Thursday, November 10, 2016

Indicadores De Comercio C #

He tratado de hacer esta pregunta en "finanzas cuantitativas", pero parece que es mejor lugar porque la pregunta más sobre la programación de comercio

Cómo se declara la interfaz del indicador? Cuál sería la manera correcta de modelar un "Indicador"?

Estoy utilizando c # y quiero declarar interfaz de indicador como este:

O probablemente incluso como esto:

Considero el "precio puro" como un indicador trivial:

Qué piensas? ¡Cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida!

Preguntó 11 de diciembre a las 13:35

Oded & # 9830; 322k & # 9679; 49 & # 9679; 541 & # 9679; 747

Ok, pero cuál es su pregunta realmente? Su código no funciona? & Ndash; Tudor dic 11 '11 a las 13:40

Debo estar extrañando algo - cuál es el problema real? Las declaraciones de interfaz que publicó están bien. & Ndash; Oded & # 9830; Dic 11 '11 a las 13:40

La pregunta es cómo declarar la interfaz de Indicador y la implementación correspondiente (por ejemplo, Promedio móvil). Es bueno o no considerar el "precio puro & quot; Como indicador. Es bueno usar el evento para notificar que el valor se actualiza o que es mejor utilizar el tipo de temporizador u otras técnicas? Javapowered dic 11 '11 a las 13:43

Nous avons le plaisir de vous accueillir au Chalet d'Hôtes Floralp, situado a deux pas du centre du village de La Clusaz. Depuis l & rsquo; hфtel, vous bйnйficiez d & rsquo; une vue inoubliable sur la Chaîne des Aravis. Son cadre calme et chaleureux vous assure la promesse d & rsquo; un sjour accableable.

79 chemin du Prée de Foire - 74220 La Clusaz - +33 (0) 4 50 02 41 46 -


Los kilómetros de pistas de montaña y pistas VTT para todos los niveles. Todas las actividades estivales no te pueden ayudar a dos pas de l'hфtel. Des йvиnements originaux. Jump'In, Balada en el Clair de Lune, Fête du Reblochon.

el invierno

A 100 metros de las pistas de esquí, de la pista de esquí y de la escuela de esquí, el Floral está situado en la entrada del pueblo. La temporada está muy bien. Pestacles du Père Noël, Carnaval, Dífi Foly.

La Clusaz

En una naturaleza única y protegida, La Clusaz accueille le monde dans une douce йnergie. Lugar de las atenciones y de los movimientos, la estación está a ella sola una pequeña plantilla. Chaleureuse, cosmopolite, deseable.

Annecy - lac

Le lac ofrece un desagüe des eaux bleu turquoise chères à Cézanne. Ville d'Art et d'Histoire, Annecy et les montagnes avoisinantes proposent en toute saison une multitude d'activites culturelles, ludiques, sportives ou de détente.

Indicadores de comercio C #

Cinco indicadores de un cambio químico

Programe su indicador o sistema usando NinjaScript, EasyLanguage, C #, o FIX para trabajar con nuestro ApexTrader o NinjaTrader e incluso tenerlos auto negociados. NET, C #, C / C ++ o Delphi. Los sistemas de negociación se componen de los siguientes componentes: datos de precios de los valores a analizar, indicadores técnicos y un conjunto 3 de agosto de 2006 Creación de un sistema de comercio mecánico Parte 1: Indicadores técnicos. Indicadores de Alejandro Simon en la plataforma. NET utilizando el lenguaje C #.

Cómo hacer un indicador de la vitamina C.

Estos son los "TM" Y R '' R ''. O "REG" Que usted ve en pequeños círculos después de un nombre comercial; Podría extenderse a PAT, Y PAT PENDIENTE. Leer más & raquo;

Luces de advertencia del tablero de instrumentos

Construye, descarga y comercializa robots e indicadores personalizados. CAlgo le permite crear trading cBots e indicadores técnicos personalizados utilizando C #. Con un acceso directo Esta funcionalidad de vanguardia también soporta la capacidad de importar indicadores y estrategias al mismo tiempo; El comercio completamente automatizado con el AgenaScript (RightEdge) es una plataforma de software de sistemas comerciales que utiliza indicadores técnicos y otros lenguajes reales para crear sistemas comerciales reales con C # y Visual Basic.

Qué indica la unidad C?

Todos sabemos que los alimentos nutritivos contienen vitaminas y minerales. Muchos alimentos vienen con etiquetas de nutrición. Sin embargo, los alimentos más sanos son a menudo los alimentos enteros, lea más & raquo;

Indicadores de retraso

Futuros, noticias, gráficos y plataformas & gt; Plataformas e Indicadores han estado trabajando en un sistema de gestión de datos comerciales y backtesting en C # /. 23 de abril de 2014 que ha conseguido el envoltorio malo) de comercio con la plataforma NinjaTrader Tanto las estrategias y los indicadores se pueden desarrollar en NinjaScript (C #), pero 24 de septiembre 2012 Me pregunto cómo tener un proyecto C # carga un indicador simple (es decir, bollinger para Tiempo-análisis de la serie y la construcción de reglas comerciales automáticas.

Cómo hacer un indicador de la vitamina C.

Hay dos preparaciones diferentes (almidón-yodo o indofenol) que pueden usarse para la solución de indicador de vitamina C. Tampoco es más preciso que el othe Read More & raquo;

Ehlers nuevo & # 8220; oscilador universal & # 8221; Como indicador C #

24 de enero de 2015

John F. Ehlers presentó el & # 8220; Oscilador Universal & # 8221; En la edición de enero de 2015 del Análisis Técnico de Stocks & amp; Productos básicos & # 8221; Revista

Ehlers es bien conocido por sus herramientas de procesamiento de señales relacionadas con el filtrado cíclico y suavizado. Por lo tanto, es una necesidad para agregar este nuevo indicador que funciona tanto como un oscilador de tendencia inversa y como un identificador de tendencia.

Ehlers describe el indicador en el artículo de la siguiente manera:

Sólo se necesita un examen superficial del gráfico para ver que las variaciones cíclicas del oscilador están casi perfectamente alineadas con las variaciones a corto plazo en los datos de precios sin demora. Dado que el oscilador universal se derivó de un espectro de ruido blanco, dudo que se pueda generar un mejor oscilador. El oscilador universal tiene esencialmente un retraso cero como indicador y también puede utilizarse como base para identificar las tendencias.

Universion Oscillator en EUR / USD 5min. gráfico

El indicador se muestra como ejemplo en el par de divisas EUR / USD de los últimos dos días. Las flechas rojas / verdes destacan los puntos de giro del oscilador y se han ejecutado como señales comerciales en la plataforma de WhenToTrade.

Comercio del oscilador universal

La estrategia estándar generó 200 pips de ganancia en los últimos dos días. Por lo tanto, vale la pena echar un vistazo más de cerca a este nuevo indicador o combinarlo con otras herramientas cíclicas. Un giro por encima de 0 es alcista (tendencia alcista) y un giro por debajo de 0 es bajista (tendencia bajista). El indicador podría ser transferido a señales comerciales como cualquier oscilador. La curva de equidad de las señales comerciales mostradas para los dos últimos días se muestra a continuación.

Versión del oscilador universal C #

Hemos transferido el código EasyLanguage a un código indicador C # que puede utilizarse en nuestra plataforma de WhenToTrade.

Importar el archivo de origen C # (.zip) al final de este artículo e importar el archivo. zip mediante la función de menú & # 8220; Scripting - & gt; Importar el paquete de secuencias de comandos & # 8221 ;. Eso es todo. Posteriormente puede seleccionar el indicador desde el panel de inicio del indicador y utilizarlo en sus propios scripts de trading / alert o alimentar el algoritmo genético con su nuevo indicador.

Descarga el paquete Indicador C #

He tratado de hacer esta pregunta en "finanzas cuantitativas", pero parece que esto es mejor lugar porque la pregunta más sobre la programación de comercio

Cómo se declara la interfaz del indicador? Cuál sería la manera correcta de modelar un "Indicador"?

Estoy utilizando c # y quiero declarar interfaz de indicador como este:

O probablemente incluso como esto:

Considero el "precio puro" como un indicador trivial:

Qué piensas? ¡Cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida!

Preguntó 11 de diciembre a las 13:35

Oded & # 9830; 322k & # 9679; 49 & # 9679; 541 & # 9679; 747

Ok, pero cuál es su pregunta realmente? Su código no funciona? & Ndash; Tudor dic 11 '11 a las 13:40

Debo estar extrañando algo - cuál es el problema real? Las declaraciones de interfaz que publicó están bien. & Ndash; Oded & # 9830; Dic 11 '11 a las 13:40

La pregunta es cómo declarar la interfaz de Indicador y la implementación correspondiente (por ejemplo, Promedio móvil). Es bueno o no considerar el "precio puro & quot; Como indicador. Es bueno usar el evento para notificar que el valor se actualiza o que es mejor utilizar el tipo de temporizador u otras técnicas? Javapowered dic 11 '11 a las 13:43

El nuevo estándar en FX Trading

CTrader proporciona acceso STP completo a los mercados de comercio de divisas para los comerciantes profesionales y nuevos.

Viajamos sus operaciones utilizando redes STP, lo que le permite negociar directamente con bancos globales prominentes, liberándolo de las ineficiencias de los modelos de creadores de mercado y abriendo la puerta a un comercio transparente en un entorno en vivo.

La intervención de la mesa de negociación es imposible. Garantizándole un campo comercial de nivel que le ayuda a alcanzar sus metas comerciales.

Rápida entrada y ejecución

La mayor parte del tiempo, el tiempo es todo. El éxito de su comercio dependerá de la rapidez con que pueda llenar su pedido, y con cTrader, los pedidos se llenan en milisegundos.

CTrader también admite el procesamiento simultáneo de pedidos, por lo que si está ingresando varias operaciones a la vez, no hay cola de pedidos. Simple, inteligente, rápido.

Alguien sabe un SDK de C # para los indicadores técnicos comunes?

Alguien sabe un SDK de C # para los indicadores técnicos comunes?

Necesito comprar o adquirir un SDK para los indicadores técnicos. Alguien sabe de alguna?

Plataforma de destino es Silverlight (C #). Los indicadores técnicos deben incluir los comunes utilizados por los comerciantes minoristas, además de la capacidad de crear indicadores personalizados

Alguna idea? == FM Lab

== Gracias por el comentario & # 8211; Se ve genial, pero unfortuantely escrito en C. Silverlight no podrá utilizar este & # 8211; Tiene que ser compatible con Silverlight CLR C #.

== TA-SDK podría ser lo que está buscando.

== FM Labs está en C, pero se proporciona un contenedor. NET & # 8230;

== Si el código puramente gestionado es un requisito, se proporciona la fuente. La parte nativa C es en gran parte undecorated y sería bastante trivial para compilar como código administrado & # 8230; probablemente un trabajo de 2-3 horas & # 8230;

== Vale la pena investigar (FM Labs), pero TA-SDK realmente tiene un binario compatible con Silverlight & # 8211; Esto es genial, ya que significa menos dolor para nosotros!

FYI Silverlight es un divertido subconjunto de. NET. Algunas clases no son compatibles y hay medidas de seguridad estrictas. Portar puede ser más dolor que su valor.

Si alguien ha utilizado FM Labs en Silverlight (o compilado como. NET) estoy interesado en escuchar de ellos!

== dado que está escribiendo en C #, por qué necesita un SDK? Eso parecería implicar que usted desea la interfaz con el código externo que está escrito ya. Si es así, el trabajo de abajo no funciona, pero simplemente intenta obtener el código base (fórmulas) para indicadores comunes, la sugerencia a continuación es bastante sencilla y sin duda funcionará.

Yo trato y descargar NinjaTrader (gratis), pasar un poco de tiempo la comprensión de cómo sus indicadores de trabajo (pm me si necesita ayuda) y luego adaptar lo que necesita para manejar sin embargo, su feed de datos entra en.

NinjaTrader proporciona la fuente para todos sus indicadores así que usted tendrá una abundancia del código a utilizar como plantilla.

== Tenemos una tarea para crear una plataforma básica que es de código abierto, y libre de características ricas de construcción y uso como punto de partida en el desarrollo de software HFT & amp; Algo industria


Hasta ahora TA-SDK es el único que se puede utilizar en un proyecto Silverlight & # 8211; TA-Lib parece genial, pero la fuente dotNet parece depender de C, por lo que está fuera de cuestión (Silverlight es un subconjunto gestionado puro del CLR solamente).

= - = TA-lib es el código fuente para Java, esto puede moverse a C #. Tengo algunos ejemplos, puedo enviar a correo electrónico.

== Puede encontrar c # impl de la tecnología común. Indiana. en http://stocksharp. codeplex. com/SourceControl/list/changesets

Sigue a dev & # 8211; Indicadores & # 8211; Indicadores.

Algunos de ellos no están bien probados con hist. Datos desde que fue creado por la comunidad. Así que ten cuidado.

== Stocksharp parece una gran cosa, tendré que comprobar esto y probar la compilación en un entorno de Silverlight

== También pensé en mencionar:

Una plataforma de código abierto de Forex implementada en. NET, con complementos para Currenex, FIX, FXCM, Dukascopy & # 8230;

También Pluralsight tiene un curso gratuito llamado: Creación de aplicaciones ASP. NET MVC con EF Code First, HTML5 y jQuery

En él se crea una aplicación denominada AccountAtAGlance & # 8217; Que obtiene los precios de la API de Google Finance. Se trata de una aplicación de estilo Metro con arrastrar y soltar azulejos, y porque es HTML5 que funcionará bien con Pads y SmartPhones. Todas las llamadas de servidor son a través de AJAX y el progreso que se ha hecho con las bibliotecas Javascript como JQueryUI, plantillas, modernizador, sparkline, y en y significa que puede obtener un profesional mirando en el navegador web.

La mayoría de los brokers de Spreadbet en el Reino Unido se ejecutan a través de la web, algunos con cosas malas como Flash, pero IGIndex uno de los mayores usos Lightstreamer, que rápidamente arroja los precios incluso en los mercados de rápido movimiento como durante la nómina no agrícola. http://www. lightstreamer. com/demos

Algunas de las ideas de la aplicación podrían reutilizarse fácilmente mediante la integración de precios diferentes como FIX o lo que sea.

No conozco mucho acerca de Silverlight, así que tal vez haya alguna razón en particular para ello, siempre lo pensé como la respuesta de Microsoft a Flash, en algún lugar entre el WebApp y el WebForm. De cualquier forma, sólo algunas ideas , Espero que vaya bien.

Aunque esta no es una versión estable, hay bastantes indicadores técnicos implementados en esta biblioteca gratuita http://www.4xlab. net/

Tradelink tiene un gran grupo de indicadores técnicos de c #.

== Modulusfe. com el mejor para silverlight

== Todo el funcionalmente de Silverlight estaría disponible con HTML 5. Por lo tanto, Silverlight 5 puede ser la última versión de Microsoft.

Algunos enlaces pueden ser útiles para tomar decisiones sobre futuras inversiones en Silverlight: http://blogs. msdn. com/b/eternalcoding/archive/2011/06/13/html-5-vs-silverlight-5.aspx? Redirected = truehttp: //forums. silverlight. net/t/255615.aspx/1http: //visualstudiomagazine. com/blogs/redmond-review/2011/11/does-windows-8-spell-the-end-of - silverlight. aspx

NOTA Ahora publico mis ALERTAS de TRADING en mi cuenta personal de FACEBOOK y TWITTER. No te preocupes, ya que no publicar videos de gato estúpido o lo que como!

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Sistemas e indicadores personalizados

Tanto ApexTrader y MultiCharts tienen muchas maneras que usted puede tomar ventaja de su tecnología avanzada y el uso de indicadores personalizados o sistemas comerciales para analizar los datos de futuros en tiempo real y producir indicadores o señales comerciales para que usted siga o se ejecute automáticamente para su cuenta de futuros.

Personalizar indicadores

Usted puede personalizar fácilmente la configuración y los parámetros de los indicadores estándar incluidos gratis con nuestras plataformas de negociación. Cada plataforma viene con más de 100 indicadores pre-construidos de los cuales puede afinar la configuración y los parámetros para personalizar a su gusto.

Estrategias de importación o escritura

También puede programar su propia estrategia a partir de cero ya que ambas plataformas permiten a los usuarios importar sistemas o indicadores de un tercero o puede desarrollar y volver a probar los suyos. Los operadores pueden programar usando EasyLanguage, NinjaScript o C # de TradeStation para crear sus propias estrategias.

Comercio desde Excel

ApexTrader permite a los comerciantes la posibilidad de operar desde Microsoft® Excel con DDE. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) permite a las aplicaciones de Windows compartir datos, por ejemplo, una celda de Excel se puede vincular a un valor o punto de datos en ApexTrader y cuando el valor o punto de datos cambia, se actualiza automáticamente en la hoja de cálculo de Excel. Haga clic aquí para obtener una guía del usuario de esta tecnología.


Los programadores avanzados pueden escribir en el API de ApexTrader utilizando C # o el protocolo FIX o el API de CQG usando cualquier lenguaje de programación que soporte la tecnología de automatización COM como C #, C ++, MatLab, Microsoft Excel VBA y Visual Basic 6.0.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estos servicios.

El comercio en línea tiene un riesgo inherente debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que pueden variar debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema, el volumen y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar. Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Los futuros, las opciones sobre futuros y las transacciones minoristas de divisas en moneda extranjera implican un riesgo sustancial y no son apropiados para todos los inversores. Por favor lea Declaración de Divulgación de Riesgos para Futuros y Opciones antes de solicitar una cuenta.

* Los márgenes bajos son una espada de doble filo, ya que los márgenes más bajos significan que usted tiene mayor apalancamiento y por lo tanto un mayor riesgo.

Todas las comisiones citadas no incluyen tarifas de cambio y NFA a menos que se indique lo contrario. Apex no cobra por los datos de futuros, pero a partir del 1 de enero de 2015, la CME cobra $ 1-15 por mes, dependiendo del tipo de datos que requiera.

Estoy buscando para comenzar a desarrollar una tendencia después de la estrategia y han estado buscando para hacer algo en C # o Java y se preguntó si había una biblioteca o marco por ahí que haría backtesting un poco más fácil?

He mirado a NinjaTrader (NT7) y tiene algunos buenos métodos de la API para permitir que usted funcione dicen un canal de Donchian / ATR en los datos comunes y utilizar los valores en sus cálculos de entradas de la orden y me preguntaba si había bibliotecas similares alrededor de eso Lo haría en el mundo de la programación fuera de una aplicación como NT7?

Sé acerca de cosas como Quantlib, pero estos son más basados ​​en matemáticas y sé que estos pueden ser programados en pero no quería reinventar la rueda si ya había un pedazo de estas cosas estilo indicador ya está escrito en alguna parte?

Gracias de antemano y espero que esta pregunta esté dentro de las pautas para publicar aquí.

Preguntó Sep 24 '12 a las 9:44

Estrategias de negociación automatizadas con C # y NinjaTrader 7

Servicios de consultoría

Strategy Miner ofrece desarrollo de estrategias personalizadas y servicios educativos.

Estrategia de desarrollo personalizada Los consultores de Miner están listos para trabajar con usted para crear indicadores personalizados y estrategias de negociación usando NinjaTrader. Por favor contáctenos para más información.

Educación Le interesa tomar el siguiente paso en su educación NinjaTrader? Strategy Miner ofrece sesiones educativas personalizadas para grupos. Por favor contáctenos para más información.

NinjaTrader Socio Educativo

NinjaTrader & # 153; Es nuestra plataforma de comerciante activo recomendada # 1.

Estamos encantados de ofrecer NinjaTrader & # 153; A nuestros clientes por muchas razones, pero una gran razón es que usted puede comenzar con NinjaTrader & # 153; ¡gratis! Por qué pagar cientos de dólares al mes por productos con menos funcionalidad cuando con NinjaTrader & # 153; Todo lo que necesita es acceder a un feed de datos en tiempo real o histórico. También puede conectar NinjaTrader & # 153; A Kinetick & # 153 ;, nuestro servicio de datos de mercado recomendado, para obtener datos de fin de día gratis!

SuperDOM - Fácil de ver la visualización de comercio - Entrada de pedido de un solo clic, la modificación y la cancelación - Se puede utilizar con el módulo de gestión avanzada de comercio (ATM)

Chart Trader - Fácil de ver la visualización de comercio en el gráfico - Entrada de pedido de un solo clic, la modificación y la cancelación de la tabla - Puede ser utilizado con el módulo de gestión avanzada de comercio (ATM)

Charting - Potente visualización del mercado - Multi-time frame y multi-instrumento de análisis - Más de 100 pre-construido indicadores personalizables más 100s de los indicadores opcionales de terceros

Kinetick & # 153; - Nuestro proveedor de datos de mercado preferido

Los comerciantes activos en todo el mundo exigen fiabilidad, rapidez, precisión y rentabilidad de su proveedor de datos de mercado financiero y KinetickTM lo entrega a ellos todos los días! KinetickTM proporciona cotizaciones rápidas, sin filtrar, en tiempo real para acciones, futuros y divisas que superan las expectativas de los comerciantes más exigentes del mundo, como nosotros!

Visite el sitio web de KinetickTM para obtener más información sobre sus capacidades, incluyendo cómo puede utilizarse GRATIS con datos de fin de día y cómo eliminar las tarifas de intercambio de CME Group Globex en datos de mercado en tiempo real.

El comercio en cualquier mercado financiero implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Cualquier estilo de negociación en cualquier condición de mercado es extremadamente riesgoso y puede dar lugar a pérdidas financieras sustanciales en un período muy corto de tiempo. Todo el contenido proporcionado es sólo con fines informativos y no pretende ser un asesoramiento de inversión.

&dupdo; StrategyMiner. net 2014. Todos los derechos reservados.


Guías del usuario de OEC Trader

Funciones principales Funciones adicionales Guía del usuario Descargar

Guía del usuario de OEC Trader

A pesar de que el software es sencillo e intuitivo, también es robusto, y hay tantas características y configuraciones personalizables para beneficiarse, así como las preguntas que pueda tener, por lo que creamos una extensa guía del usuario.

Esta guía le permite conocer las herramientas de negociación fáciles de usar, así como las funciones básicas y avanzadas.

Esperamos que esta guía del usuario le ayude con sus preguntas sobre la aplicación y con la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y características para ayudar en su comercio con OEC Trader.

OEC Trader es una aplicación comercial completa y robusta, llena de ricas herramientas de usuario, estamos seguros de que encontrará muchas características que le ayudarán a mejorar su experiencia comercial.

Actualmente, GAIN Capital está apoyando la versión 3.5 de OEC Trader.

V3.5.12.0 y más

V3.5.11.0 o inferior

Guía de inicio rápido de OEC Trader

A continuación se presenta una Guía de inicio rápido de OEC Trader para ayudarle a obtener la configuración y comenzar a utilizar OEC Trader. En cualquier momento si tiene preguntas sobre el software de OEC Trader o abre una cuenta, envíe un correo electrónico a gfinfo@gaincapital. com. Visite Live Help en línea o llámenos al 855-894-8194.

Guía del Director de Estrategia de OEC Trader

Utilice la guía de Trading Strategy Manager para ayudarle a empezar a importar una estrategia ya aplicarla al gráfico para la ejecución automática.

OEC Trader AutoX Guía del usuario

Obtenga lo mejor de ambos mundos combinando dos potentes aplicaciones comerciales: TradeStation® y GAIN Capital OEC Trader.

Utilice la guía de usuario de OEC Trader AutoX para ayudarle a empezar a utilizar la potente extensión OEC Trader AutoX de OEC Trader dentro de TradeStation® para ejecutar todas las funciones de OEC Trader así como automatizar sus señales comerciales directamente a través de su cuenta de GAIN Capital.

Lea la Guía del usuario de OEC Trader AutoX incluida para obtener más información.

Guía de indicadores personalizados de OEC Trader

Los indicadores y estrategias de OEC Trader están diseñados para satisfacer sus necesidades comerciales personalizadas.

Utilice nuestra Guía de indicadores personalizados de OEC Trader para ver cómo puede ejecutar y volver a probar estrategias simplemente usando nuestro asistente, C # o Easylanguage.

Obtenga inspiración de otros desarrolladores comprando indicadores de nuestra tienda de indicadores o benefíciese del tiempo que dedica a sus indicadores personalizados vendiendo su indicador en la tienda.

Guía de OEC Trader Excel DDE

Sabía que puede utilizar su propia hoja de cálculo de Excel para gestionar transacciones a través de una conexión de intercambio dinámico de datos (DDE) con OEC Trader?

La Guía de Excel DDE de OEC Trader le da el conocimiento necesario para crear un gestor de pedidos en Excel integrando datos de precios y pedidos. También puede encontrar oportunidades de negociación con funciones de Excel y macros que pueden ejecutar cualquier función de OEC Trader disponible en la API.






Gain Capital Group, LLC no hace recomendaciones de inversión y no proporciona asesoramiento financiero, fiscal o legal. Productos y servicios destinados a clientes estadounidenses y que pueden no estar disponibles o ofrecidos en otras jurisdicciones. Por lo tanto, antes de decidir participar en el mercado de futuros de productos básicos, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Lo más importante, no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Futuros, opciones sobre futuros y forex implica un riesgo sustancial y no es apropiado para todos los inversores. Los contratos de Oro y Plata Spot no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. El comercio en línea tiene un riesgo inherente debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que pueden variar debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema, el volumen y otros factores. Un comerciante debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar. Por favor lea Características y Riesgos de Opciones Estandarizadas o disponible llamando al 855-894-8194 o al 312-706-7259. * OEC Trader no tiene costos mensuales de suscripción o de tecnología transaccional. Se aplican comisiones estándar, cambio y NFA.

GAIN Capital Group, LLC es un FCM registrado y RFED con la CFTC y miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA # 0339826).

He estado devoloping mi propia plataforma de comercio en C #.

Es posible, desde mi plataforma C #, obtener valores históricos y en tiempo real de metatrader y también enviar órdenes comerciales, recibir información de la cuenta, etc.?

Estoy utilizando VS 2008 / C # / Net Framework 3.5.

Hay una API MT4 en algún lugar - lo he descargado una vez, pero no puedo recordar de dónde. Carga de llamadas de API para iniciar sesión en un servidor & amp; Enviar oficios, etc No podía ver cómo recibir & quot; tick & quot; O otros datos del servidor sin embargo. Parecía que funcionaba cuando probé mi inicio de sesión, etc Así que puede obtener ampliado por los desarrolladores.

Aquí hay un enlace al artículo de la API en este foro 'Nueva API MetaTrader 4 DISPONIBLE'

He estado buscando en todo esto como encontrar el lenguaje MQL4 muy restrictivo, me he rendido y la intención de esperar MQL5 como su reclamación tendrá clases, OO y depurar instalaciones. Este proceso implicó escribir un envoltorio de C ++ para llamar a un ensamblado. NET. Fue una pesadilla correcta y no pude conseguir todo para trabajar juntos. Fue muy poco intuitivo.

También hay una plataforma de comercio C # que puede obtener de un sitio web de código abierto. No puedo recordar donde me dieron esto tampoco!

Voy a desenterrar las cosas cuando llegue a casa & amp; Publicar los enlaces para usted.

Hay una API MT4 en algún lugar - lo he descargado una vez, pero no puedo recordar de dónde. Carga de llamadas de API para iniciar sesión en un servidor & amp; Enviar oficios, etc No podía ver cómo recibir & quot; tick & quot; O otros datos del servidor sin embargo. Parecía que funcionaba cuando probé mi inicio de sesión, etc Así que puede obtener ampliado por los desarrolladores.

Aquí hay un enlace al artículo de la API en este foro 'Nueva API MetaTrader 4 DISPONIBLE'

He estado buscando en todo esto como encontrar el lenguaje MQL4 muy restrictivo, me he rendido y la intención de esperar MQL5 como su reclamación tendrá clases, OO y depurar instalaciones. Este proceso implicó escribir un envoltorio de C ++ para llamar a un ensamblado. NET. Fue una pesadilla correcta y no pude conseguir todo para trabajar juntos. Fue muy poco intuitivo.

También hay una plataforma de comercio C # que se puede obtener de un sitio web de código abierto. No puedo recordar donde me dieron esto tampoco!

Voy a desenterrar las cosas cuando llegue a casa & amp; Publicar los enlaces para usted.

Gracias. Esos enlaces serían bienvenidos.

Pero hay un ETA para el lanzamiento de MT5? Pensé que era por lo menos 1 o 2 años.

MetaTrader Expert Advisor

OneStepRemoved. com ofrece sus servicios de programación para NinjaTrader 7. Trabajamos con una amplia gama de clientes: negocios que venden productos dentro de NinjaTrader; IBs y CTAs construyendo productos para sus clientes; Y los comerciantes individuales.

Construye tu estrategia de NinjaTrader

El primer paso para construir su estrategia - Comunicación

La mayoría de los comerciantes no se preocupan por la programación de C # NinjaScript o desarrollo de software. Su foco está en el comercio. Es nuestro trabajo tomar su idea y convertirla en una estrategia de trabajo.

No se sienta como si tuviera que escribir su estrategia en la computadora hablar o pseudo código si usted no se siente cómodo haciéndolo. En su lugar, pretenda que usted envía un amigo por correo electrónico. Escriba un mensaje de correo electrónico rápido a i & # x7; & # x6; & # x2d; # & # x2d; & # # 101; & # x64; & # x2e; c & # x6f; & # x6d ;. Ese correo electrónico me ayudará a entender lo que esperas lograr.

Si su estrategia no está clara, eso está bien. Hablo Inglés y no soy tímido acerca de hacer preguntas. Tampoco son mis programadores. Es una de las ventajas de trabajar con una compañía americana que tiene un número de teléfono real y responde dentro de un día hábil.

También deberías ver YouTube! Video publicado abajo. Explica algunos de los problemas más comunes que se encuentran al comunicar una estrategia.

NinjaTrader programación conversación arrancadores

Qué indicadores utiliza su estrategia?

Cuándo debe entrar en el mercado con un comercio de compra y venta?

Cuándo debe salir?

Qué opciones de gestión de dinero forex quieres utilizar?

Que esperar

A veces, la parte más difícil de construir una estrategia no es la programación; Es la comunicación y la prueba. Aquí es cómo un proyecto típico (menos de 10 horas) va:

El cliente trata de explicar el concepto de la estrategia. 1-2 semanas. El trabajo de programación real. Un máximo de 5 días laborales. El cliente intenta explicar los problemas que nunca ha explicado antes. Los arreglamos y enviamos una nueva versión. El ciclo se repite. 2-4 + semanas

El alcance del trabajo

Una vez que el concepto de estrategia alcance un cierto punto de claridad, el director del proyecto le enviará un ámbito de trabajo (SOW). La SOW intenta colmar la brecha entre

Explicar una estrategia comercial en inglés claro

Estructuración de la explicación para que un programador puede recogerlo, leerlo una o dos veces, e inmediatamente iniciar la programación

La estructura de la SOW refleja la idea de una lista de verificación: Sé que para entrar en el mercado cuando los elementos x, yyz están marcados. También puede pensar en esos elementos como evaluando a verdadero o falso. Si son todos verdad, entonces la estrategia debe entrar en un comercio. Si no, entonces la estrategia no necesita hacer nada.

Eche un vistazo a una muestra SOW escrita para un robot de cruce triple de media móvil. Aunque la estrategia es simple, obtendrá una idea de cómo fluye el documento y cómo puede aplicarse a su idea comercial.

El gerente del proyecto crea el SOW para confirmar su comprensión. En efecto, él loros la estrategia de nuevo a usted. Es nuestra manera de decir, "Sí, entendemos el trabajo que usted quiere que hagamos & # 8221; Antes de aceptar cualquier forma de pago. También presenta la oportunidad de corregir cualquier error antes de que realmente suceda.

El director de proyecto hace mucho de la carga pesada mental. Dicho esto, usted es la persona con la idea totalmente formada en su cabeza. Es posible que te encuentres tenso en algún momento para traducir los pensamientos de tu cerebro a un formato que otros puedan seguir. No hay atajos - lo mejor es que se acerque al tema con mucha paciencia.

Estrategia NinjaTrader y entrega de indicadores personalizados

La entrega de la estrategia inicial o el indicador personalizado toma 5 días hábiles a partir de la fecha del pago, a menos que se especifique lo contrario.

OneStepRemoved utiliza un sistema de ticketing de correo electrónico para entregar y probar los archivos de proyecto de programación. Los clientes se registran automáticamente y reciben su estrategia o indicador como un archivo adjunto de correo electrónico. Puede enviar tantos mensajes como sea necesario sin preocuparse de llenar la bandeja de entrada. El sistema clasifica y organiza ordenadamente los correos electrónicos según el orden en que fueron recibidos. También puede acceder al sistema de tickets directamente para ver lo que vemos.

Sólo hacemos soporte técnico a través del sistema de venta de entradas. Los sistemas ayudan a mantener los archivos, los problemas y los comentarios dentro de un solo área confinada. El proyecto se mantiene más organizado, haciendo su vida más fácil y menos estresante.

Nos complace ofrecer NinjaTrader a nuestros clientes por muchas razones, pero una gran razón es que usted puede comenzar con NinjaTrader de forma gratuita. No hay necesidad de pagar cientos de dólares al mes por productos con menos funcionalidad. NinjaTrader es todo lo que necesita para acceder a un feed de datos en tiempo real o histórico. También puede conectar NinjaTrader a Kinetick. Nuestro servicio de datos de mercado preferido, para datos de fin de día gratuitos.

Utilice las herramientas de análisis de mercado de NinjaTrader para ayudar a encontrar oportunidades comerciales

Independientemente de los mercados que comercialice, qué estilo de comerciante es usted o si necesita análisis en tiempo real o de fin de día, la plataforma de negociación de NinjaTrader le ofrece las herramientas para analizar los mercados y sus ideas comerciales de forma flexible, personalizable y fácil de usar. Manera que le ayuda a comerciar mejor.

Una captura de pantalla de un gráfico de NinjaTrader


Potente visualización del mercado

Análisis multi-tiempo y multi-instrumento

Más de 100 indicadores personalizables pre-construidos más 100s de indicadores de terceros opcionales

Otras herramientas de análisis

Herramienta de rendimiento comercial

Analizador de Mercado

Analizador de estrategias

Automatizar y personalizar sus operaciones

Take your trading to the next level through custom development and trade automation! NinjaTrader provides you with the ability to automate your trading strategies whether they were developed natively using NinjaScript® or in an external application such as TradeStation.

Automated and Custom Trading

Develop or purchase automated trading strategies

Analyze automated trading strategies

Execute automated trading strategies

Process Trading signals from external applications

Create or purchase 3rd party custom charting indicators

Choice of Market Data Services and Broker Connectivity Options

NinjaTrader is a trading platform that is broker independent. You have a choice on where you can execute your trades. NinjaTrader supports all leading independent market data service providers including Kinetick. our preferred market data service. Paper trade and do your analysis with real time data without paying a penny for software!

NinjaTrader provides superior order entry options

If you are using the wrong trading platform, order submission and trade management can be a timely and error prone process. Since 2003, NinjaTrader has pioneered easy to use yet powerful order entry and trade management functionality to overcome the limitations of other trading platforms helping our clients better achieve their trading goals!

The innovative NinjaTrader SuperDOM and Chart Trader set the benchmark for order entry screens and is one reason we recommend it to our clients. Considered the industry’s best order entry screens they provide traders with ease of operation, clear trade visualization and fast entry to capitalize on today’s markets.


Easy to see trade visualization Single click order entry, modification and cancellation Can be use with Advanced Trade Management (ATM) module

The SuperDOM shows traders where market depth lies at each available price

Chart Trader

Easy to see trade visualization on the chart Single click order entry, modification and cancellation from the chart Can be use with Advanced Trade Management (ATM) module

Traders can enter the market directly from a NinjaTrader chart

NinjaTrader is the industry leader in trade management features

Advanced Trade Management (ATM) is NinjaTrader’s signature order management technology that lets you pre-define personal trade management strategies including; multiple profit targets and stop loss orders, one-cancels-other (OCO) orders, auto-breakeven stops, trailing stops and much more. This feature can significantly enhance trade performance by automatically submitting all entry/exit orders within milliseconds! This feature alone tends to cover the cost of the platform while simultaneously lowering your stress level by eliminating the “deer in the headlights” feeling commonly associated with manually managing multiple exit orders in fast moving markets.

The ATM Strategy wizard allows active traders to scalp more efficiently

Easily specify multi-stage exit parameters Single check box to create an auto-breakeven stop Highly configurable and easy to use auto-trail stop

NinjaTrader is committed to providing Education and Support

We are experts in the NinjaTrader platform and provide client assistance with programming related issues. The NinjaTrader teamcan be easily accessed through email or their support forum for questions not related to custom programming. Their dedicated team of twenty plus client support specialists are ready to help. In addition, NinjaTrader provides daily educational webinars and an online user’s manual interlaced with many product videos to minimize your learning curve.

Educación y Apoyo

Free daily NinjaTrader training webinars

Media rich help guide

Video library

Active user community

15 responses

I find myself rather lost without the standard debugging features of Microsoft’s Visual Studio (VS) when I code with MetaTrader 4. Therefore, I’m interested in NinjaTrader. I must ask you how similar is NinjaTrader C# with VS C#? Is it possible to use VS to write code for NinjaTrader? Or is that just a fantasy? Has anyone released some sort of Forex. net library for VS?

GOD bless…. John

NinjaTrader uses the. NET 3.5 Framework. You can code your strategies directly in Visual Studio without using their compiler. That way, you can use the must-have VS features like break points.

MultiCharts. NET Trading Software

MultiCharts. NET – Powerful C#/VB Trading Platform

MultiCharts. NET Analyze charts, create powerful strategies and indicators in C# and VB, and place automated or manual trades! MultiCharts. NET is an award-winning trading software platform with C# and VB support.

MultiCharts. NET including trading capabilities (chart, DOM, drag-and-drop strategies and fully automated), best charting in the industry, advanced strategy development capabilities in C# and Visual Basic, integration with Visual Studio, high-precision tick-by-tick strategy and portfolio backtesting, extremely fast optimization and more. Start the FREE 30 day trial now! .

Best-in-Class Volume Analysis

Importance of volume analysis cannot be underestimated. Paying attention to volume can be the crucial difference in understanding how the market will move. Volume Profile, Volume Delta, Cumulative Delta and pre-built Volume Indicators are designed to help you understand not only how much was bought, but at which prices activity was the highest, and whether there are more buyers than sellers.

20 + Data Feeds

We feel that you should have the freedom of choice, and that’s why we have added support for over 20 different data feeds to MultiCharts.

Competition is good, that’s why you can pick the providers that suit you best, and change them at any time. No strings attached.

Comercio Automatizado

Incluso con una estrategia ganadora, sólo un breve retraso en la ejecución de órdenes puede marcar la diferencia. After developing a strategy, the next step is to actually send the orders. The key advantage of automated trading is that it can send orders a lot faster than a human being. This can give you an advantage over the competition!

One-click trading from Chart & DOM

Take control of your trading and act quickly when you see an opportunity – place orders in seconds through our Chart Trading & DOM. It’s simple and intuitive, you can click or drag-and-drop orders onto your chart.

MultiCharts features many tools to help you achieve your goals – Chart Trading, Trade Bar, Order and Position Tracker, Depth of Market, Automation of Entries and Exits, and Symbol Mapping.

Hundreds of Strategies & Indicadores

We have collected the most popular indicators and strategies we could find, and included them in the platform for free, so you don’t have to look for them.

All you need to do is right-click on the chart, and they are at your fingertips. Remember, you can always add more, or write your own in addition to existing ones.

Replay Market Data

Trading the markets is all about predicting where the price will go next. A good way to practice is to apply your price-predicting skills to historical data.

Market Data Replay allows you start playback at any point in the past, speed up or slow down replay speed, and even playback several instruments at once.

Automated Trading Strategies using C# and NinjaTrader 7

Описание курса

In this course, we'll be walking hands-on-tutorial-style through the creation of an automated trading strategy using C# and the NinjaTrader platform, as well as methods for testing out its potential success. By the end of the lectures, you should be able to not only create a simple trading strategy, but also understand how to test it against historical market data, debug it, and even log data into a custom database for further analysis. Even if you have limited C# and trading strategy experience, the examples in this book will provide a great foundation for getting into automated trading and safely testing out strategy ideas before risking real money in the market.

This video walks through the same material presented in the e-book Automated Trading with C# and NinjaTrader 7.

Каковы требования?

Basic level C# Experience

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or higher


Что я вынесу из этого курса?

Более 8 лекций и 1 час содержания!

Learn how to create an automated stock trading strategy in C#

Learn how to backtest the strategy on historical data in NinjaTrader

Learn how to optimize the strategy's variables using the NinjaTrader optimizer

Learn how to debug the strategy using Visual Studio

Learn how to connect to a database from within strategy code

Какова целевая аудитория?

C# Developers interested in automated stock trading

Stock traders with little development experience interested in learning how to get started with automated trading

Учебный план

I'm Ryan Moore, a Software Engineer / Architect Consultant with over 12 years experience in design and development. I've been working with C# and with "rich web" technologies since 2002, leading me to publish my first book Foundation ASP. NET for Flash in 2006. Recently, on the web and mobile side, I have been a technical reviewer for Matthew David's series of HTML 5 and mobile books, and have published a very successful mobile application, Sports Card for iOS.

My personal passion for artificial intelligence and finance has also lead me to a wealth of experience in automated stock trading using. NET technologies, a brief introduction to which I've summarized in my latest e-book Automated Stock Trading Strategies with C# and NinjaTrader 7.

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Risk of Trading Futures, Options or Stocks

Futures, Options and Stocks trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures, options and stock markets. Don’t trade with money you cannot afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, options or stocks. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

CFTC RULE 4.41 Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations unlike actual performance record: simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under - or overcompensated of the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Los programas comerciales simulados en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No presentation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve

The indicators or strategies found on this site are for educational purposes only. We make no claims as to your ability to profit by their use. As with any trading system or indicator there is risk of substantial losses. We are not responsible for any losses or damages incurred while using our indicators or strategies.

The Most Comprehensive Trading Platform with Commercial Open Source

Introducing M4 WPF Edition. Our completely new, 100% managed. NET trading application framework.

M4 WPF is a brand new financial application, built from the ground up with C# and WPF for high-performance trading applications.

With M4 WPF and our MyExchange framework, you can start your own forex, equities, or futures brokerage, offer your own educational software, create a stock market game, and much more.

The M4 trading platform is a professional trading application, featuring real-time quote screens, charting, portfolio tracking, auto-trading, scripting, expert advisors, stock scanning, alerts, and other advanced features.

What you should know:

1. Buying a readymade, custom-built trading platform is expensive .

2. Building a trading platform from scratch can be even more expensive .

3. Leasing a trading platform creates high, and often inescapable, switching costs, not to mention, never-ending royalty payments .

4. It is limiting and dangerous to be denied access to your trading platform source code.

5. However, using free, open-source code is even more dangerous (see our document ).

Brokerages . perhaps you are paying for a platform that you don't own. Or, are you concerned your competitors are releasing new versions of their platform so rapidly you can't keep up?

Traders . perhaps you are frustrated with the lack of flexibility and support with your existing, off-the-shelf trading software. Are its limited features inadequate for your trading style? Are they holding you back?

Buy vs. Build

Are you paying for a subscription to a platform you don't own? Are you worried there are critical software problems you can't solve because you don't have the source code?

Are you worried about the associated risk, time, and money it takes to build a trading platform from scratch?

M4 WPF is a white-label trading application which comes with programming examples. The end product is malleable and can be rebranded as your own application.

What's New in M4 WPF?

M4 WPF now supports language globalization and localization, and it uses standard localization techniques for WPF applications.

M4 WPF uses our all-new SuperWebSocket Data Server to retrieve historical and real-time market data from a centralized location on your server. Our data server uses hot-swappable data provider plugins to propagate data for your clients. It allows adding new data providers easily without the hassle of changing the platform's source code.

Adding broker APIs is now simplified. Our new IBroker interface provides plug-in trading functionality for brokerage APIs. It provides all the necessary methods to support advanced trading: various order types, stop loss orders, take profit support, time in force support, etc.

IBroker was designed to support multiple brokers. To add a new broker, simply implement IBroker and write code from your broker's internal types to the IBroker types (e. g. the Order class).

All GUI controls support the new broker without changing the code.

M4 WPF is highly optimized to only repaint graphical objects in StockChartX when needed, and it uses double buffering for super high performance.

All compute-bound work is executed in non-UI threads (e. g. calculating indicators).

The platform uses the MVVM design pattern to separate business objects from views.

M4 WPF now supports C# scripting

Build custom scripts, indicators, and expert advisors, using C# programming language with MQL-like functionality. Advantages of using C#:

Script Performance (Native Language Execution Performance)

Use Functionality of. NET Framework 4.0 (Base Class Library and Framework Class Library)

One of the Most Powerful and Convenient Programming Languages in the World.

M4 WPF includes a new, built-in code editor with syntax highlight and IntelliSense support.

End users can now write their own technical indicators and expert advisors using the MQL friendly, C# based scripting language.

M4 WPF uses an extremely well written, compact code design, which provides for a minimal learning curve and simple maintenance.

M4 is also extremely secure with built-in encryption functions.

MVVM Design Pattern

Advantages of MVVM:

Change Business Models Without Changing Views

Use Microsoft Blend Design Tool for Themes

No Duplicated Code to Interact with Views


MVVM is native technology for WPF and it is therefore fully supported (e. g. binding, styles, and templates).

M4 WPF uses WPF as the core GUI technology. WPF is more customizable than Windows Forms. Themes and custom controls are much easier to implement with WPF through XAML.

The M4 Trading Platform

The front-end user interface is available in C#, which offers a familiar setting for experienced. NET programmers. The CPU-intensive back-end, however, is written in C++ for the best possible performance. Back-end code includes charting features, technical analysis, and a scripting language.

Everything about M4 is completely customizable. All windows, menus, toolbars, charts, and features can be modified, enhanced, or removed with ease. Because you are provided with several programming examples and developer documentation, you can make your own modifications, or you can hire developers to code to your specifications.

M4 features multi-timeframe charts, separate windows for charts (to support multiple monitors), auto-trading capabilities, a trend cycle identifier, and more.

Any Brokerage - Any Data Feed

M4 can be customized to work with any brokerage or data feed. You can connect the software to eSignal, Interactive Brokers, MB Trading, TD Ameritrade, FXCM, GAIN Capital, Oanda, or any other API. Each API integration requires only 20 to 40 hours of customization work.

High Performance

All CPU-intensive processes in M4 are asynchronous, taking full advantage of multi-core processors. Data loading, neural network training, expert advisor processing, and other features make full use of asynchronous programming design.

We also make it easy to add custom asynchronous features through our AsyncProcess template class.

Why M4?

Most companies should prefer buying to building: if you build your own product, there's an unacceptable risk. What if the end result is a failure?

M4 saves thousands of hours in development time. This translates to faster time to market, lower costs, and a higher ROI.

M4 offers full support. Your software developers will receive technical support, setup and training, source code updates, and helpful advice throughout the duration of your source code subscription.

Perhaps most importantly, you can earn substantial revenue with M4 by enrolling in our Value Added Reseller program.

Get Started with M4 WPF >

StockChartX Charting Engine

We asked more than 1,200 traders which charting features and technical indicators they wanted in StockChartX. There were lots of valuable feature requests, and we added them all.

StockChartX features real-time, tick-by-tick charting with High-Low-Close bars, Open-High-Low-Close bars, 2D & 3D Candlestick charts, Renko, Kagi, Three Line Break, Point & Figure, Candle-Volume, Equi-Volume, Shaded Equi-Volume, Heikin Ashi Candlesticks, Darvas Boxes and other price styles.

You can chart real-time market data; insert buy, sell, or exit symbols; insert text, trend lines, custom images, multiple indicators, and overlay indicators (share scales); display charts with semi-log or linear scaling; print charts; save charts as images; save/load charts as binary files and more.

StockChartX is the original C++ charting library, used by over 3,000,000 traders.

Technical Analysis Indicators

M4 features over 80 popular technical indicators which can be customized with user-defined parameters. Our technical indicators have been validated by their authors whenever possible, so you can be sure the calculations are correct. That's why our technical indicator library has won numerous awards by Futures magazine and Stocks & Commodities magazine. View a complete list of indicators here .


Source Code to the Entire Trading Platform

Source Code to other Components, Including Charting, Technical Indicators and more.

Our SuperWebSocket Data Server

Our MyExchange Exchange Engine

An Administrator for Trial Keys

Account Reporting

Instant Messaging

Mobile Charting Interface

And much, much more!

Developer Support

We provide developer setup and training via desktop sharing, so you can run the M4 platform immediately after your license is purchased. Technical support and source code updates are provided for one year and may be renewed. Contact us to get started today .


Conversion between NinjaScript (.NET C#), eSignal efs (JavaScript) and MetaTrader MQL4, so you can migrate from one platform to the other.

Have our expert programmers do the hard coding work for you. Concentrate on your trading, not on learning programming languages and frameworks.

Move your NinjaTrader indicators or strategies to MetaTrader.

Move your eSignal formulas to NinjaTrader.

eSignal is an industry stalwart and a trusted provider of data and charting technology. Take advantage of NinjaTrader's superb order entry and trade automation using techniques and indicators you have previously developed on eSignal. Capitalise on MetaTrader's wide broker support and 24 hour trading.

Our coders are specialists, with deep knowledge of trading and trading platforms. We can do any job large or small, from simple alerts or visual displays right through to sophisticated multi-timeframe techniques for structural and cycle analysis of indicators and price movement.

We take pride in our corporate values of Quality, Experience, Diligence. Our rates are low because we love what we do. We will always deal with you with complete integrity.

Use our Contact Page to tell us your requirements. Give as much detail as you can. We usually respond within 24 hours, with either a quote or some additional questions.

Our no-obligation quotes are free. We provide a fixed quote if the job is expected to be under 10 hours. Larger jobs are subject to some "wiggle space", +/- 20% of our original estimate, dependent on the individual case process. We stand by our work with a 12 month free bug-fix policy. We will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. We can provide a mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement on request, or you can submit an NDA of your own. Well documented, well-structured code. We don't do mess! Comments throughout the code aid understanding and future expansion options.

Top Reasons Why You Should Use QuantShare:

Works with US and international markets (stock, forex, options, futures, ETF. )

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Gráficos avanzados

Download EOD, intraday, fundamental, news and sentiment data for every market

Powerful Quantitative analysis tools

Backtest any strategy and generate daily buy and sell signals

Create composites and market indicators

Download indicators, trading systems, downloaders, screens. shared by other users

Updated on 2012-01-25

The QuantShare Language (QL) is a vector-based language used to plot time series, create trading rules, market scanners and trading systems.

CSharp (C#) and JScript. Net are two other programming languages based on the. NET framework. They can be used in addition to the QuantShare language to create and implement things that are more advanced.

The QuantShare Language is vector-based, which means that when you associate a value to a variable, you are in fact associating an array of values to this variable and each element of the array represents a trading bar (date for daily time frame and date/time for intra-day time frames).

They are hundreds of build-in technical indicators in QuantShare language.

You can plot these indicators on a chart or use them in a composite or a trading system.

Example: (Right click on a chart then select "Edit Formula")

a = rsi(14); plot(a, "RSI", colorRed, ChartLine, StyleOwnScale);

To save this formula and use it later in "View -> Formula Indicators", select "File -> Save Formula" then save the formula under the "Formulas" directory.

Trading System Example: (Select "Analysis -> Simulator -> New -> Create trading system using the formula editor)

a = rsi(14); buy = a > 70; // Buy when the 14-bar relative strength index is higher than 70

You can also create indicators from existing ones.

Here is an example of an indicator that measures the spread between two moving averages:

a = sma(90) - sma(30);

How CSharp can help us here?

CSharp allows you to create advanced indicators and then use these indicators as you do with the build-in ones.

A custom indicator implemented in C# is compiled and saved in a location under your database folder.

If you want to use this indicator, simply reference it by its name in the QuantShare programming language.

To implement a custom indicator, select "Tools" then "Create Functions"

The composite tool creates indices and market indicators from a specific formula. The time-series data of a composite item is associated with a new ticker symbol.

To create a market indicator that shows the number of stocks that are trading above their 30-bar moving average:

- Select "Tools -> Composites -> Add" - Click on "Next", set "Calculate the sum of the values added to the composite) then type the following formula:

composite = close > sma(30); // Close price is higher than 30-Bar simple moving average

How CSharp can help us here?

CSharp allows you to create advanced composites that cannot be created using QuantShare language only.

An example of such composites is a one that is based on multiple other composites. You can calculate additional composites using the "AddComposite" function, and then use CSharp to create the final market index based on all the other composites.

To open the CSharp editor, click on "Script" in the second screen of "Create Composite" form.

A trading system is a set of rules that define buy and sell signals without any ambiguity.

These set of rules are implemented using QuantShare language.

Example of a trading system:

a = rsi(14); buy = a > 70; sell = a

06/17/2013 Latest version of TraderCode(v5.6) includes new Technical Analysis indicators, Point-and-Figure Charting and Strategy Backtesting.

17/06/2013 Última versión de NeuralCode (v1.3) para Neural Networks Trading.

17/06/2013 ConnectCode Barcode Font Pack - permite códigos de barras en aplicaciones de oficina e incluye un complemento para Excel que soporta la generación masiva de códigos de barras.

06/17/2013 InvestmentCode, a comprehensive suite of Financial calculators and models for Excel is now available.

09/01/2009 Lanzamiento de la Inversión Libre y Calculadora Financiera para Excel.

02/1/2008 Release of SparkCode Professional - add-in for creating Dashboards in Excel with sparklines

12/15/2007 Announcing ConnectCode Duplicate Remover - a powerful add-in for finding and removing duplicates entries in Excel

09/08/2007 Launch of TinyGraphs - open source add-in for creating sparklines and tiny charts in Excel.

Add-ins and other tools

TraderCode - Technical Indicators and Technical Analysis Software

TraderCode is a comprehensive library of technical indicators and technical analysis functions for use with Microsoft Excel. It allows you to create many types of technical indicators used in trading systems like Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, Average Directional Movement Index, Oscillators, True Range, Standard Deviation, Donchian Channels and many more. With these indicators you can easily perform end-of-day analysis or back-testing of historical stock data. The software comes with both formulas for Excel and a built-in Wizard to help you create the indicators.

Notice - If you are a user of a previous version of TraderCode (v3.x, v4.x, v5.0, v5.1, v5.5), please contact us for your free upgrade.

Price $69 (Single User License)

You can also choose to purchase the edition of TraderCode that includes the complete source code . This allows you to understand the technical indicators in depth or customize the software for special needs. A foundation course on Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is also included to get you started quickly.

Your customer service and the possibility to easily include stop-losses and take-profits in your backtesting mode have made TraderCode the overall best option in my opinion. I will recommend your software to my circle of trader/investor friends. B. R.

I like that you have created many technical studies into this addin that simplifies the user from having to create these formulas from scratch on the data. Glenn Martin

An intuitive gui for the first-time and/or novice user. Karl Malmberg

TraderCode is a very useful addon package. Himanshu Mittal

TraderCode has enabled me to thoroughly backtest many strategies in a very efficient manner. I know of no other way to accomplish the results that I have obtained in such a relatively short period of time. F. N.

As a professional Money Manger, I have found that Trader Code is one of the most robust Excel addin programs available for back testing trading ideas. Since it is Excel the learning curve is almost nonexistent and the output data can be formatted into our customized reports. Martin M. (CFP)

Using Microsoft Excel as a platform

The reason for choosing Excel as the platform is an obvious one. It is the ubiquitous tool for analyzing data and crunching numbers. Different tasks like importing data, calculating formulas, charting results and analysing scenario can be easily carried out. It is also one of the most commonly used software by financial and technical analysts. By building on top of the Excel platform, users of TraderCode can tap on the vast variety of functions offered by Excel for further understanding of their data.

Components of TraderCode

TraderCode software is divided into three major components, the Technical Analysis Add-In, the Formulas and the Experts.

Technical Analysis Add-In and Formulas

The Technical Analysis Add-In and Formulas form the foundation of TraderCode since the first version of this popular software. The Add-In allows a user without any prior experience to quickly and easily create technical indicators from a user interface wizard. It also performs validation of the data, allows specification of where the output is to be located and guiding the user in creating the indicators accurately.

The Formulas on the other hand allow users who are more inclined to using Excel formulas to create the indicators in a similar manner.

Technical Analysis Expert

The Technical Analysis Expert is a spreadsheet model that helps you create your own trading system based on the different technical indicators. You can create multiple technical indicators, vary the parameters and repeat the tasks in a spreadsheet environment quickly and easily.

Analysis Expert is unique and extremely productive for technical analysis. It is built on top of the Analysis Add-In and Formulas foundation and is a result of listening to feedbacks and suggestions from our users. Many analysts and users are familiar with spreadsheets and prefer using a spreadsheet environment to a user interface (UI) tool for technical analysis. For more information, see the Technical Analysis Expert Tutorial or the Technical Analysis Expert Demo Video.

The Backtesting Expert is a spreadsheet model that helps you create trading strategies using the technical indicators and run the strategies through historical data. The performance of the strategies can then be measured and analyzed quickly and easily.

The model can be setup to enter Long or Short positions when certain conditions occur and exit the positions when another set of conditions are met. By trading automatically on historical data, the model can determine the profitability of a trading strategy.

For example, a trader can setup strategies for the Backtesting Expert to enter a Long position when the 12 days moving average of the price crosses above the 24 days moving average. On top of that, the Backtesting Expert can be configured to exit from the Long position when the profit or loss exceeds 10 percent of the original purchase price.

The flexible Backtesting Expert works well with the Analysis Expert. It is able to make use of the different technical indicators generated by the Analysis Expert to make decisions on when to enter or exit a position.

Point-and-Figure Charting Expert - New

Point-and-Figure charting is an analysis technique that has been around for many years. It has recently become very popular among traders and investors. This technical analysis technique uses a chart with "X"s and "O"s for predicting financial asset prices. The "X"s are used to indicate rising prices and "O"s to indicate falling prices. The point-and-figure chart is very unique as it does not plot prices against time like other technical analysis charts. Volume is also not taken into account, so it is basically a chart based purely on price movements.

This charting Expert helps you plot Point-and-Figure charts automatically. You can also setup important parameters such as the Box Size and Reversal easily. Besides being able to chart the past prices automatically, you can also choose to plot the chart manually in the Expert to get a better feel of the price trends.

TraderCode Technical Analysis Software

TraderCode is a very useful toolbox for stock traders. You can use it to compute the indicator values for stock prices and plot them in Excel.

TraderCode provides a convenient library so you can make the computations of the indicators yourself and plot and analyze them.

A built-in wizard accompanies the library, so that you can use the user interface to select ranges quickly and obtain results.

TraderCode currently supports some of the most popular and successful technical indicators used by many analysts.

As you play around with the indicators and become more experienced, you will appreciate the fact that using the different indicators to predict stock prices is like viewing the market in different angles (while suppressing other angles), and they may give very different results.

The indicators attempt to express as a formula the different relationships that many traders have abstracted over the years of their trading experiences. Por ejemplo,

the relationship between prices and volume (OBV)

the short-term price fluctations along a trend (MACD)

stock cycles (Moving Averages applied to long term stock movements)

You may also creatively 'invent' your own indicator using the basic set of functions provided by the TraderCode library. For example, you can try to measure the level of a stock price with respect to several of its competitors by plotting their moving averages alongside each other.

Depending on the angle you used to compute the indicators, for e. g, the window or period of analysis, you will be able to detect the buy or sell signals, overbought or oversold levels, bullish or bearish signs. The different parameters (e. g the period) that is used to compute the same indicator will predict different results under different situations.

For example, using the MACD indicator, a same point in time in the chart may sometimes indicate a bullish level when using one set of periods, while the same point may indicates a bearish level when using another set of periods. So it is important to choose the periods carefully. And even if many pairs of periods indicate an bullish level, it may still be possible that other factors not taken into account by this indicator will affect the stock price.

Also it must be stressed that the fact that multiple traders using the same indicator (with the same parameters) to predict the bullish/bearish signals and taking action as a result of the prediction will alter the outcome itself.

Thus, understanding these indicators and applying them appropriately will give you a more accurate picture of the market, and TraderCode is the ideal tool for doing so.

The technical indicators currently implemented by TraderCode include

SafeZone Stop - New

Parabolic (SAR) - New

MACD Signal Line (MACDSL) - New

MACD Histogram (MACDHI) - New

Guppy Multiple Moving Average ™ - New

Accumulation / Distribution Line (ADLINE)

Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)

Promedio de rango verdadero (ATR)

Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)

Índice de canales de productos básicos (CCI)

Directional Movement Index (DX)

Donchian Lower Band

Donchian Middle Band

Donchian Upper Band

Elder Force Index (EFI)

Elder-Ray Index Bear Power

Elder-Ray Index Bull Power

Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

Fibonacci Extension (FIBE)

Fibonacci Retracement (FIBR)

Fibonacci Fan (FIBF)

Linear Regression Indicator (LRI)

Lower Bollinger Band (LBB)

Momentum (MOM)

Índice de flujo de dinero (IMF)

Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)

Negative Directional Movement Indicator (NDMI)

Sobre el Volumen de Equilibrio (OBV)

Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO)

Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO)

Positive Directional Movement Indicator (PDMI)

Tasa de Cambio (ROC)

Índice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI)

Simple Moving Average (SMA)

Sine Weighted Moving Average (SWMA)

Stochastic Oscillator (%D)

Stochastic Oscillator (%K)

Triangular Moving Average (TMA)

True Range (TR)

Upper Bollinger Band (UBB)

Ulcer Index (UIX)

Wilder's Moving Average (WMA)

Williams% R

External Integration - TraderCode provides the flexibility for you to use external market data for analysis, charting and backtesting. You may have obtained your market data by exporting data to a comma-separated values (csv) file in some existing trading tools or you may have purchased an entire collection of historical data from some well-known data vendors. In any of these cases, TraderCode lets you use these data very quickly and easily.

Download TraderCode 5.6

Download a free trial of the TraderCode Technical Analysis Software Add-In for Microsoft Excel.

Requisitos del sistema

Microsoft Windows Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012, Windows 7 or Windows 8

512 MB RAM

25 MB of Hard Disk space

Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010 or Excel 2013

Notes: TraderCode requires the Excel macro settings to be enabled to run successfully. After installation of the software, you can follow the steps below to enable the settings.

Goto Start Menu->All Programs->Microsoft Office->Microsoft Excel.

Goto the Developer tab and click on the Macro Security button.

Set the Macro settings to Enable all macros and click on the OK button.

CCI Suite for MC. Net

Package: CCI Strategy Suite for MultiCharts. NET

CodeForTraders is pleased to offer the CCI Strategy Suite for MultiCharts. NET as a low-cost, pre-written, powerful place from which to begin a study of 4-line indicator-based trading on the MC. NET platform.

What It Is

The CCI Strategy Suite for MultiCharts. NET is a synchronized Strategy-Indicator bundle which will allow you to immediately begin analysis of any market for its suitability for CCI-based trading (or trading based on any other oscillator-type indicator, after relatively minor editing).

This is a source-code suite, offered as both a ready-to-use tool and an easy-to-modify template at a price that anyone can afford. Written in C# for the MC. NET platform, this package offers a superb introduction to well-organized intermediate-level C# strategy/indicator coding.

What It Looks Like

Observe the CCI indicator in the bottom pane. The two brighter horizontal lines (green and red) are your trade entry lines (long and short). The dashed horizontal lines are the corresponding exit lines (the colors may be chosen by you). Either raw or smoothed CCI may be used for either entry or exit.

Here is a closer look at the indicator :

Changing colors at the OB/OS levels is optional for both the raw and smoothed plots. The indicator may be configured to display with it's own parameter values, or it may be set to 'SyncToStrategy', in which case it will automatically display according to the settings of the strategy when refreshed.

The strategy offers a large set of parameters for configuration/optimization, including both dollar-based and percentage-based exits:

These exits have been incorporated to create single strategy which facilitates the use of the MC Genetic Optimizer.

The CCI Strategy Suite Package uses MultiCharts. NET C# language to implement a list of desirable features.

Included you will find:

Code for setup of cooperating indicator via Global Variables Code for sizing according to Stocks or Futures or Forex Code for choosing Limit, Market, or Stop entries Code for trading long-only, short-only, or in both directions Code for optimizable choices to use raw or smoothed indicator values Code for trading signals in the opposite-of-normal direction Code for a choice of trade signal filters Code for optimizable indicator-based exits Code for optimizable StopLoss and ProfitTarget and BreakEven exits

These features are provided in the context of a 4-level, indicator-based trading model:

Low level on the indicator (i. e weakness, oversold) for Long Entry (LE) High level on the indicator (i. e strength, overbought) for Short Entry (SE) Long Exit (LX) level on the indicator (for optional indicator-based long trade profit-taking) Short Exit (SX) level on the indicator (for optional indicator-based short trade profit-taking)

For optimization, there are multiple major numeric dimensions:

CCI_BaseLength (long and short sides)

ninjatrader programming services

NinjaTrader NinjaScript Development

NinjaTrade r is an extensive trading platform that provides extreme flexibility, advanced charting and robust proprietary trade language called NinjaScript. NinjaScript is a C# based programming language that provides unlimited functionality on the NinjaTrader platform. With NinjaTrader's newly introduced brokerage services, quantitative trading has now become a seemless process between platform and broker.

We are recognized by NinjaTrader as authorized 3rd party developers and add-on providers who have the experience to program your desired trading indicator or trading strategy.

With NinjaTrader, it is possible to build anything from the most simplistic to even the most advanced system and with Catalyst, we can make it happen.

Our services on the NinjaTrader platform include, but is not limited to:

System/Indicator Debugging

Replicating Existing Systems/Indicators onto the NT7 Platform

Custom Technical Indicators

Complete, Fully Automated Trading Systems

Interactive Chart Functions

Add Features to Your Existing Indicator/System

Consult with us to unleash the full potential of your ideas

Our consulting services allows us to work with you in complete safety with our non-disclosure agreement so that we can explore feasibility and advancements to your existing trading ideas. With our years of financial engineering experience we add a lot to the table that can take your trading to the next level.

В©2014 Catalyst Research Group, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Exención de Responsabilidad - Commodity Futures Trading Commission El comercio de futuros y opciones tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. This, and all other information on our website, is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


Strategy Programming

We specialize in providing programming & consulting services for traders and investment funds that would like to have trading ideas or systems coded for back-testing or trade automation.

Evaluating a trading system is a crucial process; if not done properly you can find yourself in the red in a hurry. Better to know before you go.

If you’re a discretionary trader or you’ve found a trading method that you’d like to get some solid historical performance data on we can help you translate the rules into an automated system so you can back-test it and see how it performs.

Custom Indicators

If you need an indicator coded we can do that for you. If you’ve just found a cool indicator in a trading book or online forum and you’d like to have it coded or you’ve come up with something of your own, we would be happy to code it for you.

If you have indicators from another trading platform like NinjaTrader ™ or MetaTrader 4/5 that you’d like to have converted for use with TradeStation just email us the code for an estimate.

Beyond Easy Language: C++ DLL coding

If there’s something you need that can’t be done using Easy Language it might be possible to accomplish it by coding a DLL (dynamic link library) in C/C++/C# to extend the platform’s functionality. Interfacing to other order execution venues is one example where this is typically necessary. Or if your strategy is just running too slow, coding it in C++ can provide a 10x speed improvement. It is much more costly in terms of time required compared to Easy Language projects but sometimes it is the only way to get the job done.

Sobre nosotros

EquityBoost was founded in 2004 by Brian Smith. He has been writing software professionally for over 30 years.

Since 2004 we have worked with over 350 traders and a number of hedge funds from around the world, coding a myriad of strategies, indicators, DLL’s and for one client a proprietary FX charting/trading platform and FX price server that supports hundreds of active FX traders.

Feel free to call any time, evenings and weekends are ok too. If we can’t take your call please do leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.

What others say …

Brian, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have coded and advised me on. I really appreciate the time you have taken to keep me well informed. The new strategy is working wonderfully. I already made $9,000 this morning between 6:30 and 9:30. Can’t beat that.

I really appreciate you doing this for me. I never realized this type of service was available. It will certainly save me time and money every day. By coding these indicators you will cut my analysis almost to nil, I am just so excited.

Very nice work. I am going to study how this plots and get the feel for it but I love it. This is right on target. I am very happy with what you have done. Thanks a million.

TradeStation ® and EasyLanguage ® are registered trademarks of TradeStation Technologies, Inc.

Neither TradeStation Technologies nor any of its affiliates has reviewed, certified, endorsed, approved, disapproved or recommended, and neither does nor will review, certify, endorse, approve, disapprove or recommend, any product or service that offers training, education or consulting regarding the use of EasyLanguage.

NinjaTrader ® is a registered trademark of NinjaTrader, LLC.

FX Trade Monitor

FX Trade Monitor can be a great companion to help you stay on top of your account activity, wherever you are. You can conveniently be updated by email any time a trade is opened or closed, stops or limits are modified, and entry order is created, modified, or removed.


Trade Open: notification of new trades opened

Trade Close: notification of trades closed

Trade SL/TP Modified: notification of updated Stop Loss or Take Profit level

Entry Order Placed: notification of new entry order created

Entry Order Removed: notification of entry order deletion

Entry Order Modified: notification of entry order modification

Risk Disclaimer

The application displayed on this page does not take in to consideration your individual personal circumstances and trading objectives. Por lo tanto, no debe considerarse como una recomendación personal o asesoramiento de inversión. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros.

No hay garantía de que los sistemas, las técnicas de negociación, los métodos de negociación y / o los indicadores resulten en beneficios o no generen pérdidas.


An FXCM account is required. Individuals who do not have an FXCM account can register for a free FXCM Practice Trading Account (demo accounts). Demo accounts allow users to test the software in a risk free environment.

Open an FXCM Account

We can customize any app to meet your trading needs. All you need to do is tell us what you’re looking for and we'll help you build the perfect trading app.

Trading forex/CFD’s on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors as you could sustain losses in excess of deposits. El apalancamiento puede trabajar contra usted. Ser consciente y comprender plenamente todos los riesgos asociados con el mercado y el comercio. Prior to trading any products offered by Forex Capital Markets , LLC. Forex Capital Markets Limited. inclusive of all EU branches, FXCM Australia Limited. any affiliates of aforementioned firms, or other firms under the FXCM Inc. (NYSE:FXCM) group of companies [collectively “FXCM”], carefully consider your financial situation and experience level. If you decide to trade products offered by FXCM Australia Limited (“FXCM AU”) (AFSL 309763), you must read and understand the Financial Services Guide , Product Disclosure Statement. and Terms of Business. FXCM puede proporcionar un comentario general que no pretende ser un asesoramiento de inversión y no debe interpretarse como tal. Busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente. FXCM assumes no liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions; does not warrant the accuracy, completeness of information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials. Read and understand the Terms and Conditions on FXCM’s website prior to taking further action. Nada en este sitio o en las solicitudes debe ser considerado como una recomendación personal o asesoramiento de inversión. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros.

FXCM Inc. is headquartered at Financial Square 55 Water Street, 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041 USA. Forex Capital Markets, LLC (“FXCM LLC”) is a registered Futures Commission Merchant and Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and is a member of the National Futures Association, NFA # 0308179. Forex Capital Markets Limited (“FXCM LTD”) is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration number 217689. Registered in England and Wales with Companies House company number 04072877. FXCM Australia Limited (“FXCM AU”) is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, AFSL 309763. FXCM AU ARBN: 121934432. FXCM LLC is an Authorised Representative (Rep. No 402307) of FXCM AU. FXCM Markets Limited (“FXCM Markets”) is a direct operating subsidiary of FXCM Holdings, LLC. FXCM Markets is not regulated and not subject to the regulatory oversight that govern other FXCM entities, which includes but is not limited to, Commodity Futures and Trading Commission, National Futures Association, Financial Conduct Authority, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

&dupdo; 2016 FXCM Inc. All rights reserved. Mercados de divisas. 55 Water Street, 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041 USA.

Indicadores. Estrategias. Webinars.

Free updates

We frequntly update and add to our extensive data database of indicators and strategies for casual inventors and active day traders. Join us to get new indicators automatically! Get notified each time we add new indicators - It's Free!

Well documented

Video tutorials show you how to import indicator and strategy codes into your trading platform quickly & easily into the top four trading and charting platforms available: NinjaTrader, TradeStation, MultiCharts, OpenECry.

Easy to customize

Use indicators and strategies as-is or change and modify them to meet your needs. Need help with with a complex indicator or strategy? No problem! We develop indicators and strategies. Using C# and EasyLanguage we can turn your idea into reality.

Get Started

Trading Platforms - Only the Best

Everything we do is built for the most reliable and robust trading and charting platforms: NinjaTrader, TraderStation, MultiCharts and OpenECry. NinjaTrader is our preferred trading platform and we are proud to be an official NinjaTrader Third Party Partner . We are very pleased to offer the NinjaTrader platform to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get started with NinjaTrader for free. Trading platforms with less functionality can easily cost hundreds of dollars per month but with NinjaTrader it's free. All you need is access to a real-time or historical data feed based on your requirements and their advanced charting, market analytics, system development and trade simulation can be used for free within NinjaTrader.

Kinetick delivers streaming real time quotes and historical market data direct from the exchanges to your desktop in under a split second and it works great with NinjaTrader 7. Active Traders world-wide demand reliability, speed, accuracy and cost-effectiveness from their financial market data provider. Kinetick is a streaming real time quotes service for stocks, futures and forex that exceeds the expectations of the world's most demanding traders. It is free for end of day data. Click on the logo below to get started.

What People Are Saying

icon "It has just been a wonderful experience. I've turned my trading around. I haven't been with Neal and the guys at day trading logic very long, but even the short period of time, they know me because every time I call, they're wonderful about answering my questions. I appreciate you all!"

icon ". I would recommend your idicators to any serious trader. IT IS THE BEST OUT THERE, AND IT IS SO SIMPLE. Again a BIG THANK YOU for all the terrific support"

icon "It's truly amazing to see how wrong I would have actually traded. without these indicators. "

&dupdo; DayTradingLogic. com 2016 - All Right Reserved
















MetaTrader 5 - Integration

Exposing C# code to MQL5 using unmanaged exports


I was looking for a long time to find a simple solution that would enable me to use managed mode C# DLLs in MQL5. After reading many articles I was ready to implement C++ wrapper for managed DLL when I came across a brilliant solution that saved me many hours of work.

The solution provided a simple example of exporting managed C# code to be consumed by unmanaged application. In this article I will provide a background on managed mode DLLs, describe why they cannot be accessed directly from MetaTrader and introduce the solutions I found that enable to use managed code from MetaTrader.

I will provide an example of simple usage of unmanaged exports template and will continue with all I discovered. This should provide sound background for anyone trying to use C# DLL code in MetaTrader 5.

1. Managed vs Unmanaged code

Since most of the readers may be not aware of the difference between managed and unmanaged code, I will describe it in a few sentences. Basically, MetaTrader uses MQL language to implement trading rules, indicators, expert advisors and scripts. It can however make use of already implemented libraries in other languages and link them dynamically during runtime. Those libraries are also called DLLs, or Dynamic Link Libraries.

The libraries are in fact binary files that contain compiled source code that can be invoked by a number of external programs to perform specific operations. For example neural network library can export functions for neural network training and testing, derivative library can export calculations of different derivatives, matrix library can export operations on matrices. DLLs for MetaTrader became increasingly popular as they made possible to hide parts of implementation of indicators or expert advisors. A main reason though to use libraries is to reuse existing code without need to implement it over and over again.

Before. NET existed all DLLs that were compiled by Visual Basic, Delphi, VC++, be it COM. Win32, or plain C++, could be directly executed by the operating system. We refer to this code as unmanaged or native code. Then. NET came into existence and provided very different environment.

The code is controlled (or managed) by. NET Common Language Runtime - CLR. CLR compilers are required to produce from the source code, that may be written in several different languages, Metadata and Common Intermediate Language - CIL.

CIL is machine - independent higher level language and Metadata fully describe types of the objects described by CIL according to Common Type Specification - CTS. Since CLR knows everything about the types it can provide us with managed execution environment. Managing can be thought of as garbage collection - automatic memory management and objects deletion and providing security - protection against common mistakes in native languages that could cause alien code execution with administrator privilges or simply memory overriding.

It has to be mentioned that CIL code is never directly executed - it is always translated into native machine code by JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation or by pre-compiling CIL into assembly. For a person that reads this for a first time the notion of managed mode code can be confusing, therefore I am pasting the general flow within CLR below:

Figure 1. Common Language Runtime

2. Possible implementations of accessing managed code from MQL5

In the following paragraph I will describe methods that enable to access managed code from unmanaged code.

I think it is worth to mention them all as there may be someone who would prefer to use other method over the one that I am using. The methods that are in use are COM Interop, Reverse P/Invoke, C++ IJW, C++/Cli wrapper class and Unmanaged Exports.

Component Object Model (COM ) is a binary interface standard introduced by Microsoft in early nineties. The core idea of this technology is to enable object created in different programming languages to be used by any other COM object without knowing its internal implementation. Such requirement enforces implementing strict well-defined interface of the COM that is fully separate from the implementation.

In fact COM was superseded by. NET technology and Microsoft pushes to use. NET instead of COM. In order to provide backward compatibility with older code. NET can cooperate with COM in both directions, that is. NET can call COM methods and COM object can make use of. NET managed code.

This functionality is called COM Interopability or COM Interop. COM interop API is in the managed System. Runtime. InteropServices namespace.

Figure 2. COM Interoperability model

The following COM interop code calls a single function raw_factorial.

Please notice CoInitialize() CoCreateInstance() and CoUninitialize() functions and interface calling function:

For further reading on COM Interop please read detailed documentation at Introduction to COM Interop and the usage example I found on msdn blog: How to call C++ code from Managed, and vice versa (Interop) .

2.2. Reverse P/Invoke

Platform Invoke, referred to as P/Invoke enables. NET to call any function in any unmanaged language as long as its signature is redeclared. This is achieved by executing a native function pointer from. NET. The usage is well described in Platform Invoke Tutorial .

The basic usage is to use DllImport attribute to mark the imported function:

The reverse operation can be described as providing a managed delegate callback to unmanaged code.

This is called Reverse P/Invoke and is achieved by implementing a public delegate function in managed environment and importing caller function implemented in native DLL:

The managed code example is as follows:

The main point of this solution is that this requires the managed side to begin the interaction.

C++ interop, referred to as It Just Works (IJW)) is a C++ specific feature, provided by Managed Extensions for C++ :

This solution might be useful for people wanting to use their managed C++ in unmanaged application. For full reference please read Interoperability in Managed Extensions for C++ and Using IJW in Managed C++ .

2.4. C++/Cli wrapper class

C++/Cli wrapper class implementation takes its name from embedding or wrapping managed class by another class written in C++/Cli mode. The first step to write the wrapper DLL is to write the C++ class that wraps the methods of original managed class.

The wrapper class must contain a handle to. NET object using gcroot<> template and must delegate all calls from original class. The wrapper class is compiled to IL (intermediate language) format, and therefore is a managed one.

The next step is to write native C++ class with #pragma unmanaged directive that wraps IL class and delegates all calls with __declspec(dllexport) directive. Those steps will make native C++ DLL that can be used by any unmanaged application.

Please see the example implementation. The first step is to implement C# code.

The example calculator class contains two public methods:

The next step is to write a managed wrapper that will delegate all methods from calculator class:

Please note the reference to the original Calculator class is stored using gcnew instruction and stored as gcroot<> template. All wrapped methods can have the same name as original ones and the parameters and return values are preceded by __Param and __ReturnVal respectively.

Now the unmanaged C++ class that wraps the C++/Cli and exports native C++ DLL methods must be implemented.

The header file should contain class definition with __declspec(dllexport) directive and store the pointer to the wrapper class.

And its implementation:

A step by step guide to make this wrapper class is described at. NET to C++ Bridge.

A full reference for creating wrappers is available at Mixing. NET and native code and for general information about declaring handles in Native Types please read How to: Declare Handles in Native Types .

2.5. Unmanaged exports

This technique is fully described by Expert. NET 2.0 IL Assembler book which I recommend for anyone that would like to read about details of the. NET compiler. The main idea is to expose managed methods as unmanaged exports of a managed DLL by decompiling already compiled module into IL code using ILDasm, changing module's VTable and VTableFixup tables and recompiling the DLL using ILAsm.

This task may look like a daunting one but the result from this operation will be to produce a DLL that can be used from within any unmanaged application. One has to remember that it is still a managed assembly, so. NET framework has to be installed. A step-by-step tutorial to do this is available at Export Managed Code as Unmanaged .

After decompiling DLL using ILDasm we get source code in IL language. Please observe a simple example of IL code with unmanaged export pasted below:

The IL source code lines responsible for implementing unmanaged exports are:

First part is responsible for adding function entry in VTableFixup table and setting VT_01 virtual address to the function. Second part specifies which VTEntry is to be used for this function and export alias for the function to be exported.

Pros of this solution are that during DLL implementation phase we do not need to implement any additional code apart from the usual managed C# DLL and as stated by the book, that this method fully opens the managed world with all its security and class libraries to unmanaged clients.

The drawback is that getting into. NET assembly language is not suitable for all people. I was conviced that I would write c++ wrapper class instead until I found unmanaged exports template by Robert Giesecke: http://sites. google. com/site/robertgiesecke/ that enables to use unmanaged exports without any need to get inside IL code.

3. Unmanaged exports C# template

Template for unmanaged exports C# projects by R. Giesecke uses MSBuild task that automatically adds the appropriate VT-fixups after the build, therefore there is no need to change IL code at all. The template package only needs to be downloaded as a zip file and copied into ProjectTemplates folder of the Visual Studio.

After compiling the project the resulting DLL file can be flawlessly imported by MetaTrader, I will provide the examples in the next sections.

It was quite a challenging task to figure out how to pass variables, arrays and structs between MetaTrader and C# using correct Marshalling method and I think that information provided here will save you a lot of time. All examples were compiled on Windows Vista with. NET 4.0 and Visual C# Express 2010. I am also attaching sample DLL with MQL5 code that invokes functions from C# DLL to the article.

4.1. Example 1. Adding two integer, double or float variables in DLL function and returning the result to MetaTrader

As you may have noticed, every exported function is preceded by DllExport directive. The first parameter describes alias of the exported function and the second parameter calling convention, for MetaTrader we must use CallingConvention. StdCall.

MQL5 code that imports and uses the functions exported from the DLL is straightforward and does not differ from any other DLL written in native C++. At first one must to declare imported functions inside #import block, and indicate which functions from the DLL can be later used from the MQL5 code:

4.2. Example 2. One dimensional array access

In order to marshal a one-dimensional array, MarshalAs directive must pass UnmanagedType. LPArray as the first parameter and SizeParamIndex as the second parameter. SizeParamIndex indicates which parameter (counting from 0) is the parameter containing array size.

In the examples above i is the array size and idx is the index of the element to return.

MQL5 example code using array access is below:

4.3. Example 3. Populating one dimensional array and returning it to MetaTrader

This example uses two input arrays to compare input parameter convention. If changed elements are to be returned back to Metatrader (passing by reference) it is enough to put [In, Out,] attributes before MarshalAs attribute.

4.4. Example 4. Access to two dimensional array

Two dimensional array is not so simple to marshal, but I used a trick - namely passing 2D array as one dimensional and accessing array elements by auxiliary idx function.

4.5. Example 5. Replacing string contents

This example is short but took me quite a long time to implement as I tried to use string parameter using [In, Out] attributes or with ref or out keywords with no success.

The solution is to use StringBuilder instead of string variable.

4.6. Example 6. Sending and changing MqlTick struct

MqlTick struct is passed as reference, marked by ref keyword. The MqlTick struct itself has to be preceded by [StructLayout (LayoutKind. Sequential, Pack =1)] attribute.

Pack parameter describes data alignment in the struct, please read StructLayoutAttribute. Pack Field for details.


In this article I presented different methods of interaction between MQL5 code and managed C# code.

I also provided several examples on how to marshal MQL5 structures against C# and how to invoke exported DLL functions in MQL5 scripts. I believe that the provided examples may serve as a basis for future research in writing DLLs in managed code.

This article also open doors for MetaTrader to use many libraries that are already implemented in C#. For further reference please read the articles that are linked in References section.

To test it, please locate the files to the following folders:


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Our experience spans both trading and algorithmic programming for almost 20 years. starting in 1994 with TradeStation 4.0/Supercharts continuing to today with NinjaTrader. The experience gained by tradingg my own and other peoples money and both won and lost combined with the many systems and indicators written and scrapped, give a broad range of capabiities; from building full scale highly analytic software applications to the straight forward sites and pages and virtually everything in between.

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Lack of example Multicharts. net Microsoft. NET C# source code for indicators and signals so using Matlab Builder NE toolbox

Lack of example Multicharts. net Microsoft. NET C# source code for indicators and signals so using Matlab Builder NE toolbox

I was surprised that there is little example code in C#. It seems that there is quite a bit of Easy Language code which is compatible with the Power Language version of Multicharts. I am starting to think it might be better just to switch the algorithms to Matlab M script and build. NET assemblies. I would do this through this the Matlab Builder NE toolbox. I am just thinking there is a bigger and better Matlab community versus the Multicharts. Lets see what happens with this approach. See my demo of integrating Multicharts. NET and Matlab/Simulink together.

Join my FREE newsletter to see how I approach with this approach

NOTE I now post my TRADING ALERTS into my personal FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and TWITTER. Don't worry as I don't post stupid cat videos or what I eat!

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Computational Trading


Visión de conjunto

The indicators on this page fall into one of 3 categories:

An indicator from the standard selection available in Strategy Trader (usually with some minor tweaks in formating or functionality)

An indicator which has been converted from say MT4 into C# for Strategy Trader

An an indicator of my own invention

Some of the indicators make use of a helper class called MyUtils, which is contained within the following download.

These are some of Bill Williams' "chaos" indicators. These versions have some formatting tweaks, and more structured code.

The version of the Ichimoku has a minor bug fix, nicer formatting, and more structured code. The HeikinAshi has nicer formatting.

My version of these classic Indicators has nicer formatting, and more structured code. The CCI, MACD and RSI also allow the data source to be selected (i. e. Open, High, Low, Close, Median or Typical). The Williams %R is very similar to Stochastics, except that the oscillator ranges from 0 to -100.

These moving averages (simple and exponential) allow up to 3 lines per indicator to be displayed (just set the length to 0 to disable a line). They allow the data source to be selected (i. e. Open, High, Low, Close, Median or Typical).

This indicator displays the tick volume, and it's exponential moving average.

NOTE 1: to use tick volume you should do "Format Symbol -> Build Volume on: Tick Count" NOTE 2: the tick data collected in real-time is different to the historic tick data used for back-filling, this might lead to some discrepancies in the data. This is a problem with the data source and not with the indicator.

This indicator was developed by Daryl Guppy. It uses 2 ribbons of moving averages, one set fast the other set slower. The data source can be selected (i. e. Open, High, Low, Close, Median or Typical).

This indicator was developed by Raghee Horner. It uses a 34 period EMA on the High, Close and Low. The indicator has the option to show the "wave" (i. e. the EMAs) and/or paint the bars/candles.

This indicator allows up to 4 trading sessions to be shown. Boxes are drawn around the sessions, showing the open & close times and the high & low reached during the session. The indicator is very customizable. The session name, open and close times, and time offset can be altered, as well as the colour and individual sessions can be enabled/disabled easily. The indicator comes with Tokyo, London, New York and Frankfurt stock market sessions programmed (with times offsets relative to GMT), but these can be easily changed.

The indicator handles up to 4 sessions, which are configured by a text string, such as "On, Tokyo, 9:00, 15:00, +9". 1st field is On/Off; 2nd field is the session's label; 3rd & 4th fields are open & close times; 5th field is timezone offset. The local timezone offset is also specified in the indicator's settings.

NOTE 1: No adjustment for daylight saving is made, you'd have to do this yourself by adjusting the time offset. NOTE 2: The indicator deliberately does not display the rectangles on time frames greater than 2H.

A list of international trading session times can be found here .

This indicator shows potential supply and demand zones. It uses pivot points (fractals). Once price has closed above a supply level (or below a demand level) that level is removed from the display. The strength of the pivot point can be set, as can the maximum number of levels displayed. It is advised to look to the source of the zone to try to gauge the real strength of the zone; if the price reacted strongly at that level, then it is usually a good zone, and price will often react similarly when it revisits the level.

This indicator shows the closed and/or open trades, as indicator by the broker. It is very useful in case you have manually entered trades, or when Strategy Trader was turned off/on. The indicator shows the entry with a label "L" for long and "S" for short, along with the number of lots opened. The exit (for closed trades) shows the P/L for the trade.

NOTE: Unfortunately, the broker information is reset each day (5pm EDT) so it is not currently possible to display trades past this point. In a future version I plan to parse the "Combined Account Statement" which should allow all historic trades to be displayed (or a specified date range).

This indicator reads a Combined Account Statement file and extracts the closed trades, which are then drawn onto the chart. The indicator shows the entry with a ticket number. The exit shows the P/L for the trade. The Combined Account Statement includes all trades for the account, whether they were made manually in TradeStation, or Strategy Trader or as the result of an automated strategy.

The Combined Account Statement can be downloaded, either from the FXCM website (from your account page), or from Strategy Trader, or from Trade Station. This should be downloaded as an Excel file (in an XML format). For some reason, the raw XML format does not parse properly, so please load it into Excel and the save it again (Excel does something with it - not sure what). I would also suggest you save it somewhere convenient, and perhaps rename it to something shorter, because you will have to type in the full path name into the indicator's input form.

NOTE: This indicator currently only supports the drawing of closed trades. Open trades can still be shown using the _HistoricTrades indicator shown previously.

NOTE: In testing, I noticed some discrepencies in some older trades, which appeared not to line up with the price action. I have confirmed that this is due to differences (errors?) in the historic data compared to the actual account data. I've verified that the drawn trade matches the account data. There's not much I can do about the historic data.

The Super-Trend Indicator identifies trend changes according to a combination of median price, and average true range. The length of ATR as well as the ATR multiplier can be set in the indicator.

Two zig-zag indicators, ZigZagPips uses a fixed pip value for the retracement that confirms a change in the zig-zag direction. ZigZagATR is a similiar indicator, but using the Average True Range (the average length, and multiplier can be set as an input).

Read about these indicators here and here .

Forex Blog

cAlgo Custom Indicators — Coding Basics

March 24, 2013 (Last updated on March 25, 2013) by Andriy Moraru

Following my brief introduction to cTrader platform. it is now time to explore possibilities offered by cAlgo — the algorithmic trading part of the platform. Today, I will describe the basic programming language constructions that are used to code custom indicators. I will also go through a sample source code and will try to explain how does it work, so that you could create your own cTrader indicator.

cAlgo — Word of Warning

Although cAlgo installation offers quite a few examples of both indicators and robots, and there are almost 200 shared algorithms on their official cTDN website. not much official information is available on coding for cTrader. You will find no official tutorials to code your cAlgo indicators.

As the trading platform uses C# for the algorithm coding, you can expect some level of familiarity with the code if you have any experience with C#. Unfortunately, you will find almost no explanations or descriptions for the APIs and classes specific to trading.

Custom Indicator Structure

Basically, each custom indicator’s code can be divided into the following sections:

Declaration of necessary namespaces

Creation of indicator’s class:

Definition of input parameters

Definition of outputs

Declaration of supplementary objects

Implementation of Initialize() function

Implementation of Calculate() function

Implementation of additional functions

Necessary Namespaces

The namespaces you will need are defined within the main cAlgo. API namespace. Any custom indicator requires cAlgo. API namespace to work. Additionally, cAlgo. API. Indicators namespace can be loaded to work with standard indicators inside your custom indicator’s code.

Standard C# namespaces (such as System or System. Timers ) may be employed if you wish to access their classes.

Indicator’s Class

An indicator should be declared inside a special cAlgo. Indicators namespace. [Indicator] attribute is necessary for the indicator class declaration. Additionally, this attribute can define some optional properties of the indicator:

a text name for display in cTrader;

IsOverlay property that can be set to true if you want to display indicator in the main chart window; otherwise it will be displayed in a separate indicator window below the main one;

ScalePrecision that sets the number of decimal places for the indicator output;

AutoRescale. which can be set to true for the indicator to rescale the chart automatically.

There is also an optional [Levels] attribute that can be used to set custom level lines for the separate window indicator. For example, 30 and 70 for the RSI indicator.

Here is the standard beginning of declaration:

Input parameters

It is not necessary for the indicator to have input parameters. Each declared parameter needs a [Parameter] attribute. This attribute can be used to set input parameters properties, such as the text name (as it appears to users), default value, minimum and maximum values. Each parameter is then declared as a public class member. accessors should be applied to an input parameter if you want users to see and modify its value (and why else would you declare it as an input parameter?) A cAlgo custom indicator can have as many input parameters as you need.


An indicator can have zero to any amount of outputs. Output is the result of indicator’s execution and it is what displays on chart. For example, moving average’s output is a line. It is an analogue of plot in MetaTrader. Output is declared as a public class member with the same accessors as input parameters, but with a different attribute – [Output]. This attribute can set such properties as text name, color and plot type (line, histogram, etc.), line style (dots, solid, etc.) and thickness.

Supplementary objects

This section is optional, but any more or less useful indicator will need extra objects to calculate its output. Such objects could be other indicators – p. ej. if you want code an indicator based on MA, you do not need to write your own code of a moving average, but rather declare a moving average object inside your indicator class:

Since Initialize() is a standard method of a basic Indicator class, override modifier is needed when you replace it with your own implementation.


Calculate() is also a standard method of cTrader Indicator class. It is called on each tick and is equal to Start() of MetaTrader 4 and to OnCalculate() of MetaTrader 5. It is the main subroutine of a custom indicator. It has one parameter – int index. which represents the number of the bar being processed. By the way, the chart bars are ordered from left to right in cTrader – the oldest bar has the index of 0, while the newest bar has the highest index.

Implementation of Calculate() is the right place to assign values to the previously declared outputs:

Notice how the code snippet above uses Result output of the previously declared moving average object. It also uses the standard cAlgo object for for data series – MarketSeries (in this case, Low price is retrieved.)

Additional functions

Any other language constructs (functions or event handlers) you might need to code a cTrader custom indicator are put inside the class implementation.

For example, this event handler is called on a timer event:

Sample Indicator Code Explained

Now that you know the parts that compose a generic custom indicator in cTrader/cAlgo, let’s look at a sample indicator code with detailed explanation of every statement. The following code is a Sample EMA Indicator that is included in cAlgo installation. It was coded by Spotware to demonstrate exponential moving average calculation. My explanations are given in a form of code commentary just above each statement:

Try Coding Your Own Indicator

As you can see, there is nothing too difficult in the process of creation of your custom indicators for cTrader via cAlgo. It also looks much simpler than in MetaTrader 5, for example, lacking the peculiarities of MQL language. At the same time C# is a popular enough language, which is known to many Forex traders.

Now you know enough to modify any of the bundled custom indicators or create a completely new one from scratch. If it does not contain any errors, after building your indicator, you will be able to attach it to cTrader charts. Consider sharing your custom indicators on cTDN. You can also download a lot of example indicators from there.

If you are interested to learn more about programming for cTrader, stay tuned. I will try to post about the basics of robot coding in cAlgo next week.

If you have some questions about cAlgo custom indicators and or cAlgo IDE, please post them using the commentary form below.

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Take control of your trading and act quickly when you see an opportunity to place orders in seconds through our Chart Trading & DOM. It’s simple and intuitive, you can click or drag-and-drop orders onto your chart.

MultiCharts features many tools to help you achieve your goals for Chart Trading, Trade Bar, Order and Position Tracker, Depth of Market, Automation of Entries and Exits, and Symbol Mapping.

Hundreds of Strategies & Indicadores

We have collected the most popular indicators and strategies we could find, and included them in the platform for free, so you don’t have to look for them.

All you need to do is right-click on the chart, and they are at your fingertips. Remember, you can always add more, or write your own in addition to existing ones.

Replay Market Data

Trading the markets is all about predicting where the price will go next. A good way to practice is to apply your price-predicting skills to historical data.

Market Data Replay allows you start playback at any point in the past, speed up or slow down replay speed, and even playback several instruments at once.

So in my continuing series of C# implementations of common indicators, I spent all of yesterday working out the ADX. The ADX was originally developed by J. Welles Wilder and published in his book New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. June 1978.

Various sites report implementations, but always define it in terms of indicators which have varying definitions. Namely FxStreet defines the general concept here. but only in terms of DI+/-, TR and DM+/-, each of which has varying definitions. ForexReal defines ADX here. but uses a completely different concept of TR. Stockwiz has a good overview of all of the variables used (at least they define all of their variables) here. I will be defining the ADX all the way down to price action (what you need when you are coding this…) as best I can to the original definition by J Welles Wilder.

Lets start by defining the Directional Move indicators

Directional Move Indicator

 = the Positive Direction Movement Indicator

 = the Negative Direction Movement Indicator

We use two helper variables to track the delta extreme price changes from yesterday

If today’s range is entirely within yesterday’s range, or the range is the same, then there has been no directional movement.

If the range moved up, then there has been a positive directional move.

If the range moved down, then there has been a negative directional move.

Average Directional Move Indicator

 = the Average Positive Direction Movement Indicator for N periods

 = the Average Negative Direction Movement Indicator for N periods

The Welles Wilder Average is used here to stay true to form, but this average introduces a lot of latency, so I will also implement an exponential moving average.

Alternatively, the formula for the ADM with an exponential moving average is shown below.

verdadero rango

 is the true range for a given period. It is a measure of volatility and takes into account any overnight gap in the period’s price.

Promedio de rango verdadero

 is the average true range for N periods.

The Welles Wilder Average is used here again to stay true to form, but for my C# implementation I will be using the exponential moving average.

Alternatively the ATR can be calculated with the exponential moving average as shown below.

Directional Index

 is the average positive directional movement indicator normalized by the average true range.

 is the average negative directional movement indicator normalized by the average true range.

The directional index calculation is very straight forward and shown below.

Directional Movement Index

 – the directional movement index is the difference of the directional indices over the sum directional indices.

Average Directional Movement Index

 is the average directional movement calculated over N periods.

Staying true to form again, the Welles Wilder Average is used below.

Again, you can alternatively use the exponential moving average as shown below.

C# implementation

So after the laborious research to determine exactly what the ADX is and should be (exponential vs Welles Wilder Average), here is the C# implementation of this indicator.

//The Average Directional Indicator

if (barHistory[timePeriod].Count > 1)

//Directional Movement Indicator

double deltaHigh = cBar. High – barHistory[timePeriod][barHistory[timePeriod].Count – 2].High;

double deltaLow = barHistory[timePeriod][barHistory[timePeriod].Count – 2].Low – cBar. Low;

if ((deltaHigh < 0 && deltaLow < 0) || (deltaHigh == deltaLow))

else if (deltaHigh > deltaLow)

I have not been able to get this formulas equal to the Marketscope ADX values. For some reason the first adx calculated is equal, but from the 2nd Adx it is not getting equal. Did you check the values that your formulas calculate against any other tool? It seems that it’s something about the Average Directional Movement Indicator, because the ATR i’m getting through your formulas is accurate against de Marketscope ATR.

Anyway your post has been so helpfull, but I want to get values that match exactly compared to the marketscope tool so I can verify more clearly my strategy.

The ADX formula is wrong. Replace the TR with DX and it works fine for me. Besides that, GREAT work

Great work – I’ve been struggling to build this myself due to the complexity of the indicator. This helped me a lot and is the best explanation I’ve seen on the web. ¡Gracias!

I did it this way (for DMI and - DMI only). I didn’t really get ur method (iam not that good at math lol)

Used a array for the Low, High, Close data’s named Quotes. Any feedback is welcome =)

private void CalcDMI() decimal TR = 0; decimal DMP = 0; decimal DMM = 0;

for (int x = 0; x 0 && HD > LD). HD. 0; DMM = (LD > 0 && LD > HD). LD. 0; >

PDI = (DMP * 100) / TR; MDI = (DMM * 100) / TR; >

hmm my reply is all f*cked up =( guess i cant post that many chars, nvermind than xD. srry!

Hi, ultimately which indicator do you recomend between the exponential MA and the Welles Wilder Avergae. It seems to me that the 14 days Wilder average is like a 27 exponential moving average … but i’d like to get a confirmation on what to use … TKs a lot for all the formula though !

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ClickAlgo. com is a UK-based company providing a high-quality programming service to both full and part-time traders. We specialize in the NinjaTrader® and cTrader trading platform, helping customers create custom-built automated and hybrid trading strategies, indicators and standalone trading platforms for out-of-the-box trading.

This website was formally known as cAlgo4u, we have improved the domain name and given the site a makeover.

We are a verified partner of Spotware Systems and we are now developing for the NinjaTrader® platform which are financial technology companies that develop trading platforms for online Foreign exchange market and CFD brokers, banks, and traders. Spotware is known for its trading platforms cTrader, cMirror and cAlgo

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Both cTrader and NinjaTrader use one of the world's most powerful programming frameworks and languages. NET C# and it is written in Windows Presentation Foundation which is a modern line-of-business desktop application technology with hyper-rich charting capabilities over traditional windows forms application.

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NinjaTrader® is our #1 recommended trading platform and brokerage preferred by traders worldwide including our clients.

NinjaTrader 8 was built from the ground up and boasts over 500 user driven features and enhancements all wrapped with a modern look and feel.

Our Programming Service Prices

We have various prices depending on the type of service you require from us, if you have a requirement for a project not listed below then please do not hesitate to contact us and we can give you an estimate.

The initial consultation via Email, Phone or Video Skype is FREE

Code written to high-standard, fully documented for future maintenance

Price includes public interfaces for signals to be used by other robots for trading

FREE Demonstration video on a secure cloud server showing how to setup and use your indicator together with any anomalies we may find

Delivery is dependent on complexity of indicator, small indicators take 5 working days.

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A Counter Trend Indicator: Profit from Trend Followers’ Weakness

A good indicator is based on sound logic. It should try to quantify or visualize a concept that makes sense and is easily explainable. Mostly I use very simple indicators. The most basic of indicators can be very helpful if used rightly. The indicator I’m about to describe here is quite simple in concept but requires a few more steps than a moving average. If you’re familiar with the basics of trend following models, this indicator should make perfect sense to you.

The Plight of the Trend Followers

Turtle is not amused.

Most trend following positions end up losing money. This is not news to anyone who studied this field. The money is in the fat tails, the run-away success trades that make up for many small losing positions. Losing most of the time is simply the cost of doing business as a trend follower. But, what if you could exploit this phenomenon?

Think about how a classic trend following model works. Try to find weaknesses to exploit. Look for the points that cause pain to trend followers. That’s where you’ll find some opportunity.

Wait, what? Isn’t this site about trend following? Why are we talking about trend following kryptonite?

It’s very dangerous to lock yourself to one approach. If you start getting religious about trading methodology, you’ll get no where. Getting stuck in the trenches like Apple vs. Windows or technicals vs fundamentals is not only unprofessional, it’s outright dumb. Most approaches have valid elements and you can construct profitable trading strategies from many starting points, so why limit yourself to one approach?

There are still pure trend followers around, but they are becoming an endangered species. Sure, most of the returns in the 300 billion dollar CTA industry comes from trend following. It’s still the dominating strategy in this part of the hedge fund business. Most CTA funds however incorporate multiple systematic strategies, always looking for new alpha and models with low correlation to the existing portfolio.

So when do trend followers suffer? On sharp trend pullbacks of course. Whether that happens right after breakout or later in the trend, it’s these pullbacks that cause the problem. In particular when there’s a pullback far enough to trigger a stop loss and then turns back into the trending direction. This happens all the time and it’s highly frustrating.

But what if we could quantify and measure trend following pain? Perhaps we can find a way to enter trades just as many trend followers are forced out? Perhaps the exits of big CTA funds will cause the prices to be pressured further, making it likely for the price to rebound after?

Enter the Clenow Plunger

Beware of the plunges

Most trend following models are very similar. The source code and rule set might appear different, but they all tend to buy and sell around the same time. Those of you who bought my book know how such a system might look. You did book my book right. Oh come, just buy it!

Let’s start with the trading model presented in my book and make an indicator to measure pain level. Quick recap: The model had a trend filter using 50/100 day EMA, entered on 50 day extremes and took stops at 3 ATR units against the trend. And that’s the one sentence summary of my 300 page book. Sorry for the spoiler.

The stop logic is key here. What if we made an indicator that measures how many ATR units we are from the recent peak? Yep, that’s exactly what The Clenow Plunger does.

What kind of a name is The Clenow Plunger for an indicator? Back off, it’s my indicator and I’ll name it whatever I want!

Ok, here’s the basic logic of the Plunger. The input numbers can of course be changed as you please.

Check the trend filter, using a 50/100 EMA.

Check the last 20 day extreme price, in the direction of the trend.

Check current price.

Calculate the difference between current price and 20 day trend extreme.

Normalize this difference by dividing it by a 50 day ATR.

Now you’ve got an interesting indicator. When the reading is around 3, many medium term trend followers are exiting. If you do some simulations, you’ll also find that this is a pretty good entry point.

It's really quite simple.

Trading the Clenow Plunger

The most obvious way to use the Plunger is for entries. No, I won’t give you complete trading rules. At least not in this post… This indicator can be used for entries into both counter trend and trend models, depending on how you want to handle your exit strategy.

Here’s how the indicator looks on a few different markets:

Note in these charts how the Plunger spikes up during pullbacks, just as it should. It measures the extend of the pullback on a normalized basis. In essence, it measured trend following pain levels. This can be traded in a few different ways of course. Having a good entry point is only part of making a complete trading model.

I might have mentioned before that I now publish a weekly futures analytical newsletter. Once or twice. Apart from covering a wide range of cross asset futures markets every week, I also do a special issue once a month. Next month, I’ll write about how to use this indicator to create a high performance trading model, complete with all the rules of course. If you’re not already on the mailing list, you can sign up for a free trial and receive this special issue.

Hello Dear Mr. Clenow ;

I am interested in Fx markets and try some systems which I find useful.

I found Amibroker formula of your Clenow Plunger indicator. I create basic Metastock formula but there are no color changes.

Could you please help me where can I find Metastock formula of this indicator with color changes ?

Thanks for your interest…


The best way to trade, track your futures positions and see market action is through our Depth of Market (DOM) window. It allows for one click order placement of Market, Limit, Stop, MIT, Stop-Limit and even advanced orders like Bracket OCO, Breakout and Trailing Stop orders. Track your current P/L and projected P/L along with seeing level II quotes.


Our integrated charting is highly customizable and allows you to view the markets in ten different styles including OHLC bars and candlesticks, and has over 100 built-in indicators that are also customizable. Choose from our standard bars or customize the bar intervals in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, ticks, range, volume and momentum. View your orders and trade from the charts along with using one of our many drawing tools.


The quote window provides fast real-time streaming market data which can be customized to your preferences. You can also set price alerts, easily add or remove new symbols and open DOMs and Charts for symbols you are viewing.

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Custom Indicators and Strategies

Write your own custom indicators or systems using C# or allow the trading platform to convert your existing TradeStation EasyLanguage® code to view on our charts or even Autotrade. You can save your indicators to your Library and even publish your indicators to our Store for others to see.

Excel DDE

Link our data directly to Microsoft Excel® which will allow you to view quotes and trade automatically according to your preset formulas in the spreadsheet. All of the functions available in the ApexTrader API are directly accessible in Microsoft® Sobresalir.

Market Replay

You can record market data on the charts and then play it back later in simulated trading mode to review the day's action and try different strategies. You can also play the data back at predefined speeds to allow for faster testing.

Options and Spreads

Pull up option chains for electronically traded futures which will show current bid/ask and even allow you to trade complex option spreads like butterflies, condors, strangles and straddles. You can also place trades for futures inter-market and intra-market spreads.

Custom Indicators: take a full advantage of NinjaTrader

Our programmers have experience with many trading platforms including NinjaTrader, TradeStation's Easy Language, Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation, eSignal, Open Quant, and more. We also offer custom programming in Matlab, VB, C#, Excel and more. Custom Development - We can custom develop your program from scratch utilizing the platform of your choice. Work With Existing Code - Take your existing code and have it modified, debugged or translated to another language.

Tweaking of your existing or custom indicator or strategy.

Programming a totally new indicator or strategy from the scratch

Programming automated trading systems

Converting your favorite indicators from other trading platforms such as TradeStation, Esignal, MetaTrader and others Any other C# or. NET programming needs

We are a technology provider dedicated to help retail traders take full advantage of the NinjaTrader platform. Whether you want to create a new indicator, import an existing indicator from another platform, or automate your trading strategy, we can help you get it done efficiently. We also offer custom indicators that allow you to reap the benefit of custom development without paying nearly the full cost.

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Strategy Trader: C# Code Documentation and Help Guide

For automated traders and programmers using Strategy Trader.

We re-organized the Strategy Language Help guide to make it more user friendly and more detailed for you to code your indicators and strategies into C# for Strategy Trader. You can find it attached to this post.

12-02-2010, 03:27 PM

FXCM's programming team has started creating custom indicators and strategies that traders have been requesting. I'll start to post them in this thread as they're made available. Here's the first one:

Trading Sessions Indicator

The trade session indicator will draw a box around the the candlesticks occurring during the relevant major forex trading periods: NY, London, Tokyo & Australia. You can specify the color for each period in the inputs menu. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like on the chart:

The indicator file is attached to this post for download. Please keep in mind this indicator is programmed for use in the Strategy Trader platform.

12-06-2010, 04:29 PM

Economic Calendar Indicator

The economic calendar indciator will post economic news announcements directly onto the chart along with the actual figure released. The indicator will display any economic events relevant to the currency pair displayed in the chart. For example if you are viewing USD/JPY, it will display economic releases relevant to the US and Japan. The indicator pulls data from the DailyFX economic calendar.

The indicator is attached to this post.

Todas las horas son GMT -3. The time now is 10:03 AM .

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MultiCharts. NET – Powerful C#/VB Trading Platform

MultiCharts. NET Analyze charts, create powerful strategies and indicators in C# and VB, and place automated or manual trades! MultiCharts. NET is an award-winning trading software platform with C# and VB support.

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Comercio Automatizado

Incluso con una estrategia ganadora, sólo un breve retraso en la ejecución de órdenes puede marcar la diferencia. After developing a strategy, the next step is to actually send the orders. The key advantage of automated trading is that it can send orders a lot faster than a human being. This can give you an advantage over the competition!

One-click trading from Chart & DOM

Take control of your trading and act quickly when you see an opportunity – place orders in seconds through our Chart Trading & DOM. It’s simple and intuitive, you can click or drag-and-drop orders onto your chart.

MultiCharts features many tools to help you achieve your goals – Chart Trading, Trade Bar, Order and Position Tracker, Depth of Market, Automation of Entries and Exits, and Symbol Mapping.

Hundreds of Strategies & Indicadores

We have collected the most popular indicators and strategies we could find, and included them in the platform for free, so you don’t have to look for them.

All you need to do is right-click on the chart, and they are at your fingertips. Remember, you can always add more, or write your own in addition to existing ones.

Replay Market Data

Trading the markets is all about predicting where the price will go next. A good way to practice is to apply your price-predicting skills to historical data.

Market Data Replay allows you start playback at any point in the past, speed up or slow down replay speed, and even playback several instruments at once.

Welcome to the Ninja Programming School website!

Are you a Ni njaTrader ® user who has been looking for a resource to teach you to program indicators or strategies? Or are you a trader who would like to have an indicator or strategy created or modified? We can assist you on either count.

Years ago, when I developed my own craft of NinjaScript programming, I found there was not an individualized coaching program available to help me become a NinjaScript master. I relied on my existing programming experience along with the NinjaTrader support forum to gain experience. Discussing this approach with other traders who were also seeking advanced NinjaScript knowledge we realized there was an opportunity to augment NinjaTrader’s excellent training materials with a series of structured courses.

If you have a modest amount of programming experience and are motivated to learn to program your own personal NinjaTrader® indicators or strategies, we have created courses that will help you. Students will gain proficiency in NinjaScript programming with each lesson completed. The Indicator Building Blocks course is comprised of 4 instructional classes and associated script samples for each workshop. Click here for schedule and pricing .

If you pref er to have us develop an indicator or strategy, we can assist you with that as we ll. Our experience includes the development of custom NinjaTrader ind icators, strategies and auto-traders based on a defined set of specifications. We use our Auto-Trader Strategy Shell to build a custom Auto-Trader. The Indicator Building Blocks course will be released one lesson at a time until the entire course is available and then a bundled price will be available. The Strategy Building Blocks course will follow.

We look forward to working with you and welcome the opportunity to assist you along your journey. Course details here or if you have questions you may contact us here.

What are students saying about the Builder Blocks Indicator course?

The Indicator Building Blocks course taught by Tony Alcamo of the Ninja Programming School provided an excellent foundation for me to become proficient in creating my own custom NinjaTrader® indicators. Tony successfully teaches the Builder Blocks course goals in an easy to understand method. The knowledge I have gained by attending the Building Blocks course has helped me tremendously and I was able to quickly gain confidence using the NinjaTrader® C# scripting language. I highly recommend this course for those who would like to become proficient creating their own custom NinjaTrader® indicators. David F. USA

Tony you have done a great job in the Builder Blocks Indicator course and it was an incredible value for the money spent! You progressed nicely through the course and really went over a lot of material in an easy to understand way. You have a great teaching style. I am more than comfortable now in the NT environment. As I explained to you before the course started, I was completely lost in this environment and found it somewhat overwhelming. Not any more as I already have written multiple indicators and I am far ahead of where I thought I would be. I recommend the course whole heartedly. Gregory M. USA

I was a little unsure on enrolling in the course at first, whether I needed to make the commitment of time and money. But now, four short weeks later, I can program and check my trading ideas in a flash. What was taking me hours or even days to work out the correct coding for, I can now do in minutes and if a I have a problem I can source the correct info from NT7 help and understand what it means. Thanks Tony you have saved me hours if not days of my life. Raef M. Australia

Tony, thank you so much for teaching the NinjaScript classes I took in Jan thru Mar 2012. I am a scalper and have determined that the NinjaTrader platform suits my needs better than others that I have used. Coming from a background where I was very fluent using EasyLanguage (Tradestation) and PowerLanguage (MultiCharts), I have had so much frustration trying to understand the layout and logic of NinjaScript and how it works, in spite of so much time trying to use the NinjaScript tutorials or trader online forums. After trying to go off and write my own volume indicators or modifying ones I had downloaded from the NinjaTrader website and still not having a clue how to proceed, I finally gave up and decided that I would have to pay someone to code simple indicators even though I just wanted to see how they worked. I continued to write and test code in Multicharts and trade using NinjaTrader, even though I really wanted to use NinjaTrader exclusively. After taking just your first class I was able to go into my own downloaded NinjaScript indicators and understand how they were laid out and what is required to modify it. That was a huge eye-opener! After the last lesson I took a big step in writing my own NinjaScript indicator that I actually use in trading everyday. I have a big smile on my face now! I also appreciate the constant encouragement to contact you through Skype and helping me one-on-one for free to really understand the concepts you were teaching. I have really gotten more than I paid for and would highly recommend any beginner to take your classes if they want a quantum leap in understanding NinjaScript programming from someone who has already walked the minefield of learning this stuff. Bob P. USA

Tony is NOT the typical academic that likes to impress with his knowledge. Tony is about "how to". He is open to questions and follows up with real examples of how the code is written and why. I am not a programmer and after a few classes I was writing my own indicators! Tony is very committed to his students actually learning and will spend class time and follow up sessions to ensure you understand. He truly has a "no student left behind" attitude Troy E. USA

Updata Coding - create custom indictors, trading strategies and visualizations

Updata Analytics has a built in easy programming language with dozens of pre-written analysis commands. This allows users with little knowledge of programming to script their own indicators and trading strategies for optimisation or back testing. More advanced programming can be done in Visual Basic and C# within Updata as well.

The Updata libraries come with over 1,000 pre-written custom indicators and trading strategies. The libraries are available online or in the case of firewalls are installed with each upgrade. We will even write indicators or strategies for clients meaning rapid deployment of new tools to the end user's system without installing software upgrades

Updata Coding is compatible with the following:

Visual Basic - Program in VB straight into your Updata software

Visual C# - Program in C# straight into your Updata software

NinjaTrader vs MetaTrader

MetaTrader is the leading retail Forex trading platform, with the 4 th or 5 th iteration of the platform being offered by the vast majority of retail FX brokerages. Despite this overwhelming popularity not everyone is a fan of the MetaTrader platform, which leads traders looking elsewhere. One of the more popular options is the NinjaTrader platform which is used by over 40,000 traders worldwide and in this article we are going to take a look at how the platforms compare with one another in a number of important areas.

Need some background?

Charting & Indicadores

MetaTrader 4 revolutionised the FX industry back when it was released in 2005, as it gave retail traders access to a trading platform which boasted impressive charting functionality and the ability to automatically trade the markets. Those who have used the MetaTrader platform will know that the platform supports and impressive range of indicators and charting tools. Users will find that the majority of the most commonly used technical indicators are all included within the platform as standard and the ability to create custom indicators allows for advanced traders to make their own indicators. The charting area is highly customisable allowing users to change the colors used to suit their preferences. The MetaTrader 4 platform supports a range of time frames, with MetaTrader 5 expanding on this by introducing extra and custom time frames. The MetaTrader platform is going to be able to fulfill the wishes of the vast majority of FX traders when its comes to indicators/charting, which helps explain the platforms vast popularity.

NinjaTrader provides a very similar offering to MetaTrader when it comes to Indicators/Charting, with the platform providing traders with the ability to use all the most popular indicators and charting tools on whatever market they are monitoring. The range of time frames, indicators, and charting tools supported are pretty similar. Though it should be remarked that the charts on NinjaTrader are arguably more attractive and easier to read, which is a bonus should use be sat in front of the trading terminal for any significant time period.

Winner: There is probably little difference between the two platforms and both platforms will serve the average trader pretty well. I personally, would favour NinjaTrader as I feel that the charts are cleaner and easier to read.

Automated Trading & Back-Testing

Both platforms provide support for those wanting to automated their trading of the financial markets, but which provides the best overall automated trading suite?

The popularity of MetaTrader 4 & 5, is in part down to the wide spread use of the platforms MQL4/5 scripting language which allows traders to write Expert Advisors and custom indicators. The MQL4/5 language is not easy to get to grips with but thankfully there is a large community of developers and programmers who produce Expert Advisors for both the 4 & 5 platform. Their are also a number of automated tools which allow traders to build EA’s and custom indicators, using these tools make the process easier but do limit what you EA’s can do. Once you have created an Expert Advisor it is possible to use the platforms Strategy Tester, to test your trading strategy over historical data which can be downloaded from your brokerage or from a number of other sources. There are a number of guides online which can help you improve the quality of your back-tests, as standard tests may not accurately represent the performance of your trading script. Once you are satisfied with an Expert Advisor you can simply drag it onto the chart of the relevant instrument.

As previously mentioned one of the biggest selling points of the MetaTrader 4 & 5 platform, is the huge community of individuals and traders building Expert Advisors to use in conjunction with the platform. Many people sell these Expert Advisor’s online and there are communities which discuss and assess the quality of these EA’s. This huge and vocal community, means that many new to automated trading opt to use either the MT4/MT5 platforms.

NinjaTrader like MetaTrader and some of it’s other competitors provides significant support for those looking to automate their trading. The platform uses NinjaScript, which is nearly identical to the C# language and those who have experience with C# should be able to write trading programs for the NinjaTrader platform with little difficulty. The fact NinjaTrader uses C#, makes it relatively easy for individuals to rewrite robots for the platform. It also means that traders can tap into a pool of talented C# programmers should they want to pay someone to write them a custom trading robot. What is particularly impressive about the NinjaTrader platform is the testing suite, which is some ways superior to the Strategy Tester included with the MetaTrader platform. The NinjaTrader platform provides traders with the ability to back and future test their trading scripts, even if they are operating a live account. The platform also supports simulated data feeds which can be used to help test trend following robots. There is also the ability to use Monte Carlo simulation, which is something which is likely appeal to those with a background in statistics.

Winner : While NinjaTrader has an impressive range of testing tools which sets apart from many other trading platforms, it simply does not have the active community which both the MetaTrader 4 & 5 platform have. This makes MetaTrader the winner for those who want to be able to get up and running as quickly as possible.


MetaTrader is probably the most widely availiable retail FX trading platform, and I can only think of a couple of brokerages which do not offer either MetaTrader 4 or 5 as standard. Even with these particular brokerages it is often possible to use the platform via a bridge. The fact that MetaTrader is so widely available means that there is a huge community of traders and programmers developing plugins, custom indicators and Expert Advisor’s. It also means that those who want to use the MetaTrader platform have a huge choice of brokerages to choose from.

NinjaTrader is only offered for free by a small number of Forex brokerages, who often place certain volume requirements on those who want to take advantage of the impressive trading platform. It is possible to download and use a free version of the platform, which allows traders to take advantage of some but not all of the platforms functionality. Recently, NinjaTrader has launched its own brokerage which allows traders to use the platform to trade a range of different futures markets via the NinjaTrader platform. Those looking to trade the Spot FX markets may struggle to find a FX brokerage who offers customers the advanced trading platform.

Winner: MetaTrader 4 & 5 are available from a huge array of brokerages, with very few retail brokerages not offering the platform as part of their offering. NinjaTrader is not widely available and retail traders may struggle to find a brokerage who will allow them to use the platform for free.


MetaTrader 4 & 5, will be more than enough for the average retail trader with the platform having all the functionality that is generally required. NinjaTrader is often considered a superior platform due to some of the advanced functionality included with the platform. Some of these features will simply be overkill for the average trader. This and the fact the NinjaTrader platform is largely unavailable makes MetaTrader a better choice for the majority of retail traders, despite NinjaTrader arguably being a better platform.

3 thoughts on “ NinjaTrader vs MetaTrader ”

ALVEO coding Rom - how to create Indicator/EA with C#

ALVEO coding Rom - how to create Indicator/EA with C#

I start this forum to discuss how to create Indicator/EA with ALveo platform.

I created many EA/indicator for MT4 and also trade with those indicator/EA with live acccount.

Now, i start new jourunal to replicate most of my EA/Indicator to ALVEL platform, I do not know how to code Indicator/EA on ALveo platform yet because there is no sample code and API guide line for ALveo platform.

I assume that Apiaryfund will provide sample code or reference guide, and provide some training session for code.

we can share all Indicator or EA when we are familar with new ALVEO coding system, we can learn from each other.

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 8:35am

I have used MQLToCSharpConverter to convert one EA to C# code, however, this convert tool does not know what kind of api function suppose to use, MQLToCSharpConverter just convert code from mql4 to C# format, does not convert any kind of OOTB function or check necessary library at all.

hopefully, we can get new tool soon or get knowledge transfer how to code EA/Indicator on ALVEO platform

What features do you want to include?

Where to start? Maybe a longer list of external variables would allow faster optimization

Would you want to start with defining the parameters of each indicator that would be used in Trending and/or Ranging market condition ( the qualifying statement)

The market is range bound more than it trends.

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 11:00am

The (Win32/Win64) API functions/methods shouldn't need to be converted; instead, they should only require linking.

I haven't tried out MQLToCSharpConverter yet, but I intend to check it out soon (maybe over the weekend). After having run the converter, did you create a C# project incorporating the converted file, or did you only try to compile that converted file? If the latter, then you might want to try creating a project and incorporation the converted file. If the prior, then please share a brief list of the kinds of errors that you received.

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 9:24am

I am not talked about window api, I refer to MT4 OOTB function, such as Period(), Point, GlobalVariableSet which is OOTB MT4 function, these OOTB MT4 function does not exist on alveo.

even you can convert those MT4 function to CS code, that does not work at all.

I do not think there are any related same api which have been implement in ALVEO.

there is no error when you compile, the problem is that converted indicator/EA does not work, because there is no same function in alveo platform

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 12:57pm

Hopefully, ALVEO developer team will release all OOTB function and how to code indicator/EA soon

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 1:02pm

Fortunately I am new with Apiary Fund and look forward to learning with you all how to use the new Alveo platform. I am not overly fluent or dependant on MT4, so I feel like I am coming in on the ground floor of a new edifice.

There is an awful lot to build and discover and I hope there will not be much of a backlog waiting for features to be rolled out. Wishing you all traders and especially you developers Godspeed and successful results, I am.

Yours sincerely, Terry Seale

Thu, 10/30/2014 - 8:36pm

Hello Terry. MetaTrader is a great platform, used widely by many retail brokers. I have learnt a lot through using the Apiary MetaTrader platform and whilst I will be sorry to see it go, I am very much looking forward to engaging with the new Alveo platform.

I know that many of the 'Bees' here have accounts with other brokers and I have no doubt that MT4 will be used to illustrate strategies, going forward.

May I send you a Facebook friend request?

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 6:02am

As a stop-gap measure, you could scan the symbol tables of the relevant MT4 DLLs for those functions/methods. Then you can invoke (and dynamically link) them.

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 7:26am

so far. I am facing many ALveo API does not work properly, here is list of issue which I am facing

1) Alveo API function does not work, all time API call return just value "1", it seems that all these Time API does not implemented, just return default value 1.

let's assume today is 10am Jan 29,2015.

Day() ==> return 1 Hour() ==> 1 Seconds() ==> 1

/// * Return day number of month according to server time protected int Day() /// * Return day number of week according to server time protected int DayOfWeek() /// * Return day number of year according to server time protected int DayOfYear() /// * Return current hour according to server time protected int Hour() /// * Return current minute according to server time protected int Minute() /// * Return current month number according to server time protected int Month() /// * Return current second according to server time protected int Seconds() /// * Return current server time protected datetime TimeCurrent() /// * Return day of the month from specified date

2) Comment(1,"11") - System. NotImplementedException, the method or operation is not implement. we need to use Comment to print some EA info on top Left concert, otherwise, we have no idea whether EA is running or not, Since Alveo have no similar happy face as MT4 to show whether EA is active running or not.

3) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, LotsOptimized(), hBuyStopPrice, 1, hBuyStopLoss, hBuyTargetPrice, "FXQ_News_BS", MagicnNmber, null, Blue);

MagicNumber (150126) is not used by Alveo, whenever we invoke OrderMagicNumber() fundction, it return Order Number such as 555,556 instead of magicnumber.

if magicNumber does not work, it is impossible for EA to manage different position with same pairs for different EA.

4) when I use ObjectCreate to create Trendline and try to set OBJPROP_STYLE and OBJPROP_WIDTH parameters, it willc crash ALveo platform, it seems that CreateObject function does not implement properly

ObjectCreate(label, OBJ_TREND, 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 0); ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_RAY, 0); ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_COLOR, lineColor); // ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_STYLE, style); // ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_WIDTH, width);

Sun, 02/01/2015 - 8:45pm

Alveo sucks, I have been trading another site (Mt4) with exactly the same trades for which I am up on the Mt4 17,000 and with Alveo I am down $4,927. The problem continues. When can we believe the problem is solved? Other than the fact that I have contributed a substantial amount of funds to the Apriary Fund, what should I believe to be my ROI?

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 10:10pm

agree with you. ALveo platform is still on beta stage, long way to catch up MT4 platform .

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 11:20pm

I doubt the intent is to replicate MT4 (it sucks too) - I came to use Alveo after spending most of my time with cTrader and NinjaTrader, there are many similarities between the 3 - in the end - the onus remains in the operator and not the tools. We must, and will adapt - thats what we do isn't it - day in - day out.

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 11:57pm

I found another Bug on ALveo API, if you try to use any timeframe such as PERIOD_D1,PERIOD_H4,PERIOD_H1 for any OOTB indicator, ALveo API will ignore it, It use default timeframe which Chart you open.

i. g, you open H1 chart, no matter what timeframe you give to indicator such ad PERIOD_D1,PERIOD_M1, ALveo indicator will ignore, it only use H1 instead of the timeframe you give to indicator arguments.

Wed, 02/11/2015 - 2:09pm

can you share C# code for pivot indicator which you are creating, so that we can use it as reference to start with ?

it seems that there is some bug on ALveo, when I try to check all openpositions, ALveo API throw Object reference not set to an instance of an object when I use OrderType, OrderSymbol, OrderLots or OrderProfit sometime. it occurs intermittedly, sometime works and sometime throws error message .

for (int l_pos_positions = 0; l_pos_positions < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_positions++) if (OrderSelect(l_pos_positions, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) // == true) if (OrderSymbol().Equals(currencysymbol)) if (OrderMagicNumber2(OrderComment()).Equals(magicnumber)) if ((OrderType() == OP_BUY) || (OrderType() == OP_SELL)) l_count_allm++; // else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) //l_count_allm++; >>>

========================= [19:19:29.4547]. #RevPro_1-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderSymbol() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 481 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. TrailingAllLong(Int32 breakevenlong, Int32 trailingstoplong, Int32 magicnumberlong, Int32 thresholdlong) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1684 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 359

[19:20:52.1799]. #RevPro_1-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderType() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 535 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. CountAllFilledPositions(String currencysymbol, Int32 magicnumber) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1194 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 357

[19:22:08.3435]. #RevPro_1-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderType() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 535 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. CountAllFilledPositions(String currencysymbol, Int32 magicnumber) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1194 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 357

[19:22:08.3445]. #RevPro_4-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderType() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 535 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 501

[19:22:08.3445]. #RevPro_1-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderType() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 545 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. CountAllFilledPositions(String currencysymbol, Int32 magicnumber) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1194 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 357

[19:22:14.7432]. #RevPro_1-->Symbol=NZD/USD, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderProfit() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 314 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. CalcProfit(String currencysymbol, Int32 magicnumber, Boolean usemagicnumber, Boolean usesymbol) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1028 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 364

[19:23:01.7829]. #RevPro_4-->Symbol=USD/JPY, Msg=System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Alveo. UserCode. CodeBase. OrderType() in c:\Users\Colton J Chesnut\Documents\GitHub\atp\Alveo\M4.UserCode\CodeBase\CodeBase_Trading. cs:line 533 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. CountAllFilledPositions(String currencysymbol, Int32 magicnumber) in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 1194 at Alveo. Strategy. FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. Start() in c:\Users\qiut\Documents\Alveo\Code\ExpertAdvisers\FXQ_REVTradePro_EA. cs:line 479

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 8:36pm

I am stuck and was hopefully you guys could help. I can do some programming, but until I get "comfortable" per se I feel overwhelmed.

I have decided to try and do a trade copier from MT4 to Alveo. I will do this to help me transition my assets to Alveo without loosing trading time.

I have come up with two different paths to take:

1. I found the attached Trade Copier for MT4. I used the MQLtoC#Converter to arrive at the attached. cs code. I get errors and don't know how to fix them. For example, it imports a. dll. I could not find in the API where it discusses that. Another error is something about parameters, which I don't understand enough to fix it.

2. I found another trade copier, which I thought might work better because it writes to a CSV, which I saw in the API is possible. I get the same errors with the importing. If I delete that, then I get many more errors that I also can't handle.

3. The other idea I had was not to reinvent the wheel. So I found a copier from MT4 to cTrader (which uses C# as well). This also puts trades into a CSV and then reads that CSV. But then I got errors when compiling the code, which again, I did not know how to fix. The cBot can be found at http://ctdn. com/algos/cbots/show/513

The main way I have coded in the past is to look at examples of code in other projects I find in google and in forums. Unfortunately, since I don't have that here, I feel a little lost with regards to finding solutions to these problems with making a trade copier. So I would appreciate any help!

per my experience, Alveo does copy all MT4 API to Alveo API list, however, many of these API functions are dummy function, only have interface and does not implement yet.

having said that, I assume that most of main MT4 API does implement in ALveo, I have provided list of non-working API which I have experienced to Colton. so that ALveo API Team can implement as soon as possible.

stearno36, per your question, if you wan to trade on ALveo platform and want to be ALveo funded trader, you must convert your MT4 asset to ALveo. that is what I have done last 30 day, I did manage to convert three EA to ALveo platform, I did face many MT4 API does not work on ALveo platform, the wordaround is to create my own API to replace ALveo dummy API which is not implement.

furthermore, here Is big challenge for me so far, Alveo Platform does not have some ability to handle more many charts with reasonable dataset so far, and also EA/Indicator performance extremely slow in ALveo platform.

as comparision, I can run 20 charts on MT4 platform and each chart have one EA and multiple indicator, MT4 run perfect and CPU/RAM is not so high. I can only run 4-6 charts with limited BAR number and no indicator, and only can run 2-3 EA, otherwise, ALveo will frozen or extremely slow, ALveo platform will consume large number of CPU/RAM.

Hopefully, ALveo can improve performance soon, otherwise, ALveo platform is not indicators/EA friends Platform.

my ALveo platform keep frozen when I active EA on more than 4 chars when News occurs or volume is high.

if you want to import dll as MT4. Puedo ayudarle. you just need to follow C# syntax to import same windows dll, then you can use it, however, I do see some program to run dll on Alveo platform so far and not stable.

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 2:08pm

I seems that many Traders are interested in writing Indicator/EA or convert MT4 to ALveo.

we can all ask ALveo Developer to provide one working session to provide quick walk through. how to setup development environment, what tool to use develop C# code. and how to debug.

I am also love to share my experience how to debug and how to setup environment, and how to convert MT4 code, and what is potential issue with ALveo EA/indicators?

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 2:17pm

I love hearing the plans and work that everyone is putting into their custom code, that's awesome! As we get things more and more stable with our quote servers, having access to all the available APIs will be our top priority. I am have already been gathering a list of all the methods that have still yet to be implemented. Email anymore that you find in your development. As far as learning and sharing goes, I really feel strongly that our new github repository is going to go a long way in helping that. If you haven't already, please clone it down to your computers and start commiting your code to it. I believe we can all learn and help each other create some amazing things in that environment.

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 2:58pm

i reviewed your code and found what is problem which i have faced same issue as you.

1) first, ObjectSetText and ObjectCreate does not implemented properly on ALveo platform, does not work. 2) you try to use iTime and iBarShift to calcute how many bar from Day start time, iTime(Symbol(), mTimeFrame (1440), i). however, Alveo does not implement any indicator for TimeFrame parameters, i. g.

if you apply indicator to M15 chart, you use iTime(Symbol(), 1440, i) or iTime(Symbol(), 60, i), iMA(null, 0, 240, 0, MA_MODE, PRICE_MODE, x), Alveo API will ignore all timeframe and only use default chart timeframe that is 15 minutes.

in your indicator, that calcu will wrong, because you want to find iTime at the beginnging trading day, it only return current chartime frame, not DAY.

3) iHighest and iLowest is not implemented in ALVEO, these API does not work, i create my owner iHighest and iLowest API to reslove issue.

4) there are many other dummy API which lists on ALVEO API list are not implement and definitly not work, seems that Alveo have all API list from MT4 api, however, not implement too much

5) per above ALveo limitation, your indicator definitely not work, you need to reconsider to write some function to override Alveo API function because all those functions are dummy and not implemented.

Thu, 03/05/2015 - 8:56pm

Here's my first contribution - I use it to Alert me when price is within '1' pip away from BB set at 12,2 while monitoring MACD momentum above or below zero (right now i check the signal line - see below). Essentially looks for a pullback within a trend. It currently works on any one TF at a time - its a base I plan to expand upon in a more modular fashion and in line with Jeff's teachings.

fwiw - I'm just getting my feet wet in C# - so don't laugh. all variables must be changed through the code and the expert recompiled if you wish to make changes.

Running this as an Expert in Alveo provides a loop while running as a script only runs it once and therefore needs to be reset every time an alert is tripped as would be expected - remember that when you get bombarded by alerts when a decisive change in trend starts to develop.

Enjoy - feedback is welcomed - use at your own risk, if at all.

double MACD; MACD=iMACD(null,0,8,17,9,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_SIGNAL,0); <<------- how do i use MODE_MAIN instead?

If you are talking about to use createObject function draw trendline, that is not work per my previous comments.

my Mt4 indicator have function to draw trendline or paint text. all these function does not work at all on Alveo platform, I have send mail to colton for those non-working environment.

If you are talking about that your indicator cannot paint chart with indicator buffer data, I have post sample code FXI_DMA on Mon, 02/02/2015 - 9:44pm, you can scroll up you download that sample code to draw DEMA chart.

let me know whether you need more clarification or not.

Wed, 03/18/2015 - 10:20pm

I have same experience if there is code compiler issue due to unknown syntax issue, ALveo editor does not do anything, just hang.

I need to kill that alveo ediotor, and open it again and check overall syntax issue.

due to this issue, I do not use Alveo Editor to edit/develop C# code, I use MSFT Visual Studio to develop and edit C# code first, and compile on Visual studio, then copy to ALveo platform to compile and testing.

Wed, 03/18/2015 - 10:25pm

I am working with the Alveo API to develop a script that will set a series of Pending STOP orders (Parameter buy/sell will be nice, maybe version 1.2). Please excuse me but I am a novice programmer. In MT4 the settings would be called External Variables. I think in Alveo C# the equivalent is param_1, param_2.

/* extern double Lots = 50.0 ; extern int Slippage = 10 ; extern int Stop_Loss = 10 ; extern int Take_Profit = 10 ; extern int bool = True; // --- True = Buy False = Sell */ Courtesy_Hello_World. mq4

Any thoughts? Nadie?

Is there any way to have the ability to change the settings "on screen" that would be nice.

public string param_1

Tue, 04/14/2015 - 9:27am

1) if you want create/update global variable which is same as MT4 external variable. which is listed on Alveo-->code->variable you can use follow API to create/set/get

protected bool GlobalVariableCheck(string name); protected bool GlobalVariableDel(string name); protected double GlobalVariableGet(string name); protected string GlobalVariableName(int index); protected int GlobalVariablesDeleteAll(string prefixName = ""); protected datetime GlobalVariableSet(string name, double value);

2) however, if you want to update EA/indicator pre-init input parameter. you can change value when you use it. however, the value change in indicator/EA does not reflect on input screen, because input screen only display initialize default value, not reflect realtime value.

Tue, 04/14/2015 - 3:54pm

Thank you Much - Tony - I could not have got this far without you.

I am using Notepad ++ That is all I have, other than Alveo. So, I need to get everything squared away in Notepad ++ then copy and paste into a "new" script that is the only thing inside of the file. It compiles everything in the folder.

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System. ComponentModel; using System. Windows. Media; using Alveo. Interfaces. UserCode; using Alveo. UserCode; using Alveo. Common; using Alveo. Common. Classes;

namespace Alveo. UserCode [Serializable] [Description("Pending Sell Stop")] public class SellScript. ScriptBase protected double Lots = 0.1; protected double slippage = 5; protected int stop_loss = 30; protected int take_profit = 60; //--- protected bool GlobalVariableCheck(string name); //--- protected bool GlobalVariableDel(string name); //--- protected double GlobalVariableGet(string name); //--- protected string GlobalVariableName(int index); //--- protected int GlobalVariablesDeleteAll(string prefixName = ""); //--- protected datetime GlobalVariableSet(string name, double value);

#region Properties #endregion public SellScript () (

// Basic indicator initialization. Don't use this constructor to calculate values copyright = "Apiary Investment Fund, LLC"; link = "www. apiaryfund. com";

protected override int Start (OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP, Lots, Price, slippage, stop_loss, take_profit,"",0,0,CLR_NONE); return(0); > > /////////////////////END//////////////////

That is basically a direct translation from MQL4 into C# I need to work more on it.

Still a Work In Progress and I get lost around this point. It needs the lines of code that are thus? " protected double GlobalVariableGet(string name); " I am still lost on the Sting

I am still lost about what to do with the Alveo API's.

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 12:48am

I found that any limit/stop order which is not filled, if I use OrderOpenPrice to retrieve limit/stop open price, it will return 0 instead of pending open price.

I checked Orders list, and found that there is new column L/S Price which will display pending order open price correct. and confirm that Open Price is empty before pending order is filled.

can you let me know whether Order function to retrieve L/S Price?

Fri, 05/01/2015 - 9:17am

Is this really a MQL generator. You develop a logic of your trading system, put boxes and arrows on the screen and as a result you get complied ex4 file?

I remember when the MS FrontPage came on the scene with few clicks on the mouse you have a web page. The only issue with Front Page was that I generated too much crap in the code.

I do not know for you but I do not trust to visual programs like this(my own opinion).


Is this really a MQL generator. You develop a logic of your trading system, put boxes and arrows on the screen and as a result you get complied ex4 file?

I remember when the MS FrontPage came on the scene with few clicks on the mouse you have a web page. The only issue with Front Page was that I generated too much crap in the code.

I do not know for you but I do not trust to visual programs like this(my own opinion).

Its just like c# compared to c. C# will always generate some crap code because it is necessary while you have full control over c, but you need 10x time to do something in c.


I have emailed this company twice but my email is not deliverable.


Visual trading studio

Has anybody out there used visual trading studio?


VTS crap don't buy

I bought vts because it said it came with a so callled manuel but the manuel is patheticly meager and leaves you just about clueless thus taking me hundreds of unnecessary hours of trial and error. Then I wasn't aware that you'll need an platform program called '.net framework' in order to run the program (Btw they didn't mention this upon buying!) and then I had to search the internet for a winzip/winrar pogram to unzip the contents (BTW they didn'y bother to mention this on the website). Just a whole lot of dishonesty going on.


Your complaining because you needed. net to run the program?

Oh boy, there are some bright sparks around.

I think it looks good but as there are no informed reviews - will have to buy and see.


Last edited by expforex ; 28-05-2010, 09:50.


--Исправил ошибку & # 1089; невнемательностью трейдера, при попытке нажатия кнопки без запуска советника, происходит следующее: когда советник запускается он исполняет последний приказ трейдера - Исправлено. --Перед запуском программы идет проверка & # 1085; & # 1072; запуск соответствующего эксперта, иначе все кнопки неактивны --При режиме "Тренажер" кнопки символы и "Все символы" неактивны --В Демо версии только 3 символа можно выбрать & # 1076; & # 1083; & # 1103; торговли --Время блокировки демоверсии убрал, В Демоверсии & # 1085; & # 1077; & # 1082; & # 1086; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1088; & # 1099; & # 1077; функции недоступны --Исправил отоброжении информации & # 1086; валютном инструменте, теперь изменяя опцию InfoAboutAccount будет / не будет отображаться информация & # 1087; & # 1086; аккаунту. --Добавил возможность работы только & # 1087; & # 1086; магику, Если работаем со всеми ордерами то MagicOrder =0(настройки советника), если работаем только ордерами/позициями эксперта, магик стоит поменять например & # 1085; & # 1072; 1.

Last edited by expforex ; 28-05-2010, 09:50.


Your setup looks very interesting. I would like to suggest a english translation be written, as Im sure you'll get much more interest from a majority of this forum that way.


O. K. it looks interesting and it looks like something I could get my head around, but dose any one know where to go to find a good manual or instructions on how to use it without surfing countless websites. Gracias.


Your setup looks very interesting. I would like to suggest a english translation be written, as Im sure you'll get much more interest from a majority of this forum that way.

I would wholeheartedly agree!


VTS new version

I had the old VTS Studioand all programmers said it was crap, also realised this myself after trying to use it. I am getting the new version and see if it is any better. My goal is to find or commission programmer to do a very comprehensive template on VTS, so that I can easily add filters and make my own EAs! If any is interested on this project please email me, this is better since I don't follow this forum much

fibonachi72-1 (at) yahoo dot com.


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.


Hi folks, I’ve been quite busy recently so I wasn’t able to add some many things anymore, but I tried to check at least a few items from my Rainbow todo list: – Added (Improved crosshair): Toggle button for crosshair on toolbar – Added (Improved crosshair): option “1.11. Show axis markers without crosshair” controls display […]

Vox populi

Rainbow has prevented me from moving away to another trading platform.

Awesome job, dude! Finest Ninjatrader thing I've ever seen!

Incredible work you have done here and so generous of you to share!

THIS IS GREAT. I can not hold back emotions!!

Ninja should pay you to add this to their UI. It makes so much more sense the way you designed it.

Thank you for your generosity, Rainbow! Top suite!

Great work here! Really spectacular.

This is a really, really good add-on for Ninja. I've made it part of my default template.

You really seem to know what you're doing here, keep up the great work!

Dear visitor!

Because you've come across my site, it means you are most likely a discretionary trader using NinjaTrader platform to do your trading. If it's true then this is the best place you're about to be right now as this site is all about tools created to make your trading a more pleasant experience.

After I had been enjoying NinjaTrader for quite some time, I came up with many ideas how to enhance NinjaTrader user experience. Being a professional UX designer with over 10 years of Java programming experience, I learned C# and created many indicators that I used myself, but now I decided to merge them all into one and share them with the rest of the world. that's when the "Rainbow" indicator was born. An indicator, that I give you for free and hope you'll find it useful and enjoy it as much as I do.

If you know about some feature that could be part of Rainbow, let me know through my issue tracker. If it makes sense to me, I might implement it in the next version of Rainbow.


These are so far the main features of Rainbow, so sit back, relax and enjoy this ride.

The mouse cursor is for many of us a single point in universe we spend a lot of time looking at. That’s why I did my best to improve it as much as I could. These are the main things I was concerned with and tried to improve them: To know what price I’m at […]

NinjaTrader shows your manual executions in a way that isn’t always obvious on the first look. Lines connecting entries and exits are available only for automated strategies in “Strategy analyzer” but not for usual chart. With Rainbow you can see your trades on your charts in a way that brings pleasure to your eye and […]

Rainbow contains an enhanced ruler feature that can be triggered by clicking anywhere in the chart while holding the Shift key. It shows tick, point, currency (dollar value) and percentage difference between two points. If you click again, it disappears, if you Shift+Click while having the ruler active, it stays on the chart and you […]

Did you ever want to have multiple presets for indicators that you could switch between one another? With NinjaTrader you can have only templates for the whole chart, but with Rainbow addon you can save and load as many indicator templates as you want. See the toolbar menu icon or the provided image for more […]

As a UX designer I couldn’t bare the fact, that with the original databox, the values were somehow disconnected from the chart … that’s why I redesigned the databox tool to display markers on the current values at the mouse location instead of just a table with values. It overrides the NinjaTrader’s default behavior of […]

Typing letters and numbers on your keyboard while having your charts open brings up a popup for entering name of an instrument, that you would like to switch to. Unfortunately this blocks whole space on your keyboard that could be used to trigger actions that you use frequently and you just don’t want to press […]

Predefined timeframes are fine, but what if you want to use different ones? That’s where Rainbow comes in letting you configure any number of timeframes using the same format that is used in the mini instrument window brought upon when you start typing in the chart (Oh, we disabled it with the previous feature! Oh, […]

If you analyze market correlations and watch multiple markets at once, it would come handy when you could have all the charts somehow connected so that scrolling on one scrolls the other. You can partially achieve this using multi-series charts, but it doesn’t really help if you want to have your whole desktop space covered […]

This is just a little bonus that allows you to assign (single-key) keyboard shortcuts to switching workspaces. This is set by default to Numpad numbers, which are mapped to currently open workspaces. But you don’t have to stick with them, you can define fixed workspace names.

You might as well as me have wondered, why there are vertical grid lines on the chart without a configurable interval and actually this is the first thing I turn off when I open a clean chart. There is a whole bunch of tools that you can use for displaying vertical grid lines with specified […]

Rainbow contains several visual improvements for your charts. First of all it’s bar width handling, which prevents bars overlapping or bars being too thin. The bar width is handled automatically even for multiseries charts, where Rainbow keeps the same bar width for all data series in case all of them have the same bar type/period […]

Rainbow provides several enhancements regarding NinjaTrader window management: Snapping window frames Rainbow enhanced charts have the ability to have their frames snapped to each other and to desktop borders. This greatly simplifies window resizing and desktop layout organization. Activate windows together In case you open some other application that covers your charts, clicking back on […]

Rainbow adds several awesome behavior enhancements to NinjaTrader chart trader, that simplify order entry and visual orientation while entering and managing trades. These are… One click order entry When you hold Ctrl or Alt keys and your chart is live, you’re ready to create a pending order using a single mouse click. Once you move […]

If you trade a market that has regular/extended trading hours (like US indexes), you may find it convenient to be able to effortlessly switch the session template without having to go to data series settings and look for the right session template to switch to. This feature lets you configure two session templates that you […]

This feature saves you some mouse clicking in the moments when value of seconds can be very high … when entering a trade. You can fill up to 7 slots with hotkeys for predefined strategy names that switch the ATM setting in Chart trader. When using Rainbow’s order entry features this gives you the opportunity […]

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MultiCharts. NET


MultiCharts. NET including trading capabilities (chart, DOM, drag-and-drop strategies and fully automated), best charting in the industry, advanced strategy development capabilities in C# and Visual Basic, integration with Visual Studio, high-precision tick-by-tick strategy and portfolio backtesting, extremely fast optimization and more.

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We have collected the most popular indicators and strategies we could find, and included them in the platform for free, so you don’t have to look for them. All you need to do is right-click on the chart, and they are at your fingertips. Remember, you can always add more, or write your own in addition to existing ones.

Trading the markets is all about predicting where the price will go next. A good way to practice is to apply your price-predicting skills to historical data. Market Data Replay allows you start playback at any point in the past, speed up or slow down replay speed, and even playback several instruments at once.

AgenaTrader is an extremely high preforming Multi-Broker trading platform, which goes one step further than analogous trading tools. In addition to discretional and fully automated trading the semi-automated trading approach is also completely integrated.

What is AgenaTrader?

Our highlights

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Scan thousands of instruments in different time frames

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Trade with a comfortable chart trading !

Use the ActionBar to activate or de-activate standard indicators, instrument lists, time frame selections and favorite setups with a mouse click !

Let the system show you chart formations such as SHS, flags, triangles, etc.

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Compare up to four interconnected charts within different time frames at a glance !

Connect a scanner with a list chart group !

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Save chart and chart group templates in order to access them later !

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AgenaTrader will search your signals in different time frames !

Combine entry signals and complete strategies with stops and targets by mouse click in the SetupEscort !

Activate strategies by mouse click as soon as the corresponding signal appears in the scanner !

According to the motto: the system suggests, the market and the user decide, AgenaTrader manages your trades !


Program signals simply by a mouse click !

Programming skills are not required !

Compare many different indicators with each other or with static values !

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Program complicated signals using AND, OR, XOR realations and brackets simply by a mouse click and without programming skills !

Use Conditions to create complete strategies, in AT Centaurus, by a mouse click !


Record entire trading days tick by tick !

Download the tick data for several trading days from your data provider !

Practice and train with these data without bearing any risk !

Use an integrated trade simulation account and become familiar with the markets !

Order possibilities

ChartTrading: place orders in the chart by a mouse click !

Use simply the default OrderPad !

Put complete setups into the market via OrderEscort !

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Place orders via keyboard or by a mouse click from the Level3-InsideMarketBox !

Take an advantage of using dynamic DOM’s !

Experience the new order types: Scale-Orders, Dynamic Orders, Soft-Stop Orders !

Automatized trading

Exploit the integrated C#-AgenaScript interface to program the high professional: • Strategies • Indicators • Entry-, stop - and target conditions easy by yourself

Develop signals from existing indicators and self-programmed signal generators by a mouse click !

Import indicators and strategies from an external system such as • NinjaTrader (provided that they are programmed according to the NinjaScript API-Documentation).

Multi broker selection

Trade shares with the broker A !

Futures with the broker B !

Forex with the broker C !

and CFD with the broker D !

Choose the cheapest and the best broker !

Change the broker without having to switch the trading platform !

Down the page you will the find the all the free (and paid) Easy Language indicators, functions and strategies.

How receive the free products.

Simply create a free account with the Trading IQ Game and enter the weekly contest. If you complete the course of trading games and achieve the required score for the indicator you require, you will be able to request it. Also if you are good enough to win the weekly contest you can earn 10% off any of the products on this site. You will also get your place on the hall of fame page here

The free indicators will be mailed to you usually within one hour.

If you need any indicator, functions or systems coded into Easy Language, Metastock, vb. NET or C# format, then feel free request it

Precision Probability Index

An oscillator that measures the exact mathematical probability of one moving average being greater than another. Immensely versatile in its applications this indicator will help you make informed decisions by giving you the exact odds of your trade working out to the inputted bars into the future that you choose. When varying the settings this indicator can be made to work as a DSP binary trend indicator, or perform in the similar way as the popular market tracker indicator by Indexia research. Lee mas

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Volume flow indicator (VFI)

Designed by Markos Katsanos this oscillator has many excellent qualities. Useful as a trend confirmation indicator, an overbought oversold oscillator, divergences between the price and the VFI are usually very reliable

VFI gets the vote of confidence from Precision trading systems as being a "must have" tool in the discerning traders kit

Please click below to see some more detailed examples of charts with the VFI plotted. More details and examples

FREE with 1125 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, Forex (needs volume to run)

Author: Markos Katsanos. (Open EL code)

An excellent oscillator that is versatile in its applications, computing its values from price and volume. It can be used as a divergence indicator and a trend following indicator. I have added a smoothing length feature to suit the needs of the individual user.

I find this indicator very useful for observing intra-day price action in actively traded stocks and futures..More details and examples

FREE with 1200 IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: James Sibbet. ( Open EL code )

Precision Lagless Average

A Lagless moving average with no overshoot that outperforms all other known industry standard moving averages. Comes with features including length changing algorithms and an anti-reverse option to minimise over trading in congestion areas, the result of 9 weeks intensive and complex coding after someone told me that the Hull average was better than the Jurikes JMA. In one session I was able to improve on the Hull average, but it took me a lot longer to improve on the Jurik JMA offering. More details and examples

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Indicator + function + signal

Trend following system and indicator that self adjusts its distance to suit noise levels and volatility factors, making it more "intelligent" than Parabolic SAR, or ATR type indicators.

Can be adjusted to suit any time frame from day-trading to long term trend following by adjusting MULTI settings, features include a neat max and min percentage distance setting to cater for individual tastes.

Takes the guess work out of knowing when the trend is up or down, based on your own input values. . More details and example videos

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

A "consensus" oscillator that highlights trend turning points, computing its values from an array of standard oscillators such as RSI Stochastic and Money Flow index.

It is best applied to range bound markets rather than trending ones.

I have added a REALVOLUME true-false feature for users who use both tick volume and trade volume. More details and examples

FREE with 1150 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures ( Unsuitable for Forex )

Author: Norm North. ( Open EL code )

Precision divergence finder

A complex piece of code that observes multiple look backs of Demand Index lengths to hunt out when divergences exist.

Often produces stunning signals at exact market bottoms.

This is not an "always in the market" indicator and only flags up when sets up occur that show a real divergence in a market.

As Demand Index uses volume, to perform at its best this indicator needs real volume enabled. More details and examples

Stocks, Futures, Bonds ( Unsuitable for Forex )

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Trade Volume Index ( TVI )

Beautiful piece of work by Steve B Achelis, which I used in some of my early systems. Makes for a smooth analysis of volumes flowing in and out of markets and has always been one of my favourites.

I have altered the code to allow length changes and smoothing.

Adds the "Volume dimension" to your price analysis in a clear and precise manner. This indicator is a valuable addition to system filters to confirm trend direction. More details and examples

FREE with 1100 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: Steve B Achelis. ( Protected EL code)

A Simple and yet very efficient way of defining if a trend is in a bull or bear phase. Probably the best piece of work that Chande ever turned out, and yet seemingly forgotten by the whole world.

Setting lengths to 80 or more makes for a smooth analysis of trend, and the crossing of zero indicates trend direction.

See how early it signalled a bear move in the example when it crossed zero. Can be used as an short term oscillator with lengths less than 10 and often gives very early signals. More examples

FREE with 1050 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices etc

Author: Tushar Chande. ( Protected EL code)

Precision Volume (Tick volume for real-time )

An indicator I made for measuring demand-supply imbalances.

This indicator will only work correctly if used on real time data with tick volume enabled.

Early warning indicator ( Requires confirmation )

An oscillator type indicator which measures demand and supply imbalances in an easily understood form

Above zero = Demand > Supply over sampling period

New indicator highs or lows over a chosen long length of (100 bars+) often foretell a strong move is coming. More examples

FREE with 1025 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, non-traded Indices ( Unsuitable for Forex )

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Precision Index Oscillator ( Pi-Osc )

Highly sophisticated "consensus" indicator comprised of many different component signals. A real technicians tool that measures everything from divergences to probabilities to unique chart patterns in a single market indicator.

Best results are given when analysing range bound and choppy markets rather than trending ones.

Some of its components use real volume so for this to perform at its best this indicator needs real volume. More examples

Stocks, Futures, Bonds

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Precision Gravity System

A complex piece of code that observes multiple phases of planetary orbits, to calculate extreme points of price sets. The relative gravity of the "sun" and "moon" are calculated using advanced physics mathematics.

The first system of its kind to be introduced to stock market trading systems, its is still under developments. más explicación

Stocks, Futures, Bonds ( Unsuitable for Forex )

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Designed to reduce whipsaw trades in trending periods and help the user reduce costly F expenses.

Mach-Trend is superbly simple to use, and is suitable for all ranges of traders. Calculated using advanced mathematics, this indicator will reduce your F and improve your overall performance. Mach-Trend pro has adjustable price and length, and Mach-Trend Platinum has fully available parameters enabling advanced optimisations for the sophisticated user. more examples.

Price $995 (Pay-Pal) Buy this item (demo available $197)

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex

Author: Precision Trading Systems. (Protected EL code)

Money flow index MFI

Highly effective volume indicator showing money flowing in and out of securities. Works well as an over bought oversold oscillator and can be used for divergences as well. Ranging between 0 to 100 the MFI crossing above or below 50 can be used to identify a bullish or bearish condition of a trend changing even. More details and examples

FREE with 1075 Trading IQ points (See top of page for details)

Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Forex, Indices

Author: Unknown. (Open EL code)

Did you know you can win great software from this site and NinjaTrader and MultiCharts in the Trading IQ Game?

How receive the free products.

Simply create a free account with the Trading IQ Game and enter the weekly contest. If you complete the course of trading games and achieve the required score for the indicator you require, you will be able to request it.

We are a group of traders and coders who decided to create a platform to meet our own trading needs. Therefore, we are working on a trading platform for traders done and designed by traders. We have made huge progress so far, and we are looking to some new ideas what you would like to see in the platform. You can share any ideas we will think what can be done with them. Moreover, we would appreciate if you tell us which of existent features you like most of all. Below you can find list of features and video overview of the most important ones.

Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Low-latency trading environment and C# compatible The Ultra-Low-latency trading server provides nanosecond execution speed. Fast execution allows you to capture best price earlier than competitors and drastically reduce slippage. You can import and write indicators and EA on C#

Quick trading panel and trading from charts Platform offers tools that will allow you to act quickly when the market is volatile and there is no time for unnecessary actions. Open pending order (stop or limit) by dragging and dropping "Sell" and "Buy" buttons from any panel on the chart. Modify your orders and setup stop-losses and take profits on the chart.

Basket Orders On the trading platform you can open basket orders and trade on correlation of instruments, delete all pending orders and close all open positions at once. You can also close positions or delete pending orders by instrument as well as NET them.

Customized workplace, tick charts, custom period charts We provide full support of real market tick chart, which updates not by snapshots but by every tick. See the prices exactly the same as they are coming from Liquidity Providers. You can easily customize the trading workplace for your needs. The functionality of the trading platform is divided into multiple panels. Simply change the size and position of the panels, detach them and move to another screen, attach one panel to another and create a workplace that 100% meets your needs in unlimited ways on multiple monitors.

More tools:

fixed sl and tp levels, alerts for trading, charts overlay,

MQL4 support

Bid and Ask charts

Position management (trade board)

Limit orders in spreads

Alerts for notification and trading

MAM support (Easy to set copy parameters. Different types of allocations and orders. Master/Slave accounts in one terminal)

Limit IOC


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Thank you for your time, will really appreciate if you leave us couple of comments!


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Everyone wants to customize workplace according to own needs. We can give it to traders. As all functionality is divided into multiple panels, you can move, resize, tab it. Moreover, every panel can be moved from workplace, so you can place panels (e. g. chart) on different screens (see pic.1).

Also you can create something close to MT4, but with huge range of other advantages (see pic.2).


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Trading platform allows traders to observe correlation between different financial instruments by building charts in one window:

It is easy to open orders in correlated financial instruments by selecting orders direction (buy/sell) and option Basket Order from context menu.

All positions are opened:

Powerful orders management tool allows you to close all positions (close just short or long), or NET positions:


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Which brokers are available for that trading platform?


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Which brokers are available for that trading platform?

If all the things evolve like it should be, we will lunch demo by the end of October Our plan is to sign agreements with the most solid venues, but right now we have signed agreement with FXCM. so we will start with them.

Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Real time Tick chart is a powerful tool that helps traders.

As time-based charts shows long candles during periods of high volatility, Tick charts divide it into some smaller candles and may provide more information about momentum and direction, or a possible reversal.

Note, tick charts are updated not by snapshots but by every tick.

You can plot a chart with custom settings (e. g. 20 seconds per one bar)


Re: Trading platform by traders for traders

Real time Tick chart is a powerful tool that helps traders.

As time-based charts shows long candles during periods of high volatility, Tick charts divide it into some smaller candles and may provide more information about momentum and direction, or a possible reversal.

Note, tick charts are updated not by snapshots but by every tick.

You can plot a chart with custom settings (e. g. 20 seconds per one bar)

Are those tick charts historical charts too?

If you've been looking for a way to call R from your C# and. NET code . this sample project will show you how to interface to the mt4r. dll to access the R terminal. The cMT4R interface is an easy way to gain access to the R statistical computing environment from C# and. NET.

A bit of history: MT4R is a project that allows access to R through a Windows DLL interface that interfaces with the R terminal. The interface was originally written for access from Metatrader to R. However, I quickly realized that mt4R. dll could also be a useful tool to link other programming environments such as C#.NET to R . as well as VB6 to R. I created a simple class that translates and adapts the Metatrader interface found in mt4R. mqh so that C# and DotNet users may access the mt4R dll and thus access the power of the R statistical computing environment from C# /.NET.

Download the demo project (below) and change the default R path in the cMT4R class, Start_R method to match your actual R installation .

Download the mt4r. dll found at the R for Metatrader site and place it in your \Windows\System\ directory.

Run the demo project to verify that you can link C# to perform calculations in R, and transfer data back and forth.

Study the mt4R documentation to understand how it works.

Read the comments in the code (found in cMT4R).

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for cMT4R, please post a comment. Disfruta!

Attached is a zipped project folder containing TestMT4R, which shows how to use cMT4R. You may freely add cMT4R to your C# and. NET projects.

C# / NinjaScript Hotline

For those who develop their own indicators & trading strategies for NinjaTrader, but are not fully proficient with C# and/or the NinjaTrader development framework & API, this unique service gives instant access to dom993's in-depth programming expertise . for a quick & effective resolution of the problem at hand.

Clients must purchase in advance blocks of support (8 x 15min), which are used as necessary.

Calls are taken from 8am EST to 10pm EST, on a first-come first-served basis. Skype or VSee are used for these support calls.


From simple Indicators to the most complex and powerful Trading Strategies for NinjaTrader 7.


Assessment of trading strategies performance.

Working with R in batch mode - some notes for beginners (425.5k)

In category: R . Uploaded by FXEZ on March 12, 2015. 14 downloads since then.

This paper describes how to load an R version from the command prompt for use in batch operations. I see this as a precursor set of knowledge for directly accessing R from some programming language, in my case C#.

[Andrew_R._Young]_Expert_Advisor_Programming. pdf (1.3m)

Uploaded by BalrogTrader on March 6, 2015. 23 downloads since then.

A very nice book for those who have previous programming but no EA or MQ4 experience. I'm going to buy the book as well. Perhaps the ones who benefit from it should at least buy the book to support the author.

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The products and services offered by AutomaticTradingSignals. com is for educational purposes only. It must not be assumed that the products or services or any other information obtained from this website or it’s products will be profitable.

It’s advisable that you consult with a qualified investment advisor about the suitability of any investment. AutomaticTradingSignals. com is not a qualified investment advisor. We are not responsible or liable for your trading results including the results you have while using our products and services. You agree that you will not hold the company liable for any monetary loss or damages.

Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. Un inversionista podría perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de riesgo es el dinero que se puede perder sin poner en peligro la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Sólo el capital de riesgo debe ser utilizado para el comercio y sólo aquellos con suficiente capital de riesgo deben considerar la negociación. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.



Read our full disclaimer plus terms and conditions here .

Copyright y copia; 2016 AutomaticTradingSignals. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

Zorro Features

Since the 1990s, private traders can use the Internet to access the financial markets. Several trade platforms - the most popular is MetaTrader4™ (MT4) - offer automated trading functions. But they are mainly designed for manual trading and lack essential features for research, development, and test of automated strategies (see trading platform comparison ). Consequently, not many private traders have been able to develop strategies that earn a substantial income. And those who have did not use trade platforms, but mostly self-written software.

Zorro is the first free platform for research, exploring, developing, testing, and executing automated strategies on a serious level. It can run either as a stand-alone system with direct broker connection, or as an attachment to a trading platform (such as MetaTrader4) that is used for retrieving price quotes and sending commands to the broker.

Converting a trade idea into an automated trade system, testing and trading it is a lot easier and faster with Zorro than with conventional platforms. Here's a tiny video course about developing a simple daily trade system:


lite-C, easy script language with C syntax.

Extremely simple: Strategies require only a few lines of script.

True machine code compiler for fast backtests: 8 x faster than MQL4, 100 x faster than Python, 400 x faster than R.

Event driven: Immediate reaction on price ticks.

No limits: Full access to the Windows API and external DLLs.

R bridge: Use R functions for trading, training and backtest.

Sytax highlighting script editor with command help window.

Script code can easily be converted from or to other platforms.

lite-C strategy programming course included.


Traditional: AC, ADO, ADX, ADXR, Alligator, AO, APO, Aroon, AroonOsc, ATR, ATRS, AvgPrice, Bollinger Bands, BBOsc, BOP, CCI, Chikou, CMO, Coral, Chaikin Volatility, Chandelier Stop, Center of Gravity MA, Donchian Channel, DCOsc, DEMA, DPO, DX, EMA, Fractal High/Low, Haiken Ashi, HighestHigh, Hull MA, Ichimoku, IBS, Keltner Channel, Linear Regression, LowestLow, MAMA, MACD, MedPrice, MidPoint, MidPrice, +/-DI, +/-DM, Mom, MA Variable Period, NATR, PPO, ROC, RSI, SAR, SIROC, SMA, SMOM, StdDev, Stochastic, StochRSI, T3, TEMA, Trima, Trix, TrueRange, TSF, TSI, TypPrice, Ultimate Oscillator, Variance, WCLPrice, WilliamsR, WMA, Zero-Lag MA, ZigZag.

Advanced: Arnaud Legoux Moving Average, Automatic Gain Control, Bandpass Filter, Beta Value, Butterworth Filter, Decycle, Dominant Period, Dominant Phase, Ehlers Universal Oscillator, Fisher Transform, Fisher Inverse, Fractal Dimension, Gauss Filter, Highpass Filter, Hilbert Transform, Hurst Exponent, Kaufman Adaptive MA, Laguerre Filter, Lowpass Filter, Median Filter, MESA Adaptive Moving Average, Market Meanness Index, Moment 1..4, Normalize Filter, Pattern Detection, Pearsons Correlation, Polyfit, Polynom, Relative Vigor Index, Roofing Filter, Shannon Gain, Spearman Correlation, Spectral Analysis.

Predefined patterns: 2 Crows, 3 Black Crows, 3 Inside, 3 Line Strike, 3 Outside, 3 Stars In South, 3 White Soldiers, Abandoned Baby, Advance Block, Belt Hold, Breakaway, Closing Marubozu, Concealing Baby Swallow, Counter Attack, Dark Cloud Cover, Doji, Doji Star, Dragonfly Doji, Engulfing, Evening Doji Star, Evening Star, Up/Down Gap, Gravestone Doji, Hammer, Hanging Man, Harami, Harami Cross, High Wave, Hikkake, Hikkake Modified, Homing Pigeon, Identical 3 Crows, In Neck, Inverted Hammer, Kicking, Kicking by Length, Ladder Bottom, Long Legged Doji, Long Line, Marubozu, Matching Low, Mat Hold, Morning Doji Star, Morning Star, On Neck, Piercing, Rickshaw Man, Rise/Fall 3 Methods, Separating Lines, Shooting Star, Short Line, Spinning Top, Stalled Pattern, Stick Sandwich, Takuri, Tasuki Gap, Thrusting, Tri-Star, Unique 3 Rivers, Upside Gap, Up/Down Gap 3 Methods.

Arbitrary user-defined bars: Range, Renko, Point-and-Figure, Haiken Ashi.

Source code of most indicators included. Easy interface to add own indicators.

Data Mining & Machine Learning

Curve pattern detection with Fréchet algorithm.

Curve spectrum analysis with filter bank and Hilbert transformation.

Correlation and autocorrelation analysis.

Fuzzy logic for peak / valley, crossover, and pattern detection.

Algorithm generator with multivarate logistic regression (Perceptron).

Algorithm generator with pruned decision tree.

Algorithm generator for price action trading with patterns of up to 20 variables.

Generated trade algorithms can be exported in C code to other platforms.

R support for machine learning and data analysis.

Download function for historical prices.

Analysis and Optimizing

Multi-asset, multi-timeframe, multi-algorithm portfolio analysis.

High test speed: up to 100 x faster than MetaTrader4™.

Precise broker simulation considering fees, margin, spread, swap, slippage.

Out-of-sample testing with several data split methods.

Anchored and rolling Walk Forward Analysis (WFA).

Multiple CPU cores for parameter training and machine learning.

Bootstrap / Monte Carlo analysis with randomized price and equity curves.

Calculation of Sharpe Ratio, AR, CAGR, Kelly criterion.

User-defined optimization target function.

Separate parameter optimization for portfolio components.

Robustness / consistency analysis through oversampling.

Adjustable time offsets for feed-independent price data.

Detrending on price, signal, or trade level.

Sine, square wave, and noise generators for algorithm testing.

Optimal capital allocation factor calculation.

Seasonal analysis with day, week, month, or year profiles.

Tick mode for precision, bar mode for speed.

Automatic price history download and update.

CSV data, balance curve, and trade list import/export for performance analysis.

Minute - and tick-based price data for major currencies and indices included.


Detailed performance sheet with portfolio analysis.

Bar, line, dot, or band chart for indicators or user defined functions.

Statistics charts for price, profit, season, and parameter profiles.

Profit and MAE distribution charts.

Line and symbol drawing functions.

Detailed trade statistics export to spreadsheet programs.

User-defined data export to. csv data files.

Simulation & Trading Engine

Identical software for test and trading guarantees reproducible results.

Supports thousands of brokers (IB, FXCM. ) directly or via MT4 bridge.

Supports portfolio systems with multiple assets, algorithms, and time frames.

Synchronized bar periods from 100 milliseconds to 1 day.

Tick-precise trade entry/exit handling; optionally with user-supplied algorithms.

Entry limit, stop loss, profit target, profit lock, trailing, timed exit.

Binary options emulation with adjustable win / loss payout.

Script-defined synthetic assets from a basket of real assets.

Full NFA compliance for US-based accounts.

Money management with OptimalF dynamic position sizing.

Realtime trade simulation ('phantom trades') for equity curve trading.

Realtime parameter adjustment with customizable sliders.

Realtime parameter optimization without interrupting the trade process.

Stop loss and profit target controlled by software to prevent 'stop hunting'.

Trade entry time adjustable with millisecond resolution.

Open API interface for easy implementation of any broker API (source code included).

Open API interface for connection to external signal services.

Remote control of external programs by sending key strokes and button clicks.

Command line parameters for starting Zorro from external programs.

No high-end hardware required; runs on any old PC or cheap notebook.

Automatic re-login and seamless restart in case of Internet or PC failures.

Minimum requirements: Win XP, Vista, Win 7, 8, or 10, 1 GB RAM, Internet access.

Runs on cloud servers (VPS) with Windows Server 2003..2012.

Customized versions

Open concept: all file formats and interface structures are documented.

New functions can be easily added through user plugins.

Customized Zorro versions available on request.

Zorro source code licenses available on request.

Included Z strategies

Ready-to-run autotrading strategies included:

Z1: Trend following system with spectral analysis.

Z2: Mean reversion system with Fisher transform.

Z3: Price cluster based trading system.

Z7: Price pattern based system with machine learning algorithm.

Z12: Anticorrelation based trend/countertrend system.

No secrets - algorithms explained in the tutorial.

Low capital requirement (from $500).

Up to 15% monthly average return *.

* Financial trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks in order to use this software for automated trading. Don't invest money you can't afford to lose.

Zorro News

Zorro version 1.42 was released and is available on the download page. Zorro 1.42 got many new features, for instance user-defined GUI panels for controlling strategies, and a single-step mode for debugging them. The complete list of new features can be found on the What's New page.

A comparison table of Zorro vs. TradeStation™ vs. Metatrader™ can be found on the FAQ page.

About. NET for AmiBroker

.NET for AmiBroker is a 3rd party software package that provides full. NET programmability to AmiBroker .

NET for AmiBroker covers all programmable features of AmiBroker: plug-in interfaces, built-in AFL functions, backtester objects, OLE interface, IBController. All programmable AmiBroker feature can be accessed and used from. NET code while using any. NET language.

Indicators, filters, scanners, explorations, custom backtester modules, automated and real time trading systems, optimizer and data source plug-ins, OLE automation programs or data loading, etc. can be developed in C#, VB. NET, VC. NET, F#, or any. NET language.

.NET for AmiBroker for trading system developers

Extend or replace your AFLs with. NET code

AFL plug-in development that once used to challenge even experienced C/C++ developers can now be done in any. NET language very easily and fast. NET plug-ins can extend or completely replace AFL scripts. AFL include files can be easily converted to AFL plug-in. AFL indicators, scanners, explorations, backtester modules, real time trading modules, etc. can be created in pure. NET or in a mix of AFL and. NET. NET code can simply access all the built-in AFL methods and objects of the backtester interface.

Data source plug-ins can be developed in any. NET language as well. Using the. NET data interface is much simpler then the original C/C++ interface. They still provide the full functionality of the original interface and simplify integration of off-line and streaming data sources.

Real time trading using IBController trading interface

NET for AmiBroker provides easy integration of AFL indicators, trading logic in object oriented. NET code and AmiBroker Auto-Trading interface for Interactive Brokers. The managed IBController interface and the. NET plug-ins together provide new, easier, more reliable and managable ways to create real time trading systems.

Integrate AmiBroker into your custom trading process

NET for AmiBroker also simplifies the integration of all kinds of applications into AmiBroker. Using. NET makes the integration of applications with COM interfaces (like Excel, Access, Word, R, SciLab, MatLab, etc.) a simple task.

There are also limitless integration possibilities using the. NET Class Library. P. ej. NET plug-ins can send custom email, send SMS, call a web service, access files, communicate with an external trade management system through the network or even receive event from an external system.

Speed up development using. NET classes and step by step debugging

NET for AmiBroker vastly reduces the development time and saves you a lot of time. Step by step debugging helps to debug and fix bugs. The design goal was to make. NET for AmiBroker easy to use and still efficient. NET plug-ins require no plumbing code like C/C++ plug-ins do. Developers can write. NET code as fast as writing AFL code or convert their AFL code almost line by line to C#. VB and VB script developers can write. NET plug-ins simply in VB. NET.

ParallelAB. NET library helps you to efficiently use all your hardware for extensive optimization, exploration, scanning tasks. It let's you easily develop automation code that can drive multiple AmiBroker processes to execute different tasks using different databases even on distributed hardware.

.NET for AmiBroker for trading system licensors

NET for AmiBroker is a easy solution for black box trading system developers to protect, license and sell their systems. AFL scripts can be easily and quickly converted to. NET plugins leaving no public trading logic in AFL files. NET plugins can be protected and licensed by commercial protection tools like IntelliLock. CliSecure Licensing..NET Licensing Pro. etc. The protected plugins can be made public. Only customers who were given license for their machines can use the protected. NET Plug-Ins.

.NET for AmiBroker for data service providers

NET for AmiBroker is a easy solution for black box trading system developers to protect, license and sell their systems. AFL scripts can be easily and quickly converted to. NET plugins leaving no public trading logic in AFL files. NET plugins can be protected and licensed by commercial protection tools like IntelliLock. CliSecure Licensing..NET Licensing Pro. etc. The protected plugins can be made public. Only customers who were given license for their machines can use the protected. NET Plug-Ins.

DBTrader Services provides professional, customized programming services for TradeStation clients. Owner and software engineer Sean Beebe has 20 years of programming experience, including for major corporations such as GE. He has been providing professional consulting and programming for TradeStation clients since 2006.

No project is too difficult. Whether you need a simple indicator or strategy or a complex system that requires custom application, DLL or database development, we can help. Our clients include small independent traders and institutional trading firms throughout the U. S. and overseas. We offer system design and consulting to bring your project to reality no matter who you are or where you are located.

Please review our Programming Services and Contact Us with any questions. Also be sure to check out the amazing rebate offer from TradeStation that may allow you to get your programming free through commission discounts.

Programming Services

The creation of indicators and strategies with EasyLanguage is at the heart of the TradeStation platform. Many traders who try to develop their own EasyLanguage programs can often get frustrated attempting to write what may be fairly simple instructions. We have many years of experience writing EasyLanguage code and can speed your project to completion.

The introduction of object-oriented EasyLanguage (OOEL) in TradeStation 9.0 has significantly increased the power and flexibility of the program but this also adds another layer of complexity for trader’s attempting to learn the language. We have been using OOEL since it was introduced to the platform and have completed many projects using advanced object functionality such as Windows forms, automated trading with order placement objects, market depth, optimization API and more.

Once of the most powerful features of the TradeStation platform is the ability to create strategies that can be backtested, optimized and used to automate your trading. We have experience with a wide range of strategies and can help you quickly get your trading ideas coded so you can test them. Good systems often include more than just a set of entry conditions. You’ll want to include a good market filter, exit strategy and position sizing. Perhaps you’ll want to include logic to add to your positions or take partial profits. We can provide you with many different options to test and help you find the best system that works for you.

The TradeStation SDK is an interface that allows for integration between TradeStation and other Windows programs. We’ve written DLLs to integrate with external data sources such as databases and 3rd party data vendors. We’ve built programs to allow users to place orders and manage their positions from outside TradeStation. If you have a program feature that can’t be implemented in EasyLanguage it is likely that we can help you implement it by building a windows program with a DLL interface to TradeStation. In addition to our EasyLanguage expertise we also have extensive experience in C#.NET, C++ and Windows program development.

Contact Sean Now

is the combined result of an industry leading trading platform powered by an institutional grade trading engine that is managed by an experienced team of network professionals. Solutions for self-directed traders, automated systems and API developers all in one package. Zen-Fire provides the speed, reliability and functionality needed for trading and centralizes back-office setup and order management for enhanced risk management.

NinjaTrader Direct - FREE

Fully licensed Depth of Market Trading Window, Real-Time Charts & more.

NinjaTrader Standard - $50/month

Brackets, Trailing Stops, OCO's plus many other Advanced Order Strategies.

Heikin Ashi

By Adam Milton. Day Trading Expert


Heikin Ashi is a type of trading chart that originated in Japan (heikin ashi translates as average bar). Heikin Ashi charts are similar to candlestick and bar charts in that they show similar information (the open, high, low, and close of the time frame), but Heikin Ashi charts calculate the information differently. Heikin Ashi charts are usually displayed as candlestick charts (i. e. where the color of the candlestick denotes the direction), but they can just as easily be displayed as bar charts (i. e. where the location of the open and close denote the direction).

Seguir leyendo abajo

Heikin Ashi charts are usually used in place of a standard candlestick or bar chart, but can also be displayed in addition to the standard chart (i. e. as an indicator). In the example chart. the standard candlestick chart is shown in the upper section, and the Heikin Ashi chart is shown in the lower section.


Description: Heikin Ashi charts calculate their own open (HAO), high (HAH), low (HAL), and close (HAC), using the actual open (O), high (H), low (L), and close (C), of the time frame (e. g. the open, high, low, and close, of each five minues).

Calculation: HAO = (HAO-1 + HAC-1) / 2 HAC = (O + H + L + C) / 4 HAH = Highest(H, HAO, HAC) HAL = Lowest(L, HAO, HAC)

Trading Use

Heikin Ashi charts are used in trading in the same manner as standard candlestick or bar charts (i. e. chart patterns are used to indicate price movements). However, Heikin Ashi charts have an additional aspect in that the direction of the bar (i. e. its color for candlesticks) is supposed to indicate the overall direction of the market, while ignoring the intermediate direction (e. g. false changes of direction).

Seguir leyendo abajo

In the example chart. the standard candlesticks (the upper section) change direction (i. e. color) quite often even though the price is still moving in the same overall direction. The Heikin Ashi candlesticks (the lower section) change direction (i. e. color) less often, indicating that the price is still moving in the same direction.

"I j ust listened to the webinar you presented on "weaknesses". Absolutely brilliant! Seriously, you are one of the best educators I have ever come across in any field and I am saying this as one who has several post graduate degrees.

I truly believe you could teach about anything you set your mind to. So here's a shout out for a job well-done. "

"I can't say how IMPRESSED I am with the reliability of your software . 48 hours of market insanity and not a hickup! DTN/IQFeed is my provider. Thank you for your product!"

- David T, -- Florida

" You guys have a great team over there. you guys went above & beyond to get the issue resolved, I truly appreciate that. I can tell that we're going to have a long & successful business relationship. "

Chris P. -- New Hampshire

" I just wanted to say I've been really impressed with your software. I spent a lot of time setting up various indicators on MarketDelta and they have given me great insight into what the market is doing ."

" without a doubt the education you provide in this room has been the most valuable. Learning how to actually EXECUTE the edge has been game changing for me "

Joshua J. -- Florida

"I've searched and searched for something to assist me in reading the market. I feel I've struck gold! Thanks again ."

Benny E. -- New Mexico

"Thanks for your software! Unbelievable would be the only way I could describe it!"

"MarketDelta is the last hope of the manual trader. It's the only way we can compete with the algorithms. I would be out of business if it wasn't for MarketDelta "

- Scott P. -- Chicago

" Don't like to chime in too much, but I want you to know that I think this trading room with you at the helm is flat-out outstanding! Simply the best. "

"Once again, thank you for such fantastic support. "

" Anthony - Timing my entries, using the method taught here has been amazingly successful. My timing has actually improved! There's real value in what you're teaching . and I want you to hear that from me personally. "

Eric G, -- California

" I love the simplicity of everything with MD..the room, the guys..everything is so simple and honest..never found anywhere..I am going to be a long term subscriber. "

Gary K. -- Australia

" With the help and tools of Market Delta, I have erased every trading loss I ever had and am now able to trade with confidence and profitability. Market Delta is without question the most insightful trading tool available, period. "

Daniel S. -- Virginia

". I trade at a proprietary trading office. I have found MarketDelta to be the most valuable tool I use to give me an edge in the markets. "

". this type of trading is so profoundly different but very eye opening as to how pro's like you trade. MD gives me an even deeper level of insight with DOM trading and intermarket relationships. "

Patrick C. -- Hawaii

" You are changing lives and saving careers in Trading Room. Many thanks once again Anthony. "

Gaurav K. -- Australia

"Love the @MarketDelta foot-print chart, best way to visualize the tape !"

- @eminiplayer via Twitter

"Your product is fantastic, wouldn't be able to trade without it. "

- Joseph C. -- London

"I thank you for a great charting solution. My only regret is not discovering MD sooner. "

- Andy B. -- Tampa, FL

"I love MarketDelta. I would not trade without it . "

Your product has transformed my trading. I COULD NOT be more satisfied with the service/support I have received.

"Thanks for the quick response; I am blown away @ how quick you guys follow up. "

- Ray D. -- Denver, Colorado

" You are the most refreshingly honest trader I've ever had the pleasure of watching. I really appreciate that you show all your trades, including the occasional bad one. "

MarketDelta is one of the largest providers of the TPO Profile and Volume Profile chart. offering advanced, easy to use functionality and knowledgeable support.

TPO Profile + Footprint® = Greater Awareness & Increased Transparency

TPO Profile offers traders a structure to organize price activity in a logical way and to help see where "value" is being established. Traders typically use TPO Profile charts to determine price levels that are significant and often lead to reversals. When combined with the Footprint® charts, you have two excellent views of the market that complement each other very effectively.

Use the Footprint® charts to confirm if a particular TPO Profile level will hold. Verify your entries and exits by "zooming" in on how the auction is developing at key levels and to make more informed decisions. This increases your confidence as a traders, and also helps time your trades much better.

How TPO Profile Can Help


When a market is trading sideways or trending it is helpful to see price action displayed as a distribution so you can keep a firm perspective on the underlying tendencies present in the market.


Identify the structure of the current market. Is it likely to rotate (reverse) or breakthrough and trend in one direction? Where is the next most likely stopping point for price action? Know the answers to these questions early in the session; even many days in advance!


Gain a better understanding of market dynamics and the auction structures of a market. Trade with tools the pro's use. Combine the TPO Profile and the Footprint® chart for a particularly deep understanding of the forces at play in the market.

TPO Profile® represents Market Structure

TPO Profile, also known as Market Profile® and a registered trademark of CME Group, is statistically based and provides an intuitive way to organize market data into readable distributions. TPO Profile provides a logical structure to organize price activity and find where "value" is being created.

Traders typically look to sell above value and buy below value. You can more clearly define the current market conditions and adapt your methods to suite the behavior of the market on a given day. Most importantly, you can identify price levels that could be very significant, and know these levels hours or days in advance of prices actually reaching them.

TPO Profile

Our powerful TPO Profile offers many features and advanced functionality you won't find anywhere else. Splits, merges, composites, custom session times, day/night profiles, volume based value area (VA), TPO based value area, point of control (POC) for both volume and TPO, custom-defined initial balance (IB) ranges, initial balance extensions, single prints -- the list goes on and on. And, take these levels off the conventional TPO Profile charts and plot them directly on your other charts!

TPO Profile is statistically based and provides an intuitive way to organize market data into readable distributions. TPO Profile provides a logical structure to organize price activity and find where "value" is being created and compare it very easily to previous days.

TPO Profile is also a very valuable tool for identifying the type of auction the market is experiencing. Knowing this alone helps keep traders from fading trends or buying breakouts that never have any follow through.

TPO Profiles are based on Market Profile® which is a tool developed by Peter Steidlmeyer while he was trading at the Chicago Board of Trade in the 1980's.

Profile Indicator

One of our most popular indicators, you can accomplish just about anything with it.

Long term volume profiles

Automatic high/low volume levels

Daily and intraday profiles

Value Area & POC for current day and previous

Naked POC

Time or volume profiles

Compute last X Profiles - this allows for merged profiles.

Much more.

TPO Indicator

This simple yet powerful indicator will always plot the Value Area and POC for the current day (solid line) and previous day (dotted line) and match up with your Market Profile levels, no matter what time frame you are viewing!

This works very nice for those who like viewing small time frames but want to know exactly where the value area and POC levels are, as well as other profile-related levels.

You can also view developing profiles as price bands for any day in the past; very useful when studying your strategies triggers on other days.

Composite and Long Term Volume Profiles

Never be left guessing what the larger term context looks like. Using data vendors like DTN, intraday historical data is available going back many years.

This chart shows us 250 days of trading, automatically labeling high and low volume levels using a feature called Auto Peak/Valley Lines. These may act as support and resistance.

Much of this analysis is accomplished using our very popular Profile Indicator .

MarketDelta® is routinely recognized as the leader in auction market theory and volume analysis. It's tools like this that you can see why.

Value Area Indicator

Similar to the TPO indicator, this plots the Value Area for the current and/or previous trading session.

The value area indicator is simple in purpose but powerful in helping traders see statistical boundaries to trade against.


Request a Demo:

What is AgenaTrader?

AgenaTrader is a high end trading platform, which goes one step further than analogous trading tools. With features ranging from chart trading and integrated market scanners, AgenaTrader aims to save valuable time for traders and provide all the necessary functionality for various trading styles and strategies. In addition to discretional and fully automated trading the semi-automated trading approach is also completely integrated.

This state of the art functionality also supports ability to Import indicators and strategies from external systems such as NinjaTrader® (provided that they are programmed according to the NinjaScript API-Documentation)!

Regardless of whether you prefer to trade with a chart, DOM, order book or using the keyboard, with this trading software, there are no limitations.

AgenaTrader Highlights

Open up to 2000 charts at once

Scan thousands of instruments in real time

Scan thousands of instruments in different time frames

Drag & Drop signal and strategy programming

Deep integrated risk - and money management tools

Automated calculation of the order size

Semi-automated trade-management

Multi-brokerage / multi-datafeed at the same time

Fully automated trading using the AgenaScript (C#/.Net)

Import indicators and strategies from an external system such as

&toro; NinjaTrader (provided that they are programmed according to the NinjaScript API-Documentation)!

Serious Advantages for Serious Traders

Automatize the routine work of the daily trading cycle!

AgenaTrader provide you with more time to check the quality of trades

The time in front of the computer can be reduced

Risk reduction/management!


Program signals simply by a mouse click!

Programming skills are not required!

Compare many different indicators with each other or with static values!

Mix variable time frames per Condition!

Program complicated signals using AND, OR, XOR relations and brackets simply by a mouse click and without programming skills!

Use Conditions to create complete strategies, in AT Centaurus, by a mouse click!

Market Scanner

Scan thousands of instruments in real time according to your signals!

Use indicators and self-coded signals or conditions for scanning!

Program your signals via C#-AgenaScript or using the ConditionEscort by mouse click!

AgenaTrader will search your signals in different time frames!

Combine entry signals and complete strategies with stops and targets by mouse click in the SetupEscort!

Activate strategies by mouse click as soon as the corresponding signal appears in the scanner!

According to the motto: the system suggests, the market and the user decide, AgenaTrader manages your trades!

Even more features to support your trading

Gráficos avanzados

Set up Chart Groups

Tick by tick simulation

Chart Trading, OrderPad, OrderEscort or dynamic DOM trading

Automatized Trading using C#-AgenaScript to program strategies, indicators and trade management conditions

Import your NinjaTrader strategies and indicators which are NinjaScript API-compliant

Please fill out this information to set up your AgenaTrader demo with the FREE S5 Trader data feed:

StrategyQuant supports NinjaTraderв„ў

StrategyQuant now fully supports NinjaTraderв„ў trading platform! Trading strategies generated by StrategyQuant can now be exported to a NinjaTrader NinjaScript C# strategy with full source code, ready to be tested or traded in NinjaTrader. There are no hidden or protected parts, each strategy contains full source code.

NinjaTraderв„ў is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTraderв„ў to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get started with NinjaTraderв„ў for Free!

Why pay hundreds of dollars per month for products with less functionality when with NinjaTraderв„ў all you need is access to a real-time or historical data feed. You can also connect NinjaTraderв„ў to Kinetickв„ў, our preferred market data service, for free End-of-Day data!

NinjaTraderв„ў provides superior order entry options! If you are using the wrong trading platform, order submission and trade management can be a timely and error prone process. Since 2003, NinjaTraderв„ў has pioneered easy to use yet powerful order entry and trade management functionality to overcome the limitations of other trading platforms helping our clients better achieve their trading goals!

The innovative NinjaTrader™ SuperDOM and Chart Trader set the benchmark for order entry screens and is one reason we recommend it to our clients. Considered the industry’s best order entry screens they provide traders with ease of operation, clear trade visualization and fast entry to capitalize on today’s markets.


Easy to see trade visualization

Single click order entry, modification and cancellation

Can be use with Advanced Trade Management (ATM) module

Chart Trader

Easy to see trade visualization on the chart

Single click order entry, modification and cancellation from the chart

Can be use with Advanced Trade Management (ATM) module

Kinetick™ – Our Preferred Market Data Vendor Active traders world-wide demand reliability, speed, accuracy and cost-effectiveness from their financial market data provider and Kinetick™ delivers it to them every day! Kinetick™ provides fast, unfiltered, real time quotes for stocks, futures and forex that exceed the expectations of the world’s most demanding traders, like us!

Please visit the Kinetickв„ў website to learn more about its capabilities including how it can be used for FREE with End-of-Day data and how to eliminate CME Group Globex exchange fees on real-time market data!

StrategyQuant v. 3.8

Lifetime license with all future upgrades for free

Possibility to generate unlimited number of trading strategies

Simple export to MT4 EA, NinjaTraderв„ў C# or Tradestationв„ў EasyLanguage

Access to private community forum

Originally Posted by Gollumtrader »

¡Hola! I have found a very nice and supporting indicator for MetaTrader. If anyone can convert the indi to work in Global Zen Trader platform (the platform allows import of easylanguage and C# code). The indi detects traditional divergence of price and RSI indicator and plots an arrow in the indicator window and also sets a sound alert. The indicator also detects hidden divergences. Please have a look at the indicator and see how it works. Personally I use it to time position in the trend direction after a pullback.

have you tried a search of this forum?

__________________ Arguing with a troll is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig, after a couple of hours you realize the pig likes it.

AgenaTrader | Rithmic

AgenaTrader powered by Rithmic Data Technology is a detailed and feature-filled trading platform catered to futures traders from novice to the professionals. With features ranging from Chart Trading and Integrated Market Scanner, AgenaTrader aims to save valuable time for traders and provides all the necessary functionality for various trading styles and strategies. In additional to self-directed and fully automated trading, the semi-automated trading approach is also completely integrated. Server co-location is available for AgenaTrader users.

FREE AgenaTrader Demo Request

MultiCharts Platform Fee

Lite – $0 per month

Basic – $39 per month

Andromeda – $69 per month

Gráficos avanzados

Utilize approx. 120 different indicators as well as self-coded signals

Use all of the drawing objects you could ever need for trading

Explore the advantages of various price representations (Renko, Kagi, P&F, equity volume etc.)

Integrate indicators from higher time frames

Trade using comfortable chart trading

Use the action bar to activate or deactivate standard indicators, instrument lists, time frame selections and favorite setups with a click of the mouse

Let the system show you chart formations, such as SHS, flags, triangles, etc.

Chart Groups

Compare up to four interconnected charts within different time frames at a glance

Connect a scanner with a list chart group

Open over 500 real-time charts simultaneously using tab chart groups

Save chart and chart group templates in order to access them later

Take advantage of AgenaTrader’s rapid chart loading time

Market Scanner

Scan thousands of instruments in real time for your signals

Use indicators and self-coded signals or conditions for scanning

Program your signals using C# AgenaScript or using the Condition Escort just by clicking

AgenaTrader can search for your signals in different time frames

Combine entry signals and complete strategies with stops and targets with just a few clicks of the mouse in the Setup Escort

Activate strategies by clicking as soon as the corresponding signal appears in the scanner

Based on the motto: the system suggests, the market and user decide, AgenaTrader manages your trades


Record entire trading days tick by tick

Download the tick data for several trading days from your data provider

Practice and train using these data, without actually taking any risks

Use an integrated trade simulation account to become familiar with the market s

Order Options

Chart trading: place orders in the chart by clicking

Simply use the default order pad

Place complete setups on the market using the Order Escort

Place orders with the keyboard or by clicking within the Level 3 Inside Market Box

Take advantage of the dynamic DOMs

Experience the new order types: scale orders, dynamic orders, & soft stop order s

Comercio Automatizado

Take advantage of the integrated C# AgenaScript interface to program highly professional

Develop signals from existing indicators and self-programmed signal generators just by clicking

Import indicators and strategies from an external system

Trading Center

Topic: FSB Structure and C# language

Dear All i decided to read about C# to best understand the software and to know how to code

I will use a free software and its add-ins. these tools will help me to walkthrough FSB and its indicators at the same time to learn C# language

I will post My work here which will be about indicators only

And i wish popov and all coders here to correct my posts and edit them to increase the technical contents in a proper way

Finaly i wish this step from my side will enhance all active members here to add there inputs

the free software is. NET Reflector http://reflector. red-gate. com/download. aspx? TreatAsUpdate=1

Its Add-Ins http://reflectoraddins. codeplex. com/

And this website contain lots of articles about how to best use that fantastic tool (.NET Reflector) http://www. simple-talk. com/dotnet/.net-tools/

Re: FSB Structure and C# language

I've used the Indicators_Base download to find most of the info needed (enumerators, indicator logic and methods etc) to code some custom indicators. There used to be a link to Indicators_Base. zip, but I can't find it. Then use a few of the indicator source files as examples (http://forexsb. com/wiki/indicators/source/start ) This used to be a zip too, I don't have the link.

Indicators look like a lot of code, but it helped me most to see the C# code in 6 parts: - Slot types - Open (can use with Bar Opening) or OpenFilter (only with Bar Closing), and Close and CloseFilter - Parameters - at top, with "IndParam. ListParam" and "IndParam. NumParam" - Calculate(), with for-loop to run indicator code on each bar - Components - get arrays from for loop to display info on side of chart, and entry/exit signals - SetDescription() - makes a string to show on strategy overview - ToString() - shows indicator description info on chart

In the Calculate section, usually I only need int, double, sometimes bool, and arrays of them, and a few members of the Math class -- ie even a very small amount of C# language is enough to do a lot.

One of the key parts is the Indicator Logic (eg, "the _ rises", "the _ falls", etc) in the parameters. In the Component section, usually the string is matched with an Indicator logic, which you can find in the lower half of Indicators_Base\Indicator. cs.

I've attached my copy of Indicators_Base. zip until I find and can post the link to it. I've learned C# from working with the indicators too, maybe I can help with some things and look forward to learning some new things.

Indicators_Base. zip 12.11 kb, file has never been downloaded.

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

4 Reply by ahmedalhoseny 2010-08-30 20:59:14

Re: FSB Structure and C# language

1-I will start by openning the FSB exe with the reflector to see what is in it and as you see it includes all build in indicator classes including also the indicators base plus other classes used to run software functions

2- I will start with the 1st indicator in the list ( Accelerator oscillator ) to navigate inside that indicator using the reflector add-ins a - using Disassembler to show the structure of that indicator and methods included with in it ( attached here 2 pictures one collapsed and the other expanded to show the whole details of these methods )

b - The other function will be using the analyzer ( i think it is the most important tool for beginners) because it gives all details how the indicator connected to other classes and enums inside the software and as we see we will know that indicator depends on which and also it used by which indicator

If we expand ( Depends On) it will gives us Forex Strategy Builder And mscorlib). sure we will focus on Forex Strategy Builder so lets expand it and here we can see how the indicator connected to the base indicators ( CheckParm. Indicator, IndicatorComp. Enums, NumericParam and ListParam) and as in picture we see it connected with each base indicator in more than on point. and by using expand function in analyzer it answer lots of Questions about which indicator depend on what and used by what

Pic 589.2 kb, 9 downloads since 2010-08-30

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

5 Reply by ahmedalhoseny 2010-08-30 21:24:49

Re: FSB Structure and C# language

Hello Krog You are right to understand how we code indicators with FSB we have to know the base indicators very well because all info in these indicators are the corner stones of the FSB language ( it contains the vacabulary of the software ) and this will help us to build the custom indicators ( paragraphs) and the C# will help us to build the structure of our new paragraphs

NB: In my previous post i aimed to find an easy way to see what the indicators consists of and its relations with base indicators another thought and i donot know if u find it benefitial or not. to know any new vacabulary of any new language ( i mean here FSB language not the whole C#) we have to translate it to a language we know( english) so if we translate all base indicators into a readable english explanations it will accelerate our understanding to indicators and how we build them and this what i need to acheive i comming weeks

6 Reply by Popov 2010-08-30 23:18:07

Re: FSB Structure and C# language

All you need for developing custom indicators is the FST source code project. It is ready for compiling under Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition (Freeware). I'm going to publish next beta of FST this weekend. Also its source code will be available.

Calculate(), with for-loop to run indicator code on each bar

Calculate() is called only once - before the backtesting. The indicator's values and signals are constant during the backtest. That's why one cannot make custom trailing stop, break even or so on. The position's and account's parameters are not acceptable by the indicators. An indicator uses the base properties and methods only, which are listed in the "Indicator" archivo.

There are several reasons why someone might want to use ZeroLine Trader over NinjaTraders built in Trade Management software. You may like Zeroline Trader's trade management software over Ninjatraders ATM software because it is easy to use and you can customize your strategies in Zeroline Trader to your liking. You may also be using Zeroline Trader over NinjaTrader because you don't want to pay to have to use NinjaTrader but you like the charts and strategies that you've designed. Many people will install NinjaTrader and develop an automated trade system but never go live with it because of the extra fee's it costs to use NinjaTraders Trade management software. If you are client of Interactive Brokers there is a simple way around those fees by using another 3rd party application to manage the trade like ZeroLine Trader.

What you can do is setup an automated trade system in NinjaTrader and instead of using NinjaTrader trade management software, you send an email out to ZeroLine Trader to place the trade for you, and then ZeroLine Trader sends the order to Interactive Brokers. Using the Perl script I've written, and with a little bit of coding, this is a very simple setup and gives you a fully functional automated trade system for Ninjatrader through Interactive Brokers without the extra cost of having to own Ninjatrader or pay the extra cost for placing each trade. Having the automated trade system run directly through Ninjatrader to Interactive Brokers will be slightly faster and may be slightly easier to setup; however, using ZeroLine Trader as a middleman to save on the extra fee's may be worth it.

Here are the Downloads you will need -

NinjaTrader Charting and Trading Platform

HPT's ZeroLine Trader Perl Script - An email client that checks your email and enters a trade into ZeroLine Trader when a new alert is found in NinjaTrader

Visual C++ 2005 from Microsoft - This is software required by the InteractiveBrokers API to register properly

This is a Video I made showing automated trades being sent from NinjaTrader to Bracket Trader to Interactive Brokers

Ever have a problem connecting to your data feed when using Ninjatrader while simultaneously using QuoteTracker? If you have quotes running on QT before you connect to your data feed on Ninjatrader you may get a connection login failed. In order to resolve this, stop the quotes in QT, then restart Ninjatrader and connect your data feed in Ninjatrader first, then start quotes in QuoteTracker.

You need to use a professional addition of Visual Studio or if you use the Express edition you will need to follow the steps outlined here -

If you have Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 Professional follow these steps - Step 1- Enable Debugging in NT Step 2- Bring up a chart and apply the indicators and strategies you want to debug (add your indicators and strategies to the chart) Step 3- Open Visual Studio (2005 or 2008 Professional Edition) Step 4- Go to "Tools" and select attach to process and select NinjaTrader. exe (the title should be a chart - ie ES 5min) Step 5- In Visual Studio open file and go to your ninjatrader directory and select the ".cs" files you want to debug. Step 6- Add Break points on your selected file (you must add breakpoints in order to debug) Step 7- Go to your open NT chart and right click and select "reload ninjascript" Step 8- Visual studio should now pop up going from "running" to debugging" mode and should be focused on your first breakpoint. Step 9- Add watch points and press F5 to step through.

Remember when debugging that you need to have 1 chart up with the indicators and strategies you want applied to the chart and the debugger starts stepping through at the very first bar on the chart (not the last bar). It is helpful to "add watch" on selected "indicators" and "time" when debugging.

HPT compares the two data feeds - ZenFire is notably faster giving tick by tick data where as IB gives 0.2 to 0.3 second snap shots of the data. ZenFire T&S is even faster if you change the timer refresh rate to FALSE by right clicking T&S and changing properties.

Re: Calling c# dll from easy language

You should be able to do that. I have Tradestation 8.7 and I can refer to dlls, although I can't code dll stuff and refer to stuff from other people, so I'm not sure if they're coded in C#.

From Tradestation help:

DEFINEDLLFUNC (Reserved Word) Reserved for use with custom DLLs designed for EasyLanguage. Refer to the documentation in the TradeStation Developer's Kit for more information about this and the EasyLanguage Tool Kit Library ELKIT32.DLL.

Here is example sintax to retrieve my balance from Interactive Brokers, using tradebullet. dll:

Plataforma de negociación

Open Source Trading Platform Software Application

Introducing the M4 Trading Platform

As a professional trader, you are probably frustrated with the lack of flexibility and support with the trading software that you are currently using. The limited features and capabilities of most off-the-shelf trading applications (including the "professional" versions) are inadequate for professional traders.

The M4 trading platform is a professional trading application featuring real-time quote screens, professional charting, real time portfolio tracking, automated trading, market scanning, back testing and much more.

The best part about M4 is that the application can be customized to any extent required to meet your needs and trading style.

Perhaps you trade with a proprietary volume-based or tick-based bar format, perhaps you require inter-market analysis in real time, or another trading style that is difficult or impossible to implement in any existing trading software application. The M4 trading platform removes these limitations by allowing you to specify the exact features that are built into your trading software.

The next most important benefit of M4 is that you will never be left in a position where you are unable to support or maintain the software because unlike other software vendors, we provide you with complete source code. This means that you may hire any software developer at any point in time to customize M4 if you decide to make changes for any reason. You are in complete control.

M4 Trading Platform Features

Professional charting and technical analysis.

Automated trading via a flexible built-in scripting language.

Real time stock, futures and forex quote screens.

Real time alerts, market scanning and strategy back testing engine.

Low latency trading.

Application may be programmed to submit orders to any destination.

Any data provider may be implemented.

All windows, toolbars, menus, charts and other features are completely customizable.

Inexpensive customization services available upon request:

volume-based bars, tick-based bars, custom charts, custom features and more.

Award Winning Charting Engine

M4's powerful financial charting engine was designed by traders, for traders and features charting styles such as 3D Candlesticks, Renko, Kagi, Three Line Break, Point & Figure, Candlevolume, Equivolume, Shaded Equivolume, Heikin Ashi Candlesticks, Darvas Boxes, Line Studies such as Gann Fans, Fibonacci Retracements, Speed Lines and an exhaustive list of Technical Indicators plus much more. No other charting engine comes close to the flexibility and completeness of our charting engine. Complete source code is provided so that you may add your own custom formulas to the list of technical indicators, add additional display styles, properties and so forth.

Real Time Trading

Although M4 may be used for end-of-day charting, the application was designed for the purpose of real time trading. Real time stock, futures and forex screens are double buffered so they update in real time without flickering. Our quote screens are capable of handling large amounts of data in real time without causing your computer to run slowly.

Automated Trading, Alerts, Scanning and Back Testing

One of the most advanced features of M4 is the built-in TradeScript scripting language. The TradeScript scripting language allows you to write complex scripts with simulated control structure for automated trading, real time alerts, scanning, back testing and more.

The TradeScript scripting language is similar to the easy-to-use MetaStock™ scripting language, however it is as powerful as the TradeStation EasyLanguage™ scripting language. A 107-page programmer's guide is provided for advanced traders.

Real Time Alerts

A trade-alert and automated trading screen is integrated into the M4 platform. You can create powerful trading systems that generate orders automatically. Alerts can also be sent to any Windows Mobile device.

Back Testing

You can back test your trading strategies using the TradeScript scripting language prior to running your systems in real time. Over two dozen statistical outputs are generated along with a trade log and visual buy/sell indicators on the chart.

Real Time Scanning

The built-in symbol scanning feature can screen the market in real time to identify symbols that have major price changes, unusual volume changes, crossing indicators, specific candlestick patterns and more.

Scans may be very complex and may be designed to search for specific patterns based on technical analysis or custom formulas.

Trade Directly from Charts

M4 features low latency trading functionality and is suitable for high frequency trading.

You can customize this feature to enter market orders, limit orders or even trailing stops, smart orders, etc.

Chart Pattern Recognition

M4 features the world's first template-driven, fully dynamic, pattern recognition engine for identifying patterns in financial data. Our pattern recognition engine uses fuzzy logic to match dynamic patterns in stock, futures and forex data. Ships with several pre-defined patterns such as Channels, Double Bottoms, Double Tops, Flags, Head & Shoulders, Pennants, Trend, Triangles, Triple Bottoms, Triple Tops, Wedges and other patterns. Traders can create custom patterns using the supplied pattern designer utility. Full source code is included.

Portfolio Manager and Order Entry Screen

You can manage multiple portfolios and monitor positions in real time using one customizable screen. The order entry screen provides one-click order entry functionality and may be customized. Smart orders, trailing stops or other order types can be programmed with ease.

Asesores Expertos

Traders can develop their own Expert Advisors or select from one of the many pre-defined Expert Advisors included within the trading system database. Expert Advisors can be kept secret or may be published so that other traders can use them.

Expert Advisor Consensus Reports

Canned Expert Advisors and User Defined Expert Advisors may be aggregated into one or more consensus reports to indicate the overall buy/sell consensus for the underlying chart data.

The output is presented in a text box and the overall ranking of all outputs are calculated into a ranking value that ranges between -100 for sell and +100 for buy.

Orders Can Be Transmitted To Any Destination

Orders can be routed to any destination by simply programming the order entry functions with the order entry API of your choice. Brokerages and destinations such as TD Ameritrade, MB Trading, InteractiveBrokers, Genesis Securities, Patsystems, Trading Technologies, FXCM and others including custom destinations can be programmed with ease.

Implement Any Data Provider

M4 can be programmed to accept data from any source such as eSignal, Barchart, Bloomberg and others.

Complete Source Code Available in C#, VB. net and VC++

M4 is provided with complete source code for every feature including the front end, the charting, indicators, line studies, scripting engine, back office, mobile application and much more. We do not withhold source code for any portion of M4, so you are free to make the customizations that you require.

All Windows, Toolbars, Menus and Charts are Customizable

Because complete source code is provided, you can make customizations to every visual aspect of M4 including user interface features, skins, colors, charting, etc.

Inexpensive Customization Services Available

We offer financial software development by the hour and often at a fixed price, so if your company needs additional resources to work with your team, we can assist you. Our Custom Services typically involve a wide, ongoing partnership with our customers. We work together to identify and apply technology solutions to specific financial software engineering needs. Our elite team of technology professionals can supplement your internal software developer staff or you can choose to outsource specific design or development tasks to us.


We provide highly available support for customizations and deployment to ensure that your platform is up and running in the shortest amount of time possible. Your platform can be up and running in as little as one week in many cases.


The M4 platform requires a Windows 2000 or greater PC with Microsoft. NET 2.0 framework or greater. The included setup application will install the framework if it is not already installed. If you need to modify the source code, your development team must make the modifications in VB. NET, C# and/or VC++, or you may request our consulting group to make modifications for you at a very reasonable hourly rate.


Click here to view a demonstration of the M4 platform. Then, contact us and we will consult with you and your team to show you the features and benefits of the M4 trading platform plus offer tips for customizing the M4 platform to best suit your needs.

No matter if you are a brokerage, financial institution or an individual professional trader, you will certainly benefit from the information provided in our presentation.

Topics covered may include data feeds, order entry systems, server design, hardware design, network design, protocols, software design and development, project management, project budgeting plus anything else you would like to discuss.

View the demo movie

View screen shots

MT3 API for VB. net and C#

MT3 API for VB. net and C#

Just a quick note to trading robot developers and system automators. I successfully wrapped the mtapi. dll (MetaTrader version 3.x API) ages ago for my own use, and now I'm happy to share my hard work for free.

My wrapped MetaTrader v3.xx API for dotNet framework features:

- Object oriented way: much easier to program in. Net. - Safe multithreading: no more strange error codes returned. - Pumping Message Mechanism is programmed for you: all you need to do is to handle the messages. - A method to avoid 'Too frequent requests' error is programmed for you. - A very basic demo source code in VB. net is included. - Support Visual Basic. Net, C#, C++.Net, and more dotNet compatible languages.

Important: I really do suggest you understand how the original api works first; to do so you need to read the C source code provided with the original api .

Requirement: Microsoft. Net Framework version 1.1 or newer.

Disclaimer: The product is provided free of charge, and, therefore, on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties that it is free of defects, virus free, able to operate on an uninterrupted basis, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing. In any case, the author will not be responsible or liable for ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR ANY OTHER LOSSES caused by using of this software library.

__________________ Make easy pips with the Advanced Economic Calendar for Forex Trading .

Last edited by scorpion; 05-18-2005 at 01:37 PM.

You'll need to use 2 connections logged into the same account concurrently. The first connection is used to listen for pumping messages, and the second connection is used for calling other methods. The NotEnoughRightsException occured because you used the same connection to call restricted methods while in pumping mode.

CRC and Req_code are not used in SendOrderInfo, and also you have to specify Bid price for sell order and Ask price for buy order. Simple, isn't it?

__________________ Make easy pips with the Advanced Economic Calendar for Forex Trading .

05-03-2005, 02:56 PM

Join Date: Apr 2005

works a treat! One question though. I'm having a problem with spawning off multiple threads to kick off trades or even modify orders. The first command usually goes through pretty quickyl but the subsequent ones take qutie a few seconds and often result in too frequent requests exceptions.

I'm probably not explainign this very well.

I have written a function that will modify a position by putting the stop to entry. Say I have 5 open positions all onside with no stops. Inside a loop a spwan off 5 threads that place a stop at entry for each one. Why this all doesn't happen in under a second I don't know. However, if I have 5 seperate instances of my application, and modify the stops for each position in a seperate instance of the app, it works fine. Confusing.

05-03-2005, 04:47 PM

Join Date: Aug 2004

Location: Behind You

It's good that you have it made some trades so soon.

Your problem: It takes long time to modify the 5 trades, because you use the one same connection. It is a mechanism designed by me to avoid 'Too frequent requests' errors raised by the low-level api. MetaQuotes imposed a rule inside their api to limit 1 trade transaction per 5 to 10 seconds.

The only solution now is to spawn two or three more connections the same way you did in multiple instances. But you should aware that MetaQuotes also imposed a rule to limit the number of connections logged into the same account.

I hope API version 4 doesn't have these limiations.

__________________ Make easy pips with the Advanced Economic Calendar for Forex Trading .

05-03-2005, 11:28 PM

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by scorpion

It's good that you have it made some trades so soon.

Your problem: It takes long time to modify the 5 trades, because you use the one same connection. It is a mechanism designed by me to avoid 'Too frequent requests' errors raised by the low-level api. MetaQuotes imposed a rule inside their api to limit 1 trade transaction per 5 to 10 seconds.

The only solution now is to spawn two or three more connections the same way you did in multiple instances. But you should aware that MetaQuotes also imposed a rule to limit the number of connections logged into the same account.

I hope API version 4 doesn't have these limiations.

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought it might be something I was doing wrong in the code. I've had to resort to spawnging off console apps to do the dirty work for now. Do you have any idea as to when the next version of the api is to be released?

.NET for AmiBroker is a 3rd party software package that provides full. NET programmability to AmiBroker .

NET for AmiBroker covers all programmable features of AmiBroker: plug-in interfaces, built-in AFL functions and objects, OLE interface, IBController can be accessed and used from. NET code while using any. NET language.

Indicators, filters, scanners, explorations, custom backtester modules, automated and real time trading systems, optimizer and data source plug-ins, OLE automation programs that drive custom optimization and scanner processes or data loading, etc. can be developed in C#, VB. NET, VC. NET, F#, or any. NET language of choice.

Extend or replace your AFLs with. NET code

AFL plug-in development that once used to challenge even experienced C/C++ developers can now be done in any. NET language very easily and fast. NET plug-ins can extend or completely replace AFL scripts. AFL include files can be easily converted to AFL plug-in. AFL indicators, scanners, explorations, backtester modules, real time trading modules, etc. can be created in pure. NET or in a mix of AFL and. NET. NET code can simply access all the built-in AFL methods and objects of the backtester interface.

Optimizer and data plug-ins

Optimizer and data source plug-ins can be developed in any. NET language as well. Using these AmiBroker interfaces from. NET for AmiBroker is simpler then the C/C++ interface. They still provide the full functionality of the original interface.

AmiBroker's OLE automation interface is also accessible from. NET code. A full blown object model equivalent of the original object model makes it possible to manage AmiBroker database, load custom quote data, to run scanners, explorations, optimizers directly from. NET code.

Real time trading using IBController trading interface

NET for AmiBroker provides easy integration of AFL indicators, trading logic in object oriented. NET code and AmiBroker Auto-Trading interface for Interactive Brokers. The managed IBController interface and the. NET plug-ins together provide new, easier, more reliable and managable ways to create real time trading systems.

Integrate AmiBroker into your custom trading process

NET for AmiBroker also simplifies the integration of all kinds of applications into AmiBroker. Using. NET makes the integration of applications with COM interfaces (like Excel, Access, Word, R, SciLab, MatLab, etc.) a simple task.

There are also limitless integration possibilities using the. NET Class Library. P. ej. NET plug-ins can send custom email, send SMS, call a web service, access files, communicate with an external trade management system through the network or even receive event from an external system.

TradeStation EasyLanguage Specialist

I have a lifetime career of software engineering, and years of EasyLanguage programming and trading the strategies I have written. I have fallen in all the over-optimizing pitfalls, and have learned to avoid those. I have discovered all the strengths and shortcomings of EasyLanguage, and how to work around them. In short, whatever needs to be done with EasyLanguage, I can do it.

I write all the strategies and indicators we provide you with here at Simple Trading Rules, and I wrote all the strategies, indicators and functions for Simple Automatic Trading. I also write indicators and strategies for others – you can see some of their comments to the right. My work is guaranteed bug-free.

I would be glad to consult with you about your EasyLanguage project, or write some code for you. Thanks for your confidence in me!

Contact me to design and write your indicator or strategy by clicking here .

As a certified TradeStation EasyLanguage Specialist . I need to show you this: Neither TradeStation Technologies nor any of its affiliates has reviewed, certified, endorsed, approved, disapproved or recommended, and neither does or will review, certify, endorse, approve, disapprove or recommend, any trading software tool that is designed to be compatible with the TradeStation Open Platform.

Click here to ask about writing your indicator or strategy. If you have suggestions or comments, or if you liked my work, please leave a comment below.

12 Responses to “TradeStation EasyLanguage Specialist”

What They Said About My Work

"Thanks Amber! I think it's great/funny how you replaced all that (converted Java) code with a half a dozen or so lines of EL code. I would of never figured it out, especially the maintaining the last opposite crossing point part - that's brilliant! " . - Don Shawver . "Thanks so much for all your hard work on programming the strategy, it's working great! I really appreciate all the extra time you put into tweaking the strategy for me after it was initially completed. Thank you again and we hope to do business with you again." . Dave Manoukian President ATC Brokers . "You're the best! You've really opened my eyes to so many more possibilities and expanded my trading horizons tenfold. You've created so much value here that I don't know where to start.

It looks like this strategy should work on other indexes as long as I change the parameters in the format tab.

If it does I might start trying to use other indexes and see what they can offer too. That would really expand my horizons. This whole thing is blowing my mind right now! " . Mike Najarian Najarian Financial . "Amber always gets right on my projects and gets them finished in a day or two. I love it that she suggests improvements if she sees any, and discusses those with me. I'm very exacting in what I expect, and she always delivers." . Larry Robert . "Amber, I wanted to thank you for doing a Great Job on coding my indicators. Your responses were always on time, your rates are more than reasonable and I was surprised how far you were willing to go to keep me happy. You literally finished my project and worked out all of the bugs before most of you competitors were able to even quote me a price. Thank You Again." . David Zielinski www. shift-theory. com .

"Its working pretty good so far! I'm going to keep testing for another week or so and then probably go live.

¡Gracias! and Looking forward to designing another strategy with you! " . H. H. .

This Guy Knows What He Is Talking About ↓

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Amber Benson is dedicated to making trading fun and easy, for you, the enthusiastic trader. And, of course, profitable!

She is a life-long software engineer who has become expert at TradeStation's EasyLanguage strategy and indicator development. Because of her long experience trading and developing strategies, she leads you through the often complex business of trading profitably.

Disclaimer: Investment in stocks, options, currencies or futures involves a high degree of risk and is not suitable for everyone. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros. While there is great potential for reward trading commodities, futures, stocks, or forex, there is also substantial risk of loss in all trading. You must decide your own suitability to trade. Future trading results can never be guaranteed. This is not an offer to buy or sell futures, options, stocks, bonds, forex or commodity interests.

About the Book


The e-book is currently for sale exclusively through Amazon at https://www. amazon. com/dp/B00LV3YIK8

In this book, we'll be walking hands-on-tutorial-style through the creation of an automated stock trading strategy using C# and the NinjaTrader platform, as well as methods for testing out its potential success. By the end of this book, you should be able to not only create a simple trading strategy, but also understand how to test it against historical market data, debug it, and even log data into a custom database for further analysis. Even if you have limited C# and trading strategy experience, the examples in this book will provide a great foundation for getting into automated trading and safely testing out strategy ideas before risking real money in the market.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Creating a Strategy

Chapter 3: Strategy Implementation

Chapter 4: Strategy Backtesting

Chapter 5: StrategyProperties and Optimization

Chapter 6: Strategy Debugging

Chapter 7: Database Connectivity

Also see strategyminer. net for more information on the book and additional consulting services.

This book is **not** intended to provide incredible insights on what indicators to use to create strategies (I'll also point out some 3rd party resources), it's purely intended to be a guide to getting started in automated trading for. NET developers.

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The Leanpub Unconditional, No Risk, 100% Happiness Guarantee

Develop your own stock market investment trading strategy in C# programming language

Dennisse Stock Analyzer is a professional stock market analysis and algorithmic trading system development for serious trader. With real time data connection to stock exchanges around the world via Google & Yahoo finance, this software allows user to analyse and simulate your trading strategy in order to see whether your investment growth steadily over the time. Furthermore, it's equipped with a handy and powerful C# compiler for serious trader who want to develop their own trading indicators or strategy without any limitation.

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There are hundreds and thousands of trading strategies and concepts/ideas out there you need to be tested for a better trading performance. The compiler comes with simple C# template to follow and some samples and walkthrough how to make your trading indicators easily or with minimum C# programming knowledge. This tools is a must-have equipment for serious trader who want to test their trading strategy/indicators idea and to safeguard and boost their investment performance.

We are targeting stock market trader who are keen on developing their own trading indicators as a way to enhance their trading profitability and increasing their investment return significantly

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More info

Language: English File size: 22.4 MB Publisher: Dennisse Software Downloads: 56 O. S. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Category: Finance > Stock Exchange

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Directional Movement Index (DMI)

By Adam Milton. Day Trading Expert


The Directional Movement Index (also known as DMI) is a momentum indicator that was developed by J. Welles Wilder. It is calculated using the price, compares the current price with the previous price range, and displays the result as an upward movement line (+DI), and a downward movement line (-DI), between 0 and 100. The DMI also calculates the strength of the upward or downward movement, and displays the result as a trend strength line (ADX).

Seguir leyendo abajo

The DMI is displayed on its own chart, separate from the price bars, and is the lower section in the chart shown above.


Description: The DMI is the ratio of exponential moving averages of the greater of the upward (U) and downward (D) price movements, and the true range (TR).

Calculation: U = Hn - Hn-1 D = Ln-1 - Ln TR = (Hn - Ln) | (Hn - Cn-1) | (Cn-1 - Ln) EMAUP = EMAUn-1 + ((2 / (n + 1)) * (Un - EMAUn-1)) EMADOWN = EMADn-1 + ((2 / (n + 1)) * (Dn - EMADn-1)) EMATR = EMATRn-1 + ((2 / (n + 1)) * (TRn - EMATRn-1)) +DI = EMAUP / EMATR - DI = EMADOWN / EMATR

Trading Use

The Directional Movement Index can be used in both ranging and trending markets. In general, when the +DI line is above the - DI line, the market is moving upwards, and when the - DI line is above the +DI line, the market is moving downwards. The ADX line shows the strength of the move, and the market is considered to be trending when the ADX line is above 30, and ranging when the ADX line is below 30. There are several trading systems that use the DMI, so there are several alternative uses of both the DI lines, and the ADX line.

Volatility Ratio


AgenaTrader is a detailed and feature-filled trading platform catered to futures traders from novice to the professionals. With features ranging from Chart Trading and Integrated Market Scanner, AgenaTrader aims to save valuable time for traders and provides all the necessary functionality for various trading styles and strategies. In additional to self-directed and fully automated trading, the semi-automated trading approach is also completely integrated.

Open multiple charts at once

Scan hundreds of instruments in real time

Deeply integrated risk and money management

Semi-automated trade management

Fully automated trading suing AgenaScript (C#/.Net)

Utilize approx. 120 different indicators as well as self-coded signals

Use all of the drawing objects you could ever need for trading

Explore the advantages of various price representations (Renko, Kagi, P&F, equity volume etc.)

Integrate indicators from higher time frames

Trade using comfortable chart trading

Use the action bar to activate or deactivate standard indicators, instrument lists, time frame selections and favorite setups with a click of the mouse

Let the system show you chart formations, such as SHS, flags, triangles, etc.

Compare up to four interconnected charts within different time frames at a glance

Connect a scanner with a list chart group

Open over 500 real-time charts simultaneously using tab chart groups

Save chart and chart group templates in order to access them later

Take advantage of AgenaTrader’s rapid chart loading time

Scan thousands of instruments in real time for your signals

Use indicators and self-coded signals or conditions for scanning

Program your signals using C# AgenaScript or using the Condition Escort just by clicking

AgenaTrader can search for your signals in different time frames

Combine entry signals and complete strategies with stops and targets with just a few clicks of the mouse in the Setup Escort

Activate strategies by clicking as soon as the corresponding signal appears in the scanner

Based on the motto: the system suggests, the market and user decide, AgenaTrader manages your trades

Program signals simply by clicking

Programming skills are not required

Compare many different indicators with each other or with static values

Combine several time frames for each condition

Program complicated signals using AND, OR, XOR relations and brackets simply by clicking – no programming skills necessary

In AT Centaurus, use conditions to create complete strategies with just a few clicks of the mouse

Record entire trading days tick by tick

Download the tick data for several trading days from your data provider

Practice and train using these data, without actually taking any risks

Use an integrated trade simulation account to become familiar with the markets

Chart trading: place orders in the chart by clicking

Simply use the default order pad

Place complete setups on the market using the Order Escort

Place orders with the keyboard or by clicking within the Level 3 Inside Market Box

Take advantage of the dynamic DOMs

Experience the new order types: scale orders, dynamic orders, & soft stop orders

Take advantage of the integrated C# AgenaScript interface to program highly professional

Develop signals from existing indicators and self-programmed signal generators just by clicking

Import indicators and strategies from an external system

Heiken-ashi candlesticks versus Japanese candlesticks

Heiken-ashi candlesticks are also called sometimes Heik i n-ashi candlesticks. Heiken-ashi candlesticks provide interpretation of market trends in a neat and descriptive way.

Unlike regular Japanese candles, Heiken-ashi don't show open, high, low and close. Instead they calculate values of each candlestick based on the dominant forces in the market. P. ej. if bears (sellers) are clearly dominating, Heiken-ashi candlesticks will be bearish (red), even if a price bar closes higher than it opened.

These Heiken-ashi candles are a perfect tool for traders who like following trends to their very extend. Heikin-ashi Candles also looks much more simplified.

The rules of reading Heiken-ashi candlesticks

Sellers are dominating, strong downtrend

Buyers are dominating, strong uptrend

The trend got a bit weaker, watch out

With a change of a color of a Heikin-ashi candle - trend has changed

Heiken-ashi charts vs Japanese candlestick charts

A regular Japanese candlestick chart:

A chart with Heiken-ashi candlesticks:

The trends on Heiken-ashi charts have more distinguished and smoother look.

But this doesn't limits the use of Heiken-ashi candles in Forex. Heiken-ashi candlesticks are good at suggesting trading and also trailing stops.

A trailing stop is placed at the bottom of a bullish Heiken-ashi candlestick in an uptrend and at the top of a bearish candlestick in a downtrend. A top is adjusted with each new fully formed candlestick.

Heiken-ashi candles are truly amazing candles to trade with!

Copyright y copia; Forex-indicators. net


You are doing a great job. This work will benefit a lot of New traders like me. I cant thank you enough.

what is the difference between the 2 files above? HeikwnAshi. mq4 and Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed. mq4? Kindly please explain.

The first indicator is a standard HeikenAshi. The second - its smoothed version. Smoothed heiken-ashi candles are slower to react to trend changes when those occur sharply, but overall smoothed heiken-ashi will keep you in a trend longer. Standard heiken-ashi candlesticks will be changing colors from red to blue and back every time there is a reasonable correction in price.

You can use both indicators simultaneously. Or one on higher time frame - smoother heikin version - for monitoring trends; and one on lower time frame - standard heikin version - to time good entries on pullbacks.

Thank you for these fantastic candles.

Open Source Stock Trading Platform on the NetBeans Platform

The Java Zone is brought to you in partnership with AppDynamics. Discover how AppDynamics steps in to upgrade your performance game and prevent your enterprise from these top 10 Java performance problems .

Chartsy is an open source stock charting, screening, and trading platform built on the NetBeans Platform. Its modular architecture allows traders to add their own datafeeds, indicators, overlays, and annotation modules.

Chartsy runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Planning for Chartsy started in October 2008 and development started in early 2009. The first public release was made available on March 4th 2010, so we're only in the beginning. Two months later we have 650 downloads at sf. net (here ) and over 200 registered users.

The users are amateur traders, people that want to learn about technical analysis, and we're also trying to target more tech savvy traders that can use a common platform to develop their own trading strategies (many amateur traders do have a CS background).

Having a strong common base, contributors can build businesses around it (thanks to the NetBeans Platform's plugin architecture), datafeeds, innovative indicators, and trading strategies. So everyone can concentrate on what they want to do and not implement basic features (such as charts, datafeeds, standard indicators) again and again, pretty much what the NetBeans Platform does for desktop applications.

Here you see the symbol search in the New Chart window and the welcome tab in the background:

And here you see the indicator properties window and a MSFT candlestick chart with several indicators, overlays, and annotations in the background:

At this point we're trying to get known and recruit developers. We trust that if we keep offering a quality product, results will come. We are committed to growing this platform in the future as our sponsor, MrSwing. is going to launch several commercial offerings based on Chartsy.

The Java Zone is brought to you in partnership with AppDynamics. AppDynamics helps you gain the fundamentals behind application performance, and implement best practices so you can proactively analyze and act on performance problems as they arise, and more specifically with your Java applications. Start a Free Trial .

Posting an S&P500 projection.

There is a chance this might not pan out, but this has high probability. For long-only portfolio, shifting to more cash position is a better way to manage risk. Furthermore, market volatility has been up, risk across broad portfolio increases. Reducing position is advisable.

I calculated the Sharpe ratio using manual calculation in excel.

Besides, I also tried an improvement to cut the downside risk further.

Without risk management improvement, the system’s Sharpe ratio is about 2.00.

Period of backtest: January 2014 to mid-September 2015

With risk management improvement, the system’s Sharpe ratio is 2.35. A better result from the original system.

This system trades ES (E-mini S&P500 Futures traded on CME Globex).

The main algorithm of this system built upon the “New Normal” of the low Fed interest rate and massive stimulus (Quantitative Easing) that had been run by the Federal Reserve. It is taking into account the macro view of long-term debt cycle deleveraging condition.

I have been watching and trading ES for many years. From that massive screen time, I noticed repetitive patterns that can be coded into a mechanical system.

The backtested result from January 2006 to September 9. 2015 are presented below.

The system is written in C# on Windows’ Ninjatrader platform. (www. ninjatrader. com)

Please note Ninjatrader, the platform that is used to backtest the system, does have a questionable Sharpe ratio calculation. They are using wrong formula and this is observed by other users as well.

In the future post, I will post the right sharpe ratio using manual calculation.

I have trading indicators, which can help traders to measure trends and volatility.

The indicators are written for Ninjatrader platform (www. ninjatrader. com). It is written in C#.

The volatility measurement indicator is done by implementing a research paper done by Marcos De Prado:

“The Microstructure of the ‘Flash Crash’: Flow Toxicity, Liquidity Crashes and the Probability of Informed Trading” http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=1695041

Also, I read other papers done by Dr. DePrado related to VPIN (Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed Trading) that can be found in ssrn. com under his name.

In short, VPIN is:

“The Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed trading (VPIN) metric is introduced by Easley, Lopez de Prado, and O’Hara (2011) as a real-time indicator of order flow toxicity. They find the measure useful in monitoring order flow imbalances and conclude it may help signal impending market turmoil, exemplified by historical high readings of the metric prior to the flash crash. More generally, they show that VPIN is significantly correlated with future short-term return volatility.”

Short video how this indicator works:

The Trend Measurement indicator is a useful indicator to show traders the trend of longer time frame trend and the shorter time frame trend. The picture below will explain it very well.

Attached is a screenshot of a snippet of C# code that implements the VPIN indicator.

Here are more screenshots of STManager, the UI software that I wrote to manage risk and interface with Sterling Trader.

The software is written in VB. Why VB? Fast implementation and recommended by Sterling Trader. We should pick programming language that can achieve production as fast as possible without sacrificing quality.

I have finally finished designing, coding, and testing a new user interface software for proprietary traders.

This software is a risk management software for proprietary traders who are using Sterling Trader for trading. Sterling Trader is a common and popular professional trading platform for proprietary traders. It is as popular as Lightspeed.

Sterling Trader website is at http://www. sterlingtrader. com/Trading_Platforms/trading_platforms_Pro. html

A quick screenshot of Sterling Trader (stock picture):

The purpose of the software that I designed is to tackle several problems with individual proprietary traders who trade their own money:

1. They usually do not have a risk manager who watches their risks and manages them in bad time or good time. For example, many times undisciplined traders will keep trading even their account has lost money over the maximum daily loss limit. It will usually blow up the account. One wrong mistake will usually damage a trader’s account. This software will manage the trader if they exceed max. daily loss. It will close all trades with final confirmation or simply display huge warning and loud sound.

2. Overtrading. Traders tend to overtrade and trying to get back the money they have lost without a well-defined trades with good risk. This software will limit how many times they can trade a day. There is a setting to set maximum number of trades per day.

3. Order size management. Many traders sometimes miscalculate size of their position, especially when taking daily risk parameters into account. Day trading requires fast calculation and many times traders just can’t do the calculation on the fly. This software will calculate automatically what the best size is for each trades. This enforces discipline for each trade size.

There are much more features in the software, such as real-time P&L data, and other data that traders can monitor throughout the day, especially related to risk management.

I am using this software myself, since I do not have a risk manager monitoring my risk. It does help a lot to enforce discipline and improve myself as a trader.

This strategy is trading index ETFs or Emini S&P500 (which is used to backtest) in a 1 to 5 days holding time frame.

All trades close by end of each Friday or Thursday, if Friday is a market holiday.

Strategy is mechanical, which means the entries and exits are well-defined with no ambiguous rules.

The advantage is that one can place a stop order for an entry at specific level and place well-defined targets and stops afterward, which means he/she trades less and more discipline in letting the market tells them if the entry is good or not.

This strategy utilizes volatility of the market during the week. Stops and targets are based on volatility. Targets are set at 1 to 2 times of risk.

The results for this year (2014) from January to August are very consistent and excellent!

Mensajes de navegación

Martingale is a bet sizing technique for increasing odds of winning at the expense of increased risk. The classic example is a coin flipping game where the gambler doubles his bet if he loses, in the hopes of making back any losses to break even. He will continue doubling his bet through subsequent losses until the bet breaks even. Once he returns to whole he continues betting with a unit bet. In theory with infinite capital and exactly 50-50 probability martingale can ensure the gambler will always return a profit.

Martingale portfolios typically display near perfect equity curves with dramatic, short term drawdowns.

Martingale position sizing is sometimes used in trading strategies without knowing its true risks. When implemented in reality traders have limited leverage, and the market win-loss probability fluctuates as losses can when the market is range-bound. It is a certainty that with a sufficient sample size eventually catastrophic loss does occur, it’s just a matter of when.

To demonstrate this we built a martingale position management algorithm, and backtest it on 15 years of data in QuantConnect to highlight the crashes.

To decide entry points we chose a the popular Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator and shorted when it was over 70, signalling it was overbought. Conversely we entered the market long when it was less than 30, signalling oversold. Our entry and exit conditions were fairly arbitrary because we wanted to explore martingale position sizing more than RSI.

Once the algorithm was vested we monitor for a minimum profit gain, and on achieving the minimum profit-gain we exit the strategy locking in the profit.

In the event the algorithm reaches our maximum loss, we record the trade loss and double-invert the position as per martingale rules. The trade’s loss is now attached to a “loss-chain” parameter which serves as memory of this doubling-sequence. The minimum profit gain must also recoup the loss-chain before resetting to start again.

Our backtest result shows our implementation beating the absolute return of the SPY over a 15 year period, but it has greater volatility resulting in a lower Sharpe Ratio (0.4 vs 1.1 S&P). Interestingly it demonstrates the characteristic crashes of a martingale strategy, but since we have fixed leverage the crashes never rebound to form the perfect straight line.

There are many areas for experimentation to improve the strategy performance, such as using more intelligent entry and exit techniques, anti-martingale position sizing and adjusting our entry and loss targets based on market volatility. But I’ll leave that for you to explore!

About Jared Broad

Jared Broad is the founder and CEO of QuantConnect – a web based algorithm trading platform, combining a powerful cloud with 15 years free financial data. Clone open-sourced trading algorithms from the community and trade them on your own brokerage account. Sign up for free at QuantConnect. com

HeatMeter ( $ FREE with the purchase of the iTunnel, compare with $395/month one company is leasing)

This indicator and the iTunnel are similar to part of the indicator package one company is leasing for $395 a month (as of the writing of this description). In fact, this indicator can be exactly the same if you just change the setting to a different number. It tells you the strength of the trend, gives you a directional bias. You really don't want to go long when it's red, or go short when it is green. Because my friend, the trend is your friend. Unless indicated by another indicator such as the Squeeze to tell you otherwise, you should always trade with the trend. It's safer and much more profitable. This is how I interpret it. The company that is leasing it uses it to gauge the possibility of a trend reversal. But honestly, I have a better and more precise way: The Squeeze!

Here is a screen shot of the NinjaTrader version of the HeatMeter.

Buy/Sell Pressure ( $ FREE with the purchase of the Squeeze Indicator)

Here is one indicator that's included in a package one company is selling for hundreds, and they don't even have as many "styles" as I have. That really doesn't matter, as only one style is really useful, which they don't have.

I am a big fan of Buy/Sell Pressure. The law of supply and Demand is what's moving the market. When there are more buying than selling, the price goes up. When the sellers outnumber the buyers, the market goes down. Simple como eso.

Below is a chart illustrating how the Buy Sell Pressure indicator works on NinjaTrader platform. It will not ploat historical data in the past, but will start plotting from the first bar when you pull out the chart. Only ONE style of the Buy Sell Pressure is available for NinjaTrader version for the same reason.

For TradeStation and MultiCharts version, we coded it in a way that you can choose between several different styles. See charts below. Only works on intraday charts. For daily, weekly and monthly charts, you only get the total volume of the day/week/month.

Below are 4 popular indicators: RSI, CCI, Momentum and DMI_ADX indicators. They come with any popular trading platforms free of charge. The problem is, they often look very choppy and difficult to interpret. You can't trade with an indicator that is all over the places. This modified version takes care of the problem. Look at the charts below and compare the default TradeStation version and the PBF_ version. Never trade with the choppy indicators again! The DMI_ADX indicator is only color-coded without modification on its value.

Above is a screen shot of the NinjaTrader version of the 4 indicators. Note the "gradient" coloring method is not available in the C# coding language for NinjaTrader, we can only plot the Momentum indicator in one color.

Disclaimer: All TRADING involves risk, while there is a potential to make a substantial amount of money, you CAN LOSE a substantial amount of money as well, no matter what method you use. All trading involves risk; past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Regla 4.41 (b) (1) (I) de la Comisión los resultados de desempeño hipotéticos o simulados tienen ciertas limitaciones inherentes. A diferencia de un registro de rendimiento real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real. Además, dado que las operaciones no se han ejecutado realmente, los resultados pueden tener una compensación insuficiente o excesiva para el impacto, si alguno, de ciertos factores de mercado, como la falta de liquidez. Los programas comerciales simulados en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas.



This is not a prospectus; no offer on our part with respect to the sale or purchase of any securities is intended or implied, and nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to take a position in any market. The material presented herein has been obtained or derived from sources believed to be accurate, but we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. There have been no promises, guarantees or warranties suggesting that any trading will result in a profit or will not result in a loss. The TRADER is responsible for his own actions.

NinjaScript for Strategy Traders

by Michael R. Bryant

I've been eager to provide NinjaTrader's ® NinjaScript ® output for my Adaptrade Builder strategy generating software for some time and can now announce that it's almost ready (see below for an example of a NinjaScript strategy generated by Builder), with an expected release on or around June 30. This article provides a high-level overview of the NinjaScript language and how it compares to the other languages supported by Builder.*

Leveraging an Existing Language

NinjaTrader is a popular trading platform for stock, futures, and forex trading. Like MetaTrader, NinjaTrader is free for simulated trading and strategy development and is compatible with a wide variety of brokers and data providers. One of the reasons behind the popularity of NinjaTrader is the NinjaScript programming language for indicator and strategy development. The versatility and power of NinjaScript has created a large ecosystem of indicator and strategy code that effectively extends the NinjaTrader platform.

NinjaScript is based on the C# (pronounced "C Sharp") programming language developed by Microsoft and first released in 2002. C# is a general-purpose programming language based on the popular C and C++ languages and utilizing Microsoft's. NET framework. Basing NinjaScript on C# means that it can take advantage of all the functionality of C# and. NET and that it can be compiled with existing Microsoft C# compilers. This is different than other scripting languages, such as TradeStation's EasyLanguage, AmiBroker's AFL and MetaTrader 4's MQL4. While these languages all have C-like syntax, particularly MQL4, they're all built from the ground up. In principle, this should provide a design advantage; namely, that they can be custom-designed for trading. However, this has to be balanced against the advantages provided by the foundation of a mature, highly developed language like C#.

The C# and. NET libraries provide such basic features as date/time and math functions. Since C# and. NET have been in development for approximately 14 years, these basic features are quite mature and stable. NinjaScript not only takes advantage of the built-in library functions but the basic language features as well, including conditionals ("if then" branching), loops, functions, and so on. By building on the foundation of an existing, popular language, NinjaTrader leveraged a wide array of capabilities and features while avoiding the risks and pitfalls of developing a scripting language from scratch. The result is a feature-rich, highly capable and reliable scripting language.

A Modern Scripting Language

NinjaScript is consistent with the underlying design of C#, which is object-oriented, event-driven, and component-based. All strategies in NinjaTrader define their own class, which derives from the Strategy class within the NinjaTrader namespace. This is where the functionality added to C# to create NinjaScript is located.

Figure 1. The strategy class declaration is in the NinjaTrader. Strategy namespace. The Initialize function is called once at the start of the strategy.

In C#, most action is precipitated by external events, which trigger "event handlers". In NinjaScript, the main event handler is called OnBarUpdate, which is triggered on the close of each bar or, optionally, at every tick. This is where the main strategy logic resides. The other primary event handler is Initialize, which is triggered at the start of the strategy and is executed just once at that time. Other event handlers can be implemented optionally, such as OnPositionUpdate, which is triggered whenever the trade position changes, and OnOrderUpdate, which is triggered whenever an existing order changes. The ability to execute strategy code when particular events takes place can make it easier to program certain actions in NinjaScript compared to more traditional languages, such as EasyLanguage.

Figure 2. The NinjaScript OnBarUpdate function is called on the close of each bar or on every tick, depending on the setting in Initialize.

Abstraction, Control, and Versatility

All scripting languages for trading make trade-offs in how they abstract certain aspects of trading versus how much control they both give to and require from the user. Trading involves a series of fairly complex actions: evaluating strategy logic on each bar and/or tick, placing multiple trading orders for both entry and exit, tracking and updating the trading orders on each bar/tick, processing and recording fills, and cancelling open orders, including one-cancels-other and contingent orders. A high level of abstraction means that much of this complexity is hidden from the programmer and performed automatically behind-the-scenes, which makes it easier to program but provides less control and versatility. A lower level of abstraction leaves much of the work up to the programmer, which makes the programming more difficult but typically provides more control.

For example, some languages, such as MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4), provide fairly basic commands to handle orders and leave it up to the user to cancel open orders following a fill. This can make it difficult to implement a strategy that uses, for example, multiple exits (e. g. a protective stop, a target exit, and an exit based on a logical condition) because when one exit is hit, the other, pending orders have to be cancelled by the strategy code. On the other hand, this thin layer of abstraction provides maximum control and versatility.

AmiBroker Formula Language (AFL), on the other hand, provides a very deep abstraction in its basic form in that the user only provides the conditions under which entry and exit are to take place, and the language (and underlying platform) take care of when and how the actual trading orders are placed and executed. For simpler kinds of strategies, this makes it very easy to code the strategy. However, it provides very little flexibility and control for the strategy developer. In fact, AmiBroker apparently recognized this limitation when it added its so-called "portfolio backtester interface" (custom backtest procedure), which provides access to lower-level functions for controlling things such as order entry. Unfortunately, this separate approach doesn't integrate well with the original design of AFL.

EasyLanguage provides several types of complex abstractions. Inherent in each EasyLanguage strategy is the fact that most of the code, other than the variable initializations, is executed on each bar. If "look-inside back-bar testing" is enabled, an additional abstraction is present in that additional calculations are performed behind-the-scenes to evaluate more often than once every bar, depending on the user's setting. In effect, TradeStation has the equivalent of NinjaScript's OnBarUpdate, but it's hidden from the user and handled behind-the-scenes.

EasyLanguage also handles order processing in a way the minimizes the burden on the user. Multiple orders can be placed in code, and unexecuted ones will be cancelled as if "one-cancels-other" when one is filled. NinjaScript implements nearly identical abstractions for order placement and execution, including automatically cancelling each order at the close of each bar. This is consistent with the fact that the strategy code executes on each bar, which typically means the code statements for placing orders will be repeated on each bar. If the orders didn't automatically expire at the close of each bar, they would have to be cancelled by the strategy before placing new ones.

Array processing is another area that highlights the degree of abstraction among scripting languages. Since indicators and other elements of strategy logic need to be evaluated on each bar of a price chart or data series, scripting languages for trading are inherently array-based; that is, they benefit from performing calculations on arrays of price data, rather than performing the calculations bar-by-bar.

For example, if a strategy includes a moving average and a stochastic, one approach would be to calculate the moving average on the first bar, calculate the stochastic on the same bar, evaluate the strategy logic for that bar, then move to the next bar. However, it's much more efficient to calculate the moving average for every bar on the chart, then calculate the stochastic for every bar on the chart, then evaluate the strategy logic. The latter is an example of array processing, which can usually be performed behind-the-scenes even if it's not apparent from the way the code is written.

EasyLanguage provides the best example of this: the array processing is abstracted away so that the user doesn't have to be concerned with it. For example, when you code a function in EasyLanguage, you write the calculations to be performed on the current bar. It's up to the EasyLanguage compiler to make the calculations efficient, presumably through array processing. In AFL, on the other hand, the array processing is designed to be convenient but is explicit in that you have to be aware that you're processing arrays of data and take this into account in how you write the code.

NinjaScript is similar to MQL 4 in that the use of arrays is mostly explicit. However, in MQL4, the use of arbitrary arrays as inputs to indicators, such as a moving average of something other than price, is handled awkwardly, making it difficult to evaluate indicators of indicators, such as a moving average of a stochastic. NinjaScript overcomes this potential problem by providing a special array type called a DataSeries, which can be defined in the strategy code and which is accepted as an input by any indicator that inherently takes price as an input. This makes it relatively easy to code nested indicators.

Example NinjaScript Strategy Code Generated by Builder The file available in the link below was auto-generated by Adaptrade Builder in NinjaScript for NinjaTrader. The file can be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad. To compile the strategy in NinjaTrader, save it to the Strategy folder in your NinjaTrader documents folder, then open it in the NinjaScript editor, and click the compile button. A typical path for saving the file is C:\Users\[your_user_name]\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom\Strategy, in which [your_user_name] is your user name in the Users folder. Alternatively, copy the code to the clipboard and paste it into a blank strategy within the NinjaScript editor.

NinjaScipt output in Builder will be available in version 1.7.0, with an expected release date of June 30, 2014.

DOWNLOAD or OPEN (file: Builder_Ninja_Ex. cs)

Striking a Balance

As suggested above, all scripting languages for trading strike a balance somewhere along the spectrum between a highly abstracted language that handles a lot behind-the-scenes (e. g. AFL) and a thinly abstracted language that requires the user to specify each step of the trading process (e. g. MQL4). NinjaScript is much like EasyLanguage in that it falls somewhere in the middle.

Compared to EasyLanguage, NinjaScript arguably makes at least some of its abstractions clearer while not making them much more complex. For example, the code that executes on each bar is obvious in that it resides in the OnBarUpdate function. In EasyLanguage, it may not be immediately apparent to a newcomer that most of the strategy code is executed on the close of each bar and that the variables don't re-initialize on each bar. In NinjaScript, the variables are not part of OnBarUpdate, so it's clear that any initialization performed outside of that function, such as in the Initialize function, happens only once. On the other hand, EasyLanguage provides a higher overall level of abstraction, which can make it easier to code once the design features of the language are understood.

From the standpoint of a programmer, there' s much to admire about NinjaScript. Its design is consistent with modern programming conventions, it's easily extensible, it provides convenient trading abstractions for things such as order placement, and still manages to be clear about what the code does on a bar-by-bar basis. Moreover, it leverages the. NET library and C# language features.

Having programmed EasyLanguage for some 20 years, it's difficult to evaluate other scripting languages with fresh eyes. However, if I were learning to program trading strategies today – and putting aside any considerations related to the different trading platforms – I might very well choose NinjaScript.

* This article is not intended to be tutorial in nature and does not discuss NinjaTrader platform features.

NinjaTrader and NinjaScript are registered trademarks of NinjaTrader LLC.

This article appeared in the May 2014 issue of the Adaptrade Software newsletter.

If you'd like to be informed of new developments, news, and special offers from Adaptrade Software, please join our email list. Gracias.

TekArs Overview

TekArs develops trading strategies, custom technical indicators, statistical analysis projects and advanced analytical systems for financial markets. Our clients have included traders, researchers, and small and medium businesses. Much of our work involves data analysis and data management including custom built standalone software and add-ons using C#, VB. NET and Java. TekArs develops indicators and strategies using NinjaScript (NinjaTrader), MQL (MetaTrader), Lua (FXCM Trading Station with Marketscope) and other languages. We also convert code between languages.

TekArs Insight Services offer algorithmic trading analysis services that goes beyond backtesting. Using our proprietary analytics software, we analyze the effectiveness of trading strategies. In addition, clients can subscribe to analytic reports Designed for advanced traders, these services provides detailed reports with specific recommendations.

We will sign a nondisclosure agreement and we guarantee you absolute confidentiality. Support is provided at no extra charge for 30 days after the release candidate is sent. Our clients receive their commented source code and retain their copyrights.

Senior staff has more than 30 years of experience developing a wide range of IT business solutions and we are active traders. In addition, TekArs develops proprietary algorithmic trading strategies, advanced technical indicators, and data analysis projects for select clients. TekArs has assisted researchers with designing surveys, developing research methodology, selecting appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis, and evaluating analysis results.

TekArs provides services to clients internationally, both via internet and on-site.

Supported Programming Languages

MetaQuotes Language MQL (MetaTrader)

NinjaScript (NinjaTrader)

Lua (FXCM Trading Station with Marketscope)

WealthScript (Fidelity Wealth-Lab) only convert from

EasyLanguage (TradeStation) only convert from




"Richard is very honest and reliable and provided a lot of support and input as required. Highly recommended and I'll be using him again in the future."

"Richard is an excellent developer, who strives to fulfill the expectations of the client to the fullest, going above and beyond the necessary tasks."

Custom Research and Software for Traders

TekArs provides analytical services and software development for small and medium businesses, traders, investors and researchers.

Trading Strategies & Technical Indicators

We develop trading strategies (Expert Advisors) & custom technical indicators to client specifications.

Programming Language Conversions

We convert trading strategies, technical indicators and other software between several different programming languages.

Database Management Software

TekArs develops data management software for MS SQL Server & MySQL, import/export for csv, xml and other formats.

Please Note:

TekArs develops software in accordance with client provided instructions. we follow client specifications, but cannot guarantee that a particular indicator, strategy or other software will successfully attain a client's financial goals nor can TekArs or its representatives be held liable for any loss or damage from the use of said indicators, strategies or other software, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such indicators, strategies or software.

Risk Disclaimer:

Trading forex (foreign exchange) on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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TekArs does not provide investment advice or investment services. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website by TekArs. com, its partners or contributors are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice. TekArs. com will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

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ADXR index rating

The Average Directional Movement Index Rating ( ADXR ) uses the ADX bar value and calculates the average sum of it and the ADX value of a recent trailing bar. As a result, the ADX values smooth. As with the ADX, a rising ADXR can indicate a strong basic trend. A falling ADXR in its turn can suggest a weakening trend subject to a reversal. Often ADXR can also indicate non-trending markets or the worsening of a current trend. Still the ADXR is not a directional indicator even though Forex market direction is significant in its calculation.

The ADXR is different from ADX because it does not heavily depend on short and quick reversals as it results in a formula that is smoother. It is supposed to make up the big variety of excessive tops and bottoms and is mostly useful when used together with trend-following strategies. People who rely on strategies, which are based on the notion that inconstancy is a sign of movement, may not realize that movement does not always indicate inconstancy. ADXR gives information belonging to the trend strength. It helps one to minimize the risk of trading in unsteady markets fluctuating between non-trending and trending./

ADXR measures the strength of a prevailing trend and defines if there is direction in a market. As a rule, a reading above 25 is thought to be directional (it is plotted from zero and over). ADX defines the market tendencies and indicates if it changes quickly enough to reach it. ADX helps to get profit staying in the center of significant trends.

This indicator encourages looking for tendency force. If ADX goes up, it means that the market tendency is getting stronger. Then you should stop the bargains only in the direction of the tendency. If ADX goes down, the tendency is rather doubtful. In this case signs submitted by such oscillators as RSI and Momentum become quite significant.

The directional analysis usually follows movements in people's mood - both optimistic and pessimistic, measuring the possibility of the bulls and bears to move the prices under the boundaries of a price range of the preceding day. If the today's lowest price is lower than the yesterday's smallest one, the market is likely to go to pessimism and, vice versa, if the today's best price is higher than yesterday's one, the market can get more optimistic.

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&dupdo; 2005—2013 Forexrealm. com

Learn to Program NinjaTrader Indicators

Course Curriculum

Are you a NinjaTrader user who has been looking for a resource to teach you to program indicators or strategies? Or are you a trader who would like to have an indicator or strategy created or modified? I can assist you on either count. Years ago I could not find a resource to help me learn the craft of NinjaTrader indicator programming and fully understand how helpful a resource like this would have been for me. I do not believe that this type of training is currently available and have made a commitment to provide this guidance. If you have some programming expereince are seeking to learn NinjaTrader indicator programming, I will be happy to help you along your journey.

I have created a course with the goal of enabling a student on completion of the units to be able to create a modestly sophisticated NinjaTrader indicator. Students will gain proficiency in C# NinjaTrader programming with each unit completed without the fustrations of trial and error or having to post on a forum and hoping someone will point them in the correct direction. The course is its final stages of development, so the pricing, schedule and specific details will be posted in the blog in the very near future.

On a personal note, I am an experienced programmer with over 25 years of experience implementing Accounting systems for organizations across North America. I have utilized my years of expereince while learning NinaScript and applied this experience in the development of complex indicators and strategies for many years. I have written 5 auto traders, one of which is being sold commercially. In addition, I have also written a signifcant number indicators for a few trading firms and friends. Please take a moment review my references below.

Course Curriculum Units

UNIT01 NinjaTrader Indicator Overview How to Add a Parameter to an Indicator How to view internal variables in the output window using Print statement

UNIT02 How to add a moving average to the Price chart How to change defaults of the plotted line How to call another indicator and store its results

UNIT03 How to allow to for a choice of number of moving averages to a chart

UNIT04 How to create an alert and your own specific WAV file to be used in the alert

UNIT05 How to plot objects on a chart How to make user defineable colors for added objects

UNIT06 How to shade the background based on a rising or falling Oscillator

UNIT07 How to check another timeframe and use results in the current time frame

UNIT08 How to add multiple colors to a moving average

Each of the units contains a: 1) Sample overview as a screenshot 2) Short video to describe the task and review the screen shot 3) An indicator CS file to start from to complete the exercise 4) CS file with the solution

Plus the most important feature. access to me to guide you along.

Posts below show a simple screenshot of each topic. More details and exercises are provided in the course material.


I have had the good fortune to have met Tony over 2 years ago. He has created for me a number of complicated indicators used both in NinjaTrader and Tradestation. He is a most proficient programmer, trader and also a good trading buddy. Pete O. Atlanta 4/11

Tony's code is first class. His code is clear, structured and a work of art. His integrity is genuine. Thank you for the patience in helping me get what was in my head onto the charts. Thanks for the excellent coding of the auto-traders and indicators I use. ProTrader Ed, New York 4/11

I just wished to let you know how much I have enjoyed your professionalism in every aspect of designing indicators for our trading. Your knowledge, attention to detail, and how fast you turn around our requests has been far superior than anyone I have used in the past 7 years, Not to mention your reasonable pricing! Mark W. San Franscisco 4/11

I have known Tony for the last 18 months. Even though we live on opposite sides of the world, Tony is always available via skype and email for advice, a chat, and as a sounding board. Tony's first and foremost a trader but has developed a programming business to expliot ideas he has encountered as a trader. His focus on trading allows him to quickly understand concepts you may wish to have programmed and can even build on your ideas based on his trading experience. I highly recommend him. Steve D. New Zealand 4/11

I have known Tony for several years. in my opinion you will not find a more honest and supportive person than Tony. He is a specialist in his field and has helped me navigate charting and indicator issues on multicharts. I really appreciate his patience. Steve P. Ontario, Canada 4/11

For over 4 years Tony has been coding indicators and systems to improve my trading based on my specifications. He has the patience of a saint and does not get fustrated when an indicator is not working right. No project was too big and he offered great support even after the indicator was complete. Caterina G. Ottawa, Canada 4/11

Tutorial on Stochastic Oscillator

What is Stochastic Indicator? This is an another type of Oscillator developed by George C. Lane. It is a momentum indicator. This is used to identify the extreme prices range (higher and lower) over a period of time. Components of Stochastic Indicator The Stochastic indicator consist of two parts namely:

1.% K indicators line: This can be calculated by having a recent close price, highest price and lowest price over a period of time (days). Default is 14 days or also known as 14 period. 2.% D Signal line: This is the moving average of % K. Default is 3 days or 3 period.

Depending on the individual traders need and interpreting data one can use other periods also like intraday. week, months etc. But better performance of this indicator is seen with default setting with less false signals.

Stochastic indicator oscillates between 0 to 100 range. Accordingly the overbought (Accumulation) and overbought (Distribution) levels can be determined. Above 80 is considered to be Overbought and below 20 is considered to be oversold levels. Types of Stochastic Oscillator There are three types of Stochastic Oscillator namely: 1.Slow Stochastic Oscillator 2.Fast Stochastic Oscillator and 3.Full Stochastic Oscillator

The former two i. e. Slow and fast are more common then the later i. e. full stochastic indicator. Though all the three types signals gives the same indication, one is more sensitive over other. Or you can say one is more complicated then the other.

Therefore fast stochastic is more sophisticated giving a lot more information over slow stochastic which may be very useful in picking stock and screening the false signal. A full stochastic is a combination of slow and fast stochastic and provide a lot other advance information, which people thinks its very confusing and for other traders its very useful. The most common stochastic indicators among traders are slow and fast stochastic. Here in this website also we are providing Stock Screening based on slow and fast stochastic indicator.

How to Incorporate Stochastic Indicator in Trading?

Traders can use Stochastic Indicator in a number of ways to enhance the quality of stock picking and finally to increase the profit. Below are few mentioned ways:

1. Overbought and Oversold levels: Stochastic indicators are most popularly used for finding the overbought and oversold levels of the stock. Stochastic below 20 is suggested as an oversold condition which gives a signal of better buying opportunity while Stochastic above 80 is an indication of overbought level and a trader may pay attention in selling their open position. Always take precaution and remember this indicator works better in sideways market rather than in trending market Some times the overbought period is very long indicating an uptrend . 2. Divergence: Divergence in stochastic indicators also gives buy and sell signal called positive and negative divergence and they also serve as a reversal signal. a. Negative divergence in stochastic is defined as when in overbought condition(Above 80) the % D Signal line makes a lower highs and the stock price makes higher highs, resulting in negative divergence which indicates a sell signal. Negative divergence signals a possible downward reversal is due. This is also called as bearish divergence. segundo. Positive divergence in stochastic is defined as when in oversold(Below 20) condition the % D Signal line makes a higher lows and the stock price makes lower lows, resulting in positive divergence which indicates a buy signal. Positive divergence signals a possible upward reversal is going to occur that's the reason it is also known as bullish divergence. 3. Crossover: Stochastic lines crossover in a number of ways to gives a number of indications, a trader may utilize to interpret into some meaningful information which further helps in making a confident decision. a. Crossover with Center Line: Stochastic Indicator % D Signal line when crosses the center line a bullish signal is indicated, similarly when it crosses below the center line a bearish signal is dictated. segundo. Crossover Between % K Indicator Line and % D Signal Line. Traders also uses % K Indicator Line and % D Signal Line crossover as a indication of buying and selling signal. When the % K Indicator Line crossovers % D Signal Line such that % D Signal Line is above the % K Indicator Line in the overbought area, indicates a sell signal. And if the % D Signal Line crossovers % K Indicator Line such that % K Indicator Line is above the % D Signal Line in the oversold area is an indication of buy signal. Precautions While Using Stochastic Indicator Stochastic indicators give pretty descent buying and selling signal however a traders has to pay attention what is going around, in the market and has to add few more indicators like volume etc. when using Stochastic as a precaution to avoid any false signals. How to Calculate Stochastic Indicator: Traders don't have to calculate the Stochastic Indicator as there are number of free tools available online which calculate Stochastic Indicator. Traders can change the period time if they wish to. However it is mentioned the typical defaults settings of % K (14 Days) and % D (3 Days) gives the better signal then others.

Where (n) is the number of period or can say days usually 14 Days/Period) % D = Moving average of % K (usually 3 Days/Period)

Our website provides free Stock screening based on Overbought/Oversold conditions. It can be found at:

Related Technical Stock Screener

but what about smooth stochastic. kindly if you tell how can i sort bullish stocks from those 4 stochastic.

Posted by Rajeev Posted on: 31-Oct-2013

The relevance of stochastic indicators & divergence analysis is useful provided the time-frame is determined. Today the markets worldwide is hardly conducive for portfolio built up & in very short term the indicators gives a lot of false signals & hence becomes non trade-able. SO what is the way forward to combine the other key indicators with stochastic to generate a profitable trade?

Posted by yesha Posted on: 18-Oct-2013

I do not decide share buy or sell Your indicator

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If you are a trader looking for ways to make trading simpler and more efficient, you've come to the right place. Leverage technology to your advantage!

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By the end of this course, students would be able to independently develop robust and efficient trading robots and scripts based on their own ideas, and expand on their programming knowledge on their own, as an MQL4 programmer!


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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Jarle Birkeland (pictured) is the founder and portfolio manager of newly launched Norwegian long/short equity fund Alchemy Trading. In an interview with HedgeNordic, Birkeland explains the strategy behind the fund and reveals how his career as a professional football player taught him trading discipline.

HedgeNordic: How would you describe the fund in a nutshell?

A: Long short equity fund with a variable bias. Objective is to generate returns of 10-15% with a volatility budget of half that. We treat our cash balance with care and deploying capital when opportunities arise. Turnover is relatively high but varies, dependent on our trading expectancy and portfolio sizing principles engrained in the Kelly Criterion. Trade expectancy is just probability adjusted historical returns of winning versus losing trades. The Kelly Criterion gives guidance on optimal sizing of ideas in portfolios to reduce volatility. Stock selection process is top down and sizing reflects an assessment of risk-adjusted returns of the individual idea. Sizing can be a function of visual confirmation of multiple time frames or conviction in a certain short-term catalyst. Short-term catalysts that combine seasonality and behavioral component often send powerful signals. Fund has a particular knack for capturing alpha from the behavioral bias of local asset allocators. We find it unnecessary to be beta neutral through short positions in index futures or shorts, although recognize pair-trading has been out of favor for quite some time, so never say never.

HedgeNordic: Is there a long bias in the fund? How much does your net exposure vary?

A: To a certain extent, the mandate maintains full flexibility within the context of public listed equities and ETFs in the Nordic space. Net exposure has averaged 45%, but overstates the true long bias, as short exposures have tended to be short-term and tactical. Historically, net exposure has a had a pretty wide range, from -10% to +80% with gross being capped at 100%.

HedgeNordic: Why fee structure of 2.5% and 25% above 10% rather than 2/20?

A: We felt that rather than a 2% and 20% for typical start-ups, 25% above 10% absolute return including watermark would be a good alignment of interests between fiduciary and investors. Most of the investors outside of the 25% held by fiduciaries of Alchemy Trading are high net worth individuals who look for stable returns above a certain benchmark rate of lets say 5%.

HedgeNordic: Why name the fund Alchemy Trading?

A: We just want to remind ourselves that remaining flexible and open-minded is a virtue. Especially when things stop working and one needs to reassess the external environment we are in. As for a good metaphorical analogy, there is one in Louis Kevran’s empirical observation in the alchemical transformation in chickens. The French physics establishment was reminded of the need to keep an open mind, when Kevran mathematically proofed the free range chickens ability to transform potassium found in the soil into calcium, violating an important assumption in the law of conservation mass.

HedgeNordic: Tell us more about your background?

A: As a youngster I’d rather spend my 10 kroner weekly allowance on odds coupon at the local gas station than on candies. I don’t recall if there was a lot left for candies after the game week, as it was a totally “try-and-fail” exercise. But it gave me some insight into the nature of staking your odds, if the intention was to come out positive. Later on, I had a short-lived career as a professional football player in Werder Bremen U23, and several appearances for the Norwegian youth national team. During that timeframe, I got acquainted with the foremost pioneer in Scandinavia for mental training for professional athletes, Frank Beck, who was also from my home town Tønsberg. I received some valuable advice from him on performance endurance and enhancement techniques as a defense player. Being disciplined about certain practice principles in training and the early fascinating for high stakes odds, helped shape my investment philosophy as an aspiring independent trader. We built Alchemy Trading pretty much from scratch through the help of friends and family. We started with our super rigid risk management guidelines, but a flexible approach, trying to reverse engineer what works, rather than adopting a particular category or style. 3.5 years out, our performance ratios are indeed in line with pre-Alchemy returns, in a variable bias long short strategy.

HedgeNordic: Your strategy focuses on identifying the best risk-reward ideas in liquid stocks in Nordic indices. Can you describe how you identify the best risk-rewards and how do you size those positions?

A: We start by identifying the most liquid names on a weekly basis from a universe of 300-400 names and assess whether there is anything that stands out as far as visual trends on short, medium and long-term time frames. Any match with historical value-traded bands that visualize large volumes at key areas of support or resistance adds further significance to those time frames as they give an excellent proxy for where liquidity increases or decreases. We believe that liquidity is a great proxy for future multiple expansion or contraction. By identifying these paths of least resistance, we can eke out gains. Sizing of positions reflects levels of conviction. A full weighting in anything is only achieved if there is visual confirmation on multiple time frames or there is a short-term catalyst in the horizon that skews risk-reward significantly during that specific time frame. A catalyst could be anything from a localized theme derived from a global macro/policy action or a buffer from a large dividend payment, amplifying the liquidity in the stock, attracting quantitative flows.

HedgeNordic: Have you identified a sweet spot where your approach works best, be it geography, a certain sector, market cap or other factors that weigh in?

A: Mid-cap companies that manage to achieve traction or growth within global market themes in Scandinavia often see hefty bouts of multiple expansions, as local asset allocators replicate each other’s portfolios. A qualitative explanatory factor could be a certain tradition of overcoming invisible barriers implicit in the word ‘bøygen’ that is often used in Nordic folklore. In a modern context, the invisible barrier is the local oligopoly or monopoly. Chances are they either are acquired by the local monopoly protecting their turf, truly has a global edge as local market is too small or often in the shorter time-frames, activist shareholders make tactical changes in the company to increase liquidity.

HedgeNordic: Can you talk us through your asset allocation, how you identify investment candidates, perform due diligence and determine time and size to enter a position?

A: We just aggregate the best individual risk-reward setups within our liquidity screenings. Waiting with ample cash for the right opportunities is just important, as they always show up. This requires flexibility. If there is an underlying style bias at all our stock selection, it is a focus on quality companies without balance sheet issues. An example of a ‘strong conviction, lightly held’ stance within the oil-services sector would be taking an agnostic stance on oil and focusing on seasonality.

Strong appetite to tap capital markets between now and the summer months well ahead of covenant triggers in the third quarter of this year needs to be weighed against seasonal strength going into May. A return-reversal or short bias pair long BWLPG/ short DETNOR. BWLPG has a favorable balance sheet, long duration contracts and downside support from a hefty dividend payout structure. Meanwhile, DETNOR is invariably incentivized to safeguard any uncertainty in their upcoming covenant negotiations by shoring its capital structure. Another incentive is that It already reflects a hefty takeover premium and a NAV that reflects a forward curve oil price going all the way to like year 2025.

HedgeNordic: Could you elaborate on the pros and cons of maintaining a fairly large cash position?

A: There is no target on maintaining a certain cash level. Whether the portfolio construction has a variable long or short bias is fairly arbitrary, as it’s a summation of best individual risk-adjusted returns. Having a multiple time framework and combining short-term catalysts allowed us to be selective and as a direct consequence emphasizes IRR on capital deployed. A volatility environment should favor a lower volatility profiles like ours over ultra-low volatility strategies that rely on more leverage. Au contraire, a challenging liquidity environment implies less multiple expansions opportunities. Calibrating this strategy for declining liquidity trend with short biased setups with contrarianism is not easy. Whether that can be combined with a mandate for capital preservation is open question.

HedgeNordic: What are the specific risk factors you see for an investor investing in your strategy in general. Can you walk through your risk management process?

A: Our process focuses on maintaining a trading expectancy where wins exceed losses by a factor of two. With a trade of +1,5% per trade and a win rate of 44%, the average gain and loss on a trade is 8% and -3%. We reduce gross exposure substantially after moderate drawdowns, whether it’s through cutting individual positions with low weightings or top slicing the holdings in the portfolio as a whole. One risk management guideline we use is mathematician Ed Thorpe’s adaptation of the Kelly Criterion we mentioned earlier. You put yourself in a ‘gamblers shoes’ or in my case an ‘athletes shoes’ use the handicap to size your positions. Thorpe figured out that halving your maximum bet sizes derived from the Kelly Criterion reduced volatility of returns by 75%. It’s not perfect, but some very successful fiduciaries of external mandates use it. We like to think that there are similarities to guidelines Mr. Freeman-Shor of Old Mutual uses to select his managers. He tracks their ability to run concentrated portfolios of 10 names, maintaining a positive trade expectancy (no large drawdowns) combined with 1 or maximum 2 outsized gains.

HedgeNordic: How do you manage the fund’s risk level and what are your active decisions based on?

A: When I initiate an idea based on a theme, I start out with a 1-2% allocation and apply a stop-loss with a time-limit qualification. That may mean exiting the position at the end of the session or by the end of the week. If it is working, I will add a bit more. If there is an edge in identifying a short-term catalyst that local asset allocators not discount because of their behavioral biases, I will add a lot more. We generally rule, we try to limit the number of concentrated bets within a theme and calibrate gross exposure dynamically by trading liquid blue-chips. That helps reduce large drawdowns during large market dislocations. The overriding long-term goal here is to keep a high Calmar Ratio, defined as historical average returns / maximum drawdown. The better our accumulated returns for the year, the more buffer to take on more risk and vice-versa. In volatile and tactically driven markets, we keep leverage even lower and focus on maintaining our trade expectancy metrics. We are just talking possibilities and probabilities here, but calibrating between a selective portfolio composition of 10 shorts and 5 longs with weights of 2-3% and 3-4% and 10 longs and 5 shorts of 4-5% and 2-3% weighting safeguards the volatility budget. Back-testing our trade expectancy on our shorts shows that they are accretive. There is some comfort in knowing that the difference in the expectancy with our longs can be largely explained by the relative average holding periods.

HedgeNordic: How do you determine the size and position and define the duration of the investment?

A: Sizing varies significantly between 1 to 15% with 0 to 15 names in the portfolio. The average holding over the years is 13, but we try keep the tally as systematic as possible, based on measurements of conviction. Average holding period of our best ideas can exceed a year, just like a best idea in Old Mutual best idea portfolio. One idea captured close to a 100% return in 2015 with a 6% average weighting helped an otherwise tough year of grinding markets in 2015. Still, only 5% of our ideas see realized gains of more than 20% and less than 1% of our ideas see realized losses exceeding 10%. We have an ADP on longs of 27 days on gains and 5 days on losses. ADP on shorts of 5 days on gains and 4 days on losses. Since ADP of shorts is much shorter, we can see where there is room for improvement.

HedgeNordic: You have 2 risk profiles for your fund. One which limits gross exposure to 100%, the other which can use leverage to reach a gross exposure to 200%. Could you explain the differences between the 2 risk profiles for investors.

A: We found relatively early on through back-testing results that increasing the gross exposure exclusively to the periods when highest conviction setups exceeded 100% of gross as a result of our allocation process, investors who were willing to accept moderate risk profiles could enhanced returns substantially. A minority of investors have chosen to keep this enhanced risk profile where gross exposure can be taken to 200%.

HedgeNordic: Aren’t you a trend follower? How do you make returns when market are not trending? How do you trade sideways / grinding markets / whipsawing markets?

A: Trend followers may place less emphasis on fundamentals and valuations on a standalone basis. For us, fundamentals weigh heavily in our assessment on higher conviction ideas. Like trend followers, we value good entry point because it keeps our trade expectancy relatively consistent. Being early makes it difficult to be compatible with a given volatility budget. Historically, the preference is to allow for benchmark indexes to make their move and settle first without taking too much risk. Avoiding large air pockets of volatility and assessing levels were liquidity is on your side makes things simpler. Use contrarian indicators such as sentiment and breadth indicators to time return-reversal price action systematically seems complicated. We do try to empirically test breadth at key resistance or support levels where there is a lot of historical volume. Having the right mindset and trading philosophy we feel it is crucial. The probabilistic approach to assessing risk reward of individual ideas rather than timing market directions is more compatible with this. In a world of Facebook and Twitter, ‘strong opinions’ on anything outside of the long game is easy faded. We routinely go through the same mental exercise, assigning probabilities on a certain action affects outcomes. Still avoiding pride in our own analysis when something comes along and disproves it is so much more important.

HedgeNordic: Is there a home bias in your exposures is the country exposure a reflection of the difference in the market capitalization between countries in the Nordics?

A: Sure. Our investment process is fairly straight-forward in that a top-down identification process of identifying positively skewed risk-returns is focused on the most liquid securities. There are many more attractive risk-reward setups on medium-term timeframes than short-term timeframes, many of which currently exist in blue-chips across all Nordic regions, particularly in Sweden if benchmark indices are allowed to correct to such levels.

HedgeNordic: What is the current strength of your forecasting signals, what kind of market environment is the models telling you lies ahead?

A: It’s easier to predict how local market participants will behave over the coming period against a backdrop of strong seasonality in stats that tell you that you are supposed to sell in May and go away. Many overseas investment managers used to often joke around that Norway is the land of cream and honey. We don’t hear that much anymore, but we still stick to our long summer holidays. The incentive for energy and oil service companies to make the most out of the pre May 17th window to shore up their capital structure is stronger than most other regions. Quantitative strategies may not be discounting the esoteric risks of how credit ratings will react to continued poor fundamentals.

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