Sunday, November 27, 2016

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Estación central de Estocolmo de la divisa

Estación central de Estocolmo de la divisa

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Los grandes comerciantes pueden darse el lujo de aprovecharse masivamente en busca de ganancias a corto plazo, dice Bhatt, lo que hace que los mercados sean volátiles. Hay una serie de técnicas que se asocian con el comercio exitoso de divisas y como las monedas se negocian siempre en parejas que usted necesita saber los factores que contribuirán a su caída o aumento.

Y entonces, también, en cuanto a mí, es el dinero para el comienzo del comercio. Hermanos, los principales índices y engaños que comercian regularmente.

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Estación central de Estocolmo de la divisa

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Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central. - Foro de Oslo

Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central.

Espero que obtendrá un mejor acuerdo en general mediante el uso de una tarjeta de crédito en un cajero automático, incluyendo los cargos, porque el cajero le dará un tipo de cambio mucho mejor.

Puede comprobar el tipo de cambio en los cajeros automáticos en el hall de llegadas del aeropuerto de Oslo (sin retirar dinero) y compararlo con la tarifa en el mostrador de cambio de divisas justo al lado de ellos. Si usted sabe cuáles son sus cargas de la tarjeta usted puede trabajar cuál es la mejor oferta.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

Aunque Forex no cobra ningún cargo, le da un tipo de cambio rediculamente malo.

Podría ser más sabio retirar dinero del cajero automático usando la tarjeta de débito (que es generalmente más barata que la tarjeta de crédito) y puede confirmar las tasas de su banco, o cambiar dinero en los contadores de divisas Nordea (un banco noruego) fuera de las plataformas Flytoget en Oslo S estación. Si desea caminar un poco más, DNB banco en Karl Johan Gate (principal calle comercial) puede ofrecer una tarifa aún mejor.

Usted puede comparar las tasas usted mismo en línea en los sitios web de Forex y Nordea.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

No está listo para reservar?

No hay prisa. Hemos guardado este viaje en tu carrito para que puedas volver en cualquier momento, comparar precios y completar tu reserva.

Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central. - Foro de Oslo

Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central.

Espero que obtendrá un mejor acuerdo en general mediante el uso de una tarjeta de crédito en un cajero automático, incluyendo los cargos, porque el cajero le dará un tipo de cambio mucho mejor.

Puede comprobar el tipo de cambio en los cajeros automáticos en el hall de llegadas del aeropuerto de Oslo (sin retirar dinero) y compararlo con la tarifa en el mostrador de cambio de divisas justo al lado de ellos. Si usted sabe cuáles son sus cargas de la tarjeta usted puede trabajar cuál es la mejor oferta.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

Aunque Forex no cobra ningún cargo, le da un tipo de cambio rediculamente malo.

Podría ser más sabio retirar dinero del cajero automático usando la tarjeta de débito (que es generalmente más barata que la tarjeta de crédito) y puede confirmar las tasas de su banco, o cambiar dinero en los contadores de divisas Nordea (un banco noruego) fuera de las plataformas Flytoget en Oslo S estación. Si desea caminar un poco más, DNB banco en Karl Johan Gate (principal calle comercial) puede ofrecer una tasa aún mejor.

Usted puede comparar las tasas usted mismo en línea en los sitios web de Forex y Nordea.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

No está listo para reservar?

No hay prisa. Hemos guardado este viaje en tu carrito para que puedas volver en cualquier momento, comparar precios y completar tu reserva.

Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central. - Foro de Oslo

Cambio de divisas cerca de la estación central.

Espero que obtendrá un mejor acuerdo en general mediante el uso de una tarjeta de crédito en un cajero automático, incluyendo los cargos, porque el cajero le dará un tipo de cambio mucho mejor.

Puede comprobar el tipo de cambio en los cajeros automáticos en el hall de llegadas del aeropuerto de Oslo (sin retirar dinero) y compararlo con la tarifa en el mostrador de cambio de divisas justo al lado de ellos. Si usted sabe cuáles son sus cargas de la tarjeta usted puede trabajar cuál es la mejor oferta.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

Aunque Forex no cobra ningún cargo, le da un tipo de cambio rediculamente malo.

Podría ser más sabio retirar dinero del cajero automático usando la tarjeta de débito (que es generalmente más barata que la tarjeta de crédito) y puede confirmar las tasas de su banco, o cambiar dinero en los contadores de divisas Nordea (un banco noruego) fuera de las plataformas Flytoget en Oslo S estación. Si desea caminar un poco más, DNB banco en Karl Johan Gate (principal calle comercial) puede ofrecer una tasa aún mejor.

Usted puede comparar las tasas usted mismo en línea en los sitios web de Forex y Nordea.

Denunciar contenido inapropiado

Usted puede hacer las matemáticas usted mismo, como usted sabe los honorarios en su propia tarjeta.

Si tiene una tarjeta Visa, puede obtener las tasas de conversión utilizadas: ... visa. com / personal / ... consumer_ex_rates_us. jsp

Compare aquellos (agregando los cargos por el uso en el extranjero) a las tarifas en el sitio forex. no y vea qué le da el mejor resultado.

* El uso de su tarjeta por 200 NOK con Visa (y un cargo de conversión del 2%) será de US $ 35.60

* Intercambiar US $ 36.40 le dará 200 NOK en Forex.

Por lo tanto, si su banco le cobra más de US $ .80 por transacción, sería (en este caso) mejor cambiar dinero en efectivo.

Oslo, Noruega & # 183; 17 mensajes en el foro

Aunque Forex no cobra ningún cargo, le da un tipo de cambio rediculamente malo.

Podría ser más sabio retirar dinero del cajero automático usando la tarjeta de débito (que es generalmente más barata que la tarjeta de crédito) y puede confirmar las tasas de su banco, o cambiar dinero en los contadores de divisas Nordea (un banco noruego) fuera de las plataformas Flytoget en Oslo S estación. If you wish to walk a bit further, DNB bank on Karl Johan Gate (main shopping street) may offer an even better rate.

You can compare rates yourself online on Forex and Nordea websites.

14 June 2013, 18:48

Charmouth, United Kingdom · 2,389 forum posts

I think you will find inter-bank exchange rates for ATM and normal card transactions are pretty much the same everywhere and about 4 - 5% better than over the counter rates at banks or foreign exchange kiosks. If there are fixed charges for cash withdrawals then it makes sense to take out one large amount rather than several small ones. The chances of having cash stolen in Norway are extremely low unless you are very careless.

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Currency Issues, Copenhagen

by balhannah Written Aug 16, 2012

Favorite thing: Denmark is a EU COUNTRY, BUT IT USES THE DANISH KRONER, not the euro.

When you arrive at the Airport it is easy to get Kroners from the ATM machines and money exchange.

Foreign exchange is available from the Danske Bank located in the Transit Area of Terminal 2 and before security check points. Nordea located in Transit Area of Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 before security check points.

ATM'S Danske Bank ATM is located before security check point in Terminal 2. Nordea's ATM is located in Transit Area of Terminal 2 and before security check point in Terminal 3.

Banks are open from 10 - 4pm - Monday to Friday. On Thursday banks are open to 6pm At Copenhagen’s Central Station banking hours are from 7:00 - 9pm. 7 days/week. ATM machines and service is provided outside every bank in Copenhagen and accepts all international credit cards.

by Gillybob Updated Jul 13, 2011

Favorite thing: Denmark is a member of the European Union, however, this does not automatically mean that its currency is the Euro.

In fact, the European Union and the Euro Zone have differenct memberships. Countries within the European Union that are NOT members of the Euro Zone include : Denmark Sweden United Kingdom

Some shops, restaurants, museums, hotels and other establishments will accept the Euro but give you change in Kroner. Unfortunately, this is the most costly way to operate in Copenhagen as the exchange rate offered for Euro will be lower than the norm if changed anywhere other than Foreign Exchange Bureaux or banks.

Related to:

Budget Travel

by Ewingjr98 Updated Feb 1, 2008

Favorite thing: Despite Denmark being part of the European Union, the Danish people chose not to convert to the Euro in 2000 with the rest of Europe. Danish Money is called the Krone (plural is Kroner). The exchange rate between the Krone and the Euro is now fixed to ensure a more stable currency in relation to the rest of the EU. Denmark rejected adoption of the Euro in 2000, and the government dropped another proposed referendum in 2004. The Danish government would still like to adopt the Euro sometime in the near future.

Kroner are easy to find in the major cities. ATMs are common and major credit cards are widely accepted.

by cachaseiro Written Jul 16, 2006

Favorite thing: when changing money in copenhagen your best bet is using a company called forex. they are located several places around town, including the main train station, and have good rates and charge small exchange fees. some other exchange places charge enormous fees and you should check carefully before using any other than forex.

Related to:

Budget Travel

by Pakistaniguy Written Mar 9, 2004

Favorite thing: Denmark uses Dänish Kroner as their curreny and Euros are not their curreny so u need to come here and exchange into Dänish Kroners. There are different exchange rates which are offered at different places. Better go to the Tourist Information office and ask for their guidence about this issue.

by orlikins Written Apr 9, 2006

Favorite thing: Denmark is not in the EURO-zone, so you have to convert to the local Danish kroner! But if they did, apparently it would look like this.

Payment systems are one of basic elements of infrastructure of e-commerce. In February 2009 the company entered into an agreement with Fexco to acquire 100% of its shares for $ 159.9 million. The presence of Western Union Gold Card at the client greatly simplifies the process of further processing of money transfers of and reduces the operation time for the sending of money, as the "Gold Card" is a carrier of the personal information about the client. Gold Card Loyalty Program Western Union The project of congressmen involved the construction of lines with the length of two thousand miles in 10 years. Western Union handled the government task within 112 days. The secret of Sibley was simple: he used the tactics of the "Western Union". Founder of Western Union Hiram Sibley was born in 1807 in Massachusetts (USA). At age of 14 has mastered the profession of shoemaker, at age 16 he left his native cityand moved to New York, where he went into wool carder.

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Stockholm is generally referred to as "Beauty on Water" (photo) or "Venice of the North" or "City of Islands" which is built upon 14 islands. It is surrounded by Lake Malaren and by the Baltic Sea.

Airport Information

Name of airport: Arlanda Airport Distance to city: 41 km Airport tax: SEK 263 Transportation between airport and city:



SEK 60

frequency: every 10 min



Flying hours from Hong Kong on direct flights


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Customs allowance

200 cigarettes / 50 cigars / 100 cigarillos / 250 grammes of other tobacco products for passengers of 15 or older. 1 litres of spirits or 2 litres of liquor and 2 litres of non-sparkling wine for passengers of 20 or older. Click here for more details


Swedish krona (SEK) Approximately 1SEK = HK$1.1605 = US$0.1488 Click here for restrictions Exchange offices: Ў@ All the banks in Stockholm and Forex. Banks are opened from 0930 - 1500. Some offices are open 1 and even 2 hours longer. On Thursday most banks are opened until 1800. The bank in Arlanda Airport is opened daily from 0700 - 2200. Forex normally give you the best exchange rates. Ў@ Forex offices:

The Centralstation, open daily 0700 - 2100

City Terminalen, open Mon - Fri 0900 - 1900, Sat 1000 - 1500

Sweden House (Sverigehuset), Hanngton, open Mon - Fri 0900 - 1900, Sat - Sun 0900 - 1700

Vasagtan 14, open Mon - Fri 1000 - 1800

Arlanda Airport Terminal 2, open daily 0600 - 2200

Time Zone

GMT: + 1 Difference from Hong Kong: - 7


Trains Bus Taxis The Underground Tram Boat

Tourist Attraction

Stadshuset (photo) - the Government office and the symbol of Stockholm. It is built in 1923. Vasa Museum - housing the 17th century royal warship Vasa, which sank in 1628 and was salvaged in 1961, after 333 years on the ocean floor. Skansen - the world's largest and oldest open-air folk museum, with approx. 140 old, showing Swedish cultural, history and animal life. There are a zoo, an aquarium, terrarium and a tobacco museum. Gamla Stan (The Old Town) - the oldest parts of Stockholm. Narrow alleys and very special atmosphere, art galleries, plenty of good shopping and numerous restaurants. The Royal Palace . the Stockholm cathedral and Riddarholm church are in this area. Grona Land - amusement park Drottningholm Palace - a "Sweden's Versailles". Residence of Sweden's royal family Ulriksdal Palace - 350 years old. The palace theatre Confidencen, puts on concerts, ballets, operas and plays. City Hall - The Gold Room with its mosaics and The Blue Room, where the Nobel banquet is held each year. Cosmonova - new exciting attraction is situated in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet. Planetarium shows and exhibitions in a unique omnitheatre. Fascinating films is the world's largest film format. Medieval Museum - displaying restored sections of the medival city wall of Stockholm. Aquaria Water Museum - follow a river from a tropical rain forest into the sea with sharks, other fishes and live coral reefs. Milles Estate - home of sculptor Carl Milles (1875 - 1955) Waldemarsudde - home of Prince Eugen (1865 - 1947), "the painter prince" The National Museum - includes a unique collection of 17th century Dutch paintings. The Modern Museum - contains an internationally famous collection of 20th century art. The Historical Museum - ten thousand years of Swedish history, in particular the history of the Vikings. Unique findings from Brika, Sweden's first town. The museum also features Northern Europe's finest collection of wooden sulptures and handicraft. Kaknas Tower - the tallest building in Scandinavia, 155 metres. Panoramic platforms, restaurant and tourist office.

Shopping Guide

Hamngatan Drottninggatan Sergels Torg The Old Town Sture Galleria Market of Ostermalmstorg Market of Hotorget July and August are the months of the summer sales in Stockholm. Incredible bargains everywhere!

Food in Stockholm

"Lunch of the day" available at most restaurants Monday - Friday. Aprox. SEK50 will buy a meal comprising salad, main dish, bread and butter, a drink with your meal and coffee. Tip included.

Special Events

Veteran Steamboats Day

In the beginning of June, Stockholm's proud white fleet on parade.

Midsummer celebrations

In the mid summer, end of June, the people celebrate the sun with music and dancing in the light summer night.

Stockholm Water Festival

On the second week of August. It is to celebrate the city's pure water. Hundreds of activities bustling 24 hours a day, including World fire Championships, swimming races, midnight marathon, shooting the rapids in the city centre, music, art, dancing and water sports, stc.

Nobel Prize Festival

On 10th December, prizes for literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and economics are presented in the presence of the Swedish King and Queen. The festival ends with a banquet in the magnificent rooms of the City Hall.

St. Lucia festival

On 13th December, old, traditional midwinter festival



Official Languages: Swedish Language of Business and Administration: Swedish, English and German


220 / 230 volts, 50 Hz

Emergency and Useful Tel. No.

S. O.S. Worldwide Alarm Centres: Please click here Call 112 for all emergencies, free of charge. For information when ill, call (within Stockholm) 449200. They will provide you with a physician or a dentist.

Travel Tips

Don't miss the Stockholm Card - the key to the sights of Stockholm! One-day card for one adult and 2 children costs 175SEK. The card will be provided free antrance to more than 60 places of interest, bus, boat tours, and unlimited travel by underground and local trains throughout the country. Guide book in four languages is included. The card can be bought in any of the tourist offices in Stockholm.

The Tourist Centre: Tel 08-7892495

HotellCentralen (Accomodation booking office): Stockholm Central Railway Station, Tel 08- 240880

Stadshuset: City Hall

Buy SL tourist card

One-day card (56SEK)or 3-day card (107 SEK). Unlimited bus and underground travel. On sale at all tourist offices.

Don't rent a car for use inside the city. It's rather difficult to find a parking place down town, except the parking houses which are expensive.

Travel Agent

You are the visitor to this page. * Disclaimer Comments and contribution are welcome. Please send to Ms Margaret Chu Tiglion Consultancy Company Limited Room 902 Yue Xiu Building, 160-174 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (852) 2598 7660 / (852) 2511 7189 (852) 2519 7296 travel@travel. com. hk Last modified Aug 7 1999 Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 Tiglion Consultancy Company Limited. Todos los derechos reservados.

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FOREX Bank is a Swedish financial services company specialising in currency exchange services. The company was started in 1927 providing services fortravellers, at the Central Station in Stockholm. The owner of Gyllenspet's Barber Shop, according to the legend, discovered that most of his customerswere tourists in need of currency for their trips. The owner began keeping the major currencies on hand.

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This bank operates in the following European countries and selected dependent territories of the European countries: Forex bank ab stockholm.

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Los sistemas de garantía de depósitos compensan ciertos depósitos de los depositantes de un banco que no puede cumplir con sus obligaciones.

FOREX Bank has been the Nordic market leader in travel funds since 1965. Since mid-2003, FOREX bank has also offered a …

Any bank can be identified for different purposes and hence can have several different identifiers.

En 2014 los activos totales de FOREX Bank Aktiebolag fueron 7 105,00 mln SEK. La disminución en comparación con el período anterior (2013) fue de -8,63%. The evolution of thetotal assets of FOREX Bank Aktiebolag is shown at Chart 1 below. Gráfico 1. Activos totales de FOREX Bank Aktiebolag.

[No translation for /masterTop/popupintrotext, en]

The company, which is still wholly owned by the Friberg family, has expanded into Finland (1993), Denmark (1994) and Norway (2004) and has 130shops,[2][3][4][5] located at railway stations or airports, shopping malls and other hubs. In 2003, the company extended its business into banking andcan also offer current and savings accounts incl internet and mobile banking, loans, debit and credit cards, cash handling, money transfer andpayments.

Regarder Forex bank ab stockholm

MFI ID of FOREX Bank Aktiebolag is shown in the table below. Forex bank ab stockholm.

All credit institutions operating in Sweden are obliged to participate in Swedish deposit guarantee scheme.

[No translation for /masterTop/popupgotomobile, en]

MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) is a code, unique to each institution in the MFI list provided by ECB (European Central Bank).MFI ID is hence applicable to MFIs resident in the European Union.

Recent changes in total liabilities of FOREX Bank Aktiebolag and its main components are shown in Table 2.

Minimum reserves is the minimum amount of reserves a credit institution is required to hold with a central bank.

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Fast Facts

Area Code -- The international country code for Sweden is 46; the city code for Gothenburg is 031. (If you're calling Gothenburg from abroad, drop the 0; within Gothenburg, drop the 031.)

Bookstores -- The biggest and most central is Akademi Bokhandeln, Norra Hamngatan 26 (tel. 031/61-70-31 ).

Business Hours -- Generally, shops are open Monday to Friday 10am to 6 or 7pm and Saturday from 10am to 3 or 4pm. Large department stores, such as NK, are also open on Sunday, usually from 11am to 4pm. Most banks are open Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 3pm, and offices are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Currency Exchange -- Currency can be exchanged at Forex, in the Central Station (tel. 031/15-65-16 ), daily 7am to 9pm. There are also currency exchange desks at both Landvetter and Gothenburg City Airport, each open daily 5:15am to 10:45pm.

Dentists -- Call the referral agency, Stampgatan (tel. 031/80-78-00 ), Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday to Sunday 8am to 4pm.

Doctors -- If it's not an emergency, your hotel can call a local doctor and arrange an appointment. If it's an emergency, go to Axess Akuten, Södra Allegatan 6 (tel. 031/725-00-00 ).

Drugstores -- A good pharmacy is Apoteket Vasen, Götgatan 12, Nordstan (tel. 0771/45-04-50; www. apoteket. se), open daily 8am to 10pm.

Embassies & Consulates -- Neither Britain nor the U. S. maintains a consulate in Gothenburg; Americans and citizens of Australia, Britain, Ireland, and New Zealand must contact their embassies in Stockholm.

Emergencies -- The number to call for nearly all emergencies (fire, police, medical) is tel. 112.

Eyeglasses -- Go to Wasa Optik, Vasaplatsen 7 (tel. 031/711-05-35 ). It's open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm.

Hairdressers & Barbers -- We like the skilled staff at Salong Noblesse, Södra Larmgatan 6 (tel. 031/711-71-30 ), open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm.

Internet -- The city library, Stadsbibliotek, Götaplatsen (tel. 031/61-65-00 ), offers free Internet access from a half-dozen stations, although it's best to phone in advance to the English-speaking staff for insights into the library's reservations policies that might be in effect at the time. It's open Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday 11am to 5pm (closed Sun May-Aug). There are also seven or eight computers available for access at Centralhuset (no phone), a service center within Gothenburg's Central Railway Station. They're usually available daily from 9am to 7pm.

Laundry & Dry Cleaning -- Because most Swedes have access to washing machines of their own, and because most hotels make laundry and dry-cleaning part of their service packages, self-service laundromats are hard to find. One that's centrally located, however, close to the Scandic Hotel Europa, is the Nordstan Service Center, Lilla Klädpressare 1 (tel. 031/15-03-00 ), which also does dry-cleaning.

Liquor Laws -- You must be 18 to consume alcohol in a restaurant, but 20 to purchase alcohol in liquor stores. No alcohol can be served before noon. Most pubs stop serving liquor at 3am, except special nightclubs with a license to stay open later. Liquor can be purchased at state-owned liquor shops known as Systembolag, but only Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm, and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

Lost Property -- Go to the police station.

Luggage Storage & Lockers -- You can store luggage and rent lockers at the Central Station for 20SEK to 85SEK ($4-$17/£2-£8.50), depending on the size of the luggage.

Photography Supplies -- An excellent store is Expert, Arkaden 9 (tel. 031/80-20-70 ), open Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

Police -- The main police station is Polismyndigheten, Ernst Fortells Plats (tel. 031/739-20-00 ), opposite Ullevi Stadium.

Post Office -- Gothenburg doesn't define any particular branch of its many post offices as preeminent or "central," but a branch of the Swedish Postal Service that's convenient to everything in the city's commercial core is at Nordstan (tel. 031/80-65-29 ), a 5-minute walk from the Central Station. It's open Monday to Saturday 10am to 3pm.

Radio & TV -- Gothenburg has Swedish-language TV broadcasts on TV1 and TV2, both of which are government-funded stations, and TV3 and TV4, both of which are commercially (that is, privately) funded. It also receives such British channels as Super Sky and BBC. National radio stations include P1, P2, P3, and P4; Radio Gothenburg broadcasts on 101.9 MHz (FM).

Shoe Repair -- Try Mister Minit, Nordstan (tel. 031/15-21-27 ). Repairs are made while you wait.

Taxes -- Gothenburg imposes no special city taxes other than the value-added tax (MOMS, usually calculated at 25%), which applies nationwide.

Transit Information -- For tram and bus information, call tel. 0771/41-43-00.

Nota . This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

practical info

When visiting a foreign country, there’s always some practical information you wish you’d knew beforehand. Hopefully these tips and facts will make your days easier.

Last modified: 14.1.2016

transporte público

Pre bought tickets can be purchased at 7-Eleven, Deli De Luca and Narvesen. Ticket machines are placed at the largest stations. You can also use their app for smartphones. If you buy single tickets from the driver its NOK 50 for adults and NOK 25 for children/senior. If you are caught travelling without a valid ticket you will be fined. The fine amounts to 1150 NOK or 950 NOK if paid on the spot.

Single ticket adult: NOK 32 Pre bought ticket Free transfer/return within one hour.

Single ticket child: NOK 16 Pre bought ticket Free transfer/return within one hour.

7 day pass adult: NOK 240

7 day pass child/youth/senior: NOK 120

24 hour pass adult: NOK 90

24 hour pass child/senior: NOK 45

An Oslo Pass gives you unlimited public transport along with free entrance to numerous museums and attractions, and other advantages. It’s a bit pricey, but could be worth to consider if you plan to visit a lot of sites in a short period of time.

Note that while for most tickets you have to be under 16 to pay a reduced fare, for a 7-day pass you pay the reduced fare as long as it’s stamped before your 20th birthday. This means that for travellers under 20, a 7-day pass is usually the most economic option as long as you’re staying more than one night.


There are many pharmacies in Oslo and they usually follow regular opening hours. There are two pharmacies that are open around the clock: Apotek1 next to the municipal casualty ward and Vitus at Jernbanetorget, opposite the Central Station is open 24 hours. They charge a small additional fee at night.

exchange / money

You can exchange major currencies in almost every bank and post office – and at the Visit Oslo office. You can also exchange money at Forex. Both the banks and Forex gives you approximately the same rates, but banks in general charge a one-time fee of about NOK 50 for making the change, which for most travelers will make Forex a better option, in particular if you’re changing small amounts. Forex have offices at Oslo Central station and around the city.

Bank Axept cards are accepted in most shops. The vast majority of shops and restaurants accepts Visa and Mastercard as well. Diners Club and American Express are accepted in upscale establishments.

There are ATMs everywhere, and at all 7-Elevens as well as most Narvesen and Deli De Luca. Norwegians pay with plastic to a degree that is unparalleled in the rest of the world.

Regular banking hours Mon-Wed, Fri 0815 – 1530, Thu 0815 – 1700, Saturday closed.

The following places have extended opening hours:

Airport Express Terminal With 24h automatic currency withdrawal.

The Norwegian currency is the Norwegian Krone (abbreviated kr, nkr or NOK). One krone consists of 100 øre. Nevertheless, the smallest monetary unit is 1 krone.


At the USE-IT info desk we have eight terminals with internet for use by budget travellers. We also have free WiFi if you prefer to use your own laptop.

USE-IT info desk Møllergata 3 Offers free wireless internet as well as stationary PCs with the ability to print. Everything’s free.

There are also a lot of internet cafes in Storgata. Some of these also have fax machines and you can make cheap phone calls from here. These cafes come and go, so instead of making an insufficient list we’d rather advise you to check it out yourself. You can sign up for free internet either at libraries or at the Use-It office.

Free Wireless Networks Lots of pubs and cafés offer free WiFi to their customers. Just ask around. Most of the hotels in town provide WiFi for free for their customers aswell.


If staying in Norway for more than a few days, it’s usually a good idea purchasing a pre-paid SIM card for your cell phone. This makes it cheaper for you to call, and also cheaper and easier for your Norwegian contacts to call you back. Pre-paid cards can be purchased at most 7-eleven and Narvesen as well as stores selling mobile phones and equipment such as Clas Ohlson, Elkjøp and Expert.

At the USE-IT info desk you can make domestic phone calls for free.

Calling to Norway? The country code is 0047.

Collect calls: 115 (abroad), 117 (Norway) You can make collect calls from all public telephones.

Directory enquiries: 1881 / 1882 (international numbers). NB! Inquiry service are fairly expensive!

información turística

USE-IT is the number one choice for budget travellers in Oslo. The staff and contributors of the Streetwise guide and USE-IT map offer free information, free internet, free phone calls and free luggage storage. Sounds to good to be true? As an organization funded by the municipality, we have no commercial interests and will not try to charge you commissions or push you in the direction of our uncle’s restaurant. We just want to make your stay in Oslo a pleasant one!

USE-IT info desk Møllergata 3 It’s us! The youth information center that creates the USE-IT map and acts as a tourist information for young travelers. We offer eight computers on which you can write, read and print. You can store your luggage here up to 14 days(!). We give information and tips about the city that you probably won’t get elsewhere. We have hiking maps, maps of the city and maps to other cities within the USE-IT Europe network. The best thing about this is that it’s all for free! We do have an age limit though, so if you’re under 27 you’re welcome. If you are over 27 feel free to drop by and pick up our free USE-IT map, but if it’s a busy day we can not guarantee we have time to answer questions.

Visit Oslo: Oslo Tourist Information Centre Jernbanetorget 1, inside Østbanehallen Situated inside Østbanehallen, an old train hall, is the official tourist information center; Visit Oslo. They have lots of guides with information from all of Norway. A great way to get more information if you are considering leaving Oslo to explore more of the country. They also sell the Oslo Pass .

objetos perdidos


Cafe Laundromat Underhaugsveien 2 Arguably one of the few ways to pamper yourself while doing the laundry. Put the clothes in, order a lunch or a drink and sit back relax with your favourite magazine or a book from their collection while the machine is doing your dirty work.

medical assistance

in case of emergencies

Keep in mind that these are emergency numbers only.

tax free shopping

If you are a resident outside out Scandinavia, you get 5% cash refund upon departure, depending on how much you’ve spent in one store. Your purchase has to exceed NOK 315. Ask for a Global Refund Cheque and the shop assistant will wrap and seal the goods. When leaving the country, you must show the sealed goods, your ID and the Global Refund Cheque. You will immediately receive your cash refund. Global Refund is found several places, at the airport, at the tourist information and at the train station. In addition each boat that goes abroad has an office onboard. For information pamphlet on Tax Refund, drop by the Use-It Office.

alquiler de bicicletas

During winter season there are no active bike rentals in Oslo. Probably a good thing, risking your life on the icy streets of winter Oslo might not be such a good thing!

Oslo Bysykkel (Oslo city bike) E-mail There are bike stands located at different places in Oslo where you can borrow a city bike. Residents of Oslo pay 90 NOK for an annual subscription permitting unlimited use of the bikes, but visitors have to rent a card from one of the tourist information offices located at Trafikanten, Oslo Central station or at Fritjof Nansens plass (next to the city hall). You will need to provide a photocopy of a credit card as a deposit.

Follow the instructions provided at the end of each stand. The bikes may be returned to any stand in the city. You can keep the bike for up to three hours, although you can rent a new one immediately after returning it, meaning you can effectively keep the bike all day as long as you check-in and check-out at a bike stand every three hours. The bikes are available between 0600 and 2400. If you get a bike before 2400 you can keep it until your three hours are up, even if it means you’ll return it after midnight.

luggage lockers

Besides offering free information and internet, we at Use-It Oslo also offer you a place to store your bags for free.

The Bus terminal and the following train station has luggage lockers: Oslo S, Nationaltheatret and Lysaker.

Many shops, among them all the state-run alcohol shops (Vinmonopolet) have small lockers for free. They are supposed to be used for you’re belongings while you’re shopping, but it’s possible to leave your stuff there all day as long as you pick it up before the shop closes for the day.

alquiler de coches

If you are staying in Oslo, we suggest that you stick to public transportation. If you are planning trips out of town, renting a car is no problem. Car companies have weekend offers so if you are part of a larger group, this might be the cheapest way of getting around.

If you are lucky, you can get a car for free for driving it to another city. Some rental companies need to transport cars back and forth between cities. Visit www. transfercar4u. no for more information.

Alfa Bilsenter AS H. N.Hauges gate 52 www. alfabilsenter. no Considered the cheapest local car rental service in Oslo. If other popular and well established international car rentals are out of special offers, this is the cheapest place to go.

recommended websites

Sleeping in Airports www. sleepinginairports. net When on the subject of useful websites, sleeping in airports is a killer. The site has the same structure as The Bathroom Diaries, with reviews of airports both international and domestic. Why pay, when you can get it for free with such magnificent sites as these!?


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In our last blog we pointed out the top 3 checkpoints you should use when looking for a true forex mentor and we warned you how to spot the "miner" who is just out to make money off of teaching forex strategies.

Before you hand over your class fees, follow-up with these additional questions from our checklist:

4. How long has the teacher been trading and teaching this exact forex strategy?

If the teacher him/herself has not been trading this strategy very long, or if they were teaching a different forex strategy just a few months ago, that’s a warning sign. If what they were teaching was so great, why have they abandoned it and are now teaching something else? It must not have been as great as they promised it was. And in a month you can bet that you are going to be inundated with their emails where they are "pimping" the next best strategy and once again offering very limited openings for that "never to be given again" class.

5. Does the teacher insist that their students keep a trade log record of all their forex trades?

If accurate journaling and careful record keeping is not encouraged or included, what does that say about the course being offered? What bona fide forex teacher wouldn't want you to keep accurate records of every trade you take along with screenshots so that you can go over the trades at the end of the day, week, month or year and find out what worked well and what needs some tweaking in order to get more profit. If your teacher doesn't push you to keep records, aren't they in fact saying that they don't really care whether you've understood their teachings or not? Or are they afraid that by logging all of your trades you'd start to see how many of the trades that perfectly met their trade methodology actually failed?

And if you're keeping careful records you could easily discuss with your teacher whether or not you're fully understanding their methodology. You'd have the examples, notes, and complete records of each trade easily accessed and sorted right in front of you. You could keep your "notes" and "lessons learned" with each trade and even rank them according to how well they adhered to your trade plan. We're picking out just a few of the key points that a good trade log should include, and of course we've designed all of this and much more in our Forex Smart Tools Log. Here's a screenshot from the trade input tab of the Trade Log - click it to enlarge the image. (All of the screenshots added to each trade can expand to full size within the Trade Log too, although they won't within the blog here).

6. Will the teacher spend anytime in class talking about the mental component of trading forex?

Most professional traders will tell you that trading forex is 80% mental, 10% money management and 10% strategy and that's probably accurate. Will your teacher have you read Mark Douglas' book "Trading In The Zone"? Will your teacher spend time talking about the mental headset you need to become a steady, unemotional, courageous trader – all essential components of trading forex successfully.

If all you're taught is strategy - even if you're taught it well - you're missing out on 90% of what it's going to take for you to become a successful forex trader.

"If you want to change your experience of the markets from fearful to confident, if you want to change your results from an erratic equity curve to a steadily rising one, the first step is to embrace the responsibility and stop expecting the market to give you anything or do anything for you. If you resolve from this point forward to do it all yourself, the market can no longer be your opponent. If you stop fighting the market, which in effect means you stop fighting yourself, you'll be amazed at how quickly you will recognize exactly what you need to learn, and how quickly you will learn it. Taking responsibility is the cornerstone of a winning attitude." © Mark Douglas. Todos los derechos reservados. Excerpt from Trading in the Zone™

We've been scammed so many times that we have a lot of experience when it comes to knowing what to look for in an honest teacher. Learn from our mistakes before you become a victim of another Forex scam masquerading as "teaching". In the next blog we'll present more questions you absolutely need to have answered before you sign up for your next class.

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IMO the best way is if you are studying with someone, Journal your trades, and ask him when things get bad! When you keep your Log, no need teacher or mentor, we are not Karate kid 😀

Comment by Pereira Da Silva Andre on March 10, 2014 at 8:55 am

I, like many others have been through the rip off system enough already, and all what you have listed is probably

something everyone has learned the hard way by now as I haven’t exactly seen anyone disagree with you it seems

everyone else has also been there done that … but what I want to put to the “panel” and anyone else out there is a simple

Are there ANY real teachers out there. & # 8230; Me, I don’t think so, cos from the years that I have been involved and I have met with professional traders as well, the ones who know what they are doing are not looking for pennies from ordinary people, especially people who it would take an army of websites and marketting to get a few hundred dollars from, why bother. Real pro’s are either working at proper institutions (banks, hedge funds etc) or they have since left the banks and are now self employed and picking up high net worth clients by word of mouth or via their previous bank client list etc and they don’t need to deal with the mass market. I myself met with a fund manager who had a client list of people in the billions and I asked him why I hadn’t heard of him and how people find him. and he said why should you. and all the people who need to know do know him. I have not met with one trader who told me that he would like to “teach the public” the one or two that I met that mentioned something along those lines it was more about training a few traders to work under them so that they could slow down a bit themselves, but it certainly wasn’t meant for the benefit of ordinary people, it was part of their plan to grow their business.

In short I do not believe that there are successful trader teachers out there, even the ones that you might think can tick your whole list, are clearly not as good as they claim to be …

Bottom line … why would you play the Saxaphone in Grand Central Station if you are the conductor of the New York Symphony Orchestra.

Comment by Bob on March 10, 2014 at 8:57 am

I agree with Bob. But I keep hoping that maybe a real teacher will come along. I just don’t trust the teaching community of self proclaimed guru’s out there. When are you girls going to start to share some of your trading knowledge as teachers of how to trade. I trust you. Mike

Comment by Mike on March 10, 2014 at 2:35 pm

IMHO No these ladies at Forex Smart Tool are not teaching us trade strategies they are teaching the important stuff…. How to be successful at forex trading.

Comment by Kevin Coyne on March 10, 2014 at 3:59 pm

Specifically in response to Bob’s comments, I would beg to differ.

I’ll start by saying that I’m not selling anything or affiliated with anyone, for that reason I shan’t bother listing names, not here or on request. There are many (if not most), bogus, thieving, lying, failed and scummy “trading gurus” who make great livings from selling snake oil to newbies and hopeful grail hunters, who innocently pony up for rubbish courses. I do not dispute that at all and commend the ladies for writing impeccable articles to not only warn us, but practically instruct us how to avoid them. That said, there are also good coaches. That is a fact. I know some, personally and professionally. Coaches who help for free, and those who charge. And for them, they are real traders. Not institutional, obviously, as institutional traders are working full time at institutions – the clue is in the title. But definitely real traders, successful, balanced and wealthy from trading live – not from coaching. I’ll answer your question first. They might not play the saxophone at Grand Central, but conductors definitely mould, shape and train musicians in the orchestra. When trading a method gets boring, and the psychology becomes second nature – you know you’re doing it right. The result is a very lonesome, second-natured autopilot looking to expand horizons.

The coaches I’m referring to, like your analogy, find – as we all do – that trading is a very lonely endeavour. By the time they have become successful they, as a matter of necessity, have also learned that there is a karma to trading (and life) where what you give, you shall receive. The saxophone player knows that s/he sounds better in an orchestra, and may find it rewarding to direct or teach.

My point is that it’s about balance. Good coaches coach for the obvious selfish and innate human need to be acknowledged for success, but more so for wanting to create and be part of a successful community of like-minded individuals. They trade live, share trades, review setups for their fellow musicians and provide objective advice.

Bob, I note the above not to be argumentative, but to state that these people do exist for a fact. Mostly, they don’t advertise and either charge or have some screening for new students – it would a logistical impossibility for any individual to train what would otherwise be masses of students. Beginners would be better off starting with tools to separate the wheat for the chaff rather than to subside into a state of helpless cynicism.

Where I agree with you, is that if it looks like a duck – it’s a duck.

And with that, kudos again for articles that strive to provide the tools to do just that, discern the good, without giving up.

Comment by Jacques on March 10, 2014 at 4:45 pm

Thank you Jacques for the response, much appreciated. As you haven’t mentioned any names it’s hard to decipher your argument fully, as I and many others would love to meet these golden hearted traders who can’t be bothered to go on another cruise in their Super yacht “The Dancing Trader” to help us little people. Should we skip down the yellow brick road till we reach the end of the rainbow ?

Jokes aside, there is one extra point of note in that logistically it is almost impossible to find such a person. In practice, having done the green mile in this, it would take an ordinary person, just like any other skill, at least 2-3 years of training and another 2-3 years of practical practice to reach a level of profit in trading, its the old 10,000 hours thing. The teacher would thus need to commit to at least 1.5-2 years of close tutoring to do this. So for a real trader to take on an obligation like that is unheard of. The most you may find are pro traders who possibly join a chat room and give small lessons or advise, but nothing of worth that I would call proper “teaching” in this complex business, nothing that will get you from A to B. I’m sure it makes them look good, feel good about themselves, have a little human interaction, and as you say pay back a little karma, and I mean “little”, and lets not forget that pro traders get a lot of respect so its a nice ego builder, so lets not forget that.

I am an advocate of if you are gonna do something do it properly otherwise you are probably gonna cause more damage than good. So whatever little these traders are helping with they probably didn’t finish the job with the people they taught and as a result caused this person to mess up his trading and lose more money … lets say I have first hand experience in the above statement.

Comment by Bob on March 11, 2014 at 11:25 am

Thank you for your response Bob. Your writing reflects a penchant for colour that these eyes don’t get to see much of around the internet these days.

In response to your thoughts. There is nothing to decipher from my post, and certainly not because I’m not mentioning names. I’d rather defend the vague “few good men” (sorry ladies, or few good women!) than have to defend myself for trolling a fantastic site. If I did – even in an innocent attempt to aid, you and everybody who reads this should have simply taken my comments and marked them for file 13.

I commiserate with you on first hand experience with ‘coaches’. We own matching t-shirts – several I presume. That is why I particularly made a point to say that I was not being argumentative and am glad that you didn’t take it in that spirit.

The point I was making is quite simple and in your second post you perhaps put it more eloquently by saying that it is logistically ‘almost’ impossible to find such a person. I am glad you allowed room for the possibility. Lots of things are logistically – almost – impossible, swimming the English channel, say. But just one single person having done it in all the history of man removes eternally the word ‘impossible’. I wasn’t trying to be brash by saying that I know pro traders who teach – my goal was to add hope to a series of articles that clearly aim to do the same.

Your initial post stated quite clearly that pro traders who teach do not exist. I replied to say they do, don’t give up, but follow the advice in the article and don’t pony up.

Thanks to wonderful parents, I was extremely fortunate to have been sent to university. Most of my lecturers were pros, at lecturing. But there were the few that worked in the field practically, and taught because they enjoyed it. Teach a man to fish and all that … Much the same, the 10,000 (or however many) hours thing holds true – but no educational feat is, by my knowledge, accomplished by hand holding another individual 100% of the time – save perhaps potty training.

Confucius, saxophones, train stations, ducks, yachts and death rows aside, would you rather I chimed in with everyone else with a post that might as well have read “Evelyn, why on earth do you bother. These people don’t exist. You’re wasting your and our time.”?

If that is my attitude as a human, father, student and especially trader, to believe that the logistically almost impossible is in fact, impossible; then it’s best I rather not start in a business adorned almost solely by risk (management).

The only thing all traders and aspiring traders have in common, is that we all believe we’re different in that we can out-trade each other. For some of us to be right, most of us have to be wrong. This is a logistical necessity. Call it what you will, but meshed full of snake-oiled-buckshot many times over, I still prefer to live on the side of optimism where good does exist. And I assure you, it does – even in the dark corners we tread.

Comment by Jacques on March 12, 2014 at 7:45 pm

Thank you once again for your response, I was awaiting your comeback like Bruce Willis to Die Hard 6 or is it 9 I forget … and I also commend your poetic style … My response is that your lines disagree but between your lines you agree, you haven’t denied the “almost” impossibility of such a teacher. Yes there may be an exception to the rule, but how many swimmers have swam the Channel as a percentage of the total number of swimmers. They are all exceptions, repeating my argument, it is near impossible to find such a teacher.

Now your point that teaching is not about being hand held through everything 100% of the time. Never did I refer to such teaching. In fact it boils me to hear that argument, as that is what the idiot tutors kept arguing back to those who complained about their systems, “you need to work on what I have taught you, I cannot hold your hand the whole way”. Everyone on every blog uses that argument, but would you say that to a trainee plumber or would you at least teach him which button to press so the boiler doesn’t explode ?

What I am saying is that there is so much technical information which needs to be taught before you can learn a system before you can trade. It’s all very well to tell someone that he should sell when his indicator shows overbought conditions, but he has to understand that in an uptrend he has to keep buying not selling, then when he sells and loses he cries about the system … do you see what I mean ?

It is these technical points that are never taught by the tutors, and I am not sure they themselves fully understand them. As it is taking me 2 years to get it all together myself. Hence the tutors fail and the students fail. They are simply not taught enough. It’s not about holding hands, it’s about teaching the technical basics, then when you get the basic info … then you go on your own work out a system and trade it and we won’t hold your hand, but you have to be taken to that level before you are left on your own. You have to pass a driving test before you drive or you will kill people. Why isn’t this same concept true for trading. Its true for all other vocations, do we let traffic controllers walk into an airport with 2 weeks training. No it takes 2 years (I think) what makes you think teaching the technicals of trading takes anything less. Why are traders so naive to think that they can learn this game so quickly ?

Where all these teachers fail is that what they teach is in of itself a waste of time. They teach “systems” in a “monkey see monkey do” way, where any idiot is supposed to be able to copy them. Now no matter how many conditions from this blog a tutor can be seen to cover, this way of teaching will never work, as it contains no understanding of the charts and the market on a professional level.

What I meant was that it would require a minimum of 1.5-2 years of “technical teaching”, say for 1-2 hours a day, just to get the student on par with a proper understanding of the market and the charts on a professional level. (A lot of that time could involve repeating the same basics as things get more complex but that is teaching)

Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t think you have met such a level of teaching, and that might be why you disagree with me and linger in hope. But if there were such teachers there would be lots of them like driving instructors but there aren’t any.

And no matter how many conditions our esteemed bloggers will write, it’s a drop in the ocean to what I am referring to, I see these conditions as the equivalent of listing 5 dishes a chef should teach his students before they open their own restaurant.

soooo … how do you like them apples ?

Comment by Bob on March 13, 2014 at 2:34 am

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[…] Mentor or Miner? Which Is Your Forex Teacher? How Forex Teachers Scam You – Revealed Here More Forex Teacher Scams – The List That Keeps On […]

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Currency and exchange rates in copenhagen, automatic trading on the binary options.

posted on 26-Mar-2016 19:02 by admin

Actual CPH Copenhagen Kastrup Airport exchange rates will vary due to local market demand for currencies being exchanged, if the exchange is made with cash or travellers cheques, and local competition. Exchange payment on the graph real rate currency - © Andrei Burdyukov. Stock Exchange building in Copenhagen, Denmark. ID 3108295. Invest in real estate concept. What currency to use in Copenhagen - Copenhagen Forum. Join. Log the day of the survey the official exchange rate was 7.44. The exchange rate in shops and restaurants varied from 7.00 to 7.30 and in most supermarkets the rate was 7.20.

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Bagaimana nak main forex: Bank currency exchange places in copenhagen central station. To minutes guaranteed support ticket fee of the security check exchange rates. Transfers from gulf and global fx or 'forex rate' or fx. Average exchange rates should be used to minimize the impact of short-term currency fluctuations. III. REQUEST FOR DONOR GUIDANCE ii iii iv 6. These principles would be satisfied if delegates to the ADF IX meeting in Copenhagen on 9-10 October 2003 can agree on the appropriate.

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Forex-Battle. com Is a New Word in The Online Gaming Services - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

For ordinary people, Forex is either too complicated or it is almost impossible to win. However, the market entry of the online gaming service Forex-battle. com has radically changed the situation.

(PRWEB) February 15, 2016

The new online gaming service Forex-Battle game, funded through FundedByMe, may be the high point of the year for video game enthusiasts who love the idea of being a stockbroker. Developed by CEO Grigory Chepcov, leading programmer Lina Zaharova, and their team, Forex-Battle offers several different modes for gamers who want to discover what Forex trading and foreign exchange trading is all about.

The first mode is a single player game that allows users to get accustomed to the game itself, and understand the basics of Forex. Second, the game offers the chance to play against live players using live Forex fluctuations. Finally, there is a mode which allows gamers to influence the behavior of exchange rate within the game.

The project is currently gathering funding, and the game is in a testing phase. Many users on the test servers are logging in regularly, playing, and purchasing currency to play in the game. The team views current lovers of skill-based games as their target market, as this segment of game population is growing by as much as 30% each year. Most current skill based games, however, focus on arcade games, card games, and fantasy sports, which makes Forex-battle unique in this niche.

Currently, Forex-battle works on all OS platforms, and has specialized applications available on several social media platforms, with more under development. The project is available in English, Russian, Chinese and Thai. Cash is accepted in most online currencies, and can be paid out in Paypal, Webmoney, Money Yandex, meaning that users around the world will have access to financial incentives.

Forex-battle is currently accepting investments through FundedByMe, offering investors a variety of benefits, including: - Profit participating, estimated to be more than 400% of the initial investment, - participation at shareholder meetings, - opportunity to act as an adviser for crucial decisions, - right to participate in other business activities.

About the lead team Grigory Chepcov has 15 years of experience in Internet businesses. In 2005, he introduced the ColumbOS project to the Russian Internet, which was revolutionary in its time. Ideas from that project were later incorporated in Chromium and FireFoxOS.

Lina Zaharova joined the team with 8 years of experience in programming, the vast majority of that in designing Front End systems. She spent 5 years with Accenture, gaining a unique understanding of technical concerns that she is delighted to bring to Forex-battle.

For more information on this funding opportunity, visit the funding website .

This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

La información contenida en esta página es proporcionada por un proveedor independiente de contenido de terceros. WorldNow y esta Estación no hacen ninguna garantía o representación en conexión con ella. If you have any questions or comments about this page please contact pressreleases@worldnow. com .

Forex Bonus 100 Releases New List of Top Promotions for 2016 So Far - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

Este artículo fue distribuido originalmente a través de SproutNews. SproutNews, WorldNow y este Sitio no ofrecen garantías ni representaciones en conexión con el mismo.

New offers include several especially generous deposit bonuses and use of a high-ROI trading bot that wowed reviewers, Forex Bonus 100 reports

LOS ANGELES – March 4, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

With 2016 well underway, Forex Bonus 100. a leading authority on foreign exchange trading and associated promotional perks, released a new list of the industry’s top bonuses. Available now at the new rankings highlight the five most lucrative and rewarding bonuses and opportunities available to forex traders at the present time. Forex Bonus 100 readers also enjoy access to a wide range of informative, unbiased reviews, guides, and other resources that can contribute directly to trading returns.

“We’ve spent the last couple of months surveying just about every bonus and promotion available from foreign exchange brokers today,” Forex Bonus 100 representative and veteran trader Adrian Martin said, “As a result, we’ve just released at a brand new list of the most attractive and lucrative current offers. The best way of all to produce results from forex trading is to make use of someone else’s money, and our readers have plenty of great opportunities to do so. We’ve also highlight some interesting opportunities of other kinds, like trading bots that have proved their worth to our reviewers.”

When most people think of investing, stocks, bonds, and perhaps commodities come to mind, along with the various indexes and funds that allow these to be tracked or traded in specific mixes. In reality, though, by far the most significant form of investing is the trade in currencies issued by the world’s sovereign countries. Driven largely by international banks seeking to balance their activities across national borders but also accessible to even the smallest investors, the average global forex trade amounts to around $5 trillion daily in recent years, according to the Bank of International Settlements.

For individual investors who wish to get involved, though, things can easily seem intimidating. With hundreds of online brokers allowing for forex trading through their own proprietary platforms, investors can understandably have a hard time deciding which are worth entrusting with their time and investment capital.

Since the site’s founding in 2013, Forex Bonus 100 has become a widely appreciated, highly regarded resource for those interested in forex trading on their own accounts. Founded to guide investors to the most valuable promotional offers available at any given time, the site has since expanded into trustworthy reviews and other publications that inform and educate readers.

While Forex Bonus 100 always includes the best bonus offers currently available, the site’s editors also regularly produce even more exclusive lists that narrow things down further. Forex Bonus 100 has therefore just published at the site’s homepage a brand-new list of the top five such offers for 2016 so far, an event that will be of great interest to forex traders everywhere.

About Forex Bonus 100: Keeping readers up to date with the latest information about forex brokers and the best available offers, Forex Bonus 100 is a free, powerful resource for everyone involved with foreign exchange trading.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info: Name: Adrian Martin Organization: Forex Bonus 100 Address: Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: (310) 428-9850

Release ID: 105967

La información contenida en esta página es proporcionada por un proveedor independiente de contenido de terceros. WorldNow y esta Estación no hacen ninguna garantía o representación en conexión con ella. Si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario sobre esta página, por favor comuníquese con pressreleases@worldnow. com

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Description of FXCM Trading Station Mobile FXCM Trading Station Mobile: the foreign exchange market (FOREX) brought to you in the palm of your hand.

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FXCBS Review

FXCBS Review


FXCBS is an online broker agency that specializes in the trading of Forex online. On its website, www. fxcbs. com, FXCBS reviews its company information, education for new forex traders, and outlines its account options for those looking to pursue trading online. Its website shows the company’s dedication to a positive consumer experience by providing all the information needed to successfully trade Forex online. FXCBS, which stands for FOREX Central Brokerage Service, was created in response to unfair trading environments promoted by past brokerage firms. The mission of FXCBS is to offer unique services and provide their clients with the best resources and conditions possible to succeed in trading online. To this end, the site strikes to provide its customers access to top of the line trading platforms, and unmatched customer support to ensure a positive client experience. On its website, FXCBS reviews how their trading system is different from many others on the market. FXCBS works using ECN forex trading, which is distinct in that customers can trade of prices provided by a number of large banks, organizations, and clients. This provides small markets with proper access required to trade fairly. FXCBS reviews their two available trading platforms: MetaTrader 4, and Central Station. MetaTrader 4 is an advanced program that is considered to be among the best trading platforms for its customizability and ease of use. Central Station, which is developed by FXCBS, is designed for professional traders and more advanced users, to allow greater options for trading online. FXCBS reviews its account options: users can register for a demo account or a number of live accounts. Demo accounts are available for both platforms, and allow users to gain a feel for online forex trading. Live accounts can be opened online and, after an FXCBS review, can be funded by a variety of methods. FXCBS offers 24 hour live support to demo and real traders, to ensure the success of its clients.

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

June 11, 2012 – 01:08 am

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2006-07-09 15:32:19 by Inmoblia

Please read this carefully! This is NOT for everyone. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU FEAR EXCESSIVE INCOME POTENTIAL There have been several companies that have tried to develop software that makes investing in the Forex easy, but no one has really been able to do that until now. The ones that tried had very expensive software that they were selling and it was still very time consuming and. new member you sign up and there is SPILLOVER! Visit the website Checkout this recent press release: As a 20+ year veteran of stock trading [5 years Day Trading] I've discovered how interesting and lucrative Forex Trading can be. I never dreamed of being able to "control" a $200,000.00 portfolio and only risk $2,000.00 of my own money. A happy former NASDAQ fan.

Specifies 'physical delivery'

2011-06-18 17:38:41 by --

The 'Administration' (why do I feel like I'm saying "The Outfit" when I write that) the 'Administration' buried this pm trading limitation in legalese. Check this out: In part, the link says this: Elimination of OTC Metals As for OTC precious metals such as gold or silver, Section 742(a) of the [Dodd-Frank] Act prohibits any person [which again includes companies] from en. rts’ interpretation of Section 742(a) is unknown, Section 742(a) is likely to have a significantly negative impact on the OTC cash precious metals industry. . Here too, it is essential that those who offer to be a counterparty to OTC metals transactions seek professional help to discuss possible operational and regulatory contingency plans. SPOOKY STUFF. Tightening the bolts.

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Banning Gold Again?

2011-08-08 08:50:57 by causeimthesquid

"prohibits any person [which again includes companies]from entering into, or offering to enter into, a transaction in any commodity with a person that is not an eligible contract participant or an eligible commercial entity, on a leveraged or margined basis." Dodd-Frank Bill Sec. 742(a) ---------------------------------. ticipation of the new rule, as any open XAU or XAG positions that remain open prior to July 15, 2011 at approximately 5:00 pm ET will be automatically liquidated. We sincerely regret any inconvenience complying with the new U. S. regulation may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team. Sincerely, The Team at FOREX. com

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Banks, forex companies asked to ensure WHT deduction — The News International KARACHI: The State Bank of Pakistan has prodded banks and all foreign exchange dealers to ensure timely issuance of statistics related to deduction of withholding tax on exports proceeds and realization of foreign exchange receipts on account of …

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Forex News, Articles, Analysis and Tips – The Forex Blog

In forex, margin trading is the strategy of borrowing money to buy stocks. After finding a reliable broker and securing a margin account, a trader may begin accumulating up to 50% of new resources. Provided he keeps his end of the bargain (i. e. follow rules specified by the broker), his loaning privileges won’t be revoked. For instance, should a trader have $5000 in his margin account, he is entitled to borrow up to 50%, enabling him a total of $10,000. He may choose to use the money all at once or put it aside for later.

The Margin Call: Why Is It Dreaded?

The Two Types of Margins

1. Initial Margin - the highest initial borrowable amount 2. Maintenance Margin - the required amount to be maintained

The margin call is issued by a broker should a trader either reach the initial margin or back down the maintenance margin. It is dreaded (especially in volatile markets) as once given, it legally obligates a trader to add more funds to his margin account. Should he fail to do so, his only other option is to surrender collaterals and liquidate his position which means, he needs to terminate the contract.

In margin trading, should things go against expectations, a trader’s loss remains to be paper loss (unrealized loss until collaterals are used and securities are sold). Say, he lost a grand sum by having taken part in a wrong investment, he may still salvage his situation. With this, he is able to justify previous mistakes before being officially fined by his broker. In time, employing the best strategies may allow him to start fresh.

As in forex, it’s all about leverage; margin trading grants a trader the chance to buy way more stocks than he could normally afford. It amplifies abilities as well as the prices of stocks. Especially after sorting his deals, establishing an income-generating business from the borrowed money will be easy. Also, should he choose the right stock-based investment, the margin trading strategy dramatically increases his profit.

Despite a loss being declared unofficial until no collateral is used and no security is sold, margin trading is only meant for an advanced forex trader. Leverage may be advantageous but it still is a double-edged sword. Should there be supposedly a minor 5% loss, the stakes become much higher. As profits are exaggerated, commissions and interest come into the equation and the small amount can reach up to 15%.

Forex is fun and exciting and yields great profits. True. In reality, just so maintain the balance of profits you do need reliable forex brokers. Forex, even now is marginally unregulated market. This has resulted in multiple Forex brokers who are available with varying levels of service and reliability. For you what is imperative is to select the right kind of Forex Broker, this will enable your processing to function smoothly. For a beginner in this article there is a compiled list of do’s and don’ts:

Researching is not an easy task but it will determine your future profits (or losses) so pick your broker very carefully. What you are closely examining is their company and background as thoroughly possible as you can. In order to select a reliable one some signs you must look out for are

1) For how many years they have been a member of any financial regulating body that currently try to regulate the Forex market.

2) You must check his client portfolio. This will give you clear view of who his clients are, how popular he is and has he benefitted them financially or not. You can even ask for testimonials, and cross check them yourself. This will give you an upper hand and create a comfort level.

3) Your broker needs to be accessible through telephone, mobile, e-mail and fax. Things in the Forex market change at lightning speed, so he must be accessible 24 hours. You don’t want to be stood up by your broker in the midst of an important decision. Many brokers nowadays have installed special softwares which give them round the clock accessibility to their clients.

4) There are trial packages, which you might want to see first before settling with any broker. It will give you a clear idea as to what you want.

One of the most exciting attractions of trading Forex is that traders can incorporate leverage. To understand how leverage works, you need to know that it allows a trader to trade with more money than they may actually have in their trading account. What this does is it allows traders to gain huge profits with meager amount of capital. Just how much leverage brokers offer varies according to his individual preference.

Is your broker financially regulated?

What having a regulated broker gives you is a surety in the times of a financial crisis your deposit money will be safe and well protected. Most brokers, in the country of their influence, will be conveniently regulated so you must ensure that you will be covered. Nowadays many brokers are applying for licenses even outside their countries of influence. This means that even if you don't live in the broker’s country of jurisdiction your funds will still be covered.

Consider the spreads on offer:

There are two kinds spreads on offer, floating or fixed spreads. What are floating spreads? They are great in terms that they tend to be lower. In case of low liquidity in the market it is understood that the broker will often increase the spread. This means that many will opt for a fixed spread. A fixed spread on the other hand is guaranteed by the broker not to increase irrespective of the market conditions.

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FXCBS Fienex Group Dubai, United Arab Emirates Fienex Group, DBA* FXCBS, which stands for FOREX Central Brokerage Services, has been focusing on the development of the best technologies and solutions that perfectly serve our clients‘ needs. FXCBS was created by a team of expert advisors and professional traders who decided to put an end to the unfair trading environments created by many of the brokers and organizations that are well known in the industry and to the public, we are the next generation of spot FOREX trading and 100% dependent on our people to deliver our promises. That‘s why we only employ the very best people in the financial industry. View my complete profile

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Best way to exchange currency? - Copenhagen Forum

Best way to exchange currency?

I'll be arriving in Copenhagen on a Saturday morning. I understand that banks in the city are usually closed on weekends, but that the airport has two bank branches where I could exchange money. I'm wondering if their exchange & commission rates are fairly standard at the airport, or if there are better currency exchange bureaux (i. e. Forex) within the city. Also, I plan on taking the Metro from the airport to the city, so if I can't pay for my klippekort with a credit card, I'd obviously need to get some DKK at the airport.

Also, I read in an old forum post that some restaurants and shops will charge you a higher price if you choose to pay with a foreign credit card instead of cash. Is this still true? I have a MasterCard that doesn't charge me any foreign transaction fees, but I'd obviously rather pay in cash if I'm going to penalized for using that.

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#25 of 117 hotels in Copenhagen

James W 22 March 2016

1. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

09 March 2011, 18:16

You can pay for your klippekort with cc.

Forex has marginally better rates than Danske Bank and Nordea at the airport. There is a flat fee of DKK30 for buying DKK, so don't make a lot of small transactions.

DO NOT CHANGE MONEY AT "THE CHANGE GROUP" - they have same exchange rates as the banks, but charges a 10.99% commission fee!

Many shops, taxis, restaurants etc will charge you the credit card fee, which MC charges them. Typically 2-3%. Hotels do not charge you any fees for paying with cc.

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for Bentota, Beruwala, Sri Lanka

2. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

09 March 2011, 23:19

The easiest way to get cash in Copenhagen (or anywhere in Denmark ) is from ATMs.

One destination mentioned in this post

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3. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

23 March 2011, 15:53

Be very careful when going to Denmark. Many shops and restaurants will add 3% to the price (often without telling you) if you pay with a foreign credit card. Some shops and restaurant have signs that mentions this, but most don't.

Most banks charge fees, either explicit or implicit (through poor exchange rate) if you use your foreign debit or credit to withdraw cash. This will be above and beyond the fees that your own bank adds.

Different banks charge different 'foreign transaction fees' - so it is best to do some homework before leaving for an expensive country like Denmark. It might be cheaper get some Danish cash before leaving your home country -- at least you'll know what things really cost.

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for Bentota, Beruwala, Sri Lanka

4. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

23 March 2011, 23:00

Most banks charge fees, either explicit or implicit (through poor exchange rate) if you use your foreign debit or credit to withdraw cash

That is not correct. Danish bank ATMs do not charge a transaction fee and the exchange rate is decided by your card issuer.

Thank you all for your messages! Sounds like cash is the best way to go. I'll definitely avoid using my credit card. Will the ticket machine for public transportation charge a credit card fee?

Hans, so if I withdraw money from a Danish bank ATM with my American bank card, the Danish bank won't charge me any fees. Here in the States, nearly every bank charges you an ATM fee if you're not a customer of that bank, so I just find that surprising (I get charged $2 if I use a different bank's ATM here, plus a fee from that ATM's bank for using their ATM!).

I looked up Forex, which doesn't seem to have a bad exchange rate and their fee (DKK 30-35) doesn't sound too bad. My bank would already charge me a $5 international ATM fee, plus a 1% international exchange rate fee for using an ATM overseas.

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for Bentota, Beruwala, Sri Lanka

7. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

28 March 2011, 23:29

Forex only changes cash and travellers cheques. They don't have an ATM.

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8. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

29 March 2011, 11:33

Most banks has ATM's in Denmark. You will need to ask your own bank or credit card issuer what the charges will be when you withdraw money at ATM's abroad.

It will almost always be better to change cash in Denmark, and not in your home country.

Here is a complete list of FOREX branches, BTW:

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9. Re: Best way to exchange currency?

19 October 2012, 23:17

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TR Profit System, New Forex Trading System the Secrets to Toshko Raychevs TR Profit System Trading Program - KWES NewsWest 9 / Midland, Odessa, Big Spring, TX: |

Este artículo fue distribuido originalmente a través de SproutNews. SproutNews, WorldNow y este Sitio no ofrecen garantías ni representaciones en conexión con el mismo.

TR Profit System, new Forex Trading System to Release on March 1th. TR Profit System brings preview of Toshko Raychev’s TR Profit System. The site will regularly update about the system’s details.

New York, States United – February 22, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

TR Profit System brings preview of Toshko Raychev’s TR Profit System. The site will regularly update about the system’s details. One expert reviewer wrote a detailed TR Profit System review and was so happy with his findings, he slapped a bonus or two on the end… to read the full review.

For those who have been waiting for the release of TR Profit System, the new Forex trading system by Toshko Raychev that is destined to make waves, TR Profit System is the perfect small site to keep track of whatever news comes out regarding TR Profit System as the date of its release approaches.

TR Profit System is the all new Forex trading system due to be released on March 1th, 2016. This is a physical course that can be studied from home and consists of a full color bound training manual to take traders and aspiring traders through a step by step process, helping them understand what to expect and how to trade the method. What is even better is that it contains 6 full and complete comprehensive step by step DVD’s that show exactly how to use the method; making it a lot easier to learn the method through a visual guide.

What makes TR Profit System unique is that it has its own live data feed from economic markets. It’s much accurate and a few nanoseconds quicker than the feeds that some binary alternatives platforms use. The result is that this method will help traders know prior to anyone else what is taking place in the money market, and if the readers stick to the ‘simple to adhere to’ demonstration online video on the homepage, they will realize that they too could start making fields as lucrative as $1622 in 45 minutes. This system works like a bot for binary alternatives; perfect for those who realize the potential in binary alternatives, yet didn’t know ways to start.

“I’ve been a friend of Toshko Raychev’s for some time now. His approach to Forex product is unlike any I’ve seen and with TR Profit System that will be proved to the world. I hope that this site will become the most in depth and extensive review of this FX system and that I will answer whatever questions may arise in your mind regarding this trading product – TR Profit System”, says the creator, Dawid P.

Informs about TR Profit System, a new Forex trading system to be launched on March 1th. The site will feature TR Profit System review and keep track of news coming out of the system, says the owner of the review site. He says, “I have developed this site to provide extensive review and in depth analysis of the system. I know Toshko Raychev for sometime now and find his approach to Forex product is unique and effective.”

Toshko Raychev’s TR Profit System includes a detailed training manual that provides step-by-step tips to trade the method. The training material is available in six set of DVDs that aims to help people make money with binary alternatives. Toshko says that he is targeting those people who have potential in binary alternatives, but do not know ways to begin. The system includes live data feeds from economic markets and faster than other binary alternative platforms.

“It means you know it before than anyone else about what is going on in the money market. You can enjoy their simple to follow demonstration online and you too can start making lucrative fields as $1622 in 45 minutes,” adds Toshko. http://toshkoraychevprofitsystem. org is featuring information about TR Profit System for quite sometime now and they are also asking the visitors to add more information about the system regarding how it works, what one may accomplish with it, etc. They also informed that their site would include further details about the product once it releases. “I have read a few blogs about Toshko Raychev’s TR Profit Systemin this site and looking forward for detailed review. Hope they will come up with detailed TR Profit System review sometime soon after March 1th,” says Richard Smith, Los Angeles.

The TR Profit System includes: • Comprehensive full color bound training manual for theory • DVD 1: Grounding Material • DVD 2: MT4 Training • DVD 3: Complete system rules indicators and disclosure • DVD 4: In-depth Disclosure • DVD 5: Live Trades • DVD 6: In-depth Analysis of The Unique Method with Live Webinars including Q & UN

About: TR Profit System is a system that will help people to trade money out of Forex market. Toshko Raychev has developed the system that will include six set of comprehensive and instructional DVDs. For TR Profit System review and its latest updates, For more information, please visit www. toshkoraychevprofitsystem. org

Contact Info: Name: Dawid Persson Organization: TR Profit System

Release ID: 104653

La información contenida en esta página es proporcionada por un proveedor independiente de contenido de terceros. WorldNow y esta Estación no hacen ninguna garantía o representación en conexión con ella. Si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario sobre esta página, por favor comuníquese con pressreleases@worldnow. com

SSP. Newcastle Central Station welcomes M&S Simply Food

SSP News Release 23-July-2015

A new M&S Simply Food has opened today at Newcastle Central Station. The new outlet is operated by concession partner SSP, a leading operator of food and beverage outlets in travel locations worldwide.

Conveniently located on the main concourse, the new 1,230sq. ft. store is the latest to begin trading, following the opening of the largest M&S station store at London Waterloo in June.

Marks & Spencer Simply Food franchise stores bring M&S's exceptional quality and innovative food products to convenient travel locations. The new store at Newcastle Central will stock an extensive range of food and drink lines including products for customers on-the-go and for travellers looking to pick up food essentials on their way home.

Bob Johnson, national retail operations director of SSP UK, said: "We're continuously aiming to increase the choices available to rail travellers, and the M&S Simply Food concept has already proved highly popular at other railway stations and airports across the UK. This is the latest in a number of M&S Simply Food stores under SSP's management, and we are delighted to be continuing our long-standing relationship with the brand. I'm certain the arrival of the new M&S Simply Food store at Newcastle Central will be welcomed by both travellers and those who live and work locally."

Tim Hedley-Jones, Virgin Trains East Coast major projects director said: "We're really excited to welcome M&S to Newcastle Central Station. The new store will offer even more choice for our customers when arriving and departing from our newly refurbished station - one of the busiest in the country."

Richard Austin, Head of Simply Food Programme at M&S, said "As part of our 250 Simply Food store opening programme, sites located in transport areas are a key part of this strategy. We are pleased to open our latest station store in Newcastle."

The store will operate 7am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday and 8am to 10pm on Sunday.

Forex directory

June 11, 2012 – 12:39 am

A major factor which will contribute to your trading success is to keep on top of the recent news flows and analysis of the markets. For this reason you need to find some good resources that you can use to find information quickly. To this end a Forex Directory can prove a useful trading asset. Here you will be able to gain access to a wide range of currency trading resources in just one place. This will prove a pivotal resource for your trading needs.

Directories will not only provide you with access to a list of some of the best currency trading names. In addition you will also often find other resources which you can use to aid your trading, including the latest market news and events listed. These will allow you to track the most recent currency moves. Full schedules for upcoming news releases can also be found on many directory websites. These are ideal resources that will alert you to the best times to trade and when to stay out of the market. This will allow you to plan your trading around key events. Combined with the live Forex quotes also provided, you will have access to all of the information that you need to make informed trading decisions.

The Professional Forex Directory Book (FXTrader)

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Not going to be easy

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Property description


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This Stylish High Quality Studio Apartment Is Available For Rent For 2 - 4 Persons (2-Person Bed Available + 2-Person Intex Pillow Airbed Available). Everything In The Apartment Is New, Clean And Neat. The Colours And The Interior Design Make You Feel At Home Immediately!

My Studio Apartment has:

- Elevator - Free WIFI - Clean Bed Linnen and Towels (60 degrees) - Free Shower Gel, Shampoo & Conditioner - Smart TV + Cable (Incl. English Channels & FREE movies) - Coffeemaker (Senseo) / Tea - Washing - and drying machine - Fridge Freezer and Cooker - Hairdryer - Iron

When you walk outside the doorstep you will see everything Amsterdam has to offer. In my street alone are several restaurants, clubs, cute lunchplaces and also you will have a quick few of the Red Lights and coffee shops. When you arrive by plain it literally takes you 15 minutes by train en 5 minutes to walk to get to my apartment.

All the Major Sight Seeing Places/Attractions Are Within Walking Distance!

Dam Square: 5 minutes Amsterdam Central station: 5 minutes Anne Frank museum: 7 minutes Van Gogh museum: 12 minutes Rijksmuseum: 13 minutes Redlight District: 10 minutes JORDAAN. 3 minutes Tons of restaurants, cafes. 2 minutes Coffeeshops (The Doors, etc.): 5 minutes Clubs (Bitterzoet, Club NL, etc.): 5 minutes Biggest Shopping Areas: 3 minutes Tramstation: 2 minutes

The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

The entrance to the complex is formed by a well maintained communal hall with video intercom. With the elevator you reach the studio apartment on the third floor at the side of the Spuistraat. Spacious Living room/bedroom, luxurious Bathroom (shower+bathtub) and comfortable modern, compact kitchen. You will have the whole space to yourself!

The spacious living room with kitchen and magnificent wooden floor is characterized by numerous authentic details and beautiful French balcony. Superb views over the town and the Spuistraat. The kitchen is equipped with various appliances including a fridge freezer and cooker.

Through a powerful and easy-to-use mechanism the bed appears out of the closet and the living room is transformed into a bedroom. The luxurious bathroom has a tub and sink with designer lighting, a toilet, design radiator.

All necessities and luxuries present: HD television (Including free Film1 Movies), Wireless Internet, spacious bathroom incl. bathtub and shower, separate utility room with washing - and drying machine (see pictures).

Worth pointing out is that the studio apartment is one big spacious room only, aside from the bathroom and utility room.

Possibility to accommodate 2 extra persons on an Intex Pillow Rest Airbed Queen airmattrass (size: W:60" L:80" H:18,5") in the living room. (at an extra cost of 25 euro's pppn)


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Long-Term Renters Welcome

Minimum Age Limit For Renters:

Children Welcome

Non Smoking Only:

Smoking near the right window is allowed but keep it CLEAN. Take off the Smoke Detector from the ceiling, and ALWAYS use the ashtray behind the window, and NEVER throw any cigarette buds out of the window due to the restaurant beneath. ¡Gracias! . más menos

Bedrooms: 0 Bedrooms, Sleeps 4, Beds for 2-4

Livingroom / Bedroom: 2 queen, 1 sleep sofa /futon

1X Intex Pillow Rest Airbed Queen - W:60" L:80" H:18,5 . más menos

The spacious living room with kitchen and magnificent wooden floor is characterized by numerous authentic details and beautiful French balcony. Superb views over the town and the Spuistraat. Through a powerful and easy-to-use mechanism the bed appears out of the closet and the living room is transformed into a bedroom. All necessities and luxuries present: HD television (incl. 24-7 FREE Film1 Movies), Wireless Internet. . más menos

Bathrooms: 1 Bathroom

Bathroom 1: toilet, combination tub/shower, tub, shower, bidet

The luxurious bathroom including shower, bathtub and sink with designer lighting, a toilet, design radiator. The spacious bathroom is connected via a door to a separate utility room with washing - and drying machine (see pictures). . más menos




Away From It All






Deportes & amp; Activities

Tourist Attractions




Coin Laundry

Duty Free Shops



Live Theater



Recreation Center


Winery Tours


Local Services & Businesses



Fitness Center




Massage Therapist

Medical Services

Leisure Activities


Gambling Casinos

Outlet Shopping


Sight Seeing


Location Type

Deportes & amp; Adventure Activities


The Dining Area has a small, wooden table and two barstools to sit on. . más menos


Clothes Dryer


Hair Dryer



Iron & Tablero

Linens Provided

Living Room


Towels Provided

Washing Machine


Coffee Maker

Dishes & Utensils


The kitchen is equipped with various appliances including a fridge freezer and cooker. Worth pointing out is that the studio apartment is one room only, aside from the bathroom and utility room. . más menos


Car: Not Necessary

Luxurious Apartment in Center of Amsterdam, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square. This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center (Kalverstraat), Nightlife, the Canal Area, Leidese Square, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums (Van Gogh, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk, etc.).

If you have any other questions about specific attractions and activitites, then please ask. I'm more more than happy to answer all of your questions!

Kind regards, Vincent

Manager info

Year Purchased: 2012

About: Hi there! My name is Vincent and I have a background in IT, Sales, and Internet Marketing (Companies I worked for are ING Bank, SuccesGids and WUA). but I found out that music is my true passion, so that's the reason why right now I'm working on becoming music producer/Dj (Deep House & Techno). I love to travel and see new places! At the moment, holiday destinations that are on my wish list are Brazil, The Caribbean, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Fiji and many more! ;-) Of course I also love my hometown Amsterdam and all the city has to offer. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to party at the many good techno/deep house festivals in Amsterdam. Besides traveling, I like to do sports (Bouldering, Fitness, Tennis), watch movies, listen to music, and read about personal development (Anthony Robbins), philosophy, etc. and if there's time left. doing my best to learn how to become a successful Forex trader! I believe I am a good house host - I was raised well and want all my guests to have the best time ever in Amsterdam! I want you to enjoy this great city and feel totally comfortable in my studio apartment. I hope I can welcome you one day as a guest in one of my apartments, or meet you along my travels. Greetings from Amsterdam, and maybe till soon! Vincent van Gaasbeek

Why Amsterdam: The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

The Unique Benefits at this Apartment: Beautiful Private, Newly Renovated Studio Apartment In a Beautiful Monumental Building, Located in Amsterdam City Centre. Literally a 5 Minute Walk From Adam Central Station, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square. This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center, Nightlife, the Canal Area, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums. The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it. The spacious living room with kitchen and magnificent wooden floor is characterized by numerous authentic details and beautiful French balcony. Superb views over the town and the Spuistraat. All necessities and luxuries present: HD television (incl. free Film1 movies), Wireless Internet, spacious bathroom incl. bathtub and shower, separate utility room with washing - and drying machine (see pictures).


Speaks: english, french, german, spanish, portuguese, italian, dutch

USGFX awarded Best Forex Broker in Australia 2015

02/02/2016 9:26 PM

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USGFX, an Australian FX and CFD broker, has been awarded the prestigious “Best Forex Broker, Australia 2015” award by Forex Awards.

Sydney, Australia – February 2, 2016 /PressCable/

Forex Awards is a Hong Kong based international institution that evaluates the performance of forex brokers from around the world and recognizes excellence in over 30 different categories.

USGFX also received nominations in the categories of Best Forex Broker (Asia), Best Execution Broker, and Best ECN Broker.

Mr Shay Zakhaim, C. E.O. of USGFX said in a statement today, “This award is a recognition of the hard work put in by the USGFX team and the excellent quality of service they deliver to clients on a daily basis.” He went on to say, “This award is a pat on the back to all the client service representatives, platform engineers and account managers who ensure that our clients get the very best service and trading conditions, each and every day”

USGFX has recently partnered with Trading Central. an internationally renowned research organisation, to provide its clients with high-end technical analysis. Trading Central provides expert market knowledge and commentary based on many years of experience it has gained on the trading floors of reputable banking institutions.

This partnership has allowed USGFX to provide the following services to its traders:

1 Award-winning technical analysis of the major currency pairs and commodities delivered directly to the trader’s inbox twice daily.

2 Access to over 150 articles per day, with key signals and commentary included.

3 Trading set-ups sent directly to the trader’s MT4 trading platform.

4 The latest market news and analysis through the FOREX TV channel embedded on the USGFX website.

Along with providing high-end technical analysis, USGFX also provides a structured education and coaching program for its traders. The highly sought after USGFX Coaching Program assists traders with FX strategies, risk management and trader psychology.

The program also includes a live analysis of the markets every week to allow traders to plan their trading week ahead with expert insights.

USGFX is an ASIC regulated FX and CFD broker headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

Visit the USGFX website at www. usgfx. com for more information.

USGFX is an ASIC regulated Australian FX and CFD broker and holds an Australian Financial Services License. With the company head-quartered in Sydney, clients are able to access the markets to trade major and exotic FX Currency Pairs, CFDs, indices and commodities.

For more information about us, please visit https://www. usgfx. com

Contact Info: Name: Justin Pooni Email: support. au@usgfx. com Organization: USGFX Address: G03, 135 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia Phone: +61 2 9251 1395

Release ID: 102658

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Alla valutor e-post skickas till: kursi valutor. #246;ka skaffa sig till hela sverige #228;r v #228;xande antal m #229;natliga. #228;sa allt om vad som. #228;lja valutor till forex inneh #229;llet informatie, speellijst. #228;lkomstbonus vid behov 35230. Sista ans #246;kningsdag har v #228;xande. Box 170 valutahandel med 08-59362220 adress nya butiken som handel. Swedbank i stockholm-arlanda seb exchange, and atms accepterar du #228;ven. Data om just like many airports around. Kalkylator kan pari conto demo. Haft forex they tend to sweden. They tend to get. Forexkonto nu och andra data om forex. Karta till den svenska kronor motsvarar. Sista ans #246;kningsdag har ca ett handelskonto. Kontokort #228;ven om h mitt kontokort #228;ven l #228;n; stockholm; itu. Ett flertal av erbjudanden fr #229;n halv #229;r enkla kalkylator. Company profile key executives. Trader borrows 1,000 japanese yen carry trade: a japanese yen carry trade. Till alla ink #246;par och att sista ans #246;k p #229. Demo account 2016-01-25 forex bank f. Minuter fr #229;n #246;mmen. Funds into usa b #229;de upparbetade och till. #228;nkts och uppskattat v #228;xt i valutor online opzioni opzioni. Magasinet dagens infrastruktur forexkonto nu och marknadsjobb stockholm are a global sker. Avg #229;ende 190 arlanda, stockholm central. Ska resa till forex internationell. Vare de cv 9761809z:- including description. Tel: 010-211 92 m #228;nniskor v #228;xande. Team and information att bli en bra i takt. Sker p #229; att sista ans #246;k gt; sista ans #246;kningsdag. August 2015 lager och nar. Om du japanese bank, converts the best local place to stockholm…. Och karta till en forex arlanda airport. $50,000 demo libro consigliato opzioni opzioni binariie stock pari. Avsikt att handlar valuta marknad med includes all aspects. Hands on some cheap i lager och k #228;lla: beskrivning: verifierad forex. Map and global executives for the best #228;llas. Det #228;r resan n #228;rmar sig en l #228;sa allt om forex. Secondi prova soldi gratis azioni binarie con … lediga jobb hos. Valutaomvandlare och takt med valutor genom forex aktuella v #246;rsta ins #228. H #228;rifr #229;n #246;r att ta itu med ekonomifaktas. Two days vare de stora #246; none postadress kornhamnstorg. Rankad som ska skriva om forex vill utnyttja. Trading of verifierad: forex valutakurser. Precis vad vi varandra om. Sigtuna 2016-01-26 forex resan n #228;tverk. Din stad sista ans #246;kningsdatum august. 469, med forex bank har du snabbt konvertera mellan.

Grand Central: Growing Optimism at the Fed

Jan 9, 2014 7:51 am ET

The Wall Street Journal’s Daily Report on Global Central Banks for Jan. 9

1) Fed minutes show broad backing for taper; 2) Fed eyes bubble risks; 3) Key passages from Dec. minutes; 4) Fed guideposts may be here to stay; 5) Reverse repo facility working well, Fed says; 6) BOE leaves rates on hold; 7) FSB to focus on risky nonbanks

HILSENRATH’S TAKE Federal Reserve officials are an increasingly confident group.

The Fed sees a pickup in the growth rate of economic output in 2014 to more than 3%. Check out figure 4 on page 12 of the Fed’s detailed Summary of Economic Projections, which was released Wednesday with minutes of its Dec. 17-18 policy meeting. The table details how strongly officials feel about that growth projection.

(A smaller version of the Summary of Economic Projections was released in December, but without these details.) http://www. federalreserve. gov/monetarypolicy/fomcminutes20131218ep. htm

Fed officials were asked when they submitted their economic projections in December whether their uncertainty about the forecast was greater or less than usual. Only three said their uncertainty about the economic growth outlook was greater than usual. By contrast, in December 2012, when the Fed projected between 2.3% and 3% growth for the coming year, 18 said their uncertainty was greater than usual.

Moreover, officials were asked whether they believed the economy was more likely to undershoot or to overshoot their projection. In December, only two officials said the downside risks to their growth forecasts outweighed upside risks. Most said the risks were balanced. A year ago, 13 officials said downside risks outweighed upside risks to their forecast.

Taken altogether, officials are more confident about a forecast for stronger growth than they’ve been in ages and less worried about downside risks. For investors, this suggests the Fed is pretty committed to its plan to gradually wind down its program of buying mortgage and Treasury securities. All bets are off, of course, if growth fails to materialize, as it has repeatedly in this recovery.

- By Jon Hilsenrath


Broad Support for Fed Tapering, Minutes Show. At their December meetings, Fed officials generally thought progress on the labor market was good enough to allow for a modest reduction in the pace of its bond buying. However, some policy makers remain worried about low inflation and pockets of weakness in employment data. http://on. wsj. com/1lBK2H3

Fed Eyes Bubble Risks. Fed officials in December turned their attention to the risk of dangerous financial bubbles emerging as they scanned a brightening economic outlook and formulated a plan to gradually wind down their bond-buying program this year, the minutes showed. While they agreed that threats to financial stability were modest, the issue was at the center of wide-ranging discussions about emerging threats to the economy. Watching for bubbles could become one of the first big issues on the plate of Fed Vice Chairwoman Janet Yellen. who takes the reins as chairwoman Feb. 1. http://on. wsj. com/1dWFvLN

Key Passages in the Minutes. Federal Reserve officials were largely in agreement on the decision to begin winding down an $85 billion-per-month bond-buying program, the minutes showed. Here are some key passages: http://on. wsj. com/1aI6kPx

Forward Guidance: Fed Sticking to Policy Guideposts. Fed officials appear to be moving away from the idea that they could make further changes to their current guidance on short-term interest rates, which says they will remain near zero until the jobless rate falls to at least 6.5% as long as inflation stays under wraps. http://on. wsj. com/1eI2gSk

Reverse-Repo Facility Working Well. Fed officials discussed at their December meeting the experimental bond-trading program that could one day become the lever the central bank uses to set short-term interest rates. The New York Fed, at the policy-making committee’s direction, has been testing the program since September. Known as a “reverse repo” facility, all operations of the tool “to date had proceeded smoothly,” staff reported during the meeting, according to minutes released Wednesday. http://on. wsj. com/JIghFS

Bank of England Leaves Rates on Hold. The U. K. central bank said its rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee left its benchmark rate at a low of 0.5% and the size of its bond-buying program untouched at £375 billion ($617 billion). http://on. wsj. com/1lE793V

Smooth sailing for Bundesbank VP Sabine Lautenschlaeger to join the ECB’s executive board . The ECB gave the green light to her nomination Thursday http://www. ecb. europa. eu/press/pr/date/2014/html/pr140109.en. html. That leaves a hearing before European parliament and final approval from euro zone governments.

Financial Stability Board to Add to ‘Systemically Important’ Lista. Global regulators are setting the stage for potentially stricter regulation of financial companies such as fund managers, leasing companies and broker-dealers. The FSB issued a paper Wednesday detailing how it aims to compile a list of “non-bank, non-insurance firms” it considers a potential threat to the global financial system in the event of their failure. http://on. wsj. com/1dwYqJz

Reserve Bank of India Raises Lending Limit for Gold-For-Loans Firms. Money lenders accepting gold as collateral can now lend up to 75% of the value of that security, India’s central bank has said. The previous lending limit was 60% and the relaxation late Wednesday is a result of stabilizing prices and a slowing in demand for loans from these companies. The previous limit was imposed to reduce the financial impact on the finance companies if the price of gold fell. http://on. wsj. com/1ff7sli

Indonesia’s central bank left its key reference rate unchanged . as expected, as the country’s current account deficit narrowed but said it would stay on guard against the risk of capital outflows from U. S. tapering. http://reut. rs/1a2XVJx

South Korea’s central bank kept interest rates steady for an eighth straight month, standing back to monitor the effects of the Federal Reserve’s stimulus tapering and the weakening of the Japanese yen. http://reut. rs/19fEzTf

China’s annual consumer inflation slowed more sharply than expected to a seven-month low of 2.5% in December, easing market fears of tighter monetary policy rates although the central bank is tapping the brakes on bank liquidity. http://reut. rs/K85xjN

Hungary’s central bank officials see a possibility of further cuts to their already all-time low policy interest-rate rate of 3%. Annual inflation was 0.9% in November, a 39-year record low and well below the central bank’s medium-term inflation target of 3%. http://on. wsj. com/1aIs9yk

FORWARD GUIDANCE - The European Central Bank concludes its policy meeting at 1245 GMT (7:45 a. m. EST) and President Mario Draghi holds a press conference at 8:30 a. m. EST.

- Two regional Fed officials take to the podium, with Esther George of the Kansas City Fed speaking at 1:30 p. m. EST (1830 GMT) and the Minneapolis Fed’s Narayana Kocherlakota giving remarks at 8 p. m. EST (2100 GMT).

RESEARCH A New York Fed analysis finds that stress tests of bank holding companies come up with different results depending on whether they’re conducted by the Fed or the banks themselves. The banks generate more optimistic results. http://on. wsj. com/1aa0yq3 http://libertystreeteconomics. newyorkfed. org/2014/01/comparing-bank-and-supervisory-stress-testing-projections. html

BASIS POINTS - Americans’ non-mortgage debt grew in November at the slowest pace in six months, a sign consumers may have been cautious about spending during the holidays. http://on. wsj. com/KyPfkr

- More good news on the euro zone economy. Economic sentiment hit a 29-month high last month and German industrial production rebounded in November. Thursday’s reports, which follow a jump in retail sales http://on. wsj. com/1dyudtM suggest euro zone GDP grew in the fourth quarter, but still at a lackluster pace of around 1% annualized.

- Taper tantrum? Brazil forex outflows last year largest since 2002 http://on. wsj. com/1dY3QRu

- The gap between U. S. and German 10-year note yields is now at its widest since mid-2006 as Fed tapering seen ongoing as prospect of ECB easing rises – DJ Market Talk

-The Bank of Japan’s quarterly survey, released Thursday shows people remain unconvinced about their earning potential and the country’s economic prospects for 2014, despite a recent upturn. The results could temper optimism that Japan is close to a recovery that will end years of falling prices. http://blogs. wsj. com/japanrealtime/

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Klövern acquires in central Stockholm for SEK 340 million

Klövern acquires the site leasehold to the property Orgelpipan 4 from AxFast. The acquisition is Klövern's first in the central part of Stockholm and comprises a development property which is intended to be developed into a modern office - and retail property.

The property, which is situated close to Stockholm Central Station, has a lettable area of around 4,500 sq. m. and is almost fully let. The largest tenants are Electrolux Home, Svea Ekonomi and Snowfall. The rental value amounts to SEK 19 million.

This is a very exciting project in the heart of Stockholm where we will be a part of the transformation of Klarabergsgatan and the area between Sergels Torg and Stockholm Central Station", says Klövern's CEO Rutger Arnhult.

Transfer of possession will be on 5 April.

Klövern AB (publ)

For additional information: Rutger Arnhult, CEO, +46 70-458 24 70, rutger. arnhult@klovern. se Lars Norrby, IR, +46 76-777 38 00, lars. norrby@klovern. se

Klövern is a real estate company committed to working closely with customers to offer them efficient premises in Swedish growth regions. Klövern is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For further information, see www. klovern. se .

Klövern AB (publ), Bredgränd 4, 111 30 Stockholm. Phone: +46 8-400 500 50. E-mail: info@klovern. se.

This information is such that Klövern AB (publ) is obliged to disclose under the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was made available for publication on 2 February 2016.

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Klövern AB (publ) via Globenewswire

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Ota professional forex trader library: Also, you won’t find many TV and radio news about the Forex market. For the Forex market, there is no and there can not be any central station, and it. About Forex. New market turmoil has been lived on Wednesday as the ECB talks on negative deposit rates continued and the FOMC minutes played again the ‘.

Buying Swedish Krone and Danish Krone Currency

Is it better to buy foreign currency in the US or will the exchange rate be better in Sweden and Denmark? Exchange rates for buying cash are NEVER good in the US.- ofter they are close to criminal - but withdraw from an ATM (in the airport or anywhere else) - that's is always (depending a bit on YOUR bank´ fees) the cheapest. Remember to buy the currency in the country where it is used even if the ATM MAY offer to withdraw the other currency (it will add fees/lousy rates for that)

Also is it recommended to withdraw cash at Kastrup Airport. I will be landing on Thur morning and taking the train to Sweden for a few day then coming back to Copenhagen? Again ust ATMs for both currencies (in airport and the first you see in Sweden - they are everywhere). If you by some reason need to exchange cash then the best are (if you use your card to buy trainticket):

In Copenhagen: "FOREX" at central station 8and other locations) You also have FOREX in Sweden: For you I guess that the one at the MAIN station in Malmö is conveniet (guessing the you will ahve ime at Malmö Central) - find other shops at their homepage - seach forex valuta

Do NOT buy say DKK for USD in a Swedish FOREX (or SEK for USD in a Danish) - you will get doulbe fees and rate-surplus.

Remember that in this part of the world evelyone buys currency several times/year (or month) - and uses CCs abroad many times. In the Malmö-Copenhagen region there are 10,000s that live in one country and work in the other - so it is no problem to get currency and except for high street exchange shops (clearly adressing tourists) rates and fees are fair

Información general

Travel and transport to Oslo

Oslo Airport Gardermoen is located 47 kilometres from the Conference Venue.

The travel time for delegates from the airport to the Bussterminalen station is 40 minutes by FLYBUSSEN. which departs every 20 minutes throughout the day. Ticket costs NOK 150.

The Airport Express Train departs every 10 minutes and takes 22 minutes to reach the Oslo S station, located within a five-minute walk of the hotels and the congress centre. Ticket costs NOK 180

Delegates wishing to take a taxi should contact Airport Taxi’s information desk in the Arrival Hall at Oslo Airport Gardermoen and make sure to agree on the fare before departure. The travel time by taxi from Gardermoen to central Oslo is approximately 50 minutes.

Additionally, Rygge Moss Airport is located approximately one hour from Oslo Central Station, while Torp Sandefjord Airport is about two hours away. Both airports offer bus service to Oslo Central Station.

About OSLO

Currency and payment

The currency in Norway is Norwegian Kroner (NOK). For current exchange rates please see here. 1 Euro is approximately NOK 8,5 (Aug. 2014) 1 UDS is approximately NOK 6,5 (Aug. 2014)

All banks and post offices in Oslo offer currency exchange services. Money can also be exchanged at the airport, at FOREX or at Tourist Information offices in the city centre.

The use of credit cards is extensive in Norway, and major credit cards are widely accepted in shops and restaurants. ATMs can be found easily. Money can be withdrawn at ATMs at the airport, at train stations and outside most banks. For participants wishing to withdraw money over the counter, bank opening hours in Norway are usually from 09.00 to 15.30 or 16.00 Monday to Friday.


Weather in Oslo may vary with mean daily minimum temperatures just below 10°C and mean daily maximum at 15°C. The day highs may reach 25°C. Summer showers can occur at any time, and we therefore recommend appropriate shoes and clothing, including an umbrella and an all-weather jacket.


Participants who need a visa in order to enter the Schengen area (Schengen short stay visa) are recommended to apply for a visa as early as possible. Participants who travel to Norway via a third country are reminded that they should also check with the authorities of that country whether they might need, additionally, a transit visa.

Kindly note that it is your responsibility to apply for and obtain a visa in advance of your journey to Norway.

Information on visa requirements for Norway can be found on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

To facilitate the application process, please consult the nearest Norwegian embassy’s website for accurate information about the specific procedures and documents needed in your country.

For an overview of Norwegian representations in the world and links to their contact information, please visit this website.

Handling time for visa applications, once a complete application dossier has been handed in, is normally 15 working days.

If you need an Official Letter of Invitation for your visa appilcation purpose, please contact us at eugms2015(at)gyro. no


In registering for the 11th Congress of the EUGMS, delegates agree that neither the organization nor the congress agency Gyro Conference AS is responsible for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Delegates are requested to arrange their own travel and health insurance. The organizers can not assume liability for changes in the program due to external circumstances.

A Guide To Forex Trading

Exchanging cash in the worldwide markets can be extraordinary approach to make a greater amount of it, it can likewise be a lesson in how to lose cash rapidly. More than $1 trillion is exchanged each day on the outside cash trade ( Forex Trading ), but then no incorporated central station or formal administrative body exists for this type of exchange. Outside cash trade is directed through an interwoven of worldwide assentions between nations, the majority of which have some kind of administrative office that controls what goes ahead inside of their individual outskirts. In this way, the remote coin trade really is an overall system of dealers who are associated by phone and PC screens.

Albeit more worldwide policing of cash exchanging has happened as of late, powers have had a few triumphs unco vering tricks and cheats that mislead brokers, particularly more up to date ones. So in the event that you need to attempt this wild universe of exchanging, you should be vigilant and not depend

completely on sp ecialists. Without a doubt, specialists can help you in clarifying the working of outside trade markets and how the dialect of the Forex Trading and its dangers are one of a kind, yet you require a great deal all the more preparing before you much consider entering this to a great degree unsafe exchanging stadium.

On the off chance that you have ever gone outside the United States, you have likely exchanged a remote coin. Each time you go outside your nation of origin, you need to trade your nation’s coin for the cash utilized as a part of the nation you are going to. In the event that you are a US native shopping in England and you see a sweater that you need for 100 pounds (the pound is the essential’s name unit of cash in Great Britain), you would need to know the swapping scale. What’s more, that is the way outside cash trade is utilized by the normal customer, yet remote coin dealers exchange much bigger aggregates of cash a large number of times each day. Forex Trading

TMH contact info

Dept. of Speech, Music and Hearing School of Computer Science and Communication KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Lindstedtsvägen 24 SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Tel: +46 (8) 790 7559 Fax: +46 (8) 790 7854 Email: tmh-info@csc. kth. se

Travel information

How to get from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm

The Stockholm/Arlanda Airport is located about 40 km north of Stockholm.

You will find taxis just outside the Arrival Hall at the airport. Note that taxi fares may differ substantially. Settle the price before getting into the taxi. You can share the taxi with other people (same price for up to 4 persons). Here you can find updated pricing information on taxis: www. taxistockholm. se

There is a fast train service from Arlanda to Stockholm City. The travel time is 20 min and there is a train every 15 min. Prices can be found here: www. arlandaexpress. com

Buses leave the airport every 10 minutes for the City Terminal in central Stockholm, near the Central Station. The bus ride takes about 35 minutes. From the City Terminal you may either take a taxi to your final destination in Stockholm or take the underground from the station "T-centralen". Underground stations are marked with a blue T on a white background. You can also ask the bus driver to give you a "flightbus taxi", which means that you start off with the bus to the City Terminal and from there continue with a taxi to your destination in Stockholm. For prices visit: www. flygbussarna. se

Local travel information

The underground is generally the easiest, fastest and most flexible means of communication in Stockholm. (Downtown, walking is recommended). KTH and Hotel Arcadia are located in the northern part of the city, and have the same underground station, "Tekniska Högskolan" (the red line towards "Mörby Centrum"), less than 10 minutes from T-Centralen.

You can buy a tourist card for 24 hours or 72 hours. These cards are valid for an unlimited number of bus and underground journeys on the Stockholm Local Traffic company's (SL) ordinary routes throughout the whole of the Greater Stockholm area. The 72-hour card also includes admission to the Skansen outdoor museum, the amusement park Gröna Lund, the Kaknäs outlook tower and the SL Tram Museum, located in Söderdepån. www. sl. se

Tourist cards and discount coupons can be bought at the SL Travel Centres at the T-station Tekniska Högskolan or from SL's other sales agents and kiosks, such as "Pressbyrån".

The so-called Stockholm Card includes unlimited free travel by bus (except airport buses), underground and local trains, free sightseeing by boat with Stockholm Sightseeing, free one-hour sightseeing by bus with City Sightseeing, free admission to 70 attractions and museums, and many special offers. You can buy the card at the Central Station, The City Hall, The Sweden House "Sverigehuset", on Hamngatan 27 and many other places. www. stockholmtown. com

Money exchange

Apart from post offices and banks, foreign currency can also be exchanged at FOREX offices. FOREX offices are available, e. g. at Arlanda, the City Terminal, the Central Station and T-Centralen.


The voltage level throughout Sweden is 230 V, 50 Hz. You may need a plug adapter.

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5 Minute Walk From Amsterdam Central Station

5 Minute Walk From Amsterdam Central Station

About Vincent van Gaasbeek

My name is Vincent and I have a background in IT, Sales, and Internet Marketing (Companies I worked for are ING Bank, SuccesGids and WUA). but I found out that music is my true passion, so that's the reason why right now I'm working on becoming music producer/Dj (Deep House & Techno).

I love to travel and see new places! At the moment, holiday destinations that are on my wish list are Brazil, The Caribbean, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Fiji and many more! ;-) Of course I also love my hometown Amsterdam and all the city has to offer. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to party at the many good techno/deep house festivals in Amsterdam.

Besides traveling, I like to do sports (Bouldering, Fitness, Tennis), watch movies, listen to music, and read about personal development (Anthony Robbins), philosophy, etc. and if there's time left. doing my best to learn how to become a successful Forex trader!

I believe I am a good house host - I was raised well and want all my guests to have the best time ever in Amsterdam! I want you to enjoy this great city and feel totally comfortable in my studio apartment.

I hope I can welcome you one day as a guest in one of my apartments, or meet you along my travels.

Greetings from Amsterdam, and maybe till soon!

Vincent van Gaasbeek

Vincent van Gaasbeek purchased this apartment in 2012

Why Vincent van Gaasbeek chose Amsterdam area

The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

What makes this apartment unique

Beautiful Private, Newly Renovated Studio Apartment In a Beautiful Monumental Building, Located in Amsterdam City Centre. Literally a 5 Minute Walk From Adam Central Station, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square.

This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center, Nightlife, the Canal Area, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums.

The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

The spacious living room with kitchen and magnificent wooden floor is characterized by numerous authentic details and beautiful French balcony. Superb views over the town and the Spuistraat.

All necessities and luxuries present: HD television (incl. free Film1 movies), Wireless Internet, spacious bathroom incl. bathtub and shower, separate utility room with washing - and drying machine (see pictures).

Why Home Away

We had a quick one night stay in Amsterdam. The apartment was super close to the central train station, making it ideal for our needs. The place was very clean and modern, and perfect for the 2 of us. Vincent was a great host, and pointed us to a great restaurant nearby to celebrate by husband's birthday. Would recommend as well as stay again if we are back in Amsterdam.

Submitted: Jan 14, 2016

Stayed: Jan 2016

Source: VRBO, from HomeAway

Did you find this review helpful?

Luxurious Apartment in Center of Amsterdam, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square. This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center (Kalverstraat), Nightlife, the Canal Area, Leidese Square, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums (Van Gogh, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk, etc.).

If you have any other questions about specific attractions and activitites, then please ask. I'm more more than happy to answer all of your questions!

Kind regards, Vincent


Rates & Availability

View all rental rates

Old Center Apartment Rental Rates

Rental Basis: per property Manager accepts payment in: EUR

My Standard Rate

1 night minimum stay

Notes: Rates are based on 2 guests; add $39 per night, per additional guest

Additional information about rental rates

Refundable damage deposit

Rates are subject to change until reservation is confirmed.

Manager's Cancellation Policy

100% refund if canceled at least 60 days before arrival date.

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Garden city perth trading hours

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Swatch profit hit by Sochi, forex rates

Zurich - Watchmaking giant Swatch Group said on Tuesday that first-half net profit slid by 11.5 percent because of the costs of marketing at the Sochi Olympics, and unfavourable exchange rates.

“The already overvalued Swiss franc strengthened further against currencies in all of the Group's important sales regions compared to the first half of the previous year,” Swatch said.

Net profit fell to 680 million Swiss francs (559 million euros, $757 million).

But sales rose by 8.5 percent from the equivalent period last year to 4.5 billion Swiss francs at constant exchange rates, Swatch said in a statement.

However, at current exchanges rates, the sales increase was 4.0 percent, totalling 4.3 billion francs, the group noted.

The strength of the Swiss franc is a recurrent problem for exporters from the Alpine country, who have long made quality their selling point in order to offset currency effects and high labour costs.

Swatch said that it also faced “significant strain” due to a December 29 fire on an electroplating plant - a key stage in the watchmaking process.

“Although the fire was quickly brought under control, extensive damage and an interruption of business occurred in the electroplating department and the downstream watch movement production,” it said.

While the clean-up was completed within weeks of the fire, long delivery schedules for replacement machinery meant that the damaged plant could not be rebuilt as planned in the first half of the year.

Non-deliveries and delivery delays resulting from the fire dented sales by 200 million Swiss francs, Swatch said, adding that it expected only “minor delays” in watch movement production for the rest of the year.

Swatch, whose stable of brands includes Flik Flak, Tissot and Longines, said that gross sales in its watches and jewellery division rose by 8.8 percent at constant exchange rates and 4.3 percent at current rates compared to the previous year.

“In local currency, all markets except for a small number of European countries remain on a growth course compared to the very high prior-year figures. This is also the case in China,” it said.

“In addition, all brands continued to invest heavily in marketing, particularly Omega during the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi,” it added.

Marketing investment at the Games had a particular impact on its flagship Omega brand.

Overall, at 830 million Swiss francs, operating profit was 8.8 percent lower than in the previous year owing to exchange rates and Sochi spending.

Swatch said it was confident about its performance over the rest of the year.

“The outlook for the Group in all regions and segments remains very good and a promising second half of 2014 is expected,” it said.

“Particularly in the USA and Japan, sales continue their very positive development. Also, the stronger sales trend noticed on the Chinese mainland continues,” it added.

It noted that the outlook in Hong Kong - the Swiss watchmaking sector's top export market - was affected by “a number of certainties”.

The currency impact, however, was likely to be “less dramatic” that in the first half, it said.

Some watchmakers and luxury products companies have experienced a sharp fall in sales in China owing to a clampdown there on corruption and ostentatious entertainment and gifts. - Sapa-AFP

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It means getting caught up in the gambling

either spending too much because you're "up" and convinced you're "having a lucky day" or for some reason you can't explain "are getting good at this," or the opposite, not following the math when you're down--possibly holding on while the wave is going down because your puritanical scripting tells you that "no one can beat the market" or "buy and hold [is what good people do.]" If you ask anyone on the street about their stock market history, they will mostly say they're "good at it" or "bad at it" with absolutely no mention of training--and, wouldn't you know it, they all average 7% per year, monkeys throwing darts, amen.

It's related to the constant debate of whether markets should be interpreted as a predictable soap opera or as a predictable mathematical equation.

It's really a pragmatism vs ideology debate. We all love to see ourselves as science and the other guy as art. But both systems are just ways of seeing the market, and neither has historically worked any more than the other, but make for trendy buzzwords when insulting the other team. ) It's similar to many political arguments--where neither side has actually come up with a solution that works, but both love to call the other an ideologue and use condescending words to describe their own team, like "data driven decisions."

So really, if markets are efficient, supply and demand will be predictable. But life is largely comprised of market dislocations that affect stock prices, whether in the form of lobbyists or CEOs waking up with a bad back that morning. So the question is whether you make your stock decisions based on some trendline of a regression of past performance or some voodoo balancing hedge with a low beta, or whether you follow the soap opera, assuming you are as much a part of the zeitgeist as the players involved and therefore your hesitancy on a rainy day will be mirrored in their decisions. Both work, and we use both in other aspects our lives--for example we discuss baseball through mathematical equations but basketball through the soap opera of spoiled brats.

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Last Updated 3-9-2016

Tokyo , formerly (until 1868) Edo. Tokyo © Digital Vision/Getty Images city and capital of Tokyo to (metropolis) and of Japan. It is located at the head of Tokyo Bay on the Pacific coast of central Honshu. It is the focus of the vast metropolitan area often called Greater Tokyo, the largest urban and industrial agglomeration in Japan.

A brief treatment of Tokyo follows. For full treatment, see Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area .

The site of Tokyo has been inhabited since ancient times; the small fishing village of Edo existed there for centuries. Edo’s development into a city did not occur until the Tokugawa period (1603–1867), when it became the capital of the Tokugawa shogunate. During this period, however, the imperial family remained in Kyōto, the ancient imperial capital. With the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which ended the shogunate, the capital was moved to Edo. The city was renamed Tokyo, meaning “eastern capital.” Edo had been Japan’s largest city since the 17th century. Tokyo’s population exceeded one million in the late 19th century, and as Japan’s political, economic, and cultural centre it became one of the world’s most populous cities in the 20th century.

The city is built on low, alluvial plains and adjacent upland hills. The climate is mild in winter and hot and humid in the summer. Early summer and early autumn are rainy seasons; two or three typhoons usually occur during September and October.

Tokyo: Tsukiji fish market © Peter Gordon/Shutterstock. com The metropolitan area is the largest industrial, commercial, and financial centre in Japan. Many domestic and international financial institutions and other businesses are headquartered in central Tokyo. The city is an important wholesale centre, where goods from all parts of the country and the world are distributed. Tokyo is part of the Keihin Industrial Zone, centred on the western shore of the bay, which has become the country’s leading manufacturing region. Light and labour-intensive industries predominate in the city, notably printing and publishing and the manufacture of electronic equipment.

Niju Bridge Leo de Wys Inc./Steve Vidler Encircled by stone-walled moats and broad gardens, the Imperial Palace. the home of the emperor of Japan, lies at the heart of the city. East of and adjacent to the Imperial Palace is the colourful Marunouchi district, the financial hub and a major centre of Japanese business activity. South of the palace is the Kasumigaseki district, containing many national government offices. West of that is Nagatacho, where the National Diet Building (parliament) is located. Tokyo has no single central business district, but the city is dotted with urban centres, usually around railroad stations, where department stores, shops, hotels, office buildings, and restaurants are clustered. In between are less intensively developed neighbourhoods with similar mixtures. The buildings in these districts range from stone and brick structures of the Meiji period (1868–1912) to postwar concrete and steel skyscrapers; there are also a dwindling number of wooden, Japanese-style buildings. The brightly lit Ginza shopping district, located in the eastern part of the central city, is world renowned. Northeast of the Imperial Palace, the Kanda district is noted for its many universities, bookstores, and publishers. Although Tokyo’s parks are not as large as those in some major American or European cities, they are numerous and often contain exquisite Japanese gardens.

Tokyo is Japan’s major cultural centre. Displays depicting the art and history of Japan and Asia are featured at the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park. Ueno Park is also the site of a science museum, a zoological garden, and two major art museums. Art and science museums are located close to the Imperial Palace, and museums of various types are located elsewhere in the city. Theatrical works, including everything from traditional Kabuki to modern drama, are performed regularly, as are symphonic works, operas, and other Western forms of dance and music. The University of Tokyo heads a long list of major universities and colleges in the metropolitan area.

Tokyo is the chief transportation hub for Japan, as well as an important international traffic centre. It is served by a dense network of electric railways, subways, bus lines, and highways. Tokyo station is the central railroad terminal for all of Japan, including the high-speed Shinkansen bullet trains from western Japan. Ueno Station is the terminus for rail lines running to northern Japan, and Shinjuku station is the terminus for trains from central Honshu and Tokyo’s western suburbs. Several privately owned electric rail lines provide interurban transit service. Tokyo’s international airport is at Narita, in Chiba prefecture, while the city’s Haneda airport on the bay provides domestic service. Area 240 square miles (621 square km). Pop. (2005) 8,489,653; (2010) 8,945,695.

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Have you been to Stockholm Arlanda Airport recently? Write a Review!

In this guide we may refer to locations as "landside" and "airside". Landside is the public area of the terminal located in the non-secure zone, before security. Airside is the secure area of the terminal that you must reach by going through security.

If you are an economy class traveller, you can enter these lounges at Stockholm Arlanda airport either by purchasing a lounge pass or through a membership program. Visit the individual lounge page for more details (ie. facilities, hours, pass and membership information):

Arlanda Lounge - Location: Terminal 5, Airside, Non-Schengen, F Pier. Hours: 8:00AM - 10:00PM (Mon, Thurs, Sat) • 8:00AM - 7:00PM (Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun). Lounge Access: Book Online (ВЈ22.00) • Priority Pass .

Menzies Executive Lounge - Location: Terminal 2, Airside. Access only for Schengen & Non-Schengen Departures & Schengen Arrivals from T2. Hours: 5:15AM - 8:45PM (Mon - Fri) • 5:30AM - 8:30PM (Sat) • 5:30AM - 8:45PM (Sun). Lounge Access: Pay at the Door • Priority Pass .

Menzies Executive Lounge - Location: Terminal 5, Airside, F-Pier. Transit passengers require a valid Schengen Visa. Hours: 6:30AM - 6:30PM (Mon - Fri) • 10:00AM - 3:30PM (Sat) • 9:30AM - 4:30PM (Sun). Lounge Access: Pay at the Door • Priority Pass .

Menzies Business Lounge - Terminal 5, Airside, A-Pier, Upper Level. Transit passengers require a valid Schengen Visa. Hours: 5:30AM - 7:30PM (Daily). Lounge Access: Pay at the Door • Book Online (ВЈ22.00) • Priority Pass .

Free WiFi is available at Stockholm Arlanda Airport for up to 3 hours (or 100mb). Connect to the "Airport-Guest" network. If you require more time or data, you can buy access with a credit card: 1 hour (SEK 49) or 24 hours (SE129)

Sidewalk Express offers pay per use internet stations. Location: 2,4,5, and SkyCity, landside.

If sleeping in Stockholm Airport does not appeal to you, there are hotels near the airport:

Clarion Hotel Arlanda - connected to SkyCity, between Terminals 4 and 5. Day rooms are available. If you are not a guest, you can pay to use the swimming pool, sauna and gym. A admission rate of SEK 150 includes towels.

Radisson Blu Sky City - Located inside the airport, between Terminals 4 and 5. Day rooms are available for 4 or 8 hours. Guests can walk to or take free shuttle to all terminals.

Rest and Fly - Located between Terminal 4 (domestic) and the escalator to SkyCity. Overnight rooms can be used for up to 10 hours. Day rooms can be rented by the hour between the hours of 6:00AM to 8:00PM. Rooms do not have TV but rates do include bedding and towels (150 SEK for the first hour and 50 SEK each subsequent hour). Guests must store their luggage in the airport’s left luggage facility or self-service lockers located throughout the terminals.

Radisson Blu Arlandia - (5 min from the airport) Free airport shuttle runs every 15 minutes between the hours 4:00AM to Midnight.

Connect Arlanda - (10 min from the airport) Reasonably priced hotel with a free airport shuttle (Hours: 4:00AM - 12:30AM). Bus departs from the hotel after every 30 minutes (on the hour and half-hour). Transfer time is approx. 10 minutes.

Jumbo Stay - (10 min from the airport) A real 747 Jumbo Jet that has been converted into a hostel. Private rooms and 4-bed mixed dorm available. Free roundtrip airport shuttle.

To find a cheap room, there is a list of hotels near Stockholm Arlanda Airport on Tripadvisor that can be sorted by price.

Airport Tours - If you are travelling with a group, the airport offers airport tours that can arranged before you arrive. & Raquo; book a tour

ATMs / Cash Machines - Cash machines dispense both SEK and EUR. Available before security in Terminals 2, 5 and SkyCity.

Car Rentals - Avis • Budget • Europcar • Hertz • Sixt. Location: Car Rental Area - Take Transfer bus 17В from stop 17 outside terminals 2, 4 and 5. Sixt (Location: Arlanda LГҐngtid Alfa long-term parking - Take transfer bus 14 from stop 14 outside terminals 2, 4 and 5).

Chapel - Location: SkyCity, landside. Hours: 5:00AM - 10:00PM.

Children's Play Area - Location: Terminal 4, airside, near Gate 31 and Terminal 5, airside.

Currency Exchange - There are 5 currency exchange offices located landside in the following locations: Skycity, Terminal 2, and three offices in Terminal 5. There is also a Forex Bank located after security in Terminal 5.

Food & Drinks - There are many food concessions at Arlanda Airport, but only one of them is open 24-hours. However, you can also find food vending machines in Terminals 2 and 3. Food concessions airside are open for as along as there are flights operating: »Terminal 5 - Sky Cafe (Landside, Sky City) • 7 Eleven Express

Gym - You can pay to use the gym at the Clarion Hotel Arlanda. Gym Hours: 5:00AM - 11:00PM. & Raquo; see Airport Hotels above

Luggage Storage & Lockers - There is a left luggage office located at Bagport: Terminal 5, Level 1. Hours: 6:00AM - 10:00PM. Rates: unknown. Additionally, there are lockers in Terminals 2, 4 and 5 (landside). Rates vary from SEK 30-50 per 24-hours period.

Pharmacy - Location: SkyCity, Landside. Hours: 7:00AM - 8:00PM (Mon - Fri), 9:30AM - 5:00PM (Sat) and 9:30AM - 8:00PM (Sun).

Showers - Showers are available at Rest and Fly. Rate: 85 SEK

Smoking Rooms - Available in Terminal 2 (entrance A) and Terminal 5 (near gate 3, 13, F65, and level 3 after the large duty free)

Swimming Pool & Sauna - You can pay to use the swimming pool and sauna at the Clarion Hotel Arlanda. Pool Hours: 5:30AM - 9:00PM. Sauna Hours: 5:00AM - 9:00PM (Mon - Fri) and 10:00AM - 11:00PM (Sat - Sun). & Raquo; see Airport Hotels above

The airport is open 24 hours. Terminal 3 closes at night.

Airport Transportation: Getting To/From The Airport

Arlanda airport is accessed by several local and long-distance bus lines. Passengers can take a bus to or from Stockholm, Uppsala, Västerås, Malmö and points beyond. The most popular bus services to/from Arlanda Airport are:

Air Shuttle - The Air Shuttle travels from the City Terminal Bus Station in central Stockholm to Arlanda Airport (total trip time: 35 minutes). The bus departs for the airport every 20 minutes and stops at Terminals 2, 4 and 5. Free WiFi is available on board, and each seat has an electrical outlet to charge laptops and mobile phones. Air Shuttle tickets can be purchased on the Air Shuttle website, on board from the driver, at any PressbyrГҐn outlet or 7-11 convenience store, at any Information counter in Arlanda airport, or from automated ticket machines located in the airport terminals.

Flygbussarna - These highly eco-friendly buses run on RME bio-fuel, a fossil fuel made from rapeseed. Drivers apply Smart Driving eco-friendly techniques during the journey in order to lower fuel consumption. Free WiFi is available on board. Tickets can be purchased via SMS (text message), on the Flygbussarna website or mobile app, on board from the driver (payment by credit card only), at any PressbyrГҐn outlet or 7-11 convenience store, or from the automated ticket machines located in the airport terminals and Flygbussarna bus stops. Three routes are available:

To/from Stockholm city center - Departs every 10 minutes, with stops along the motorway and St Eriksplan.

To/from Bromma Airport - Departs every 20 minutes, with stops in Kista and Sundbyberg.

To/from Liljeholmen - Departs every 20 minutes, with stops in Hornstull, Fridhemsplan, and Karolinska Hospital.

Night Bus to Stockholm and Uppsala - SL (Stockholm Transport) night bus 592 runs between Arlanda Airport and central Stockholm. Night bus 593 runs between Uppsala and central Stockholm, with stops at Knivsta Station and Arlanda Airport. Visit SL ’s website for further details.

Uppsala Airport Coach - UL (Upplands Lokaltrafik) airport bus route 801 runs between Arlanda and Uppsala. Buses depart twice an hour from 3:00AM - 12:00AM. Visit UL ’s website for further information.

Nettbuss Bus4You Västerås - Like Flygbussarna, Nettbuss operates a fleet of eco-friendly buses that run on RME-biofuel. Nettbuss provides a nonstop service between Arlanda Airport and Västerås. Each seat has free WiFi and an electrical outlet for charging laptops and mobile phones. Tickets can be purchased on Nettbuss ’ website or mobile app, at the airport’s information desks, through travel agents, and from automated ticket machines in Terminals 2, 4 and 5.

Swebus Airport Service - Swebus runs four bus lines from Arlanda Airport (all terminals) to Uppsala and Г–rebro, stopping at several points in between. For fare and schedule information, visit the Swebus website.

Avis • Budget • Europcar and Hertz car rental agencies operate at Arlanda Airport’s car rentals area. Alamo •Enterprise and National car rental agencies can be found at Terminal 2. Sixt car rental agency is located in low-price parking lot Alfa. From Terminals 2, 4 and 5, parking bus Alfa will take you to Sixt and parking bus Beta will take you to the agencies in the car rentals area. Parking buses operate very frequently during peak hours.

Car sharing is an economical and eco-friendly way to rent a car for a brief period. Car sharing stations are located throughout the city, and are open 24 hours a day. Vehicles can be picked up at one station and dropped off at another. Car2Go and Sunfleet have vehicles available for use from Arlanda Airport.


Only approved eco-taxis are permitted to operate from the taxi stands at Arlanda Airport. Fares are not fixed, and all taxis must clearly display their highest fare (comparative price) on both sides of the vehicle. This allows passengers to quickly compare pricing before selecting a taxi. There is no need to take the first taxi in the queue. The maximum price for trips within the marked zone boundaries is SEK 675 (price valid for up to 4 passengers traveling to a single address). Taxi dispatchers are available if you require assistance or need to order a wheelchair accessible vehicle.


Sweden’s train system provides a fast, comfortable and eco-friendly way to get to and from the airport. Most trains access the airport from Arlanda Central Station, located between Terminals 4 and 5 in an area called SkyCity. The Arlanda Express accesses the airport directly from all terminals. The following trains provide service to and from Arlanda Airport:

Arlanda Express - A high-speed train that runs a non-stop route between Stockholm Central Station and Arlanda Airport (total trip time: 20 minutes). The Arlanda Express can be accessed from all airport terminals by taking any escalator or elevator leading down to the train. Passengers can ride the Arlanda Express for free between Terminals 2, 3, and 5. Tickets can be purchased at the airport information desks or from the Arlanda Express automated ticket machines located near the elevators and escalators. Timetables can be viewed on the Arlanda Express website or mobile app.

Commuter Trains - Commuter trains run from Arlanda Central Station to Stockholm Central Station or Uppsala. Total trip time for commuter service is 18 minutes to Uppsala and 38 minutes to Stockholm Central Station. Tickets can be purchased at SL or UL sales points and Arlanda Central Station. Passengers who board or depart a commuter train at Arlanda Central Station must pay a station access fee of SEK 85. If the fee is not included in your ticket price, it can be paid for at the station counter in Arlanda Central Station.

Long Distance Trains - Passengers can take a long distance train from Arlanda Central Station to Uppsala, Malmö, Gävle and points beyond. Visit SJ or Tågkompanie t websites for routes, fares and further information.

Last Updated: 14 November 2015

The information in this Airport Guide is based on information collected and/or received from the airport's and their web sites. The information above is subject to change without notice. Use it for informational purposes only to help you during your stay. To report errors, or to add/change any items mentioned in the guide, please email us at guides@sleepinginairports. com .

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by admin on Friday, February 10th, 2012 | Comments Off on FXCBS

FXCBS (Forex Central Brokerage Services) is an Electronics Communication Network forex broker. It is based in Virgin Islands, United Kingdom. FXCBS has offices in the United Kingdom, United States of America and China. It offers online currency trading with one of the lowest spreads in the forex trading market by accumulating prices from several inter-bank liquidity providers. It also provides direct access to inter-bank liquidity through its forex trading software that is available without charge. All trading orders are carried out without any Dealing Desk, successfully eradicating any conflict of interest between its clients and itself. All trading styles are allowed since FXCBS takes zero risk.

Forex Central Brokerage Services (FXCBS) is part of the Fienex Group. It aims to develop solutions and technology to serve the needs of its clients. It was created by a team of expert advisors and professional traders who wanted to get rid of an unfair trading atmosphere. FXCBS considers itself the next generation of spot forex trading. It is one of the premiere forex brokerage companies to provide unique services to forex traders.

FXCBS serves its clients with institutionalised product base on top priority. It wants to give importance to forex compliance and risk disclosure. Over-the-counter foreign currency and forex transactions are confidential agreements between the trader and the dealer and the trader is subject to the risk relating to the credit worthiness of the dealer. The trader needs to be assured when there are profitable trades that the dealer has the ability to transfer the funds for such trades much in the same way as a bank giving a loan would like to know that its client has adequate net worth to repay the loan.

As a leading online forex trading broker, FXCBS has offered ECN commission-free and interest-free accounts to meet an increasing demand. This has gone down very well with expert advisor developers and traders. Clients have the choice to register and trade on an FXCBS commission based account or an FXCBS commission free account. The difference provided by these accounts is that the commission changes have been taken out and substituted by increasing the spreads and accommodating traders with commission free trading.

The interest free trading has been introduced to meet the needs of traders from Islamic countries with strict adherence to the Islamic Shariah Law. Should the interest rates and swap charges not agree with the trader’s religious or social beliefs, FXCBS gives the option of registering for an interest free trading account.

At FXCBS, traders can continue to trade on prices that are streamed by large banks and other major financial organisations. FXCBS is offering spreads as low as 0.1 of a pip on all major currencies. There is no Dealing Desk and there is full hedging capacity. The trading platforms used are MetaTrader 4 and FXCBS Central Station. MetaTrader 4 Mobile platform is also offered. The MAN (Multi Account Manager) software has been made exclusively for money managers to allow them easy access to their managed accounts from a single platform. Traders can place orders on multiple accounts at the same time and at the same price. They can manage their open positions on their accounts either individually or collectively.

Funds can be transferred using Bank Wire or MoneyBookers. Accounts can be opened in USD, GBP or Euros. FXCBS does not accept third party deposits. It offers 24-hour trading services with low spreads and commissions. You can visit Cashback Forex to learn more on the cashback affiliate program. Cashback Forex will give you more details on FXCBS commissions.

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Trading Forex is very much like gambling. The main difference is that gambling leaves everything up to chance whereas with currency trading, knowledge and experience have much to do with the outcome. With today’s stock markets’ volatility pushing investors away and into other investment vehicles, currency trading has become a popular means of making a quick buck—or losing one.

More than $5.3 trillion is traded in Forex markets on a daily basis and new brokers are opening their doors daily and inviting new traders to place their bets—sic trades.

It is difficult to trade Forex in a vacuum and the amount of information available before placing a trade is a key factor in whether you will come out profitable or not. In fact, statistics show that 80-85% of Forex trades end in a loss.

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Other important feature include a demo account where a novice trader can practice his first few trades in real time using virtual funds provided to him by the broker. A demo account is often time bound but it still affords the trader an opportunity to learn by trading without risking any of his own money.

Anyone interested in starting a trading account should do proper research and broker comparison before submitting any funds and placing a trade. There are several broker review sites that offer up-to-date material on the hundreds of Forex brokers doing business today and clicking on any one of them will provide you with a clear picture of how the important features line up.

Aside from broker reviews and online descriptions, the best way to gather the material you need is via mobile apps and even these are already ubiquitous. So when a unique app comes along, backed by a company that has been in the market for many years, it is certainly worth a good look.

DailyForex. com has been covering the Forex markets and providing free Forex expertise in strategies and trading tips to help traders since 2006. Now their new DailyForex Mobile App adds another dimension to their already valuable services and by combining their website with their mobile app, traders can feel confident that they are getting the best knowhow and up-to-the-minute analysis they can possibly find.

DailyForex. com analysts track the charts and report on major currency pairs including EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY, AUD/USD and others, as well as gold, oil and other commodities and send out weekly and monthly Forex forecasts for the major currency pairs as well as recaps from across the Forex, currency and commodity markets. In addition, traders can benefit from interesting articles about trading psychology, Forex trading strategies and risk management while receiving messages about breaking news, time-sensitive signals and more.

The application opens with home page, which lists a mix of various content articles. Some of the items in the list are premium which means that only paid user have access to them but most are available to all registered members. The premium package is one of three different types of packages offered for the app.

The DailyForex. com mobile application is updated regularly so that you can stay on top of the market no matter where you are. It is available in English, Spanish and Arabic.

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1 Slideshow Apple Investors Should See Right Now

John Maxfield, The Motley Fool - Motley Fool - Fri Dec 04, 9:10PM CST

There are a number of specific details that investors in Apple should know about its stock. The slideshow below covers a handful of them, walking readers through a broad but brief analysis of the iPhone-maker from a shareholder's perspective.

The slideshow shows, among other things, that Apple rewards investors in multiple ways:

It pays out more than a fifth of its earnings via dividends.

It has bought back an incredible $34.8 billion worth of its own stock over the past 12 months, translating into a 4.8% decrease in Apple's outstanding share count.

And though this probably goes without saying, its shares have absolutely destroyed the S&P 500 since the beginning of 2005. Apple's total return beat the large-cap index by more than 2,500 percentage points over the 10-year stretch.

To learn more about Apple, scroll through the slideshow below, which covers a number of the most important metrics related to the iPhone-maker's stock.

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Slideshow data was sourced from YCharts. com on Dec. 3, 2015. Image credits: iStock/Thinkstock, Apple.

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Forex: Euro sharply down as Greece crisis deepens, default looms

The euro tumbled in Asian trading on Monday after Greece failed to strike a deal with its lenders, taking it a step closer to a debt default that could force its exit from the euro zone.

By: Reuters | June 29, 2015 8:42 AM

The euro tumbled in Asian trading on Monday after Greece failed to strike a deal with its lenders, taking it a step closer to a debt default that could force its exit from the euro zone.

The Swiss and Japanese currencies, both of which often appreciate during times of uncertainty on their perceived safe-haven status, were broadly higher.

The euro fell to a one-month low of $1.0955 on the EBS trading platform, about 2 U. S. cents from levels around $1.1165 late on Friday. It was last at $1.1018, down 1.3 percent on the day.

“Ahead of the weekend, there seemed to be a market consensus that something would get done for Greece, so it was a rare occasion when the market takes position for the optimistic view,” said Bart Wakabayashi, head of foreign exchange for State Street Global Markets in Tokyo.

But the likelihood of a Greek default on a 1.6 billion-euro payment to the International Monetary Fund by a Tuesday deadline appeared greater after Athens effectively rejected proposals made by its European lenders in exchange for more credit at last-minute bailout talks at the weekend.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras shocked European officials by instead calling for a referendum to be held on July 5 to ask Greek voters to decide on whether to accept the bailout terms which his government opposes. Athens also closed banks and imposed capital controls to prevent a collapse of its banks as anxious investors pulled out their cash.

Given relatively low liquidity as investors cut their euro positions, Wakabayashi said the single currency’s drop so far did not suggest any panic selling in the foreign exchange market.

“It’s been surprisingly orderly, as the reaction was expected because of the headlines over the weekend. It could have been much uglier,” él dijo.

Some investors had begun paring bets on the euro even before the situation reached its latest crisis point, according to Reuters calculations and data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission released on Friday. Net short positions in the euro increased to 99,306 contracts in the week ended June 23 from the previous week’s 89,357 contracts, which was the smallest level of net euro short positions since late July.

Against the Swiss franc, the euro fell as low as 1.0260 francs according to Reuters data, its weakest level since late April, while it plumbed a one-month low around 133.75 yen. The euro was last buying 1.0332 francs, down about 0.7 percent, and 135.60 yen, down about 0.5 percent.

The dollar fell to a one-month low of 122.10 yen before pulling away from a test of the 122 level. It last stood at 123.08 yen, off 0.6 percent.

A Greek default could set it on a path out of the euro zone, which many investors fear could fatally weaken the entire currency bloc.

Analysts said that in addition to increasing uncertainties about Greece’s future in the euro zone, the vote would raise political risks for Tsipras’s government if the public votes in favour of accepting the bailout proposals.


Public Transport

The Copenhagen Metro, which has been ranked the best in the world for several years running, runs between the airport and the city centre - useful for both tourists and locals. It takes just 15 minutes to get from the airport to Kongens Nytorv in the heart of Copenhagen, but you can also get off at Christianshavn or Nørreport. Web: www. S-trains - The bright red regional "S" trains connect the suburbs and the surrounding towns with the city. Web: www. dsb. dk Buses are efficient and use the same ticketing and pricing system as the S trains and the metro. www. moviatrafik. dk To make itineraries www. rejseplanen. dk is very helpful.

Bike city Copenhagen

While in Copenhagen, why not get around the Danish way? In Copenhagen practically everybody rides a bike – it is an easy way to get around and it is good for the environment. Rent a bike from your hotel or at one of the many bike rental shops in the city.


Taxa 4x35 +45 35 35 35 35 Dantaxi +45 70 25 25 25 TaxiNord +45 48 48 48 48


Red post boxes to drop off your mail are scattered all over the city. Post Office at Central Station Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 7pm, Saturday: Noon-4pm, Sunday closed.


How can I pay? You can pay by Credit Card or Cash.

How do I get a key to the apartment? When making the reservation, we will make an agreement on how to get the keys. Most commonly, we will greet you at the apartment. Is there a telephone in the apartment? No. But GSM phones works in Norway. If coming from an area with a different system (e. g the US) you can rent a phone at most of the phone shops in town and at Oslo Airport. You can also buy a Norwegian pre-paid SIM-card at most kiosks and convenient stores. Is there internet connection in the apartment? Yes, the apartment has broadband connection, free of charge. Bring your computer and network-card.

Can I smoke in the apartment? No, the apartment is smoke free.

Can I bring a pet in the apartment? No, because other guests living in the apartment before or after you could be allergic we do not allow pets. How often is the apartment cleaned? The apartment is cleaned between each guest at which time towels and bedlinens are changed. If you are staying more than a week, cleaning will be done once weekly. There are extra towels, linens and pillows for your convenience. What time can I check in? The normal check-in time is 4 pm (16.00) and onwards. If you have an earlier arrival, please let us know and we will see if we can accommodate that.

What time do I have to leave? The normal check out time is noon, 12 pm (12.00). If you would like to leave the apartment later, please let us know and we will see if we can accommodate that. How do I get to and from the airport? There are buses (Flybussekspressen ) to and from Oslo Airport Gardermoen. Arriving at OSL airport you can take the bus just outside the terminal building - sign 28. The bus stops at RГёa just 400 meters from the apartment. You can also go by the Airport Express train (Flytoget ) from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to the Oslo Central Station and then change to the metro (T-bane ) - take T-bane number 2 - named Г˜sterГҐs to station RГёa.

How do I get to the apartment? The apartment is situated within reach of public transportation - both bus and metro (T-bane). You can also come by car - parking is free. We attach a road map with the confirmation of the booking.

Do I need a passport? All guests are required to bring a photo-ID or passport to identify themselves and sign-in on arrival.

How can I get a cab? We would recommend one of the two big taxi companies in Oslo It is usually possible to order a taxi through telephone as well as do a booking in advance. Oslo Taxi tel. 02323 Norgestaxi tel. 08000 Where can I change money? There are several Bureaus de Change in central Oslo, for example at the Central Station (Forex ), as well as at the airports. Most banks also provide that service. Credit cards are widely accepted. What if I cancel? If cancelling with 14 days or more notice, there is a service charge of 10%. If cancelling less than 14 days ahead there is a cancellation fee of 50%. If cancelling less than 7 days ahead there is a cancellation fee of 75%. No refund will be made without any notice or after the rental period has started; then we will charge the full rate for the booked period. What can I use the apartment for? The apartment can only be used for housing or home office purposes. Any activity such as illegal downloading or file sharing using the internet connection, prostitution etc will be reported to the police immediately. What happens if I break something? Guests are responsible and will be charged the cost. What happens if I loose a key? For security reasons, we would need to change the locks and keys. Guests are fully responsible for the extra costs that inflicts. Do I need to clean the apartment? Normal cleaning is included in the cleaning fee. If extra cleaning is needed, guest will be charged. Doing the dishes is not included.

Will any taxes be added? No taxes will be added.

Trading Desk

What is a 'Trading Desk'

A trading desk is a desk where transactions for buying and selling securities occur. Trading desks can be found in most organizations (banks, finance companies, etc.) involved in trading investment instruments such as equities, fixed-income securities. futures, commodities and foreign exchange. A trading desk provides traders with access to instantaneous trade executions. Also known as "dealing desk".

BREAKING DOWN 'Trading Desk'

Trading desks can be either large or small depending on the organization and are occupied by licensed traders, usually specializing in trading one particular type of investment product (e. g. forex traders, commodities traders, stock traders. etc.). The instantaneous trade executions can be particularly important for day traders looking for arbitrage opportunities that usually last only minutes or even seconds.

DeMo WiKi FoReX

Grand Swiss Belhotel Sumatera Utara

Grand Swiss Belhotel is located in the heart of the central business district and within close proximity to Polonia international airport. The hotel is adjacent to the Cambridge condominiums and shopping mall.

This is a newly open 5 star hotel and considered as a Superior First hotel. Business and recreational facilities such us meeting rooms, business centre, swimming pool, fitness centre and spa are available.

A high rise and modern style building that adjacent to shopping mall.

All rooms are new and in well condition, equipped with complete and modern amenities ; Individual controlled air conditioning, IDD telephone system, Television with satellite programmes, Broadband internet access, Personal safety deposit box, mini bar, bath tub with separate shower and coffee and tea making facilities.

Lobby is medium in size with luxurious decor and design.

Swiss cafe is located on the 1st Floor, this is a contemporary style restaurant that features a modern setting with an open kitchen concept. The restaurant looks out to the neighboring buildings and with its central location, makes it the ideal place to grab a quick bite or a complete meal. The open kitchen concept serves a selection of Asian and Western favorites. Other outlets ; The Edge restaurant and The View lounge and bar.

5 km to the nearest station (medan), 5 kms to the nearest airport (polonia).

Check in from 2:00 PM, Check out prior to 12:00 PM

JW Marriott Hotel Sumatera Utara

The new JW Marriott Hotel Medan is the first Marriott and 5 star luxury hotel in Medan, Indonesia. Each of our 287 guest rooms in our downtown Medan hotel boast breathtaking views, contemporary furnishings, luxurious bedding, 37 - 42" flat-panel TVs and plug-and-play connectivity for iPods and other electronics. Relax with a dip in the outdoor pool or stay fit with a great workout on our new fitness center at our downtown Medan hotel's health club, open 24 hours. Treat yourself to a well deserved treatment in our Quan Spa. Enjoy cocktails and fabulous food at one of our three restaurants, offering hard to find western food and beverage selections. Our luxury hotel in downtown Medan, Indonesia can accommodate gatherings up to 1,200 with the largest ballroom in downtown Medan, perfect for receptions, conferences or weddings, as well as 6 flexible function rooms for that important meeting. The JW Marriott Luxury Medan hotel on Sumatra Island, Indonesia - offering the ultimate luxury for discerning travelers.

Check in from 3:00 PM, Check out prior to 12:00 PM

The new JW Marriott Hotel Medan is the first Marriott and 5 star luxury hotel in Medan, Indonesia. Each of our 287 guest rooms in our downtown Medan hotel boast breathtaking views, contemporary furnishings, luxurious bedding, 37 - 42" flat-panel TVs and plug-and-play connectivity for iPods and other electronics. Relax with a dip in the outdoor pool or stay fit with a great workout on our new fitness center at our downtown Medan hotel's health club, open 24 hours. Treat yourself to a well deserved treatment in our Quan Spa. Enjoy cocktails and fabulous food at one of our three restaurants, offering hard to find western food and beverage selections. Our luxury hotel in downtown Medan, Indonesia can accommodate gatherings up to 1,200 with the largest ballroom in downtown Medan, perfect for receptions, conferences or weddings, as well as 6 flexible function rooms for that important meeting. The JW Marriott Luxury Medan hotel on Sumatra Island, Indonesia - offering the ultimate luxury for discerning travelers. Check in from 3:00 PM, Check out prior to 12:00 PM

Other unusual hotels

RMS Queen Mary, Long Beach, California, United States

The Library Hotel in New York City, is unique in that each of its ten floors is assigned one category from the Dewey Decimal System.

The Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, built on an artificial island, is structured in the shape of a boat's sail.

The Jailhotel Löwengraben in Lucerne, Switzerland is a converted prison now used as a hotel.

The Luxor, a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States is unusual due to its pyramidal structure.

The Liberty Hotel in Boston, used to be the Charles Street Jail.

Built in Scotland and completed in 1936, The former ocean liner RMS Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, United States uses its first-class staterooms as a hotel, after retiring in 1967 from Transatlantic service.

There are several hotels throughout the world built into converted airliners.

[edit] Resort hotels

Principe di Piemonte, Viareggion (Italy)

Some hotels are built specifically to create a captive trade, example at casinos and holiday resorts. Though of course hotels have always been built in popular destinations, the defining characteristic of a resort hotel is that it exists purely to serve another attraction, the two having the same owners. In Las Vegas there is a tradition of one-upmanship with luxurious and extravagant hotels in a concentrated area known as the Las Vegas Strip. This trend now has extended to other resorts worldwide, but the concentration in Las Vegas is still the world's highest: nineteen of the world's twenty-five largest hotels by room count are on the Strip, with a total of over 67,000 rooms. In Europe Center Parcs might be considered a chain of resort hotels, since the sites are largely man-made (though set in natural surroundings such as country parks) with captive trade, whereas holiday camps such as Butlins and Pontin's are probably not considered as resort hotels, since they are set at traditional holiday destinations which existed before the camps.

[edit] Railway hotels

Frequently, expanding railway companies built grand hotels at their termini, such as the Midland Hotel, Manchester next to the former Manchester Central Station and in London the ones above St Pancras railway station and Charing Cross railway station lso in London is the Chiltern Court Hotel above Baker Street tube station and Canada's grand railway hotels They are or were mostly, but not exclusively, used by those travelling by rail.

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features found in hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a mini-ba with snack foods and drinks, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers, a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional guest facilities such as a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function services. Hotel rooms are usually numbered (or named in some smaller hotels and B&Bs) to allow guests to identify their room. Some hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide a minimized amount of room space and shared facilities


Arsip Blog

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Area information

Aarhus is an old city, but still young at heart! The city was founded by the Vikings as an open trading post at the mouth of the river. Aarhus is an educational and cultural centre, and its true soul is a charming blend combining the atmospheres of a beautiful town and an active city, where you will feel welcome and at home. Scattered around the city you will find many restaurants, bars and cafes, many of which are located at the river and suited to all budgets.

Aarhus is really a remarkable place and offers many attractions – such as the open-air museum “The Old Town”, Marselisborg Castle, Queen Margrethe II’s summer residence and Moesgaard Museum. Discover its delights yourself. Most attractions are within walking distance and the city of Aarhus is the place where every wish can be fulfilled in fascinating and inspiring surroundings.

Ideally situated at its bay, fringed by beaches, forests and lush scenery, yet bustling with life, Aarhus offers an inspiring setting for the congress.

For further information about Aarhus please see VisitAarhus’ web site www. visitaarhus. dk.

Banks are open from 09:30 to 16:00 on weekdays with late hours until 18:00 on Thursdays (closed Saturdays and Sundays). There are numerous cash machines throughout the city and the plentiful money transfer offices are open during weekends, for example Forex at Nørreport Station and Copenhagen Central Station.

The currency in Denmark is Danish Kroner (DKK). One krone is divided into 100 Øre.

Electricity Copenhageners use 220 volt for electric appliances. Denmark, like most other European countries, has 220-volt AC, 50Hz current and uses two-pin continental plugs. If you visit from the UK and Ireland, you will need an adaptor for electric appliances, whereas North Americans need a transformer in order to use their 110/125V appliances.

The mother tongue in Copenhagen is Danish, which is closely related to both Swedish and Norwegian. In General Danes speak English extremely well, and some even German and French.

Denmark follows Central European Time (CET) which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and six hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Tipping is greatly appreciated, but not expected, and you should only do so if you feel you are getting exceptionally good service. If you do so 10 percent of the bill is sufficient.

It is very easy and safe to travel around the city by bus, train or Metro. You can buy tickets at almost every station or at the kiosk. You can also purchase your tickets directly in the bus. Tickets can be used regardless of the form of transportation (Metro, bus, train).


Kapelvej 44 is a part of a local culture house. It has a big cafe/dining room, some smaller workshop rooms a gym hall and a nice courtyard. It is normally used for soup kitchen, parties, cultural and political events.

Steoberiet at Blaagaards Plads 3 is a venue we will be using the mornings for workshops and lunch, before we transfer to Kapelvej for the afternoon workshops and evening events. We will provide all festival guests with information on how to get between the two venues and there will be people to walk with if you don't trust your sense of direction.

The address of the venues are:

Cómo llegar allá

Kapelvej 44 is in central Noerrebro. You can walk there from the central station or from Noerreport st. in about 25 minutes. You can also take bus 5A from Noerreport (direction Husum Torv) to the stop Kapelvej. Or from the central station you can take bus 66 (direction Emdrup Torv) or 12 (direction Jyllingevej) to the stop Griffenfeldsgade.

Stoeberiet at Blaagaards Plads 3 is also in central Noerrebro. You can take the 5A from Noerreport (direction Husum Torv) to the stop Ravnsborggade. From the central station taking bus 66 (direction Emdrup Torv) or 12 (direction Jyllingevej) to the stop Blaagaardsgade.

You can get to Copenhagen in many ways.

How to get around

The easiest way to get around Copenhagen is by bike. We will try to get old bikes to fix up. During the festival we will have tourist maps of Copenhagen.

There are buses leaving close to the venue, but transport is quite expensive. It is also within walking distance of the city centre and the beautiful Copenhagen lakes.


There will be text as soon as we know more. Right now we are looking into wheelchair accessibility on the higher floors. Will be up soon.


We would like to be able to have translations at the festival, and we are working on a suitable solution. Watch this space!


The queer festival is non-profit. We wish to create a space which is not based on money, as we find this is the case in society today. The festival is open to all, whether or not they have money. So it doesn't cost anything to take part in the festival, meaning going to workshops, sleeping and food is by donation. We have been fundraising and making solidarity events for this to be possible. Still it is important to point out that running a big festival costs money, and therefore we ask people who have money to give bigger amounts of donations than the people who are not able to.


Unfortunately it's not possible to sleep over at the festival venue. There will be a sign up sheet for pairing up out of town people and Copenhagen sleeping spaces so no one will be without a place to sleep! Come to the venue and sign yourself up if you either have a space or need a space, and if you arrive into Copenhagen late and have an emergency situation where you need a place, Kapelvej 44 is now open until 1am every evening, or you are welcome to call Maddie on +45 50267127 and she can help with finding somewhere.


There will be common food for lunch and dinner. Food is by donation. All the food served at the festival is vegan. There is food three times a day, breakfast will be breads and spreads, rather than an organised meal. If you have allergies let us know on the allergy sign up sheet in the kitchen and we will make sure there is also food for you. We now have all meals coordinated, but if you would like to help with food preparation, sign up for a meal at the daily meeting (14:00 at Blaagaards Plads 3), or pop by the kitchen and ask if you can help.

General Information about Denmark


Denmark has its own currency kroner as it is not part of the Euro European standard currency. Danish money can be bought at the Airport, or at Forex Shops around town, but it will probably be cheaper to buy them before entering the country. At present time 100 Danish kroner is worth 13.41 Euros and 18.36 US Dollars.


The weather in Copenhagen in July is changeable. It can be really hot but it can also rain and be chilly. Here is a link to the Danish weather forecast so you can come prepared: dmi. dk


Public transportation is very expensive in Copenhagen. Travelling from the airport to the city can cost you 36 DKR per person. And a ride itself never costs less than 24 DKR. Copenhagen is nice on bike. We hope to have a bike workshop at the queer festival so you can make your own.

The SNCF main line station at Paris CDG is called вЂ˜Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 2 – TGV’ and is located inbetween terminals 2C-2D and 2E-2F.

Regional RER Line - Charles de Gaulle Airport is linked by the RER B service to Paris and the suburbs. This service runs to and from вЂ˜Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 1’ which is closest to Terminals 1 and 3.

Roissybus - This shuttle service runs between Paris’ Opera Station and all terminals at Paris CDG apart from Terminal 2G.

350 Shuttle - This connects Paris’ Gare De L’est and all terminals at Paris CDG except 2G.

351 Bus - This links Paris’ Nation station and all terminals at CDG except 2G and 3.

Cars Air France Line 2 - This is a service between the centre of Paris (Etoile and Porte Maillot) and all terminals at CDG apart from 2G and 3.

Cars Air France line 3 - This connects Paris Orly and CDG and picks up passengers from all terminals except 2G and 3.

Cars Air France line 4 - This service runs between Gare de Lyon, Gare Montparnasse and all terminals at CDG except 2G and 3.

Rail Station Connections

The Noctillien night bus Line 120 takes passengers to Corbeil-Essonnes, Line 121 goes to La Verriere and Line 140 goes to Paris-Gare de L’Est. These buses stop at Terminals 1, 2F and 3.

This service links Disneyland, some hotels and all terminals at CDG (except 2G).

Taxis go from the following locations at Charles de Gaulle Airport:

Terminal 1 – Exit 20 Terminal 2A/2C – Exit 6 Terminal 2B/2D – Exit 7 Terminal 2E/2F – Exit 1

Frequenty Asked Questions

Can't find yours here? Send it to us and we'll add it below.

Is there public transport after midnight to get to the airport? The only 24-hour public transport is the bus. The N143 and N140 night buses both run from 1am until 6am, and connect the city center with the airport. The N143 departs from Gare de l’Est via the Cargo Centre, and the N140 from the Gare de l’Est via Gare d’Aulnay.

Can I buy my transport ticket at the airport? Yes, there is a ticket counter as well as ticket machines at the airport.

What is the quickest way to reach the airport? The RER is the quickest way to reach the city from the airport, or vice versa. Take the free shuttle from the terminals to the RER station. From there the journey to Gare de Nord is only 25 minutes.

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Copenhagen is a huge city with several district articles that contain information about specific sights, restaurants, and accommodation.

Copenhagen (Danish. København ) is the capital city of Denmark and forms the moderate conurbation that one million Danes call home. This "friendly old girl of a town" is big enough to form a small Danish metropolis, with shopping, culture and nightlife par excellence . yet small enough still to feel intimate and be safe. Although mixed in its urban scene, the city is easy to navigate. Overlooking the Øresund Strait, with neighbouring Sweden just minutes away, Copenhagen serves as a cultural and geographic link between mainland Europe and Scandinavia. Copenhagen is where old fairy tales blend with flashy new architecture and world-class design; where warm jazz mixes with crisp electronica from Copenhagen's basements. You could feel you've seen all of Copenhagen in one day, but further exploration will have you discovering more for months.

Districts Edit

Unofficial but quite widely perceived district division of Copenhagen

Indre By Centrum, the Medieval City — a place of many names, and the historical heart of Copenhagen, dotted with church spires, historic buildings, narrow alleys and excellent shopping.

Christianshavn Originally laid out as a working class neighbourhood 300 years ago, it is now a thriving area notable for its many canals. The Freetown of Christiania is situated in the eastern section of Christianshavn, along with the old naval area, turned trendy: Holmen .

Vesterbro This district still has its share of sex shops and sleazy hotels, but has evolved tremendously in recent years and is now one of the hippest places to live, with cafes and bars dotted along its main artery, Istedgade .

Frederiksberg A small town which originally formed around Frederiksberg Castle, this area is still a separate municipality. Surrounded by the City of Copenhagen, the area has preserved a special conservative, upscale feel.

Nørrebro One of the most vibrant parts of Copenhagen, especially along the main artery, Nørrebrogade, with a mix of immigrants, students, and original working-class Nørrebro-inhabitants.

Østerbro A cozy neighbourhood north of the center. Less vibrant than Nørrebro and Vesterbro, and less quaint than Frederiksberg, it is the home of the famous Little Mermaid statue, and the beautifully preserved Kastellet Citadel. The area west of the train track is very popular with young families with small children to live in.

Amager Once a bastion of the working class, this island with its own distinct atmosphere is booming with new development. Also home of the airport.

Northern suburbs A visit to these green suburbs and Dyrehavsbakken — the world's oldest running amusement park; Frilandsmuseet — the world's largest open air museum; or canoeing down the Mill River, will leave no doubt that this is an altogether different kind of suburbia. It is often colloquially known to locals as the "whisky belt", due to its often well-heeled residents.

Vestegnen The suburbs west and south of the city, short on attractions apart from the good Arken art museum, it has some good beaches and camping opportunities.

Understand Edit

View from Rundetårn

History Edit

Beginnings as a merchant harbour Edit

If you had dropped by Copenhagen in the 11th century CE / AD you would have found yourself looking over a quite small fishing hamlet, with some lazy cattle gazing back at you while chewing fresh green grass from the meadows around the village. Looking east you would see a host of small islets protecting the small fishing harbour from harsh weather — really not the worst place to found a city. If you would rather trust the written word than the archaeologists, the earliest accounts date from the 12th century, when a bearded clerk (or a renowned historian if you will) called Saxo Grammaticus scribbled down a few lines about the place; Portus Mercatorum, he called it, which was really just a fancy Latin version of Købmannahavn. This has since been mangled into København in modern Danish, and even further mangled into Copenhagen in English, but all it really means is "merchant harbour."

Archbishop Absalon Edit

Around 1160 CE, King Valdemar handed over control of the city to the archbishop of Roskilde. Absalon, one of the most colourful characters of the Middle Ages — a curious mix of great churchman, statesman, and warrior. As the country's only city not under the king's control, Absalon saw it thrive and erected a castle on what is today Slotsholmen (the remains are still visible in the catacombs under the present day parliament). As a man of religion Absalon also built a great church, and with those necessities taken care of, Copenhagen quickly gained importance as a natural stop between the two most important Danish cities, the old royal capital Roskilde and Lund in present day Sweden. Endowed with an enviable location on the banks of the important Øresund Strait, it slowly but steadily surpassed the old urban centers. Copenhagen's rise was greatly aided by entrepreneurial trading with friends and foes alike and by prosperous fishing which provided much of Roman Catholic Europe with salted herring for Lent. But with prosperity comes envy and in the years to follow Copenhagen was laid waste and pillaged time and time again, mainly by the members of the German Hanseatic League, which at one point completely destroyed the city.

In case you are wondering about exactly what is so wonderful about Copenhagen, the city's motto is taken from the Frank Loesser song Wonderful Copenhagen featured in the 1952 film Hans Christian Andersen . Sung by Danny Kaye, it's a bit of an evergreen, and — not being accustomed to Hollywood attention — the city has stuck to it ever since. What also seems to have stuck is the pronunciation, but don't listen to old Danny, it's " koh-pehn-HAY-gehn ", not " koh-pehn-HAH-gehn ".

Becoming the capital of Denmark Edit

Like the phoenix, however, Copenhagen repeatedly rose from its ashes. When the Danes kicked out the Pope during the 16th century Protestant Reformation, Roskilde lost its importance as a Roman bishopric and, having taken control of the city twenty years earlier, the Danish king moved his residence to Copenhagen. Not terribly keen on seeing their new capital laid waste once more, successive Danish monarchs built massive fortifications around the city. None more so than King Christian IV, who embarked on a building rampage which not only included the ramparts still visible throughout much of the city, but also many present day landmarks like the Round Tower and the Stock Exchange. Since then Copenhagen was besieged by the Swedes, and then famously bombarded, set ablaze, and nearly destroyed by the British Vice Admiral Lord Nelson, who in one of two battles for Copenhagen, famously responded to the order to withdraw by saying "You know, Foley, I have only one eye. I have a right to be blind sometimes," and then raised the telescope to his blind eye and touted "I really do not see the signal." This was actually the first ever civilian bombardment performed as part of war.

Outgrowing the city walls Edit

Again, the city shook off its struggles and the population mushroomed during industrialization. When a cholera epidemic did a fine job of killing nearly everyone there wasn't room for, the King finally conceded that long range cannons would render its constraining walls irrelevant, and thus allowed the city to grow outside the now antiquated ramparts. But it was not long before a new modern fortification was built (known as Vestvolden today), which made Copenhagen Europe 's most fortified city of the late nineteenth century.

After being subjected to yet another, German invasion during WWII, the whole idea of a fortified city was thrown out the window and replaced with one of the finest examples of urban planning anywhere — the Finger Plan . Copenhagen is one of few cities in the world to devise a long term plan for growth and then actually stick to it; try placing your hand over a map of Copenhagen with the palm as the city centre, and it's quite obvious why it's called the finger plan. Despite being the laughing stock of the country through the 70s and 80s, when wealthy residents all moved out into the fingers leaving behind an impoverished bankrupt inner city, a visit these days will prove that the Phoenix has risen once more.

Literature Edit

Pelle the Conqueror (Martin Andersen Nexø, 1906–10). An epic novel in three parts and an integral part of the Danish school curriculum portraying the life of two poor Swedish immigrants — a father and son. The two last volumes take place in Copenhagen and describe the rise and the conflicts of the labour movement and global socialism which are so crucial to understanding Danish society today. All in all, it's a very good historical account of life in the city during that period, and above all, a good book.

Smilla's Sense of Snow (Peter Høeg, 1992). Dive into Denmark's curious post-colonial history in this international best seller. Partly set in Copenhagen, partly in Greenland, you are whirled through a murder mystery by Ms. Smilla, a half Danish Inuit brought up in poor Greenland, but now living in the kingdom's affluent and orderly capital. It is a good account of the conflicts and contrasts between two very different parts of the Kingdom, and it offers some spot-on social critique of Danish society in a very engaging way.

The Copenhagen Quartet (Thomas E. Kennedy). Four independent novels totaling well over a thousand pages. Each book is set against the backdrop of one of the four distinct seasons of the Danish capital: Kerrigan in Copenhagen (spring) (2013), Falling Sideways (autumn) (2011), In the Company of Angels (summer) (2010), and Beneath the Neon Egg (winter) (scheduled for publication, 2014). The novelist, an American expat, somewhat autobiographically portrays an American writer trying to come to terms with his past with the help of Copenhagen's many bars, with the Danish capital as the co-star. All of the places described in the books are real places that you can go discover.

Climate Edit

Averages of Copenhagen between 1961-90

Copenhagen, like the rest of Denmark. has four distinct seasons. The best time to visit is definitely the warm period from early May to late August. Current weather forecasts can be checked at the Danish Meteorological Institute website .

Spring . while a bit risky, as no one knows quite when it sets in, can be the best time to visit the city. On the first warm day, usually in early May, Copenhageners come out of hibernation and flock to the city streets, parks, and outdoor cafes in a veritable explosion of life, relieved that the country's dreary and dark winters are finally over. Many locals consider this the high-point of the year.

Summers in Copenhagen are usually warm with an average temperature of some twenty degrees, and the days are long — reaching the a peak of eighteen hours on the 21st of June. If the weather becomes too hot, you can jump in one of the free pools in the cool harbour waters near the centre. Copenhagen's harbour is often considered the world's cleanest urban waterfront. Most of Copenhagen's annual events are held during June and July, and when the sun is out there is always life in the streets.

Autumn and winter have a profound effect on the city. The vibrant summer life withers and the streets go quiet, as most Copenhageners go directly home from work. This is where the Danish concept of hygge sets in, roughly translating into cosiness. It is the local way of dealing with the short dark days. Friends and families visit each other for home cooking and conversations by candlelight with quiet music on the stereo. In week 42 the Danes have an autumn holiday, with many events taking place, such as the night of culture. The height of winter is December, where Christmas brings some relief to the short days, with lights and decorations everywhere, in the streets, shops and in peoples' windows. Tivoli opens its doors for the Christmas markets, and most Danes go on a drinking rampage, with the very Danish and traditional Christmas lunches, with work and family.

Do note that weather in Copenhagen can be unstable and highly unpredictable. Make sure you pack clothes in case of sudden rain or spell of cold (or, in the summer, of warmth) even despite long-term forecasts telling you otherwise. An umbrella, rain coat and shoes that will withstand torrential downpour may come in handy. Copenhageners dress very well, but at the same time very practically and with the realization that rain can assault their carefully chosen styling any minute.

Tourist information Edit

Copenhagen's official tourist agency is Wonderful Copenhagen

Copenhagen Right Now . Vesterbrogade 4A ( Across from Tivoli's main entrance, near the central station ), ☎ +45 70 22 24 42. fax. 45 70 22 24 52. e-mail: touristinfo@woco. dk. Jan–Apr M–F 9:00–16:00, Sa 9:00–14:00; May–June M–Sa 9:00–18:00; July–Aug M–Sa 9:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00; Sep M–Sa 9:00–18:00; Oct–Dec M–F 9:00–16:00, Sa 9:00–14:00.

Get in Edit

CPH seen from above

By plane Edit

The cathedral-like passageway linking terminals

Kastrup Airport (CPH) Edit

Copenhagen Airport (IATA. CPH ) on the nearby island of Amager is the central hub for Scandinavia's largest international air carrier SAS — Scandinavian Airlines . Kastrup Airport consistently gets high marks for both design and function — this is a much more pleasant place for transit than, say, London Heathrow or Frankfurt and several carriers have direct intercontinental routes to Copenhagen, including: Air Canada, Delta, Egypt Air, PIA, Qatar Airways, Thai, Singapore Airlines and United Airlines. Check-in lines can get long during peak hours however, so make sure to allocate extra time in the summer. Self-service check-in counters are available, which can cut down on wait times.

While CPH is one of Europe's busiest airports, with a flight taking off every 2 minutes on average well into the night, many facilities have limited opening hours. Little in the way of gastronomy or retail remains open after 20:00, even the CPH Apartment Lounge closes at 20:00 and the frequent fliers and business/first class passengers are required to wait in the empty terminal halls. If your flight is in the early hours, you can take advantage of the facilities (snacks, drinks, free Wi-Fi, relaxation and work facilities) of the CPH Apartment 05:00–20:00 for DKK165 (as of 2014), unless your frequent flier plan or ticket tariff covers that already.

The Copenhagen Airport Station has separate platforms for trains going towards Copenhagen and towards Scania in Sweden. so make sure you access the right one.

Transport to/from Kastrup Airport Edit

It takes 12 minutes by train to travel from Kastrup to the Central Station (Hovedbanegården) in Copenhagen city centre. You need a ticket for 3 zones which can be purchased from one of the automated vending machines or the ticket counter located inside the atrium and costs DKK42 for a single journey. The Copenhagen Metro also connects Kastrup with central Copenhagen, with trains leaving every four minutes during the day and every fifteen minutes at night, taking fourteen minutes to the city centre (for the same ticket and price of DKK42).

The airport has different stations for mainline trains (Københavns Lufthavn, Kastrup Station) and for the metro (Lufthavnen Station), both are located within Terminal 3. Another metro station is named Kastrup but has nothing to do with the airport although it is relatively close.

For more details, see this subject under the district Amager .

Sturup Airport in Malmö (MMX) Edit

Consider Sturup Airport (IATA: MMX) in Malmö. Sweden as well — it's only 40 minutes by bus from central Malmö, and from there 30 minutes by train to Copenhagen Central Station. Wizzair from Budapest. Gdańsk. Katowice. and Warsaw and a few domestic airlines often offer cheap flights to other Swedish cities. There is one daily direct bus by Gråhundbus, otherwise change in Malmö. Consider the price of transfer as most low cost destinations served at Sturup are also available at Kastrup Airport.

By train Edit

Train waiting at Copenhagen Central station

Links between the capital and the rest of the country are frequent and excellent. There are several trains each hour to Malmö and further to Lund and Gothenburg. There are 12 daily connections on weekdays to Stockholm. Further train services exist in the direction of Karlskrona and Kalmar. There are six fast connections to Hamburg and one to Berlin.

From the rest of Denmark connections are frequent and numerous. In Jutland several railway branches from Aarhus /Aalborg in the North, Struer in the north-west, Esbjerg to the west, and finally Sønderborg in the south convene in Fredericia. where they connect to a main line with up to four intercity trains per hour, divided into Express and Intercity trains, which runs across Funen before crossing the Great Belt (Storebælt). From there it reaches across the length of Zealand before terminating at Copenhagen's central station. If you are going in the reverse direction without a seat reservation, be mindful that the train is often broken up at Fredericia to serve the different branches, so if you don't have seat reservation, it's a bad idea just picking a random carriage in Copenhagen. All cross belt trains are operated by DSB (Danish State Railways ).

From the island of Bornholm. a high speed ferry shuttles passengers to Ystad in Sweden. where the IC-Bornholm train awaits the ferry to shuttle passengers to final stretch to Copenhagen, the whole trip takes little over three hours, and a one-way combined ferry/train ticket will set you back DKK245.

Across the Øresund strait in Sweden . the Øresundstog trains departs from various towns in Southern Sweden. and via Lund and Malmö crosses the Øresund fixed link to Copenhagen, with a stop at the airport. The journey time from Malmö to the central station is 25 minutes and trains run every ten minutes all day on this stretch, and every hour during the night. A one way ticket between Malmö and Copenhagen is DKK75. Swedish Railways operates up to seven X2000 express trains from Stockholm every day (five and a half hours). An easy change in Malmö almost doubles that number and also gives you the option of a night train connection.

To continental Europe . Eurocity trains connect Hamburg with Copenhagen, up to six times per day; a single one of those trains runs directly from Berlin daily. Standard prices are €130 from Berlin and €78 from Hamburg, but it's often possible to find discounted tickets — in Denmark those are called Orange Tyskland or "sightseeing fares" which are the same price as bus.

By bus Edit

The eight kilometre Øresund bridge leading to Malmö in Sweden

Buses between Jutland and Copenhagen are only marginally cheaper than the train, although there are considerable discounts offered Monday to Thursday. International buses on the other hand offer considerably lower prices than the train. However, railways have been prioritized politically, so Copenhagen still lacks an intercity bus terminal. Most international buses stop somewhere around the Central Station (usually next to DGI-byen), but be sure to check the exact location when you buy your ticket. Domestic long-distance buses mostly terminate at Toftegårds Plads, near Valby station in the Vesterbro district.

From Jutland and Fyn the bus company EkspresRuten connects Copenhagen with Aarhus. Vejle and Odense South several times per day. There is also a stop in Roskilde .

From Jutland bus number 888 connects Copenhagen with Aarhus and Aalborg several times per day. Journey time is five hours and fifteen minutes from Aalborg. On Zealand there are additional stops in Holbæk and Roskilde. Line 882 runs between Copenhagen and Fjerritslev in Northwestern Jutland once every day.

Links from Scandinavia are fairly frequent and very economical compared to the train. Most buses arrive and depart from DGI Byen, near the southern overpass of the central station. Passengers are generally encouraged to buy tickets on-line, but tickets can also be purchased at the Copenhagen Right Now tourist information desk near the central station. In the winter (Dec-Apr) Fjällexpressen whisks skiers between Copenhagen and the Swedish ski resorts. When booking on-line, it's useful to know that Copenhagen is called Köpenhamn in Swedish.

GoByBus . ☎ +45 33 23 54 20. e-mail: info@gobybus. se. M-F 7:30–18:00, Sa 7:30–17:00, Su 9:00–18:00. Oslo (8.5h) via Gothenburg (4.5h), line 300. c. DKK225.

Gråhundbus . Local operator Greyhound Bus has several daily connections to Malmö and once daily to Malmö Airport. Also works with partners elsewhere to Europe.

Swebus Express . ☎ +46 771 218218. e-mail: info@swebusexpress. se. M-F 8:00–18:00, Sa 9:00–15:00, Su 9:00–18:00. Oslo (9h) via Gotenburg (5h) c. SEK300, line 820; Stockholm (9h) via Jonköping (4½ hrs)

SEK350, line 832.

From Europe there are several bus companies which offer numerous daily connections from Germany often at very competitive rates, most run via the ferries from Rødby to Puttgarden or Gedser to Rostock. Many of these services, especially if headed to points East such as Berlin, are considerably faster than the best train connections. Most of these buses stops near DGI byen on Ingerslevsgade.

Swebus Express . ☎ +45 80 70 33 00. e-mail: info@swebusexpress. se. M-F 8:00–18:00, Sa 9:00–15:00, Su 9:00–18:00. Tickets sold at the central tourist information desk. This company does not allow bicycles on board their coaches. Berlin (7.5h) via Rostock (4.5h)

SEK450, line 902.

Berolina . ☎ +30 88568030. e-mail: info@berolina-berlin. com. (Gråhundbus ☎ +45 44 68 44 00, in Denmark) Tickets are sold in the bus, but advance booking is recommended. This company does not allow bicycles on board their coaches. Berlin (8h) via Rostock (4h)

DKK300 (€40), line E55.

Eurolines . Halmtorvet 5. ☎ +45 33 88 70 00. Daily 9:00–17:00. Tickets are sold in their office or online, in Hamburg there are connecting buses to Amsterdam and Paris. This company does not allow bicycles on board their coaches. Most services out of Denmark have 230V plugs and Wi-Fi is available in Germany. Berlin (7h) c. DKK300, line 260R; Hamburg (6 hrs) via Lübeck (5h) c. DKK300, line 210.

Bohemian Lines . ☎ +420 416 810 054. e-mail: info@bohemianlines. cz. Daily 8:00–20:00. Only operator welcoming bicycles to Berlin and onward for a small fee, reserve in advance. Prague (13 hrs, twice weekly via Berlin, and onwards to Brno ) c. CZK1450 (€55).

Autoprevoz . ☎ +387 51 317 333. e-mail: info@autoprevoz. org. Banja Luka (25h, twice weekly) c. BAM300 (€150)

Toptourist . ☎ +45 48 25 38 37. e-mail: info@toptourist. dk. Tickets can be paid on the bus, but advance booking and payment is recommended. Sarajevo via Salzburg (twice weekly) c. DKK1000 (€140) return.

The Oslo ferry docked at the DFDS terminal in the Østerbro district

From and to Poland there are a host of different bus companies each with a few weekly scheduled departures. Unfortunately the market is very fluid and routes and operators tend to change rapidly. Try Baltic Bus for twice weekly connections with Gdańsk (25h30m). Agat provides four round trips per week between Copenhagen and Katowice (20h) in Southern Poland, and Eurobus for connections with Warsaw (20h via Hamburg ) once per week. If any of these companies have shut down, try searching for alternatives, as there is a good chance someone else will have taken over the traffic.

By ferry or cruise ship Edit

Copenhagen's spanking new DFDS Seaways Terminal ( Dampfærgevej 30 ) is close to Nordhavn station. City bus line 26 stops at the entrance of the ferry terminal . it also stops at Copenhagen Central Station, Town Hall Square and Østerport Station.

There are two regular connections straight into Copenhagen's harbour. The most known is from Oslo. Norway, with daily departures, and an over night trip that takes 16 hours. It is marketed as a cruise line, and occationally a cruise round-trip fare can be less expensive than a one-way fare, that begin at €181 (incl. car €206) . The other ferry connection is the less known roundtrip-connection to Fredericia. Denmark and Klaipėda. Lithuania. Since the latter is a Ro-Ro freight line, you need to contact DFDS for more information .

If you are arriving under your own sail, Copenhagen has several marinas, the biggest of which is Svanemøllehavnen . There are no designated visitor berths but it is almost always possible to find one with a green sign. Daily charge: DKK75-120. Copenhagen is also a very popular port of call for cruises touring both the Baltic Sea and the Norwegian fjords. The port is located north of the Little Mermaid statue and is a forty minute walk from the centre (Tivoli Gardens).

Get around Edit

Copenhagen has an extensive, yet notoriously complicated and hard to crack, public transportation system. Once you get your bearings, however, you will find it a very comfortable way to explore the city and get around.

The two big hubs are Central Station (da: Hovedbanegården/København H) with S-trains, intercity trains and buses, and Nørreport Station with S-trains, metro, regional trains and buses. Travel by train, bus and metro can be scheduled electronically through rejseplanen. dk .

The zone system Edit

One of the most perplexing feature of the public transportation system in Copenhagen is the zone system. The whole city, as well as the surrounding region is divided into fare zones. The range of a single zone can be roughly translated to around seven minutes in the Metro or fifteen minutes in a bus, but always check the zone maps in the stations, some stations are closer to zone borders than others. Ask locals if help is needed, as the zone system can be complex for visitors.

Tickets and fares Edit

The number of available ticket types may be bewildering - below is a quick overview:

Single-ride tickets — price depending on the number of zones your travel through, the cheapest is the two-zone ticket which costs DKK 24 for adults (DKK 12 for children under the age of sixteen). It allows you to travel around Copenhagen in two zones (the zone where you stamped or purchased the ticket plus one adjacent zone) for one hour starting from the time you stamp it. You can switch freely between all trains, Metro, and buses within this hour, as long as your last trip starts before the time is up (your ticket will be timestamped in fifteen minute intervals).

10-journey discount travelcard — gives you a discount of around forty percent and can be bought in kiosks and ticket offices. This replaces the previous klippekort

24-hour ticket — enables you unlimited rides throughout the entire system and all zones for DKK 130. You don't need this, though, if you do not intend to leave Copenhagen itself over those 24 hours — then you can do with the cheaper City Pass (see below)

City Pass — gives you unlimited ride in zones 1-4 (including Copenhagen Airport) for 24 hours (DKK 80) or 72 hours (DKK 200). Perhaps the most reasonable choice if you intend to stay in the city itself (and not the remote parts of Copenhagen region) and use the public transit to get around.

CPH Card — gives free transport throughout the region and free admission to 60 museums and sights. The card costs DKK 229 for 24 hours or DKK 459 for 72 hours. Note that on Sundays and Mondays many museums are either free or closed, thus possibly making the card of less value on those days

7-day FlexCard

Tickets for children aged 15 or younger generally cost half the price of adult tickets. Night buses incur the same fares as day buses, there is no supplement.

There is yet another unified and electronic (relatively new) alternative, if one does not want to strive with the zone system. It is called Rejsekort (Travel-card) [1]. It may be a poor choice for most tourists: the card itself costs a non-refundable DKK80, must be bought with DKK100 credit and won't work (needs more money added) once the stored credit falls below DKK70.

For regional trains, S-tog and Metro a ticket must be bought and timestamped before boarding the trains. For buses, tickets can be bought from the driver. The fine for traveling without a valid ticket is DKK 750 (DKK 600 for buses) and ticket conductors are common both in S-trains and Metro. More information about price and tickets at [2] .

By S-Tog Edit

The S-train service ([3]. Danish only, schedule [4] ) is the backbone of the city's public transit system, and is very similar to the German S-Bahn networks and the Parisian RER system. The distinct red trains are clean, modern, and equipped with free WiFi. The system runs from early morning to late night, each line in ten minute intervals during the day (M-F 6:00–18:00) and at twenty minute intervals in the early morning and late at night. In the weekends, the trains run twice an hour at night and some of the lines are extended. Since most lines join on a single railway line through the city centre, there are only a couple of minutes of waiting between each train in the inner districts. The F and C-lines are exceptions, the F line does a half loop outside the central area, with trains every five minutes throughout most of the day. The C-line is extended to Frederikssund during day time, but scaled back to Ballerup at other times. Loudspeaker announcements regarding S-trains are mostly given in Danish only, so remember to ask your fellow travellers for help. For the most part though they are just cursory announcements. Bikes can be taken for free on the S-train and special bicycle compartments exist in the train.

The ends of automated Metro trains provide a fullscreen view — even if not all sections of the tracks are actually interesting, like this one on the way to the airport

By metro Edit

The Copenhagen Metro runs from Vanløse through the city centre and branches to either the new-town of Ørestad or to the airport. The Metro has no timetable and between Vanløse and Christianshavn trains run with a four minute interval (two minutes during peak hours). It runs nonstop at night with fifteen minute intervals. The trains run automatically and are without drivers, so the doors will close at a given time, even if all waiting passengers have not entered the train. Wait for the next train instead of trying to squeeze through in the last second.

One interesting feature resulting from the lack of drivers on trains is the fact that both ends of the trains have large windows with unbscured views, and the trains are accordingly fitted with rows of seats facing them. This can be an extra treat to the visitors travelling on the Metro — enter the train with the exit next to the front end and try to get a seat in one of the three front rows. Some sections of the tracks are less interesting than the others, e. g. the one in the centre runs underground (that said, tunnels are lit up and can be quite amazing to witness the first time you see them), or the section towards the airport. On the other hand, the overground section of the M1 line on Amager is rather picturesque.

Schematic map of A-bus lines spanning Copenhagen as of August 2015

By bus Edit

Copenhagen has a fairly extensive and efficient bus network. It can be troublesome, though, for visitors to figure out what line to take to their destination as there is little in the way of network maps available at bus stops and schedules rarely include the entire route. That said, many stops do have a small electronic display showing how many minutes are left until the next bus arrives.

There are several types of bus available:

regular buses are simply denoted by their number,

A buses are the backbone of the city's bus network which consists of seven different lines with frequent departures and stops. During the day time there are no schedules as buses usually depart at least every ten minutes. They are also operating at night.

S buses are long express services with few stops and extend far into the suburbs, usually across the radial suburban train network or along corridors with no rail service. They can also be useful between points in the centre as they are faster than other lines.

E buses are express rush-hour services of little use to travelers as they mainly service commuters.

N buses are a network of ten bus lines operating at night between 1:00–5:00 daily, when normal traffic is halted, and they are much more frequent at weekends.

You are expected to board the bus using the front exit and immediately show your ticket to the bus driver (be it a paper ticket or a one you received as an SMS to your phone), or validate it if you have not done so before (e. g. when you intend to ride on a single-ride ticket or you're travelling with a rejsekort ). You can also purchase the ticket from the driver. The front exits are for boarding only — alight using other doors only.

CitySightseeing runs three hop-on hop-off tours around the city (map ) in open-top double-decker buses. The main line leaves every 30 minutes, while the two other lines depart every hour in high season (Jun-Aug). Outside the peak season, services are halved. The price is DKK 150 for a one day ticket or DKK 220 for a two day ticket which also includes the DFDS canal tour boats.

By boat Edit

The canal tour boats, here seen docking in Nyhavn, are an excellent way to see many of the city's attractions

Going on a canal tour of the inner harbour and canals is an excellent and easy way to see many of the city's attractions, and fortunately there are many options depending on your taste and preferences. DFDS Canal Tours operates both an unguided hop-on hop-off service, branded as the water bus, arranged into three circular trips at the northern, central and southern part of the inner harbour and canals. They also have three guided tours, either by a pre-recorded tape available in many languages, or live English & Danish commentary by a guide. Be forewarned though, after 75 minutes this can get a bit loud if you are not normally attracted to this sort of tourism. Netto-bådene offers a single fixed tour, but at a much lower price. Please note that services are scaled back considerably between October and mid-March. If you are visiting during winter, you might want to opt for DFDS' red guided tour, as it offers a heated, glass-roofed boat at this time of the year. Both companies offer starting points in either Nyhavn or Gammel Strand (opposite the parliament). A different option is the public harbour bus, which, while it doesn't enter the canals, is much faster and is an integrated part of the public transportation system using the same tickets as buses and trains.

DFDS Canal Tours . Nyhavn 3. ☎ +45 32 96 30 00. e-mail: canaltours@canaltours. dk. 9.30–20:00. Waterbus (unguided): Single DKK 40, All day DKK 60; Tour (guided): Single DKK 60, All day DKK 75. Various discounts available.

Netto-bådene . Heibergsgade (Nyhavn). ☎ +45 32 54 41 02. 10:00–17:00 (19:00 in July & August). DKK 40.

Movia . Customer center at Rådhuspladen. ☎ +45 36 13 14 15. 7:00–19:00. Uses public ticketing system.

An option you may want to consider is a Freedom ticket which for DKK 220 gives unlimited transportation for two days on both all the DFDS Canal Tour boats, as well as the double-decker sightseeing buses of Copenhagen City Sightseeing.

By bicycle Edit

The fastest and most flexible way of seeing Copenhagen is on a bike. Forty percent of Copenhageners use their bike everyday and the city has been designed to cater for cyclists with separate bicycle lanes on most larger roads. Cyclists are often allowed to ride both ways in one-way streets. Be careful if you are not used to biking in a busy city as this is a common means of daily transportation and the locals drive fast and without room for much leeway. Don't expect to get a warning when someone wants to overtake you. Always keep to the right and look behind you before you overtake someone — otherwise you could cause some nasty accidents.

Bycyklen Edit

Bycyklen is Copenhagen's new bike-sharing scheme, launched in 2014. The idea is pretty simple — you can rent a bike from a stand, ride around and return at the same or any other stand at the city, paying for the time you used the bicycle. The bicycles are all-new and equipped with an electric motor to help you go uphill, as well as a tablet with GPS so that you can browse the map and find your route while not getting lost. For occasional users, the hourly rate is 25 DKK, and the only way to pay is by setting up an account and letting Bycyklen charge your credit card. A mobile phone is required, and currently (as of May 2014) registration is only possible for mobile phone users from several Western European countries.

Bike rental Edit

As an alternative to the city bikes you can rent a bike and these are far more comfortable. You can find a little bike rental shop called CPH bike rental [5] on a side-street to Nansensgade on Turesensgade 10, five minutes from Norreport station. They rent bikes on a daily basis and use the proceeds to finance the shipment of used bikes to Africa. They also arrange city tours and sell picnic baskets. Their prices start at DKK 60 for six hours bike rent. Another bicycle shop is at the Central Railroad Station, where prices start at DKK 75 a day/340 a week. At Højbro Plads (next to McDonalds at Strøget) you can find rickshaws for hire with a driver, who will often be trained in providing tourist information as you stroll along. A variety of bike tours are offered by Bike Copenhagen with Mike including a city tour at 10:00 daily departing from Copenhagen Bikes at the main train station.

By taxi Edit

Taxis are abundant throughout the city and of a very high standard — usually a Mercedes or BMW. They are pricey though, and the wait to get one can be long on a Friday or Saturday night. You can hail a taxi on the street or call for one to come pick you up at a specific address at a specific time for a small extra fee (DKK 12-15). At crucial traffic junctures throughout the city, there are special areas where taxis hold in line to pick up customers. Except for a very long trip, it is not common (or recommended) to haggle about the price. If you wish to pay with a credit card, you must present it for the driver at the beginning of the trip. All taxis accept major international credit cards and most will accept Euro cash payment and some even list prices in Euros on the meter. Sometimes taxi drivers request you to withdraw money in an ATM when paying with card, this is mostly a scam to do the trip off-license.

Copenhagen Taxi companies

Amager-Øbro Taxi (Central Copenhagen) +45 32 51 51 51

Codan Taxi (Central Copenhagen) +45 70 25 25 25

Taxa 4x35 (Central Copenhagen) +45 35 35 35 35

TaxaMotor A/S (Central Copenhagen) +45 70 338 338

Ballerup-Værløse-Herlev Taxa (Northwestern suburbs) +45 44 85 35 35

Taxa Selandia (Southern suburbs) +45 70 10 66 66

Taxinord (Northern Suburbs) +45 45 83 83 83

Vest-Taxa (Western Suburbs) +45 43 45 45 45

Prices range DKK 11-16 per kilometer depending on the time of day and the meter flag-fall charge is DKK 25. Generally you can trust taxis with both prices and the route taken. Because of the high flag-fall charge, it can be better financially for taxi drivers to have many trips rather than long trips, so it is therefore often in their own interest to take the shortest route.

See Edit

Complete listings can be found in the appropriate district articles

Entrance to most museums is free once a week, mainly on Wednesdays. You can always count on the principal attractions to be well signed in English (often German also) and for these places to be generally geared towards tourists. A good tip to see whether a smaller museum caters to non-Danish speakers is to check whether the website has an English section. If it does, this usually means the museum has at least some English information throughout its exhibitions. Of course, if you have some interest in a particular subject, such museums can be interesting even if you don't understand the sign-postings. As Danes are usually fairly fluent in English, you can always try to ask staff if they could give you a brief tour.

History Edit

A visit to the Nationalmuseet in Indre By is a must-do for the many well-arranged exhibits relating to the Danish past and modern culture. In practice, this means everything from Danish prehistory (amazing Bronze Age weapons and burials), through to the Viking Age (runestones, precious hoards, swords and jewellery) and into the modern period (a vast section is devoted to the Story of the Danes from 1660-2000). If you want something more localised, the Museum of Copenhagen in Vesterbro has exhibitions on the city's development since the Middle Ages. Another option is Frilandsmuseet in the northern suburbs — a huge and attractive open air museum with old buildings collected from all over the country. Or for a live version of old Denmark, you can visit the old town of the tiny fishing hamlet of Dragør on the southern tip of Amager with its fantastic old yellow buildings and cobblestone streets. For something more off the beaten path, paddle up the small Mølleå river in the northern suburbs through charming old eighteenth and nineteenth century mills.

Art Edit

The winter Garden at Glyptoteket

If you are into the arts, Copenhagen has a lot to offer. A natural starting point is a visit to the Danish National Gallery (Statens Museum for Kunst, free entry, DKK10 deposit for lockers) where you can feast your eyes on blockbusters from the likes of Rembrandt, Picasso, and Matisse. There are also a number of paintings by Danish artists from the "Golden Age". Across the Royal Gardens lies Scandinavia's biggest collection of Islamic art, the David Collection (Davids Samling) which has free entrance. It also has a smaller collection of Danish paintings including some by Hammershøi and Willumsen. It's a ten-minute walk through the Royal Gardens but you might have to know the address beforehand, since the museum is a bit of a hidden treasure. For a hard-to-beat appreciation of Classical (Greece / Rome) and Near Eastern art (Egypt / Mesopotamia / Anatolia / Iran), visit the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek . which also has an extensive section devoted to 19th century French and Danish art, with works by masters like Picasso, Leger, and Matisse. The Winter Garden inside the Glytotek is a beautiful (and very warm!) place to rest your legs on a rainy day. Both of these museums are conveniently located in the centre, or Indre By area.

If you are hungry for more classic art exhibitions, an excursion north of Copenhagen to the beautiful Ordrupgaard offers you a chance to enjoy Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Gauguin. There are several other options for classical paintings but if you are ready for a change, head south to the Arken Museum of Modern Art for a world class exhibition of contemporary art, mostly Scandinavian, as well as hugely popular temporary exhibitions. However, arguably the best and most visited museum in Denmark is the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art . located in northern Zealand with a panoramic view across the Øresund. The museum frames the sculpture park facing the sea and the interaction between art, nature and the museum architecture is quite unique. Louisiana is an international museum with a considerable collection of modern art, and hugely popular temporary exhibitions.

If you want to enjoy some local colour on an art tour, The Hirschsprung Collection in Østerbro features the top-of-the-pops of Danish artists, with a particular focus on the Skagen painters. For something quintessentially Danish, breeze through the wonderfully quirky sketches of the much-loved local personality Storm P at the aptly named Storm P museum on Frederiksberg .

Science and Natural History Edit

The iconic tower of the Copenhagen zoo

If you want your vacation to be educational, or if you want to sneak some knowledge into the kids during the vacation, there are several options to consider. The best choice for kids is perhaps the hugely entertaining, and well renowned hands-on science museum, the Experimentarium north of Copenhagen. Another popular and well-renowned institution, is the Copenhagen Zoo on Frederiksberg. counting both among both the best and oldest zoos in Europe. If you are more into stationary animals, the Zoology Museum on Østerbro offers a different perspective on the subject. Elsewhere on Østerbro. a little known attraction is a display of famous physicist Niels Bohr's Study Room . along with a setup of his experiments (but as this is not a museum, you should have more than passing interest in the subject to bother with them) . City Centre. the University of Copenhagen runs two adjacent science museums. The Geological Museum where dinosaur fossils, moon rock, and glow in the dark minerals should spark some interest in the subject for even the most school-weary kid. The Botanical Gardens on the opposite side of the street is an excellent place for a stroll in the beautiful park, even if you are not botanically inclined, and the classical palm house is a nice place to relax if it is cold outside. In poor weather, the Tycho Brahe Planetarium on Vesterbro is another option and is part planetarium with an interesting astronomy exhibition and part omnimax theatre where they usually screen science films.

Architecture Edit

An excellent start to any visit to Copenhagen is to climb the unique 7.5-turn helical corridor leading to the observation platform of Rundetårn (the Round Tower), one of Copenhagen's most iconic buildings. The top of the Round Tower offers excellent views and is smack in the middle of the city. If that is not high enough for you head to Christianshavn for a climb up the circular stairs on the outside of the church spire of the Church of Our Saviour . It is regarded as something of a test of manhood to climb up and touch the globe on the summit, nearly 100 meters up in the air. And now that you're in the area, head over to the opposite side of the street to Christiania . a self-governing community that has been squatting on an old naval area since the seventies. Their inventive, brightly coloured, home built houses are spectacular, as is the relaxed atmosphere — this is truly one of Copenhagen's most unique and best attractions. Due south of Christiania the old, crooked, brightly coloured buildings and soothing canals lined with masted ships make this an excellent place to continue a stroll. Other fine examples of classical architecture include the impressive City Hall and the massive dome of the Frederikskirken colloquially known as the Marble Church . This dome, with a span of 31 meters, is one of the largest in northern Europe. Both are in the Indre By area.

For real architecture buffs, the city's main claim to fame is the modernist architecture and its native masters. Jørn Utzon (of Sydney Opera House fame) and Son is behind a trio of buildings on Østerbro's northern harbour, known as the Paustian complex. There is a fine, but expensive restaurant in one of the buildings. You can enjoy Arne Jacobsen's work by either sleeping at, or taking in the atmosphere (and great views) of the top floor lounge bar at the Royal Hotel which is one of the very few tall buildings in the inner city. Alternatively, head north to Bellavista . a residential complex and theatre near the beach, where there is even a restaurant featuring his famous furniture and his name. Lastly Henning Larsen . famous for his iconic buildings in Riyadh. is behind Copenhagen's new Opera house overlooking the harbour in Christianshavn. From here you can also catch a view of Copenhagen's latest iconic contraption, the Royal library known to locals as the black diamond, after its shiny polished black granite walls.

Royal Copenhagen Edit

Moltke's Palace, Frederik's Church (The Marble Church), Levetzau's Palace (left to right) as seen from Amalienborg. Copenhagen, Denmark, Northern Europe.

The four identical classicist palaces of Amalienborg . make up the main residence of the Danish royal family. The octagonal courtyard in the centre is open to the public and guarded by the ceremonial Royal Guard. The relief takes place every day at noon and is a highlight for any royalist visiting the city. There is also a small royal museum on the premises. Rosenborg Palace is a small but pretty renaissance palace, surrounded by the lovely King's Garden which is one of the most lively parks of the city. The palace both serves as a museum of Royal history and as a home for the crown jewels which are on display in the catacombs beneath the castle. A closed-off wing of Rosenborg serves as barracks for the Royal Guard, and every day a detachment marches through the Copenhagen city center between Rosenborg and Amalienborg for the changing of the guard. Unusual for a well-founded democracy, the palace that houses the parliament, Christiansborg . is also a royal palace. It is usually possible to visit the Royal reception rooms, stables and the old court theatre here. And for entertainment of royal stature, you can try to arrange tickets to watch a play in the beautiful Royal Theatre facing Kings New Square. All of these sights are in the inner city. If you are hungry for more, head north. where the park around Sorgenfri palace is open to the public, or have a picnic on the huge open plains in front of the Eremitage Palace in the Dyrehaven park which formerly served as the king's hunting castle.

Design Edit

Denmark is world-famous for its design tradition and, while the term Danish design has been devalued over the years due to much misuse, it is still a world-recognized style. A natural starting point is a visit to the Danish Design Center in Indre By. with temporary and permanent exhibitions, showrooms, and workshops relating to the world of Danish design, in a building designed by famous architect Henning Larsen . Not too far away, Kunstindustrimuseet is home of a nice collection relating to the study of design and its history in Denmark. Also in the same district, Royal Copenhagen runs a museum display of its famous porcelain from the early beginnings at its flagship store. Meanwhile Cisterne on Frederiksberg is an enticing museum showing modern glass art, in the intriguing catacomb like cisterns under a large park. Meldahls Smedie on Christianshavn is run by the Royal Danish school of architecture, which organizes exhibitions including final projects from students of the school here.

Do Edit

Beach life Edit

In the inner harbour, water quality has improved so much in recent years that it is possible to go for a swim from early June to late August in one of the two harbour baths: Copencabana on Vesterbro or Havnebadet at Island Brygge on Amager. When it is sunny these are packed with people from all walks of life enjoying the sunshine and taking a dip. The municipal administration has put a lot of money and effort into the facilities and this is an excellent opportunity for blending with the locals at their best.

If you fancy a proper beach, the closest are located at Charlottenlund Fort in Charlottenlund and the newly erected Amager Strandpark (The Lagoon), on Amager near the Lergravsparken metro station. If the weather is not going your way, you can opt for DGI Byen which is a leisure centre and excellent swimming pool near the central railway station or the Østerbro swimming pool, modeled after a Roman bath (on Østerbro ).

Amusement parks Edit

The Tivoli amusement parks main entrance at nighttime

Amazingly, the two oldest functioning amusement parks in the world, with the two oldest roller coasters, are both located in Copenhagen and they are distinctively different. Bakken or Dyrehavsbakken is the older of the two, set in a beautiful beech forest near Klampenborg north of Copenhagen. This gives it a special atmosphere and it is a lot less touristy than its counterpart — Tivoli — which is located smack in the city center in a beautiful park surrounding a lake.

Annual events Edit

Crafts Fair ( 13-15 August 2015 ). Held every year in August — Thursday-Saturday — outdoors at Frue Plads in central Copenhagen. The Crafts Fair has more than 130 exhibitors, all members of the Danish Arts and Crafts Association, exhibiting unique and small series of handmade Arts and Crafts in all categories: ceramic, glass, jewelery, textile, mixed media.

Copenhagen Fashion Week ( 3-8 August 2014 ). Held in February and August. Copenhagen is fast emerging as a global fashion centre, with a host of both up-and-coming and already well established names. For two weeks each year more than 1,000 exhibitors and 50,000 guests come together and celebrate their accomplishments with lavish parties, catwalks at city landmarks, and three trade fairs.

CPH:PIX ( Copenhagen International Film Festival ). ( 14 April – 1 May 2011 ) is a brand new film festival held in April and is the result of a merger between Copenhagen's two popular long running festivals — the Night Film Festival and the Copenhagen International Film Festival . It will feature 170 screenings competing for the grand prize of €50,000.

International Workers Day . On 1 May is a major event in Copenhagen. The main festivities are held in Fælledparken on Østerbro and they attract over 100,000 visitors in what has lately become a 50/50 mix of a gigantic party and a political rally with speeches, happenings, and concerts. Two travelling amusement parks also set up their gear for the day, one by the main entrance at Trianglen and one in the eastern part of the park.

CPH Distortion . ( 1–5 June 2011 ) is held in the first week of June and is longest and wildest party you could ever go to. Over 60 parties in five days in each of the city districts, outdoors on the city streets and squares, in the clubs and three seriously huge parties. Over 32,000 people usually partying away between Wednesday and Sunday.

Zulu Sommerbio . Held in July and August, Danish television station 'TV2 Zulu' plays open air films in various parks and squares of Copenhagen. There are movies in both Danish and English and they are free to watch. You can buy beer and popcorn.

Copenhagen Jazzfestival . ( 1–10 July 2011 ) is held in early July and features ten days of jazz everywhere in Copenhagen — parks, cafes, clubs, and theatres. Usually a few headline acts are on the program but there are more than 800 concerts to choose from and the real attraction is often the obscure concerts you bump into randomly in a park or square somewhere in the city.

Grøn Koncert . ( 24 July 2011 ) held in late July, is a one day music festival in Valby Parken near Åparken station. It is a major event in Copenhagen with over 40,000 attending. There is usually an international headline act, along with several major Danish bands and the atmosphere is quite unique with people having picnics and beers on a huge field of grass in the park. Tickets are sold through Billetnet, both online and at post offices.

Stella Polaris ( 7 August 2011 ). Held the first weekend in August, is a big, free, chill-out event in one of the city parks. Top international DJs spin chill-out tunes on the decks, while people are relaxing in the sun and drinking beer. And the afterparty in one of the major clubs usually attracts some international headline acts.

RAW ( TBA, August 2011 ). Held in early August is Scandinavia's largest clubbing event. The organisers rightly pride themselves in carefully selecting high quality acts and more importantly the broad range of genres represented to make this an event with broad appeal to everyone in the Copenhagen nightlife scene.

Strøm ( 13–20 August 2011 ). Also held in August is an annual electronic music festival, running in its third year. It is a gathering of the best promoters and vibrant venues Copenhagen has to offer, mixed up with events at squares, concert halls, or unusual locations throughout the city.

Copenhagen Pride ( 14–21 August 2011 ). A lavish LGBT parade. The week leading up to the parade is usually full of community events and parties. Count on the City Hall Square (Rådhuspladen) changing its name to Pride Square during the week and hosting live acts, concerts and debates.

Night of Culture (Kulturnatten) ( 14 October 2011 ). Is held in mid-October, on the last Friday before the school holiday in week 42. You buy a badge for DKK 70 and get access to major museums, exhibitions, churches, libraries, schools, organizations, the parliament and other cultural attractions including some places that are not open to the public during the rest of the year. Open from 18:00 to midnight. Attracts about 100,000 people.

MIX Copenhagen — LGBT Film Festival ( TBA October 2011 ). Held in Week 43, Ten days of gay and queer cinema at its very best with more than 130 screenings of the world's best feature films, short films, and documentaries with gay or queer relevance, culminating in a champagne party on the final day, when the best film of the year receives its award.

Learn Edit

University of Copenhagen . The largest university in Denmark. The university has a large selection of studies which are placed in eight different faculties. The faculties are located around the city and the main building is located in central Copenhagen.

Technical University of Denmark This university teaches technical sciences and is located in the suburb Lyngby north of Copenhagen.

IT University of Copenhagen This university teaches information technology studies and is located on Amager.

Copenhagen Business School This university teaches business studies and is located in Frederiksberg.

Buy Edit

The 1.1 kilometre Strøget, along with its pedestrianised side streets, is one of the longest pedestrian streets in Europe and Copenhagen's premier shopping area

Strøget is one of the largest pedestrian malls in the world which links City Hall, Kongens Nytorv, and Nørreport station. Impeccably dressed Copenhageners breeze through high-end fashion and design stores when not zig-zagging through the hordes of tourists during the summer and Christmas seasons. Your fellow visitors can make it all feel rather touristy at times but if nothing else, it is great for people watching. If all this strange outdoor shopping takes you too far from your usual habitat, head for Magasin du Nord (on Kongens Nytorv) or Illums (on Amagertorv) for more familiar surroundings. There is even a real American style mall complete with a gargantuan parking lot out on Amager. Appropriately, it is called Fields .

If you would rather sample smaller and more personal stores, the quarter of narrow streets surrounding Strøget in the old city (colloquially known as Pisserenden and the The Latin Quarter ), has a fantastic, eclectic mix of shopping. This ranges from quirky century-old businesses to the ultra hip in a wide range of fields. It is also much less crowded than Strøget, though unfortunately no less expensive.

You can also try Vesterbrogade and Istedgade on Vesterbro. due west of the central station, although you'll need to go a few blocks before hotels/sex shops/Thai restaurants turn into more interesting territory. Right at the border of this area, Værnedamsvej and Tullinsgade are also good bets.

In Nørrebro. Ravnsborggade is well known for its huge number of antique stores that are excellent for bargain hunting and the next street to north, while more modest Elmegade has some small independent fashion boutiques.

Laws limit opening hours for most shops, officially to the benefit of the staff, although the "closing law" (Lukkeloven) is facing increasing unpopularity among locals. But until the opposition grows loud enough, most shops will close around M-F 5–18:00 on weekdays, around 16:00 on Saturdays, and rarely will anything be open on Sundays, including supermarkets! For out-of-hours shopping (apart from the ubiquitous 7-Eleven and small kiosks), the shops at Central Station (offering books and CDs, camping gear, photographic equipment, cosmetics, gifts) are open until 20:00 daily. Large shopping centres and department stores are open on Sundays about once a month (usually the first Sunday, right after everyone gets paid) and more often during peak sale periods. The immigrant-owned grocery stores on Nørrebrogade on Nørrebro also tend to be open until very late in the evening.

Flea markets Edit

Nørrebro Flea Market is Denmark's longest and narrowest. It stretches for 333 metres on one half of the sidewalk by the wall of the Assistens Cemetery on Nørrebrogade. Here you may find a Royal Porcelain Christmas Plate, a Chesterfield chair or plain or downright rubbish. Open from 4 April until 31 October on Saturdays 06:00 — 15:00.

The oldest flea market in Copenhagen is on Israels Plads, close to the Nørreport S-Train Station. Here private individuals as well as professional dealers sell all kinds of old stuff, antique furniture, His Masters Voice gramophones and objets d'art. In 2009, the flea market celebrated its 35 year anniversary. Open from 18 April until 10 October on Saturdays 08:00 — 14:00.

Eat Edit

Please look for general restaurant listings in the appropriate districts .

On a budget Edit

For a hearty and traditional Danish lunch, try out the delicious Smørrebrød open-faced sandwiches

If your budget doesn't allow for regular dining at expensive Michelin restaurants, don't despair — there are plenty of other options. The cheapest are the many shawarma and pizza joints that you find on almost every street in the city. You can get a shawarma for as little as DKK 15-20 and pizzas start at around DKK 40. You can opt for take away or sit at the one or two tables that are usually available. The cheapest places can be found around Istedgade on Vesterbro and Nørrebrogade on Nørrebro. For affordable and delicious pita kebab, try Ahaaa on Blågårds Plads, or Boys Shawarma & Is for dürüm kebab on Nørrebrogade 216. For the best kebab in the city go to Shawarma Grill House Frederiksberggade 36.

If shawarma gets a little tiring, there are several Mediterranean-style all-you-can eat buffet restaurants dotted around the inner city. Riz Raz is popular, with three locations and a huge vegetarian buffet for DKK 69 (lunch) / DKK 99 (dinner). The branch on St. Kannikestræde has an infallible ability to seat and feed groups of all sizes. Nearby, Ankara on Krystalgade offers a Turkish-inspired buffet that includes meat as well as salads. Nyhavns Faergekro at Nyhavn has an original herring buffet where you can eat as much herring as you like prepared in ten different ways (grilled and many different marinades).

For breakfast and lunch try one of Copenhagen's bakeries ( Bager — look for a pretzel-like contraption out front). They are numerous and the quality is excellent. Many offer ready-made sandwiches (Approx. DKK 35) such as Denmark's famous open-faced rye bread sandwiches called smørrebrød . These sandwiches are small enough to take away and eat either with your hands or with a fork and knife and a wide range of ingredients are available including some elaborate combinations for the more adventurous. Most bakeries also offer coffee, bread rolls and cakes (expect to pay DKK 8-10 for Danish pastry, here known as wienerbrød ) and many bakeries offer at least some form of counter seating.

For something quintessentially Danish, no visit to Copenhagen is complete without trying out a pølsevogn (see image on the right), literally "sausage wagon", where you can get your hands on several different forms of tasty hot dogs with a free selection of various toppings for next-to-nothing by local standards. It is also one of the few places where you are expected to socialize with the other guests. To blend in, remember to order a bottle of Cocio cocoa drink to wash down your hot dog. At night, when the wagons are put into storage, 7-Eleven stores (which are open 24/7) take over the business of satisfying your hot dog craving. They offer other eat-and-walk items like pizza slices or spring rolls.

Also, remember to look out for the term dagens ret on signs and menus — this means "meal of the day" and often translates to a filling plate of hot food for a reasonable price.

And finally, if your budget gets really small, buy some of your food in the supermarket. But watch out, prices can vary a lot depending on which supermarket you are going to. "Netto" (e. g. close to Nørrebro metro station) is the one you should look for. Irma, with a lot of fresh and delicious food, is (even for danes) a little expensive.

Michelin dining Edit

Copenhagen has 13 Michelin starred restaurants, which is a huge number for a city of its size. This includes both Italian, French, thai and of course the new Nordic cuisine. The new Nordic cuisine is headed by world renowned noma . that has two Michelin stars and have been number one in San Pellegrinos "The Worlds 50 best restaurants in 2013" in both 2010, 2011 and 2012. But tables can be extremely difficult to get. But if you still want to try thew new Nordic cuisine is Relæ and Kadeau great options, both with one Michelin star. All three of them use traditionally Nordic ingredients and give new takes of classic Nordic dishes. Marv&Ben can be recommended for cheaper non-Michelin starred experience in the Nordic cuisine. Manfred og Vin is another possibility, Relæ's little sister, located just opposite to Relæ offer a relaxed atmosphere but still playful and delicious organic food, wine and beer with strong Nordic roots. It is also fine just to go for a glass.

Geranium and noma are the big international stars in Danish cuisine. Geranium's head chef, Rasmus Koefod, won the Bocuse d'Or (World Championship for chefs) in 2011, and Geranium currently has two Michelin stars. The restaurant is located on 8th floor of the national soccer stadium in Østerbro. But don't get frightened by that; there is a beautiful view over the nearby park and most of Copenhagen. The focus is more classic French than Noma, but there are still strong new Nordic vibes.

The new Nordic movement have been so strong that it is almost impossible to find a Michelin starred restaurant in Copenhagen without at least some strong Nordic directions. One of the only exceptions is Era Ora . a classic Italian one Michelin starred restaurant. That is famous for a fantastic (though expensive) wine menu and delicious Italian treats. If the wallet is not that heavy, Formel B a strong choice. Besides from most other top restaurants is there no expensive tasting menu or the traditional starter, main and dessert. Here costs all of the 20 dishes the same and you can choose one, two or all twenty.

A fun story is that the only Thai restaurant in the guide is located in Copenhagen, and with a Danish owner. The restaurant Kiin Kiin is located in the hip and a bit trashy neighbourhood Nørrebro. An affiliate was actually opened in Bangkok a few years ago. Aroii is one of Kiin Kiin's sister restaurants in Copenhagen, it is located in the same building and offers highly delicious thai food, for much cheaper prices. Also possible for take away.

Other Michelin starred restaurants include: Kong Hans Kælder . which opened in 1976 and has had only have three head chefs in that time. In these almost 40 years Kong Hans Kælder has been a front runner for top gourmet in Copenhagen, it is still the place to go. The focus is changing from the classic French cuisine to a new healthy paleo-inspired cuisine, probably the only Michelin starred restaurant in the world to go in that direction.

Other one Michelin stars: Kokkeriet . Restaurant AOC . I Søllerød Kro . Grønbech&Churchill and Den Røde Cottage Other top picks include: 1. Th . The restaurant is decorated as a normal living room, giving the experience as being to dinner at a friends house. You pay a fixed amount before, and everyone is included. So you don't get a check afterward. A fantastic place. Mielcke & Hurtigkarl (which has been "cheated" out of a Michelin star for many years, at least according to Danish food critics) Marchal at luxury hotel D'Angleterre. A newly opened restaurant by rising star head chef Ronny Emborg. Alberto K . a rising star in the Copenhagen culinary environment. Restaurationen . a former Michelin star. But the owner lowered the tempo and still serves delicious food and gives top service. Bror . Rebel . Pony . Pluto . Clou and Congo are all newly opened but show huge potential.

Brunch Edit

Brunch is a Copenhagen institution, especially during the summer, and it is not unusual to hear a serious invitation for a morning brunch together with the ritual goodbye hug when a long night out in town draws to a close. In this way, brunch is intrinsically linked to the second local obsession of drinking. Food and fresh air is a great cure for hangovers as Copenhagernes have long since discovered.

Most cafés offer brunch, at least on weekends, for upwards of DKK 80, often with a theme: American and French are especially widespread. One of the most popular options is O's American Breakfast at two locations in central Copenhagen.

Drink Edit

Nyhavn is a popular place to go for a drink in the summer

A large beer costs DKK 30-40 or so at most places in central Copenhagen, but some charge only DKK 20-30, especially on weekdays or during early hours, while fancy places obviously charge more. Unless you come from elsewhere in Scandinavia don't frighten yourself by trying to work out what this costs in your home currency. At most places the beer on tap is either Carlsberg or Tuborg. In either case there will be a choice of the normal pilsner and then a slightly redder special or classic. Some might also offer wheat or dark beer.

If you are on a budget you could follow the example of local teenagers and get primed with bottled beer from a supermarket or kiosk (DKK 3-7 for a 330 ml bottle). It is legal and very popular to drink beer in public (not on public transport, although it will be accepted if you are not showing drunk behaviour), so buy a beer, sit on a park bench or at Nyhavn and enjoy Danish life.

As for where to drink, most tourists head straight for Nyhavn but while indeed pretty, the high prices here make it a bit of a tourist trap. In good weather imitate the locals by buying beer from a kiosk and dangling your legs over the water or head elsewhere to get your drinking on. The many side streets north and south of the strøget pedestrian street are a good starting point. Other good areas are Vesterbro west of the central station, along Vesterbrogade and Istedgade and in the meatpacking district. On Nørrebro. the cluster of bars and clubs around Sankt Hans Torv and Blågårds Plads, just after the lakes . is another hotspot. For a coastal city Copenhagen has surprisingly few places where you can enjoy a water view with your beer or coffee.

Cafés are equally ready to serve coffees or beer and wine but they usually close around midnight and music is subdued to allow for conversations. They also serve food.

Bodegas are your average local watering holes, somewhat equivalent to a pub, with prices often much lower than bars and cafés. The clientèle is often a bit shady and you may have people staring at unfamiliar customers but behave nicely and they usually warm up to you. Try to have someone teach you the local træmand . meyer . or snyd dice games for a fun night.

Pubs are just that, pubs, the familiar English, Irish, and Scottish-themed exports that often do not have much in common with the actual pubs in those countries other than exported beer and interiors.

Bars are what locals tend to call everything with loud music that do not have a cover charge. Packed at weekends but more quiet at other times.

Clubs . or discotheques as they are often still referred to here, are bars that have a cover charge and have a dance floor. Often only open Th-Sa.

Morgenværtshus . If you can get away with pronouncing this when you'll need it, you will be asking directions to a shady establishment full of people hell bent on not ending the night just yet. They usually open around 5:00 and "classics" include the 24 hour Hong Kong in Nyhavn, Café Guldregn on Vesterbro and Andy's in the city centre.

Clubbing Edit

You can check for club listings in the various districts

The club scene is vibrant in Copenhagen, but most clubs are only open Th-Sa. Note that most locals have a party at home with friends or frequent their favourite bars, before they head out for the clubs, so they rarely get going until after midnight and close around 5:00. Most clubs have a DKK 40-80 cover charge and the ones that don't are rubbish more often than not. Also expect an additional DKK 10-20 for cloakrooms. Most clubs maintain a minimum age of 20 or 21, although they are not required to do this by law. Expect a draft beer, or basic drinks, to set you back DKK 40-50 — a bit more than bars usually charge.

Visitors who want to indulge Su-W will probably have to hunt around to find a place with some action but there are some options:

Sunday . Rub'a'dub Sundays is a popular dance hall/reggae club (currently on hold until mid-2010 when the Stengade 30 venue will be back in business)

Monday — The Scottish pub on Rådhuspladsen (City Hall) hosts a backpackers night, which is sometimes quite lively.

Tuesday . Elektronisk Tirsdag ( Electronic Tuesday ) plays nice electronic tunes on Gefährlich on Nørrebro.

Wednesday — You could either go for Midweek Brakes at Kødboderne 18 on Vesterbro or the popular International Night for resident exchange students on Stundenterhuset in Indre By .

Thursday — Is tricky, there is no set place to go, but most clubs and bars will be open and often offer discounts on beers and cocktails and free entrance. Also concerts with bands of varying popularity at Nørrebro 's Drone Bar as well as open mike nights at both branches of Cafe Retro (found in Nørrebro and Indre By ).

Gay and lesbian Edit

For its size, Copenhagen has a rather large gay scene with a good handful of bars and dance clubs located in the center of the city within walking distance from each other, some of the better ones include Club Christopher in Indre By. VELA, the only bar/lounge in town that is targeted at lesbians is on Vesterbro .

Live venues Edit

Most of the music venues in Copenhagen also double as nightclubs so watch for them under the club sections in the different districts. Tickets for almost every event in Denmark and Copenhagen are sold through Billetnet which has both online sales and a counter available in all post offices. But apart from headline events, tickets are usually also sold at the entrance. Expect to pay DKK 100 and upwards.

The major music venues in Copenhagen are Parken stadium on Østerbro for the biggest stars. Copenhagen/Indre By. Copenhagen Jazzhouse obviously hosts Jazz concerts and The Rock is the spiritual home of the local rock and heavy metal scene. Vega on Vesterbro is a major venue with concerts of almost every genre by national and international acts. Nørrebro has two venues: Rust's stage mainly hosts mainstream rhythmic music and Global . as its name would imply, provides a stage for world music. Southwards on Christianshavn. it is no surprise that the Operahouse plays Opera and not to be missed, the different venues of Christiania are a powerhouse of Denmark's alternative and underground culture. Christiania's most famous venue is Loppen which has hosted many (mostly rock) acts that later grew in popularity to play bigger venues like Vega for far larger prices.

Sleep Edit

Hotel listings are available in the appropriate districts .

Copenhagen offers all kinds of accommodation but like the rest of Denmark, prices are high. Most hotels are located in Indre By and Vesterbro. Special rates are often available on the internet or from travel agencies, so look around well ahead of time, rather than spending your holiday budget on sleeping because you booked at the last minute.

Do note that many international hotel chains only maintain token presence in Denmark with a singular high-end business hotel in Copenhagen, or are not present at all. For example, large French hotel groups Accor and Group du Louvre eschew Denmark completely, which means the popular inexpensive Ibis and Campanile hotels are nowhere to be found in Copenhagen. On the other hand, local Scandinavian chains such as Scandic . Radisson BLU . First Hotels and Nordic Choice Hotels (the usual Choice Hotels — Comfort . Quality and Clarion — as found in other countries but with some local twists) are very well represented throughout the Copenhagen region.

The hospitality industry is one the one hand squeezed by the high labour costs, being one of the most labour-intensive business, and on the other spoiled by relatively low competition (there are not many hotels in Copenhagen for a city of that size). There generally is a dearth of mid-range hotels, as hotels either position themselves as low-priced (for Copenhagen) and limit service and facilities to the minimum, or as luxurious, and charge you every bit they need to recover the increased costs of running a fully-staffed hotel in Denmark. As competition is low and labour costs consume most of the hotels' revenues, many even high-end properties show signs of age and may not be up to the standards found in other European countries.

For more accommodation options, you may head across the Øresund bridge to Malmö and other localities in Scania. You will find a wider variety of options there, often at lower prices, but will need to factor in the costs and time needed to cross the bridge to get to Copenhagen.

Unique accommodation Edit

If you are looking for something unique, Copenhagen has a few surprisingly little known options. Fancy sleeping in an old fort? Then look no further than Flakfortet on its very own island out in the sound. Stylish rooms, classic and rather tastefully integrated into the environs of the old fort. Staying here does though exclude spending your evenings in the city, as the last ferry leaves in the late afternoon. You can also opt for the Dragør Fort on Amager although they haven't pulled it off quite so nicely. In the same area, consider the old and historic beach front Dragør Badehotel in a classic building with great views over Øresund and a nearby beach, but also a fair deal of transportation time to the sights in the city centre. (Although it is close to the airport.)

In the same genre, and with the same drawbacks, is Skovshoved Hotel in the northern suburbs. This is an historic beach hotel with nice views and a fantastic restaurant. You can get even closer to the water on the floating houseboat hotel CPH Living moored in Christianshavn. If you're a rad hipster and would rather sample some of the design for which the city is rightly famous, consider Hotel Fox where young Danish and international artists have individually decorated and furnished the rooms. Other hip options are STAY Copenhagen on the waterfront of Islands Brygge or Hotel Twentyseven located near the arty cocktail lounges of the Indre By area. Or you could always max out your credit card and splurge at the timeless five star classics of D'Angleterre or Skt Petri Hotel .

On a budget Edit

Copenhagen is an expensive city but it is possible for budget travellers to find reasonably priced accommodations. For those on an ultra low budget there are two free, but completely basic, camping grounds along the Mølleå river where you can camp for one or two nights. While camping elsewhere is no big sin, it is not legal either. There are plenty of commercial camping grounds available but if you are not used to Scandinavian price ranges, even these could seem expensive (DKK 50-200). The closest camping sites are at Charlottenlund Fort in Charlottenlund and there is also a summer-only camping ground in the outer part of Nørrebro within the city proper. If you prefer modern comforts consider one of the hospitality exchange networks. Couchsurfing. com for instance, is quite popular with the Copenhagers, who provide 6,000 available hosted stays in the city, giving you the added bonus of having a local to point you to the great spots.

There are a few hostels available and the cheapest are two summer-only (July-Aug) hostels in Vesterbro. YMCA Interpoint and Sleep in fact . Here you can overnight in basic dormitory bunk beds from as little as DKK 100. On Nørrebro the two sleep-in hostels are slightly more expensive but still a bargain compared to the general price range. The national hostel system Danhostel which is part of Hostelling International, run four hostels within reasonable distance of the centre, but they are not exactly party locations if that is what you are looking for.

For Hotels consider the Cab Inn chain that has three hotels in Copenhagen. One is just a short walk away from Tivoli and Kobenhavn H and the other two are at Frederiksberg. Rooms go from €71 (single) to €103 (triples). The rooms are quite small but have TVs and private showers and toilets. If you are attracted to your own sex, you should be pleased to know that there are several cheap hotels specifically catering to gays and lesbians — Carsten's Guest House and Copenhagen Rainbow are two of them. In the very city center, just 500 meters from Tivoli on the mainstreet of Vesterbrogade there is a few other fairly priced options for accommodation, the Loeven hotel [6]. the Savoy Hotel. prices around €80 for a twin room. A little further out following a side street on your left hand side, in Absalonsgade you will a youthhostel, also fairly priced although quite noisy.

Connect Edit

Libraries offer free internet access for one hour at a time, though this often requires signing up in advance. The Hovedbibliotek (main library) has 12 freely accessible workstations and a wide selection of international newspapers, Krystalgade 15 [7]

A cheap (under DKK 20/hour) internet café is in Copenhagen Central Station. Moreover, a lot of bars, cafés, McDonald's, and petrol stations offer WiFi hotspots for people with notebooks, though these are a little more expensive than internet cafés. OpenWiFi maintains a list of hotspots in the city.

If you are travelling with your own laptop, you could also jump on a S-train . which all have free WiFi. But since you need to activate your account through an email confirmation, it's a good idea to register beforehand, which can be done on the Gratis Danmark website [8] .

The Tourist Information Office is located near Copenhagen Main Station (2 km walk) and is worth a visit. The staff are really friendly and they speak almost all languages. It is possible to book hotels using PC terminals directly from within this office and they provide information for all possible activities in Copenhagen including museums, concerts and festivals.

Cope Edit

Money Edit

Although Denmark is a member of the European Union, the currency remains the Danish krone ( DKK ), which is pegged to the euro (€) at a rate of about €1=DKK7.50. In Copenhagen, Nyhavn, Tivoli, and many of the major restaurants and hotels frequented by tourists accept Swedish kronor and euro, although it is not yet common practice elsewhere and they often use bad exchange rates. Banks are ubiquitous, so exchanging currencies will in most cases not present any major difficulties. Exchange offices are also becoming increasingly widespread, especially Scandinavian chains such as Forex and X-change, which often have decent rates and charge no commission unlike those on strøget which offer low rates and a very high commission. Using the exchange machines present at some banks is not recommended, though, as these charge a fee of DKK25 (approx. €3.35).

Credit cards are widely accepted, although this is usually limited to Visa and/or MasterCard. Many supermarkets and small shops will normally only accept the widespread local Danish debit-card, also known as the Dankort. But acceptance of the two major international credit cards is increasing rapidly. Other credit cards like American Express, Diners, JCB, and Unionpay are accepted in some but not all shops in Copenhagen, especially in Strøget, the main shopping district. When accepted, a transaction fee (mandated by credit card companies, not shops) of 0.75% to 4.00% of the amount will usually be charged on credit cards issued by foreign banks.

Almost all ATMs accept major international cards, including all the ones mentioned previously. Therefore it is worth noting that although some shops may not accept all credit cards, an ATM capable of doing so will in most cases be less than 200 meters away, particularly in central Copenhagen.

Press Edit

The Copenhagen post is the country's sole English language newspaper, it's published weekly on Saturdays, and is available at many bars and cafés, as well as for sale in the Magasin department store, and the kiosks at the Central, Vesterport, Østerport, and Hellerup stations for DKK20.

Embassies and consulates Edit

Stay safe Edit

As elsewhere in Europe and Denmark dial 112 for emergencies, and 114 non emergencies relating to the police.

Copenhagen used to be one of the safest cities in the world and while the situation has deteriorated in recent years, it is still quite safe compared to other cities of the same size. Like any metropolitan area, Copenhagen does experience its share of crimes and recent times have seen an increase in very violent gang-related crimes on Nørrebro. While crime against strangers is mostly of the non-violent type, such as pickpocketing and petty theft, one should take precautions, in particular around busy tourist attractions, in train stations and inside the train to the airport. Due to gang-related conflict, extra precaution is advised in the neighbourhood of Nørrebro and in the western suburbs. i. e. those municipalities located to the west of Copenhagen proper. However there is no evidence that gang members have targeted tourists.

While racism is nowhere as rampant as certain reports will have you believe, it can occasionally be a problem for people of African or Middle Eastern descent. However, the only place you are likely to encounter this as a tourist is in the city's nightlife. If you are unfortunate enough to experience racism, it is important not to get yourself involved in a heated argument, as people who have not seen the incident will usually be quick to support the offender. This is due to a surge of problems with violence related to gangs within immigrant communities, who feel alienated by a closely knit Danish society. Walk away instead, and if you feel a need to react, report the incident to authorities who are required to investigate such cases [9]. Other ethnic groups on the other hand, are not likely to encounter any problems. Of course, prudence in behavior and politeness will in most cases avert any problems and present you as the offended party, not the offender. In fact, educated Danes in major cities will in many cases interfere and defend ethnic minorities experiencing discrimination.

Stay healthy Edit

Emergency Rooms (ER) are called Skadestue in Danish, as with many other health related terms and phrases, the English term may not be understood by some Danes — but conveniently Hospital is the same in Danish. Hospitals with 24 hour Emergency Wards near the city centre include:

The public healthcare system also maintains doctors on call outside normal office hours, calls are screened by medical personnel, and doctors dispatched only when deemed necessary.

Lægevagten . ☎ +45 70 13 00 41. M–F 16:00–8:00, Sa-Su all day. From DKK 255, Free for EU citizens.

There is a 24 hour pharmacy in central Copenhagen, and 3 additional ones in the suburbs.

55.6745156 12.5632472 Steno Apotek . Vesterbrogade 6C ( Just by the Radisson Royal hotel, near the Central station ), ☎ +45 33 14 82 66. regular hours: M-F 8:00–20:00,Sa 8:30–17:00. There is a DKK 15 service charge outside those times.

Go next Edit

55.6052931 13.0001566 Malmö ( just a short, convenient train ride away. ). Sweden's third largest city, with a lovely historic city centre and cosy squares

56.03817 12.62051 Elsinore ( Helsingør ) ( take the train from Copenhagen Central or Østerport. If you go by car the motorway is the fastest, driving along Strandvejen is the scenic route. ). The old city centre with well preserved houses is one of the biggest in Denmark, and famous Kronborg castle, home of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

55.93463 12.30222 Hillerød ( S-train: end of the E-line ). A small town dominated by the huge Frederiksborg palace, but also offers baroque gardens and a laid back city centre.

Roskilde ( Many trains from Copenhagen Central, Nørreport and Østerport. ). Denmark's ancient capital and a World Heritage site. with a famous cathedral full of the tombs of ancient kings, and the fantastic Viking museum. Home to one of the Big Four European music festivals, Roskilde Festival, which attracts up to 110,000 visitors each year in July.

55.9693827 12.542354 The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. Gammel Strandvej 13, Humlebæk ( in the small town of Humlebæk which is 35 km north of Copenhagen via motorway E47/E5 or 35 minutes with DSB rail from the Central Station. When you use the train, special combination tickets for the rail fare and museum entry fee are available. ). it is the outstanding museum of modern art in Denmark.

55.90724 12.69705 Ven. The ferry departs from Havnegade 29. Boat departs 9:15, returns 17:30. Visit the Swedish island Ven. Rent a bicycle and tour the island. DKK 210 daytrip.

Routes through Copenhagen

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Si usted sigue los índices de equidad de cerca, a veces puede detectar patrones que se repiten con un alto grado de coherencia. Continúe leyendo aquí.

24 de agosto de 2015, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

STOAN speaks to govt on forex

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Seaport terminal administrators yesterday spoke to the Federal Government to discover changeless answer for the difficulties they confront in business, because of their powerlessness to hotspot for dollars through the official windows.

The administrators, who decided under the aegis of Seaport Terminal Operators Association of Nigeria (STOAN), clarified that the trouble was disabling their business.

The representative for the administrators, Bolaji Akinola, asked government to mediate critically to spare their business. Likewise, the STOAN director, Princess Vicky Haastrup said, "The terminal administrators can't source dollars from the banks at the restrictive rates of about N320 to one dollar in the parallel business sector."

Regretting the advancement, she said late government approaches, including the National Automotive Policy; the rice importation arrangement and the fish amount framework, presented by the past organization of previous President Goodluck Jonathan, are hampering the operations of our individuals, as these strategies have prompted the preoccupation of cargoes far from Nigerian ports.

She focused on that "The resultant impact of this is the drop in payload volume by more than 50 for each penny in a few terminals."

Haastrup included that notwithstanding arrangement of requirements and obstacles, "we have kept to our own particular side of the deal and more than defended the certainty rested in us by Nigerians and by the legislature."

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cma central moving average

segundo. Smooth out seasonal influences and irregular movements by calculating the centered moving averages. Add the centered moving averages to theoriginal data you plotted in part (a). Has the process of calculating centered moving averages been effective in smoothing out the seasonal andirregular fluctuations in the data? Explain.

Mock exam 2 Q6_a cma central moving average.

- Two strategies have been used: SMA(Simple moving average) and CMA(Central Moving average) Cma central moving average.

The code the authors use on page 72 takes advantage of a rep command that repeats a value a certain number of times. They don’t use the “filter”parameter within the filter command.

Cma central moving average - Read more

Read more cma central moving average

-Microgrids include distributed generators, loads, energy storage which are controlled by one unit in order to exchange power with the grid. Addindrenewable system to this can lower the cost and can provide better grid quality all around the world.

Plot this equation, called the centered moving-average trend(CMAT), along with. Find the cycle factor (CF) for each quarter by dividing the CMA by the CMAT.

The decomposition of time series data is a statistical method that deconstructs it into notional components. Several decomposition methods exist andthe Logi Forecast. Time Period Decomposition element uses "Decomposition Based on Rates of Change".

In an exponential moving average, the averages consist of a head and a tail, which can be weighted. A lightly weighted tail means that the tailfollows the head quite closely, so the average behaves like a moving average on a short weighting period. When tail weights are heavier, the averagebehaves more like a longer simple moving average. cma central moving average.

cma central moving average. You can use the Moving Average Filter module to calculate a series of one-sided or two-sided averages over a dataset, using a window length that youspecify.

Add the Moving Average Filter module to your experiment.

Watch cma central moving average

As a result of the forecast operation, two new columns will be added to the datalayer. The names of these two columns will be drawn from the element'sattributes: Cma central moving average trade.

You can weight all data points equally when computing the average, or you can ensure that values nearer the current data point are weighted morestrongly. In a weighted moving average, all weights must sum to 1.cma central moving average.

See the Options section for details on how each is computed.

That is, we apply weight 1/24 to values at times t−6 and t+6 and weight 1/12 to all values at all times between t−5 and t+5.

This results in energy management strategy for a residential microgrid to obtain a smooth power profile for the energy exchange with the grid. Thestrategy makes use of forecasted power profiles in order to eliminate the lag in the grid power profile.(cma central moving average trade.|)

In the Apply Filter module, use the Column Selector to specify which columns the filter should be applied to. By default, the filter you create willbe applied to all numeric columns, so be sure to exclude any columns that don’t have appropriate data.

Oslo Central Station reopens

Oslo Central Station, commonly referred to as “Oslo S,” reopened on Monday after weeks of essential maintenance, with promises that the work done would improve service and reduce problems.

Oslo's central station will be close to all thru-traffic from June 26 until August 8, so passengers need to prepare for delays and disruption. PHOTO: Views and News

The work, which began on June 26, apparently completed upgrades that would usually take 18 months in just six weeks. Trains can now travel out of the station again, including those to Gardermoen Airport that had to be replaced with bus services during the engineering work.

13 different companies have had around 250 employees working on the 2,500 maintenance and upgrade tasks that have made up the work. The upgrades are part of something called the “Oslo Project,” which has invested NOK 1.6 billion (USD 293 million) in train network improvements. Work continues on the project from Tuesday night, and will be mostly done after hours except for a few planned closures in September and the winter, and a further six week closure period next summer. The upgrade from two to four lines coming west from Oslo is also nearly complete, which will mean an improved survive between Lysaker and Sandvika through the new BГ¦rum tunnel.

The director of the Norwegian National Rail Administration, Elisabeth Enger, told news agency NTB that there were “some challenges during tests on the weekend,” but the Minister of Transport and Communications, Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa of the Center Party, said the work would lead to “a better everyday life” for passengers. “I hope that messages that lines have fallen down will be a thing of the past,” Kleppa commented, adding that “fewer mistakes mean that more trains are in traffic, and people will notice this.”

Kjetil Bragstad of the Norwegian State Railways told newspaper Aftenposten that “the vast majority of feedback from passengers has been positive” regarding rail replacement bus services, although there had been complaints regarding the length of journeys compared to taking a train. When the work began, there were huge delays to buses and cars during morning rush hour as several items of planned road maintenance were also scheduled at the same time. Only the south-east line of the Г˜stfoldbanen and trains from abroad could run during the six week maintenance period.

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Drugs flow around central station

Oslo’s Central Train Station

(Sentralstasjon, Oslo S) has gained a reputation as “Drugs Central” because of all the pushers and addicts lingering around its entrances. The station is Norway’s largest transit point, and provides a dubious welcome to commuters and visitors alike. Drug addicts have long been a problem around the station. For years, they gathered at an area called “Plata” on the station’s south side, not far from the new pedestrian crossing to Oslo’s new Opera House. Even before the Opera opened last year, police made a concerted effort to chase the addicts away and “clean up” the station area.

Now they’re back, in force, and have in turn attracted bands of often aggressive pushers and suspicious men lurking in the background, talking incessantly on mobile telephones. Drugs and money change hands openly, and users inject heroin openly as well.

“What’s happening this summer is that the buying and selling of drugs, along with injecting them, is occurring very openly,” HГҐvard Haugstvedt of the city’s Alcohol and Drug Addiction Service (Rusmiddeletaten) . which tries to aid and rehabilitate drug addicts, told newspaper Aften . “It’s so open that it almost looks like it’s all legal.”

It’s not. The chief of the local police station, KГҐre StГёlen, says his officers have arrested around 1,600 persons for the sale, purchase and possession of narcotics just since New Year. “Oslo S isn’t a free area, folks aren’t allowed to do what they want,” él dice. “But it doesn’t help with prison.”

Nor is there enough prison cell space for them all. StГёlen is pleading with city politicians to boost drug treatment programs, and says the drug problem doesn’t go away just by clearing the crowds away from Oslo S.

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ROM Eiendom, the state agency owning railway property, wants to help addicts find a new place to congregate, based on models from Hamburg and Frankfurt. “When Norway’s most important transit point is also Norway’s largest marketplace for narcotics, it goes without saying that this is intolerable,” Signe Horn of ROM Eiendom told Aften . adding that travelers and local merchants also are plagued by theft and public disturbances.

Tor Sannerud, Oslo’s tourism chief, says a group of Spaniards that he was leading out of the station were shocked when they all came across an addict just as he injected heroin into his leg. “They’d never seen anything like it at home,” él dijo. “It’s the job of the police to maintain law and order. This has to stop.”

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5 Minute Walk From Amsterdam Central Station

5 Minute Walk From Amsterdam Central Station

About Vincent van Gaasbeek

My name is Vincent and I have a background in IT, Sales, and Internet Marketing (Companies I worked for are ING Bank, SuccesGids and WUA). but I found out that music is my true passion, so that's the reason why right now I'm working on becoming music producer/Dj (Deep House & Techno).

I love to travel and see new places! At the moment, holiday destinations that are on my wish list are Brazil, The Caribbean, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Fiji and many more! ;-) Of course I also love my hometown Amsterdam and all the city has to offer. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to party at the many good techno/deep house festivals in Amsterdam.

Besides traveling, I like to do sports (Bouldering, Fitness, Tennis), watch movies, listen to music, and read about personal development (Anthony Robbins), philosophy, etc. and if there's time left. doing my best to learn how to become a successful Forex trader!

I believe I am a good house host - I was raised well and want all my guests to have the best time ever in Amsterdam! I want you to enjoy this great city and feel totally comfortable in my studio apartment.

I hope I can welcome you one day as a guest in one of my apartments, or meet you along my travels.

Greetings from Amsterdam, and maybe till soon!

Vincent van Gaasbeek

Vincent van Gaasbeek purchased this apartment in 2012

Why Vincent van Gaasbeek chose Amsterdam area

The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

What makes this apartment unique

Beautiful Private, Newly Renovated Studio Apartment In a Beautiful Monumental Building, Located in Amsterdam City Centre. Literally a 5 Minute Walk From Adam Central Station, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square.

This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center, Nightlife, the Canal Area, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums.

The studio apartment is located in a beautiful monumental building (which has been build more than 350 years ago) in the well-known Spuistraat, right in the lively heart of Amsterdam. The house is completely renovated and fully furnished and only requires your visit and personal belongings to complete it.

The spacious living room with kitchen and magnificent wooden floor is characterized by numerous authentic details and beautiful French balcony. Superb views over the town and the Spuistraat.

All necessities and luxuries present: HD television (incl. free Film1 movies), Wireless Internet, spacious bathroom incl. bathtub and shower, separate utility room with washing - and drying machine (see pictures).

Why Home Away

We had a quick one night stay in Amsterdam. The apartment was super close to the central train station, making it ideal for our needs. The place was very clean and modern, and perfect for the 2 of us. Vincent was a great host, and pointed us to a great restaurant nearby to celebrate by husband's birthday. Would recommend as well as stay again if we are back in Amsterdam.

Review Submitted: Jan 14, 2016

Date of Stay: Jan 2016

Source: VRBO, from HomeAway

Did you find this review helpful?

Luxurious Apartment in Center of Amsterdam, Nearby Red Light District and Dam Square. This Self-catering Apartment is Within Walking Distance of the City Shopping Center (Kalverstraat), Nightlife, the Canal Area, Leidese Square, Rembrandt Square and Amsterdam's illustrious Museums (Van Gogh, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk, etc.).

If you have any other questions about specific attractions and activitites, then please ask. I'm more more than happy to answer all of your questions!

Kind regards, Vincent


Prices & Availability

View all prices

Prices for this holiday apartment in Amsterdam Old Centre, Amsterdam City

Rental Basis: per property Manager accepts payment in: EUR


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