenamiento como instrucción, usted obtiene conocimiento y experiencia en el mercado Forex, lo que le ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas más adelante.

Simulated Trading - Simulated trading programs allow you to work within the actual Forex market without the risk of loosing your hard earned money in the process. Most simulated programs work in real time, allowing you to learn about the real market. Simulated programs often use paper money and work exactly the same as a real trade service. By gaining and losing as you would in the real market, you gain real world experience.

Statistic Analyzers - Programs are available that actually analyze information for you. When you are new to investing, the statistics and information may seem to be in gibberish. Statistic analyzers take the information and make it readable by even the newest investor.

Real Online Trading Programs - If you prefer to trade without the pressure of learning the trade, you may consider an online trading program. Online trading programs allow you to determine your settings, then the program controls your portfolio for you. Since programs do not rely on human emotion, profits are easily obtainable.

Can stay at home mom trade forex? Do stay at home mom trade forex?

“Give me a real-life example!”

If you don’t follow the news, then you don’t know about the current trend. It’s not a secret anymore that stay at home moms do trade forex. Just a few years back, 2007 to be exact, there was a news about a stay at home mom in Japan that got entangled with the tax law and many other stories that came to surface regarding housewives that trade the forex market. There are many who found that the forex market is a really profitable and doable vehicle to make money and one of them is Ms. Torii. There are also other prominent female figure such as Raghee Horner and Kathy Lien. So the truth is gender is not a problem in the field of forex trading. Moreover, female trader has the advantage of patience as their natural tendency. This is makes a huge difference. Also, more and more government in the world are pushing low cost internet in major cities around the globe. This is the reason why more and more internet users are being registered in a staggering rate. To make it short, you have the example of those who have succeeded, and you have the tools available in your hand provided with a great ease so why not start trading?

“They are smart people, and my hands are full. I won’t be able to trade even if I want to…”

The above and many other reasons are invalid in this age. Por qué? Because if you want to you can trade forex even with minimum or no experience at all. That’s right! It’s not a hype, it’s reality. Do you want know how? Follow the simple steps below

Get familiar with the forex broker’s trading software (trading platform) Subscribe to a trading signal service Enjoy your profit

Let me explain them more specific…

The first thing you need to do is to go to a forex broker (domestic broker or oversea broker), register for a free demo account, download the software and then install it in your computer. I would recommend opening a demo account with either Oanda or Alpari UK because they offer unlimited demo account (your demo account will NEVER expire). After you do that, try to get familiar with the trading platform (usually Meta Trader 4) especially the functions. You can do this by going searching for tutorials on MT4 or simply go to youtube to find tutorials on MT4 (or Oanda). There are many videos regarding the subject so watch them while practicing them on your demo account. A week or two is enough to get you familiar with the whole thing regarding MT4. After all that, open a real trading account for yourself.

The next step is go to a trading signal service and subscribe. This way you can skip the learning phase (or do it later) and make money faster. This is the only work that you have to do in order to profit from the forex market. This is the tough one because you have to literally search the best one from hundreds of similar services on the net.

The forex market is not a place where someone new can just enter and make money. It takes a lot of knowledge and tons of experience to make money in this market. The good thing is you can always have both of them if you know where to look So why waste your time when you can reap the benefit immediately? There are certain ways to optimize the use of forex trading signal service it won’t hurt to learn about it.

If you enjoy this post or if you benefit from it please don’t forget to click the “like” button below or share this post to your friends and family.

Account and Trading FAQ

Do you provide segregated accounts? Sí. Customers funds are kept in segregated accounts. Why Forex Metal uses 5-digit quotes for most currency pairs? We use 5-digit quotes because we add a so called fractional pip at the end. Instead of quoting prices with four digits, i. e. EURUSD at 1.3401 / 1.3402, we now quote the pair as 1.34014 / 1.34032. The last digit is the fractional pip, it is often displayed smaller then other digits to indicate that it is in fact not a full pip. The pip value for a EURUSD 100,000 position is $10 and the value of a fractional pip for this same position is $1. A fractional pip is a tenth of a pip and the addition of this feature to your account allows you to take advantage of smaller price increments and moves in the market. What leverage do you offer? Leverage depends on the amount of funds you operate with. Most accounts would have leverage of 1. 500 (this means that for every dollar in the account he can open a position for $500), higher leverage is also possible, refer to the table located inside of your trading room at our main page. You can change the leverage yourself to suit your needs, however please remember that high leverage carries a higher degree of loss. What products can be traded on your trading platform? Foreign exchange as well as share, stock indices CFDs. What are the commissions and fees charged by forex-metal. com? We do not charge commission. All trading with forex-metal. com is commission free. There can be a small cost to roll over the open position overnight. You can read about it in the Forex FAQ section. What are the trading hours for each product? Most of the products are traded 24 hours a day 5 days a week. For full details, please see our Contract Parameters page. Can I open a free demo account? Sí. Please click here to download the trading terminal and open a demo account. Demo accounts are automatically deleted after 60 days. If you want to extend the validity of your demo account beyond 60 days period, please contact us. How do I open a Real Trading account? You can open it here. Just follow the instructions and fill out a simple account opening form. What is your stop-out limit and how does the stop out process work? If my account reaches the stop-out limit does it mean that some or all my open positions will be closed by your system simultaneously? Our stop-out level is currently 10%. This means that when your account reaches the stage that it has less than 10% of the required margin, the system will start closing the open position in your account. The process works as follows: in the event of the stop-out the system chooses the biggest loosing position in your account and closes it first at the current market price. If after then the margin level becomes greater than 10%, other positions are left intact. If the market continues to work against you, then the system will continue closing your open positions on the same basis biggest loosing positions first. All positions are not closed simultaneously. Sometimes, closing only one position may be enough for the account to continue supporting the rest of the open positions. In other times, all positions may be closed automatically within a number of seconds. Of course it is important not to reach the point of the stop out. To avoid stop outs you should use lower leverage level and always maintain sufficient funds in the account. Are you an STP broker? Sí. We are an STP/ECN broker with direct market access quotes and without dealing desk. I noticed that during certain hours of the day, usually at night, you have different spreads on certain pairs. What is the reason for that? It is a normal practice for a broker to have wider spreads on some pairs during quite market. Usually it applies to exotic pairs. For more information on the spreads applicable to a particular pair please contact our support specialist at [email protected] How do I withdraw funds from my account? You need to send us a withdrawal request by email or via the website. Withdrawals are usually processed within 2 business days. If you have any open positions in your account, you need to close them before submitting the withdrawal request. When I have open positions, do you use unrealized profit for calculating the margin? Unrealized profit is not used for margin calculations. I used different payment options (wire transfer, Webmoney, etc) to deposit funds to my account. How, to which payment system can I make a withdrawal? Our standard policy permits withdrawals only to the same system which was used to make the deposit. However, in cases when a few different options have been used use apply percentage allocation principle. For example, if you have deposited $1000 using wire transfer and then $300 using another system, i. e. MB or other, you would be permitted to withdraw 30% of funds to MB and 70% to your bank. I made a deposit using credit card. Can I withdraw funds to my bank account? Yes, but only after 30 days from the time you made the deposit with your credit card. How do I deposit funds into my account? Our preferred account funding option is via bank wire transfer, however there are other options available, including funding by Webmoney and some other e-currencies. Please visit our Deposit Funds page for the full list of available payment options. Can I fund my trading account with credit card? Sí. Just choose Credit Cards option on the Deposit Funds page. The following cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Visa Delta/debit(UK), Visa Electron, Maestro (UK, Spain&Austria), Solo (UK), JCB, Laser(Rep. of Ireland), Carte Bleue, Chinese Debit Cards Can I fund my account with debit card? Yes, you can. Most debit cards are connected through the bank to one of the major networks such as Visa, Mastercard or Amex and can be used on the internet to make payments. Simply use the "credit card" option at our Deposit Funds page to fund your account with the debit card. What is ClickandBuy and how do I add money to my account using this option? ClickandBuy is an online wallet that allows you to make instant purchases on the Internet at no risk and pay conveniently with your favorite local payment method. Choose from a wide range of payment methods including: credit/debit card, direct debit, online bank transfer and cash funding. If you do not have a ClickandBuy account you can register a one as part of your Forex-Metal. com purchase. CLICK HERE for details. What if I have more questions? You are welcome to contact our customer service using the phone numbers listed on the contact page. How can I get training or background information on the Forex markets? Please visit our What is Forex page. What are the account opening minimums? There are no limits. Forex pairs are generally traded on the basis of 1:100 leverage. It means for example, that to buy $100,000 contract you need to have at least $1000 in your account. Most share CFD contracts require 5-10% margin. I have downloaded the terminal. Where is my password for the demo account? When you install and start the platform on your computer, the login details will be created automatically. The internal e-mail with the same details can be found in your terminal, mail section. By default the terminal is set to login into your account every time you open it on your computer. How can I put money into my account? You can use any option available at the Deposit Funds. At the moment we accept wire transfers, Webmoney and some other e-currencies. More options will be added soon. How can I withdraw money from my account? You need to complete the withdrawal form available on our site and send it to us by e-mail. I would like my friend to send money to fund my trading account. Sorry, we would not be able to accept such payment. We have a policy of not accepting third party payments. This means that only customer himself can fund his account. If you have a joint account with someone else s (meaning you both operate the bank account), then you can send funds from the joint account. If you are a corporate customer, you can of course send funds from the corporate account. Are you affiliated with any particular bank or large financial institution? No. We are an independent brokerage firm providing clearing services for people to trade in foreign currencies and CFDs. What leverage do you offer? Leverage depends on the amount of funds you operate with. Most accounts would have leverage of 1. 500 (this means that for every dollar in the account he can open a position for $500), the detailed information is as follows: If account has normally $1-$500 balance, the leverage would be 1:500; For accounts with average balance $501 - $1000 the leverage is 1:200; For accounts $1001 - $5,000, the leverage is 1:100; Above $5,000, the leverage is 1:50; Do you have mini-forex? Yes, you can start trading with as little as $50 and open position equal to 0.01 of standard lot. My trading account is in USD. If I transfer funds in other currency (EUR, AUD, GBP, etc) into my account, what exchange rate do you use to convert funds into USD? We use the last quote for the relevant pair for the last trading day prior to crediting your account. If you send us the payment on the weekend or on Monday, the Friday close quote will be used. After closing my positions I ended up with a negative balance on my account. Am I liable for this negative balance? Does it mean that I have to pay it back to you? It is our company policy not to pursue customers for negative account balances. We believe that everyone should be given a fair go and if you decide to make another deposit into the account to continue trading, we will clear the negative balance on your account and bring the account back to 0, so that the new deposit could be credited to it. Do you permit use of Expert Advisors (EAs)? Yes, we allow the use of any Expert Advisors which customers may use to help them in trading. Customers use any such programs at their own risk. We would like to point that if any of the EA programs used by the customer will be abusing our prices datafeeds or interfering with our system in any way, we will suspend or close the trading terminal where such program is used. Are there any forex pairs for which you do not provide no-swap accounts? Sí. We are unable for offer no swap accounts for the currencies SEK, DKK, NOK, CZK, HUF, PLN, CZK, MXN, HKD, ZAR, TRY. This however does not affect islamic type of accounts. It is possible to have an islamic accounts (without swaps) for all pairs including the ones mentioned above. How to calculate the value of 1 point (pip) for one lot of a currency pair? Let s use the pair EURCHF as an example. If the current ask price is 1.600 it means that to buy one lot worth of EUR (EUR 100,000) you need CHF 160,000. With the price moving one point to 1.6001 the value of the base currency remains the same EUR 100,000, but to buy this amount you would need 160,010 of the quote currency, CHF. This means that the value of one pip is 160,010 160,000 = 10 CHF. For pairs with 3 digits after the dot the value of the pip is calculated in 3 digit numbers (i. e. 100s); for pairs that have 2 digits after the dot the pip value is calculated in 4 digit numbers (i. e. 1000s). For example, in all pairs with USD as a quote currency (EURUSD, GBPUSD. ) the value of the pip is $10. In pairs where JPY is a quote currency (USDJPY, EURJPY) one pip is equal 1000 Yen, which is approximately $8-12 depending on the JPY rate. We have a free pip value calculator for iphone available at pipvaluecalculator. com.

Forex FAQ

Does it cost anything to roll the FX position overnight? Sí. Usually the FX positions are opened with the leverage of 1:100. It means that by putting up only $1000 of your money as a margin you can buy 100 000 US dollars worth of currency. For example opening 1 lot USDAUD BUY you are receiving 100 thousand US dollars in exchange for 128 984 Australian dollars (at the time of writing). Technically you are in debt for AUD 128 984 because you are trading on 1:100 margin. As any loan, the leverage we provided you with must be serviced: trader must pay interest on it. But because FX are bought and sold in pair, the USD part of your position actually earns you money at the same time. So, if the position is kept open overnight by you, we use the LIBOR overnight rate for the loan and LIBID rate for the other part of the pair. The rates are minimal. For example LIBID USD rate is around 2% per annum. Usually the trader earns more on the deposit part of the position overnight then he spends on the loan part. The charges/credits that would fall on weekend are calculated at midnight on Thursday. Your account will show credits or charges made against your account for keeping an overnight position. I have recently became the IB and would like to refer customers to you. What is considered as "opened" trading account to qualify for commission under option 1? For the purposes of commission the account is considered to be opened when the customer submits the required documentation and we issue the account number and password. We also look if the account had any trades in the month preceding the date when commission payments are due to the IB. We will not pay commissions for "dummy", not working accounts and will not tolerate any abuse of the referral system. Do you have Islamic accounts? Yes, we do. Our Islamic accounts completely satisfy Islamic religious prohibitions of not receiving or paying interest. They do not have any swaps calculated for the open positions. There could be a small maintenance fee taken at the end of each trading day. The customer may also receive a small amount of money from us as a gift at the end of the trading session. What is a No Swap account? The No Swap account is an account where daily swaps are not calculated for the open positions. Our no swap accounts also do not have any fees or interests attached to them. Customers may use no swap accounts for certain trading strategies, however we will not tolerate any abuse of the system. For example, if the customer opens the positions on the no swap account for a few minutes before midnight and then closes immediately after midnight GMT, that would constitute an abuse and the "no swap" feature will be removed from the customers account.


A contract for difference (CFD) is a contract between two parties to exchange the difference between the entry price and the exit price of a financial instrument or security. This transaction, also commonly referred to as a SWAP transaction, concludes with the parties settling the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.

How is the contract value defined eg. share CFDs?

The contract value also known as face value of a CFD, is defined as the number of shares specified in the contract multiplied by the price of the underlying share.

What is the minimum account opening size?

The required minimum is equivalent of US$500 for share CFDs, for Indices and for OIL contracts.

Can I open a demo account first?

You can open a free demo account and will be given up to $50,000 demo credit to practice trading.

On what stocks can I trade CFDs?

CFDs are available on major US, European and Asian shares.

How do I execute a CFD?

Once you have opened and funded your CFD account you can download and trade via our state-of-the-art trading platform.

Am I trading real market prices?

Can I place orders in the system whilst the underlying market is closed?

Yes - You may also place orders into the system outside market hours and they will be executed as soon as the underlying market is open.

How long can I hold the CFD position?

CFDs do not have an expiry date. As long as your account can support any variation in margin and interest amounts incurred, you can hold your CFD position indefinitely.

Do I have voting rights on the underlying stock?

CFDs do not entitle you to any rights in connection with the underlying shares.

How do I view my account?

Statements and contract notes are available via e-mail. Customers can access their account via a web-browser. Accounts are valued marked to market overnight.

What is margin and how is it calculated?

Initial margin is the minimum deposit required by Man to be in your account before an order placed to take a position. This is a percentage of the value of the CFD at the time of buying or selling. Typically 10%.

Variation margin is the difference between the value of the CFD at the time of buying or selling and its value marked to market at the end of a trading day. In the advent of an adverse price movement any margin call can be communicated to customers via an e-mail, sms message or phone call for the required deposit of funds into your Forex-Metal account to meet your margin requirement.

I had a long position opened on Oil since the beginning of August. I see that in the middle of the month you have calculated the swaps and my account shows -$100. Why is that?

It is important to understand that our Oil instrument is our own product which equals a standard ICE Brent future contract. However, our product is not a futures type contract. It is a purely speculative instrument we have created to allow our customers to take advantage of the daily oil price changes. To create the prices for our product we use the prices of ICE Brent future contract as a basis. Futures contracts have expiry date every month, on which they are settled. Our product does not have an expiry date. We simply rollover our customers positions on the day before the settlement of the underlying futures contract. The expiry date of the August futures was 16th of August. From 17th of August we started to use the prices datafeed of the September futures. Theoretically, if you were trading futures, you would need to close your position on the 16th and open a new one. The prices between the expired month and the new month are usually different, which creates either a profit or loss position. Unlike the futures contract, we allow our customers to open or close positions on Oil, irrespective when the underlying futures contract expires. You are simply speculating on the daily changes of the oil price. Only if you hold your position on Oil open during the rollover time, we will have to calculate the difference between the price of the expired month s contract (i. e. August) and the new month (i. e. September) and adjust your position accordingly. There are no swaps calculated on a daily basis. In this example, the difference between the August and September prices at settlement was $1. You had a position opened for 100 barrels, which gained your $100 automatically. However, you did not actually hold the futures contract, so we had to make a cash adjustment, so there is no profit or loss made during the rollover period. Similarly, if you would lose $100 because of the two months prices difference at the time of the settlement, we would credit your account with that amount. What to do if you don t want to keep your position open at the time of the rollover? You can open or close positions at any time during our trading hours. Certainly, you can close your opened positions before the rollover. The information of the ICE contracts expiry dates could be found here .

What are the acceptable forms of payment?

Cleared funds must be in your account prior to trading. Funds may take up to two days to clear. Preferable forms of payment include direct deposit into our bank account or swift transfer. For the full list of all funding options please visit Deposit Funds page in your account menu.

How & where do you hold my funds?

Your funds are held in a segregated account with an AAA-rated bank and are protected by the general client money rules.

Do you provide financial advice?

Generally speaking we do not provide advice, but act as a market maker providing quotes for you. Any information, analysis or opinion given on our site does not take into account your particular circumstances, financial situation or needs. Therefore you should rely on your judgment when placing orders and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

Do I pay tax on CFD trading?

We think that the tax treatment of the CFD instrument should be the same as a derivative, for example, futures contract. However, you must seek your own advice regarding the taxation issues.

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Affiliate FAQ

What is Forex-Metal affiliate program about? As Forex-Metal affiliate, you place your referral link and/on banners on your website, blog, social media profile (e. g. Facebook, Twitter), inside your mobile app, or as a forum or email signature. We use tracking software to track every account opened by the people you refer. For every new client you refer you will receive generous commissions. There are a few commission options that we offer. It could be a fixed commission per account or ongoing commissions from customers trading with us. Such commission can generate you thousands of dollars a month in revenue. How do I join Forex-Metal affiliate program? It is fast and easy. All you need to do is to fill out the form here: https://forex-metal. com/affiliate_settings/signup Once you submit the sign up form, you will receive your affiliate account number and the link/banners you can use to refer customers. Why should I choose Forex-Metal affiliate program? Forex-Metal affiliate program is definitely the best forex affiliate program to choose from because it has:

many commission options to choose from (from $100 for every account opened by a referred person, 10% for each deposit made by a referred person, and/or from 1 pip per lot for each lot traded by referred customer plus a revenue share);

increased commissions for VIP affiliates;

second tier commission on each of the commission options;

ability to promote each option individually or at the same time;

affiliate links, optimized for mobile devices;

personal affiliate manager, assigned to each affiliate.

Does it cost me anything to become Forex-Metal affiliate? No, it is absolutely free! You do not have to pay anything to apply, there are no obligations, and you can cancel your affiliate membership at any time. Who can become an affiliate? Anyone can become Forex-Metal affiliate as long as they (1) are at least 18 years of age, (2) provide Forex-Metal with valid contact and personal information, (3) use ethical marketing methods, and (4) do not market our company on websites, ptromoting sex, violence, illegal activities, etc. It is the responsibility of an affiliate to comply with their local relevant regulations. Do I need to have a trading account with Forex-Metal to become an affiliate? Yes, you will create a trading account as part of the affiliate/IB registration. You do not have to trade. The account is needed to accumulate your commission payments in it. How do I earn money? Once you submit the sign up form, you will receive your affiliate account number and get access to your affiliate profile where you can find referral link(s) and banners. You can place your referral link and/on banners on your website, blog, social media profile (e. g. Facebook, Twitter), inside your mobile app, or as a forum or email signature. We use tracking software to track every account opened by the people you refer. For every new client you refer you will receive generous commissions. I do not have a website or blog. Can I still become your affiliate? Yes, absolutely. Even if you do not have your own website, that is fine because we have free pre-designed website templates that allow Introducing Brokers to create their own forex websites in a matter of minutes. The process of creating a fully-functional website is very easy: one needs to download one of the template packages and follow simple instructions in the documentation file provided. All one needs is a domain to host the website on. You can also put your affiliate link on your social media page or as an email signature. How much do you pay in commissions? There are 3 main commission options: - $100 for every new trading account opened through your referral; - 10% from each deposit made by people you refer; - 1 pip from each lot traded by people you refer plus a revenue share. For experienced IBs (those who have referred more than 10 working clients) we offer even more: 2 pips per lot commission from trading. In case you are signed under the 1st commission option (commission for every new account opened by the people you refer), when you are upgraded to VIP status (when you bring 10 working clients), you will receive $200 CPA commission for each new account. You can promote all 3 referral links simultaneously and every time someone opens an account with us via your link, you will get a commission. We reward active partners and can always tailor our commission structure to your specific needs. I have recently become an IB and would like to refer customers to you. What is considered as "opened" trading account to qualify for commission under option 1? For the purposes of commission, the account is considered to be opened when the customer submits the required documentation and we issue the account number and password. We will not pay commissions for "dummy", not working accounts and will not tolerate any abuse of the referral system. The affiliate will receive a $100 CPA (commission per action) for every new account opened via his referral link, providing the referred customer deposits at least $75 into the account as a first deposit and makes at least 10 full lots worth of trades. I have referred a friend to open a $100 no-deposit bonus account. Will I receive commissions for that? No. $100 is free bonus that we give to the customer. You will only be entitled for affiliate commission for new accounts if the customer deposits his own money and starts trading. How much can I expect to earn? No limits! It all depends on how many clients you refer to use our services. We have many successful referring partners being paid well over $10,000 in commissions a month. How often are commissions paid? Commissions for the previous month are paid at the beginning of the next month. Cómo me pagan? You can withdraw commissions, using any of the available withdrawal methods. What is the minimum payout amount? There is no minimum payout requirement. Can you explain the tiered commission structure? We offer a second tier commissions on each of the commission options. The 2nd tier commission is 10% of the first tier one. This means that if you refer someone who himself becomes an affiliate and starts referring customers to us, you will receive 10% of the commissions earned by this affiliate. For example: the affiliate referred by you introduced a few customers to us using all 3 commission options and this month made a total of $1000 in commissions. You, as a second tier, will receive $100, being 10% of the 1st tier payout. How long do I need to wait to become approved? You will receive your affiliate account details within minutes after submitting the online form. I have signed up, now what? After you receive your affiliate account details, you can log into your affiliate profile and find all the marketing materials you need as well as detailed information about affiliate options, your referrals, and useful tips. You can always contact our affiliate managers at [email protected]. [email protected]. and [email protected] Where do I get the links and banners? All affiliate tools are available inside the Get Banners section of your affiliate account. Do you support mobile integration? Yes, we are very proud to offer better solutions to those affiliates who have websites, adapted for mobile access by offering affiliate links, optimized for mobile devices. This is also a great opportunity for mobile application developers to monetize their traffic by adding a second stream of income. What types of banners are available? The banners are available in English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Indonesian, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, and Albanian languages. Other language banners are available upon request. Marketing materials highlight 40% deposit bonus, Fx Edge ECN accounts, free trading signals, $100 no-deposit bonus as well as increased CPA deal for affiliates. How do I know how much commission I've earned? You can track your commission and referrals through your account, in "My Referrals" section. How do you track my referrals? The system is tracking the people you refer. Every time someone opens a trading account with us via your affiliate link, the record of it will appear in your affiliate account history. You will be able to view all the clients you referred in Cabinet section on our website. What information will I receive on my referrals? You will see the name of the person you referred; his/her account number, the date the account was opened, and the status of his/her account. How do I get promoted to a higher partner level? After you refer 10 working clients, you will be automatically upgraded to a higher partner level and will start receiving higher commissions for the new clients you refer. Can I earn commissions on my own trades? No, you cannot earn commissions on your own trades, but you can participate in Forex-Metal rebate program that allows traders to receive a 0.5 pip rebate on their trades. Where can I view your full terms and conditions? You can find Affiliate Agreement here https://forex-metal. com/Affiliate_Agreement. pdf I forgot my affiliate account number and password. What do I do? You can request a new password here https://forex-metal. com/affiliate_settings/forgot_password Who do I contact if I have questions about your affiliate program? You can contact Maritza Garcia at [email protected] or Betty Snyder at [email protected]. Also, feel free to contact our online operators via live chat support, email [email protected]. [email protected]. or by Skype: Forex-Metal. What sort of assistance do you provide to your affiliates? We are willing to help you succeed. You will be assigned with a dedicated personal affiliate manager who will always be there to answer all your questions and concerns and to give you great tips on how to become a successful affiliate and get the most success out of our partnership.

FX Replitrader FAQ

I have joined one of the signal providers a couple of days ago and I don`t receive any signals - no trades are being made on my account. Cuál es el problema? Most likely you do not have enough funds in the account to open trades. The orders are being opened in proportion to the balance on the account. Most FX Replitraders recommend a certain amount of balance for their strategy to be effective. We recommend to deposit at least $500, this in most cases would be enough to open a few orders. I joined one of the FX Replitraders and now I want to change and join another one, how do I do that? You can cancel your subscription to the signals from a particular provider at any time by "unticking" him in your Trader`s account profile on our site.

Rewards FAQ

What are Forex Rewards? Forex Rewards are the reward points we give to traders to reward their loyalty. Once a sufficient amount of the points is accumulated, it can be changed into cash and added into a trading account or converted into one of the prizes available. It means that active traders can receive cash or physical items, such as gift cards or gadgets for free. How can I open a Forex Rewards account? Just like a normal account. From 1st September 2013 every new account is automatically enrolled into rewards program. The only exceptions are trading rebates and "no deposit" bonuses. If you want to receive rebates for your trading you should open a separate account for Forex Rewards. If you are using a free "no deposit" bonus on your account, you will start receiving rewards points for your trading only after you complete the bonus conditions and deposit funds into the account. I am an existing customer. How can I participate in the Forex Rewards program? It's simple. Contact our support, tell them you want to participate and either make a new deposit of at least $100 or take a deposit bonus, to be able to start accumulating the rewards points. If your account is already receiving trading rebates or 0.5 pip or more, then you would need to open a new trading account for Forex Rebates. If I refer another person to open an account, would I still get a commission for that or only the reward points? Yes, you will continue getting a referral commission as you normally would. The reward points are not a substitute for regular commission. You are receiving it in addition to the commission payments. Where can I see my rewards balance? Inside your trader's room profile on our site. Where can I find the explanation of how the points are counted and the list of available rewards (prizes)? Also inside your account profile on our site, Forex Rewards section. My rewards points balance shows that I already have some points collected. Can I convert the points into cash to add to my trading account and can the cash be withdrawn? The minimum amount you can redeem is $50. If your points balance shows a number of points equivalent in value to this amount, you can choose the options from the list of prizes that lets you to convert points to cash and click Redeem. Once the request is processed, the amount of money will be added to your trading account. You can do with it what you wish, including using one of the available withdrawal options. Note, you can also redeem your rewards points balance to receive a free gift from us, for example a gift card or a debit card. How to get my first free gift card quicker? A new account with a deposit of $10,000 or more will automatically get a $50 gift card. I saw a banner advertising $1000 gift card. Qué significa eso? How can I get the $1000 gift card? Any deposit of $100,000 will automatically qualify for a complimentary gift card or that value.

Risk Free promotion FAQ

Example 1 Customer deposits $250 and opens 10 trades. After closing 7 of them, total loss is $200. Total loss from the first 5 trades is $150. $150 is refunded to the customer. Example 2 Customer deposits $150 and opens 7 trades. After closing 3 of them, the loss is $100. Customer asks for a refund and receives the refund of $100. The customer then opens 3 more trades and 2 from them were again closed at a loss. We are unable to refund this loss, because we can offer a refund only once. Example 3 Customer deposits $250. After the first 5 trades the total loss is $270. The account is in negative: - $20. We refund $250 as we can only refund the amount of the deposit. The negative balance is written off and the account is back to 0. Customer can make a new deposit and receive an up to 51% bonus on it.

Glossary of Terms


Arbitrage Basically this is the art of buying something cheap in one place and selling it at a profit somewhere else. The rise of global electronic trading has made this process much faster and easier, enabling arbitrageurs - as they're called - to switch huge sums of money across continents in seconds in an attempt to exploit small differences in the quoted prices of investments in different markets - foreign currency, for example. In share trading, so-called risk arbitrageurs attempt to make profits from the usual share price movements of companies that are in takeover situations. These investors will simultaneously buy stock in the target company, whose share price normally rises, while selling that of the bidder, whose share price normally falls. They will also invest in the target company if they think there's a chance the bidder will have to raise the offer price. Averaging Averaging the price you have paid for a currency pair is achieved by buying more on a fall or selling some on a rise in value. Ask The lowest price at which someone will sell an investment at a given moment.


Balance of Payments A measure of transactions resulting in payments from one country to all other countries during a specified period of time. If more money flows in than out, the balance of payments is positive. These transactions take place in either the Current Account, the Financial Account or the Capital Account. Balance of payments serves as another economic indicator of a country s relative value, and includes the trade balance, foreign investments and investments by foreigners. Base Currency The foreign exchange deal currency against which another currency is measured. Currency pairs are usually identified by a six letter grouping. The first three letters identify the BASE currency. Basis Point (bp) A measure which is mainly used in the statement of interest rates. One hundredth of 1% 25 basis points is equal to 0.25%. Bear, Bearish, Bear Market A bear is a person who believes that the prices in the market will decline. This person would be considered bearish. A bear market is a market that is declining (e. g. if the pound versus the US dollar rate is falling). If the decline were expected to continue, the market would be bearish. Bid Price The highest price a prospective buyer is willing to pay at a particular time for securities, futures contracts or foreign currencies. Bid/Offer Spread The standard differential between the price of buying and selling securities. It is usually quoted as a monetary amount for shares, a percentage term for unit trusts. Blue Chip The term used to define a company regarded as being a solid, and consequently safe, investment. The company will almost certainly be large, well established and profitable, but be conservatively managed. Bretton Woods The place in New Hampshire, where the post-war system of foreign exchange was agreed upon in 1944. Bull, Bullish, Bull Market A bull is a person who believes that prices in the market will rise. This person would be considered bullish. A bull market is a market that is rising (e. g. if the pound versus the US dollar rate moves higher). If the advance were expected to continue, the market would be bullish. Bullion Gold, silver, platinum, or palladium, in the form of bars or ingots.


Cable Foreign exchange jargon for the British pound versus the US dollar exchange rate. It alludes to the cable laid under the Atlantic, which linked the tickertape machines used by trading houses in New York and London during the 1970s and early 1980s. CAC 40 An index of the largest 40 companies listed on the French CAC market. The CAC index is published by the Societe des Bourse Francaises. Mercado en Efectivo El mercado para la compra y venta de monedas físicas. Settlement is two business days from transaction date. Central Bank The bank that provides financial and banking services to the government of a country and its commercial banking system and which implements the government s monetary policy. Closed Position An equal and opposite transaction, i. e. buying 1000 BT shares then selling 1000 BT shares, the position will be automatically closed. Closing Price The closing price is the last price for a tradable instrument at the time the market closes. Commodity A physical substance, such as food, grains, and metals, which is interchangeable with another product of the same type, and which investors buy or sell, usually through futures contracts. Contingent Order An order which is to be executed only if another order is executed first. An example of a contingent order would be to sell one specific security if another specific security has been bought. Contracts for Difference (CFDs) CFD means Contract for Difference. They were developed to allow clients to receive all the benefits of owning a stock without having to physically own the stock. In other words you cannot take delivery of a CFD so you have to settle the difference between where you bought the contract and where you sold it. The difference is either profit or loss. Corporate Action Any event initiated by a corporation which impacts its shareholders. For some such events, shareholders may or must respond to the corporate action or select from a list of possible actions. Examples of corporate actions include dividend payments, mergers, rights issues and stock splits.(See: Dividend, Stock Split, Rights Issue and Consolidation) Cost of Carry How much it costs to finance a position. Cross Rate An exchange rate between two currencies, usually constructed from the individual exchange rates of the two currencies, measured against the US dollar, except for the British pound, where the US dollar is measured against sterling. Currency Hedging Trying to reduce or eliminate exchange rate risks by buying forward, using financial futures or borrowing in the exposed currency. Contrato de intercambio de divisas que compromete a dos contrapartes a canjear flujos de pagos de intereses en diferentes monedas por un período de tiempo acordado ya intercambiar montos de capital en diferentes monedas a un tipo de cambio pre-acordado al vencimiento. Currency Warrant OTC option; long-dated (more than one year) currency option.


DAX 30 Index The index of the biggest 30 companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. The DAX is a 'total return' index in that it measures the returns from dividends as well as share price performance. Day Order The order placed will be active, i. e. pending, until the end of the day, or until it has been executed. Day Trading Refers to opening and closing the same position, or positions, within a single day s trading and before the value date changes. Devaluation The formal reduction in the value of a currency against other currencies. Dividends That part of a company's profit after tax which is distributed to shareholders. Dow Jones Industrial Average 'The Dow' is the oldest stock market index in the US, measuring the performance of a representative selection of 30 blue-chip companies. The 30 companies are selected by Dow Jones & Co and the Wall Street Journal.


ECB - European Central Bank which manages the euro currency and European interest rates/monetary policy. Exchange Rate The rate at which one currency is traded against another. Exchange Rate Mechanism The system by which European Community countries give a central exchange rate against which their currencies fluctuations are regulated. Exchange Rate Risk The potential loss that could be incurred from a movement in exchange rates. Execution Only Stockbrokers Those stockbrokers who offer clients, usually, an inexpensive trading facility with no advice, research or recommendations as to investment style or policy.


Federal Reserve (Fed) The Federal Reserve System is comprised of 12 district banks throughout the US, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The FOMC, typically headed by the chairman of the FRB, meets eight times each year to set US monetary policy, including key interest rates. Fibonacci Lines Fibonacci lines are based on ratios that exist naturally. The ratios are based on the "Fibonacci numbers," in which each successive number is the sum of the two previous numbers. p. ej. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. A number of relationships exist between these numbers, such as the fact that any given number (after 3) is roughly 1.618 times the previous number. Changes in trends tend to take place near the lines created by Fibonacci studies such as arcs, fans, retracements, and time zones. Financing Costs CFD Share positions carried overnight will incur financing costs for the full consideration of the position. If a client opens a position with a 5% margin, finance overnight will be on the 100% balance. Clients who are long a CFD will pay interest to FOREX-METAL. COM, clients who are short may receive interest from FOREX-METAL. COM. Tipo de cambio fijo Tipo oficial establecido por las autoridades monetarias para una o más monedas. En la práctica, se permite que incluso los tipos de cambio fijos fluctúen entre las bandas superior e inferior definidas, dando lugar a la intervención. Floating Exchange Rate A scheme whereby a country s currency exchange rate against others is determined by market forces with no intervention from government. Forex An abbreviation of foreign exchange. Forward Exchange Contract An agreement to buy an amount of a currency at an agreed exchange rate on a fixed date. Forward Points The interest rate differential between two currencies expressed in exchange rate points. The forward points are added to or subtracted from the spot rate to give the forward or outright rate. Fundamental Analysis The economic/financial and political analysis of a country that does not involve interpreting charting patterns or price movements. Future A standardized, exchange-traded contract that requires delivery of a commodity, bond, currency, or stock index, at a specified price, on a specified future date. Unlike options, futures convey an obligation to buy. FTSE Index Three indices comprise the FTSE All Share index - FTSE100, FTSE Mid 250 & FTSE Small Cap. FX Forward Rate The rate at which a foreign exchange contract is struck today for settlement at a specified future date. FX Swap A transaction which involves the actual exchange of two currencies (principal amount only) on a specific date, at a rate agreed at the time of the conclusion of the contract (short leg), at a date further in the future at a rate agreed at the time of the contract (the long leg).


Good for the Day (GTD) A limit order, which expires at the end of the day, if it has not been executed. GTC - Good Till Cancelled An instruction to a broker that unlike normal practice the order does not expire at the end of the trading day. The order placed will remain active until it is either executed or cancelled.


Handle The primary digits within a FX price quote that are assumed to be known. For instance, a EUR/USD quote of 1.2800 would have a handle of 128. FX dealers/traders do not generally quote the handle. Hedge Fund A type of unregulated investment fund often used by corporate institutions or high-net-worth individuals and private partnerships that use derivatives for directional investing and/or are allowed to go short and/or use significant leverage through borrowing. Depending on the jurisdiction, these techniques may not be allowed in a typical mutual investment fund. Hedging Use of investments to manage commercial risk or to minimize a potential loss to an existing position or known commitment. It is also defined as the practice of undertaking one investment activity in order to protect against loss in another, e. g. selling short to nullify a previous purchase or buying long to offset a previous short sale. Si bien las coberturas reducen las pérdidas potenciales, también tienden a reducir los beneficios potenciales.


If Done Order An If Done order is a combination of two orders and should be ideal if you are unable to watch the market all the time but want to participate in a market move in your favour and/or exit a move against you. Illiquidity The difficulty of changing your assets in cash because of a lack of demand for whatever it is you're trying to sell. See Liquidity. As a market maker Forex-metal. com provide liquidity by constantly quoting a bid and offer spread. IMF - International Monetary Fund An organization set up by Bretton Woods to overlook the fixed exchange rate regime (now ceased) and to provide borrowing facilities to allow corrective action to be taken, alleviating exchange rate pressure in deficit countries. Now also used as an arbiter of world economic affairs. Index A statistical indicator providing a representation of the value of the securities which constitute it. Indices often serve as barometers for a given market or industry and benchmarks against which financial or economic performance is measured. Inflation A steady rise in the general prices of consumer goods and services, resulting in a decrease in a currency s purchasing power. Inflation rises with increases in money supply and credit, and is widely gauged through the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI). Most central banks strive to maintain inflation in the 2-3% range. Initial Margin A deposit required by a broker before clients can transact margin deposit trading. Interbank Rates FX rates quoted by large international banks to transact with other large international banks. Interest Rate The interest paid on borrowed funds (or received on funds loaned), expressed as an annualized percentage. There are many different interest rates quoted for each country, but the rate most relevant to FX traders is the overnight borrowing rate as determined by each country s central bank. In the US, the Federal Reserve committee meets every few months to set the Federal Funds rate. The overnight lending rates not only determine how much interest is earned or owed on currency positions held overnight, but also impact currency valuations, as higher yielding currencies (all else held constant) attract more capital.


Jawboning A country s Central Bank periodically comments publicly on monetary policy and on its outlook towards its own currency, in an attempt to influence market sentiment and by extension, its currency exchange rates.


Leveraging Borrowing funds in order to increase the potential return on investment. FX trading providers typically allow 1:100 leverage. LIBOR The London Interbank Offered Rate, the rate charged by one bank to another for lending money. Limit Order An order to buy or sell a share at a specific price. The order will only be carried out by the broker at that price, or a better one. If the broker can't fulfil the limit order, it lapses. Liquid Market A liquid market is one where there is a high number of bids and offers, resulting in a tight bid-ask spread. Within liquid markets, buyers and sellers can easily trade in and out of positions, without worrying about not finding a counterparty to their intended transaction. The FX market is the world s most liquid financial market. Liquidity The level of continual buy and sell activity making up the market demand for the shares and indicating the ease with which investors can undertake transactions. Long Buying an investment with a view of the investment going up (opposite of short)


MACD - Moving Average Convergence/Divergence is a technical indicator that measures a FX pair s exchange rate swings. The MACD uses (in its calculation) two exponentially smoothed moving averages of the FX pair s historical price, and usually spans over a period of time. The MACD is often compared to its own moving average, providing traders signals on when the FX pair might rise or fall. Margin in the context of FX & CFDs A cash deposit provided by clients as collateral to cover losses (if any) that may result from the client s trading activities. Margin Call Demand that a customer deposit additional money or securities to bring a margin account back up to the initial margin or minimum maintenance requirements. If a customer fails to respond, securities in the account may be liquidated. Margin Requirements Investors are asked to deposit a small percentage of the overall cost that would be required if they were to purchase the equivalent shares in the physical market. Even though the CFD investor's outlay is small in comparison to the equivalent physical trade, the investor will still be exposed to the same potential profit and loss. This means that your potential Return on Investment is magnified. Mark-to-market The daily adjustment of an account to reflect accrued profits and losses often required to calculate variations of margins. Market Capitalisation / Mkt Cap Market capitalisation is the number of shares in issue multiplied by the share price at the time the market capitalisation was calculated. Market Order A market order is an order to buy or sell at the current market price. A trader specifies the currency pair and the deal size and is given a two-way price (bid and ask price) on which to deal. Marketmaker A firm or individual whose main responsibility is to create a market in a currency pair by providing firm two-way quotes (bid and ask). Mid Price The mid point of the bid / offer spread quoted by the market makers. The price shown in the share price pages and market reports within the financial media, but not the price at which you could necessarily expect to conclude a deal to buy or sell. The price at which you buy will be higher and the price at which you sell will be lower than the mid price in almost all circumstances.


NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System The second largest stock exchange in the US, specialising in high-tech and internet-related companies, such as Microsoft. The movements of the NASDAQ can have a significant effect on the UK markets, particularly the recently-launched techMARK index of technology, media and telephony companies. New Issue A company that is floated on the stock market for the first time. Offering shares to the investment public is a way of raising capital for further expansion. Also known as the Initial Public Offering (IPO). NYSE - New York Stock Exchange The largest and oldest US stock exchange


OCO - One Cancels the Other If you place a sell limit and a sell stop order in the same stock at the same time. When either order is executed the other will automatically be cancelled. Also applies to a buy limit and buy stop order. Option The right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option ) a specific amount of a given stock, commodity, currency, index, or debt, at a specified price (the strike price) during a specified period of time. For the holder, the potential loss is limited to the price paid to acquire the option. When an option is not exercised, it expires. No shares change hands and the money spent to purchase the option is lost. For the buyer, the upside is unlimited. For the writer, the potential loss is unlimited unless the contract is covered, meaning that the writer already owns the security underlying the option. There are two types of options: American style and European style. American options can be exercised at any time between the purchase date and the expiry date and European options can only exercised on a single day, usually its expiry date. Order Book Introduced on 20 October 1997. FTSE 100 stocks are traded on an electronic order book (inside the SEAQ quote system). When bid and offer prices match, new incoming orders are automatically against orders on the book. Open Position A long or short position which has not been closed out by an equal and opposite position. Overbought Market prices that have risen too steeply and too quickly. Oversold Market prices that have declined too steeply and too quickly. OTC - Over The Counter A market conducted directly between dealers and principals via a telephone and computer network rather than a regulated exchange trading floor.


"Pegged" Currency A currency is pegged or fixed when its country s Central Bank decides to tie its value to a stronger currency, in an effort to stabilize its own currency. Currencies such as the Hong Kong Dollar have historically pegged to the US Dollar. Plaza Agreement Agreement made between the US, France, Germany, Japan and the UK in 1985, to work together on influencing exchange rates. Point Depending on the context, normally one basis point, i. e. 0.0001. Portfolio A collection of securities owned by an investor. Position The value (quantity) of a tradable item held by a trader. Pricemaker An individual or a firm that quotes prices on which it is prepared to trade a currency pair. Pricetaker A market participant looking to enter a trade, who has no ability to make the market. Pricetakers can only trade at prices offered by pricemakers. For instance, a pricetaker hoping to sell immediately would have to submit a sell order at the market (the current bid). The majority of retail partcipants in the FX market are pricetakers. Pullbacks A retreat of a FX pair s exchange rate from a recent top. A pullback may be a brief reversal of the current upward trend, signaling a pause in upward momentum. After major upward moves, pullbacks can provide buying opportunities. Pullbacks though, may also represent trend reversals. PPP - Purchasing Power Parity The theory that identical tradable goods and services ought to be priced the same across two different countries, otherwise arbitrage opportunities would arise. PPP states that over the long term, the exchange rate between two currencies adjusts to eliminate these arbitrage opportunities. PPP theory ignores transportation costs, tariffs and transaction costs. It also assumes competitive markets in both countries.


Quoted Currency The currency in a foreign exchange deal; the amount of which is equated to one unit of the base currency.


Range Trading A trading strategy in which the trader identifies a FX pair currently trading in a range. The trader buys when the pair finds major support (at the bottom of the range) and sells at major resistance (at the top of the range). Trading is typically repeated at support and resistance until the FX pair breaks out of the range. Reserve Currency The currency which is most used by governments and institutions for holding cash reserves. Currently, it is the US dollar. Resistencia Un nivel de precio al que usted esperaría que ocurra la venta. Rights Issue An additional issue of shares by the company to existing share holders and at an advantageous, discounted, price. A means for the company to raise new funds for further development or to finance a new acquisition for cash. A two for five rights at 145p means that the existing share holder has the right to acquire a further two shares for every five currently held at a new cost of 145p per share acquired. RSI A technical momentum indicator comparing the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses, helping determine overbought and oversold conditions of a FX pair. It is calculated using the following formula: RSI = 100 - (100 / 1 + RS) RS = Average of x days' up closes / Average of x days' down closes RSI ranges from 0 to 100. RSI readings above the 70 level indicate that the FX pair may be overbought, while readings below 30 likely point to an oversold FX pair.


Sector A distinct subset of a market whose components share similar characteristics. Stocks are often grouped into different sectors depending upon the company's business. For example the FTSE 100 has banking, oil and gas and pharmaceutical sectors. Selling Short This is practice of selling shares that you do not own in the hope that the share price falls before you have to settle the contract. If the price does fall you can then buy the shares at the lower price and pocket the difference. Short A market position where the client has sold a currency or security he or she does not already own, in anticipation that it will decrease (depreciate) in value. For example, a trader who has sold 100,000 EUR against the USD is short the EUR versus the USD. The euro is expected to decline in value in relation to the USD in this scenario. Simple Moving Average A simple, or arithmetic, moving average can be calculated by adding the FX pair s closing exchange rate for a number of time periods and then dividing this sum by the number of periods. The SMA is essentially the average FX pair exchange rate over a time period. Equal weighting is applied to each exchange rate used in the calculation. Speculator A sophisticated individual who trades with significant leverage, taking on above average risk in hopes of above average returns. Speculative Attack Currencies that are identified by sophisticated speculators as trading within an artificially high or low range are prone to be attacked. Speculative attacks may succeed in bringing the currency value back in line with intrinsic value (as determined by fundamental and/or technical analyses) should sufficient numbers of influential market participants decide to overwhelm current government-supported positions. Spot The FX contract is based on an instantaneous price and the settlement date is two business days forward. Spread The difference between the marketmaker s bid and offer price for a currency. Spread Betting A type of bet that gives investors the chance of making unlimited winnings (and losses), in contrast to the conventional fixed-odds type of bet, where the potential winnings and losses are known before the event. They generally quote spreads wider than the market. Share CFDs are a more sophisticated way of trading. S & P - Standard and Poor's Stock Index US performance index of the country's top 500 companies. Square Where a client has not traded in that currency or where an earlier deal is reversed, thereby creating a neutral (flat, square) position. For example: bought $100,000 then sold $100,000 = SQUARE. Also known as flat. Stockbroker An exchange member firm which provides advice and dealing services to the public as well as trading on its own account. Stop loss Order Stop orders can be used to enter or exit the market. Stop loss orders are used to close out existing open positions. Stop loss orders can be used to limit your trading risk and are an essential part of disciplined trading. Stops are used so that should the market move against you, you are automatically taken out of a position, effectively limiting your loss. Stop losses can also be used to lock in profit. As the market moves in your favour you can move your stop order up with the prevailing price, locking in profit or minimizing losses, if the market suddenly moves against you. This is known as a trailing stop. Support Level A price level at which you would expect buying to take place.


techMARK This market groups together technology companies from across the market. It has its own indices, the FTSE techMARK 100 and the FTSE techMARK All Share. Technical Analysis Analysis of market movements based chart study, moving averages, volume, open interest, formations, and other technical indicators. Tom Next A transaction with value dates for tomorrow against the next day. Transparent A description of a market where traders have full immediate knowledge of the details of trades taking place. Treasury A bond issued by Government. Bonds issued by the UK government are called gilt edged stock, commonly referred to as gilts. Trend Lines These lines are drawn to illustrate the broader direction of the FX pair. Trend lines can vary in length, applying to either the short, intermediate or long term. Trend lines are used by trend traders to help identify support and resistance, and to caution against taking any countertrend positions. Trend Trading A trend trader strives to profit by taking a position in a FX pair in the direction of the pair s momentum. A long position is entered when a FX pair is trending upward (higher highs and higher lows), while a short position is taken when the stock is trending down (lower highs and lower lows). Trend traders stay in their position until the trend breaks.


Underlying Is the security or commodity that is delivered or being traded when dealing in futures or options. Underlying Currency Currency which forms the basis of a contract and, hence, is bought or sold when the contract is exercised.


Variation Margin In margin deposit trading: funds required to be deposited by a client when a price movement has caused funds to fall below the margin requirement. Conversely funds may be withdrawn by a client when a price movement has caused funds to rise above the margin requirement. Value Date Settlement date of a spot or forward deal. Value Spot The settlement value upon two business days. This settlement date is always used in the interbank cash market, unless otherwise requested by the client. Volatility How quickly the price of a security rises and falls over time. A highly volatile share can be risky for short-term investors who stand a greater chance of buying at a peak and selling in a trough at a loss.


Yield The return earned on an investment taking into account the annual income and its present value. There are a number of different types of yield, and in some cases different methods of calculating each type. Yield Curve A series of interest rates plotted against the time to maturity, to which they apply.

Forex Is Not A Five Letter Word. Don't take trading forex as a joke.

You have traded currencies before and like ninety percent of people who have traded forex you lost money quickly. Or you had profits and rode them into losses. For you Forex became a five letter word.

Is there a way to make money trading currencies? How do the big banks and hedge funds do it? While there are no guarantees, there are a number of things you can do that will increase your chances of becoming a winning Forex trader.

It is not an easy path to success. Some stories of overnight riches are true but they come with years of preparation and a great deal of tolerance for risk taking.

First you need to decide if you are going to be a fundamental trader, a technical trader or a combination of both. If you choose the former you must pay close attention to the markets. You cannot wake up in the morning, place an order to buy or sell and expect to make money. You must do your research. You should have some working knowledge of the fundamentals of major countries. That is you need to know both long and short levels of interest rates, GDP and growth potential, inflation and of course a the employment situation of a country.

If the charts are what you fancy you should take a course and read a couple of books on technical analysis. Then decide which area is right for you. Will you be a long term breakout trader or will you follow pivot points. Will Fibonacci be your thing or will you stick to RSIs.

Once you have that down you must examine your financials. How much of your net worth are are you willing to risk. What is the maximum amount of money you can lose and not impair your lifestyle.

It is probably a good idea to open a demo account with an online broker. That way you can practice entering the various types of orders. You can see in real time how much profit or loss you would have and you can adjust your style accordingly. You need to become proficient in stop orders, limit and market orders so when the real thing comes you will not be nervous or anxious. You can think about one thing only. Comercio.

Next work on controlling your emotions. This is a huge factor in Forex trading. It is much different trading real money than some demo account. I have seen it happen too many times where people lose their cool and turn profits into losses. Or much worse, losses into bigger losses. You are not going to make money on every trade.

That is just the way it is. But if you keep your emotions in check and are disciplined in setting your stop levels, and sticking to them, you give yourself a much better chance of success.

Finally, risk control is the key to your trading career. Making the right decisions on how much to risk on a currency or how large of a position you should carry is of paramount importance in Forex. This way you can stay in the game so that when the big move comes you can catch it. And then Forex will no longer be a five letter word. It will be a six letter word: Profit

If you want to win with your FX trading strategy make sure it contains these key elements otherwise you will be doomed and join the 95% of losing traders.

1. It must be Your Strategy!

Don't fall for the hype that some junk robot will give you success or a guru or mentor there are plenty sold online with huge profits in simulation but they don't work - no one gives you something for nothing and forex trading is no different.

Even if you have got the forex education from someone else, you must understand it and have confidence in it so you can follow it with discipline - discipline is the key, you must be able to ride out losing periods and wait until you hit a home run.

If you don't have confidence you will never be able to do this make sure you have it.

2. You Must Understand Your Edge

Your trading edge is the reason you will win when 95% of other traders lose and you must have confidence and understand what it is and it must be based on sound logic.

Many people think they have an FX strategy based on sound logic and do the following and lose.

- They try and predict market prices

- They follow bogus scientific theories

- They trade news stories

- They day trade and try and scalp

- They follow experts

All the above will see you lose if you don't know why, continue your forex trading education until you do.

Your trading edge is something that is personal to you and can be based on a simple forex trading strategy you can execute with discipline - that's enough, remember simple systems executed with rigorous discipline work!

3. Play Defence First

When you are trading on leverage you need to trade great defence first and always protect what you have this means rigorous money management rules and money management is much more than placing a stop!

If you don't keep your losses small you will get wiped out - sounds obvious?

Well most traders don't heed it and use leverage of 200 or 300:1 on a few hundred bucks, 10 or 20 is enough.

Forex trading can make you a lot of money but if you expect not to have to work your in for a rude awakening.

Do your homework, get confident and make sure you have the discipline to stick with your FX trading strategy and follow it through drawdown periods, to long term success and the rewards if you can do this are huge.

I see day traders and forex scalpers selling trading systems online claiming profits but look at the track record closely and you will see, there not real at all - In fact they have never been traded and the profits are paper ones - they all have this disclaimer on them.

"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".

Umm, so they all have the above on which means, they have never been traded in the brutal hard world of forex trading and of course, trading without knowing the prices ( rather than simulating backwards knowing them) is the real world of trading and much harder.

Day trading doesn't work however marketing organizations create great copy to sell the concept and the naïve or lazy trader, thinks he is going to make a regular income, with 90% accuracy etc.

He sits back with a cold beer and thinks he will never have to work hard again, of course he gets rewarded but - with an equity wipe out.

When I was a broker, we loved day traders - why?

As you probably know most brokers take the other side of the trade, so they win when the client losses.

No day trader EVER won when I was there and I saw maybe 20,000 client accounts. Also, the other myth is forex brokers hunt day traders stop - nope. They don't need to bother, the day trader always has his stop within normal random volatility so the market takes him out, the broker doesn't need to help.

So why doesn't day trading work?

Think about the huge mass of people who trade each day and they all have different skills, trading systems, and aims and to think, you can work out what this diverse group, of emotional beings is going to do, in a few hours is futile and dommed to failure.

All volatility is random in daily time frames so how on earth can you get the odds on your side?

You cant - so don't attempt it.

If you want to win at forex trading, learn how to trade longer term and you will find the data helps you calculate the odds and gives you a chance to win and win big gains.

If you want to win at forex trading, you need to trade the odds - so forget day trading and scalping, trade longer term and enjoy currency trading success.

I'm here to share with you some of my easy forex trading advice and tips. This should help you break out of mediocre trading and into a more long term profitable trader, that grows over time. This is a great market to get involved in and a great way to earn a second income without having to pay expensive gas prices to capitalize on it.

Margin Trading Tip: Margin trading is a foreign concept to most people. It's very hard to believe, so I'll describe it as best as I can. Instead of putting money into a broker account to trade with, you put a deposit into an account. This deposit allows you to trade 10-100 times the amount you deposited. You're basically allows to trade the brokers money. This extra money allows you to make more money because you have more money to leverage. This extra money also allows the broker to make more money. This means both parties win. On the other hand, if you start losing money, the broker will cut you off. The broker will never lose money. You're only allowed to lose as much as you deposited. The best piece of advice I can give is to not trade all the money at once. If you deposit $1000, that means you could trade up to $100,000. If you traded all that, you could lose your original deposit quickly. Trade only a small percentage of it. If you traded $10,000 you'd still make more money, but you wouldn't risk losing your original deposit in a blink of an eye.

Software Tip: Having forex software is important to be a profitable trader. There are certain characteristics you need in software. The first is automation. You need something that you know can automatically watch over a trade. You can't sit on the computer 24hrs a day, so having software watching it and making the necessary moves is very important. Also, you'd want to have software that can find profitable trends. Trend finding is an excellent thing to have and is very profitable for you. The only software that I've seen capable of this is Forex Killer.

Make money trading online reviews

Automation, automation, automation. Three words every forex trader should know and respect. There are two ways to generate wealth in this world; you can either trade your time, or your money. Don't fall into the trap of doing both when trading in the foreign exchange market. Can forex charting software push your business into automation nation?

Forex charting software can be considered as 'robots' which go through all the information about the market run it through their mathematically strong anagrams to produce predictions on changes in the market.

Here's the interesting part. Once you have setup an account with a broker, forex charting software can enter and exit deals on behalf of you, even while you're asleep. All you need for a home business is a PC and an internet connection. Advantage knowledge and experience with the market isn't even required to start making some profit, but it does certainly help.

Sounds too good to be true, well the truth of the matter is they aren't always perfect, but they can be pretty close. It's not going to be for everyone, you might still prefer your own tricks but this is a great solution to traders with very little time on their hands.

Respectable companies will offer a 60 day guarantee on their software, if things don't work for you, your not down a penny. Business is all about taking small risks for large profits. With no risk promises on forex charting software, you have nothing to lose, apart from the opportunity to generate some serious income.

How I Made $139,820.98 in 60 days


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Trading Forex From Home Reviews

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Welcome to InstaForex Indonesia

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Make InstaForex Indonesia your best partner in trading!

Make InstaForex Indonesia your best partner in trading!

Ever wonder why Forex trading is so unique? Well, the mere fact that you may have the chance of earning more money while doing it at home, that’s extremely awesome, right? That’s why this kind of industry has gained so much fame around the globe all through the years. Regardless of your location, the language you speak, so long as you have your own computer at home, you’ll be fine! So many people are very hooked into it that they do it all-day, all-night.

But no matter how Forex can potentially be profitable, it will always depend on the company you’re doing it with. No matter how great you are as a trader, if the company you’re dealing with doesn’t satisfy you enough, you will surely be unsuccessful. InstaForex Indonesia, however, has its reputation of making trading easier and more convenient. With its reputation being wildly known among traders, a flawless image, a maximum transparency, those are just few reasons why IstaForex Indonesia is your best buddy. We will never let our clients down, as they are the reason why we remain strong in this industry. Although making mistakes is inevitable, we will do our job superbly. Let’s talk and make your trading experience the best ever with InstaForex Indonesia.

InstaForex broker with its official website instaforex. com is part of the InstaForex Companies Group. It's a group of financial and investment companies which render online trading services. InstaForex Company is an ECN Forex broker that has more than 500,000 individuals and corporate clients. Every day, over 400 new traders open their accounts with InstaForex. A comprehensive range of trading options, instant technical support and consulting services are available to customers of InstaForex, regardless of their capital. The company's top priority is to render full-range services and provide customers assistance starting from opening a new account up to withdrawing their funds. InstaForex trading conditions are highly considered as one of the best across the globe. Clients have a free access to a great variety of trading instruments, as well as to the state-of-the art information technologies and software products from the leading companies such as MetaQuotes Software MetaTrader 4 developer), Reuters, e-Signal and many more.

Partnership with major market-makers and brokers-contractors as well as a strong client hold great strategic potential of InstaForex and enable it to keep the top position in the industry and efficiently meet expectations of traders.

InstaForex Companies Group has a comprehensive range of financial instruments enabling individuals and institutions to invest in exchange and stock markets.

InstaForex Company has more than 250 representative offices worldwide. Most of them are located in Asia where the company has achieved its biggest success. A British magazine World Finance Media has awarded it “The Best Broker in Asia” at the prestigious World Finance Awards for three consecutive years. InstaForex also received multiple awards from other leading award giving bodies, such as the CNBC Business Magazine and the European CEO (The Best Retail Broker award). Its achievements have been repeatedly marked at international financial ShowFX World and ShowFX Asia exhibitions.

In 2008, InstaForex Company became a member of RAFMM, having proved its leadership in financial market, rendering high quality services. The Russian Association of Financial Market Members is an independent regulatory authority which unites licensed financial companies in Russia and considers any claims emerging between brokers and their customers.

InstaForex staff members are experienced professionals. Transparency, competence and personal approach are our top priorities which present a model to emulate to brokers in Russia as well as to European and Asian countries.

Aside from being a member of RAFMM and being a prominent broker company, InstaForex always keeps clients' trading more enjoyable through conducting promos and contests, such as “Best trading, Luxury Driving,” and “Win a Lotus with InstaForex,” car raffles and “Trade Wise, Win a Device” gadgets promo; Miss Insta Asia beauty contest and many more. These contests come with a large prize pool of more than 500 000 USD.

InstaForex team will never be tired to support each customer in achieving their personal goals. Come and join the InstaForex community and start a wonderful and productive trading experience!

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BDFOREX ACADEMY provides practical Forex education and dynamic Forex strategies that are applicable to the ever-changing currency market. BDFOREX ACADEMY is a FOREX education services company, specialized in FOREX training the prospective traders on how to react in FOREX markets movement.

With the unique focus and specialized knowledge to trade the FOREX market hours, we believe BDFOREX ACADEMY empowers self-directed traders with the art and science of mainstream trading and the essential skills to trade Forex.

Our training sessions are handled by experienced professionals. We invite some external professional from Forex related industries to handle of the training.

Work at Home Business Entrepreneur: Forex Trading Made Simple

Forex trading is considered one of the fastest ways to make money at home. It’s a great work from home opportunity for anyone looking for a challenging and rewarding career. There is more than one way to work at home with Forex Trading. One is to be a real Forex trader by actually investing money to trade. You will need a portfolio and fund it with an investment of as little as $30. You can also be a Forex information provider by building a website. Third, is to have what’s called a console. This is like having a separate account along with your portfolio. But in order to have a console you have to have been trading for at least 90 days and have a portfolio valued at least $5000.

Three major ways people lose at Forex trading is lack of knowledge, trading without a strategy, or actions ruled by emotions. Know before you begin. Forex trading, as with many other home based businesses, have many risk factors. In order to avoid this you must learn all that you can from every resource available to you. But don’t get discouraged, Forex Trading also has all the benefits you receive if you work for yourself. Most other work from home business opportunities require large reoccurring investments or a boss that lets you telecommute from time to time. There are tons of “home businesses” that force you to buy inventory and then have you resell it to your friends and family or to try to recruit them into the business. In the past a minimum transaction size and strict financial requirements kept most people from even considering currency trade. Forex Trading now can get you started with less than $100. It has a high volume of transactions, high liquidity, and is available 24 hours from any part of the world. All trading is done by phone or internet from wherever you are. In other words, you make big money in little time. With Forex you actually can earn money while you sleep! You can live the entrepreneurial dream!

The Forex market is the largest market in the world, with trades amounting to more than $1.5 trillion every day. Unlike trading on the stock market, the currency market is not conducted by a central exchange, but on the “interbank” market, also called an OTC (over the counter) market. Forex is all about timing and knowledge of the main factors that can influence the Forex market, hour after hour. Don’t jump in head first, learn about Forex Trading. Exchange rates are based on economic growth so know how to pick an economy or currency that will get stronger or weaker against another country’s economy or currency. Learn the factors that influence currency exchange rate between countries. Reduce your risk by getting to know your trade terms. So, where do you go to get the knowledge you need?

Cesar Campos specializes in reviewing and trialling the best work from home opportunities available online today. He also offers SEO support to advise you on the most effective strategies to help you achieve high SEO rankings.

Written by Cesar Campos - Small Home Business Advisor. We offer viable work from home and small business ideas for individuals interested in learning how to build the foundations of a profitable home business.

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