Thursday, November 3, 2016

Forex Et Cfd

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre CFD Trading

Qué son los Contratos por Diferencia (CFDs)?

Cómo comercializo CFDs?

Dónde puedo negociar CFDs?

Por qué debo cambiar CFDs?

Por qué debo cambiar CFDs con easy-forex?

Qué CFDs ofrece?

Cuál es el margen requerido para negociar CFDs?

Puedo especificar el apalancamiento de mis operaciones CFD?

Cómo calculo mi utilidad y pérdida para CFDs de índices y commodities?

Cuándo puedo negociar CFDs?

Cuáles son las fechas de caducidad para CFDs?

Cuáles son los costos de negociar CFDs?

Hay cargos de comisiones por rotación para CFDs?

Qué son los Contratos por Diferencia (CFDs)?

Un contrato por diferencia (CFD) es un contrato entre un comprador y un vendedor. Cuando usted abre un CFD usted está comprando o vendiendo un contrato con easy-forex. CFDs son la forma más fácil y más popular de comercio de materias primas e índices debido a su simplicidad, facilidad de comercio, apalancamiento, capacidad de venta corta y rentabilidad. Puede diversificar su cartera negociando CFDs en todas las plataformas easy-forex como ofertas y opciones al contado.

Al igual que la divisa, el comercio de CFD se liquida en efectivo. Cuando usted compra un CFD usted está comprando un contrato para un cierto precio; Usted no toma posesión del producto físico, p. Cuando usted compra 100 barriles de aceite éstos no serán entregados a su puerta. Y cuando llegue el momento de venderlo de vuelta, obtendrá un beneficio (o una pérdida si el mercado no está a su favor).

Mediante el comercio de CFD, usted puede potencialmente beneficiarse de si un mercado se mueve hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Si usted cree que el precio de un activo va a subir, usted abre una posición de compra (conocida como 'going long'). Si usted piensa que el precio del activo va a caer, usted abre una posición de la venta (conocida como "que va cortocircuito"). El funcionamiento del mercado gobierna no apenas si usted hace un beneficio o una pérdida, pero también por cuánto. Así que digamos que usted piensa que un mercado en particular se levantará, y usted compra un CFD - su beneficio será mayor cuanto más el mercado sube, y sus pérdidas más grande a medida que disminuye. La misma regla se aplica si usted espera que un mercado caiga; Usted va a hacer más cuanto más el mercado cae, y perder más cuanto más el mercado sube.

Puede operar una gama de CFDs en su plataforma de comercio web easy-forex, plataforma móvil y en MT4 y TradeDesk & trade; .

CFDs en la plataforma de comercio web easy-forex

Inicie sesión en la zona comercial de su plataforma de comercio web. Encontrará los diferentes CFD bajo sus pestañas de categorías individuales en el boleto comercial: monedas, productos básicos, índices y opciones.

CFDs en la plataforma móvil easy-forex

Inicie sesión en su cuenta de easy-forex en su teléfono móvil. Cuando selecciona 'Cotizaciones' en el menú superior obtendrá una lista desplegable de productos para el comercio - monedas, materias primas, índices y opciones.

CFD trading le da una mayor variedad de productos para acceder a la emoción de los mercados financieros. Ya sea que tenga información sobre la agricultura, los productos energéticos, las monedas globales o las acciones, ahora puede obtener un fácil acceso para su comercio. CFD comercial con un requerimiento de bajo margen (recuerde - con mayor apalancamiento viene una mayor ganancia o pérdida). Los CFDs proporcionan una excelente alternativa para adaptarse a una variedad de estilos comerciales o métodos, p. Corto o largo plazo los inversores pueden encontrar el producto adecuado para complementar sus preferencias.

Por qué debo cambiar CFDs con easy-forex?

Easy-forex tiene una de las más amplias selecciones de materias primas e índices disponibles como CFDs en el mercado y ofrece algunos de los diferenciales más competitivos. Combinar eso con el servicio al cliente de primera clase y la educación nos convierte en la plataforma preferida tanto para los operadores nuevos como para los experimentados.

Además de ser capaz de negociar más de 70 pares de divisas, puede intercambiar 15 índices, 5 metales, 5 de energía y 7 productos agrícolas en nuestras plataformas de comercio - de la misma manera que el comercio de divisas. Sus operaciones se ejecutan automáticamente, con absolutamente ningún requotes y obtiene spreads fijos y paradas garantizadas en la plataforma basada en web.

En el momento de la publicación, puede intercambiar los siguientes productos CFD. Estamos trabajando siempre para ampliar nuestra gama de productos así que éntrenos en contacto con para cualquier pregunta o para actualizaciones del producto.

Cuál es el margen mínimo requerido para un CFD?

USD 25 es el margen mínimo requerido para abrir un contrato CFD.

Puedo especificar el apalancamiento de mis operaciones CFD?

Al igual que todos los productos, el apalancamiento es flexible, aunque esto puede variar entre diferentes CFDs.

Cómo calculo mi utilidad y pérdida para un índice y un CFD de commodities?

Usted quisiera especular sobre el nivel de los EE. UU. 500 (SPI), un índice de seguimiento de las 500 mayores acciones de Estados Unidos. Nota: todos los precios están en USD.

El índice se cotiza actualmente en 1860.00 puntos.

Un contrato estándar para los EE. UU. 500 es 50 veces la tasa de comercio de índice. Así que el valor actual de un contrato de US 500 es 50 x 1860.00 = $ 93,000.

Usted decide que la economía estadounidense mejorará y que las acciones estadounidenses se apreciarán.

Así que usted compra un contrato y como usted predice, los EE. UU. 500 sube a 1865.00.

Como usted está negociando en margen (con apalancamiento), sólo tiene que poner una fracción del precio total como garantía.

El contrato ahora vale 50 x 1865 = $ 93.250.

Cierra la posición a 1865.00 y obtiene un beneficio de $ 250.

Usted quisiera especular sobre el precio del petróleo y decidir comerciar Brent Crude (BRT). Nota: todos los precios están en USD.

BRT actualmente cotiza en $ 108.00 por barril.

Un contrato estándar para BRT es de 1.000 barriles.

Así que el valor actual de un contrato de BRT es 1.000 x 108.00 = $ 108.000.

Usted decide que los consumidores se están moviendo a más coches eficientes en combustible y que la demanda de BRT se reducirá. Así que usted espera que esto pueda empujar abajo el precio de BRT.

Usted vende un contrato y como usted predijo Brent cae a $ 107.00 por barril

Como usted está negociando en margen (con apalancamiento) sólo tiene que poner una fracción del precio total como garantía.

El contrato ahora vale 1000 x 107.00 = 107.000.

Cierra la posición en 107.00 y obtiene un beneficio de $ 1.000.

Las horas de negociación dependen del producto CFD individual. Haga clic aquí para ir al horario comercial y la página de vencimiento en nuestro sitio.

Los contratos de futuros, en los que se basan los CFD, tienen una fecha de vencimiento y nuestros operadores podrán cerrar sus posiciones CFD en cualquier momento hasta esa fecha. Haga clic aquí para ir al horario comercial y fechas de vencimiento de nuestros CFDs.

Al igual que la divisa, cuando negocia CFDs no toma posesión del producto físico, p. Cuando usted compra 100 barriles de aceite éstos no serán entregados a su puerta. Sin embargo, como los CFD se basan en el mercado petrolero subyacente, cada contrato tiene una fecha de entrega establecida. Una vez que llegamos a esa fecha, el comercio se detiene para ese contrato y el próximo contrato comienza a operar de inmediato. Sin embargo, cualquier posición en el contrato vencida será cerrada en esa fecha, ya sea en ganancias o pérdidas.

Puede consultar las fechas de caducidad de sus ofertas en las plataformas de negociación (consulte las imágenes a continuación). Compruebe las fechas de caducidad antes de abrir cualquier posición. Easy-forex también le enviará un correo electrónico notificándole de las próximas expiraciones de sus operaciones abiertas un día antes.

Consulte la fecha de vencimiento de su transacción en el billete central de negociación bajo 'Open Deal'.

Fechas de vencimiento en la plataforma MT4 easy-forex

En su plataforma easy-forex MT4, pase el ratón sobre el producto específico para obtener información más detallada, incluida la fecha de caducidad.

Easy-forex no tiene comisiones ni comisiones cuando negocia productos o índices. Sin embargo, un comerciante tendrá que negociar en un diferencial entre el precio de compra y venta. Cada producto tiene su propia extensión dependiendo de sus características comerciales. Easy-forex tiene algunos de los diferenciales más competitivos del mercado. Póngase en contacto con su ASM para obtener más información.

Hay cargos de comisiones por rotación para CFDs?

La mayoría de los CFDs no tienen comisiones o cargos de swap. Sin embargo CFDs tienen fechas de vencimiento fijas. Haga clic aquí para ir al horario comercial y la página de vencimiento en nuestro sitio.

Nota: El oro (XAU), la plata (XAG), el platino (XPT) y el paladio (XPD) están basados ​​en puntos, lo que significa que incurren en un cargo por rodar y no tienen fechas de caducidad.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa.

Easy-forex es un nombre comercial de easyMarkets Pty Limited ABN 73 107 184 510 y está regulado por la Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). EasyMarkets no hace ninguna recomendación en cuanto a los méritos de cualquier producto financiero mencionado en este sitio web, correos electrónicos o sus sitios web relacionados y la información contenida no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos personales, la situación financiera y necesariamente. EasyMarkets recomienda que lea la declaración de divulgación del producto. Los Términos y Condiciones y la Guía de Servicios Financieros antes de tomar cualquier decisión relativa a los productos de easyMarket.

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XTrade es un proveedor líder de CFD en línea. La tecnología innovadora que apoya su comercio en línea de CFD y comercio en línea de Forex asegura el cumplimiento normativo y la ejecución eficiente de órdenes. Con oficinas en todo el mundo, el comercio en línea de CFD de XTrade y el comercio en línea de Forex están disponibles en múltiples plataformas y en casi 40 idiomas.

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CFD Trading vs Spot Forex Trading

Publicado 1 año | 12:06 AM | 24 de septiembre de 2014 6 Comentarios

Con varias similitudes con el comercio de divisas, no es ninguna sorpresa que el comercio de CFD ha ganado mucho interés entre nuestros lectores. Por supuesto, hay algunas diferencias clave que usted debe saber sobre también.

Gama de Mercados

El comercio de CFD abarca un conjunto más amplio de mercados financieros, ya que estos contratos pueden involucrar varios commodities o índices de renta variable de varios países. Algunos corredores incluso ofrecen CFDs en acciones negociadas en diferentes bolsas, abriendo un ámbito muy amplio de oportunidades de comercio!

En comparación con el mercado de divisas spot que se limita al mercado de divisas, el comercio de CFD parece ofrecer una gama mucho más amplia de opciones comerciales. Tenga en cuenta que algunos activos a menudo se limitan a su denominación local (por ejemplo, S & P 500 contra USD o acciones de Royal Dutch Petroleum contra GBP).

Factores de precio

Los factores que afectan el movimiento de precios en el comercio de CFDs dependen de los mercados en los que el activo es parte. Por ejemplo, los precios de CFD del petróleo crudo son impulsados ​​principalmente por la oferta y la demanda o por la estacionalidad. Los precios de los CFD de acciones pueden determinarse por factores empresariales o por eventos específicos de la empresa, como ingresos o adquisiciones.

Mientras tanto, los movimientos de precios en el mercado de divisas al contado están influenciados principalmente por factores fundamentales, como el crecimiento económico y las expectativas de política monetaria. El sentimiento de riesgo también juega un papel en la acción del precio de la moneda, junto con la tensión geopolítica y, en cierta medida, los factores ambientales.

Ejecución comercial

CFD y operaciones de divisas se ejecutan generalmente de la misma manera en un mercado OTC en un intercambio descentralizado. Ambos tipos de operaciones no implican la transferencia física de los activos, ya que la ganancia o pérdida se calcula sobre la base de los precios de apertura y cierre. Debido a estas similitudes, varios corredores en realidad ofrecen plataformas que atienden a CFD y spot forex trading.


Tanto las operaciones de divisas spot como las operaciones de CFD hacen uso de margen, el primero generalmente cotizado a través de un ratio de apalancamiento (ex: 1: 100 o 1:10) y este último se indica como un porcentaje fijo (ex: 1% o 5% del factor de margen ).

Si necesita una revisión rápida de lo que son estos términos, es hora de que regrese a nuestra lección de margen y apalancamiento de la Escuela de Pipsología. En pocas palabras, ambos tipos de comercio le permiten controlar una mayor cantidad de dinero con el margen como su depósito de buena fe & # 8221; Al corredor. Como siempre, recuerde que el apalancamiento puede ser una espada de doble filo!

Costos comerciales

Con el comercio de divisas, los costos de transacción generalmente se basan en la oferta-preguntar propagación cotizada por el corredor. En el comercio de CFD, los costos de transacción pueden implicar comisiones, que varían dependiendo del activo subyacente. Los costos de negociar CFD de acciones siguen siendo generalmente más bajos en comparación con la compra de acciones reales, mientras que los CFD basados ​​en índices no suelen tener costos de comisión.

Las posiciones de CFD que se mantienen abiertas durante la noche también pueden incurrir en costos de financiamiento overnight, que consisten en un cargo diario basado en el tamaño del contrato y, a menudo, vinculado a las tasas de referencia del LIBOR o del banco central. Con eso, las operaciones se mantienen abiertas por mucho más tiempo están sujetas a los cargos de interés cada vez mayor, lo que puede acabar comiendo una gran parte de su comercio devuelve. Por otro lado, los costos de financiamiento en posiciones cortas de CFD son típicamente recibidos por el comerciante.

Los corredores que ofrecen CFDs de commodities suelen tener el mercado de futuros como base para sus precios de contrato, lo que significa que puede haber fechas de caducidad y los costos de liquidación también. El corredor puede arreglar un rollover automático cuando se alcanza la fecha de liquidación del contrato de futuros asociado o deducir una comisión de liquidación en efectivo de la posición de CFD, lo que también podría reducir significativamente los beneficios si mantiene el comercio abierto durante mucho tiempo.

Si está considerando probar su mano en el comercio de CFD, se recomienda que trabaje con mercados con los cuales está más o menos familiarizado. Al igual que con el comercio de divisas, que podría ser mejor jugar con una cuenta demo antes de arriesgar dinero real en un territorio relativamente desconocido.

Como lo que has leído?

Únete a más de 45.000 comerciantes que reciben nuestro boletín. Tutoriales, EAs, configuraciones de gráficos, sistemas de forex gratis, y mucho más!

En qué consiste el comercio CFD en el mundo?

Publicado 2 años | 12:15 AM | 17 septiembre 2014 9 Comentarios

Está buscando un poco más de aventura fuera del mercado forex spot? Aquí es una introducción rápida en el comercio de CFD y cómo puede beneficiarse de ella.

Qué demonios es un CFD?

CFD significa contrato por diferencia, que es básicamente un acuerdo entre dos partes para pagar la diferencia en el precio del activo subyacente de su valor actual y su valor en el momento en que se cierra el comercio. Esto se considera un derivado financiero. Ya que permite a los comerciantes aprovechar los movimientos de precios sin poseer realmente el activo mismo.

Cómo puede ganar dinero negociando CFDs?

Cuando usted compra un CFD y el precio del activo sube, recibirá la diferencia de precio multiplicada por el número de unidades que ha comprado. Si el precio del activo cae, pagará la diferencia de precio en su lugar.

Por otro lado, cuando se corta un CFD y el precio del activo disminuye, recibirá la diferencia entre el precio de cierre y el precio de apertura multiplicado por el número de unidades que ha comprado. Si sube el precio del activo, pagará esta diferencia de precio al comprador.

Espera un minuto. Cómo es esto diferente de forex?

¡Excelente pregunta, joven padawan! En el mercado forex spot. Un comerciante esencialmente compra o vende un número específico de unidades de un par de divisas a un precio determinado, entonces las ganancias o pérdidas se determinan sobre la base de la diferencia del precio de apertura y cierre. Otras similitudes de los CFDs y el comercio de divisas incluyen la ejecución de OTC, un intercambio descentralizado, y algunos costos de ejecución como la propagación y las comisiones.

Lo que distingue a los CFD de la divisa es que la primera abarca más mercados financieros, como los commodities y las acciones, lo que permite a un comerciante diversificar sus posiciones. Puede especular sobre índices bursátiles globales como el S & amp; P 500 o el FTSE y negociar el precio de la soja frente al dólar estadounidense. Más posibilidades, más oportunidades de ganancias!

¡Suena genial! Dónde firmo?

¡Calma! Antes de bifurcar sobre su dinero duramente ganado para negociar CFDs con un corredor, asegúrese de hacer más investigación sobre este tipo de instrumento comercial primero. Mientras que el comercio de divisas es principalmente impulsado por factores fundamentales y técnicos. Los movimientos de los precios CFD son generalmente influenciados por la oferta y la demanda específica del activo que se negocia. Por ejemplo, las fluctuaciones de precios de varios productos básicos pueden estar sujetas a factores estacionales, mientras que las tendencias de los precios de las acciones pueden estar dictadas por los informes de ganancias.

Asegúrese de que también lea sobre cómo se calculan los costos de transacción, ya que algunas clases de activos están sujetas a comisiones, mientras que otras no. Los CFD también suelen estar sujetos a un cargo de financiamiento diario si planea mantener las operaciones abiertas durante la noche. Los requisitos de margen también varían entre los corredores, así que asegúrese de que ha entendido correctamente el concepto de apalancamiento también. Al igual que con el comercio de divisas, le animo a probar una cuenta demo de CFD antes de entrar en vivo!

El comercio CFD es algo que está interesado en o ya está probando? ¡Comparte tus pensamientos y experiencias en nuestra sección de comentarios!

Como lo que has leído?

No tenía mucho conocimiento sobre CFDs así que su artículo era grande. Tal vez usted puede hacer algunos otros artículos sobre él.

Suena interesante también porque en realidad mi corredor ofrece todos los productos (que usted ha mencionado) en el software del comerciante. Sé que sé que además de spot forex también estaba negociando CFD.

También es importante mencionar los diferentes tamaños mínimos de lote. Esto significa un mayor valor de pip y es por eso que el requisito de margen es muy importante (como usted dijo).

También me di cuenta de que pagaría por esta comisión nocturna. Puede explicar por qué? En la divisa forex el costo de rollover es obvio, pero no sé por qué es que con los productos básicos. Con rollover también podemos ganar dinero, dependiendo si somos cortos o largos. Supongo que con las mercancías que tenemos que pagar por las dos direcciones & # 8221 ;. Por lo menos nunca he visto a conseguir dinero por la noche.

Http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Oh wow, gracias por la retroalimentación positiva. ¡Realmente lo aprecio! Estoy pensando en hacer un artículo de seguimiento sobre CFDs, posiblemente para discutir el resto de los detalles como tamaños de lote y comisiones. En cuanto a las comisiones, siempre he tomado eso & # 8220; Pensando que es parte de celebrar el contrato o algo, independientemente de la dirección que tome. Sin embargo, me veré más en esto. Es bueno saber que los comerciantes de divisas también están interesados ​​en este tipo de instrumento de comercio!

Nadie hace un beneficio, sólo el delincuente que opera esta estafa. La mayoría están regulados por ladrones similares a los bancos, y el gobernador Uno o dos obtienen ganancias. Digamos que tienen que hacerlo. Es como un casino, si todo el mundo fuimos allí y todos ellos pierden no estar en negocios. Aquí es lo mismo. Estafa similar En 100 matorrales i trató de ir mucho tiempo, el 97% de ellos el mercado se redujo, no tengo ninguna duda de que se ejecutan contra la gente como yo por su propio interés. El mercado entero es una estafa del babero el más grande del siglo y su regulado. ¡Qué broma, un robo regulado!

En 100 entradas traté de ir corto. El 98% de los mercados comerciales subió de inmediato. Su claro que están utilizando un software especial aparejado contra personas como yo y usted. Manténgase alejado de esos ladrones. Corredores = bandidos

Http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Gracias por visitar mi blog y por compartir tus pensamientos interesantes.

CFD Trading Educación

Al igual que Forex, los CFDs se cotizan con una oferta y un precio de venta. Por lo tanto, el CFD para el S & amp; P500 podría ser citado como sigue:

S & amp; P 500 826.75 / 827.25

El primer número de la serie representa el precio de la oferta, el costo de vender el CFD de S & amp; P 500, o bien, Sobre el índice subyacente. Si un comerciante cree que el índice S & P 500 disminuirá, un comerciante debería vender el CFD.

El segundo número representa el precio de venta, el costo de comprar el S & amp; P 500 CFD, o ir вЂ~long†™ sobre el índice subyacente. Si un comerciante cree que el índice S & amp; P 500 subirá, un comerciante debe comprar el CFD.

La diferencia entre el precio de venta y el precio de compra se denomina spread.

Una marca es el incremento de precio más pequeño en un precio de futuros o CFD. A menudo se hace referencia como una "pip" En los mercados de divisas. Utilizando el ejemplo anterior, si la cotización CFD para el S & amp; P 500 pasó de 826,25 a 826,26, habrá movido una marca.

Dado que los CFDs de índices y materias primas negociados con ICM se cotizan en USD, un movimiento de una marca en el S & amp; P 500 CFD es equivalente a un movimiento de un centavo.



Forex Ltd ofrece a sus clientes una herramienta financiera alternativa - CFDs - contratos por diferencia. Contrato por Diferencia es un acuerdo entre vendedor y comprador, donde el vendedor está estipulado para pagar la diferencia entre los precios de apertura y cierre de un activo (el comprador paga en lugar del vendedor en caso de que la diferencia sea negativa). Los contratos por diferencias le permiten negociar acciones sin poseerlas físicamente. Usted obtiene muchos beneficios de la propiedad de acciones incluyendo el pago de dividendos * y el desempeño de los precios.

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de instrumentos de CFD incluyendo acciones de 30 compañías estadounidenses que conforman la lista Dow-Jones Industrial Average y los fondos negociados en bolsa. Trading CFDs tiene muchos beneficios, incluyendo:

Margen de negociación

Además de Forex CFDs se negocian en el margen. Forex Ltd proporciona un apalancamiento de 1: 10 para el comercio de CFD, lo que significa que usted necesita para proporcionar sólo el 10% del trato entero;

baja comisión

Al esforzarnos por ofrecer las condiciones de operación más competitivas del mercado, nuestra comisión por CFDs es tan baja como 0.5%, que es una de las más bajas entre otros participantes;

ir corto

Trading CFDs le permite tanto comprar un capital y venderlo, de modo que usted puede ganar cuando el mercado cae sin comprar previamente la parte;

Ningún impuesto de timbre

Debido a que usted no posee físicamente las acciones subyacentes, no necesita pagar el impuesto de timbre cuando negocia CFDs a diferencia de cuando comparte acciones;

Instalaciones de gestión de riesgos

Administre sus riesgos comerciales en un mercado en rápido movimiento usando Stop Loss, Take Profit y otras órdenes pendientes aplicadas en Forex;

Ejecución instantanea

Una tecnología de ejecución de órdenes de negociación de inmediato, sin ninguna investigación preliminar de precios de mercado hace que su comercio más eficiente y, por tanto, más rentable.

Puede ver las ventajas de negociar CFDs con Forex Ltd abriendo una cuenta demo. Para abrir una cuenta de formación, descargue MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd. para instalarla en su computadora y siga la guía al iniciar el programa.

¡Importante! Los CFDs están disponibles para titulares de cuenta de 100k.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el comercio de CFDs, no dude en contactar con nosotros. En caso de que su pregunta esté relacionada con su cuenta de trading, utilice el sistema de correo interno del Cliente-Servicio.

* Por favor vaya a nuestra página de calendario de pagos de dividendos para más detalles.


CFD Trading

Un CFD o Contrato por Diferencia & rdquo; Es un acuerdo contractual entre un comprador y un vendedor relativo a cambios en el precio de un activo. En el comercio de CFD, ya que el precio del activo varía con el precio indicado en el contrato, el comprador o el vendedor del CFD obtiene un beneficio o una pérdida en consecuencia. Si el precio aumenta, el comprador gana y el vendedor pierde, y viceversa. El activo mismo puede ser una moneda, una mercancía, una acción de la compañía o incluso un sector o un índice global. Sin embargo, no hay transferencia del activo. En otras palabras, comprar un CFD no significa tomar la propiedad del activo subyacente.

De dónde provienen los CFD?

CFD trading fue inventado en los años noventa. Una de las razones de su creación fue evitar el impuesto que se debía cuando los activos reales cambiaron de manos. Los comerciantes en los intercambios en países como el Reino Unido fueron entonces capaces de especular sobre las acciones y evitar los impuestos que a veces, tan alto como el 1% de la transacción de acciones en sí mismo & ndash; Y por lo tanto una parte correspondientemente mayor de cualquier beneficio que se hizo. Después de ser utilizado por los inversores institucionales y los fondos de cobertura, hicieron su camino en los corredores & rsquo; Algunos años después. La mayoría de los países ahora permiten que los CFD se negocien, aunque los Estados Unidos no lo hacen. Todavía no hay contratos estándar para el comercio de CFDs. Los términos y condiciones dependerán del corredor particular que utilice, aunque los corredores & rsquo; Las ofertas tienden a ser similares.

Qué justifica el comercio de CFD?

Aparte de las consideraciones fiscales que pueden variar de un país a otro, el comercio CFD también puede ser utilizado por otras razones, como la cobertura o disimular una posición. Los inversores que han adquirido un activo como un bloque de divisas u opciones para comprar acciones también pueden usar CFD para proteger sus posiciones. Otros que quieran adquirir participaciones de control en las acciones de una empresa, por ejemplo, pueden comprar CFD a través de un corredor. El corredor entonces comprará las acciones para protegerse contra los CFD que hayan sido comprados. Cuando el momento es el correcto, el inversor puede convertir los CFD en acciones reales (por lo que ahora se hace deliberadamente una transferencia de propiedad del activo) y posiblemente proceder a una oferta pública de adquisición para la empresa en cuestión.

Conceptos básicos para negociar CFD

CFD trading utiliza muchas de las técnicas y herramientas que ya forman parte de otras actividades financieras como el comercio de divisas. El análisis fundamental y el análisis técnico son herramientas importantes para entender el mercado y cómo es probable que cambien los precios de los diferentes activos. Los mismos indicadores adelantados y retardados que utilizaría para el comercio de divisas, por ejemplo, los promedios móviles, los osciladores y los indicadores de impulso, también se aplican directamente al comercio de CFD. Los planes y estrategias de negociación deben ser definidos y aplicados de la misma manera para maximizar las posibilidades de obtener ganancias y para minimizar el riesgo de pérdidas comerciales que de otra manera podrían ser causadas por decisiones impulsadas emocionalmente. El apalancamiento, también una parte esencial del comercio de CFD, debe ser correctamente entendido y aplicado, como en el comercio de divisas. También deben tenerse en cuenta los pagos de intereses nocturnos, ya sean negativos o positivos. CFDs hacer este aspecto más simple en que el interés es pagado por un inversor que compra CFDs (going & ldquo; long & rdquo;) y es ganado por un inversionista que vende CFDs (going & ldquo; short & rdquo;).

Diferencias CFD con opciones y futuros

Esta función indefinida de roll-over distingue el comercio de CFD de otros productos financieros como opciones y futuros. Las opciones caducan y pierden valor después de cierta fecha definida, aunque no hay transferencia del activo subyacente a menos que el comprador de la opción elija. Los contratos de futuros tienen una duración fija, pero obligan al vendedor del contrato de futuros a transferir el activo al comprador, que está obligado a comprarlo al precio inicialmente especificado en el contrato de futuros. Por otra parte cuando usted compra un CFD usted puede terminarlo en cualquier momento.

Contabilidad de CFD trading

La negociación de CFDs significa que su cuenta de inversor será constantemente evaluada por su & ldquo; equity & rdquo ;: la cantidad total de dinero en cualquier momento en función del dinero que ha depositado o retirado, las ganancias o las pérdidas que ha realizado y el tamaño de CFD Comercios que usted tiene abierto. El patrimonio o el saldo neto de su cuenta se ve afectado por el valor actual de estas operaciones. Si el patrimonio de su cuenta cae por debajo del margen necesario para cubrir las operaciones existentes, el corredor hará una llamada de margen para depositar más dinero y cerrar sus operaciones de CFD si no se realiza ningún depósito adicional. El éxito del comercio de CFD es también una cuestión de mantener las pestañas en la equidad de su cuenta y evitar situaciones en las operaciones CFD están cerrados o no se puede iniciar cuando usted habría preferido tener tales operaciones abiertas.

Apalancamiento para CFDs con ForexBrokerInc

Nuestra apalancamiento inicial de la cuenta es qué apalancamiento le concedemos para negociar el oro y la plata con. Por ejemplo, si el apalancamiento inicial de la cuenta en su cuenta de comercio se establece en 1: 200 y desea comerciar con maíz, entonces el apalancamiento para el maíz será de 1: 50.

Horario y Calendario de CFD con las fechas de caducidad Descargar aquí

CFD & # 39; s Horario comercial Descargar aquí

COPP - El cobre, una de las materias primas más antiguas y fáciles de extraer, es el tercer metal más utilizado del mundo, después del hierro y el aluminio. Hoy en día el cobre se utiliza principalmente en industrias altamente cíclicas como la construcción y la fabricación de maquinaria industrial. La extracción rentable del metal depende de técnicas rentables de alto volumen de minería y la oferta es sensible a la situación política, particularmente en aquellos países donde la minería del cobre es una empresa controlada por el gobierno.

&dupdo; 2011 & ndash; 2016 Forex Broker Inc.

El sitio web www. forexbrokerinc. com es operado por Gridley Enterprises SA. Una sociedad constituida en la República de las Islas Marshall con domicilio social en Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Islas Marshall y con el número de registro 696l5. Los servicios de pago son operados por Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, puesto bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro; Así como de la empresa británica Global Noble Services LLP con domicilio social en Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, Londres, Reino Unido NW6 4BT y número de compañía OC394808.

Nuestro equipo profesional de soporte al cliente bien formado está disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, para ayudarle en cualquier problema técnico que pueda ocurrir o para responder a sus preguntas sobre Forex Broker Inc. y sus productos ofrecidos.

Cualquier información y software proporcionado por ForexBrokerInc. com no tiene la intención de solicitar a los ciudadanos o residentes de los EE. UU. con el fin de la negociación financiera.

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Todas las futuras transferencias bancarias deben ser enviadas a la siguiente Información Bancaria:

Condiciones comerciales

IFC Markets toma en consideración los requerimientos de negociación de cada cliente, ofreciendo así varios tipos de cuentas comerciales, que difieren en términos de los volúmenes de negociación permitidos, los tamaños de apalancamiento y los montos de los depósitos. Ofrecemos 3 tipos de cuentas de trading para cada una de las plataformas de negociación. NetTradeX y MetaTrader 4. Una cuenta CFD en línea y Forex con IFC Markets puede estar en una de las 3 divisas a elección del usuario: USD, EUR y JPY.

500+ CFD y Instrumentos de Forex

Teniendo en cuenta que las condiciones de comercio en línea son uno de los factores decisivos para un comerciante al elegir un corredor en línea, hemos hecho todos los pasos necesarios para la cooperación con nosotros para ser lo más cómodo y rentable posible.

Volúmenes de negociación

La tabla contiene rangos permitidos de volúmenes de negociación para instrumentos financieros y tipos de cuentas. Puede encontrar volúmenes mínimos y máximos de transacciones disponibles para cada instrumento financiero. En el caso de las cuentas de NetTradeX, los volúmenes se indican en unidades de la moneda base o en unidades del activo para instrumentos distintos de divisas. Para las cuentas de MetaTrader 4, los volúmenes se dan en lotes.

Requisitos de margen

La tabla contiene los tamaños máximos de apalancamiento para todos los tipos de cuenta y requisitos de margen adicionales, dependiendo del saldo de la cuenta. Para CFDs de Stock se establecen requisitos de margen especiales.

CFD y Horario de Operaciones de Forex - Sesiones de Mercado

CFD y horas de mercado de la divisa implican sobre todo las horas de operación de los mercados comerciales mundiales - Bolsa de Londres, Bolsa de Nueva York, Bolsa de Hong Kong, Bolsa de Tokio y otros. Dado que los mercados están situados en diversos lugares y zonas horarias se hace complicado para el seguimiento de horas de negociación de diversos instrumentos. La situación con los pares de divisas es más fácil, ya que no están disponibles sólo los fines de semana. La tabla muestra CFD y horario de operaciones de divisas por tipos de instrumentos de negociación. Es importante saber que el tiempo del servidor de terminales es CET. Para calcular las horas de negociación locales para todos los grupos de instrumentos es necesario elegir la hora local y el día de la semana.

Tipos de órdenes comerciales

En las terminales comerciales de IFC Markets se ejecutan los siguientes tipos de órdenes: mercado, pendiente, vinculado, OCO y órdenes activadas. Trailing Stop se realiza en el lado del servidor, es decir, funciona incluso cuando el terminal del cliente está apagado

Cuentas de comercio islámico

Las cuentas islámicas (o cuentas libres de SWAP) son cuentas especiales que no tienen SWAP de acuerdo con la ley Shariah. Ofrecemos cuentas islámicas a nuestros clientes musulmanes.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Paso 2 . Envíe los formularios firmados a:

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Paso 3 . Depositar en su cuenta.

Las nuevas cuentas deben ser financiadas dentro de 4 semanas mediante transferencia o depósito en efectivo (sólo en Luxemburgo). WH SelfInvest sólo aceptará transferencias procedentes del titular de la cuenta. Se rechazarán las transferencias de terceros, incluidos los familiares, a favor del titular de la cuenta. Una vez que su cuenta haya sido financiada, recibirá una confirmación por correo electrónico, así como una carta con las contraseñas para abrir su plataforma de negociación.






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Si tiene problemas para editar esta plantilla de sitio web, no dude en pedir ayuda en los foros.

Iniciar sesión en mi cuenta de demostración de propagación de apuestas y CFD con City Index (http: // www.

El desarrollo de los campos CFD 11-3 y CFD 11-5, que abarcan tres zonas de reservorio de Guantao, utilizará cuatro pozos horizontales y una sola plataforma de pozo no tripulada, ligada aproximadamente a 3 millas (5 km) al CFD 11-1 Plataforma de recolección.

Los seminarios en directo crean una experiencia de aprendizaje interactiva en un entorno en tiempo real, con expertos en CFD dispuestos a responder a sus preguntas.

Ferit Boysan, Presidente y Jefe de Operaciones de Fluent en el mundo entero, comentó: "Esta conferencia ofrece una oportunidad única para que los usuarios de FLUENT CFD de toda Europa se reúnan e intercambien ideas sobre las aplicaciones utilizadas por empresas de todo el mundo.

The live spread betting and CFD trading webinars last for one hour and include a presentation from a City Index trading expert.

Armin Wulf, founder of ICEM CFD Engineering said, "Our technological excellence in modeling of high end computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) complements the resources and market leadership of ANSYS in structural, thermal, electromagnetic, and other types of physics simulation.

In addition to examples of CFD trades, the webinar also explains leverage in CFD trading and how you can use it to your advantage.

If the same investor was to apply CFD trading to their situation, they could 'hedge' their position by short selling Vodafone on a CFD trade.

Two additional teams -- one at South Bay Simulations, Babylon, NY, and another at SAIC in San Diego -- are conducting similar CFD code work using

1: Global CFD Market Size and Forecast 2009-2013 (In $million)

A Few of the Key Elements Needed in an Effective CFD Solution:

A new web site for design engineers interested in implementing CFD early in the product development process has gone live at www.

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CFD Information


A contract for difference (also known as CFD) is a contract between two parties: buyer and seller, specifying that the seller will pay to the buyer the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at contract time.

However, if the difference happens to be a negative one, then the buyer pays to the seller instead. For example, when applied to equities, this kind of contract is an equity derivative that allows investors to speculate on share price movements, without the need for ownership of the underlying shares.

CFDs give investors the chance to take long or short positions. CFDs have no fixed expiry date or contract size, unlike futures contracts. Trades are conducted on a leveraged basis with margins typically ranging from 1% to 20% of the notional value for CFDs on leading equities.



CFDs are traded on leverage, so it's possible to increase your exposure to an underlying asset from the same initial investment. To open a CFD trade, you need to deposit only a part of the total trade value, usually an amont around 1-20 percent, allowing you to take a larger position that would be harder to take if you had to fund it in full.

Leverage is great news if the market moves in the direction that you expect, but it becomes a risk if the market moves against you.


CFD trading gives you access to a broad range of markets that usually are not available to retail investors. It is as easy to trade on the price movement of commodities such as oil or gold as it is to trade an individual equity. CFDs also let you to speculate on whole indices or sectors from one single trade.


By 'going short' (that is, selling), you can profit from a falling market as easily as you could profit from a rising market by buying it. If you think that a company or a market will have a loss of value in the short term, then you can use CFDs to sell it now, with the expectation that you can buy it later. However, if the price of your trade moves against you, your position will result in a loss.


Since CFDs offer the possibility of going easily as short as long, they can be used to provide a certain insurance against price falls in a portfolio. For example, if you have a long-term portfolio that you wish to keep, but you feel that there is a short-term risk to the value of your investments, you could use CFDs to damage-control a short term loss by 'hedging' your position. If the value of your portfolio falls, then the profit in the CFDs should offset these losses.

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Existe un riesgo de pérdida en el comercio de monedas extranjeras y no es adecuado para everyone. We son compensados ​​por nuestros servicios a través de la propagación bid-ask. Copyright © 2014. Todos los derechos reservados. The services and products offered by Tradeview Ltd. are not being offered within the United States (US) and not being offered to US Persons, as defined under US law. As such, should you reside in or be a citizen of such a country, any email message received is not intended to serve as a solicitation or inducement on behalf of any of the aforementioned entities. Tradeview es un Corredor / Distribuidor totalmente registrado bajo las regulaciones de la Autoridad Monetaria de las Islas Caimán. TVCM Limited es una empresa registrada de Inglaterra y Gales ubicada en 15 Bromet Close, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 4LP, Reino Unido, una filial de Tradeview Ltd.

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IG Markets Broker Review

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Looking For The Best CFD & Forex Broker? Our IG Markets Broker Review Will Help

Facilidad de uso

IG markets’ website has links to a whole range of trading education and is reasonably easy to navigate. They also cater to a range of traders with their Pure DMA CFD & Forex solution, mobile trading apps and in the UK their spread betting platform.

One of the tricky things to get around initially on their platform is the range of opportunties to trade the one product. For instance an Index might have 3 or 4 different versions with different dollar amounts per point movement for example. Once you get your head around which product is best to trade it is plain sailing from there.

IG Markets have a wide range of features and claim to have fast execution with the majority of trades executed in 0.1 seconds. One of their valuable features is their Insight centre which, among many things, shows the percentage of traders long or short a certain product. For those looking for insight into which way the majority of people are trading, this can be quite helpful.

IG Markets provide a version of DMA trading for Australian based stock traders called PureDeal, allowing traders access to Direct Market Access trading. This can be quite useful for those who are looking for transparency of trading platform.

Commissions and margins

Commissions are what you’d expect from one of the big players which means they are not the cheapest as they don’t have to be. They have such a big brand that they largely expect people to pay a little more. You will pay $8 for a share CFD trade on the Australian market and parcels over $10,000 will attract a 0.10% fee.

Margins on share CFDs start at 5% and Forex margins as low as 0.5%. They also run guaranteed stops, which can be linked to your position so you never lose more than your initial margin. In addition to that they run a tiered margining systems for those who trade larger than the normal trader.

IG Markets offer the full suite of markets including Forex, Indices, Share CFDs, Commodities, AUD Denominated CFDs, Binaries, Options, Interest Rates & Bonds. They literally do have thousands of markets available at your finger tips. One of the interesting features is the ability to trade both CFDs and options from the one trading account.

Reputation and security

IG Markets is considered the worldwide leader for CFD traders winning many awards and has an especially domninant position in the Australian market with around 37% market share with CFD traders. They have over 140,000 cilents globally and implement very safe client money handling procedures.

Being publicly listed, you’ll find all the necessary records to track how they are going and view their share price for further information about their quarterly and yearly results. It is important to also state that IG Markes is both ASIC and FSA regulated.

Spreads, fees and charges

Spreads on the IG platform are very competitive as you’d expect from one of the largest brokers worldwide with Forex spreads from 0.8 pips. Brokerage on the Australian share CFDs starts from $8 or 0.10% for parcels above $10,000, which is still very competitive.

IG Markets are considered the world wide leader in trading technology among Forex and CFD traders and recently Investment Trends noted they now control 37% of primary relationships among current CFD traders, edging out CMC Markets by 16% to claim the top spot.

IG Markets have access to very deep pockets and spend a lot of that marketing in the major financial publications with their analyst’s like Chris Weston & Stan Shamu.

Hopefully our Ig Markets Broker Review broker review has shed some light on whether this broker is suitable for your specific trading needs or not. Whilst there are a range of CFD Brokers and Forex Brokers around, the best way to see if a broker is right for you is to download their free demo.

Feel free to leave your comments below. Gracias

Descargo de responsabilidad. Trading Contracts for Difference carry risk where you can lose more than what you start with. View our full disclaimer here.

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Trading Ideas

In our past article “ US Dollar Outlook into FOMC Meeting on March 16 “, we argue that the Fed is likely going to stay put and temper the rate hike expectation and this action should cause U. S. Dollar weakness. It happened as expected with the Fed last Wednesday lowers the median 2016 dot to […]

LearnCFDs risk warning . It is important to note that CFDs are geared trading products and can result is losses far greater than your initial investment. As a result CFDs may not be suitable for everyone so you need to seek professional financial advice to determine if this product is for you. This website is owned and operated by LearnCFDs Pty Ltd (ABN: 14 143 177 048). In order to legally and responsibly provide general advice, LearnCFDs Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd (AFSL) 321187. LearnCFDs. com provides general advice only and the information contained on this website has not taken into account your personal financial situation or needs. Before investing in CFDs please read the Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) provided by your CFD provider and/or consult your financial adviser. All examples given on LearnCFDs. com are for illustration purposes only. For further information please view our disclaimer and privacy policy and click here to view our Financial Services Guide (FSG).

Recommended CFD brokers


CFDs vs Forex

Contracts for difference and forex trading are both amongst some of the highest leveraged forms of trading around, and as such both hold the allure of taking the individual investor to the big time. Notoriously, forex is a very difficult and unpredictable form of trading, and the interplay of leveraged risks is never a helping-hand when it comes to calming the nerves. That said, both are considered high-yield trading strategies, although completely distinct in their own right.

The forex market is traded more than any other, and estimates suggest that over 120 currencies are traded to the combined value of trillions of dollars every single day. The vast majority of these trades are on a leveraged basis, just like CFDs, and forex brokers often tend to gear up to ratios way beyond those that would be achievable in the CFD market.

To add a further layer of complexity, forex can actually be traded with contracts for difference, using the pricings of different currency pairings as the index on which the contracts are dependent. For the purposes of trading CFDs, it's irrelevant whether the underlying index is a currency pairing or a stock index - no currency is changing hands, and no obligations other than those to the broker are being incurred.

One of the major drawbacks with any type of leveraged trading is the financing costs applicable, and in this regard both CFDs and forex are hampered over the longer term given that costs escalate by the day in terms of interest and fees. This makes it essential to conduct a full cost analysis of every trade before you commit, ensuring that over the term of your trade you can comfortably cover the costs of trading and financing in addition to delivering a profit. And with overnight financing costs and large transaction fees to boot, this isn't always as easy a task as it seems.

One of the core differences, and indeed the main advantage of trading forex through CFDs rather than through a traditional forex broking platform is a single, unified currency. Rather than having to convert between currencies and hold balances in different currency types, CFDs make it possible to deal only in your chosen 'home' currency, which creates both a cost and hassle saving for the trader.

For example, say you live in the UK and want to speculate on currency fluctuations between the EURUSD currency pairing. If you close your position in Euros for a profit of EUR500, that is reflected on your account as a Euro balance, and still needs to be converted into a usable currency (i. e. GBP). This means potentially another layer of commission, and there's no way of ensuring that the exchange rate will work in your favour - indeed the exchange rate might well be on a downwards trajectory when you close your position.

With CFDs, the contracts are all handled in the one currency, with the price point at which you enter the trade on the currency pairing acting as a baseline for your index. This cuts out the extra layer or hassle and cost to give a more streamlined investment product that still benefits from margin but without the additional commissions, fees and hassle surrounding converting your capital and managing multi-currency trading balances.

Trading the forex markets can be particularly fast-paced and exciting, and for the economically minded it can be a great way to exploit macroeconomic movements and current affairs. In recent times there has been a shift in favour of CFD brokers, many of whom now brand themselves as 'CFD Forex' brokers to cash in on the many advantages CFDs have to offer, and the flexibility afforded to traders makes this a more than viable alternative to regular forex trading.

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CFD Futures Trading Example

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Trading on the markets always comes with risks. In order to minimize or eliminate the risks, the trader must have the right know-how and the right tools to analyze a market situation efficiently. You are not required to read thousands of books to improve your knowledge, although we recommend you to become familiar with tools and strategies that help you to identify those trading moments you can use successfully and that you use practice accounts to hone your skills before you begin live trading. In the New To FX section on this website you will be introduced to the basic know-how and tools usually used for trading purposes. Going through it, you will learn about identifying chart patterns, indicators, candlesticks and you will learn about how to benefit from trading signals.

Loyex account opening and maintenance are free of charge, however, an internal transfer fee of 0.2% is applied to Loyex funding and withdrawal transactions between client current accounts and client Loyex trading accounts.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE / CFDs /PHYSICAL PRECIOUS METALS trading carries an inherently high level of risk and are therefore not suitable for all investors. You should carefully review your investment objectives and goals before placing any such trade, along with the current experience you possess with the given type of investment. Investing in these vehicles can cause losses which may equal to your entire portfolio or more, therefore we do not recommend trading with funds you can not afford to lose. Loyex does not recommend trading without acquiring the necessary know-how about the investment beforehand. Please review all the possible risks related to investing, and in case you require further advise please contact an independent financial advisor or lawyer in your country. Loyex and Loyal Bank Ltd. is not responsible for any kind of loss related to your trading activities. Please consult appropriate professional advice in order to ensure that there are no limitations to do business with us before applying for a Loyex account. Please review our general terms and conditions before applying for an account.

Contracts for Difference

CFD stands for Contract For Difference. CFD traders speculate on the difference between the buying and the selling price of an underlying asset. Although the underlying security must not be purchased by the trader, the value of the CFD is dependent from the gains or losses of the underlying asset. CFDs are available in all relevant markets, ie stocks, commodities, bonds and currencies.

Originally, Contracts for Difference were developed in the 1990s in Great Britain to avoid the stamp duty on stocks. Meanwhile, CFDs are recognized as innovative financial instruments throughout Europe and around to world and are also available for individuals through CFD and Forex brokers. Furthermore, CFDs are not listed but are traded in the OTC (Over The Counter) market. For that reason, CFD traders do not have to pay fees.

The speculative business with CFDs is particularly interesting for active day traders and intraday traders. Due to the high leverage, high profit margins on the invested capital can be achieved. Nevertheless, the traders must be willing to take risks and must have enough funds available, because the leverage effect can also mean huge losses. Therefore, CFD traders must know the market dynamics. A well balanced risk management must be used, as well as the knowledge of how to limit losses.

How does CFD Trading work?

In order to trade Contracts for Difference, the trader uses a special software from his CFD broker. This application handles all the relevant price information and calculates the leverage effect of the underlying product. All other necessary trading tools are available on the platform of the CFD broker. The software of the Forex and CFD Broker Plus500 for example includes functions to buy and sell, charting tools, access to real-time news and multiple analysis functions.

In general, the trader can place orders for long or short positions. The main aim of CFD trading is to buy low and sell high. Above all, the right time of entry and exit is crucial. Therefore, a continuous supervising activity is essential during CFD trading.

With a Contract for Difference, the trader enters a deal with his broker that is not limited to a certain time frame. This means that no contract expiry date exists and that the maturity of the holding period of the positions is unlimited. The margin acts as a security for the broker. This may, depending on the CFD broker, be between one and twenty percent of the total value of the contract. Thus, the margin reflects only a small proportion of the actual value, resulting in the leverage. The CFD broker offer leverages between 5:1 and 100:1. With a leverage of 20:1, for example, the trader can speculate with an investment of $5000 with leveraged volume of $ 100,000. Hence, the higher the leverage, the greater are the chances to win, but the greater is the risk of a total loss.

Example of a CFD trade

A trader expects a rise in price of an underlying asset, and therefore opens a long position, ie he buys a position. The leverage is 10:1. So if he invests $1,000, he can trade a leveraged volume of $ 10,000 of the underlying asset. If the base value increases by five percent, this means an increase in value of the CFD position by $500. The trader closes the position in this moment, and he makes a gain of fifty percent of his invested capital, ie a $500 profit. If the price decreased on the other hand, the trader loses his money in the same way.

What are the advantages of trading CFDs?

Because of the leverage effect, a high volume can be traded with only a small investment. Even with a low capital investment, this effect causes a high earnings yield. Especially in volatile markets the prospects for high profits are good. Because the CFD traders can bet on rising and falling prices, there is also the opportunity to earn money in falling markets. On the other hand, volatile underlyings can cause traders to quickly lose their invested money. That’s why we recommend to only trade with money that isn’t really needed and to first gain valuable experiences by trading with a practice account.

A great broker for CFD trading is Plus500 – click here to open a demo account now ! (your capital may be at risk)


FX or Forex describes the Foreign Exchange Market, a marketplace where the world's various currencies are traded. It is an interbank market which was created in 1971 when international trade transitioned from fixed to floating exchange rates. Its huge volume and fluidity made the Forex market the largest and most significant financial market in the world, with well over $4 trillion traded daily. By way of comparison, the Forex market is 100 times larger than the New York Stock Exchange, and triple the size of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Forex is an over-the-counter market (no central trading arena), meaning that transactions are conducted via telephone or internet by a global, decentralized network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders.

Here are some unique characteristics that are the source of its success:

Forex markets operate 24 hours a day.

Liquidity: The daily turnover of the FX market – over 4 Trillion Dollars – makes it easy to trade most currencies with immediate execution.

Traders can capitalize from rising or falling markets.

The benefit of leveraged trading with low margin requirements.

Traders can control the risk with instruments such as stop loss or take profit orders

Transparency: The Forex market is 100% transparent - you just need make sure you are well informed.

The main participants in the Forex market are: central banks, commercial banks, financial institutions, hedge funds, commercial companies and individual investors. The main reasons they participate in the Forex market are:

Speculation - Profit from fluctuations in currency pairs

Hedging - Protection from fluctuating currency pairs which is derived from trading goods and services

With technological development, the World Wide Web has become a great trading facilitator, as it can provide individual investors and traders with access to all the latest Forex news, technology and tools.

Trading on the Forex Market: Basic Concepts

Forex is the buying of one currency and the selling of another concurrently. Typically, the major currencies—the British Pound (GBP), the Euro (EUR), the Japanese Yen (JPY), and the Swiss Franc (CHF)—are traded against the US Dollar (USD). Trade pairs in which the USD is not included are called cross pairs, and occur much less frequently.

The currency pairs are expressed with a base currency as the first part of the pair, followed by the quote currency. (For example, USD/JPY would be the US dollar as the base against the Japanese Yen as the quote.)

Accompanying the currency pair is the quota, or bid/ask price. This is expressed in the following format: EUR/USD. 1.2836 1.2839. The first number in the series represents the bid price, the cost of selling the Euro against the Dollar, or going ‘short' on the Euro. The second number is the ask price, the cost of buying the Euro against the dollar, or going ‘long’ on the Euro. The difference between the bid/ask price is called the pip spread.

A pip is the smallest unit of measure for any currency. In most currencies, this is the fifth digit, or the fourth after the decimal point; in dollars, each pip is equivalent to one-hundredth of a penny. One important exception is the Japanese Yen, in which each pip is the second unit after the decimal point, meaning each pip equals one cent.


Spot FX A spot trade is either buying or selling at a current rate. It involves a direct exchange between to currencies. It involves cash instead of a contract and interests are not included upon the agreed transaction. This transaction is a 2 day delivery transaction (T+2). Except CAD pairs which are T+1. If you want to keep the position open or rollover you must enter into a swap transaction involving your currency pair.

FX CFDs FX CFDs are spot trades which close and reopen in the end of the day. Therefore no physical delivery will every take place. FX CFDs have Rollover financing: Clients will either receive or pay financing. If a client is LONG and has a higher interest yielding currency it will be credited If a client is LONG and has a lower interest yielding currency it will be debited If a client is SHORT and has a higher interest yielding currency it will be debited If a client is SHORT and has a lower interest yielding currency it will be credited

If you are interested in Spot FX, you should really understand how swaps work, and monitor both SPOT and SWAPS in currency pairs

If you are just learning go with FX CFD's and try to not get over leveraged

__________________ Stops are 4 buses

Recommended CFD brokers


CFD Trading vs Futures

Contracts for difference and futures on the face of things seem like rather similar instruments, which both providing the trader with a price tie in to be crystallised at some future point to realise a profit. Both are derivative instruments - that is to say, secondary instruments traded on the strength of underlying markets or indices - and both can be highly leveraged to maximise the earnings potential of a given trade. But in spite of their apparent similarities, CFDs are actually vastly different to futures contracts, and their contrasting characteristics should be factored in when considering which instrument is best for a particular trade.

Firstly, CFDs tend to be largely traded off-exchange, with the broker being the second party to any transaction and any profits and losses arising paid by and to the broker orchestrating the deal. This means that the range and scope of CFDs on offer is determined by the individual broker, and there is little rigid uniformity across different brokers as to pricing and the markets they offer. Futures on the other hand tend to be traded on futures exchanges, meaning they are readily tradable amongst other investors and directly reflect underlying market movements in the assets to which they relate.

A second core difference between the two instruments is that contracts for difference are open-ended and can be held for any length of time (insofar as the costs of maintaining a highly leveraged position permit. Futures are sold with a specified maturity date on which they are exercised, giving less flexibility to the trader and giving rise to the phenomenon of price decay as their value shrinks in the run up to the point of expiry.

Another obvious difference between the two instruments is the lower price entry point of trading contracts for difference, afforded as a result of their highly margined nature, versus futures which require a higher level of trader investment up front. While this isn't necessarily an advantage for CFDs given the need to maintain and fund margin requirements for leverage, it does make CFDs a more attractive proposition for less experienced traders looking to get a low-cost foothold in this type of market.

What both instruments have in their favour is the ability to call and profit from future outcomes without actually having to invest in the underlying asset, and this form of derivative trading allows natural leverage to increase the potential gains from positive price movements.

Consider the example of a 5% rise in Company X's share price. This rise will in turn lead to a proportionately higher rise in the value of futures contracts, for examples sake, where momentum suggests underlying shares may continue to rise over time. This effectively ensures the trader can profit at a greater level than would be the case with straight-forward investing in the underlying stocks, and particularly in the case of contracts for difference the heightened leverage potential only serves to exaggerate the potential gains even further.

Getting to grips with the nuances and the pros and cons of different trading instruments is essential to building a solid portfolio, and while futures and CFDs do bear a number of notable similarities it's important to remember they are fundamentally different products, with fundamentally different characteristics which may lend themselves more closely to specific trading scenarios.

CFDSpy Trading Menu

CFD's - Futures

CFDs are "financial contracts for difference." They belong to the family of derivatives products as well as a certificate or a warrant, they allow to play both the rise or decline of one underlying. Unlike warrants, CFD cover much underlying and therefore they offer a wide variety of choices as well on gold, oil and a large number of currency pairs. It is important to note that the investor does not own the underlying and, as such, capital movements are not on the notional amount but on the difference between your purchase price and your selling price. On the Forex, margin calls will be made at the end of each trading day if necessary. If the evolution of the underlying is negative for you, your broker will make a margin call to restore the full margin required. With the leverage at your disposal, your loss may be quickly abysmal. I would therefore caution against that. You must define your trading plan, with an objective of profit and loss and deal with stop. The position can be closed as soon as you wish. Moreover, and this is a big advantage, CFD s have no expiry date and therefore have no time value. The CFD does not lose value as time passes, as it is the case for warrants. So you can keep over a long period without having to worry about this factor. Finally, the CFD allow to not obeying at the law of the Market Maker as it is on certificate or warrant. Those who have played on this type of product are aware that often the product is influenced by the issuer who adjusts its prices. With CFD s, this can be avoided. Indeed, some brokers offer CFD s with a similar price to the underlying and so, MA cannot change the price to his liking. What is advantage to buy a CFD if its price replicates the underlying price, why not directly buy tge underlying? Again, the CFD has an advantage which is it is not subject to tax on capital profit because you do not physically possess the underlying.

Here a small summary of the advantage described above: - Effect of leverage available - No tax on capital profit on the sell - No time value - Possibility to trade a multitude of underlying - Price not influenced by the Market Maker (according to the broker) - Ability to play both, the upward and downward

A future contract is a forward contract. It is a commitment taken between a buyer and a seller, to exchange at a future date an underlying asset at a price determined in advance. It is the same as a forward foreign exchange. The contract is firm. Delivery dates are the 3rd Wednesday of March, June, September and December. The futures are traded on organized markets and you have to go through your broker to deal with them. At the end of each day's trading, margin calls will be made according to changes in the underlying. You could close your position when you wish. But the futures market is much less liquid than the spot market. Indeed, the contracts are standardized. The contract the most widespread is 125K. By dealing on contracts with a lower amount you might have a spread, which grows as liquidity reducing. It is however a great advantage when future liquidity allows it, there is no spread. This is explained simply. On futures, your broker is not your compensation unlike spot market. It just lets you connect with another investor. It takes just a fixed fee for this of around 2 Euros per contract, which is ridiculous. In the market of the future, we speak about contract rather than lots. Importers and exporters of goods and services rely heavily on this technique to cover fluctuations over time.

Here a small summary of the benefits described above: - No spread (Minimal transaction costs) - Important effect of leverage due to the size of contracts - Ability to play both, the upward downward - No exchange of notional - Allows to hedge against the rise or fall

Forex Broker with CFDs

Besides Forex Trading you can also trade with CFDs – Contracts for Difference. Most Forex brokers have recognized that Forex traders also want to trade with CFDs and extended their client software that CFD are also available.

With a Contract for Difference you are betting on a price difference in value from the time of purchase. You can thus bet on both rising and falling prices. Most brokers are looking for individual stocks, indices and CFDs on commodities such as oil and precious metals.

Forex Brokers with CFD in the offer

This overview shows you which Forex brokers offer trading with CFDs. Because it can be boring in the long run to trade with currencies only it can be a good decision to opt for an account at a Forex broker that also has contracts for difference in their offer.

In our comparison of the best Forex brokers. we have therefore inserted a column in which you can immediately see which Forex broker also offer trading with CFDs. Take a look here to see the overview of CFD broker .

To make it easier for you we will list all the Forex brokers that offer CFDs. We put a link to our Forex reviews where to get more information on the specific broker:

Exención de responsabilidad importante: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de divisas o CFD significa que su capital puede estar en riesgo. Por favor asegúrese de entender completamente los riesgos involucrados.

The foreign exchange (also called forex or fx) market is more than buying and selling currencies to make a profit. There is no such thing as typical fx trading . Different methods are used to create a profit, depending on personal preference of the trader. One method is Contract for Difference (CFD) trading. CFD is a method of trading the forex that allows the trader to not just profit from the end price of a given currency, but from the changes in the price of a currency. Typical online CFD trading might go something like this: A trader enters into a contract to purchase euros in a standard lot of 10,000 at a value of $1.50 (USD) each. The trading period ends with the price at $1.55. The profit is $0.05 each, which totals $500 for the lot, minus the pip spread that the broker charges.

Although a trader may enter into a CFD intentionally, he or she doesn’t need to consciously trade CFDs. Technically, all forex transactions are CFD trades. The goal for all traders in all transactions is to buy low and sell high. A trader entering the market with a buy or sell order at the time of purchase is known as the price entry. The profit or loss happens when the trader exits the trade and pays the pip spread. Knowing what the market is going to do next depends on the skill, knowledge and experience of the trader, as well as how the trader uses the information at his or her disposal.

Generally, CFDs are entered when there is a trend noted in the forex market. The forex trend is an extended view of the direction of the market. Instead of drastic highs and lows, there appears to be a slower, consistent movement in a particular direction. The forex rate can trend in one of three ways: It can go up (bullish), down (bearish), or sideways (consolidation). A bullish (or long) market is a trend upwards (higher highs and higher lows). A bearish (or short) market is a trend downwards (lower highs and even lower lows).

This information may seem overwhelming to the beginner forex trader, but by taking small steps, the new forex trader will begin to understand that each piece of information fits into the puzzle of what makes a trader successful.

Forextips. com is committed to educating the forex trader in all aspects of foreign currency trading. Click here to get information on a free forex webinar to help you maximize your success in the forex market.


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El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Click here for the full disclaimer. &dupdo; Copyright Forex TİPS 2016. All rights reserved.

Broker Plus 500

Ici, on voit les choses en grand et les chiffres sont plus parlants que n’importe quel discours. Le Broker Plus 500 . c’est un millier d’instruments et un million d’utilisateurs, aux quatre coins de la planète. C’est dire si cette plateforme sait convaincre, grâce à ses nombreuses qualités.

La sécurité, pour commencer, occupe une place de la plus haute importance. Différentes techniques sont utilisées pour garantir la sécurité de vos données personnelles et de vos transferts d’argent. C’est le cas pour tous les sites que nous vous conseillons ici mais c’est essentiel de le rappeler. Ici, en outre, l’argent des traders transite par des comptes en banque qui ne sont même pas accessibles par la plateforme elle-même. On apprécie vraiment beaucoup cette attention accordée à la sécurité dans les moindres détails.

Avantages broker Plus 500

La sécurité étant l’ avantage du broker Plus 500 il n’est évidemment pas la seule raison de son succès. Le trade se passe dans des conditions idéales. interface fluide, claire et complète, aidé par de nombreux outils et sur bon nombre d’instruments financiers, pour accumuler des bénéfices toujours plus nombreux. Plus 500 accumule donc les conditions de premier choix.

Mais d’autres « détails » positifs rendent cette plateforme encore plus alléchante pour les traders :

cotations continues

cotations en temps réel

interface de négociation à la pointe

graphes d’aide

pertes limitées…

Trader avec Plus 500

Coté trading, on a le choix entre différents types de CFD. sur le Forex (très grand choix de paires de devises), les devises, les actions, les matières premières, les indices… bref, tous les instruments les plus populaires et les plus rentables. Gage de son sérieux, Plus500 tient à rappeler que les CFD – contract for difference - sont des instruments spéculatifs utilisant de forts effets de levier, et donc qu’à ce titre votre capital investit l’est à risque. Investissez en bourse prudemment donc.

Si tous ces avantages vous tentent, nous vous conseillons de tester sans plus tarder cette excellente plateforme via le mode démo qui est mis à votre disposition. A votre rythme, vous pourrez y faire vos premiers pas pour trader avec Plus 500 et découvrir son fonctionnement, vous essayer au trading, voire déjà mettre en place quelques stratégies. Ce mode démo vous laisse en effet libre de tester la plateforme comme bon vous semble, que ce soit en tant que débutant qui doit tout apprendre ou en tant que trader plus abouti qui souhaite développer l’une ou l’autre tactique. Retenez qu’avec le mode démo, l’argent reste bien évidemment virtuel, investir en bourse n’est plus un problème!

Bon à savoir enfin. cette plateforme vous offre un cadeau de 25 euros offerts ([email protected] apply). Mais ce n’est pas tout. un bonus supplémentaire d’une valeur de 30% vous sera versé lorsque vous effectuerez votre premier versement.

Bref, une salle complète, riche de nombreuses qualités, généreuse et très appréciable pour tout type de traders.

Pour toutes les promotions et bonus, voir tous les détails de leurs termes et conditions sur le site Plus500.

Plus500 UK LTD est autorisé et régulé par the Financial Conduct Authority. Plus500 CY LTD est autorisé et régulé par the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Forex CFDs


Commonly referred to as FX, or Forex, is the world largest OTC market and one of the most popular trading instruments for CFD traders. The Foreign Exchange markets are the world’s most liquid markets with global turnover in the trillions daily. Foreign exchange markets operate 24 hours a day and only rest on weekends giving traders opportunity to trade whenever it suits them. FP Markets offer all global major currency pairs giving some of the industries tightest spreads.

How Foreign Exchange Works

The concept of FX is that a trader will pick the performance of one currency and match it against another. Hence every time you trade you will be long one currency and short another. The first currency in the pair is referred to as the base currency and the second referred to as the quote/counter currency. As an example let’s take a currency pair GBP/USD. Here the base currency GBP is the Great British Pound and the quote currency would be the US Dollar. If we thought that the Pound would strengthen against the US we would then purchase a quantity, let’s say £50,000 of GBP/USD in the hope that it goes up. In this instance we would be long £50,000GBP and be short the equivalent in USD.


The reason foreign exchange markets are so large and liquid is because of the market participants involved. Major traders of FX include Institutional investors, Governments, Central Banks, Global Banks, Hedge Funds, Retails investors and other financial institutes. FP Markets uses some of the world’s largest liquidity providers to give our clients access to these feeds with industry leading spreads.

FP Markets’s FX CFDs are offered at a low margin rates starting from 1% meaning clients can access leverage as high as 100/1.

Example – Buying GBP/USD

Opening the position

You decide to go long of the British Pound against the US dollar. Our quote is 1.5519-1.5521, and you will buy £20,000 at 1.5521.

The value of your position is £20,000 x 1.5521 = £31,042. To open the position there is a 1% margin requirement based on the full notional value.

Your margin requirement is therefore 1% x £31,042 = £310.42.

Interest adjustments

While the position remains open, your account is debited or credited to the current tom-next rate. Tom-next is a market swap rate that expresses, in pips, the difference between the interest paid to borrow the currency that is being notionally sold overnight, and the interest received from holding the currency that is being notionally bought overnight.

Closing the position

As you predicted, GBP/USD later rises to 1.5721-1.5723, and you decide take your profits and exit the trade at 1.5721.


Opening transaction: £20,000 x 1.5521 = £31,042 Closing transaction: £20,000 x 1.5721 = £31,442 Profit on trade: $400

If the price had fallen to 1.5321 and the trade exited at this price then the trader would have lost £400.

Auto Liquidation / Stop Out Level

Please note that auto liquidation may occur on MT4 if your equity level falls below 50% of the margin required to maintain an open position.

Exchange Traded CFDs

For the first five years that CFDs were introduced in Australia from 2002, all CFD promoters were independent providers. The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed CFD contracts on a separate market place to its stockmarket in 2007, which expanded the range of trading products available to retail investors in Australia.

What are Exchange Traded CFDS (aka as Listed CFDs)?

Exchange Traded CFDS (aka as Listed CFDs) are a new form of contract for difference launched in November 2007 on the Australian Stock Exchange. These instruments, unlike OTC derivatives are traded through an exchange based mechanism. They are claimed to offer the traditional benefits of leverage enjoyed by over-the-counter contracts for difference but with reduced transaction costs with the central counter clearing model negating the financing charges traditionally imposed by third party cfd providers.

Basically the goal of the exchanges to launch exchange traded CFDs is to create a regulated market for trading CFDs (as well as to generate an extra revenue stream for the exchange ), where individual trades are monitored by an authorized government body. The ultimate purpose for this type of market is enhanced transparency with having an exchange traded and regulated clearing mechanism. The simple workings of exchange traded CFDs are that the broker or provider is required to replicate every CFD transaction by placing a corresponding stock order in the underlying market. This means that the provider is hedging client business one-for-one on the Australian Stock Exchange. This should in turn provide better synchronization between the CFD traders and the price movements of the underlying exchange. Essentially, Exchange Traded CFDs aim to include all the desirable components we associate with stock exchanges along with all the desirable components associated with trading CFDs.

Ken Chapman, general manager for new markets at the ASX, says the introduction of CFDs was really an exchange response to the growing popularity of the product by stockbrokers in the over-the-counter trading market.

'We recognised that these were not available in an exchange environment, which of course is where people like to trade, because of things like transparency and regulatory supervision,' Chapman says.

The industry's problems are quite clear, according to the ASX, which offers the only exchange traded CFD service. It says the market maker pricing model for over-the-counter CFDs is open to abuse by CFD providers and is fundamentally unfair and inequitable. It says that allowing the trading, reporting, price and volume to be determined by the CFD provider means you are "betting against the house". A market maker using this model would only make a price where they can make a profit from the trade.

The ASX, however, admits that big moves in markets means that stop loss orders can be gapped out and not filled. It has warned its customers that if they want a guaranteed stop loss they should take out a separate put option over the underlying security. It says the exchange traded CFDs have the advantage that the price discovery is determined by a group of market makers.

Exchange Traded CFDs Workings

ASX CFDs are traded through a broker approved by the ASX to trade Contracts for Differences (CFDs). Orders are placed in a centralised order book similar to what happens on a share order book. This is because when trading ASX Listed CFDs, your order is entered directly via a participant into the ASX Listed CFD central market order book. This order book is accessible for all the market to see. All orders are filled on a strict price/time priority. This means that the initial order with the best bid or offer price is always executed first.

The ASX CFDs can be bought and sold through different brokers as the ASX uses standardised contracts that are all traded on the ASX CFD exchange. The ASX product has market makers; known as designated price makers who have been organized by the ASX and whose role is to offer prices and be ready to trade ASX CFDs in a way that will encourage other traders to be involved. This is unlike what happens with a normal market maker CFD provider where if you open a CFD position via that market maker you have to close the contract with that same CFD provider.

Exchange price makers are professional traders who are in the business of making markets and may be involved in other financial products such as exchange traded options, exchange trade warrants and futures contracts. ASX price makers are in the CFD business for the spreads they can earn between the trading prices they quote for opening or closing a CFD position. They also get a share of an incentives pool created by the ASX from the daily interest charge levied on each contracts for difference contract.

As well as multi-price makers, Exchange Traded CFDs also have multiple brokers who introduce clients to listed CFDs. While some over-the-counter providers allow their trading platforms to be accessed by outside brokers, Exchange Traded CFD brokers are major participants in this market.

A charge of 1.5 per cent per annum of the position value is levied on investments over which CFDs are created and is used to finance the ASX CFD business and pay for such expenses as the involvement of price makers. From this pool comes special incentives to reward price makers who offer the smallest or tightest spreads between offer and buyback prices.

Standard over the counter contract for difference financing costs are payable for holders of long positions and paid to holders of short positions. The same mechanics apply to exchange traded CFDs.

The interest calculations extend to non market days so holders of positions over the weekend are subject to financing charges calculated over Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Traders and investors will need to be aware of the differences in finance charge calculations on the basis of the underlying currency the contract is denominated in.

If you so wish you can even have a go at the ASX Listed CFD Trading Simulator I've also gone to ASX's seminar on CFDs which was great by the way, I'd highly recommend it.

Exchange Traded CFD Open Interest Rates

The daily open interest charge is the charge imposed by the ASX for holding an open position in the market. In traditional over the counter cfd markets this cost is the differential imposed on top of the overnight cash rate commonly referred to as the financing rate.

The OIC rate is set by the exchange and payable daily on open positions and can be changed by the asx in response to market circumstances. It is, however, according to the ASX, intended to be changed infrequently. Holders of open positions pay this charge the next trading day.

Open long positions are subject to the financing rate plus the open interest charge. i. e. benchmark cash rate + OI charge. Short position holders are subject to the financing rate and receive payment of the open interest charge. i. e. benchmark cash rate - OI charge.

As opposed to OTC CFD providers that charge varying fees, typically ranging from 2 to 3 per cent, the ASX CFD market currently has an 'open interest charge' of 1.5 per cent over the cash rate for long and short positions. This rate is fixed by the ASX and cannot be changed by a broker.

Source Reference:(ASX Website).

Exchange Traded CFDs Advantages

Leverage and Short Selling: Initial margin requirements for exchange traded CFD's require a reduced upfront capital commitment than that required to take the same position in the underlying physical product Short selling is of course the ability to short sell securities not already owned..

Prices are established in a transparent process in the ASX's CFD central market order book. Each trader's order is pooled in the ASX Listed CFD central market order book with those from other market participants, including market makers, and becomes an important part of the price discovery process.

Reduced transaction costs: The ASX Listed CFD central market order book incorporates orders from market makers. With multiple market makers Optiver Australia Pty Ltd, Susquehanna Pacific Pty Ltd, Merrill Lynch Australia, (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, UBS Australia, and Timber Hill Australia Pty Ltd) traders will not be required to accept the prices of a single market maker. This will result in improved liquidity and a reduction in the spread between bid and offer. The conventional spread offered by CFD providers constitutes a cost to the trader so a reduction in this practice is a positive development for the traders' bottom line.

Any participant can input a better bid or offer into the market, as happens in all exchange based markets. No-one is forced to agree to the price available in the market. However, once a trade is filled, you are committed to settle the trade. All prices in the market are firm in the volume indicated.

The central counter party clearing model will negate the financing charges utilized by Over the Counter CFD providers reducing the cost of carry significantly. The savings from this development are passed directly onto the market.

Trades executed on a Strict Price/Time Priority. Price/time priority implies that the first participant to enter the best price is traded against first. This results in each person in the central market order book being dealt with fairly and consistently, no matter how big or small a trader you are.

Franking Credit Cashflow: In addition to the Dividend/Yield Cash flow, Exchange Traded CFD's include a cashflow which represents the value of any applicable franking credit. Holders of short positions pay the Franking Credit Cashflow. Holders of long positions receive the Franking Credit Cashflow discounted by the percentage of open short positions held by the designated price makers.

Reduced Exposure to Broker Failure: The SFE Clearing Corporation (SFECC) will provide central counter-party clearing i. e. trades are carried out with SFECC and not with the original party to the trade. The positions are managed by SFECC via the established margining system currently used by the global futures market. The trades will be backed by the Exchange Clearing Guarantee Fund which negates creditworthy exposure that exists under non-exchange CFD brokers and traders. The protection of margin payments is considered a principal issue of Exchange Traded CFDs. While Exchange CFD brokers chase up margins payments from clients, the SFE clearing house chases brokers and ensures that they meet their obligations.

Market Regulation: There is a worry that over-the-counter CFDs operate in very much an unregulated market environment. ASIC does require all OTC brokers to hold a financial services license which carries certain responsibilities like belonging to an independent dispute resolution panel that hears any complaints from clients but the marketplace is still largely self-regulating. The Australian regulator ASIC will oversee the activities of the entire market for Exchange Traded CFDs. ASX regulation teams will be responsible for monitoring any unusual activity and trading conditions deemed to be unfair thereby safeguarding participants.

Accredited Brokers: Only accredited brokers will be able to offer Exchange Traded CFDs.

Standardisation And Consistency: Exchange Traded CFD's have standardized contract specifications, a transparent, consistent operating model and are subject to SFE operating rules. Those trading Exchange Traded CFD's will benefit from full anonymity of position and trades.

Notably, while prices are transparent, the individual market participant remains anonymous, which reduces market impact expenses (especially those relating to others recognizing an individual's trading patterns and trading in front of him/her).

Exchange for physical: Traders can convert their ASX Equity CFD position into shareholdings. This conversion is allowed through the Exchange for Physical (EFP) facility. The Exchange for Physical facility enables you to complete both sides of the conversion at a set price eliminating the risk of a price movement before you complete the transaction. To undertake an EFP, you need to speak to your ASX CFD adviser.

Exchange Traded CFDs Disadvantages

ASX CFDs are generally available on a limited number of stocks rather than all stocks on the exchange.

The costs associated with trading ASX contracts for differences are usually higher than trading with OTC providers.

The pricing of the ASX's exchange traded CFDs is still dependent on market makers. The market makers who are employed to facilitate ASX's CFDs are large banking and financial services institutions staffed with experienced professional traders. Retail investors are trading in direct opposition to these firms which have an obvious and distinct advantage.

Comparison to OTC Providers

There is some confusion in the marketplace around over-the-counter CFDs and those exchange traded on the ASX. OTC CFD providers are offering a product that they originate and against whom the customer is trading, whereas the ASX operates a regulated market in CFDs where there is absolute contract consistency for all ASX CFDs, irrespective of the broker. For instance the exchange imposes an 'open interest charge' of 1.5 per cent over the cash rate for long and short positions on its products. This rate is fixed by the exchange and cannot be increased by a broker. Margin requirements for ASX CFDs are also homogeneous amongst the providers with the ASX clearing house setting minimum initial margins on each CFD, based on the particular volatility of the underlying stock, and the margins are reviewed regularly based on market volatility. The margins are quoted per CFD, regardless of position size.

In OTC contracts for difference (market maker), you trade with and against the provider, and you get the provider's price, however with exchange traded ASX CFDs the prices will be the same as the underlying physical shares like as in OTC DMA providers. If dealing with a CFD market maker you have to trade at the provider's price and if the broker gives you an unsatisfactory price the only way to avoid that risk is to avoid dealing at the market maker's price. Contracts are opened directly with the CFD provider and to close out the contract a transaction must be made with the same provider. Contracts opened with one CFD provider cannot be closed via another broker or provider.

Compared to Exchange Listed CFDs, providers of OTC CFDs have considerable regulatory freedom. They set and organise the collection of initial margin requirements from client accounts, the creation of contracts for differences and the daily settlements and money management required to ensure traders have the funds to settle their daily positions. OTC providers also calculate margins for traders who wish to hold their positions overnight. In some cases they are also active participants in their own trading platforms acting as market makers and thus encouraging trading by taking the opposite side in many trades. The launch of ASX CFDs in late 2007 introduced the ASX as a provider offering CFDs in a more regulated market. While trading ASX CFDs offers a similar experience from a trading perspective, the real difference is the involvement of the ASX in the trading process.

It is important to note that ASX CFDs are a separate market with a separate book to that of physical stock trading on the ASX. This means that the ASX CFD order book is priced by market makers along with orders submitted by listed CFD traders. The prices of listed CFDs are different to that of the physical market, therefore the market spreads and liquidity will be different to that of the physical ASX share market that share traders would normally see. All prices are formed in a fully transparent manner in ASX's CFD central market order book. Each trader's order is combined in the ASX CFD central market order book with those from other market participants, including market makers, and becomes an integral part of the price discovery process.

As the ASX exchange acts as the counterparty for all the trades in the market meaning it provides optimal investor protection. Once an investor has bought an exchange-traded CFD product the relationship between the two original contracting parties is broken, with the exchange becoming the counterparty for both buyer and seller. Effectively, the exchange guarantees the performance of all parties by imposing strict margin requirements on the individual clearing member firms. These should prevent participants from accumulating large unpaid losses that could potentially impact on the financial position of other market users and thereby removes a potential obstacle to participation in the CFD market. ASX CFDs are however only offered on a limited number of shares rather than all shares on the exchange.

However, at least one CFD provider, IG Markets. is said to offer an alternative that is superior to the ASX exchange model: Guaranteed Market Prices. IG guarantees that for ASX listed equities their clients will always trade at the underlying market price. This means that whilst you are in effect trading with a market maker, they are bound to reflect exactly the prices on the ASX. If prices are identical to the shares on which the CFDs are made, then there should be no room for the unscrupulous measures most mainstream brokers and the press claim to plague over-the-counter offerings. Not even ASX's exchange traded CFDs can offer guaranteed market prices.

The OTC market implies that a contract that is opened with one CFD broker must be closed with the same broker; this means that traders must consider the counterparty risk when opening a CFD account i. e. the financial strength of the CFD broker. In the context of CFD contracts, if the counterparty to a contract is unable to meet their financial obligations, the CFD may have little or no value regardless of the underlying asset. Although OTC CFD brokers are required to segregate client funds protecting client balances in event of company insolvency, exchange-traded CFDs traded through a clearing house are generally believed to have less counterparty risk. Ultimately, the degree of counterparty risk is defined by the credit risk of the counterparty, and most brokers are large companies that are publicly traded so information on their financial strength is easily available. However, some CFD providers are private enterprises and checking out their financial strength may be more difficult.

It is however important to note that from a trading perspective the same risks apply to ASX Listed CFDs as OTC contracts for differences and it makes little difference to the way CFDs trade. The CFD provider usually mirrors the real exchange market and orders placed with the provider may be executed directly in the underlying market (as happens in DMA CFDs). Similar to their over-the-counter counterparts, ASX CFDs follow the same underlying principles. A trader is still buying or selling CFDs on margin with the scope of magnifying small movements in the price of underlying shares, indices and forex pairs, through their gearing. Thus, the same risks and rewards principles associated with trading OTC CFDs apply to ASX CFDs. The same requirement to deal with trading risks and have a money management plan are also essential.

Exchange Traded CFDs (Listed CFDs) - Peculiarities and Risk Management

Exchange Traded CFDs initial margins requirements are set at levels intended to cover reasonable possible losses between the close of business on one day and the next. For this reason the daily price volatility of the investment is also taken into consideration. While the end responsibility with contracts for differences lies with the traders on either side of the contract, with Exchange Traded CFDs there is an extra security step. After a CFD trade has taken place, the bond between the two sides is broken through a process known as novation. This security process sees an ASX subsidiary, the SFE Clearing Corporation; taking over the role of the other party - the counter-party in each trade.

In this case the clearing house becomes the buyer to the contracts for difference seller and the seller to the CFD buyer. At the same time it guarantees that all contracts will be settled according to the rules. This change of counter party from traders to the exchange is a principal part of ASX involvement in the listed CFD regulation process. This means that the Clearing House becomes the principal to all trades and liable to perform against all contracts to which it is a party and effectively 'guarantees' performance to other Clearing Participants.

This exposure is then managed and the clearing guarantee setup in a number of ways. Principally this is realised by the collection of the various margins. The collection of these monies protects against severe price movements and prevents participants from accumulating big unpaid losses that might possibly adversely impact on the financial position of other market participants. This is a major element that differentiates exchange-traded markets from over-the-counter (OTC) markets, where such a strict margining system is not in place. The ASX Listed CFD market also has access to the Clearing Guarantee Fund which is intended for use in the event of failure of one or more Clearing Members.

Holders of Exchange Traded CFDs may also be eligible for a cash payment equivalent to the dollar value of the dividend imputation tax credit. This is a special characteristic available to Listed CFDs not available to over-the-counter holders and is referred to as a franking credit cash flow. Similar to a cash dividend payment, holders of short CFD positions pay this amount if they control CFDs when the shares become ex-dividend. However, CFD price makers who hold a short CFD position in the form of a Listed CFD are exempted from this obligation. For instance if a dividend is 100 per cent franked then the multiplier is about 0.43. If it is 50 per cent franked the multiplier is just 0.21. As ASX CFD price makers do not have to pay the franking credit cash flow, their part in trading must be taken into consideration.

Criticism - ASX CFDs

The demutualisation of the Australian Stock Exchange and the listing of ASX Ltd on the stock exchange brought its own share of problems as the institution now has the role of dual but contradictory roles of market regulator and profit-making enterprise.

On the one hand, it has to make sure the market has integrity, that investors are adequately protected and that there's a high level of confidence among all investors - ranging from highly sophisticated types all the way down to 'accidental' shareholders, who became market participants through demutualisations over which they had no control or influence.

But the other hand, it has to produce ever-escalating profits for its own shareholders - and the ASX profit is tied directly to the volume of trading on the sharemarket. So encouraging more and more people to trade (as opposed to invest) on the market is a clear ASX business strategy.

The recent introduction of contracts for difference (CFDs) to the ASX is a classic example of the Jekyll and Hyde issue. For the ASX, the launch of exchange traded cfds adds money to its coffers and the ASX has begun staging CFD seminars to generate new business. CFDs no doubt increase trading volumes, which is good for the ASX bottom line. But in the wrong hands CFDs, because of the high levels of leverage involved, can be catastrophic. And that's not good for market confidence.

Critics also say that the increasing ease of short selling is leading to an increase in volatility in share prices which can be unsettling for the average investor as share prices no longer move in accordance with fundamental measurements, such as profitability, dividends and growth prospects. This, they say, is leading to a number of investors losing trust in the system and marketplace.

Moreover, whilst account openings and trading volumes on over-the-counter platforms like IG and CMC have grown exponentially, the ASX's exchange traded CFDs languished on a relative basis. Some CFD industry experts have labelled exchange traded CFDs as a poor interpretation of what CFDs are supposed to be to investors – broad-based, easy, and cheap access to the world's markets.

Comments and Experiences

Clearly in Australia IG Markets and CMC are the powerhouses in contracts for difference. To gain a foothold in the market place the ASX CFD had to spin it and they came up with "security". Goldmans bought 10% of CMC for $300 million a while ago. That's as good as security goes for most of us.

A problem with ASX CFDs is the lack of liquidity - in fact there is no liquidity at all in these instruments other than that provided by the designated market makers as traders rely on someone else to take the other side of their CFD trade. The depth is a wasteland of inactivity. The Bid/Ask spread is always significantly wider than in the underlying market. (The worst I saw was in the early ASX CFD days when the initial takeover offer for RIO was announced. The real market spread was 3 cents. The ASX CFD spread at the same time was 10 dollars.) Most of the time now the spread is about double the underlying. There is not really a market apart from that provided by the market makers so very few traders use them. This is unlike what happens when dealing with other OTC CFD providers that ensure that the liquidity is similar to the underlying stock by taking the other side of every trade.


ASX Limited (ASX) was created by the merger of the Australian Stock Exchange and SFE Corporation, holding company for the Sydney Futures Exchange, in July 2006. ASX operates under the brand name Australian Securities Exchange and is one of the world's top-10 listed exchange groups measured by market capitalisation. In November, the ASX introduced ASX CFDs to the market.

ASX CFDs include:

The top 50 stocks listed on ASX

Key global equity indices

A range of major foreign currency exchange rates

Selected commodities like Gold

Australia's stock exchange-traded market in contracts for difference (CFD) has been operating for almost four years now (up to November 2011), having launched trading in 16 equity-based CFDs on November 5, 2007. That list grew quickly to 26 with the addition of foreign exchange CFDs, the S&P/ASX 200 index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and gold.

The ASX's 2007-08 annual report indicates that only 50,777 CFD trades occurred on the exchange between November 2007 and the end of the fiscal year. The most recent ASX market activity report, for September 2011, showed it had traded 8803 CFDs in the month, a dip on the previous September's 9012. To put things in perspective, the ASX traded 2.52 million derivatives contracts overall, including futures and options trades.

Research by Investment Trends shows that only four per cent of traders opted for the ASX model for the majority of their CFD activity. This could be for a number of reasons as outlined by the Sydney Morning Herald, possibly -:

-> that the five year head start that OTC CFDs - the term given to those derivatives where trading happens directly between providers and traders - has been enough to keep them well ahead. OTC CFDs have the market momentum and most of the estimated 32,000 regular CFD traders in Australia;

-> that the markets that exchange traded listed CFDs offer access to on a limited number of prominent Australian equities, forex pairs, a few global indexes and gold provides little choice compared to the thousands of potential trading choices that OTC providers offer;

-> that exchange traded listed CFDs are still very seen in the minds of traders as a new product with features that many traders are still not familiar with. Moreover market conditions since the launch of exchange traded funds haven't exactly been favourable for new trading products.

However, the ASX is preparing to issue new CFD offerings. But the critics say that the ASX pricing model means there is no connection between the customer and the CFD broker. They say the poor trading figures for exchange traded CFDs show customers are voting with their feet and using other pricing methods.

The ASX claims higher levels of transparency and greater investor protection than the over-the-counter (OTC) market for CFDs. Unfortunately, that transparency does not include details of how many CFDs are traded short and how many are long positions.

However, figures provided to Business Spectator by Australia's two largest players in the OTC market, CMC Markets and IG Group, show that about 30 per cent of all trades are short positions.

The leverage involved is sometimes huge. An investor buying a CFD over any of the big four banks or BHP at CMC Markets would be allowed leverage of up to 100 times their capital. The leverage for the top 50 is 33 times, and outside the top 50 it falls progressively to more conservative leverage of about three to two times the invested capital. An interest rate of about 9.25 per cent is built into the price of each contract.

Copyright y copia; 2010 - 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Best CFD Brokers (Contracts for Difference)

RISK NOTICE: Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are a complex, leveraged financial product and requires a certain level of experience, so may not be suitable for everyone. CFD trading carries a high level of risk to your capital and can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. Please ensure that you understand all the risks involved. If you are considering acquiring any financial product you should obtain and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and/or other offer document/s prior to making any financial decision. If you are unsure of the risks, or have any doubt whether you have sufficient financial resources or experience to trade these CFD broker Australia products, you should take professional advice before trading.

Last Updated: 14th February, 2016

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Contract For Difference (CFD)

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Although gaining in popularity with day traders, CFDs are not permitted in all jurisdictions of the world. Where they are offered legally, they may trade on a regulated exchange or have a market determined by a broker and its back-office operation. In many cases, a CFD is almost like trading an option without and expiration date, although some brokers have chosen to force a point of expiration for their own bookkeeping and risk management reasons.

The net effect is that you may trade commodities, but never have to worry about taking possession of the actual asset involved. In a way, the process is very similar to what prevails in the retail forex market, where accounts are reset every evening to prevent the risk of taking ownership of a delivered currency. CFDs can be held overnight, but a broker will typically charge a fee for this occasion.

Since a market maker, i. e. broker, is generally the seller of these instruments, he can also establish liquidity on the spot, which allows the broker to offer leverage, as with forex, but limited to much lower values, usually “20:1”. Since the buying and selling only occurs between the broker and his client and no physical title of an asset exchange must be recorded, the transaction will never affect the actual order flows for a particular stock or commodity. Trading in CFDs for a specific asset will therefore not influence the valuations that the market independently determines.

The CFD is in a way like buying an at-the-money stock option, since you are buying a leveraged instrument that will appreciate or depreciate based on the direction that prices move. Since the market-maker is allowed to make his own prices, the trader may suspect that spreads are being manipulated to a degree by slippage or by benefiting from prior knowledge from delays in the process, but at the end of the day, transaction fees are lower than trading an option, stock or commodity in their respective markets. Active traders have been the first ones to appreciate this pricing benefit and recognize that it is a favorable alternative to dealing with discount brokerage houses.

Are CFDs right for you? The best approach is always to demo test the product, with ample due diligence performed on the applicable broker in question. Start with small amounts and do not jump in with both feet until you feel comfortable with the product, understand fully how to mitigate your downside risk, and accept the various nuances defined in the broker’s trading agreement.

CFDs are gaining in popularity as a trading instrument in many countries around the globe, but if you are interested, check for local offerings, if permitted by law, and let caution be your guide.

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Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Corredores de Forex & raquo; CFD Forex Brokers

May 27, 2013 5:51 am

CFD is short for contract for difference – a unique type of share that is becoming more and more popular due to several reasons, but we’ll talk more about this later. For now, you should know that a CFD is a simple agreement between two parties which agree to settle for compensation based on the opening and closing prices of the CFD. The settlement is calculated by taking the difference in the prices and multiplying it by the number of contracts purchased.

CFDs aren’t that special, and in fact they are pretty much similar to all other types of assets, and more specifically, shares. Usually the prices Forex brokers offer for CFDs is the same as the ones offered for the ordinary share. Trading with CFDs also requires a commission on the trade, so as you can see it isn’t that different from ordinary shares. However, here are some of the advantages which a CFD has over an ordinary share:

You can trade CFDs by using leverage, so you can make larger deals with a smaller capital

You can perform both long and short trades

By trading CFDs, you’ll have access to every major financial market

You can use Limit orders and Stop Losses functions to control your trade

CFD Forex Brokers List

Undisputedly, one of the biggest advantages of trading with CFDs is the fact that you don’t need to pay Stamp duty. The reason for this is that by purchasing CFDs you aren’t physically buying shares, and therefore this tax doesn’t apply. Trading traditional shares will cost you 0.5% of the deal’s overall price.

One of the risks that CFDs hide is the fact that you can trade on margin, and therefore you can multiply your profits, but you can also increase your losses. This is why it is strongly recommended to use stop loss and limit functions when trading with CFDs.

Almost every Forex broker allows trading with CFDs, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a contractor who offers this. Some of the most popular brokers trading with CFDs are:

XM. com Think Forex eToro Markets. com


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Contracts for Difference, commonly known as CFDs, allow traders to speculate on the movement of assets in a wide variety of markets. CFDs are a convenient and easy way to speculate on an asset without ever actually owning it. When the contract closes, the investor will be paid (or have to pay) the difference between the opening and closing prices, adjusted for the number of shares.

CFD trading has increased in popularity over the last decade because they offer many key advantages:

Convenient global access. CFDs aren't regulated like other exchanges, so CFD brokers can offer access to any global market across a single, simple platform.

No trading fees. Unlike other assets, you don't need to pay any commission or stamp duty.

Variety of options. You can buy and sell stock CFDs, but there are also lots of other options. Index, currency, treasury, commodity, and even sector CFDs are available.

24/7 access. Unlike more restrictive markets, CFD trading isn't exclusively completed during business hours.

Incredible potential. You can significantly increase your portfolio's potential by utilizing leverage when trading CFDs, up to 1:50.

How a CFD Works

When you trade a CFD, you aren't buying or selling a physical asset. You're guessing on whether you believe the price for that asset is going to increase or decrease in the future. This is why the CFD market is much easier to access and fees are non-existent.

One difference you need to be aware of when trading CFDs is the spread. The spread is the difference between what you pay and the market value - and it will fluctuate a bit among each broker. If the spread is $1, for example, then your asset must appreciate $1 before it reaches the breakeven point, and then you will begin earning profits on any further gains.

Ideal Investment Opportunities

CFDs are perfect for investors who demand a bit of flexibility, which is one of the reasons they're so popular. If you're busy working during the day trading hours, for example, you might not have the ability to buy and sell stocks the way you'd like to.

For the investor who wants to stay organized, CFDs are also a great option. You'll be able to do all your trading with a single broker and still have access to an enormous global market. You won't run the risk of having to trade across several platforms and letting an opportunity slip past you.

Finally, CFDs are great for people who want to invest heavily in an expensive asset, but don't have the capital to do so. You can purchase more shares at a fraction of the cost and without any commission fees.

Trading CFDs Effectively

Like any trading market, you need a solid strategy to trade CFDs for a profit consistently. Here are some of the most common strategies employed by successful traders:

Cobertura If you have long-term investments that you believe are due for a downward spell, shorting with CFDs could be a cheaper alternative to selling your shares and purchasing them again.

Short-term trades. CFDs are the perfect market in which to make short trades because there aren't any stamp duties and you can trade on a margin.

Trading pairs. If you notice that one company is trading far less than it should compared to another one, CFDs are a great way to exploit it. You can make a profit by using CFDs to short the overvalued company and go long on the undervalued one.

Setting a stop-loss. Setting a hard stop-loss is vital if you want to protect your capital as you trade CFDs. Trading on leverage magnifies your wins, but it accelerates your losses as well. You need to be careful about mitigating your risk and pulling the plug before losing a large chunk of your bankroll.

It's important to remember that CFDs are a contract between the investor and the broker. You need to work with a broker that you know and trust. This is why you want to open an account here at Trade24. We offer incredible low spreads, personalized service, and trading systems held up to the highest standards. Click here to create an account with us and start trading today.


Some brokers offer to clients the facility to trade the foreign exchange market via the spot market or via CFDs.

The thing I don't understand is that some currency pairs are offered via both methods. So, in such a case, which method should a trader choose and what are the important factors to consider?

I know how the mechanics of trading via the spot market differ from a CFD market but from the trader's perspective, both methods are leveraged, over-the-counter trades with 0 commissions and the trader only pays a spread. So, it seems to me they are the same.

asked Mar 14 '15 at 15:42

CFD stands for Contract For Difference and is an agreement between you and your broker. When the contract is closed the broker promises to pay a certain amount for every pip the bought currency has moved in your favour, if it moved against you it's you who pays the broker. The term comes from the fact that upon closing the position you take the difference between the closing price and the opening price and that money is transferred/deducted to/from your account. It is important to note that at no point you actually physically or virtually possess the bought currency, nor must you deliver the sold currency.

The FX spot market differs from that in the last point: You physically or virtually exchange currencies. This means you receive/pay interest on the bought/borrowed currencies if held overnight. And also this implies that there's no "open position" like in the CFD case (put differently your USD balance doesn't remember if it came about by selling AUDs or EURs). Some platforms, however, have a "close everything" button, i. e. to sell all currencies that aren't your base currencies.

In this regard perhaps even more surprising but depending on your broker, and whether or not they grant you direct market access and, if so, the actual market (ECN ), you will trade in lots. that means the quotes you see are only valid for when you trade exact multiples of the lot sizes of the currencies involved (so called even-lot trade). Anything odd needs to be traded in an odd lot order for which there's either a surcharge or wider spreads.

answered May 8 '15 at 8:00

Why would odd-lot orders have wider spreads? Are they not processed by the same matching engine that processes the even-lot orders? & Ndash; dg99 May 8 '15 at 23:00

@dg99 Can't speak for all platforms but HotspotFX has a minimum size of 5 lots and a surcharge for odd lots (but not mixed lots) whereas Currenex has no minima or surcharge of any kind. Wider spreads was a guess for dealer-brokers that hide their fees in the quote spreads. & Ndash; hroptatyr May 9 '15 at 7:51

Start Forex & CFD Trading

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Risk Warning: Forex and CFDs are high risk and losses can exceed investment

Leveraged trading in Foreign Currency Contracts, precious metals, and CFDs may not be suitable for everybody as they are high risk products. We advise you to consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources, risk tolerance and other relevant circumstances. Since you could lose some or all of your deposited funds, you should ensure you fully understand all of the risks. Click here to read the full risk warning .

Promotions and claims only applicable to self-directed trading.

OANDA Europe Limited is a company registered in England number 7110087 limited by shares with its registered office at Floor 9A, Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, EC2N 1HQ and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No: 542574.

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&dupdo; 1996 - 2016 OANDA Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. "OANDA", "fxTrade" and OANDA's "fx" family of trade marks are owned by OANDA Corporation. Todas las demás marcas registradas que aparecen en este sitio web son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

CFD Forex

CFD Forex

FX CFDs are a cost efficient, simple way to trade major currencies online: With lower margin requirements from only 0.5% with a small minimum trade size of 5,000 notional value.

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A simple and flexible trading instrument

To gain access to an award winning multi-asset trading platform on an execution only or advisory basis, open a Shard GO account.


Avertissement sur les risques: los productos Forex, materias primas, opciones y CFD (trading OTC) son de instrumentos de efecto de levante y de comportamiento de riesgo importante de pertes hasta llegar a la totalidad del capital investigar; Estos productos se contraen a los inversores avertis. Por favor, asegúrese de que usted entienda perfectamente los riesgos y que no se deje perdiendo. Se refiere a nuestra completa responsabilidad. Easy Forex Trading Ltd está regulada por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd está regulada por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Because CFD-Market is not regulated, we strongly recommend potential clients to research the company and read the most recent user comments regarding customer satisfaction and performance.

To open an account, you must fulfill a minimal first deposit of $100, which is slightly lower than the average. Additionally, CFD-Market offers a maximum leverage of 400:1, which is comparable to other forex brokers.

Account Setup

Minimum Account Size

Minimum Position Size

United States Dollar

Standard Trade Information

Number of Currency Pairs

Broker Services

Platforms Available

Support Services

Consideraciones de riesgo

Credio reviewed options and limitations offered by CFD-Market to its clients in order to come up with a risk score for the broker. El puntaje de riesgo toma en consideración múltiples factores. This is what stood out with regards to CFD-Market:

Position. The broker enforces a minimum position size of 1 Lot, limiting trader control

Leverage. The broker permits a max leverage of 400:1 which is large and may cause runaway trades if not checked

Overall, CFD-Market scored a risk score of 3.42. This indicates that CFD-Market is an extremely risky broker option. If you intend to register with them, please make sure to thoroughly review the company's documentation and available information.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestras evaluaciones, consulte también nuestro desglose detallado en la guía.

What is CFD in Forex Market?

What Is CFD And How Does It Assist In Forex Market?

Forex market is the platform that provides the investors with a lot of chances to make money without even putting many resources into it. Many people try to bring their own ideas into this trade and try their luck. However, some wise enough professionals may come up after doing the thorough research on this market and get the financial assistance in terms of partnership by steadfast companies like CommexFx. There are many people in this market that are trying to grasp what is CFD in forex market . In order to get the idea about CFD, one has to be well aware of the short and long positions in the financial derivatives.

Long and Short Positions

When the price of a currency increases and one party decides to buy it for more chances of returns on it, then it takes the long position. On the other hand, when the price of a currency falls down and investors thinks to sell it in order to retain the actual amount that he/she invested then it is called the short position.

What is CFD in Forex Market?

CommexFx has been playing a very great role in offering the state of the art services to the people who have queries like what is CFD . In Forex market especially in the field of financial derivatives, people do the trade of two currencies on the basis of their expected value at a given time. They do not have to buy or sell the currency at present time and only a contract is made with some maturity period on it. Once the contract matures, only the difference between the current value of the currency and its value at the time of contract is computed. Whatever the difference arises, seller has to pay that. However if the difference turns out to be a negative amount then buyer is held responsible for the payment of deferential amount.


Contracts for Difference, commonly known as CFDs, allow traders to speculate on the movement of assets in a wide variety of markets. CFDs are a convenient and easy way to speculate on an asset without ever actually owning it. When the contract closes, the investor will be paid (or have to pay) the difference between the opening and closing prices, adjusted for the number of shares.

CFD trading has increased in popularity over the last decade because they offer many key advantages:

Convenient global access. CFDs aren't regulated like other exchanges, so CFD brokers can offer access to any global market across a single, simple platform.

No trading fees. Unlike other assets, you don't need to pay any commission or stamp duty.

Variety of options. You can buy and sell stock CFDs, but there are also lots of other options. Index, currency, treasury, commodity, and even sector CFDs are available.

24/7 access. Unlike more restrictive markets, CFD trading isn't exclusively completed during business hours.

Incredible potential. You can significantly increase your portfolio's potential by utilizing leverage when trading CFDs, up to 1:50.

How a CFD Works

When you trade a CFD, you aren't buying or selling a physical asset. You're guessing on whether you believe the price for that asset is going to increase or decrease in the future. This is why the CFD market is much easier to access and fees are non-existent.

One difference you need to be aware of when trading CFDs is the spread. The spread is the difference between what you pay and the market value - and it will fluctuate a bit among each broker. If the spread is $1, for example, then your asset must appreciate $1 before it reaches the breakeven point, and then you will begin earning profits on any further gains.

Ideal Investment Opportunities

CFDs are perfect for investors who demand a bit of flexibility, which is one of the reasons they're so popular. If you're busy working during the day trading hours, for example, you might not have the ability to buy and sell stocks the way you'd like to.

For the investor who wants to stay organized, CFDs are also a great option. You'll be able to do all your trading with a single broker and still have access to an enormous global market. You won't run the risk of having to trade across several platforms and letting an opportunity slip past you.

Finally, CFDs are great for people who want to invest heavily in an expensive asset, but don't have the capital to do so. You can purchase more shares at a fraction of the cost and without any commission fees.

Trading CFDs Effectively

Like any trading market, you need a solid strategy to trade CFDs for a profit consistently. Here are some of the most common strategies employed by successful traders:

Cobertura If you have long-term investments that you believe are due for a downward spell, shorting with CFDs could be a cheaper alternative to selling your shares and purchasing them again.

Short-term trades. CFDs are the perfect market in which to make short trades because there aren't any stamp duties and you can trade on a margin.

Trading pairs. If you notice that one company is trading far less than it should compared to another one, CFDs are a great way to exploit it. You can make a profit by using CFDs to short the overvalued company and go long on the undervalued one.

Setting a stop-loss. Setting a hard stop-loss is vital if you want to protect your capital as you trade CFDs. Trading on leverage magnifies your wins, but it accelerates your losses as well. You need to be careful about mitigating your risk and pulling the plug before losing a large chunk of your bankroll.

It's important to remember that CFDs are a contract between the investor and the broker. You need to work with a broker that you know and trust. This is why you want to open an account here at Trade24. We offer incredible low spreads, personalized service, and trading systems held up to the highest standards. Click here to create an account with us and start trading today.


Paso 2 . Mail the signed forms to:

Your account opening request is processed upon receipt. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. In addition you will receive a letter containing your new account number and the instructions you need to fund your account.

WH SelfInvest Maaltecenter Blok G Derbystraat 349 9051 Gent Belgium

WH SelfInvest 23-25, rue de Berri BГўtiment B - Et.8 75008 Paris France

WH SelfInvest Niedenau 36 60325 Frankfurt Deutschland

WH SelfInvest 291 route d'Arlon 1150 Luxemburg Luxemburg

Paso 3 . Fund your account.

New accounts should be funded within 4 weeks via transfer or cash deposit (Luxemburg only). WH SelfInvest will only accept transfers coming from the account holder. Transfers from third parties, including family members, in favor of the account holder will be rejected. Once your account has been funded you will receive an e-mail confirmation as well as a letter containing the passwords to open your trading platform.






Why Trade Oil through Forex Trading Places?

No Re-quotes on all energy products, giving you fast, efficient trade execution without expensive re-quotes.

Re-quotes occur when a trader makes an order at a specific price, but the order is rejected by a trading desk, and the trader is given a new price to accept or reject. Re-quotes can slow down your trading. We cannot re-quote forex orders because those orders operate on straight through processing. We also maintain a no re-quote policy for indices, metals, and oil, although those orders do not operate on straight through processing. Orders are executed at the best price available within the trader's parameters, subject to market liquidity at the time.

Minimum Trade Size: Trade from as little as 1 contract or $1 per tick.

Low Transaction Costs: Trade commission free, no exchange fees, & no clearing fees. The transaction cost is the spread, the difference between the buy and sell price. (The RB and FCM are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices) .

Advanced Charting: Keep track of oil and trade from advanced charting package.

Generous Leverage: Generous leverage on all products that are clearly detailed on the Trade Station II. ( Without proper risk management, currency and CFD trading has a high degree of leverage that can lead to large losses as well as gains.)

Hedging Capability: You can go long or short oil from the same account.

Minimum Margin Requirements (MMR)

Margin rates are displayed in the dealing rates window on the trade station and detail the client's capital obligation to buy or sell 1 contract of a single index.

Standardized minimum/incremental trade sizes for each instrument. To calculate the margin required to place the minimum trade size, simply multiply the minimum trade size by the margin required (per contract) which is displayed in the dealing rates window.

USOil minimum trade size is 1 contract

MMR is $200 (U. S.) per contract

1 contracts x $200 = US$200

Plataformas de negociación


La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. The Forex market offers numerous opportunities for growth, and trading can be conducted in both rising and falling markets. Traders seek to make gains from currency rate fluctuations, but should be aware that these same fluctuations can also lead to losses. Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. Una de las limitaciones de los resultados de rendimiento hipotético es que generalmente se preparan con el beneficio de la retrospección. Además, el comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero. Variables como la capacidad de adherirse a un programa de comercio en particular a pesar de las pérdidas comerciales, así como el mantenimiento de la liquidez adecuada son puntos importantes que pueden afectar negativamente los resultados reales reales de comercio. Blue crown financial is also Referring Broker utilizing it's relationship with FXCM, a clearing firm /FCM serving as a counterparty in the process of transacting & dealing transactions for traders. The RB and FCM are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. ¡Las experiencias únicas y las actuaciones pasadas no garantizan resultados futuros! Testimonials herein are unsolicited and are non ‐ representative of all clients; Ciertas cuentas pueden tener un desempeño peor que el indicado. Trading spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Sus resultados comerciales pueden variar. Because the risk factor is high in the foreign exchange market trading, only genuine “risk” funds should be used in such trading. Si usted no tiene el capital adicional que usted puede permitirse perder, usted no debe negociar en el mercado de divisas. No “safe” trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Without proper risk management, currency and CFD trading has a high degree of leverage that can lead to large losses as well as gains.

В© Copyright Blue Crown Financial LLC. Todos los derechos reservados

An Introduction To CFDs

The difference between where a trade is entered and exited is the contract for difference (CFD). A CFD is a tradable instrument that mirrors the movements of the asset underlying it. It allows for profits or losses to be realized when the underlying asset moves in relation to the position taken, but the actual underlying asset is never owned. Essentially, it is a contract between the client and the broker. Trading CFDs has several major advantages, and these have increased the popularity of the instruments over the last several years.

How a CFD Works If a stock has an ask price of $25.26 and 100 shares are bought at this price, the cost of the transaction is $2,526. With a traditional broker, using a 50% margin. the trade would require at least a $1,263 cash outlay from the trader. With a CFD broker, often only a 5% margin is required, so this trade can be entered for a cash outlay of only $126.30.

It should be noted that when a CFD trade is entered, the position will show a loss equal to the size of the spread. So if the spread is 5 cents with the CFD broker, the stock will need to appreciate 5 cents for the position to be at a breakeven price. If you owned the stock outright, you would be seeing a 5-cent gain, yet you would have paid a commission and have a larger capital outlay. Herein lies the tradeoff.

If the underlying stock were to continue to appreciate and the stock reached a bid price of $25.76, the owned stock can be sold for a $50 gain or $50/$1263=3.95% profit. At the point the underlying stock is at $25.76, the CFD bid price may only be $25.74. Since the trader must exit the CFD trade at the bid price, and the spread in the CFD is likely larger than it is in the actual stock market, a few cents in profit are likely to be given up. Therefore, the CFD gain is an estimated $48 or $48/$126.30=38% return on investment. The CFD may also require the trader to buy at a higher initial price, $25.28 for example. Even so, the $46 to $48 is a real profit from the CFD, where as the $50 profit from owning the stock does not account for commissions or other fees. In this case, it is likely the CFD put more money in the trader's pocket.

Higher Leverage CFDs provide much higher leverage than traditional trading. Standard leverage in the CFD market begins as low as a 2% margin requirement. Depending on the underlying asset (shares for example), margin requirements may go up to 20%. Lower margin requirements mean less capital outlay for the trader/investor, and greater potential returns. However, increased leverage can also magnify losses.

Global Market Access from One Platform Most CFD brokers offer products in all the world's major markets. This means traders can easily trade any market while that market is open from their broker's platform.

No Shorting Rules or Borrowing StockCertain markets have rules that prohibit shorting at certain times, require the trader to borrow the instrument before shorting or have different margin requirements for shorting as opposed to being long. The CFD market generally does not have short selling rules. An instrument can be shorted at any time, and since there is no ownership of the actual underlying asset, there is no borrowing or shorting cost.

Professional Execution With No Fees CFD brokers offer many of the same order types as traditional brokers. These include stops, limits and contingent orders such as "One Cancels the Other" and "If Done". Some brokers even offer guaranteed stops. Brokers that guarantee stops either charge a fee for this service or attain revenue in some other way. Very few, if any, fees are charged for trading a CFD. Many brokers do not charge commissions or fees of any kind to enter or exit a trade. Rather, the broker makes money by making the trader pay the spread. To buy, a trader must pay the ask price, and to sell/short, the trader must take the bid price. Depending on the volatility of the underlying asset, this spread may be small or large, although it is almost always a fixed spread.

No Day Trading Requirements Certain markets require minimum amounts of capital to day trade, or place limits on the amount of day trades that can be made within certain accounts. The CFD market is not bound by these restrictions, and traders can day trade if they wish. Accounts can often be opened for as little as $1,000, although $2,000 and $5,000 are also common minimum deposit requirements.

Variety of Trading Options There are stock, index, treasury, currency and commodity CFDs; even sector CFDs have emerged. Thus not only stock traders benefit - traders of many different financial vehicles can look to the CFD as an alternative.

The Disadvantages While CFDs appear attractive, they also present some potential pitfalls. For one, having to pay the spread on entries and exits eliminates the potential to profit from small moves. The spread will also decrease winning trades by a small amount (over the actual stock) and will increase losses by a small amount (over the actual stock). So while stocks expose the trader to fees, more regulation, commissions and higher capital requirements, the CFD market has its own way of trimming traders' profits by way of larger spreads.

Also note that the CFD industry is not highly regulated. The credibility of the broker is based on reputation, life span and financial position. There are many fantastic CFD brokers, but it is important, as with any trading decision, to investigate whom to trade with and which broker best fulfills your trading needs .

The Bottom Line Advantages to CFD trading include lower margin requirements, easy access to global markets, no shorting or day trading rules and little or no fees. However, high leverage magnifies losses when they occur, and having to continually pay a spread to enter and exit positions can be costly when large price movements do not occur. CFDs provide an excellent alternative for certain types of trades or traders, such as short - and long-term investors, but each individual must weigh the costs and benefits and proceed according to what works best within their trading plan .

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Forex Trading

Trading Tools

Advertencia de Riesgo. Forex, CFDs and Spread Bets are leveraged products that carry a high level of risk to your capital and may not be suitable for all investors. ¡Usted puede perder más que su inversión inicial! Asegúrese de entender completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

DF Markets is a trading name of Delta Financial Markets Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 534027. Registered in England & Wales, company number 07280005.

Registered Address: 3rd Floor, Fairgate House, 78 New Oxford Street London, WC1A 1HB, United Kingdom

Copyright y copia; 2016 Delta Financial Markets Limited. Todos los derechos reservados.

CFD Forex | Fordele og ulemper ved forex differencekontrakter (CFD)

En forex CFD er en kontrakt mellem to parter, hvor sælger indvilger i at betale køberen den forskel, der kan være på en valutakurs fra kontrakten indgås til et givent tidspunkt . Køberen profiterer ved, at valutakursen stiger i perioden, mens sælger profiterer ved et kursfald. Det betyder, at man som forex CFD investor kan lave profit på to måder. Nemlig at købe en CFD i en valuta, hvis man forventer, at værdien på denne vil stige eller sælge hvis man forventer at valutakursen vil falde. Forex CFDer anvendes ofte som et supplement til anden handel og er nyttige til at udjævne risiko.


Marginhandel – Investor behøver ikke, at betale hele det investerede beløb, og kan nøjes med blot at betale en mindre del af det investerede beløb.

Høj gearing – Muligheden for en høj grad af gearing er særdeles stor i forex CFDer og kan nå helt op i forholdet 500:1, hvilket betyder at antallet af enheder, investor kan handle, øges.

Basispris – Den pris, som en Forex CFD handles til, bliver basisprisen, som værdien måles ud fra. Det betyder at investor udelukkende bliver påvirket af om valutakursen er over eller under kursen på tidspunktet for kontraktens indgåelse.

Hedging – Investorer kan opnå store gevinster ved forex CFDer, også når kursen er nedadgående.


Overhandel – Nem adgang og lav initial indbetaling til investeringen, kan føre til overdreven handel.

Salg med tab – Market maker (investeringsbank) kan forsøge, at påvirke investor til at sælge til et tab.

Ineffektiv handel – Manglende timing i forex CFD handel pga. manglende overvågning samt muligheden for høj gearing medfører risiko for store tab.

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Copyright © 2008 - 2014 | Kontakt: webmaster@fxvalutahandel. com - Sitemap Trading på valutamarkedet kan bære potentielle gevinster, men rummer også muligheden for potentielle tab. Det er derfor vigtigt for os at understrege, at du skal være opmærksom på at denne risiko eksisterer, og at de altid vil være en del af det at handle med forex online. Husk derfor, at du ALDRIG bør handle med penge, du ikke har råd til at tabe.

Forex CFD, Contract For Differences

by Chris on March 22, 2011

The Contract for differences (CFD) more commonly known as a buyer and seller contract is an agreement between two parties. The contract states that the buyer will pay the difference between the current value of the assets and the value at the time the contract was signed. If the current value is in negative, the difference will be paid to the buyer by the seller. The benefit of the Contract is that it provides the advantage to the investors as they can make the best use of the fluctuating prices to speculate the status of the market.

The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, France, Ireland, Japan and Spain are the nations where the Contract of differences is applicable. In Hong Kong, a few of the securities markets are considering to introduce CFD soon whereas due to the restriction of U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission and over-the-counter (OTC) financial instruments the contract of differences(CFD) is not permitted in the United States of America.

Though CFD is beneficial for the buyers, seller and investors, it also has its share of risk. Market risk, liquidation risk and counterparty risk are the three main categories of risks involved in CFD. The problem with market risk is that the contract is driven for the disparity of the opening and closing price of the principal asset as CFDs are traded on margin, the leveraging effect increases the risk radically. A small amount of money can be used to hold a large position as margin rates are normally minute. Hence it can be misused in financial markets to either speculate on movements or evade existing positions elsewhere, in effect to which if the market moves against the users of CFD there is probability of losing money.

In the liquidation risk, an additional margin can be required to maintain the margin level if the market moves against the open CFD position. Due to this, an additional amount of money would be required to be paid to the CFD provider by the party. When the party refuses to pay the money, there is a possibility that the CFD provider might liquidate the position at loss. The party will be liable for this move. When it comes to counterparty, the risk is associated with the financial stability of the counterparty to the contract. In this situation, the CFD investor can potentially sustain relentless losses even if the underlying instrument moves in the preferred direction.

Like any other contract, CFD also has its advantages and disadvantages .

The advantages available are market independence, transparency and counterparty risk. With market independence, the customer gets the option to choose who would prefer to execute their business as per the separation of responsibility between the broker and the exchange. The separation of responsibility means there would be one standard contract for all. When it comes to transparency, Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) reports all ASX CFDs transacted, open positions, bids and offers with the volumes.

The customer’s order is directly entered through a participant into the ASX CFD central market order book, which is easily obtainable by all. With counterparty risk, the benefit one gets is that all settlement obligations are not only dealt and guaranteed by SFE Clearing Corporation but also resolved with absolute fair and efficient amenities.

A higher charge fee as well as the broker fee has to be paid as the clearing house and the exchange need to make money. To fulfill exchange and clearing requirements, the broker’s administration fee is also high. Only small number of CFDs is offered by the Australian Securities Exchange. The prices are based on CFDs’ orders as a result of the separate order book in the exchange.

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The Casino of CFD Trading

I posed a question to a lady at my CFD (Contracts for Difference) provider the other day, which was about something I have often wondered. I said, "how do you earn your money?", to which she responded with, "well, its complicated." I then had a think and said, "does it work that when I make a profit you make a loss, and when I make a loss you make a profit?", to which she simply replied, "Yes." So my first thought to her final response was, oh, they obviously operate just like a casino or sports betting agency.

In case anyone doesn't know what a CFD is ; they are derivative products that give the opportunity for people to trade a contract for an underlying asset, this being anything from commodities, to forex or the share market. Participants can go long or short (buy or sell) these contracts in anticipation of seeing them moving in the direction they anticipate. These products are highly leveraged, often allowing people to use just five percent margin. So if underlying assets do move in the right direction, people can make a lot of money. But, if they move the wrong direction, people can lose a bunch of money.

The best and simplest way I've heard CFDs explained as is, "they're basically a way of borrowing to gamble ." So people shouldn't take trading CFDs lightly. Just as they shouldn't take gambling in a game of black jack lightly. It is most important for people to remember when trading CFDs that they should never 'bet' the house. Because no matter how many times you are right on an underlying asset movement, there will be a time when you do not get it right. People should also make sure that they develop and stick to their own trading strategy resolutely, because if they take trading as just having a flutter like a small sports bet, they will (because of the use of leverage) lose their shirts. Above all though is the fact that they should remember that their CFD provider is not on their side. The provider is actually operating with opposite motives. All their job is, is to provide you with a platform that gives you an opportunity to trade the underlying assets. The job of studying and developing a profitable strategy is the individuals own obligation.

It is easy for people to think there is something morally wrong with CFD providers, or gambling casinos. But this assumption is not correct. Their only job is to provide you with a platform for entertainment, and that they do. It is true that people can become addicted with gambling or with trading, but as with anything in life there is always a possibly that people can become addicted; be it with cigarettes, or food, or anything else.

What my main points to say to those prospective CFD traders out there; is to remember to do your study, have a strategy and stick to it. Don't 'bet' the house, and make sure to focus on using your strategy to generate profits in the long term, rather than the short term. These principles are in fact important to implement in life, and traditional business as well; focus on the long term, have a plan and make a start, but not without first knowing what you are doing.


CFD Handel - CFDer med Aktier, Forex Valuta, Indeks og Råvarer

Forex handel har i mange år været et yndet mål for Day Traders verden over, og det er med god grund. Det er det marked, hvor der handles for flest Dollars hver eneste dag, intet andet sted oplever man større volatilitet. EUR/USD er det meste brugte valutakryds både i volume på valutamarkedet, men også inden for online trading generelt.

Ser man på valutaparring, er det Euro mod Dollaren som handles mest inden for forex trading på nettet, ganske enkelt fordi den er størst, og derved yderst populær og et yndet valutapar. Dette kryds er et must for en hver forextrader, der ser krydset som et likvid aktiv at spinde guld på!

Introduktion til dine valutakryds

Euroen og dollaren er to af de største inden for verdensøkonomien. Valuta handel er et af steder, hvor man ser de de fleste forsøg på at manipulere med markedet, og de mest vellykkede forsøg vel og mærke. De fleste husker forsat da Thomas Jordan og den schweiziske nationalbank slap schweizerfrancen løs, og det med store tab til følge for rigtigt mange investorer i hele verden. Desuden ser vi ofte Japan arbejde intensivt med YEN'en for at forbedre deres konkurrenceevne overfor deres vigtigste samhandelspartnere i hele verden.

Det ligger i det politiske, og at det er store økonomier samt virksomheder, der er medspillere i udviklingen på markederne, de har alle en stor vægt i den finansielle valuta handel. Det er blandt andet også derfor, at der er SÅ stor volume i krydset EUR/USD.

Macro økonomi er vigtigt at kende godt, og endda meget godt - når man skal handle Forex.

Trading af valutakryds inden for CFD’er

Med CFD handel og Forex mæglere er det blevet muligt for ALLE . at handle flere hundrede forskellige valutaparringer, hvilket vil sige; at det ikke længere KUN er forbeholdt de professionelle!

"Forex er i højgrad Online Trading!"

Man kan ikke komme udenom emnet, når man ser ud over landskabet af mæglere, der tilbyder én at trade diverse finansielle aktiver med udgangspunktet fra en webbaseret platform.

Dine valg vil ofte være en kombination af flere indgangsvinkler, der tager udgangspunkt i både kortsigtede og langsigtede perspektiver i markederne. Det skal være dit eget kryds, og dit eget valg. Social Trading vinder frem, men stol ikke altid på naboen eller handeloptioner, det er dig, der skal bestemme - og tage den endelige beslutning for dit valg. Der findes alt efter hvilken platform, du anvender diverse kryds til dit valg og efter din smag. Brug derfor den parring, der er rigtig for dig.

Eksempel - EUR/USD

Tager vi et par af de store internationale danske virksomheder som Novo Nordisk eller en anden biotekvirksomhed som Bavarian Nordic. Her kan man sige, det gør en forskel om Dollar stiger eller falder, de mærker det på egen krop mht. afsætning og indtjening. De produkter som fremstilles og sendes til USA, tager lige forex med indover som aktie køber eller valuta handler.

Der er altid et samspil mellem alle investeringsgrupper… Aktiekøb og valutaer i det globale spil. Forståelsen af at eksporten fra disse virksomheder og dermed lande, betyder meget for valutakursen enormt. I Europa er en høj dollarkurs lig med glade aktionær, da de ofte er mere attraktive for det amerikanske marked.

Lær alt om online spread trading på en demo konto

Spread betting er som navnet antyder en måde at sætte et væddemål op på et finansielt produkt, forudse/gætte rigtigt på hvordan de finansielle markeder udvikler sig i din retning. Den retning er man til dels herre over efter nogle timer på en øvelseskonto. Markedet spiller ind minut for minut det opdager man hurtigt.

Demo kontoen er et værktøj, der skal bruges før du starter et væddemål mod dit spread betting selskab. Her lærer du hvordan tingene kan udvikle sig med meget høj fart på dine handler. Det moment, hvor du sidder i en åben position på din platform, kan ikke laves om igen. Derfor skal man som seriøs trader, bruge en demo konto ligeså som var det ens rigtige penge på kontoen. Tingene kan ændre sig på få øjeblikke og man kan lære at tage gevinst eller tab.

Accepterer du at lære at anvende en demo konto til UG, så er du langt bedre stillet i fremtiden. Den flid du har lagt her, og de timer der er brugt seriøst foran skærmen, kommer aldrig dårligt igen. Det skal understreges seriøst . nogle har en tendens til at lege på må og få gennem en demo konto. Det er et værktøj, som bør bruges konstruktivt ellers har demo konto ikke sin fulde effekt.

Du er i dit væsentlige væddemål på din nye åbne position

Øvelseskonto skal afspejle virkeligheden, derfor overfør den fra viden til den position som du ville have på en rigtig konto. Position du køber kan være inden for mange alternativer på en platform du vælger. Husk der er både en knap til sælg eller køb. Lær alle værktøjer at kende.

Mange demo konti ligger helt på højde med den rigtige konto på platformen

Din demo konto afspejler reelle konti og har aktiver i realtid. Det betyder, man har handelsplatformen på ryg-graden, når man kaster sig ud i handelslivet med sit indskud af kapital på sin mægler konto. Der findes forskellige konti som varierer, hvad aktiver eller det produkt som du ønsker. Det kan virke skræmmende i starten hvor stort udbud af forskellige produkter man kan vælge. Det varer ikke længe inden man finder sine fortrukne områder.

Nogle har sin basale viden inden for råvarer og har fulgt markedet i denne boldgade igennem mange år. Det kan være guld, olie eller hvad som helst råstof inden for denne brede aktiv klasse på online trading. Andre har forcer inden for forex valutahandel, og har mulige erfaringer med hvilke valutakryds, der skal investeres i. Aktier har de fleste en eller anden form for kendskab til, og der rammer man plet inden for denne verden der er fulgt i sine favorit aktier. Der handles online på de fleste markeder globalt, og man har utallige af index og ikke mindst aktier over et bredt spekter verden over.

Typer af handelsplatforme – Hvad er den bedste demo konto

Den bedste demo konto er individuel fra person til person, da vi alle handler på hver sin facon og har forskellige indgangsvinkler. Det er ikke nogen skam at have sin egen holdning og smag, for hvad der virker bedst i sit eget mønster, det giver bonus på den rigtige konto. Derfor kan man som udgangspunkt mærke, når man sidder med den rigtige handelsplatform. Det er alfa omega inden for denne verden at man er dus med opsætningen.

Sammenligningen af spreads

Når du sammenligner spread betting konti, ville du opdage forskel på spreads mellem køb og salg, det er også værd at tage med i dine overvejelser. Realisering af din gevinst kan gøre en stor forskel alt efter prisen de forskellige mægler tilbyder. Derfor endnu en mulighed for at øve på flere platforme og gøre regnskabet op i takt med de forskellige handler. Det sker i praksis igen uden at bidrage med dine egne penge. Få en oplevelse på demo konto det giver en nybegynder mulighed for at vænne sig til processen. Proces som gerne skulle blive til en hobby og en tilskud til glæde i hverdagen.

Markets. com tilbyder lige nu muligheden for at teste deres online trading handelsplatform, uden at du skal sætte penge ind - du får gratis $25 at lege med, derved kan du gratis opleve hvordan man day trader aktier, forex valuta, indeks eller råvarer.

Du kan teste dine evner på aktiver som:

Crude Oil


S&P 500






Det eneste du behøver at gøre, er at få en gratis konto hos Markets. com - og dermed kan du kvit og frit teste dine evner som day trader.

Hvem er Markets. com

Markets. com er en reguleret platform og har rettighed til at udføre online trading af både FCA og CySEC. Platformen har eksisteret siden 2006 og tilbyder handel via både MetaTrader 4 samt deres Markets APP, derved kan du altid tilgå din konto, hvor end du er, og er på vej hen.

Markets er en moderne platform med alle de nyeste værktøjer inden for både CFD handel og Forex. Du kan her opnå en maksimal gearing på 200:1. Vælger du at forsætte hos Markets - kan du nøjes med at indsætte blot $100 af gangen, her kræver man ikke ublu høje deposits hver gang - et godt sted at starte sin day trading karriere.

Husk at du altid kan teste deres platform yderligere med en gratis Demo konto.

Få denne rette træning fra starten med AVAtrades Demo konto, hvor du over en 3 ugers periode får $100.000 gratis at lege med. Det er en unik måde at teste sine evner på inden for eksempelvis forex handel, og det er tilmed helt uden at risikere nogen penge. Få adgang til AVAtrades top professionelle trading-platform og kickstart din karriere som day trader.

Udnyt dine 3 uger

Demo kontoen er begrænset til en tidsperiode på 3 uger, derfor bør du udnytte deres demo konto til at hjælpe dig med at forbedre dine evner og at blive fortrolig med handelsplatformen og de mange handelsværktøjer.

Tilmeld dig allerede nu - det tager kun ca. 2 minutter at oprette en demo konto - og du kan begynde at handle med det samme! AvaTrade arbejder under licens fra The Irish Financial Regulator - License Number 53877, og man er hermed i sikrer hænder hos dem.

AvaTrader ligger vægt på træning og uddannelse

Vigtigheden i at holde sig opdateret og hele tiden uddanne sig inden for CFD og forex handel, kan ikke understreges tydeligt nok. AvaTrades program indeholder alt hvad man behøver, for at opnå de bedste evner og muligheder for at slå til som CFD handlende.

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Er nogle af de mange tiltag Avatrade tilbyder dig, hvis du opretter en konto hos dem. CFD handel kan med dens udformning resultere i store tab om man ikke rammer markedet. Når vi taler om handler der involverer gearing, er det vigtigt at kende spillereglerne såvel som platformen man handler fra - lær dette via en demo-opstart.

De fleste mæglere tilbyder i dag demo konti, men de færreste gør det på så mange forskellige platforme som AVAtrade. Her får du muligheden for at vælge mellem 5 forskellige trading varianter. Er man nybegynder er AVA Trader platformen et godt valg, her får man et produkt som er på forkant og en førende handelsplatform i branchen. Den er meget brugervenlig og fremragende til både begyndere og mere trænede handlende.

tirsdag den 31. marts 2015

Køber man aktier uden for landets grænser, oplever man ofte at der pålægges både større og flere gebyrer via Banken, men handler man samme aktie via en CFD mægler - er sagen en ganske anden.

Overvej, derfor ganske nøje hvor og hvordan du vil investere dine penge i det globale marked

Handler man danske aktier via Banken er omkostningerne mindre, da Bankerne oftest er medlem af den københavnske fondsbørs, hvilket ikke er tilfældet med de mange udenlandske børser.

Handler man eksempelvis udenlandske aktier via landets to største banker, Danske Bank og Nordea, vil man opleve at gebyrerne er vidt forskellige alt afhængig af, om du investerer via din netbank, direkte i filialen eller gennem deres investeringsforeninger. Det store spring i gebyr er, når du henvender dig angående et selskab i USA eller Asien eller lignende. Det springer til himmerige, hvad de forlanger i kurtage og lignende omkostninger.

CFD handel gør det hele mere enkelt - her er spreads din eneste omkostning !

Derfor kan CFD handel være et bedre bekendtskab, når man ønsker at give sig i kast med at handle udenlandske aktier. Ofte hører man i Banken at man minimum skal investere for et større beløb for at det kan betale sig, grundet omkostningsniveauet ved handlerne.

Sådan forholder det sig ikke ved CFD handel - opretter man eksempelvis en konto hos AvaTrade. kan du starte med blot $100. De lave omkostninger samt den progressive gearing gør blot $100 til en mulig startkapital for din CFD karriere.

Handel CFDer i hele verden, gør din favorit handelsplatform til din legeplads. Der er så mange optioner at man skal starte et sted. Gøre det man mestre til en start og derefter sprede sin portefølje ud på nye eventyr. Din erfaring tager dig med til næste step og derved lettere at nå næste højdepunkt.

Det indlæg som er blevet skrevet her, ligger til grund for at slå en kæmpe streg under, der er ubegrænset tilgængelige aktier, forex, indeks, råvarer. De ligger lige foran skærmen, til at bruge i hele verden. Det med hele verden skal så også streges under med en stor tyk streg.

Spread betting er et derivater produkt, der giver dig muligheden for at handle på tusinder af kursbevægelser på de finansielle markeder, herunder indekser, aktier, valuta, råvarer og meget mere.

Spread betting er en måde at investere i finansielle markeder på, som navnet klart signaler. Det ligger op til et væddemål mellem dig og din CFD handelsplatform, valgt med nøje eftertænksomhed og afprøvning. Spread betting gælder om at forudsige markedet, er dine forstående handler på vej op eller ned.

Der findes mange platforme til formålet, vælg den rigtige

Dine faktiske gebyrer kan svinge meget imellem de forskellige udbydere. Der skal findes en mæglerplatform med lave spreads, når du går ind og ligger en kontrakt på et givent aktiv. Økonomisk fra din side, skal en handel også kigges godt efter i sømmene på margin og din provision. Det er ikke ligegyldigt om den skal holde natten over eller ej, det kan i nogle tilfælde koste lidt at være lang i markedet.

Der kan også ligge en ekstra gevinst gemt ved at være langsigtet. Mens flere daytradere vil have en anden holdning, handles nu og i hele tiden og ingen provision over tid. De små korte gevinster kan hurtigt løbe op, hvis du har tid og dygtighed til at være foran skærmen, det meste af døgnet.

Læs som udgangspunkt alle handelsbetingelser igennem, da størrelsen på spreads kan være en afgørende faktor, om du handler ofte. Det kan tit gøres via en velfungerende demo konto hos den udbyder du vil prøve af. Tag kontakt til din CFD platform, som hvis du ville ringe ned i banken og forhandle et nyt lån, de er som regel altid til at snakke med. Der kan være muligheder for at forhandle bedre spread, nogle gange skal du blot bevise, at du ved hvad du snakker om. Betaler man pludseligt 0,4 i Spread i stedet for 0,8, så bliver dine køb og salg absolut sjovere, din egenkapital kan vokse hurtigere på kontoen.

Husk at indtil du har afsluttet en handel på en CFD’er - er risikoen din

Det betyder, at så længe du har en åben position, ligger det hele selvfølgelig på dine skuldrer. Du ligger med risikoen hvad der sker omkring dit købte aktiv, alt hvad der kan få dit aktiv til at gå op og ned. Det kan være alt fra store markedskræfter og politiske tiltag et sted i den globale verden. Eller en pludselig offentlig meddelelse fra et firma du har din position i og det kan hurtigt være short eller lang, der skal byttes om på. Da du ofte har gearing på dine købte spreads, skal der reageres hurtig i brændpunkter og helst inden det er forsent.

Hvorfor handle CFD spread i stedet for en børsnoteret aktie

Som du nok ved efterhånden, handler du et aktiv som følger det underliggende produkt. Det vil sige det er nemt og overskueligt at fortage et valg på et væddemål inden for en bestemt aktie eller indeks et sted ude i verden. Du ejer ikke din underliggende aktier, du spiller ganske simpelt på om den aktie skal gå op eller ned. Den er prissat ligesom aktien på børsen og svinger alt efter hvordan den agerer i den virkelige verden.

Nogle vil så sige, at den virkelige verden er lettere inden for CFD’er. Det er den også på mange måder, da du har utallige af indekser, aktier, råvarer og det kan være inden for handel med forex.

De er alle samlet på samme handelsplatform hos de fleste der tilbyder CFD handel. Det gør det let og overskueligt, når du har fundet det rigtige sted. Platforme med de lave spreads mellem køb og salg, der nøje er udvalgt efter din smag og der hvor du er dus med hele handelsmønsteret. Du kan handle på ryg graden der hvor timer evt. er lagt på en demo konto.

Brug dine vågne timer til at finde din måde at handle spreads på

Husk inden for CFD’er er det godt med gearing, når du spiller rigtigt. Hav det også i baghovedet, gearing koster det samme den anden vej, når du ikke har sat dit væddemål rigtigt op.

Handel med disse derivater og optioner er lige til for nogle få dygtige spekulanter. Der er kun enkelte endnu, som mestrer kunsten inden for dette handelsprodukt.

Lytter man med hos millionærklubben på 24/7, er der en som har lavet 10 mio. i afkast sidste år. Det giver et skuldreklap fra denne blogger, vedkommende er helt sikkert ikke kommet sovende til det flotte resultat. Der skal nemlig følges med 24/7 og din viden skal op i højeste gear.

Det er nok ligesom dengang man begyndte at tage kørekort, man gad ikke kigge sig ovre venstre skulder hver gang ”der er jo spejle i bilen”. Nu skal man så bare ikke komme ud for noget så forfærdeligt, som en højresvingsulykke. Der er nogle færdselsregler inden for CFD’er på samme måde, det skal der kigges nærmere på. Det kan godt være, at skribenten her går til yderligheder, men ens egen fremtid inden for CFD er også at tage hjelmen på i visse afgørende handler. Det er også for bloggeren, de hurtige handler som gør hverdagen sjovest.

Det kan så være læseren har en mere rolig hånd på tasterne. Derfor skal man ikke pege fingre af dem som har deres egenskab og dygtighed inden for CFD, eller en anden strategi bag sine køb og salg af aktiver. Knappen er da stadig ens egen gevinst eller tab. Den dygtige vil slide begge knapper op, da short er nogle gange til at se på lang afstand… Den sætning skal der læses indlæg op på, det kan der gøres på denne blog…

Det med at tage et styrt uden sikkerhedsnet

Kig dig hele tiden for, der er beskrevet så mange værktøjer i denne blog. Alt skal benyttes og man skal være kritisk hele vejen igennem. Udnyt dine evner til det yderste og handel efter de gængse regler og muligheder. Hver platform har sine fordele, det gælder om at finde sin egen. Der er 3 platforme på denne blog, som man kan tage et besøg hos - det skal der ikke holde nogen tilbage for at besøge andre.

Der er flere mæglere rundt i verden og måske også nogle nye her i fremtiden. De forskellige har hver deres sæt af spilleregler og koncepter på hver deres måde. Derfor skal alle demo kontoer pløjes igennem med alle de finurligheder der kan bruges i dit univers. Det er din beslutning om et nyt alternativ, hvis du ikke kender CFD Handel. Eller hvis der er behov for et nyt kapitel. Det er for alle, med kendskab til den finansielle verden. Det kan så også føres over til den normale dagligdag med kendskab til forbrug og lignende i løbet af en normal forbrugs spekulation vi alle støder ind i.

Det med at lære mægler inden for CFD'er at kende

Den mægler du vil benytte skal passe ”som fod i hose” til din investeringstaktik. Det er vigtigt at man er hjemme på sin platform, den skal kendes til perfektion og derfor bruges med de hurtige taster. Så du kan forudsige værdien af dine aktiver inden for det split sekund handlen bliver fortaget. Dine spreads koster, derfor skal man på den lektie, køre sin case som det, man har udset i dette øjeblik kun kan være det eneste rigtige.

Kom nu det er vigtigt… Kend den platform du vil bruge… Gør brug af alt det de informere om. Ring eller skriv til dem, de fleste har en kundeservice som kun er rimeligt, du ligger dine penge og de vil gerne have dine penge.

Slå markedet er der kun at sige til sidst

Det er dine kundskaber inden for råvarer, aktier, indekser eller forexvaluta. Tag det ganske simpelt ud fra din dagligdag, hvis du er nybegynder, Hvad er du dygtig til inden for dit felt og overføre det til CFD Handel. Lav penge eller tab penge… Alle sider har jo en sætning med sikkerhedsrisiko, den var her… Læs hele bloggen igennem…

Hvad behøver du at vide inden du går i gang med online Trading?

Udnyt de unikke muligheder alle markederne tilbyder hver eneste dag, tag f. eks. olien lige nu, den kan ændre din dag som investor.

Råvarer kan altid spille en stor rolle, det nok mest undervurderet aktiv inden for CFD’er. Alle taler om aktier, hvorfor ikke tage skeen i den anden hånd og udnytte de alternativer, som kan bringe din portefølje op i et højere gear. CFD handel tilbyder netop den mulighed, råvarer er et aktiv som kan handles fra sent søndag aften til fredag nat.

Det betyder også råvare-eksperter i Danmark i dette tidsrum kan gøre brug af den nødvendige viden til den rigtige forståelse for råvare produktet. Kort sagt; man har alle hverdage, selv de mørke timer - CFD Olie er din partner 24/7 på din platform.

Er olieprisen banket i bund, eller skal "det sorte guld" et yderlige hak ned af?

Olien er nu faldet til halv-pris inden for bare det sidste år. Hvad gør OPEC og USA i fremtiden? Netop det holder man som Trader et vågnet øje med, og udnytter deres ageren til sit fulde. Husk nu altid på hvad der sker i den politiske verden, det afspejler sig lyn-hurtigt i de korte bevægelser.

Skal man blive i den politiske verden, så er det store spørgsmål lige nu: Hvad fortager Putin sig i Rusland i den nærmeste fremtid? Kan han ændre udviklingen i de næste 2 år, som han for nyligt har udtalt sig om. Sæt dine egne grænser inden for CFD, sæt dem før markedet og politikerne. Det betyder gevinster for den som tør udnytte det.

Især på den korte bane, hvilket man må sige at CFD handel er indbegrebet af. CFD handel muliggør en bred vifte af alternativer - olie er blot en ud af mange, men kan være en sjov følgesvend lige nu.

Hvad bør man tænke over med CFD'er?

CFD er blevet en populær måde at tjene penge på, blot ved at forudsige om et aktiv går op eller ned, kan man tjene mange penge. CFD Trading er så intelligent i sin opbygning, at når du er i en åben position ved køb og du kan se nu vender trenden, så er det ganske enkelt at bruge den anden funktion ”Knap” sælg. Det gør man i et split sekund og har det nye perspektiv short inde i billedet. Det er der lige så mange penge i som hvis et aktiv stiger. Det gælder begge veje.

Hvad gør CFD’er populært (forudsige aktiver går op eller ned) - dette giver spænding til det sidste, om din grundlæggende viden inden for dit nye valg af position på din platform. Den bedste platform med de laveste spread’s. Det er en selvfølge, du har afprøvet deres demo konto, det er ganske ligetil og er gratis træning. Den flid kommer mangefoldigt tilbage.

CFD’er kører ofte på det man kalder marginhandel. Det betyder, at der skal deponeres en lille del af dit indskud af værdien af kontrakten, kan man kalde det. Det er absolut værd at se sig om efter den rigtige mægler ”udbyder”. Husk, der er nogle mægler hvor du kan miste mere end dit oprindelige indskud, hvis din forudsigelse er forkert.

Styr på gearing er alfa omega. Det er det som driver dit feks. lille kapital indskud, men det betyder også man låner af mægler og der bliver lagt penge ud * det du geare. Er dit indskud plus gearing gennem din platform på et givent aktiv, betyder det at handle sikkert og rigtigt.

Hvilke gebyrer skal man betale. Undersøg det nøje og tag hellere en forespørgsel en gang for meget, end en gang for lidt… De er til rådighed for deres kunder, ellers havde de ingen eksistens grundlag. Det skal bankes fast med syv tommer søm, brug din mægler ligesom du i gamle dage gik til kassen i dit pengeinstitut, og havde 100 kr. som du skulle have til at yngle. Ingen andre har ansvar for dine handler, end dig selv.

CFD er en tendens for dygtige handlende til at være mere egnet som en kort sigtet investering. Nogle ligefrem holder ikke deres position natten over. Nogle tager deres gevinst eller tab inden for få korte øjeblikke - det gælder om at finde sin egen stil, der matcher ens egen risikoprofil samt temperament.

Din investering som trader er i dine hænder og du føler at dit køb kun kan gå en vej. Det er nemlig en sikker beslutning på at tingene kun udvikler sig positivt og stiger i den nærmeste fremtid. Det skal være en vigtig faktor for at man beholder sit CFD aktiv natten over. Ikke den mindste tvivl om hvad retning den går i markedet. De fleste som kører en lang position, har sat sin gearing skarpt og har evt. Stop-Loos.

Når man går lang i sit køb ”så er man sten sikker på sit valg” skal være det eneste rigtige og man kan således koble af fra skærmen et par timer. Derefter komme tilbage og nyde sin position er gået yderlige i plus. Der er ikke noget aktiv i denne verden som kan overlades til sig selv ret længe og følger man ikke udviklingen og trenden. Kan det blive til en udvikling man skulle have solgt, eller vendt i den anden retning ”short”

Forståelse for sit valg af CFD aktiv er en nødvendighed

Det er en selvfølge for de fleste at man har sine favorit CFDer. De valg skal man mønstre bedst til UG og egen fordel. De erfarne eller kloge nybegynder, som har sine Forex Valutakryds vælger at gå lang i den sidste nye valuta udvikling, Det sker rundt i verden, absolut inden for den politiske verden, som hurtigt kan give en ny drejning på, dit valutakryds.

Nogen har set at Dollar kursen, har haft en god optrend, eller andre muligheder inden for Forex Trading. Har man udset sig Råvarer eksempel-vis Olie er det nok ikke lige lang, man skulle have været i dette aktiv på det sidste. Guld er utrolig spændende for øjeblikket, hvad retning skal vi det næste stykke tid. Der er flere ting i spil inden for den gyldne råvare.

Indeks rundt i det globale marked er spændt hårdt op nogle steder. Der er daglig rekord at spore i de forskellige lande. USA har kørt utroligt stærkt i 2014. Er der stadig momentum i flere grønne pile og kan man nå at komme med på bølgen. Det er altid det spil man bryder sit hoved med som CFD trader. Aktier kommer man slet ikke uden om.

Enkelt aktier er altid en faktor i et hvert investor hjerte. Har man været langsigtet i Novo Nordisk med aktie beholdning, har man som regel kunne sove trygt. Der var lige en periode sidst i oktober om deres Fedme middel skulle godkendes i FDA. Der er ikke kommet nyt endnu, men Novo Nordisk aktien er stadig stærk og ligger forsat på rekord niveau efter den har været i split 1-5. Det er et eksempel på en aktie som er steget 35 procent i 2014, Novo Nordisk er stærk og har 43000 ansatte på verdensplan lige pt. Men er det også en aktie der kan holde sit niveau. Aktieverden er bare spændende og det bliver den ved med fremover.

Det beviser at det nogle gange er klogt at være lang i markedet. Det kan så vende hurtigt især med et gearet produkt. Så man har altid et halvt øje på udviklingen i markedet.

Når en investor går lang på en investering, betyder det, at vedkommende har købt et aktiv med tiltro på at prisen vil stige i fremtiden. Omvendt, når en investor går kort på en investering, forventer vedkommende et fald i eksempelvis aktiekursen – dette kaldes short selling på engelsk.

Med CFD handel kan man gøre det samme, når dine aktier tilbyder det. CFD rummer en dimension yderligere med at gå kort i markedet. Det er en kunst at ramme trends begge veje. Er man i en uptrend, der pludselig vender, kan man straks gå over i ”short selling” og skabe værdi på vejen ned.

Det er netop her, man udnytter sine CFD’er til sit fulde!

Short selling betyder, at gå kort i de aktiver, hvor du allerede er involveret i - og tage gevinsten når et aktiv går ned ad bakke. Det med ned af bakke kan betyde optur, for dem som har sat sig ind i shorting.

Din salg-knap har fået endnu en betydning for den, som lære sig at arbejde begge veje i markedet, for på den måde at tjene skillinger omvendt. Alt her i livet kan vendes på hovedet, med shorting er det især vigtigt. Det er lige til højrebenet, når man har lært efter lang erfaring at gå kort i markedet, Tryk på en salgsknap kan vi alle efter øvelse. Den er lige så ”VIGTIG” som den der står køb på.

CFD Handel er fleksibelt

Vi er mange inden for CFD’er som bruger denne form for shorting.

Det er et værktøj som de fleste vil kysse velkommen, hvis de ikke vidste den fandtes. Kan du lære at bruge short i dit system. Kan du fornemme en korrektion, så gå straks til denne strategi. Det er faktisk det mest enkle CFD værktøj, når du kender til baggrunden for skiftet, og det er faktisk et meget godt udtryk, det er nemlig ned af stigen. Prognose på de trin ned af kan gøre så stor forskel at din konto siger; ja tak til shorting. Det kræver, en lige så stor forståelse for tingene i dette spil, som det også kræver forstand når det går op ad.

Nedtrend er lig med short

En af de vigtigste fordele CFD handel er, at det giver dig flere muligheder for at placere en handel. Ved at gå kort i markedet kan du netop spekulere i, at markedet kommer til at falde i værdi for et givent aktiv. Du behøver ikke vente på at kunne profitere på et stigende marked.

Shorting er nøglen til at skabe profit i både gode samt dårlige markeder. Selvom mange mennesker kan være bekymrede for dette modsatte forhold, falder det mange helt naturligt når først man lærer at mestre det. Enten starter man ved at gå kort i markedet, ellers er man fra gevinst gået kort til fortjeneste fra en aktiekurs i tilbagegang.

CFD er vel nok det mest fleksible instrument til shorting. Her kan du med relativt få omkostninger vende dine eksisterende positioner efter markedet.



About the CFD Market

CFD s or Contracts for Difference, is a mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller which implies that in future both parties will exchange the difference between the opening value and the closing value of shares contracted through cash payments, rather than the delivery of the physical securities. CFD concept was first commenced in 1990 and primarily used by hedge-funds and institutional investors to hedge their exposure to stocks and purpose of tax exemption.

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FX and CFDs are leveraged products that can result in losses exceeding your deposit. No son adecuados para todos, así que asegúrese de comprender completamente los riesgos involucrados. View full risk warning. The information on this website is not directed at residents of the United States of America, Canada (although we may deal with Canadian residents who meet the “Permitted Client” criteria), Singapore or any other jurisdiction where FX trading and/or CFD trading is restricted or prohibited by local laws or regulations.

fxmtf. com is a trading name of PK Investment Services Ltd. PK Investment Services Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (Number 7576452). PK Investment Services Ltd. is an Introducing Broker for LMAX Limited.

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Benefits for your customers:

In the last few years, forex trading has emerged as one of the most popular investment avenues for individuals and small businesses. The advent of the Internet, lower operating costs and regulatory conditions have helped many brokerages, including UTMarkets. to provide FX trading services to a diverse, global clientele.

Here are four top reasons why the forex market has supplanted traditional financial markets, such as equities, bonds and commodities.

1. Time Convenience

The forex market is open 24 hours from Sunday night to Friday afternoon, offering investors multiple opportunities to buy and sell currencies. Many financial markets, including New York, London and Tokyo, help provide trading nonstop during the week.

Trading volume tends to decrease when the major financial centers are closed, however. It is therefore recommended to trade when the London (40% of trading volume) and New York (20% of trading volume) sessions are open. The Asia session (5%) also can offer lucrative trading opportunities when there are significant news out of Japan and Australia.

2. Opportunities in Bullish and Bearish Markets

Forex traders can make money regardless of underlying trends in currencies traded. They can profit in bullish and bearish markets – which is not the case in equities markets, for example, where short trades face a more stringent regulatory scrutiny.

The ability to trade in upward - and downward-trending markets appeals to a wide variety of investors, from sophisticated traders like hedge funds and investment banks to retail investors and small businesses eager to profitably manage their long-term portfolios. This diversity of forex players contributes to the higher liquidity that has characterized the currency market for many years.

3. Enormous Liquidity

Given its size and nonstop trading convenience, the currency market is highly liquid. That means there is always a buyer willing to purchase what another party is selling, and vice versa. The fact that the FX market is over the counter also helps because transactions are conducted via electronic means and there is no need to be physically present in a location to trade.

For example, an equity trader can only buy or sell stocks through a brokerage or human trader physically present, say, at the New York Stock Exchange or London Stock Exchange. When the exchange closes at the end of the trading day, any unprocessed order can only be processed the next day, sometimes at an unfavorable price. This hindrance does not exist in the forex market, which is open nonstop from Monday through Friday.

4. Leverage Opportunity

Leverage enables forex traders to open sizable trade positions with a small investment, giving them an opportunity to earn significant profits if the trade is favorable – and, unfortunately, higher odds of substantial losses if the trade goes haywire.

To mitigate the risk of higher losses, professional forex traders recommend that investors not bet more than 5% of their account balance on any single trade. They also suggest that investors implement proper risk management strategies that take into account concepts such as margin requirements, profit levels, loss thresholds and trading volatility.

To Sum Up

The forex market offers more trading opportunities than any other financial markets. This is because traders can trade nonstop Monday through Friday, can use leverage to increase profits, can trade both in upward - and downward-trending markets, and can benefit from the massive liquidity available in the currency markets.

Successful forex traders don’t emerge overnight – it takes months, if not years, to cultivate the financial dexterity of a George Soros or the trading gut-feeling typically displayed by professional currency investors. To become adept at forex trading, and trading in general, learn the ropes of investment and do your homework.

Investment gurus recommend that novice traders spend as much time devising their trading strategies as they do monitoring their positions and tracking the performance of their portfolios in the long term.

Here we lift the veil on five time-tested, effective ways to successfully trade currencies.

1. Adopt a Proper Trading Mentality

An adequate trading mentality is the cornerstone of any profitable trading system. Learn to have the proper mindset, understanding that forex trading will not make you wealthy overnight. Be patient and constantly try to improve your tactics, learning from experts and pundits who periodically appear in the media.

If you are lucky to trade with a technologically advanced brokerage such as UTMarkets, use the company’s tools and expertise to your advantage. Pay attention to any report, article or opinion piece published on the brokerage’s website or circulated via email or SMS.

Ultimately, you will find that successful forex traders have patience, determination and confidence.

2. Conduct Financial Research

To become a profitable currency trader, do your homework. Read, read and read again…any piece of financial news you can get your hands on. The idea is to peruse any data on the type of currency you want to trade, as well as information on the country or region that directly affects the currency pair or pairs.

You don’t need to have a Ph. D. to conduct this kind of research because the data is readily available. For example, you will know more about market developments and key trends if you read UTMarkets’ pieces in the Daily Market Review and Daily Analysis sections.

Besides articles and opinion pieces published by brokerages, read also literature on financial magazines and newspapers like The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times.

3. Devise an Effective Strategy

Formulating an effective forex strategy can help you trade profitably in the short and long terms. The strategy can be simple or complex, depending on your needs and trading expertise. A simple trading strategy can revolve around the type of currencies to trade, the trading hours to choose, and the take-profit and stop-loss levels to set. A complex trading strategy can go beyond the aforementioned tactics and include things like trailing stop loss, expert advisor trading, chart analysis, cross-instrument analysis and fundamental analysis.

Many sophisticated forex traders spend time on cross-instrument analysis, which attempts to determine how one instrument, say, the EUR/USD, moves in relation to another instrument, say, gold, over time. Cross-instrument analysis is effective in portfolio management, especially when it comes to evaluating the coefficient of correlation among securities held in the portfolio.

Fundamental analysis, or the study of economic news data to determine future prices, also plays a major role in the trading toolbox of successful investors.

4. Focus on a Few Instruments

Effective forex traders focus on a few instruments, preferably major currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF and AUD/USD. These pairs tend to be highly liquid and volatile, offering opportunities for profit at any moment during the trading week.

By focusing on a few pairs, you increase your familiarity and expertise level and can better analyze market trends. An effective analysis then leads to better interpretation of key signals, which finally increases your odds of trading success. The nature of the instruments matters less than the number of securities traded.

For example, you can zero in on four securities, such as gold, EUR/USD, the FTSE 100 CFD, and USD/JPY and build all your trading strategy around that quartet.

5. Set Adequate Risk Management Parameters

Without a proper risk management program, you risk losing your trading capital. Successful traders implement adequate risk programs that include everything from stop loss and take profit to margin and leverage, lot size, trading hours and investment mindset.

To trade profitably over the long run, don’t risk more than 5% of your account balance on any single trade.

Successful forex trading does not happen overnight. It is long and tedious work that goes through various stages, enabling an investor to understand how financial markets operate and how to best identify and seize opportunities. To be a profitable trader, an investor must adopt a proper trading mindset, do his or her homework and devise an effective strategy. The trader also must focus on a few instruments and set proper risk management policies.

What is CFD ?

CFD or Contracts For Differences, is the agreement between two parties to exchange the difference between the opening value and the closing value of shares contracted. They have been in operation for traders for close to twenty years, it is only in the past few years they have become widely available for individual investors. It allows investors access to trade in thousands of global shares, commodities and currencies on Forex. Returns on CFD trades are generally higher due to low commissions compare to regular contracts. With our assistance and our advanced platform CFD trading is a simplistic and convenient entry to the market with added security

CFD trading operates on a basis of margin trading, which regularly associates the process with the Forex currency trading system. The investor never becomes the physical owner of the shares, commodities or currencies. By this a trader can purchase shares, commodities or currencies on a CFD, without having the total required amount. The instrument purchased is never transported to the investor. CFD trading gives an investor greater flexibility as well as being a means for saving money. It is an effective and convenient method of speculate trading in shares, commodities or equity indexes

There are many advantages to earn in trade CFD’s, which would explain the growing popularity of these contracts. For many investors, particularly individual traders, CFD is an ideal introduction to online brokers. They can offer short term trading contracts giving greater flexibility; the opportunity of purchasing trading instruments. As CFD trading operates with margin requirements, only 0.5 -1 percent of the entire sale is needed as a deposit. This frees investors' revenue when it is most needed and can be tailored to suit individual necessities. CFD trading gives traders the benefit of receiving the same quote prices as stock market brokers. CFD’s enable investors to leverage an investment up to 200 times under normal conditions. For risk-taking investors, the ability to leverage the investment is a principal benefit of the product. The higher the level of gearing, the higher the risk of loss or gain, this requires investors to be able to differentiate the risk between traditional stock trading and CFD investing.

Our clients reap all the benefits of trading with CFD’s. Transactions within the CFD arena are completed swiftly and without delay, contracts begin operation from the moment they have been ordered. Shareholders often utilize CFD when shares are falling but they do not wish to sell, this compensates for any losses experienced. This practice is referred to as ‘hedging'. The CFD market is completely electronic; it requires no paper administration such as stock certificates or transfer forms. Unlike many international stock markets that still require a paper trail for the investor to account for any holding of stocks on a stock exchange, trading CFD’s is efficient and rapid. This is an effective method of utilizing capital, as funds can be invested in a variety of interests

Contracts for Difference (CFD) and the Foreign Exchange are known as Over the Counter (OTC) markets. Over the counter market trading do not have the same regulations as other markets, so trading can be done without restrictions. Normally, Over the Counter stocks will not be listed or traded on any stock exchange. OTC stocks are stocks which are traded between two groups.

Foreign Exchange Market The Foreign Exchange market, Forex is the trading of different countries money between banks. There are many advantages to Forex trading one of those advantages is that with the large quin-tiles of investors provides assists to be converted into cash easily, allowing for currencies to be bought and sold easily. Another advantage of Forex trading is that with the size of the investment market stops any single individual or organization from having too much control over the stock market putting the market in their favor. Forex trading also adds the advantage of allowing investors to buy either for a long term or to sell short because there are no restrictions.

Con(s) The biggest con towards Forex trading is that it is a high risk investment when investing with leverage (which is buying more stock with less money) could cost the complete investment and possibly more than the original investment. Gaining any real profit from Forex trading requires research and knowledge on the market and usually a bit of practice in trading.

CFD-Contracts of Difference Contracts of Difference is a contract between two groups the “buyer” and the “seller” which explains the buyer is responsible to pay to the seller any difference in price between the current value of the stock and the value at the time of the contract. The seller must pay to the buyer when the difference is in the negative.

Advantage(s) The advantage of CFD trading is when used with leverage and the stocks trade is in the favor of the buyer, the buyer then receives a profit on their investment. There is little to no regulations to CFD trading and stocks can be traded off hours and during evening hours.

Con(s) Complete investment could be lost due to leverage which could increase the loss of investment by multiples creating a negative. CFD investing should be researched well before investments are made.

Both forms of trading have the same cons which is the risk of losing everything. Both require research before investment.


Free Daily FX News

TRADE – New CFD Platform by Forex. com

Gain Capital launched a new platform for CFDs. The system offers permanently fixed spreads and access to hundreds of forex pairs, commodities and more.

Gain Capital is publicly traded and recently announced an enhanced MetaTrader 4 offering. More details about the CFD platform is available in the official press release below:

LONDON, NEW YORK, HONG KONG 23 October 2012 / — FOREX. com, the retail division of GAIN Capital (GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. NYSE: GCAP), today announces the launch of its new CFD platform: TRADE.

TRADE offers access to hundreds of forex, commodity and index markets, all with permanently fixed spreads and instant trade execution at the screen price, delivering absolute price certainty for traders in all market conditions.

TRADE also features innovative, easy to use tools such as Market DNA . which revolutionises technical trading by helping traders find new opportunities without any charting expertise; and a drag-and-drop Strategy Builder to develop sophisticated trading strategies with no coding required.

“TRADE represents a new approach for FOREX. com in servicing traders who want improved access to the trading opportunities of a wide range of global markets. This launch is an exciting first step in a program to deliver a world-class FX and CFD trading experience that will include multiple new asset classes, unique ways to trade these markets, and innovative ways to engage with the wider trading community through social and community tools.” said Glenn Stevens, chief executive officer, GAIN Capital.

Lex Webster, head of retail product development, added: “TRADE is all about bringing competitive, transparent pricing together with innovative tools and information that will help clients identify new trading opportunities. We believe that what retail traders want is certainty and transparency, so that’s exactly what TRADE offers – permanently fixed spreads with no small print.

“TRADE offers everything retail traders expect from a trading platform; speed, stability, multiple order types and a wide range of markets. Plus flexible leverage up to 400:1 and, for those new to trading, minimum trade sizes from just 10p per point provides a low risk way to get started.”

TRADE is available as a browser based platform accessible from PC, Mac, smartphones and tablets, and as iPhone and Android apps.

Foreign exchange and other leveraged products involve significant risk of loss and are not suitable for all investors. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange and other leveraged products, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Spot Gold and Silver contracts are not subject to regulation under the U. S. Commodity Exchange Act. Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are not available for US residents.

The opinions and information in this report are for general information use and are not intended as an offer or solicitation to any product offered.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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